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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5043
Age : 24

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[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:55 am
[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang UclkurG


Basic Information

○ Name: Vanyel Xiaoyang
○ Alias:
▕ Dragon of Kyushu
▕ He Who Has Walked With Devils
○ Age: 28
○ Birthday: November 3
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Human

○ Affiliation: Gracen Arms (Bodyguard/Assistant)
○ Marital Status: Taken
○ Ethnicity: Chinese
○ Special Skill: Power analysis
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

○ Height: 5'11
○ Hair Color: Black (bleached white)
○ Eye Color: Blue

[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang JsrPscV

Psychological Analysis

Stubbornness & Iron Will: Throughout his life, one of Vanyel's most definable traits was, and still is, his extreme stubbornness. Even if battered and broken, there is little that can make him give up. It is what drove him to pursue improving himself over the years, to develop his powers, to do the work that he needed to in the yakuza, and ultimately, to find a reason to keep going after it all fell apart. Even if someone were to beat him bloody or tear him limb from limb, he would still find a way to keep going.

This trait, overall, is one that leaks into the entirety of his personality. From his nature of going above and beyond for his friends and family, to his inability to back down even if he might lose, and even his endless desire to better himself for the sake of those same friends and family. His own stubbornness and will acts as both a detriment and boon to the various facets that they affect, leading it to be something of a pillar to the rest of his character.

Analytical: A byproduct of his experience with other powers, martial arts, and general paranoia and anxiety, Vanyel is a man who is typically very wary and analytical, particularly when it comes to combat and general social settings. He understands how personal powers tend to be when it comes to other individuals as well as himself, and by looking at that, he is able to discern a general idea of what a person potentially could be like, though it is far from perfect.

A Fighter at Heart: Through his upbringing in martial arts and period of time in the criminal underworld, Vanyel came to understand his enjoyment of combat, brought into a further light due to his friendship with Kenichi. He loves to utilize his martial arts, to feel the rush of adrenaline, as well as to test his capabilities and push past them. Furthermore, it keeps him active, in shape, and doing something, alongside with being something that pairs well with his job as a bodyguard for Gracen Arms.

Above and Beyond: Vanyel, to his own detriment, believes that he has to be going above and beyond for his friends and family. A caring man by nature, he is always trying to overachieve and overcompensate, because if he isn’t, he will feel that it isn’t enough. An aspect that bled into his time with the yakuza, his relationships, and even his work and personal life, as a result, he doesn’t treat himself as much as he does his friends and loved ones. For him, that effort should go toward the people in his life, to show that he appreciates and cares about them.


Likes: Mangos/mango flavor (especially ice cream/milkshakes), dragons, mythology, martial arts, the beach, dragon/lion dances

Dislikes: Sour stuff, being lied to/manipulated, flakiness, controlling people


Calypso Asthavon-Vael: The woman he loved, yet knew so little of. A woman who saw something in him, yet disappeared all the time. Even with her passing, Vanyel still holds nothing short of pure love for the woman, and misses her dearly. At one point in time, he would have given anything to get her back, but now, that feeling is slowly fading away, a numbing acceptance taking its place, alongside a bitter, sorrowful confusion.

Algos Asthavon: Arguably the most complicated relationship he had. A woman that caused him and Calypso so much pain and suffering, yet someone he can't bring himself to hate. He doesn't really understand why he feels this way, and even with the torment that she has caused, there is a strange soft spot for her. He's tried his hardest to hate her, to spite her, to curse her and everything that she is, but, for some reason, he just can't bring himself to do it.

Arianda Vael: At first, he was apprehensive to her, unsure of how to feel about the other parent that bore Calypso, given the nature of the Asthavon family and how they treated her. But, as the time went on, the two became something akin to friends, with Arianda being another source of comfort in his grief. They lean on one another for comfort, living together to try and continue on.

Mana Asthavon: Despite how she treated Calypso initially, she still attempted to reconcile and repair their relationship before her death. She was one of the only people that comforted him in Calypso and her child's death, and someone who respects and cares for him in all the tragedy that has unfolded. To that, he views her with a somewhat equal level of respect and care. He visits her and keeps in contact with her through the Eris Seal. She's one of the last things left from what he had before, and he's loathe to let it go that easily.

