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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha]

Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:45 am

Song: Path of Redemption - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

Kuanastha's feet touched base on a pristine balcony. There was no handrailing, allowing for maximum view of the bay and glistening oceans touching the horizon. As much as the timing was perfect to the see the reflection of the sun become one with the celestial body itself, the whole of the city captured in this moment seemed timeless; as if this was how it looked at all hours in the day.

The visera had encounters with K-World a few times in her day, usually a product of mischief rather than diplomacy, and as a result she never got a glimpse of what their territories looked like as they were meant to be seen. Admittedly, it was impressive. Shadow Fall's steampunk architecture was in itself a marvelous site, but it was rustic--rigid and complicated in many ways. The feel of this city was organised, built with a sense of clarity and intentionality.

Kuanastha stepped forward into the room, the doors closed to prevent winds at this altitude. The doors themselves weren't physical, save for the handle; just a force field of sorts, some K-World luxury technology. They were like having glass panes, but safer and stronger. It was a total change of pace from the dwellings Inami preferred. At least as far as the hybrid recalled. Maybe her sister was still maturing, in her own way.

A vestige of her humanity from a life long since drowned out, Kuanastha knocked on the doors as courtesy, before pushing through them. In Demon World she would've gone through without even touching them, but that was because everything was coated with demonic energy, putting her in an element where such courtesies weren't always culturally recognised. It was by sheer habit and instinct that they applied here.

The woman's eyes were drawn immediately to a chair and desk, with her sister sitting in it. A familiar sight. Not in appearance. Demons always did change their faces here and there. It was a familiar feeling. The webs of her threads entangled in Inami's, more than any person she'd ever known before--even Mana. They spent such a great deal of time together in the formative years of her revival. Her own Dark Threads reached out like a greeting, expecting to meet their kindred.

Her honeyed voice broke the silence with their native, demonic tongue.

"I followed the threads, but I wasn't expecting to see you here. It's been a while."

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] 8Bvy1N8


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In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty Re: In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha]

Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:45 pm

Sovereign of Apathy

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Ewh5npt

Another day, staring out at the glittering bay as the ocean mirrored the sky in a brilliant tapestry of oranges and purples. Inami’s golden eyes were lidded as she glanced down at the snow-globe that lay at the corner of her desk. Picking it up, Inami turned it over in her hand, looking at the skyscrapers of new-york that lay within. Her wrist barely rocking as she stirred up the faux snow that lay suspended within liquid. Setting it back down upon the left corner of her desk, the woman went back to studying the papers that lay before her, chin cradled within the crook of her left palm, stray locks of raven hair brushing against her desk.

Things are progressing nicely. Inami thought to herself as she finished the report on unrest in vicara. Her dearest niece had failed at becoming a queen--a fate that Inami truly did not wish upon her, at least not at the young and impressionable age that she was at. Her niece.. Wished to believe in a better tomorrow, at the expense of ignoring the troubles of the present. It was noble undoubtedly, but dangerous. Such ideals would get her killed if she wasn’t prepared to shed blood, so the news took a burden off of the Sovereign's heart.

Inami’s hand paused imperceptibly, paper slightly raised between the thumb and pointer finger of her right hand. The partially revealed paper beneath was on a project involving hell, titled quite simply Babylon. Inami’s lips curved into the smallest of smiles as her lips parted, murmuring words without sound to her assistant that sat within her office a few floors down.

”Can you please bring up some food? Preferably something fresh from the ocean, and bring two portions along with chardonnay. “ The voice resounded within her assistants ear, a faint little ghostly whisper upon the wind. However, her assistant was more than used to Inami’s eccentric ways, and merely called down to have what was requested sourced and carried out. While it’d take most likely a half hour to prepare everything, Inami wasn’t particularly worried.

Inami’s eyes shifted back to the papers that lay within her hand, finishing the rest of the report that lay within her grasp when the familiar energy signature she had felt quite a ways off finally landed upon the balcony that lay on the fringe of her office suite. Only then did Inami set something over the papers on her desk to obscure them, rising from her seat to walk across the warm wood floor. Her bare feet silently striding across the lacquered surface, until Inami arrived next to her visitor.

