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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:38 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It was hard not for Ari to have a twinge of regret when Kita recoiled at the kiss to her forehead. The woman was clearly still angry at her. Arianda didn't mind if Kita wanted to hit her more. Frankly, the emotions she felt from Kita caused Ari to expect at least a few more slaps; maybe even a punch. She wouldn't complain or cry. There was no point when, in Ari's mind, the demon deserved it for being an idiot and not talking to Kita sooner than she did. Arianda was completely new to having a girlfriend; like an actual girlfriend. Which was why Arianda was a little surprised when Kita didn't do anything more. The demon tried to give Kita a warm smile; albeit, the melancholy that was currently striking Ari didn't help her smile look terribly happy. Warm, sure, but Ari was clearly bogged down a tiny bit. Certainly, she didn't think this was how their date was going to go.

Arianda looked at the cup Kita had made from energy, which Ari made a small 'ooo' face at. Ari poured Kita some tea, after she held the cup out; filling it to where she thought was good. Or, until Kita told her to stop. Afterwards, the demon took in what Kita said and give her a smile that didn't seem quite as tainted by her new mod; one that was making her feel horrible because she hurt Kita so by being a dumbass.

"It's okay, I probably deserved it after all. I should be the one apologizing more, though. I worried and concerned you more than I ever should have; and I'm deeply sorry for that, Kita."

The demon continued getting more of their food out, pulling out a few napkins; one of which she put on Kita's knee. Afterwards, the demon stayed sitting on her heels; humming some as she pulled out a sandwich of her own. She put it on a plate and then sighed. However, her train of thought was pulled off the tracks and her attention brought towards Kita. She blinked at the woman before smiling gently.

"Then use a fork, Kita; or chopsticks if you like. We have napkins, to wipe our hands with, but I understand that you don't want to get your hands dirty with the food."

She nodded at Kita, eating some of her own sandwich as well. However, soon Kita asked a question to the demon; causing Arianda to tilt her head gently. She hummed softly, thinking on it while she ate the bit of food she had in her mouth. After a few moments, she chuckled softly.

"Demon world is... a lot of things. But, it is nice; and the home of demons. We've basically always been coming over to the earth; but those were some like me, who just wished to live on the earth. Meanwhile, there are the others who give demons a bad name. Shadow Fall is part of that... I don't know how much you know of it, but demons did invade the Earth at one point; and had dominion over most of it. That's part of why I left Shadow Fall. Cruel and unusual."

Arianda took another bite out of her sandwich, contemplating the next section of what she wished to tell Kita about.

"Despite that, demon world is still a beautiful place in its own regard. Vast lands, far more than what's on earth; and quite a few nations. I even have a palace there... Well, had. I'm sure I could claim it for myself if I ever wanted to; but, I'd prefer not to return to it for a while now..."

The demon looked down to the ground after she spoke, placing her sandwich down as she started to contemplate what exactly could be there. In a voice that was nearly to silent to hear, she muttered something to herself; something that Kita could probably barely here.

"And my parents are there somewhere too..."

After such silent speech, perhaps too quiet for Kita to hear; but she was right next to Ari. Maybe she would catch enough to understand. Eventually, Arianda looked up to Smile at Kita, sliding next to the woman to give her a one-armed hug from the side. She held it as long as Kita would allow, and then pulled away gently; carefully rubbing Kita's back before she lowered her hand back into her own lap.

"I could take you there one day, if you wanted. I'm sure the demons would leave us alone. I still have somewhat of a reputation... or can scare them away with an evil look alone."

Arianda gave Kita a warm, caring, smile. She wasn't completely happy; but being near Kita did help lighten her mood. She was with the woman she cared deeply for; it really did help lighten her mood. However, it was impossible for her not to feel bad. She had done something very dumb after all. However, the demon gently placed her hand on Kita's thigh; attempting to get Kita's attention gently.

"Kita... If there's something I can do to make it up to you for being such an idiot, tell me; please."

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:27 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Home - Artist: Silvervale

It was hard for her to stay mad at someone. Arianda seemed like she was genuinely sorry, and Kitarune fell silent, looking to the ground as she squeezed the hem of her skirt between her fingers, sighing softly, but still saying nothing. She looked up to see Arianda getting more of the food out and setting a napkin on her leg, and she quietly pointed to the sandwiches that she had taken out, silently asking for one.

Her head lifted and her expression perked up as she started explaining the Demon World -- which, honestly, it was surprising that she would call it nice. She had half-expected the Demon World to be extraordinarily violent and dangerous, even for those born of the realm. But, her eyes widened at the mention of demons invading Earth. She trembled briefly, bringing her arms around herself as she jumped from the sensation.

