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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:54 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Consumed in the shadows of the skies of sorrow, the blackened heavens wept with rain which drenched the earth below in an unending downpour of its glum on this grey afternoon. All was cold within the world, yet it felt befitting enough for a certain Princess of suffering to slither her foul essence into the realm of humans once more.

Emerging in the depths of the shadows of Ulv Auber's residence did the demonic royalty phase into existence with her suppressed power masking it's vast depths. Adorned in her all-fitting dress made of shade, the woman's blood eyes broke the darkness of the shaded room to focus in to see if her knight was still around.

Thus, in a simple, calm voice of authoritative power, she made this singular statement to the air around her.

"I smell death on you."

It only took a few sniffs of her nose to feel that the aroma of the woman's house brought with it a sense of decay. Indeed, Algos's own senses for the concept of death was not to be underestimated. With death's energy flowing through her, this demoness knew something foul was afoot. The only matter was getting straight down to business to the specifics. Hence, Algos's bloodied seal would glow with a flesh red pulsation of desire as she demanded that Ulv be brought to her presence immediately.

"Why do you smell of death, Ulv?"

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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:37 pm


"Maybe because I am dying?" Ulv retorted. She didn't so much as flinch when Algos arrived, getting warned of it the moment the membrane of her power around the city was breached. So she just filled the kettle up some more and flicked it on to boil. No longer did she have power to waste on flashy displays and such like. She had to keep what she had in case there was need before she was truly gone.

"You think people's eyeballs just start pissing blood and go blind for the fun of it? Some of us need our blood, you know! And I wasn't exactly subtle in my impending doom when we last met! I literally said I am going to die soon! I don't know how more overt I can be" Ulv's voice was hot and passionate, her aspect in full view. But, it was wrong. Ulv was riled and flaming but the surroundings did not burst into fire as they usually did. They didn't even get hot. An alarming and despairing showcase of the woman's current state of affairs....


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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:53 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Algos just stared vacantly at the woman as if she were seeing through a window on a clear summer day. The concept of her death seemed rather absurd considering the fact the most creatures of this woman's caliber of energy yielded enough power to mend their injuries together since she was comparable to a demon lord. Many vessels of ungodly spiritual essence such as themselves usually had some kind of resource, ability, or other divine prowess to assist in the semi-immortal nature of their existence. Ergo, The Princess started to realize how out of touch she was with other beings. Thus, she'd make herself firm and clear with what came out of her mouth next.

"I didn't assume you'd die so easily."

Blunt and to the point, Algos made her words without batting an eye as the woman was not phased by any of the sass. Thus, no raw emotion was given. Instead, an observing gaze held in the demoness's eyes before she noticed Ulv truly was dying. Whatever pitiful display of rage that was truly was a ghost of whatever raw strength she had prior. What a waste.

"Nor did I assume you were hard of hearing either. I asked why you are dying, not to recall obvious facts I'm already aware of."

Breaking the distance between them, Algos moved with no malice behind her eyes, yet she still used her demonic strength to flick Ulv back down to her couch as a warning tap not to get beside herself with her words. If the woman was hesitant to get into a brawl alone with The Princess before she was near-death, it would be unwise to irritate her in this state. Especially when the devil itself came bearing gifts.

"As depending on the why perhaps I can save you from this pitiful state of being."

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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:08 pm


"Technically you asked why I smell of death. Different question all together than why I am dying. Probably. From my standpoint at least, which is the most important if you want me to answer the question" Ulv looked over to Algos, before getting bustled off to the couch. Ulv decided not to fight her on that one. Though Algos would most probably lose a confrontation of strength against Ulv, Algos had many many things beyond force, and a lot of Ulv's things she didn't want to waste on dick measuring.

"This, isn't easy. It's just really unfortunate. Aizen appeared some I don't know I don't really keep track of time ago. Me and Hebi encouraged him that he needed to go back to Hell, though it wasn't easy because despite everything Aizen is still a really powerful guy. Directly after that, Hebi went totally nutters and blasted out a maddening energy across Asia. I couldn't allow so many people to get caught up in that and so I absorbed the majority of it into myself, leaving it to effect only the city we were in. A lot of power went into cleaning that madness, and between the two it was too much. I had to pull a very delicate balancing act for the next year if I wanted to survive. My very human body was never designed for this depth of power.

Unfortunately then I hear Hayden got Liu pregnant. Logically I knew there was a deeper reason, but as you so very well know, often emotion comes before logic. So I lost that very delicate balancing act and now my power is burning me alive. I'm keeping it at bay using my Inner Hollow's regenerative powers, and so I have about a year or two if nothing big happens. I'm hanging on to sort out my affairs and find a new protector for the city.

