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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Empty Blood Of The Lonely [Algos/Vanyel]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:16 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

A void of isolation. That is all Algos sought at the moment. She would not break or have her soul shatter, but to ignore the stinging stab of unrequited love was going to take time to process. And as the reflections of Neoveta's life bled into her love interests of Iriko and Belle, to her own mixture of desire for Calypso to fill the notion of loneliness in her heart; it all felt so fleeting to grasp on to someone to love her the way she saw fit. No one was good enough at this point and she could only drown her miserable sorrows in a tall glass of blood, demonic booze, and her own scarlet tears.

So as she laid her bare feet across her shadowy bed, the woman gazed at the red moon outside her window and mulled over the person who did have her beloved heart's: Vanyel. There was no pulsation of violence in her heart at this point, the woe of Neoveta's ego was far too strong on the perception of Algos to bother with her violent tirades unless she herself was threatened. But, in spite of that fact, there was a desire to get to the root of what this man wanted from her kin. Hence, to not drown in her despair and pain, the woman created a flaming vortex of amber colors for the man to walk through.

Yes, no matter where Vanyel was, Algos could access his mind, send him this telepathic impulse to come to her, and otherwise see where the two stood. And, as a loving big sister, vet the boyfriend of her cherished little sister. All while she continued to just let those bloody tears flow, drink and sulk in her own self-pity.

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2016-01-20
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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Empty Re: Blood Of The Lonely [Algos/Vanyel]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:40 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt


Artist: My Hero Academia - Song: Overhaul


The invitation, at first, gave him mixed feelings. She was the person who started all of this, who hurt Caly and had caused such a strong emotional reaction that he didn't even think was possibly within him. Something that now created further scars on himself, this time of his own doing in a desperate attempt to get away from a pain he hadn't felt in years.

Yet, she was also the one inviting him to her. Even if he wasn't an empath, he could tell that there wasn't any hate, violence, nothing. Only exhaustion and sorrow. Sighing softly as he slid a jacket over his shoulders, fitting one hand with a glove, storing Corrosion Cloud underneath it, and gathering any other necessary belongings before he took a deep breath and stepped through the amber vortex his elder sister provided him.

An air of caution came with each step he took as he carefully approaching the demon, honed from the years he spent with his brothers in the yakuza. His hands remained at his side, in hopes of showing some level of trust to her as he came to a stop, still a moderate distance away from her.

"Sup, sis. What do you want?"

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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Empty Re: Blood Of The Lonely [Algos/Vanyel]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:46 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

So he came. Wondering in the abyss of shadows, the only light within the room was the crimson particles of light that the princess's blood energy radiated and the reflection of the moon's scarlet glow. All Algos wanted as the deep scent of iron and liquor to fill the room as her ozone of sorrow bled in the room like a flood of grief. Still, in spite of this fact, the woman's red eyes kept their sight on Vanyel as he asked her this simple question: what did she want?

"What do you want from my sister? How do you plan to love her?"

Cold. The princess's voice was almost robotic and neutral. Indeed, those words did not sound emotional in spite of the woman's bloodied tears corrupting her face, dress, and bed. She had resigned herself to just letting that pitiful grief openly show if she were in the chambers of her own private domain. The world may not see this, but those in her personal life would.

"How do you plan to love her in ways I clearly could not?"

Feeling defeated at this point, the woman's eyes dulled further as her own loathsome aura grew more potent in its intensity. There was no sense of malice, but this pressure of her heart crumbling made the room feel as if it would smash in within itself. The only thing holding her together was the woman's stubbornness to keep to her promise to Calypso. This whole world just felt miserable under the weight of her failures at this point, but they had to be mended and repaired even if she would not like this path that she was on.

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:15 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt


Artist: My Hero Academia - Song: Overhaul

After he had asked his question, Vanyel began to inch closer toward the red gaze that peered at him from the darkened room, before he suddenly stopped. What did he want from Calypso? As he opened his mouth to answer, the second question she asked hit him, stopping the man in his tracks and causing his mouth to shut immediately.

He remained silent, even after she continued, asking him how he planned to love her in ways that she couldn't. He tensed up again. A few minutes passed before he finally addressed her.

"...I don't know what you're talking about."

An unintentional lie came from his lips as he tensed up once more and his hands slid into his pockets. Why was she saying that? Even if he could be loved, and if he loved her, he'd probably end up meeting the same situation as Ulv, though considerably less favorable, and much more likely to leave him as a bloody puddle. Yet again, that day came back to him -- Calypso's sorrow, and her kiss -- and a hand slid under his jacket sleeve, fingers gently running over his arm, and wincing at the feeling of scars.

What did he want from Calypso?

"...I just want to keep her safe. To protect her. That's all I've ever wanted to do, and I don't even understand why."

