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Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:40 pm


Enter Zephyr


Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

"Aaah, a dip into society! Such a magnificent day to come see my fellow man~!"

Zephyr was so overwhelmed with joy he couldn't help but cry out, arms spread out as an airy laugh left his throat. Sure, his expression of joy would be all fine and good if he wasn't yelling loudly in crowded public transit. He got several odd looks as he clung playfully to one of the bars as the ship carried the lot of them.

"Such amazing advancement despite the hardships you all have faced! I'm so proud of you all for surviving, and thriving~!"

The doors slid open as to allow passengers out, some more eager to get out and away from this strange loud stranger than others as Zephyr came out with the flood of passengers to meet the ground. Getting a good look at the city he just stepped foot in, he felt a pleasant sensation rush through his body as he looked to the skyline.

"Aah, is that some kind of magic coating the buildings? Subarashii.. Those of this age are so creative, so copious with their usage of the arts..."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] Empty Re: Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv]

Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:31 am


Hmm, that was certainly new. She'd never felt a man like that before. He was definitely a Ziamichi, but as to what the other side of him was...she couldn't put her finger on it. It was intriguing to say the least. So, quick Garganta to drop Baby Ulv off at Algos' so she could bond with other mother and sister, Ulv was in the city. Dressed to the nines in her Inferno Vizard Queen dress, Ulv stepped with vigor and dominance, arriving at the man and giving him a smile. Such an interesting man, and no slouch in power either. If he was good, he might be an asset to the place.

"Good morning. I am the Mayor, Ulv Auber. It is a delight to see a man such as you visiting my city. What can I do for you?"


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Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] Empty Re: Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv]

Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:25 pm


Enter Zephyr


Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Zephyr's eyes were practically glued to the skies, admiring the sheer size of the buildings as he stepped with rather exaggerated, joyful hops, despite what any onlookers would react with as he walked away from his initial vessel, humming broken songs until the sudden appearance of such an extraordinary, roaring presence stopped his silly steps hard and dead. His eyes abruptly lowered to lock to the source of such a presence, a woman in such lovely dressings having approached him, having a kind smile on her face, and then introduced herself.

The shorter man blinked a few times, as if surprised, until chuckling heartily, wiping his brow,

"Phew~ With how impressively massive and sudden your presence was, I thought I was in trouble! Just thought 'Oh gods, it's the sword isn't it, they're probably pissed about the sword'. Ahh, I sometimes forget i'd be considered a typical person at this point of time; to you I probably seem awfully strange."

With a sighing laugh, he'd settle down, shrugging his shoulders several times as his odd eyes laid on her,

"The 'Mayor', eh? Ahh, so many words for a position of power, new and old. Well Miss Mayor, I didn't quite expect someone like you to drop in on me as I was entering this splendidly gorgeous city."

He would then touch a finger to his chin, looking to the side, "Ah well, if you're offering, a nice chat would be desired; Maybe some tea? I have been eating merely wild game and beetles for the last few weeks so, there's that."

"I do have to ask; Do you like sticks? I like sticks. I found a cool one the other day but alas, got snapped in half."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:22 pm


Well, this was a weird one. Still, they came in all shapes and sizes, so she'd gesture for him to follow her and head off to a cafe.
"Don't worry. If I was pissed with you, there wouldn't be casual conversation" she'd give him a smile that was terrifying as much as it was comforting. Ulv would then walk gently down the street, her movements so fluid and perfect that the skirt didn't move in the slightest, giving the illusion of her floating down the street.

"Mmm, sticks. Well, it depends on the stick and the definition of a stick, after all. The Dog-Beating Staff could be called a stick if you want to be punched in the nose"


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Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] Empty Re: Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv]

Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:08 pm


Enter Zephyr


Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Zephyr trekked alongside the flowing woman, taking rather large footsteps as he swung his arms forward and back rhythmically, looking more like he was entertaining himself than trying to walk normally,

"Oh believe me, I understand. If your intention was to attack you would have done so by now~ I've had many an enemy do either or. I can whiff a fight when it's coming, I just... Did not expect such an overwhelming presence from one woman! Felt like I was facing over one-hundred large armies."

He felt a pin prick along his spine as he saw that smile; So kind yet so fierce, stabbed a dagger in his nerves surely. He was curious of Miss Mayor, indeed, but he thought it better for them to get settled than to barrage her with question after question out in public. He hadn't had tea in a good several hundred years at least, bare minimum they could get settled down before really laying in.

"I- Dog-Beating Staff?!" The man's eyes grew wide as a deer's, "Who would beat a poor little pup?! Of course they're naughty at times but they don't deserve a swat for it!"

He then shook his head, "No no.. No.. Dog-beating staffs, I mean like tree droppings! Dead branches! It's so hard to find the right one but when you do, you just love it! Until such inevitable fate such as it's destruction take hold... Better to have loved than not have ever at all.."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] Empty Re: Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv]

Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:00 am


"Only a hundred?" she'd ask, teasingly. Gliding over to a nice tea house, she'd set down and order two cups and a nice plate of toasted tea-cakes for snacks. Then she'd look back to the man and give a smile. It must be nice, whatever world he was living in.