Before Inami spoke, her arms slid smoothly around her sister, drawing her into a warm and firm embrace. Inami had always been particular about contact. Even with her family there had always been something coy, and unnerving about her embraces. A kind of wildness that lay a stone's throw away from unrest. Right now though, as Inami’s arms entrapped her sister, and her chin came to rest against her right shoulder, it was clear that there was nothing ulterior about these actions.

A warmth and kindness tinged Inami’s aura, one that spoke of just how much she had missed arguably the closest of her sisters. It spoke of how happy she was that she had decided to drop in unannounced. Afterall, they were in many ways birds of a feather--far closer to each other than they were with anyone else of the asthavon lineage. A soft giggle escaped Inami’s lips at kuanstha’s words.

”a lot has happened sister, I decided it was time to live true to myself.” Inami’s words crackled in their native tongue, tinges of miasma and power drifting from her lips to dissipate passively into the room. While her words held the same warmth that lay within her embrace, there was also an undertone of pain and loss. It was clear that whatever had happened had broken something that might never fully mend, but it was also clear Inami had started the process of moving on from that hurt as well.

”I did not think I’d like this world, but there is beauty in it. I feel at peace when I look out the window, at the glittering bay that often is dotted with boats. I feel like a new chapter has begun, and that makes me content.” Inami offered a small explanation as to why she was here, but didn’t delve into why she had left. If kuanastha did not know how deeply algos had broken their family, she wished to save her dearest sister from further heartache. Maybe that was selfish of her, but this was their first reunion in a long time, she wished not for it to be ladened by sadness and regrets.

”You know you are always welcome in my home, where-ever that may be, but I sense you’ve come here to talk to me about something, haven’t you?” Inami said, a soft smile adorning her exotic, demon-like face. Her golden eyes settling upon Kuanastha’s face as she finally drew back from their embrace. As she asked this question, finally her energy began to intermingle with the facets of Kuanastha’s power that mirrored hers. Resonance maybe? Inami never truly understood the phenomena, but it was clear in her recreation, her and her sister’s bond was far more than merely that of blood, but.. That was a mystery for another time. Inami banished the errant thought from her mind as she focused upon her sister, to see why she had come to visit her.


In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] LzZCuy7
In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] BtXe12b
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Joined : 2013-11-04
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In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty Re: In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha]

Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:42 pm

Song: Path of Redemption - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

Kuanastha paid no attention to the paperwork Inami was working with, though the sense of secrecy attended to it was clear albeit subtle in movement. It wasn't ever really in her interests, however; politics, secret projects, infrastructure and beauracracy. Inami was always a demon that implemented it into the functions of her responsibilities, contrasting the rulership of their sisters, so it was a sight Kuanastha was both accustomed to and disappointed in seeing. In a lot of ways, it brought back bad memories.

By the same coin, Kuanastha was used to the preference for touch Inami had when showing affection or interest in things. Personally, Kuanastha wasn't as fond, but she returned the embrace nonetheless. Her face remained in its usual neutrality, only broken when Inami spoke. While the paperwork looked like no change of pace, the determination and freedom she heard buried beneath those words rang strong. It was always something the demonio wished for herself, and by no stretch a thing she wished as strongly for her sisters to pursue. Mana was already there, in a lot of ways to her chagrin, but Inami always seemed to be held back by something. Maybe, in their time apart, the White Witch found the means to overcome that.

"It pleases me to no end to hear that from you."

The woman separated from her sister at the mention of the boats dotting the waters. She looked out to doors to connect the imagery, an interesting dichotomy from Chaya Nation, from the Inami she knew. What happened in their time apart to warrant this change? All people grow over time, even elder demons. But all people stay true to their desires as well. So, at the same time, Kuanastha wondered what didn't change. When she heard Inami express her welcomes, Kuanastha moved towards a white leather armchair, a fitting decorative piece to the aesthetic and furniture of the office.