The true kicker to this is that the spiritual source of my malady means no magic is going to help me out here. Any kind of Kaido, Ninja Magic or Demon Stuff will just make it worse. Which is why I let it just happen when I live not three hundred miles from one of the greatest Kido practitioners of the age and I am close enough to Inami to walk into her castle and snuggle up for the night"

Ulv, much like Mirja before her, did like to talk. So that is what she did, a soft and bright cadance, fighting back the darkness of the night with tooth and claw even when wounded so.


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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:33 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

"I apologize if my words came off poorly then."

Again, Algos cut through the flood of words from Ulv with precise intent. The Princess had no desire to come here to start another needless fight, so she kept things on the level as this was not a relationship she had a craving to dissolve. However, she would be respected none the less.

Regardless, those blood eyes remained ever focused on the woman as she opened the flood gates with but a simple question. Asking these important inquiries of the self always brought about an extroverted person's desire to speak. And, when you ask the right question, you may receive more than you bargain for. In Algos's case, she had received enough information from this dump of insight to make a more concrete decision on what needs to be done. So, she dared not to interject until everything Ulv had to say was taken off her rotting chest.

"If you desire, I can make you a demon, and perhaps your soul will stay tethered to this realm. If the worse circumstance happens, perhaps I can salvage whatever is left of your spirit at death to bring you to hell and use my ties in the underworld to give you new life."

The woman's words never strayed as she kept observing Ulv before moving on to speak.

"And, should you reject that offer, if your regeneration is what is keeping you alive, perhaps merging more of my blood with yours can lessen your suffering. I feed off of the pain, torment, and destruction of this world. The essence of my ability can at least make your final days more tolerable and allow you to keep this facade up for longer while you find a successor."

Then, again, the woman moved through the darkness and placed her neck toward the mouth of the human-like woman. With a tilt of her head, she then posed this question out:

"It is up to you to reject the offer or drink what you need. This is merely Neoveta's own conscious not wanting to see you turn into a miserable pile of rotting flesh. Even if you must die, there is no need to needlessly suffer."

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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:04 pm


Ulv would listen to Algos' offer, and six heavy-set black arms would extend out from the woman, reaching over to pull her into a hug, should she allow it. The arms were definitely strange things. Very real, very much there, and yet without a wisp of spiritual power or indeed any kind of understanding as to how they came to be.
"You're a good girl, aren't you? Me and you did pretty much the same thing, only when I totally fucking snapped it was in Saburo City and Kamui was there to deflect the Oscura I would have wiped the back half of the city away with. But don't worry, I am not just sitting here waiting for death. It's why I came to see you and accepted your offer to be by your side"

Ulv would tap the symbol on her wrist that Algos had given her before.
"I am going to die. The me that is the collection of Ulv, Hvit, Mirja, Beowulf, Iko, Ruin, and The Beast, will all be laid to rest. And after that there will be a Demon by your side. She will care for you, though that is all I can assure. You can do whatever you want with her, but I will be well and truly gone. So any deals you strike with me about her will not carry over" Ulv would, should she have been allowed to bring Algos in in the first place, lay her head on the Princess' own. A warm, friendly embrace.

"As for pain, I can't tell you about that. The physical discomforts; the blindness and loss of balance and tiredness and puking blood and teeth falling out and getting tuberculosis suck. But pain? I don't know if I feel that anymore. For a while now I have had a mentality so incredibly powerful I can simply will earth-shattering constructs almost my equal onto the physical plane for a fair amount of time. And that comes simply because I want it to. Pain for me is like learning the alphabet. I might be in it, but if I am then it is something that I have just squirrelled away in a subconscious process so simple I don't even realise I am suppressing it"


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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:18 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Algos let the dying woman have her wish to her hug this demon. There was no reason to grow hostile over such harmless, intimate action. Though, her stare was vacant as The Princess began to process the notion of being a "good girl" as Ulv so aptly described it. Even if they crossed similar paths, the trail of destruction, lust, sin, and carnage was immense as The Demonic demi-god saw herself as sitting on a throne of death. To claim to be anything other than foul was a farce in her mind, but she ultimately cared not for it if it was for the betterment of herself and her people.

"You have your own idealized version of me. A good being is the furthest from what I am as a devil. What happened with you doesn't compare to the hell I indulge in with this world."

