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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Aug 04, 2020 9:57 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Much of what Ulv said during the first half of her interaction with the demon princess was rather true. Casting your fire into this world would cause others to be burned by its dazzling glow. And, much like Ulv, the demoness had certainly engulfed other cursed spirits in the inferno of her power. Yet, others were blessed by the touch of her inner embers as those who worshipped this woman wanted to see glory through her might. So, Algos could do nothing but nod her head in agreement with what was stated.

Well, at least until that part about having children. The woman's face grew bug-eyed as Algos wasn't sure if the woman was drugged, lucid, or otherwise impaired.

Her? Having children? That was such a far-removed notion that it almost seemed like a fever dream. Hence, it is why the woman had a tendril extend from her back that was drenched in a bright crimson glow. This appendage then began to pat the forehead of Ulv as she seemed rather concerned for her well-being as Algos's face grew redder.

"Are you ok? I don't think asking a Princess of Devils to have your child is something you while you are of sane thought. I think you may actually be dying tonight if you are spouting lines like that."

Algos's voice was faster, flustered, and more sparked with energy as her heart raced and she shook her head.

"Besides, what makes you think I'm even fit to have a child? Suffering is ripe in this world and it's never cross my mind to bring another demonic creature to relish in this hell we call existence."

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Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Wed Aug 05, 2020 7:42 am


"You are cute when you blush"

Ulv's voice was stronger now, more firm. The flash of emotion from Algos instead of just eradicating Ulv on the spot had woken her and now there was a serious conversation to be had.

"Never trucked with sanity. It's restrictive and boring. But I am serious to a point, Algos. Motherly love is the deepest of all loves, and a child to care for you, of your own flesh and blood...there is nothing greater in the world. To have someone to hold tightly, to have someone there that is truly, completely yours. They will help you as much as you help them, and together you might soothe the world.

And if they comes from me, well they might just help soothe you while they are at it"

Ulv would reach up and stroke Algos' blushing cheeks, a warm and gentle smile on her own face.
"Because as much as you proclaim it, I deny it. Listen to the words I say. You deserve someone in your life to make you happy"


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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:37 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

"When you say embarrassing things like that, I'm not sure what else you expect me to react as."

Algos regained her sense of self as her blunt tone of speaking came back to life once more.

"Wanting to impregnate me when I wanted to kill you not too long ago is a bold move, I'll give you that."

There was then a gentle sigh given before the demoness set her blood gaze on Ulv to hear what she had to say. The notion of a motherly love being one of the most potent loves was a questionable thing in the mind of The Princess. All she could think of was disgust, irritation, and abuse when it came to the affections that bastard Mana gave her. So, she shook her head to disagree.

"That isn't what my mother gave me. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about it. There is a good chance the child will grow to hate me, or I might hate it with how things go in my family."

Firm in her voice, the woman protested Ulv's assurance that this whole theoretical situation of having a baby. As nobody knew what could develop if she even humored that idea. Assuming that it would be ok and everything would be alright was naive in the mind of the demoness.

Though, her cheeks grew warm as she felt the muscular hand of Ulv touch her milky-smooth cheek. As, in contrast to the other taller woman's body, Algos's was soft, tender, and filled with warmth many souls could find themselves melting in for all of eternity. Still, her crimson stare held firm as she started to speak once more.

"Who says I'm not just using you as another fleshy body to comfort myself? Happiness is subjective, but I feed on the suffering of the others, so it is a natural state of being to me. Dragging anyone else into my possessive grips would bring them hell and I still hold my doubts anyone can compare to that intense love I shared for Calypso."

A pause was given before Algos tangled her legs against Ulv's own and focused her blood gaze at her. In that moment of intense physical intimacy, the woman then had dozens of tendrils slither, growl and groan as her lower back had them scatter about the room as a slight shaking of demonic pressure thickened in the room.

"What do you want from me? I can slaughter you at any moment, yet here you are blissfully holding me in your arms. You may be insane enough to be an Asthavon at this rate...."

With her voice becoming sterner in tone, the woman let out a slight hissing sound as her clawed hands gripped the waist of Ulv. As her legs tightened around Ulv, it was almost as if a spider was drawing its warm web of embrace around the other woman as The Princess's body continued to brush and rub against Ulv; seeking to catch her in this demonic grasp.

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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:12 pm


The bloody gaze of Algos was something that most would bawk if not completely break down at. But she was not looking at most, she was looking at Ulv. Though she reeked of death, Algos would come to realize there was a depth to the woman she straddled that was a deep, gaping maw of eternal flame ready to swallow the Princess up. It shouldn't have been possible, Algos was significantly stronger than Ulv and Ulv stunk of death, slowly and terribly dying to death. And yet it was. After all, Ulv in no way exaggerated when she told Algos her mentality was beyond the mortal ken, and merely the focusing of it could put people on their knees. She didn't even need a single drop of energy to do such a thing.