"Well, if you're not busy, I'd love to hear more about that. The things I have to say could wait for later. They're not as pressing or important."

Admittedly, there was some hesitance to the conversation. Though she was curious in earnest about the things Inami was up to in her growth as a person, it also served to delay what had to be inevitable. A breather from a heavy topic that was sure to sink the mood. If possible, Kuanastha would've liked to ease her sister into the topic of their family, and the restorative justice she felt was necessary for them.

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] 8Bvy1N8


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In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty Re: In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:55 pm

Within Eternal Darkness

"Well, if you're not busy, I'd love to hear more about that. The things I have to say could wait for later. They're not as pressing or important."

The words that left Kuanastha’s mouth caused Inami to flinch visibly. The expression of joy faded, and was replaced by a sense of sullen loss. Inami was sure her sister didn’t wish for their conversation to take a turn for the worse, but, the nature of her question, and the response required for it was not one that was light-hearted or cheery.

Inami’s golden gaze was dull, emotionless for that moment. Like a switch was flipped, she turned around and slowly made her way back to her desk as Kuanastha made herself feel comfortable in one of the many modern seats that dotted her office. Inami didn’t answer immediately, pouring herself amber liquid from a crystal bottle into a large-based crystal glass. Gripping the glass with her right hand, rings clinking against the glasses surface, Inami tilted her head back, drinking all of the liquid within at once.

Fire raced down her throat, and in that moment a grimace momentarily crossed her features. Yet, she’d still pour herself another generous serving as she said in a neutral, husky tone.

”Sure, I can tell you about how our niece tore our family apart and raped her sister. “ Inami spoke measuredly, before she turned around and hopped up onto the lip of the back of her desk, sitting atop it. Inami’s golden eyes glimmered darkly as she took a sip of the beverage in her hand.

”I can tell you about how in my darkest moment it was a stranger that kept me from ending my life, rather than my family.” Inami said, an ugly smile blossoming sorrowfully upon her lips as she took another sip, gulping down more of the amber liquid that lay within the thick glass she had only just refilled. Afterwards, she set the glass down in her lap, cradling it between her hands as she sighed, staring down into it’s mercurial amber depths. Watching the way the liquid shimmered in the fading twilight.

”I changed because I realized I had no place there, I am happier for it but, I can’t say I have completely gotten over it sister.” Inami spoke honestly, her words soft as she clicked her rings against the side of the glass that lay in her hands. The fidgeting soft, and rhythmic.

”I can’t say that I don’t mull over what could have prevented so much pain and unrest for us and our realm” Inami snickered softly, before she decided to change the conversation. This wasn’t what she had wanted for their meeting.

”So, what’s new with you?” Inami asked softly, her eyes glittering with unspoken words. As much as she loved her sister she did not wish to speak any further on the subject if she could. One day she’d share that pain with her, but for today she wished to bask in the joy of their reunion, rather than the pain of loss and betrayal.

Template By:

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] LzZCuy7
In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] BtXe12b
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty Re: In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:25 pm

Song: Path of Redemption - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

Kuanastha didn't miss the change of expression. She wondered what was on Inami's mind, and her thoughts scoured to sort out what she knew of the time they spent apart, that they'd need to catch up on. Besides Vicara, the deepest sadness she could imagine happening was Neoveta's death.

Actually, there was a time where Kuana felt a great instability in the karmic threads surrounding Inami, including the ones which binded the two together. She was meditating in the Nether at the time, and it felt brief, so she assumed it was the chaos within her complicating things on her own end, rather than Inami's.

The thought of what could actually be the reason spawned a shadow of guilt within. Kuanastha thought to herself, "I should have checked on her. I was foolish and complacent."

Rather than sitting down on the chair, Kuanastha walked back to her sister after she drank the whole glass. Kuana moved to hold Inami's shoulders in reaffirmation. All thoughts of what she came here for to begin with vanished, replaced only with concern.

"I won't push you to tell me if you don't want to talk about it, but I'd appreciate it if you knew I'm here to hear it."