Rita Grace: He doesn't know much about her currently, but, he has a deep level of gratitude and respect toward her for being able to turn him back into a human. Working for her as repayment for the hell that they went through, he hopes to be able to learn more about her, even if just to satisfy his own curiosity.

Kenichi Murata: While he may be wild, unpredictable, and energetic, he has an appreciation toward Kenichi not just as a fighter and a martial artist, but as a person who guided him to the person who helped him regain his humanity. A friend and sparring partner, he views Kenichi as something akin to a brother, someone to help refine his skills, test out new techniques, and a rival to challenge each other to do their best and reach the top.


Vanyel never had the chance to experience a normal, happy family. His father, a man with an endless thirst for adventure, his mother a widely renowned martial artist in China, and his older brother idolized their father. Despite his father naming him, he and his brother left Vanyel and their mother to continue traveling, to make his mark on the world.

But, nevertheless, Vanyel was left in the outskirts of mainland China, largely kept away from the chaos of the world. Raised by the mother, he grew up in blissful ignorance of the whereabouts of his father, though she made it no secret that she held bitterness and resentment toward him. Despite never showing his face, he would send the occasional present, along with money to ensure they could stay afloat. One of those gifts was what would become his most prized possession in all the world: a copy of a Journey to the West.

A book with so many stories of the mythology and culture of his home, enthralled by the tales of Nezha, Ao Guang, and Sun Wukong, his mother often had to quite literally pry it from his hands. In addition to that, as his mother and father were both martial artists, he was taught the Chen style of Taijiquan, mainly as a form of self-defense. At first, he approached it with enthusiasm, but, as time went on, things...changed.

His mother became increasingly bitter and stern, taking extra steps to punish him for the smallest errors, ceasing any and all talk about his father. She became more and more upset, and, it bothered him. He started to feel like less of a son, and more of an obligation and burden. An object, not a person. His needs, his wants, his feelings no longer mattered.

His enthusiasm and excitement toward Taijiquan lessened, instead choosing to secretly study Southern Dragon Kung Fu. It was aggressive, fast, and liberating. In time, that style and his mythology were the only safe places left he had to go. Any family or friends had distanced themselves because of his mother, and his practices in Taijiquan felt like chores that he never did well enough. Home didn't feel like home anymore.

"Why does she hate him more than she loves me?"

Eventually, to try and become less of a burden to her, he ran away. He gathered what he could, and slipped away in the night, stowing away and fleeing to Japan, living his life in the gutters and shadows of Kitakyushu. A life like this lead him into all forms of trouble with stealing wallets or scamming people. But, such a life eventually caught up to him. One day, being careless, he ended up in Kudo-kai territory, a notoriously violent yakuza clan.

While he hadn't gotten in trouble too high up the ladder, he ended up getting into hot water with the subsidary family that owned the area he was in. He was brought before the patriarch, and Vanyel believed that his life would end there.

But, the patriarch spared him. Rather than beat or kill him, the patriarch simply extended a hand to the teen.

"Come, join me. Someone like you shouldn't be left to rot in the gutter."

While he did not understand why, from that day onward, Vanyel Xiaoyang was brought in as a member of the family, a member of Japan's criminal underworld. At first hesitant, yet obedient, he eventually became a brutal, savage fighter. It was something that never truly sat well in his heart, but, his loyalty and admiration toward the boss, the man who took him in, took precedence.

In this time, he began getting an irezumi on his back of a red dragon, something that coincided with the name murmured throughout the family's territory, "Dragon of Kyushu," in attribution to his growing violence and short temper. However, it was not to last, as, one day, the clan fell apart. A set-up from a rival family targeting the entire Kudo-kai in exchange for their territory and business, as well as cooperating with the Japanese police.

The heads of the family and clan were arrested, and the rest of the lower members scattered, either in hiding within Japan, or across the globe. Vanyel didn't understand what he felt as he fled, but...he wanted it to stop. So, he joined many of his brothers, and ran away, fleeing to Norway. There were extreme changes, and they shocked him, but, he adapted, and stayed in a small, isolated place in the country.