"Poor little pups are one thing. Savage, rabid dogs who will rip into you and then leave you with a serious illness nobody has any way of curing is entirely another. You must defend your people from all threats, and thus the Dog-Beating Staff style was created. I actually enjoy it a lot, you know. It's got some fluid moves and strikes to it" she'd lean back, smiling softly at that.

"As for the perfect branch, just reinforce it with your reiatsu. That way it won't break"


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Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] Empty Re: Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:01 pm


Enter Zephyr


Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

"Ahaha~ I suppose even the most rabid, passionate warriors couldn't stack to your might. If it sounded as if I intended to downplay your ability, sumimasen. To me, that is quite the load of power to have upon one vessel."

He would follow her into the shop, slipping into a seat of his own as he would then sit on his calves, sighing contently when he got into a comfortable (those uncomfortable to most) position on his seat, feet hanging off the side as he laid his hands on the table. With the mentioning of needing to protect one's people from all threats, the man's typically rather happy-go-lucky face momentarily grew stern, as if such an idea roused memories to flow, his fists tightening as the silent influx of emotion hit him, and then passed, suddenly hopping in his seat at the mentioning of reinforcing the stick,

"Ah yes, splendid splendid idea! I don't even need 'reiatsu' to reinforce the stick; I could always bend the stick to my will, make it stronger myself, but... The pure, raw natural state feels far more fulfilling to both find and use - The best gifts in life are those you work for, wouldn't you say Miss Mayor? Even if fleeting, the satisfaction was still there."

He clearly was smiling under his bandages, head tilted to the side,

"Besides, in my age not everyone was capable of using magic- err, 'reiatsu'."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] Empty Re: Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:23 pm


"I was just messing with you. Besides, there are others that can match and best me even in my chosen field. Hayden and Ibiki come to mind immediately. I might be near the top, but I am far from lonely there" Ulv would smile gently and settle into the chair, proper poise and posture really giving off the idea she was a demure and elegant Lady.

The guy burst into emotion for a moment, and then suppressed it, which was not good. Suppression just made explosions at a later date.
"It is the same today. Just because there is greater spiritual awareness and greater number of people, the amount of them really capable of grasping their innate powers is about the same. Besides, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Magic, Onmyoji, Za Koa, Kido, Aether. However you call it, it is still a spiritual energy, and still needs letting out, else you burn up"

Ulv's glowing yellow eyes locked on him and glittered with subtle insight. It was clear she was referring to his emotional flash, and urging him to talk to her about it.


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Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] Empty Re: Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:39 pm


Enter Zephyr


Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Zephyr's odd eyes gazed at the beauty of the woman before him, his hands playfully weaving a fork between them as he listened to her powerful voice speak, until she took a thorough prod towards energy, and the need to release it. Zephyr was no fool, and he wouldn't treat this young lady like one, either; He knew she caught that little emotional flourishing, and wanted him to speak of it.

To this realization, Zephyr would sigh, dipping his head as he would take a moment to think, clearly many thoughts going through his mind as he decided on what to say,

"Like I said before, Miss Mayor, the best gifts are those you must work for..." His hands rested on his thighs, as his more quirky movements quieted down to give way to this far more controlled, sullen, and stern persona, an ancient sadness that grew heavy on his shoulders being expressed.

"Even the ones that end up burned down by tyrannical beings, and forced to scatter across the continent."

His gaze was dull as his eyes bored into her, the weight of his emotions clear as he would then speak once again,

"You want to know the gravity of my pain and ails, prying Miss Mayor? I was in a role quite similar to yours; my duty was to protect and guide my people. I failed, they passed. Even the littlest crying child wasn't given mercy. I barely got there in time to save even a portion of them."

Even with such truths being brought to life, the man didn't shed a single tear, his gaze kept steely and solid, unblinking,

"My people, my family.. I wasn't able to protect, or keep whatever remained together. By time we got to our destination, all I had was one little boy. Mother and sister passed on the way to sea."

He sighed, twirling a fork around his fingers still, soon balancing the utensil between two fingers, "However, that was a long, long time ago. Even if I met my people's greatest of granchildren, they wouldn't know my face or my tale, so it is just I, Zephyr, alone for now. Awakened in a new age."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv] Empty Re: Nice Place Ya Got Here [Zephyr/Ulv]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:55 pm


"I don't see a problem here" Ulv commented, taking a gentle sip of her tea. She specifically waited a few seconds to allow the man to react, to get off his chest the reactions to such a seemingly callous exclaimation.

"You arrived in time to protect your people, you guided them eternal, you protected everyone you could protect with fury and fervor, you got a little boy to your destination. And you yourself survived to carry their tales. To show others that there was someone there to protect them, someone there to make sure that every breath until their last would be one you labour for. That never shall you allow despair to stay your hand, never will you stop or stumble. That you will be a constant in their life, even after it has been extinguished"


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