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Lord of Nightmares Empty Lord of Nightmares

Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:51 am

Lord of Nightmares Fbx9CTX


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Claire had heard tell that there was someone who would be of immense value to her in the jungles of Africa. She chanced upon this information through rumors and hearsay, but she had been around long enough to realize that there was probably something real at the heart of it. It sounded like there was a something in Africa, most likely related to her own race. She didn't exactly know what she was looking for, but if there was something that could benefit her in Africa, then she would surely take the time to visit.

It was a small effort to arrange her transport to Africa. Although she usually traveled by sea, this time she decided that she would take a plane. It was quite simple to charter, considering the fact that she owned the entirety of Romania. In fact, she most likely could have flown for free, but it
only seemed right to give back to her people when she needed them for her own personal gain. After a short flight, she arrived in Africa, in a part of the country that was almost entirely undeveloped. She didn't necessarily enjoy this, but if it would help her people, it was easy to deal with the fact that the area was... let's just say rough around the edges.

After a few days she was able to ascertain where exactly it was that she should be traveling, and so, with no further ado, she made her way into the depths of the jungle. She noticed a few strange occurrences, but it was not until she began to near the heart of the jungle that she began to feel that there was certainly something there. The landscape became increasingly nightmarish, and the feeling that someone was watching her was always in the back of her mind. This affected her very little, as she was in complete control of her emotions, and understood, at the most basic of levels, what was happening, although she did realize that, if she were a normal person, this would have been an overwhelming effect. It intrigued her to no end, and she simply had to get to the bottom of it. It was at this time that she began to notice movement in the corner of her eyes. Yes, there was certainly something here. Something more than illusion or manipulation, but she still had yet to fully comprehend what exactly that was.

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Last edited by Absentee on Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
God of Love
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Lord of Nightmares Empty Re: Lord of Nightmares

Tue Feb 02, 2021 6:10 am
Lord of Nightmares P9M9PIL


Common were visitors to the domain of the King of Nightmares, but rare were those allowed to leave. Indeed, when one of the Sueki of these woods had chosen their prey, that typically marked the end for them. However, from the moment that Claire had stepped into his lands, Cresimir knew perfectly well that this was not simply his next irrelevant, nameless victim. The memories he had been afforded courtesy of his predecessor allowed him an understanding that the woman here now was something far above his subjects. So he watched, waited for her to come ever deeper into the forest. Only when she had entered its furthest depths, that boundary few had the foolhardy courage to cross, did he make his presence known.

"A beautiful evening for a walk, hmmm?"

The King's voice echoed through the trees, emanating from even the earth below. He might simply have appeared directly to confront this woman, but he was quite curious if she was made of something tougher than the last Queen of this place. If the others were all like his little plaything, he would be profoundly disappointed in the rest of his kin.

"What brings such a delicate flower into these woods?"

With every word he spoke, the forest became less welcoming, as if even the grass below wished nothing more than to kill the Sueki Queen. What once was nothing more than the sense of being watched now became an ever-looming danger, the rustles of the underbrush and shadows darting across the moon above. It was a pressure few knew, that sense of being stalked by a predator, but Cresimir could create it in mere moments without so much as a hint of trouble. Every shadow had eyes, every tree creaked with the weight of a hunter in the branches. He relished in the opportunity to create such an atmosphere.

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Lord of Nightmares Empty Re: Lord of Nightmares

Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:19 pm

Lord of Nightmares Fbx9CTX


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

As Claire continued to venture into the depths of the forest, it became increasingly nightmarish, up until the time she heard the voice. It didn't seem to come from any one direction, from what she could tell, but was instead surrounding her. An interesting effect, to say the least, but not one that particularly impressed her. As she continued to listen to the voice, which was obviously male, she realized that this was the entity she'd come to search for. At the same time, being the Queen of the Sueki, she could sense the royalty in this man's voice, which did, in fact, surprise her. Generally, and honestly basically exclusively, the Sueki were a matriarchal race.

As her surroundings became more and more unwelcoming, Claire began to give off a sense of fear. She began to react more openly to the things that were happening around her, apparently becoming increasingly startled, and a look of worry entered her usually bright and clear eyes. She continued to display this for a few more moments before she inevitably giggled, and spoke.

"Aha, just kidding. You didn't really think you could scare me like that, did you? I mean, I may look young, but I've been around for more than a few years, you know. Now then, this delicate flower is requesting an escort for her walk through the woods on this beautiful evening. If you would be so kind as to oblige, I think we have a few things to discuss. "

She smiled sweetly as she finished speaking, a sort of sickly sweet smile that most would find unsettling. She stood in place, apparently waiting for this strange man to show himself. After all, she believed that she had already demonstrated why to continue this was a foolish endeavor, and she hoped he would realize this without further prodding. If not, maybe it had been a waste of time coming in the first place.