He lived quietly and normally for three years, making a small life for himself while developing powers to help him live in that environment, learning to manipulate his energy to create a bubble of heat in the frigid winter months, to see animals that he was hunting in the forests, to protect him from anything that might go wrong. Yet, all the while, guilt tugged at his heart.

It was a quiet life, one that perhaps he would have never relinquished, had he not been desiring to go back to Japan, a second home to him. He returned, avoiding Kitakyushu, and was just in time for a tournament in Greece. Signing up, he was matched against two people notably, women named Yuki and Mirja. Both ended in losses, and the latter ended up taking an arm as well. It was infuriating to lose, to be weak, and at such grave costs.

Meeting with Mana after the fact, she saw his desire for power, offering the Seal of Eris as she restored his arm, and in exchange, requested him to join the ranks of Shadow Fall. Accepting the devil's deal, he obtained the seal, as well as the Child of Eris, The Phonoi, daemons of murder and killing. He paid his due, and joined Shadow Fall, though he did little to nothing, remaining a nameless grunt within the ranks. While there were some that met him with a begrudging acceptance, he could hear the comments made about a human joining Shadow Fall.

Nevertheless, he kept going, trying to build his strength, practice and master his martial arts, eventually developing his own personal style, the Dragon Dance, taking aspects of Southern Dragon Kung Fu and creating something of his own. Yet, he would continue to study other forms over the months and years, becoming even more fearsome with his skill in martial arts than in his time during the yakuza.

In all of this, he met someone who would eventually come to change his life in just about every single way: Calypso Asthavon, the daughter of Arianda and Mana. At first, their time together was rather awkward, with how Calypso was skittish and afraid. But, in time, she began to open up a bit. The two lost contact for a few years, but met up once again, talking of the changes between them, and coming to something of a friendship between them.

For him, it felt nice to talk to her. He felt comfortable spending time with her, tried to listen as best he could. He thought she was beautiful, and someone enjoyable to be around. But, more than anything else...he wanted to protect her. A unique warmth flickered in his heart from that day onward. But, tragedy was never far behind, and that warmth only intensified after he saw the news of the events in Minatumi. Calypso's sister, Algos, had come to try and murder the mayor of the harbor.

But, what had set him off was what she did to Calypso -- tortured, beaten, drugged. It was a sight that he had seen from his days in the yakuza, and to see that happen to someone he valued so much ignited a rage in him unlike any other. As Algos was ejected from the city and sent to the Demon World, those who bore the Seal of Eris and contained the Children of Eris were gathered, Vanyel included.

Even with him tearing into Algos with every last fiber of hate in his body, she was but an afterthought to him. Seeing Calypso clawing desperately at Algos, begging to bear the brunt of her actions, to see her so delusional from the torture and brutalization of her body and mind at the hands of Algos, yet still she clung to her...

It hurt. His heart hurt at seeing it, knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop it, and he hated it.

He was weak, powerless, and alone.

Just like when the clan dissolved.

Just like when he ran away.

The rest of the gathering was nothing but white noise. Haze and static, a time he could hardly remember outside of seeing Calypso in such agony. Returning home, he entered a dreamless slumber, only to wake with these feelings becoming even stronger than before. It went on for days, and he wanted it to stop. So, he took a knife to himself, letting his own blood spill, passing out from the pain and loss of blood.

He awoke to his door slamming against the wall, hinges sharply clattering to the ground, and Calypso coming in with tears in her eyes. Healing him and taking him to meet Ulv for help, the two eventually returned to his home, and, in spite of his self-harm, the sight of Calypso and spending time with her meant the world to him.

But, he would soon learn of and confront his feelings toward her as Algos summoned him, wanting to know what he wanted from Calypso and how he planned to love her in a way that she could not. It was then that he realized what he was feeling toward Calypso, of wanting to be around her, to protect her was love. Yet, he didn't feel that someone like him could be loved, and certainly not by someone like Calypso. She was a ray of light, one that he wanted to follow to the ends of the Earth.

In addition to sparring so that he could grow stronger, become more accustomed to fighting demons, Algos also instilled an idea in his head -- in order to grow stronger, to be able to protect her, she proposed the idea of shedding his humanity and becoming a demon. Days after, with the thought in his head, he called Calypso to him, and he told her of his encounter with Algos.