"Insanity" Ulv spoke, her tone like the warm crackling of a fire in the middle of winter. And yet contained within, the implication that the same fire could bring slow and terrible death to any who treated it without care. "Is merely a mind different to the norm. In that case, yes. I am insane beyond mortal ken. I know you are worried, I know you - much like Calypso - are worried that you'll turn out like Mana, but that will only happen if you let it. If you let your domain and your aspect run wild without any fetters. If you put no thought or care into the people around you and act you wish to act. Then you won't need to worry about your daughter, because everyone will hate you.

The one question you need to ask is; are you the kind of woman who sits and does nothing because there is a possibility of your actions being met with failure? That is the one and only question that needs answered. Do that, and I will cede to you"


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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:30 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Mmmmmmmmm. Sometimes a woman sought comfort above all else. Feeling that fiery warmth within Ulv's mad soul is what Algos found oddly fascinating. Sure, she could struggle against it just well and perhaps even overpower it if it came down to it in her mind, but the desire to be comforted by something so firm was a nice feeling to her. So, for now, she slowly had tendrils rescind back within herself as the devil's grip lessened.

"I can be just as foul as my mother, but I have no desire to reflect her persona. I have my own aspect of madness that I live by and don't need to be a fool to extract my mania."

There was a foul chuckle which emitted from the mouth of Algos as she started to lay her head against Ulv's neck; taking in her scents as the woman's nostrils started to indulge in her ember-scent.

"I'm not afraid of a risk, but I do acknowledge it. So I can act even if it means I might fail. I've done nothing but have a year of failures since this miserable war started, after all."

The demon's eyes started to close as she had her blood aura bleed out around them; lessening the pressure in the woman before asking this simple question.

"Now what do you make of that?"

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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Wed Aug 05, 2020 5:46 pm


"I can be thrice as foul as your mother for no reason other than because I fucking hate humans. Everywhere they step is a big pile of shit that they have thrown at another human because he has yellow berries and I have slightly less yellow berries so lets go fucking murder him. I hate the lot of them and I wish they would all just fucking cease existing and go away.

But I don't be as foul as your mother. And nor do you. Ability isn't a guarantee. You can, yes, but chances are you won't. You are, as you say, yourself" Ulv would, seeing the strange comfort - though, when you lived in a world like Algos', maybe The World Of Fire was more comfortable than terrifying. Or maybe the terror was a delight when put against what else she had to deal with. Demons were weird.

"I say you don't even rate a sidebar. We lost eighteen people when you arrived. Half of them didn't believe the rain was actually acid rain, the other half thought their parasol was sufficient protection from the storm. I didn't even get to talk to you, best I did was comfort Ania while everyone else dealt with you. As disruption goes, we were back to full productivity the next day"

Stroking Algos' hair, Ulv would sigh and think back to the time that she was about to talk about. It was still raw, and lava was still a sore spot for her, though no quite as bad as it was in Beijing.
"For worst disaster of the war, you need to look to Oda Tatsuya. Guy dropped a volcano on a civilian city, killing eight hundred people, severely wounding and displacing thousands, and destroying Jefferson City. There is debate if it should be repaired or left as a monument to the people that died there. You lost your head in a moment of passion and are learning from those mistakes. Resolving to never make them again. Tatsuya didn't give a crap what had happened and let the same thing happen again at the next moment it could.

You have not failed. The only failure is the one do not rectify. And you, have put in all possible effort to recover and repair. That, Algos, is the sign of a beautiful woman. One who will accept and acknowledge a mistake, and work to fix them. You'll never get through life perfectly, but you will get through life so much better, fixing as you go. That is why I am not worried for your motherhood. Because you love deeply, care even if it is for your own sake - you'll be surprised how much any kind of compassion matters, regardless of the reason - and you try to fix what you have broken"


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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:58 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

A tingly feeling went in the body of Algos when Ulv started muttering notions of her being thrice as foul as her mother. The Princess felt amused by that notion and found herself snuggled up even further as her leg kept brushing up against Ulv; enjoying the inferno of warmth her body provided. Though, her blood gaze focused once she registered what the woman said.

"Perhaps you are right. I have the ability to level this town, doesn't mean I have a desire to anymore."

Spoken coyly, Algos's attention drifted again as her right index finger started swirling around in circles as she played with Ulv's abs while the vizard continued to utter on about the notion of her being a sidebar. That was an absurd way of putting things as she knew the weight her title as Princess of Shadow Fall held in this world and previous acts of violence, savagery, and carnage she waged in wars of the past. So, with that in mind, the demon's sloppy, wet red tendril gently slapped itself across the woman's face in a playful way.

"Don't refer to be as a sidebar or I might get serious enough to finish the job this time around. You know good as well that there is blood on my hands among this world."