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God of Love
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Lord of Nightmares Empty Re: Lord of Nightmares

Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:47 pm
Lord of Nightmares P9M9PIL


"My my my my my, now isn't this positively enchanting? Many of our kind have passed through these woods, you know, but I should think you are the first to appear with such boldness. My predecessor aside, of course, but we ought not speak of animals in civilized conversation."

The forest echoed with a violent cackle, so thoroughly amused with the situation and the little creature on the forest floor below. Cresimir was willing to give her a little bit of his time, for now at least. What might she offer today? Well, who knew? Certainly not he, but he always was willing to enjoy a bit of pleasantry under the moonlight.

"I've been hoping for a good conversation partner, so I do rather hope you don't disappoint."

In a writhing, crawling path of black smoke, the King of Nightmares made his way to the forest floor, the atmosphere still every bit as oppressive as before. It was just how he enjoyed the evenings.


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Lord of Nightmares Empty Re: Lord of Nightmares

Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:38 am

Lord of Nightmares Fbx9CTX


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Claire watched as the King of Nightmares began to materialize on the floor of the jungle. She looked on with interest as his form became clear, taking in all that made up this unusual subject. As she finally began to get a good look at him, she realized that this person was inherently fairly unsettling. He wore a strange mask over his face, and a cloak that covered his body in shadow. In general, she thought that he was particularly unsettling, if she were one to become unsettled easily. She listened as he spoke, and then replied herself.

"Oh, I'm never disappointing darling. In fact, I think this might just be the most interesting conversation you've ever had, and we certainly do have a lot to discuss. Like, where your tribe will stand when the Sueki have taken control of more of the surface of the Earth. I believe we can work together quite well."

As Claire said this, she began to walk down a path that had opened before them, quite content to walk through the dark jungle that surrounded them.

"So, I've heard a lot about your... escapades here in the jungles of Africa. I think you could be more than a valuable addition to my Army. Really, the reason I'm here is to find out what your plans are. What do you plan to do in the future, and how do you see yourself growing? Because I can't just let you waste your talents in this... place. I can guarantee you whatever it is that you desire, if you will join me in bringing our people to the forefront of everyone's mind."

Claire carefully observed the man before her as she finished speaking. She wasn't quite sure what he was going to say, as she had no idea of who he really was, but she hoped that she could get through to him, one way or another. After all, every little bit helped, and she could never be too picky when it came to furthering the goals of the Sueki.

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God of Love
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Lord of Nightmares Empty Re: Lord of Nightmares

Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:55 pm
Lord of Nightmares P9M9PIL


What a creature before him. So confident in himself, even in a place such as this? Cresimir wasn't sure if she was simply unaware or truly that brave, but it was nevertheless profoundly amusing to him. After all, to feel fear was the natural state of things.

"Plans? Ah, I can hardlyt say I've much in the way of plans at all, really. I should think a good deal more of this world ought see the status of things, you know, but this dear little wood of mine is simply so charming."

The King of Nightmares naturally accompanied Claire down the path, but his every step was tense. There was no strsss, per se, no worry over his well-being. It was simply abundantly obvious, even under his think cloak, that he was ready to pounce on any prey at the first opportunity, whether it be a sign of danger or weakness.

"My future and my plans are solely my own domain, you know. To look too far ahead makes one blind to what sits before us. I would be quite pleased to make the whole of the Earth into my forest if I had but the time, but imagine the shame of having anything simply rewarded me for good behavior. Dreadful, dreadful, dreadful. No no, I assure you that you need not offer me anything. I think to simply watch your efforts would be more than pleasing, one way or the other, yes? Reason enough to accompany you."

It seemed, judging from the way his ramblings had gone, that a fair bit of conversation had been entirely invented within Cresimir's thoughts. Nevertheless, his mood seemed relatively pleasant, as much as an obviously predatory being's mood could be. He leaned toward Claire then, his face quite close, and the moonlight poked through the trees just enough so as to make clear to Clair one thing she had certainly misunderstood;

"Ought I show you to my tranquil home, then?"

He was not wearing any mask.


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Lord of Nightmares Empty Re: Lord of Nightmares

Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:52 am

Lord of Nightmares Fbx9CTX


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

As they continued down the path before them, Claire continued to listen to what this King of Nightmares had to say. She was actually quite pleased with the response he gave her, in more ways than one. While it was always convenient for her to be able to get her way by manipulating those who were around her, it wasn't something that she respected when she saw it in someone, obviously. In addition, it was far more valuable for her to have someone who she wasn't able to manipulate, but who still held common goals with her, even if they may not be as helpful in the future. She could always plan for contingencies if they were to arise in the future.