He confessed his love for her, sharing a kiss. In spite of his uncertainty, Vanyel chose to convert, spending his last night of humanity drowning in blissful sin. The next morning, with even more doubt in his heart, the two began the process. His humanity gradually, painfully melted away, and his deepest demons came to light. But, with Calypso by his side, he was able to gather the strength to push them down and overcome the trials before him.

Yet, it did nothing to soothe the anxieties and doubt. It didn't take long for the feelings to grow even stronger, for him to realize that it changed nothing. But, there was no going back. He was stuck, trapped in a body that didn't belong to him, as a species that the world hated.

But, even then, Calypso had been disappearing constantly for extended periods of time, only to come back having changed. This was no different after his conversion, as she came to him one night with an entirely new appearance. She was expecting their child, and she was leaving the Asthavons, adopting her other mother's surname. She presented him with a choice: stay or leave.

It was hardly a choice. He left the Demon World behind, taking shelter in Sierra Nevada with Calypso and Arianda. Things hardly changed much. Rather than helping him herself with trying to adjust to his new body, she had him train and practice with Arianda, while she continued disappearing and reappearing without explanation.

He felt more alone than ever before.

It was only made worse when Mana came to him when Calypso was gone, telling him that his child was dead. He thought she was lying at first, but, what reason would she have to lie? His denial began to bottom out, only to be replaced by sorrow and anger as the Demon Queen comforted him in his grief. Something he had been scared of, yet was now looking forward to, now ripped away from him.

Not long after that, Calypso herself would pass on. He didn't know how or why, but the bond that held them together as maker and and progeny could not lie. Crushed, alone, and trapped as a demon, Vanyel wondered what was next? Even with his heart and mind being drenched in despair, he had one goal in mind that he wanted more than anything else: become a human again. Even when told by another Danava, a woman named Ajita, there was a chance that he could not turn back and that the change was permanent, he persevered.

Calypso would want that from him, to keep living on and do the best he could, even without her.

So, he constantly looked into it, meeting others who wished him well on the journey and offered their support, until he met Kenichi Murata. Originally just attending his tournament to get his mind off the tragedy in his life, he became far more involved and excited for the matches than he intended. Eventually fighting Kenichi himself, the spar between the two dragons reawakened the man's love for fighting.

Insisting to treat him to a meal, Kenichi took Vanyel to his favorite restaurant. There, he finally found a lead, a woman named Rita Grace who could have the power and/or resources to restore his humanity. He met with her, and, with another long, painful process, the demon blood that had plagued him for well over a year was burned away, and his humanity was restored. His powers from before, seared away, with only the two seals remaining of what was before.

Now weak, he's working to recreate his old powers, develop new ones, and use this new chance to live this life for all its worth, with his friends and allies by his side.


Strength: While for the first chunk of his life, strength was hardly something that he was very focused on, only enough to aid in his practices in Taijiquan. After running away, he became far more invested in the idea of power, cultivating the skill and building his strength alongside the development of his own martial art, Dragon Dance. He holds the discipline, skill, and technique of a martial artist, but fights ferociously, utilizing overwhelming power when in combat.

Durability: A trait born from struggle and trials through his life, much of his durability has come from more recent years. He's had his fair share of fights and beatings during his time in the yakuza and on the streets, but a majority of this comes from his time spent with demons. Going up against Algos, the pain, suffering, and torment of turning into a demon and back again. With all of these experiences, Vanyel is more than capable of taking hits and punishment beyond what a normal human would be able to, and is something he has intent of letting grow even stronger.