Speaking in a half-dazed voice, Algos lazily buried her head in the bosom of Ulv once more as she started stroking her hair. It was a childish comfort, but the woman did like to be indulged and spoiled. Maybe all Princess's were this way, who knew. At any rate, her scarlet stare looked up at the woman once more as she carried on about that loathsome war.

"You say all these sweet things to me to melt this black essence of Neoveta's heart over and put a child in me. It's beginning to make me think if you are a sociopath or not. Maybe you were born a demon in another life."

Even though her words came off in a subdued manner, the woman still bared her fangs once more before promptly retracting them.

"I can't say I'm totally against the idea, but I'm not totally for it either. I do not know if I'm even able to give myself to another after Calypso. I wanted her to relish me and for me to relish here. Anyone else would have to play like hell to travel through the cosmic hole she left in me."

With a sigh, Algos closed her eyes and muttered one more thing aloud:

"If you keep playing with devils, you might get burned. Fondness for me, my mother, my sister, and others will only bring you hell. You can get as comfortable as you want with me, but don't blame me if others come for your head, my ember-knight....."

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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:19 pm


"I meant your attack on Minatumi, relative to the rest of the War. Not you in general. You in general are a beautiful, powerful, passionate woman anyone would be lucky to have the affections of. I would never wish to compete with Calypso, and would forever know she is superior to me in your heart. But you need someone. Everyone will lose you if you linger in the past, and you are far too important to be lost like that" Ulv told her. And then, Algos hit the nail on the head, thinking Ulv was a sociopath.

"Something like that. I definitely don't feel the same way normal people do. My mind is scoured of true emotion, all I have is what I can mimic and mirror. I have to balance passion beyond ken with rage beyond cohesion. The two scrap and sheer, and what is left at the end of it, but me. A strange thing. But don't worry about being burned, dear. Fondness for anyone only brings me hell. If people want to come and complain that I have you as my friend, then I will explain to them what the fuck Neutrality means"

Ulv scowled at the idea of someone getting upitiy for Ulv having Demon friends when the Demons never got upity for Ulv's connections to their opposing forces. Then, she let out a laugh.

"Though, honestly. I was suggesting you could impregnate me. Mostly, because I have no way to impregnate you and I can give birth in a month to a baby who matures to a child in another month. No idea about gestation and maturity of Demons, but the first issue stands, if the second does not"


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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:51 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

As blood tears started to flow from her scarlet eyes, the woman could only give a foul smirk as she pierced straight into the fiery eyes of Ulv without much hesitation.

"Perhaps getting lost is for the best. Suffering befalls me in so many ways that it isn't worth the trouble for weak souls."

A grim chuckle exited the lips of Algos as her own blackened aura of death rotted the windows around them in a mist of shade as her lavish crimson energy groaned with pain.

"Well, aren't you quite the charming soul? Sticking your neck out for the devil like that? Ya deserve a treat for that."

Algos soon shifted her face closer, closer, and closer toward the vizard -- until a peck of the cheek was given to Ulv. Nothing too intense and passionate, just a friendly affection as the woman whirled her right hand in the air; making a glass of blood and booze foul into her grasp.

"Lovely. Savor it."

With a gulp of her drink, the woman let out a satisfying sigh as the intense nature of this demonic brew made a sense of overflowing warmth trickle down to the tips of her toes. All the while, the left side of Ulv's face may begin to radiate with tingling feelings of bliss, relaxation, and utter glow of heated feeling. The extract of a demon's body could produce many different feelings of emotion, strength, and other unusual phenomena in a person. So with her saliva enriched by that display of power earlier, there was no telling what may occur and Algos was half-amused enough to see what played out.

Well, at least until the woman almost choked on her drink. What? She wasn't expecting that Ulv wanted to be impregnated. Given the muscular figure of her body, she'd assume the inverse. So, Algos took another chug of her drink, let this moment linger, and tried to think of how to promptly respond to this mess of affairs.

"Why on Earth would you want to give birth to a child?"

That was the only thing that could escape the woman's blood-drenched lips as she sat there with her head tilted slightly to the side and eyes somewhat widen.

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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:09 pm


"I'll stick my neck out for any who need it, Algos" Ulv replied. And then there was a cute kiss on the cheek. Man, every part of this thing was just exactly what Ulv wanted. Fire and fury was all well and good, but sometimes she wanted those smaller times of passion. And Rakki could never handle Ulv, so that relationship was doomed. And outside of that, she never had any true connection. Any true, soft, intimacy like this. If Ulv was a lesser woman, she'd probably break down into tears.

"Ohh, I'm full of arrows~" Instead, she made a pun. But then Algos started spluttering on her drink, which raised an interesting question. Could she even choke? Something to experiment with in the bedroom - no, stop that Ulv.

"How else did you expect it to happen? I'm not exactly Prometheus, you know! I can't make a child other than by getting pregnant and giving birth to them. Getting Pregnant is kind of one of those things there is only one reason to do it"


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