She bit her lip, a bit at a loss. This vulnerability was anything but the norm with Inami, and comfort wasn't Kuanastha's forte. All she knew was how to be there for her sisters, hoping that the answer in her heart was the right one for them. If it seemed like she needed it, Kuanastha would go back to hug her sister tightly.

The first sentence had Kuana's eyes furrowed. Though it sounded heinous, she was admittedly at a loss at first. Their niece raping her sister sounded terrible, and it surely was, but in the context of the Asthavon family it didn't seem like anything particularly egregious considering the track record. How did that constitute the tearing apart of their family? Maybe it was some sort of Stockholm's Syndrome embedded in her that desensitised her and changed her perspective on this.

When Inami rose to hop up onto her desk, whether hugging or not Kuanastha gave her the space to do so. She intended to let Inami be as comfortable as she needed. She continued listening without interrupting.

When Inami mentioned her darkest moment, Kuanastha also hesitated. That must have been the moment of instability in their karmic threads, but who was the stranger? And what was Inami going through that pushed her to that brink? More and more questions piled in Kuana's head unceasingly. The general sentiment, the feeling of not being in a place of her belonging, that she could understand in full. The desire to end it all, as living was a pain, also wasn't entirely foreign. But for her, it took a long time before she felt like she was truly "living" at all. At every crossroad, in every decision, she took the painful stride. She always chose to live, because it never felt like what she had was living to begin with. That her own life was truly her own. It was this defiance and desire for independence and autonomy that pushed her in what seemed to be the opposite direction if Inami.

Then, Inami was finished. Topped off with the cherry of inquiry, "what about you?"

As much as she wanted to be able to have a lighter conversation, the tone was set, and her questions bubbled. She couldn't help herself.

"I... I don't want to push you, like I said, but there were a lot of things you said there that I'm at a loss for. That I won't lie, I would like to know more about. First and foremost, that you're alright now. Are you? And what do you mean about our niece tearing our family apart. Which one? Algos?" And what happened in your darkest moment, what pushed you to these thoughts, who was the stranger?"

Kuanastha was moments away from asking "why didn't you call me?" but she bit her tongue. She had no intentions of putting the onus on Inami, or to make her feel like she was at blame. The guilt of not being there only welled up further. After Vicara, after fighting Silvia, she resolved to return to the family. She resolved to be there for them despite her own beliefs because she valued her sisters more. And yet, something like this happened. How? Kuana wanted to beat herself up over this, truly and in earnest, but it was clear that she wasn't the one most in pain here. For Inami's sake, she remained stoic.

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] 8Bvy1N8


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In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty Re: In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:59 pm

Within Eternal Darkness

Inami’s eyes remained upon Kuanastha, and she saw the many emotions that lingered there. The regret and shame, the sadness. She saw the impact her words had upon the woman, and she realized she was doing the one thing she had swore she would no longer do. She was pushing Kuanastha away. Inami had strove to change herself, to better herself, to pursue a future where she could make the realm to be a better one. Yet here she was, projecting her words in a way that brought pain to one of her dearest kin. How had she changed? How had she gotten better? She hadn’t, not one bit. It was that realization that left Inami biting her lower lip, the razor sharp teeth within her mouth cutting into her flesh, causing blood to flow.

”I haven’t changed, not where it counts, have I?” Inami thought dully to herself.

It was sobering, and it tore at the warmth and joy she had wished to feel, that she desperately desired to feel. Despite the steps she had taken, she still was worn and tattered within. Much of the emotion she let flow forth from her being did very little to ease that gaping hole within her. Maybe it was why she hadn’t talked to anyone from their family, maybe it was why she had been spending much of her time here on earth. Why she so fervently sought out those that also had experienced the feelings born within her, and wished to offer them a home.

” I’m so inadequate.” Inami thought dismally.

Inami hopped off the desk, her feet thudding lightly against the hardwood below. Then she sat down against her desk, as if making herself small would minimize the pain and hurt. Tilting her head to look out at the glittering bay, Inami took the time to formulate how she wished to say these words that bounced around savagely within. To articulate the many feelings, and emotions that tore at her every single day. To articulate the damage that Algos had caused their family, Mana’s negligence, her own naivety.