Martial Skill: Weapons and martial arts is something that has been a part of Vanyel's entire life. Initially learning the Chen style of Taijiquan for self-defense as a child, as well as studying Southern Dragon Kung-Fu. After running away from home, he soon started learning how to use weapons, becoming formalized and familiar with knives and bladed weapons. During his time in the yakuza, he learned of and occasionally used firearms alongside his martial arts and other weapons, though it hardly become common use during those times. After fleeing to Norway, he became familiar with other firearms for the sake of hunting to put food on the table, but, nowadays, he mostly keeps to his fists and bladed weapons.
    Dragon Dance / Dragon Style: With his skill set largely being defined and inspired by the dragons of eastern myth, Vanyel ended up creating his own martial art during his time in the yakuza. Basing and combining aspects of martial arts that he learned during his life, he created the Dragon Dance, or Dragon Style. The style uses a variety of fast low kicks, high punches, and “middle ground” strikes to overwhelm an opponent using ferocity, speed, and raw power. It takes a stance similar to the Forward Stance of Shaolin Kung-Fu, with a lot of weight being focused on the front leg, with the front knee bending forward and the back leg kept straight to allow the body to easily move forward, generating power and further forward movement.

Multilingual: As someone who’s traveled across the world in his life, it’s only natural that he’d have learned some of the languages over his time. Born in China, the native language, Mandarin, was his first, and what he used for a large majority of his life until moving to Japan, where he slowly learned both Japanese and English under the tutelage of the yakuza clan that took him in. After the clan fell apart and Vanyel moved to Norway, Vanyel had to learn some Norwegian during his time there to communicate in certain parts of the country, albeit not always perfect.

Cooking: While he is no professional, Vanyel has dedicated well over a decade of his life to learning the craft. Even with scraps, he's capable of making something at the very least serviceable and decent A skill honed over most of his teen and adult life to provide for himself in the harsh times, Vanyel holds a fairly large amount of pride in this, even if he is more than aware that he isn't the best. He simply wants to be able to make good food for himself and friends.


[A/N: Due to the reversion to being human, Vanyel has lost his former powers and is going to go through the process of regaining them. These are the last remnants of what came before.]

Seal of Eris: A seal given to him, originally to help him gain even more power by utilizing the power of the Phonoi, children of Eris and the daemons of murder. While the seal remained, the powers granted to him burned away in his return to humanity, leaving him only able to contact Mana and transport to what little Chasm Points remain. Even The Phonoi have merely become a soft whisper in the back of his mind since Mana's isolation and the Pseudologoi's death. Perhaps one day he could rekindle the powers of the Eris child, but, right now, there is hardly a need to.


Literature: A lover of mythology and culture, Vanyel keeps a book of Chinese mythology near him at all times, as well as possessing various books on Chinese, Japanese, and Northern Germanic mythology and culture. His first gift from his father, a copy of A Journey to the West in Mandarin, never leaves his side.

Kuro Komo: Vanyel's most notable and signature weapon, commissioned during his time in the yakuza. The weapon is in the design of a Chinese imperial Jian with golden tertiary additions, and a notably sharp blade, so much so that even lightly running one's finger across it can create a cut. This is because one of the most notable aspects of the weapon is the unparalleled cutting power compared to any of his weapons, capable of cutting through defenses of Advanced level and below.

Knives: Outside of Kuro Komo, the biggest piece of Vanyel's arsenal is his fascination and love of knives, something that led him to collect a large variety of different kinds of knives to have and to use in combat. Balisongs, gut knives, throwing knives, switchblades, folding knives, and countless other types of pocket knives, Vanyel has several different types of pocket knives on his person at any time, allowing him to use them for either ranged combat with throwing knives or close-quarters combat.

Corrosion Cloud: Corrosion Cloud is an old gift from Mana, tethered to Vanyel's mind and body. While it generally takes the form of a literal cloud, it is capable of being altered in shape and size, should he will it, and often is stored around his hand underneath his gloves. As far as actual abilities go, Corrosion Cloud is capable of decomposing the physical and metaphysical with whatever it makes contact with, with effects varying based on the strength of what it makes contact with in the first place.


Non-Spiritually Enhanced Objects: Usually if they aren't protected or enhanced, Vanyel can decompose many objects within his range of effect within the same post with relatively little effort. It will still take energy from him, but it won't exhaust him too badly if it isn't spammed.

Spiritually Enhanced Objects: If the object/weapon/structure is spiritually enhanced, then he will have to continue to make multiple strikes with his weapon to corrode it. That, or he will have to weaken it through other means and wait to use Corrosion Cloud for a critical blow. I.E. wearing down something like a barrier with his other abilities and then using Corrosion Cloud to be the last strike that manages to break it. With that said, it is then important to begin to understand the range of effects of this Corrosion Cloud. It has a maximum range of one hundred meters for any sort of ability associated with it.