Demons had invaded the Earth? What about her homeland? What about the rest of Japan outside the Harbor and outside the Wastelands? How much had happened since she was in the Soul Society? It was a frightening thought with how little she knew about the modern-day -- she was a woman so horribly out of place from her time. But, looking up at Ari, she chuckled softly as she rubbed her arm.

"Honestly, I was expecting a bit of an...edgier description. Red skies, really violent, fire and destruction everywhere, you know, the works."

She gave a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of her neck as she took in a deep breath, wrapping Arianda's cloak tighter around herself, blinking a few times at the mention of the little demoness still having a mansion in the Demon World, her question to take Kitarune there, as well as something else that she mumbled that Kita couldn't quite catch.

But, at the mention of an evil look, Kitarune put a hand to her chin, humming quietly before reaching forward and gently grabbing Arianda's cheeks, stretching her cheeks out, squishing them together, playfully forcing her to make different faces, before letting go and sitting back, shaking her head as she put her hand back to her chin.

"Mmm...nope. If you think that a squishy cute face like that is gonna scare someone, you're sorely mistaken. Not an ounce of scares or horrors in that mug of yours. Even some of the best horror mangaka would be challenged to find something scary about you!"

Snickering and giving a light, playful punch before taking a drink out of the basket and taking a bite out of her sandwich, giggling lightly between bites and drinks.

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:55 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Kita's reaction to demon's invading Earth was about what Arianda had expected. It's why demons get horrible treatment, truthfully. Many beings will just dislike you because you are a demon, and not because of the kind of person you are. It was something Arianda was used to... However, she knew if she ever had children of her own, that weren't Caly and Aki at least, she would make certain that they wouldn't suffer from such things. However, Arianda gently reached out a hand and smiled at Kita; reassuring her that everything was okay. She had a feeling Kita was worried about quite a great deal of her past; but she wasn't entirely sure what. If it was related to where Shadowfall invaded, Arianda could assure her at another time that they had never reached Japan. Or, at least, not in a way that would destroy it.

After a little bit, Arianda gave Kita the sandwich she wanted, listening to the woman talk as Ari to started to snack on the food she had brought for them; humming pleasantly as she enjoyed the conversation, Kita's presence, and the food. Soon, however, Arianda chuckled softly at what Kita expected demon world to be like. Indeed, it certainly could be like that, especially if you went to the wrong place; or bumped into the wrong people. But, it wasn't going to be like they would be beating people up on the street for bumping into them on accident. Not to mention, it was likely the sky was a different color than the one on Earth. However, she couldn't help but agree that some places in demon world were quite aggressive.

As their day in the park continued, seated beneath a Sakura tree, Arianda was glad to let Kita talk as much as she wished; especially after she slapped her. Frankly, Arianda was even more so happy that Kita was no longer mad with her. However, after Arianda had finished, Kita reached forward and gently pulled on her cheeks, squished them, and made Ari do goofy faces that nearly made Ari burst out laughing from how odd it felt. Not to mention, Ari's cheeks were tinged with a small bit of red now; for reasons that could be obvious. Soon, however, when Kita explained that Arianda wasn't frightening in the slightest, the demon simply took it and giggled softly; grinning at Kita playfully.

"Hehe~ I'll take your word for it, Kita; I'm perfectly okay with being too cute to intimidate some people~"

Arianda hummed pleasantly, gently sliding next to Kita and wrapping an arm around the woman's waist; gently leaning her head against Kita's shoulder. Hopefully, this wouldn't be too much; and they were having a nice time anyways. Basically, Arianda figured that such a move would be just fine because of the situation; she just hoped Kita would feel the same in the end. Not to mention, Arianda felt very, very happy right now; and she couldn't help but want to be close to Kita right now. Arianda was truly, honestly, happy.

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:23 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: You Will Be Okay - Artist: FrostFM

As she settled down, managing to eat her food without bursting into a fit of laughter, Kitarune took a drink, before taking a deep breath and relaxing, relishing in the calming silence as the two of them sat there, the only sounds breaking the silence being the quiet noises of the basket, and the sounds of the world as people came, went, and birds chirped overhead.

She smiled at Arianda's response, closing her eyes to take in the serenity around her, and she heard Arianda shuffle around, feeling the woman sit down next to her. Tilting her head back, she welcomed the mild closeness, but her eyes shot open when she felt Arianda's hand wrap around her waist. A shiver instantly ran down her spine and Majin's staff manifested on her back, a pool of shadows quickly forming underneath Arianda.