” Algos lusted after her sister, much like khala abused the being that Algos was created from. “ Inami paused, unable to bring herself to say Neoveta’s name. By dissociating the name with the actions, It allowed her to let those words tumble forth from her lips.

”Mana has never been a good parent as you know. Those two girls.. They’ve grown up in rotting excess. Twisted by that very mania. I thought with time it might pass, as they learned of the realms. I was woefully negligent, and did not look into their affairs. Even when I had promised myself I would safeguard our family. Even when I saw the warning signs within Algos, I did nothing to stop it Kuanastha. I thought that if I let it be, all of it would pass. I was so caught up in my own world sister. “ Inami said softly, a dark, haunted look mirroring the dull and cracked voice that huskily spilled forth from her full lips.

” I never truly fully bounced back from Neoveta’s death, and I thought that there was some semblance of her still within Algos. I blindly believed that the niece that I loved more than anything still existed within her, because that was the only way I could forgive Mana for killing her. It led me to being soft, where i should have sternly steered her on the right path.” When she spoke, the glass lay forgotten in her hand, spilling over the side of her charcoal dress when she brought her arms up to hug her knees. Even then though, Inami hardly noticed. She was too wrapped up in trying to articulate this horrid affair to her sister. To let her see her pain.

I didn’t realize when Algos began to wish to possess her sister. When the sisterly affection between them turned to obsession. Mana did nothing to stop it, and it was only when Algos raped Calypso, when she went to Minatumi to kill my friend, that I realized how horrible things had gotten. It was only when Algos was willing to kill me, when she raised her fangs to me with no regard of the love or kinship I felt for her, that I realized how utterly I had failed them. When I saw mana grind her daughters face into the floors of our home, when mana tried killing her own blood in a fit of rage, my heart broke. It broke into tiny pieces. I could not process it, that things could have gone so horribly wrong again. Not after Neoveta. Yet it was then I realized truly that there was nothing left of Neoveta within algos, my hope to bring her back was gone. “ Inami paused, tears glittering on the corners of her eyes. She took a few deep breaths, trying desperately to hold herself together.

” Algos made a vow to keep her heart open to me, to change, and foolishly I believed her Sister. I thought that she could change, that she could become something more. Yet, that day when in front of demon kind algos broke that promise and used her power to disgrace her own sister in front of the entirety of demon world, My hope, and my love was ground to dust. When I realized by not stopping her, I had let this happen, I hated myself. Yet that wasn’t the funniest thing I learned. No. “ Inami giggled softly, her voice utterly broken and full of sealth loathing as she finally glanced down and noticed the liquid which stained her clothes, even if she cared not about it.

”No it was when I left there, when I could no longer bare the hurt of losing my friends, of my families atrocities, of all the unfairness, and I was going to mana’s palace to find a quiet place to fade into oblivion, when Arianda of all people found me and braved the miasma and darkness to find me, that i realized. The funniest thing was despite our bonds being able to span realms, that none of them came for me sister. When I would move heaven and earth for them, none of them came for me. They were content to let me waste away, content to tear eachother apart with their egos. That was when..” Inami paused as she closed her eyes, desparately trying to blink back the tears.

”I realized that I didn’t have a home anymore.” The raw devastation behind that one sentence was enough that Inami barely let it pass forth from her lips. She choked up a few times, her words halting and inarticulate. Sounding like a broken child, rather than one of the most power and influential demons in existence.

Once she finally had managed to get all of it out. When she had finally brought that terrible story to light, Inami paused, and gave kuanastha a gentle smile, that conveyed anything but joy. Her wide golden eyes were red-rimmed, and the glass that had rested in her hand slipped free to roll across the floor. Kuanastha had asked her something, if she was alright now? How inami wished she could give her sister a glittering smile and wipe away all this pain. To give her the answer that would make her sisters fears and emotions wash away. She couldn’t do that though. Instead, Inami gave her the honest answer.