Other Attacks: He can influence other attacks with this ability to attempt to corrode them within the same post, but it will always take an active effort because he is fighting against another opponent's forces. Additionally, he will be limited to one use per post, regardless of the range he's at, and can only use Corrosion Cloud in this manner three times in a thread, with each use invoking a two-post cooldown. This has a flat percentage across all tier levels of a 15% reduction in power.

Decay Of People: This ability can cause corrosion of other characters as well, but is limited to the closest range. When contact is made, he can try and corrode one aspect of themselves at a time and he will have to actively focus on it. So, if he were able to make a direct hit against an opponent and focused on their general speed, then it would decrease how fast the opponent could move. This can influence up to three aspects of a character if it strikes them directly within the 1-20 meter range, though this causes the overall decrease to be lowered and split across each aspect.

I.E., if he were to make a second direct hit on the opponent, he could try and focus on decaying their durability to make them more prone to injury. These effects will usually clear up after the thread is over with and aren't permanent.

These effects are temporary, enacted to try and weaken the opponent for Vanyel so he can gain an advantage. Furthermore, should he focus on a singular skill of a character, he can cause a decrease up to 30%, 15% each if he were focusing on two, and 10% each if he were focusing on three.

Furthermore, Vanyel must build up the effect by striking an opponent three times per debuff he wishes to inflict, building 10% with each hit and focusing on the same skill in order to gain the full effect. Should his focus divert, it will half the effects between them regardless if the effect has been fully reached or not and he cannot change the effects after that. This is the only segment that breaks the rules of his range, with this sub-ability of Corrosion Cloud only allowing one hit per post. This, in essence, forces him to hit a single opponent nine times to get the full effect or three opponents three times.


61 to 100 Meter: Extreme effort which will probably drain him in one post. He may produce one attack in this range, but it will probably induce a three post cooldown and feel as if a good deal of effort was expended to perform.

41 to 60 Meters: This is a high level of effort for Vanyel. He still can extend two attacks per post within this range, but it will leave him drained and make him feel rather exhausted. There will also be one post cool down before he can use it again.

21 to 40 Meters: This is considered a moderate effort zone for Vanyel. He'll more than likely be able to form two attacks within this range, but it will leave a noticeable form of exhaustion mentally or physically for him.

1-20 Meters: This is considered a low effort zone. Vanyel can more than likely form 2-4 attacks per post within this range.


Upgrade List:


General Attributes
  • Durability: C
  • Speed: C
  • Strength: C
  • Soul: D

Human Skill Sheet
  • Power Control: Untrained
  • Physical Augmentation: Untrained
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Untrained
  • Mediumship: Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner

Last edited by Henrex on Wed Oct 16, 2024 12:00 am; edited 64 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated personality, basic information, and first paragraph of history)
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7384
Age : 28
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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:34 pm
Royal Mark
Seeing as Algos is dead, and Demon World is sealed shut, it shouldn't be feasible that this mark would still be able to bring him to Demon World effortlessly.

Corrosion Cloud: Other Attacks
Conceptually this is fine, but I'd like a little more detail on how it interacts with powers stronger than his own, and the amount of uses per post should be pared back a bit.

Corrosion Cloud: Decay of People
The more conceptual side of this where it moves into debuffing skills and such is where it starts to become a bit of an issue, on top of the fact that it's not really clear how much of a decrease is being caused. "Immobilization" feels like a significant metric, and in general I would say this needs a little bit more detail on its scope and interactions before it can be approved.[/adm]
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5043
Age : 24

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[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:10 pm
Royal Mark


Corrosion Cloud: Other Attack

Amount of uses have been dialed back to two per post, and the following has been made for clarification: "When it comes to powers stronger than his own, he's able to corrode the potency and general effects of a power by up to 25%, with those of equal strength being able to corrode up to 50%."

