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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Sun Nov 08, 2020 6:47 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso was deathly silent as she remained in the loving grasp of the mad queen, her face pressed against the woman's bosom as she heard the vaguely familiar rhythm of her heartbeat, likely some scrounged up memory of a time prior to birth. Her hands slowly moved forward, to wrap around her mother's waist, bringing them closer as Calypso reciprocated the physical affection, an expression full of sadness, of thought, as she listened to her mother speak of dealing with the state her mind is in.

"..I'm not wasting it. I'm enjoying it."

Though her tone was evidently tired, she truly meant what she said. She felt some comforts in this moment of closeness and quiet, resting her mad little self with her mad mother, it was almost tragic poetry, as she gently exhaled,

"..Know my suffering, huh? I guess that's true.. You've been around a long time, you'd have to have run into all manner of torture.. Physical.. Mental.. Emotional.."

She stopped for a moment, before hesitantly listing the remaining one, "...Sexual..."

She tiredly blinked, as a weight on her chest came spilling out, "..I haven't told many people this.. It's just that, particular kind of subject you don't bring up with just anyone... But I feel like maybe you're one of those people who deserve to know..."

Her body stiffened instinctually, eyes glazed over as she thought about how she was going to speak of this, "..A year or two ago, in this world's time, I had.. Met someone. Someone, who I felt, I wanted to see."

She spoke slowly and full of thought as she continued to speak of the incident in this way, "..We spoke a little, but then that person wanted more... My young little stupid little empathetic self was getting swept up by this person's desires, and then suddenly we were in bed.."

Her tone gradually got more and more dower as she spoke, slowly blinking, "..Then.. I.. Drank something.. And I just got swept up all the more.. I didn't know what I was doing.. I couldn't place my emotions from that person's emotions.. I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to be.. Intimate, but... I was pushed.."

"Pushed.. Pushed.. Pushed.. I-into... Having... Sex..." Monotonous, she spoke as if she was disassociating from reality itself, "..In that realm... I had hallucination after hallucination of that moment, over and over again, each time worse than the last... And every time I recalled it, I felt illness and dread..."

She let out a labored sigh, her position unmoving as she spoke one last line, that line, that awful line as her eyes turned pitch black...

"..I was raped, mom. I can't let it go."

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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:14 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The Demoness remained quiet for some time. She never once stopped stroking her daughter's hair, holding her, and making sure the fellow kin felt safe. The bombshell which was dropped toward the end of her exchange was bound to occur at some point, however. Given all the abuse Algos induced upon her fellow blood relative and the bond of Mana's extract in each of them, the manic Queen was quite aware of all that occurred. How to handle the affair was another story.

"I'm aware. It is part of the reason I beat Algos within an inch of taking her life before you stepped in that day in Ulv's city."

There was an exhale of breath after stating that heavy truth aloud. Truly, she loved all of her children, but that day was a black stain in the memory of The Queen. Coming this close to slaughtering her own creation could have induced an even greater pain than whatever occurred on that day. Hence, ever since then, The Demoness kept her eye on the likes of The Princess from a distance.

"I haven't even been able to be near Algos since then if it isn't for anything related to our duties as royalty."

Another exhale was given before the woman's manic grin slowly faded and in its place a solemn expression gave way as the color in her emerald eyes dimmed. With a snap of her finger, the woman formed a tall glass in her right hand that was filled with gin n' tonic boosted which had demonic energy infused within it to make it lethal for any human to guzzle; but potent enough to take the strain of this hellish off.

"The only reason I allow her to draw breath is that I know there is a lot wrong with that child as something similar happened to her when Khala possessed Neoveta to retrieve Iriko long before you were ever a thing. I'm sure you are familiar with that story given your interest in hell."

Guzzling down her tall glass of sweet liquor, the woman could feel her body radiating a fresh wave of chillness from its release flowing in her veins. So, her gem green eyes locked themselves on Calypso and she carried on.

"She is sick. Very sick. I utterly failed you both in that regard."

While she rubbed Calypso's cheek, the woman's eyes dulled once more as her voice grew more hushed. With her own emerald tears beginning to fall on the head of Calypso, she kept speaking.