”I don’t think I know what Alright means anymore Kuanastha. I’m trying to live as best as I can.”

Inami couldn't lie to her, not when she saw the vulnerability that had lingered upon her face. It was that vulnerability that compelled her to tell her sister all of this. She deserved to know, even if Inami could barely stomach to speak of it, lest she relive it all over again.

Template By:

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] LzZCuy7
In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] BtXe12b
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] Empty Re: In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha]

Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:25 am

Song: Path of Redemption - By: I Am Setsuna OST - Word Count: N/A

The mention of what Khala did to Neoveta was a vivid memory. She wasn't there, but Kuanastha knew about it well. It was these sorts of actions that seemed normalised in their family. Though she found it vile herself, it wasn't something she put a lot of attention to because, well, it wasn't an uncommon practice. She brushed it off as a difference of being. Hell, Kuanastha herself wasn't unfamiliar with these practice by personal experience. Was that really something to feel so broken over? Was Kuanastha the odd one out here?

The part of Mana's "mothering" though, the two were on the same page. Before her talk with Silvia, Kuana didn't find it in her right to reprimand Mana or step in to give them something conducive. To begin with, Kuana never had parents in general, in both previous lives. Now, of course, she was intent on intervening regardless. Maybe it was too late for that, but she'd go the distance to make sure it wasn't.

As Inami continued talking the hybrid started realising how foreign she felt from so many of these concepts in general, and also how alike the two really were. Truly, Kuanastha was very involved with her own plights. She may have loved her family, and done labour for them as an expression of that love, but much of her intention was focused on herself. Such that she clearly missed much of the life around her. She was currently paying the price for that egotism.

Without interrupting her, Kuanastha walked up to Inami and bent over to kiss her forehead and hug her by the shoulders. Before, she looked into Silvia for the answers, and whether she knew it or not, Silvia only directed that inquiry back into herself. The answer had to be self-driven, come from within, and be wholly decisive. Inami's words were acting as the conductor that steered her train of thought. There was a decisiveness forming in her, something being steeled and ready to burst. Before, she thought that she'd have to give up on a side of her and embrace the other. That the two were in too great a conflict to coexist.

That was always how she operated.

Kururai, the hollow that had to seek his own purpose in life, driven by vengeance and anger, his sword always poisoned at the throat of the Asthavons.

Ana, born from the ashes of Iahhel, their resentment and anguish, which strived to survive the family at all costs, even if it meant their immediate suffering.

Maybe there was something more in common in these two sides to her after all. They both thrived in the chaos of her body and mind. They both fed off one another, and the degradation of everything around them. And, they were both, always, very angry.

It was a ferocity Kuanastha choked down, forced into submission to maintain herself. Really, it was self-denial. Just like Inami. There was something within them that they didn't want to live with in the moment, because it would break the status quo. It would thrust them out of the depravity of their family they grew comfortable with.

Honestly, it was starting to become laughable. How did things get so far downhill? Algos wasn't the only one that forgot some vows. Kuanastha recalled her life as Ana. How, in the very beginning, she saw the sorrow on her sisters' faces. The young one, poor girl, ostracised by the other girls around her. She knew that the pain was getting to her. It tore her apart, made a mark in all the other young girls minds how horrid their circumstances were. And, because it was for the longterm good, Ana could only watch and let it happen. Because she knew that the pain would grow to be a force strong enough to free the girls of their prison. From then, Ana promised to watch over the family, as she did. Not only as a protector, but a guardian. To steer the family, to defend not only their interests, but their well-being.

She remembered her life as Kururai, toxic at birth. Formed in a Shadow Fall lab, thrusted into a human body and left to rot by the wayside when the experiment failed. He swore revenge for himself. That if he was able to live through this ordeal, those responsible would pay. His life was his to control, and he would never let someone stop him from that.

Aaaaahhh hahahaha, how ironic. It seemed like she could get the best of both worlds. Inami believed she didn't have a home anymore? Nonsense. They'd always have a home. It wouldn't be a place they could go to--it never would be. It was a people. And yet, Inami felt like she didn't have even that? Well, shit, that's a pretty big problem. Fret not, sister, all will be well in time.