Corrosion Cloud: Decay of People

Added this: "Furthermore, should he focus on a singular aspect of a character, he can cause a decrease up to 30%, 15% each if he were focusing on two, and 10% each if he were focusing on three."
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7384
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Location : The beach :)

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:11 am
Corrosion Cloud: Other Attacks & Decay of People

25% is a lot as a blanket statement against powers stronger than himself, since that's a fairly wide swath of power levels. Similarly, reducing someone's physical abilities by 30% across the board is fairly immense. This should either scale with Vanyel's own abilities or have some other more significant drawback to its usage.[/adm]
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5043
Age : 24

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Thu Jan 12, 2023 1:13 pm
Other Attacks

Edited, now says the following: "When it comes to powers stronger than his own, he's able to corrode the potency and general effects of a power by up to 25% for one tier above him, 10% for two or more, and for those of equal strength, he is able to corrode up to 50%."

Essentially, this is something supposed to be used against energy techniques like Getsuga Tenshou and the like.

Decay of People

I think there's a misunderstanding here. This isn't something that affects physical skills across the board -- or, at least that's not what the intention is. It specifically says that he can only affect up to three individual skills/"aspects" at a time, and the more he focuses on, the more the actual debuff is spread out. I'm not sure what else I could do to change it beyond that, but, if need be, I'll figure something out.
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[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:46 pm
Other Attacks

The numbers and scaling here are still fairly extreme. Unless I'm reading this incorrectly, this means someone fighting Vanyel at his own level will always be at a massive disadvantage simply because Vanyel can make their abilities half as effective.

Decay of People
I didn't mean "across the board" inasmuch as all physical skills, but rather that this is something that's simply going to have a colossal impact on someone regardless of their abilities. Even someone like Radioactive, for example, would be seeing a 30% decrease to durability, which is an absolutely massive feat.[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:10 pm
Other Attacks

Dialed the usage back to a single use and added a limit to how many times he can use it in a thread. Hope this is enough

"Additionally, he will be limited to one use per post, regardless of the range he's at, and can only use Corrosion Cloud in this manner three times in a thread, with each use invoking a two-post cooldown."

Decay of People

Added the following: "Furthermore, Vanyel must build up the effect by striking an opponent three times per debuff he wishes to inflict, building 10% with each hit and focusing on the same skill in order to gain the full effect. Should his focus divert, it will half the effects between them regardless if the effect has been fully reached or not and he cannot change the effects after that."
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[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:47 pm
[adm]Heya. I'll be taking on Rawk's reviews following his break, so without further ado let's get into this one.

Corrosion Cloud

Other Attacks
These numbers are a little much considering he can take half the bite out of an equal strength opponent's super finisher move and while they're all worn out he's big chillin, I have a couple of adjustments I can recommend for the ability as consideration.

30% for lower tier.
20% for equal strength.
10% for higher tier.

It is a flat percentage across all levels of tier because say you have one guy pulling out the city buster move and the other guy is pulling out a town destroyer. Even if you take 15% from both of them, the city buster is still ultimately more powerful by merit of the guy with the bigger tier being able to invest more spiritual power in it.

Decay of People
I'm a little sceptical of this one in particular, for the ability to influence attributes and deteriorate people's physical abilities it's quite easy to immediately stack. Primarily due to the fact that it can only occur in close-range but the range metrics that you are using is casually letting him use 2-4 attacks of Corrosive Cloud from what I'm gathering which allows him to instantly stack it rather than be made to build it up.[/adm]

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[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:15 am
Other Attacks

Like I said in Discord, thank you for the suggestions, this made it a lot easier to figure out where to go with the changes. Decided to go with the second suggestion, and have added this as a result: "This has a flat percentage across all tier levels of a 15% reduction in power."

Decay of People

The following has been added: "This is the only segment that breaks the rules of his range, with this sub-ability of Corrosion Cloud only allowing one hit per post. This, in essence, forces him to hit a single opponent nine times to get the full effect or three opponents three times."
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[Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Vanyel Xiaoyang

Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:40 am
» Tier: 3-1

Hazard Ratings
» Power: B
» Influence: C
» Resources: D
» Overall: C

Just to explain some of these hazard ratings,
— I've avoided using his attachment to Mana in his influence due to her becoming a background entity that doesn't exert her influence on the site nowadays.
— His resources are to account for his specialised equipment but he is not attached to a greater org besides his group.


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