The silhouette of Majin manifested behind her as the shadows immediately took shape, sharpening the ends into points as they gathered around Arianda's neck threateningly as Kitarune's breathing began to pick up in pace, scrambling to move a small distance away, shaking lightly as the shadows and silhouette faded.

"S-Sorry about that. Don't...don't touch me anywhere on the waist or below. You can rest on my shoulder and hold my hand and all that, but...n-nothing waist or below."

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:24 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda was glad that Kita had calmed down some after what had happened earlier; with her getting angry at Ari for being a dumb dumb. However, some force was apparently insisting that Arianda fuck up quite a bit today. The moment Ari's hand touched Kita's waist, shadowy spikes came to rest at Ari's throat; making the demon freeze in minor surprise, and because she didn't want to get stabbed in the throat. Regeneration or not, getting one's throat stabbed multiple times still hurts like hell; even if it isn't much more than a flesh wound. However, the demon soon relaxed when the spikes melted away and watched, with a large pang of guilt, as Kita scrambled away from her a little bit. Arianda looked towards Kita, with as much apology in her eyes as she could muster; at least before she attempted a small smile.

"Guess I'm doing pretty good at messing up today~"

After that small attempt at a joke, one Arianda did not follow through with, the demon gently, slowly, scooted closer to Kita; wrapping an arm around her shoulders this time. Afterwards, Arianda took one of Kita's hands with her free hand, that was not on Kita's shoulder, and held it gently; the demon resting her head on Kita's shoulder.

"Sorry... I'll make sure to remember; I promise. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me, after all."

Arianda gave Kita a warm smile, before she let silence fall and the demon hummed a small bit. It was a rather quiet tune, but... still, in a sense, an oddly hopeful on. Arianda may be doing quite good at messing up, but she hadn't chased Kita away on accident; and she wholly believed that she could get Kita out of her protective shell. Arianda honestly believed she could one day hold Kita's waist without issue; perhaps even more things. However, that was something to wait for. Arianda smiled gently as she leaned against Kita a tiny bit; still humming that oddly comforting tune before she spoke.

"Any requests for dinner tonight, Kita~? I'll take you anywhere you want; or make you anything. How does that sound~?"

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:02 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Nature's Crescendo - Artist: Stardew Valley

Taking a small moment to bring herself back to reality as the shadowy spikes slowly slid back into the pool that had gathered beneath her before the pool itself gradually disappeared, Kitarune took in slow, deep breaths as she stared in front of her, unaware if anything was even there -- and if there was, she certainly wasn't registering it or even bothering to try to.

As her breathing began regulating itself, the deep breaths becoming more and more shallow, she jumped as she felt something touch her hand, and her head jolted over to see what had touched it, breathing a quiet sigh of relief at seeing that it was still just Ari, though she flinched as the demoness moved closer to her, instinctively shrinking up and bringing her knees a bit closer to her chest as Ari leaned against her.

"No, I-I should be apologizing. I was stuck in the Rukongai for so long, running away from people who wanted to hurt me, or...worse, and I'm just still kinda paranoid, I guess. I'm just...scared that people who try and touch me like that are gonna hurt me, or...well, like I said, worse."

She paused for a moment, wrapping an arm around her legs as she took a bite out of her sandwich, washing it down with a swig of water.

"I can't really think of anything specific that I'd want. I haven't really been on any kind of special little days out like this in a while, maybe even ever, so, if you've got anything planned, you can pick."

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:19 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It was impossible now for Ari to feel bad. She may not have known about such things, sure, but... that made no excuse for Ari. And that certainly also meant Kita shouldn't be apologizing for things out of her control. Arianda was glad that Kita was taking the time she needed to breath and relax... but it clearly wasn't working how she wanted it to. She flinched and cringed at most of the movements Ari made; even just the simple action of taking her hand, which Kita said would be okay, caused her to flinch quite a bit. She also shrunk away when Ari moved closer to lean against her. Ari disliked such a feeling, to be frank; she wanted Kita to be comfortable... she didn't want her to be scared.

"Kita... No. Atsuko, don't apologize for things that are out of your control. It's okay that you were paranoid; the Rukongai, from what I understand, can be very rough in certain places. I know it will take time but..."

Arianda gently squeezed Kita's hand, holding her hand up now so that her hand was close to Ari's chest; to Ari's heart. She then surrounded Kita's hand with her own and smiled warmly; in such a caring, loving way... It was hard to imagine Ari hurting Kita right now. Ari certainly could never see it; she just hoped Kita would eventually see that too.

"But, you're safe now, hun. You're safe here, in Minatumi. Most importantly, you're safe with me, Atsuko."