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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Empty Re: Blood Of The Lonely [Algos/Vanyel]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:26 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

"I'm The Princess Of Bullshit: so I know you are a liar."

That was the first bit of dialogue that came out of the semi-intoxicated demoness as she took another slurp from her bloody drink. With more of those fluid tears of scarlet flowing from her face, the woman lifted herself up from her bed in a quick fashion as her crimson stare pierced the darkness. There wasn't anything in her movements to indicate that the woman was angry, hostile or violent; but she needed to get closer to feel the essence of his soul.

Pulsations of love, confusion, desire and to protect gushed out of his spirit like an open wound of emotional affection. Were those not the same values Neoveta held? No. No. Algos perverted those. Perhaps what made those human different is that he had not laid a single deflowering finger on her -- no -- his beloved.

"Then you have to remain resolved, boy. You aren't right now as you less sure of what Calypso is to you than me."

Those words came off as blunt despite her drunken disposition. With the woman now placing each of her handed above him and pinning him against the wall, she eventually fell to his side and placed her bloodied face against his shoulder. Personal space? Who cared about that. She wanted to feel him, hold him, and sniff out the intentions of his heart. If he wanted her beloved, she had to trust him to handle such a task as holding something so pure as Calypso's beauty in his hands.

So, as her bloody tears continued to smear it's warm, fluid reflections against the baby skin of Vanyel; the woman uttered in a deadened tone this question out into the air for him to answer:

"What does love even mean to you?"

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2016-01-20
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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Empty Re: Blood Of The Lonely [Algos/Vanyel]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:36 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Golden Sun - Song: A Full Moon in Garoh

As the demoness rose from her bed, Vanyel took a step back, tensing at the callout. Even with it, his thoughts stayed firm. He wasn't lying. He took another step back as Algos grew closer to him, his heart beginning to pound a bit faster in his chest. Despite her bluntness and drunken demeanor, Vanyel knew the truth in her words: He really didn't know what Calypso was to him. He wanted to protect her and keep her safe, but that was all he could figure out.

Vanyel offered no resistance as Algos pinned him against the wall, the action only making his heartbeat even faster out of wariness, concern, and a mild bit of fear. However, those feelings began to fade as she rested against him, smearing blood on his face and clothes. However, her question would only spawn a greater deal of confusion in him. Vanyel looked to the floor, pushed into silence once again. Eventually, he turned to face her, unconcerned of the red overtaking the paleness of his skin and the blues of his clothes.

"I don't know. I don't know what love is, or what it means to me."

He paused, his gaze faltering to the ground for a moment.

"Because I'm not something that can be loved, much less by someone like Caly."

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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Empty Re: Blood Of The Lonely [Algos/Vanyel]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:52 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

He didn't know -- what love was?

That answer was not the one she was expecting. It took Algos a moment to process that notion that he didn't know what his love even was in the midst of her drunken stupor. However, it gave her tears to a chance to cease their release at that moment. And soon it gave way to her laughing as if she were pleased with the state of the world. Yes, she was feasting straight from his body as plums of scarlet and shade swirled around them like a beautiful demonic inferno of suffering.

This loneliness is what she needed to feast on!!!!

"You aren't fit to love her either."

Those words were the truth of Algos's mind as her dazed facial expression of manic woe pierced the pale blue eyes of her kin's beloved. This man was a gem in her beloved sisters eyes, yet he couldn't manage to see that woman as a precious diamond meant to risk his life for? Pathetic! Weak! Even more pitiful than her! In fact, all the woman's former malice for the man faded at that moment as he was just self-loathing as herself and that made the woman feel a sense of contorted connection with the man.

"Calypso's love is something worth seeing the last stains of life leave my eyes for."

Pulling Van into herself, the woman motioned herself to fall backward on the bed with him as she pressed the male against her heated, bloody chest; cooing his hair with her right hand as if he were a lost child in the night.

"It isn't up to you or me to determine what or who she wants to love. What matters if that shes that light in you and there must be something that triggered it."

What? Who was she to say something like that? Well, she was the most fucked up sister in the history of the gods. Tormenting her sister and extracting such sin from her, yet Calypso still found the inner beauty within to accept such a monster. It was absurd, yet the purity of her love was worth her entire heart being submerged in hell itself. So how could her nature not want to flow deeper into the depths of this man's weakness? Calypso did it for her.

"You are no different from me minus the fact you haven't committed such sin against her. In a more absurd world, you'd be better suited for my sense of false-love than her if you are this pitiful and lost, boy."

There was a laugh extracted from the woman before her tone of voice became more stern, eyes turned and energy lowered. When ready, she simply spoke this question into existence:

"What the hell are you with my sister for if you don't know what she means to you?"