For once, the energy boiling in Kuanastha's abdomen was at a calm. It was churning still, in greater revolutions than ever. But there was a harmony to the movements. It was like the crashing waves in a turbulent sea. Natural, albeit fierce and unruly.

Kuanastha stayed to hold her sister for as long as she felt. Even if Inami was to push herself away, Kuanastha would hold tight. No words to respond with. She let the calm in her heart convey her intentions for her. It was calm, it was intentful, and it was barring off a bubbling rage that wanted to come forth but stayed its hand. This rage knew that there was a release on the horizon, an opportunity to bear its fangs in the midst.

If Inami wanted to cry, let it be so. If she wanted to scream, let it be so. Kuanastha would bear it. She would bear it all.

It was only until a silence filled the air that Kuanastha separated. With one last kiss to Inami's forehead, Kuanastha broke apart entirely. A portal formed behind her.

"I think I have a few choice words for some people. Don't worry, Inami. You won't have to do anything. Just patiently wait for me, okay? Your big sis will make things right again."

Of course, a woman of Inami's talents would immediately be able to discern the destination of the portal: The Royal Palace.

It had probably been a while since Mana last saw a mad demon, but the streak was sure to break. After all, at the moment Kuanastha was a very Mad Demon.

In Confidence, Brutus [Private/Inami, Kuanastha] 8Bvy1N8


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Sat Mar 13, 2021 4:49 am

Within Eternal Darkness

Inami could feel the many differing emotions that lay abreast Kuanastha. The sensation of loss, of failure and anger were things that were clear as day to the woman who lay amidst her sisters embrace, who had thought time and time again of pushing her sister away, of hiding this hurt once more within--to simply pretend it was all good and forgotten. She hadn’t though, because she had vowed to herself that she would no longer hide from those she held dear, even if they were these tentative, fractured thoughts that flowed within her, she would share them all the same.

For many, such a touch moment might make them tunnel vision, might make them focus on each passing breath, or the thudding of their heart. For inami though, her mind was going a million miles a second, the discordant thoughts, emotions, the what ifs the maybes and her darkest fears. All of these things bounced out chaotically, seeking to cripple the touching moment that lay between the two of them. Yet that hyper awareness, that discordant chaotic awareness of hers allowed her to put things together much quicker when her sister sought to break the embrace between them, and the portal opened yonder. Inami could not allow her dearest sister to so foolishly confront an issue that they did not yet have the power to mend. She would not allow her to fail as she had.

”Wait.. Sister.” Inami’s voice was soft, her arms having reached out to encircle her sister the moment she had tried to break away from their embrace. Those soft arms were gentle, and yet the strength that lay within them was undeniable. It was clear even if she did not speak further that Inami wished not for her sister to leave just yet.

”I did not tell you my pains because I wished for you to feel responsible. I do not wish for you to defend me, even if the thought brings me great joy that you would.” Inami’s voice continued in the dry, searching, whisper that it had when she first had told her sister to wait. Inami’s golden gaze had shifted up then, her eyes searching upwards towards her sisters, trying to decipher the emotions that lay within. Trying to piece together the myriad of lingering tastes that danced upon her tongue from those emotions.

”I told you because even if it is painful, I wish to share with you my pain. I wished to let you know, I will not push you away as I have done so often. After all, you are dear to me. I don’t think I have said those words aloud, but I cherish you as a beloved sister. “ Inami spoke the words that lingered behind the very real pain she felt, as the hysteria and the anguish abated behind the rising tides of empathy and understanding.

”It may be selfish of me, but I would very much like to spend time with you. I do not think you and I have done much of that. I dont care what we speak of, but that is what I wish. Can we do that please?” Inami’s voice remained soft, but as she exhaled softly, it was clear that she wished for more than the simple disappearance of her sister. There would be a time for reckoning, but at least for now, Inami hoped that Kuanastha would set aside her rage, so that they could spend time together.

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