Those words were spoken as cooly as cold winters day. As those deadened eyes kept watch on Ulv, she kept listening to the details the shinigami spoke of when it came to the arrangements of her timely death. Though, before such a response could be uttered, that bloody stare of hers grew un-focused as the woman saw fit to lay her head against Algos's.

"Comfortable...are we?"

The Princess's mood was one which had been drenched in woe, though it was temporarily flustered as that was the reaction she had anticipated. With her cheeks flushed in a faint shade of red, closeness with anyone right now was a foreign concept unless she was enthralled in the essence of her passion for where such boundaries mattered not in those states of suffering bliss.

"And that is fine. I'm not asking for a mind slave to follow me around. I'll deal with that demon when the time comes for your death."

Granted, even if Algos's mind, body, and soul were cold; the demoness wasn't tone-deaf to the plight of a dying being. To lack social awareness as someone who was a royal was an utter sin. Due to this fact, the white-haired devil moved her hand around and began to pat the head of Ulv. With a gentle motion, she sat in her lap and just gave the woman the physical comfort she needed even if it was rather uncomfortable due to her own reservations about wanting to be alone.

"Then I'll be greedy and feed on that pain. I am a devil, after all. You can't keep us around without inviting bloody sin into your life."

In a gentle motion, Algos started to gnaw softly on the neck of Ulv. Sucking the essence of her rotting suffering and decay brought life, vitality, and strength into the depths of the demoness's frigid being. Though, it all soon turned to blood tears for one reason or another. With reflections of Cali's consciousness flowing into her mind, the deadened gaze of the devil grew into a dim chuckle as her face, filled with the blood of Ulv and the trailing tears of her own pity, came to full view.

"I still intended to follow-up on our last meeting. I let Calypso go to another man."

Licking her mouth of the thick, crimson essence; the woman closed her eyes and continued.

"So I'll need to consume all the suffering in the world to fill that void..."

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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:52 pm


"You have your own vilified version of yourself. My actions are more subtle but no less vicious and merciless. My life started with butchery for no real reason. We could have stopped and spoken, I could have taken them all down none lethally. I was beyond them, even then. Had I not possess the aformentioned incredibly, stupidly powerful mentality, my legacy would be death at the end of a mindless rage across the continent. Or a far more insidious and subtle use of my power to ensure any being I wished to possess would have no thoughts except the thoughts to please and obey me.

And yet, like myself who offers a hand rather than a fist, you are here. Talking to a dying woman who will soon be utterly irrelevant to you rather than putting all force into repairing the relationship with your family, or reconsolidating your hold on the Demon World, or looking to Heuco Mundo to wonder if any of Nagato's grudges linger and if that will be a problem in the future. Thus, I call you a good girl. Wrongness in a moment of passion is not evil. Wrongness, cold and calculating, is evil"

She would say nothing as Algos bit into Ulv's neck and started to drink from that. While there was physical pain aplenty, there was a disturbing lack of torment in the woman. Or rather, it was great effort to find sorrow alone. Everything in Ulv's heart was touched with passion and vigor, every emotion down to the simplest of things had the spark of resolve clumped onto it like an everpresent gas. Even the Fury that was by far the greatest source of darkened and destructive emotion within her was bound tightly within an even greater shell of conviction and principle.

And there was no escaping that even in the physical world, as Ulv's blood crackled and roiled to the touch. Warmer than any blood ever should be, it was a taste beyond any human blood. Both from the fact that she was genetically divulgent from humans in a big way, and the problem Ulv had was her reiatsu bound itself down to her smallest atom, and from there was burning her away. To drink Ulv's blood was to drink in the flame of resolve at her very core. And considering how Algos reacted the last time Calypso had such a thing......

Well, Ulv was too tired to question ramifications. After all, what was Algos going to do, kill her?

Still, Algos seemed to have let Calypso go, of her free will, though it pained her. Cupping the Demon's face with her hands, she would nod like a proud mother bear.
"That is good. Keeping her would only hurt yourself and her. This way she can come to reconnect with some distance between you two. In time you two will become close by a different angle. I know the despair when you realize the woman you love will never love you back. It is something I have felt twice in my lives now, and really not something I am ever looking forward to for a third time. It feels like there is a monster in your heart, chewing it's way out, vomiting spite and vitriol as it does.