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2016-01-20
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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Empty Re: Blood Of The Lonely [Algos/Vanyel]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:01 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Golden Sun - Song: A Full Moon in Garoh

The sudden switch from her bloody tears to laughter caused a small bit of unrest to grow in him, watching the small orbs circling around them from the corner of his eye. Saying that he wasn't fit to love her only caused him to chuckle softly. He couldn't help but agree with that. Algos didn't give him much time to respond before he was pulled into her and the two soon came to rest on her bed, with his head resting against her chest and the demoness gently playing with his hair.

It was strange and gave an even stranger feeling of comfort. His eyes partly closed as she spoke. It really wasn't his choice. No matter how much he questioned it, how little he thought of himself in comparison to her, it wouldn't change what had happened. He meant something to her, and there wasn't a thing in this world that could change it.

He joined in with her laughter, quietly chuckling at the rhetorical statement. Would he have been better suited for her strange, broken sense of love? He didn't know about that. Though, he quieted down as she questioned him once more. Why was he even with her if he didn't know that? She had already answered that.

"Just like you said. She's...a light. A ray of light that I wanna follow, wherever it takes me."

He paused, letting out a shaky breath before he continued.

"And...things feel tolerable and bearable when I'm with her."

Yet, despite everything that he said, there would be something that he would never say aloud, mostly due to his ignorance to himself, as well as his desire to hide away those feelings he felt long ago and tried so desperately to escape from. Yet, with his emotions very slowly beginning to bleed out, Algos would be able to hear it, clear as day:

'I don't want to be alone anymore...'

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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Hm7QDbg
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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Empty Re: Blood Of The Lonely [Algos/Vanyel]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:19 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Well, well, well. Vanyel could actually speak what his heart felt. If one were to love her sister, then those sentiments of the heart had to be expressed with the utmost of sincerity. Pussyfooting around her dazzling affection was not acceptable in the mind of Algos. More than that, however, she could read between the lines. If a person was searching for the light in their life, they wanted someone to fill that darkness within themselves with love. And from this notion of speech, it wasn't hard for someone like herself who was filled with negativism, loneliness, hurt and all things foul to tell that he wanted her to numb that isolation within himself.

"You are me. The main difference is you aren't as possessive as I am and just want her guidance."

The woman spoke straight-forward as usual, taking this time to take another sip of blood-booze; losing herself in the scent and taste of liquor and iron to numb her own grief. Then, she continued speaking:

"I took a darker path than you, so don't fuck up like me and live your entire life in hell."

Yeah, she wasn't fucking great. Some damn princess. Still living in the shadows of a dead person's past and tormented by her own ego. It was all just a pile of demonic shit to her. And yet, from that love of Calypso, she was still forced to live this farce of a life. It was hard to endure, but she had to drudge through the tiring bullshit to find some semblance of prosperity for their kingdom, for their family, and to not crumble and make her sister grieve more.

"Besides, I can tell you don't want to be alone. You wouldn't be this close to me if you lacked that feeling in your heart. My concept of grief, pain, and suffering can smell your truth like a shark smells blood, boy."

So, in that sentimental way of understanding, she pulled him in closer to her chest and uttered these words as more blood tears dripped on his pale head:

"What do you need to love her better and have the courage to make her yours? She loves you..."

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2016-01-20
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 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] Empty Re: Blood Of The Lonely [Algos/Vanyel]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:05 pm

 Blood Of The Lonely  [Algos/Vanyel] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Golden Sun - Song: A Full Moon in Garoh

As Algos pointed out the similarities between them, Vanyel was taken aback at first, unsure of how to feel about that. Even if he had the key difference of not having that possessive nature, there was still a bit of distress that came with the thought. But, she wasn't wrong. She took another swig of the devilish booze before telling him not to fuck up as she had. It was a bit daunting, having that on his shoulders, but, something told him that he could do it. Vanyel turned his gaze up to meet his sister as she finished.

"I'll try not to."

Simple words were all that he needed to say. He could have said a myriad of other things that could have accomplished the same effect, but, this was enough. As he finished, he offered Algos a gentle, yet warm smile. A wordless affirmation of the oath he now made with his sister. Almost immediately after, his eyes darted to the side, a light red covering his cheeks as he realized just how deeply Algos could see into him, and how she knew of the truest desires of his heart.

He craved connection and affection after being starved of it for so long and then having it ripped away from him once again, only to go into his own isolation to try and keep that aching loneliness from hurting him more. After all this time, subconsciously trying to keep himself from being hurt again, there was a distinct feeling of warmth, comfort, and above all, contentment while he was within her arms as he felt her bring him closer to her bosom and as more bloody tears dripped onto his face, Vanyel gently reached up and cupped her cheek in his hand for a moment, only lowering it as he answered.

"Honestly, I don't know. I don't know the first thing about this stuff and I'm not sure how to go about it..."

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