"And you aren't wrong: we share many experiences of pain. Do you think I made my path to power without suffering for it? When I was a far weaker demon, I went through similar experiences; but never with my family..."

Head blank, Mana didn't much care to elaborate too much on them. It wasn't important since that pain did not shackle her down. So, she focused in and continued to hold her daughter as her wings fell downward and her voice grew quieter.

"...but that's not important. What is important is that I am still here for you and will do anything in my power if you need anything. I am your mother, I love you and I have failed to protect you."

That hurt to admit, but it was the truth. So, her voice grew into almost a hush as she just leaned her head against Calypso and closed her eyes.

"So in exchange, you can have anything in this world I can realistically's all I can do."

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:50 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso was in silent shock as her mother admitted to her that she not only knew of such an atrocious action, but such a thing was why she almost.. Beat Algos half to death... Before she stepped in..? She had no recollection of such an event - her sibling had so thoroughly abused and drugged the hell out of her with her blood and magic. After they stepped into that portal it was nothing but a pleasant, confusing red haze in her mind.

Mana's emotions, her words, gradually pulled Calypso down, grounding her as the demonic queen spoke her thoughts and words of the situation, gently nodding her head as she spoke of what happened to Neoveta - She recalled the story just fine. Her mother's regrets spilled forth soon after, though the girl eyed her mother's drink silently through void eyes, she heard her words and felt her sentiments of love as the demon remained close to her mother.

Calypso's heart was silent as she felt her mother grow all the closer to her, resting her head on her own, and asking of her, what she wished - As her mother was willing to provide whatever possible to her. For the longest time, the demon had a burning desire inside of her, she had one thing she could ever wish of from her mother...

"..Well I want a glass of what you're drinking. Shitty time to be sober."

She pointed to the woman's glass, so simply stating such a desire, before lowering her hand,

"..But, what I really want... Is..."

Her voice had the tones of hesitance, but she pressed on,

"..To learn how to become strong enough to end your misery."

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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Sun Nov 08, 2020 9:55 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"Say no more."

As her eyes became alit with a fiery shade of emerald, a tall crystal glass of gin n' tonic filled at the right side of Calypso for her to take, grab and drink down her sorrows. Though, when she started speaking about what her heart truly wanted, Mana let out a grim chuckle as the link between them was potent enough for her to tell what her intents were with that last commit of wanting to put her out of her misery.

"Ah, so you want mommy to die? I know ya' don't mean it like that, but it hurts seein' ya family in pain n' ya want to do anything to make it end."

With her sass n' twang coming back, Mana had her slithery green tendril pat the head of Calypso as she laid down with her daughter, huddled them both up in a blanket of her appendages, and soon she let the room grow dim and dark. As now the only thing which kept it alit was the miasma of her smokey emerald green energy. Well, at least until thousands of glistening stars lit the room with a cool blue glow as it seemed as if they were in the cosmos themselves as the reflection of space flowed into the room around them.

"If you can become strong enough to do that, I'll give you a treasure to ensure the progression of our family's kingdom n' dynasty. I don't think I'd mind if one of my children tried to slaughter me; as I couldn't think of a better way to die and leave something behind for my lovely daughters in my own foul way."

Now resting her head against the neck of Calypso, Mana took a content sigh as one of her gem green eyes opened to the sight of her pale-haired child.

"I don't think we've ever just sat, held each other, and looked at the stars together. There are many things to do and experience before we worry about putting a knife through my heart. I know it has to happen, but not now."

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:29 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The shade coloring of her eyes dimmed just a bit as such an earthly delight in alcohol was presented to her. She gingerly grasped the glass, bringing it to her lips as she took a sip, noticeably jolting from the first sip. She was used to Earth's alcohol, albeit it felt pretty weak in her system compared to if Vanyel took a swig, at least before she turned him. But this glass had her struck by the first sip, it definitely wasn't something she had before, and so she took a deep breath, periodically sipping it at the two spoke.

"Well, 'kill' definitely isn't the solution here. Believe me, I've had years to think it over - Whatever causes it, you'd just end up in another host with that sickness-like madness festering in your mind and soul. Reincarnation seems to be a thing with you and my... Much, much older siblings."