Arianda gave the woman another warm smile, still holding Kita's one hand with both of hers; at least before she gently relinquished her hold on Kita's hand. Afterwards, she continued to hold Kita's hand with one of her own hands; humming pleasantly as she gently, slowly, attempted to ease her head onto Kita's shoulder. She oh so desperately wished to be close to Kita like so... but she knew it was hard for Kita to adjust. So, if Kita did not want Ari to rest her head there; Ari was all to glad to oblige.

Afterwards, Kita spoke once more, answering Ari's question about the questions for dinner. She couldn't exactly have Henrex come over and help with dinner if she wanted something that would be perfect; he had seemed to be surprisingly busy, recently. He hadn't even been home. It could be concerning, but everything seemed alright; which meant it was probably alright to not worry too much about him. Henrex could handle himself, after all.

"Well, I didn't have many ideas... Could try a nice dinner at home; I'll make you anything you want. I may not be the greatest cook alive; but, I can manage quite well nowadays~"

Arianda gave Kita a warm smile, deciding it was best to be gentle with the woman for now, as she too resumed eating her food; hoping that she could make a good meal that Kita would enjoy... and not cover the entire kitchen in flour in the process. Even if that little quirk of hers should be mostly gone, Arianda would not dare underestimate her ability to cause something like flour explosions again.

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Sat May 01, 2021 12:40 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Nature's Crescendo - Artist: Stardew Valley

Despite her anxiety and fear, Arianda continued to be gentle with her, even with her words as she assured her that it wasn't wrong for her to feel like this and that her feelings were valid. The mage let out a soft gasp at the mention of her original name, her cheeks flushing red for a moment as she tried to look away from the demon. Arianda took her hand again, cradling it close to her, and Kitarune could feel the gentle beat of her heart against the demon's chest.

Slowly turning her head back to face Arianda, a small smile teased at the corners of her lips, fading momentarily as Arianda went to lean against her shoulder. The mage inhaled sharply, flinching and moving a few inches, but slowly began to move back in her original place, letting the little demon rest against her. Her cheeks flushed red as her smile returned.

Giggling softly as she realized that neither of them had really made any plans for dinner, Kitarune shook her head softly.

"If you think you can do it, then I'll trust you with it. I'm sure it's not anything worse than some of the stuff that I've had in my life."

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Thu May 13, 2021 8:25 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Oh... How nice it was to make progress. Even if Arianda had to be more careful than she had ever been in her life, to be able to rest her head against Kita's shoulder without the woman shrinking away from her; especially since the demon wished for nothing more than to be close to the woman. It made the little demon quite happy as she rested her head upon the woman's shoulder; humming quietly as she let her eyes drift closed. Arianda decided to enjoy the moment as she gently slid her arm around Kita's left arm; humming still as she completely loved the moment they were sharing. At least, before Kita started to speak; and the demon stopped making noise so she could listen to what her girlfriend had to say.

Simply put, she was endorsing Ari to cook dinner for them tonight. This could either be an amazing time or a rather hilarious travesty. There could also could be some interesting in between for Kita to enjoy some laughing at Ari getting covered in flour. Frankly speaking, if Arianda was cooking for Kita; it was bound to happen. While it wouldn't harm the food, it would certainly be quite the funny sight to see. Arianda simply gave Kita a warm smile, and a tiny nod as she rest against the woman; humming quite pleasantly once again. To say the least, Arianda was quite happy that things had gone the way they did; and she certainly wished to make absolutely certain that Kita would have a great night to make up for some of the nights she had spent without the assurance that everything was going to be okay.

"Welp! We can leave whenever you're ready, hun~ I don't mind spending a bit of time out here until it starts to get dark; but I leave it up to you. After all, it wouldn't be too bad to watch the sunset~"

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Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 Empty Re: Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune)

Mon May 17, 2021 9:27 pm


Luminescent Love (Private: Arianda/Kitarune) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Nature's Crescendo - Artist: Stardew Valley

Even as the chatter between the two began to die down, Kitarune felt a strange peace within the silence of this moment -- even so much so that she only flinched for a moment as she felt Arianda's arms wrap around hers, and the mage smiled softly, sighing quietly as she set her hands behind her, leaning against their weight. She closed her eyes, shivering slightly from the bitey, chilly air.

She slowly opened her eyes after Ari said they could leave whenever, and the Archmage got to her feet, dusting off any grass, leaves, or dirt that got on her skirt and jacket, weaving a small bit of energy into Kido and magic in order to clean up their little picnic, before she picked up the basket and gave Ari a warm smile.

"Let's head back. We can always come out after dinner and watch the sunset if that's what you wanted."

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