But that is not the true ending. That is not forever, lest you let it be. There are a trillion demons counting on your passion and your capability to move forward. For them, for yourself. To overcome what you are at the core, to fight past every fibre of your being is a grand journey, though myself and Hvit both are proof that you are better for it when you do"

She would stare Algos in the eyes, still afire with vigor even in her guttering death days, and hen nestle her back in.
"You are not alone. Do not try to deal with this as if you are. Friends, and Family, are there eternal" she'd but a warm and soft hand on Algos' head and stroke her hair comfortingly. Maybe none of this had any impact on her whatsoever. Ulv had experience with that, between Henrex and Shio and Yaksha and Takehiko and Tatsuya and Elyss and...the list grew every day.

"Besides, no need to worry about Calypso. Vanyel is a good kid, he'll treat her right. I once blew his arm off, you know? Few years ago in Greece. It was fun"


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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:41 pm

Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Algos remained silent for a time as she stared into Ulv's eyes at that moment. The woman saw no sense of goodness within herself. All that remained is a mindlessly hungry beast of sin that consumed the suffering and pain of others. Yes, the cursed girl, the one who felt and saw things no other being should. A creature of self-pity, possession, murder, and sickening lust. Yet, in spite of that, this half-dead woman kept rambling about the good in her heart. It flattered the demoness as a half-dry chuckle escaped her bloodied lips.

"Many would disagree with you. Though, the gesture is sweet none the less. I'm a goddess to some of my own kind, a monster to others. Those moments of grey in the midst of black and white can make a spirit seem like the inverse of what they are. Perhaps that is what this is."

At this moment, Algos didn't even give much of a hell about whatever the substance was churning in her insides. Unlike the shell, the body of The Princess had a different reaction since she was a beast of another caliber. The body of the Asthavon was seen shimmering a faint shade of honey as the resolve force felt like a warm high to her. Deep in the pit of her gut did it resolve and it only served to temporarily fill some kind of void within herself as she felt satisfied for the moment.

It is why her tired eyes then shifted toward the mouth of Ulv as she started uttering on about the notion of letting Calypso go and how it was for the best for the two of them. Despair is indeed what she felt, but the ties demonic creatures held for those they bounded with was on a level no non-demon could ever comprehend. Still, the words weren't utterly lost on the woman. The only thing keeping her going is that un-ending hunger from Neoveta's desire to provide some kind of a better dawn for their kingdom. The methods in which each of them executed it, however, may be vastly different; but it was still something.

"I only move forward for them out of my own greed, pride, and pettiness. I will correct the wrongs of those who defeated us. You don't have to tell me twice about that."

Honestly, that was the last thing on her mind right now. She wasn't Princess Algos. At this moment, she was whatever she wanted to be. An unknown, an enigma; a creature that merely tingled with desire. So, in following her instinct, the demoness laid her head in the chest of Ulv as she started to make demonic cooing sounds at the action of being patted. Feeling that warmth was nice, even if such a moment in time was finite. It is why Algos soon started to brush further up against the body of Ulv as she vibrated energy; the subtle grumbling of her vast void of power feeling somewhat stimulated by all of this as she let out a small whine.

"I'm not worried about him being unable to protect her. I just wanted to hold her for myself. The boy is strong enough...."

Now looking up with her face hinted with shades of red, Algos's dull voice continued to carry out.

"...and I cherish my kin and friends alike, but it does n to compare to the burning feeling love of a romantic kind brings."

Sounding more despondent, Algos's sense shifted as her body turned on the couch; yearning to lay down with the woman. And, in doing so, she took more notice of muscular frame and how nice it felt to be enveloped by these arms. Some kind of comfort was needed, so she merely closed her eyes and sighed.

"I suppose we are both pitiful reformations of the dead seeking comfort in our own demented ways. Perhaps that is why I'm in your arms right now instead of slaughtering my enemies."


"I just want to be held."

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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Venomous Death [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:15 am


"Many in the world do disagree with me on many points. It's proof I have been out into the world and met people" Ulv commented, a deeply held conviction there. Nobody alive was agreed with by everyone. But Algos wanted more, if it was because she liked the hug or because the short-lived energy inside her was sparking against the void she didn't know. But she didn't need to know, and just laid down, holding Algos closely, it was nice. When was the last time she had laid down like this with anyone? Let alone someone that really needed it?

"Ha. You only move forward out of your own greed, pride, and pettiness. You think that is in the least ways unique? Positive or negative, nobody in the world is truly selfless. Everyone is doing it for their own reasons, their own desires. Things they want to see happen. Nobody helps to help" Ulv's voice was a little less powerful now, as she drifted into a half-sleep of eminent comfort. It was unavoidable with beautiful women by your side.

"We can always...have a child together..." Ulv spoke, soft and airy. Was it a serious request to Algos? Was it her conflagulating the situation with another memory or even the hope of a memory? The answer was unclear.


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