She rested against the woman's body as she spoke these thoughts of her's, continuing with soft tones as she reflected on all these possibilities her mind conjured,

"That defiant white flame inside of me... I think it can cleanse your soul of those impurities... But, in the process it would probably kill you, and throw you right back into that roundabout of death until you end up reborn or stuck to someone else. That madness, that negativity... It's so deeply entrenched, after all.."

She thought nothing of such an offering, if she did manage to bring her mother to her knees. There was no ambition, no thirst for power. Her mother's death would not be a proud occasion, filled with roaring applause and cheers - That inevitable day would likely be one of the saddest days in the dream demon's life. It wasn't an accomplishment, it was merely doing what needed to be done to aid her, cure her, and give hope to a better life.

With all of that in mind, all Calypso could say was, "If I succeed, I'll accept such a thing. I would rather be the one to do it, than some being wishing to play hero and only prompt another wave of insanity in the future with their short-sighted goals, only to have the cycle of madness continue on and on."

Calypso hummed in quiet agreement, her black-teared gaze looking to the false stars,

"We haven't. I supposed.. We should be enjoying these tender moments, until that day comes."

A sad grin tore at her features as darkness continued to fall from her eyes, "...It's funny, a moment like this was all I dreamt of having as a child, but I only get to experience it after I've had my innocence torn asunder multiple times... Such cruel ironies this world possesses..."

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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:37 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Quite the glum one was Calypso. Death had been on the child's mind for quite some time in the perception of The Queen. Scared of the ramifications of reincarnation, thinking of what loser hero would try to kill her mother, having to slaughter her mom herself; twas' a lot of heavy subjects at once to mull over. So, Mana just put her right hand on the top of her daughter's head and kissed her forehead. In this physical gesture, she'd make sure her kin understood all was going to be ok.

"Purification, reincarnation; none of that stuff really matters. I'm pretty sure wherever I'll end up, this body will be renewed and free to start the cycle again. All lives, born with madness or not, are an empty slate when we begin. Trying to force purification won't work for anyone. Souls have to be free to choose their own path, or you'll end up like your sister since I failed to give her one."

Indeed, Mana herself had no doubts that the sins of this lifetime would be absolved through whatever means of death would come her way from someone who wasn't seeking fame, glory, or power through skewing her pretty little ass across the stake. So, instead, The Queen was concerned with allowing whatever came next to live as they pleased without being forced to choose between madness or purification.

"Stop stressing. It will be alright, little one."

Spoken without a single shred of doubt in her mind, Mana merely held on to her daughter as she took another sip of her tonic, eased her nerves, and began to enjoy the moment for what it was: a mother and her child bonding with one another in these precious sands of finite time.

"The world sucks when ya ain't got the power to tell it to fuck off, but at least we ain't dead yet n' got time to enjoy ourselves now that we got beyond the hard part of her relationship as mother n' daughter."

With a whirl of her finger, she'd then let out a content sigh before shifting her focus down at her belly.

"But since ya soured the mood, I may also ask a favor from you. But I'm not sure you'll like it...."

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:38 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The young one's head slightly twitched as her mother gave her those comforting affections, the demon settling down as instinctual feelings of lulling calm induced by her parent had come over her, tense body relaxing and loosening as her head sunk back onto her mother's chest, taking in the physical gentleness as she listened to her mother's words, sneaking a sip of her own drink ever so often as she allowed the alcohol to run through her system to aid in her relaxing.

She understood - forcing a state of being on another creature wasn't right, rather harmful in the long run as she pitifully sighed. She didn't want to force it upon her mother, or anyone, she couldn't do such a thing... However she remained silent on the subject, humoring it no longer as her mother comforted her and wished for her stressing to cease.

She couldn't help but stress, but she could keep it quiet, for now, for her mother.

"..Yeah... I'll enjoy whatever moments we have left..."