She also appreciated his own drive, and the fact that he would prefer to earn things of his own accord. It was exactly how she felt herself, and was something that she could, in fact, respect. As he began to draw closer to her, she sensed the nature that he had been giving off intensify, until he was what most would consider uncomfortably close. Claire did not view it this way, but she did realize that she had been previously mistaken. There was no mask upon his face. It simply looked as it did. For the first time in this meeting she felt... not necessarily uncomfortable, but perhaps repulsed was a fitting word, if only to a very minor degree. She didn't display this, and the feeling quickly left, as she began to respond to what he had just said.

" I see. If that's the way you feel, I'll certainly respect it. I'm also more than happy to have you join me, if only to assure our mutual benefit. Now, if you'd like to show me something, feel free. I'm sure whatever it is will be quite interesting."

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God of Love
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Lord of Nightmares Empty Re: Lord of Nightmares

Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:54 pm
Lord of Nightmares P9M9PIL


"Wonderful, wonderful! It is only a short distance, but these dear woods of mine have eaten up many a visitor who has lost their way, so please keep close, yes?"

Moving away from her finally, Cresimir led Claire once more through the forest, a certain glee in his step now that seemed almost childish, as if nothing weighed upon him in the slightest. Yet that predatory gait did not change, and it was still clear he might pounce at the slightest provocation. This woman amused him, cerainly moreso than his usual toy. Ah, but he wouldn't touch this one. There was the obvious matter that she could deliver so much more than simply that little bit of violence, but even beyond that, he simply could sense in her another predator like himself. It simply wasn't a smart plan.

Their walk was not a long one, but a keen eye would notice that the forest did not seem to be keeping pace with their travels. It was as though the whole place were changing faster than it reasonably ought to have if they were simply walking through it, every step feeling like five or even ten as the forest thinned out and signs of civilization almost suddenly appeared. Soon enough, they had arrived almost all at once in front of the King of Nightmares' home, the grounds of an elaborate, if relatively small, palace. Looking backward would reveal only the city; the woods were quite far off.

"I do hope this little home is to your liking, though of course it was made to the tastes of my kingdom."


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Lord of Nightmares Empty Re: Lord of Nightmares

Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:04 pm

Lord of Nightmares Fbx9CTX


Artist: Nujabes/Idst - Song: BattleCry - Word Count: N/A

Claire continued to follow Cresimir through the forest, as it changed more rapidly than she would have expected. She could sense the emotion pouring out of this King of Nightmares. He seemed to be quite pleased with himself. She wasn't sure why this was the case, but she noted that it was. This was how she operated. Even if she didn't know why he was pleased with himself at the moment, if the pattern continued she would certainly understand it eventually. It was a valuable resource, to say the least. She also sensed his predatory nature, still rising to the surface. It did not concern her, but it was taken into account.

Soon, they had arrived at their destination. Claire looked over the property with a discerning eye. It was not what she had expected to see when she was led here. In fact, she hadn't expected much at all. Of course, it was far inferior to her palace in Romania, but it was quite impressive considering all things.

"How could I not like it? You've created a beautiful little territory here. Now, what are we eating? I'm quite famished, I must say. I assume you have plenty of servants that can tend to that, don't you?"

While everything she said was true, at the same time she wanted to see exactly how this King of Nightmares was running the castle that he was lord of. Everything so far had been to her liking, if not personally, at least realistically. She had no reason to believe that anything now would color her perception in a negative way, but she still had to ask.

"I'd also like to see the most interesting thing you can show me while we wait."

Having said this, she smiled. A beautiful smile showing glistening, pristinely white fangs that looked ready to pierce anything they found in their way.

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God of Love
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Lord of Nightmares Empty Re: Lord of Nightmares

Sun Mar 07, 2021 12:18 pm
Lord of Nightmares P9M9PIL


"Servants? Ah, of a sort, yes, I do suppose so. All who live in this forest bring me tribute, or else I might get rather cross with them. They wouldn't wish to fail the king, would they?"

With a cheery laugh that in no way matched his still-eery expression, Cresimir continued to lead the way, pushing open the grand doors to his palace with a flourish as he yelled into the front hall, "I return!" The palace was, however, seemingly empty, and yet he had no pause at this. No lights were on, no servants seemed to be anywhere. It was simply a dark place, filled with nothing but cobwebs and the overwhelming scent of blood.

"Ah... It seems everything is just as I left it. Wonderful! Well, the meals ought to come soon, aso we may as well find a bit of entertainment, yes? You asked to see the most interesting thing I can offer? Aha, then my dear fellow Queen, I really ought show you my predecessor."

Despite the ominous nature of what he'd said, and the fact that it honestly could have easily been a threat, there was no particular malice in Cresimir's voice, only legitimate joy at the opportunity to share his favorite little creature with another.


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