Her form was silent for a while, steadily finishing off the remains of her share of drink, until her mother spoke up once more, requesting a favor of her that she possibly wouldn't like. Like she had all manner of life suddenly injected back into her, the demon's black tear-stained face sprung up to meet her mother's own,

"What is it? You can ask me. I can probably do it, if it's within reason.."

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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:53 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mana's eyes became devoured in emerald light as her power started to increase. The air around them briefly heated as she started to rip straight into her gut to rip open a gem green vortex of energy. Reaching deep into the essence of her own inner world, the demon let out a snarl as her fangs, claws, and wings became drenched in lime hued electric sparks as someone came out of the wormhole. It -- almost looked like The Queen herself.

As this woman lay on the floor covered in juices, blackened energy, and electricity; Mana took a hardened sigh as her body started to relax, the air-cooled, and all seemed to slowly relax in the atmosphere. But, her lush green eyes never took their sights off this entity which came spewing forth out of her being. And that is because this person was rather important to her. It was the start of all this in her current life, after all.

"Haniel Iahel. This is the first physical body I possessed to give me something tangible to root my power in. Too bad I corrupted her body as she'll be a half-breed or full breed demon by the time she regains awareness."

There was a pause before her eyes set their sights on Calypso and a nod of the head ensued shortly after.

"Whenever this girl awakens, take care of her and help her adjust to the world. You are part of me, so you may have a clue of how interconnected we are...."

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:26 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso's body tensed a little as she sensed the sudden climb in her mother's energies, the demon backing off for a moment as the woman plunged a hand deep into her gut, dripping with emerald fluids, until she pulled out a whole ass fucking person from her stomach, who looked nearly identical to the Queen. Calypso's appearance became far more wild looking from surprise, a dark draconic tail, small wings made of a flurry of desire and dreams, as well as black scales adorning random points of her body as her eyes turned blood red, pupils slit as she looked between her mother and the new person, her rigid hair soon cooling off back to it's sleek white as the tension and energy within the air lessened after performing.. She wasn't sure what her mother was doing, honestly.

She looked to the woman on the ground - She could tell she was fast asleep, rather than dead or any other terrible state a person could be in.. Her body slowly sunk back into it's more humanized apperance, as her mother explained who this was, and this supposed favor.

Calypso was silent as her mother asked such a thing of her, blinking a few times as with the final blink her eyes returned to their normal dull grey,

"Yeah, sure. I don't see an issue with that."

She looked to the unconscious girl, feeling a sense of familiarity as she casually gave the sleeping figure a stroke on the head, facing back to her mother as her head tilted to the side,

"I don't understand why you would think that to be something I wouldnt like - I already have two
young stragglers staying with me and Vanyel trying to adjust to this world, I wouldn't mind taking more,"
Her finger touched her chin as she was in thought for a moment, "..My only questions are probably, why tell me this now? Why pull her free, now? Has something changed?"

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Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana]

Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:49 pm

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mana eased back down, closed her eyes, and started to enjoy the coolness of the room as the stars started to glisten once more with life. It took a few moments for her to then contemplate the words to say as to what brought her to a decision. So, she merely stroked the hand of Calypso with her right hand until she eventually decided on what to say. With her emerald eyes now awaken to the world once more, it was time to speak.

"I have no intention of turning over a new leaf to the world and becoming some weak flower girl because I have sappy, maddened feelings of love for my family. I'm a Demon Queen: I kill people, I bring nations crumbling to their knees and radiate the prowess of madness at my side. However, I feel giving this girl her life back is repayment for quite the wild ride of a life I've been given."

After taking time to glance at Haniel with a look of amusement, she carried on with her rambling words.

"I'm a wicked Queen, but I ain't totally heartless. So perhaps your own madness is rubbing off me with wanting to just give this girl another chance at life. I ain't sure how it's gonna go over, but why not see what might happen for the hell of it? Ya' seems like the type of person who is good with things, n' I'm a crazy enough bitch to want to watch how things play out to amuse myself."

With a roll of her shoulders, that made enough sense to her to want to follow through. So, for now, she returned to hugging her kin before closing her eyes once more and asking another question:

"Really, your madness that lives in me is quite potent, isn't it, little one?"

Stare Into The Void... [Calypso/Mana] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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