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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Tue May 26, 2020 4:43 pm

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“We need some dampeners stat!”

She is quick to issue a command to the staff that are about due to Anis losing control of herself. This isn’t good. Helle did not expect her simple questions to trigger such an intense response from Anis. Helle’s eyes took on a more darker green coloring as her Reiryoku began to flare inside her, but this was simply done to bolster her ability to manipulate the Reishi around herself as Anis backed against the wall. Seeing how the bed ended up, Helle decided it best to not foolishly approach Anis without preparing herself first. From the looks of it, the blut around the woman is empowering her, but she seems to have little control over it; Anis’ leg being the clue to such. What needs to be done is a swift containment before Anis injures herself further, or anyone else for that matter.

Barely batting an eye at the weak arrow that broke apart, even as it flew, Helle focused her attention to the bed on the floor causing it to become encased in a light filter of Reishi, said Reishi hardening before Helle commanded the bed to rise and flings it towards Anis in an attempt to wrap it around the confused Quincy hoping it’d stop her from injuring her body against something and take away her ability to move.

“Just sit still Anis. No one is here to cause you harm. Calm down.”

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Tue May 26, 2020 5:10 pm

God's Heartbreak

Anis Kabal

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Bed. Bed Bed!. The primal, unthinking part of Anis' brain noticed the incoming threat but she was too busy hyperventilating about the whole situation to do anything about it. So, it took control instead. A raging explosion of power filled her body and stripped colour away, inhibiting her to be like the tundra had just sprouted legs and become a person. The bed wrapped around her for a moment, and then disintegrated as she flexed. Anis' Blut and her overpowered Vollstandig meshed together to make a force of considerable danger.

"So cruel" the tone was spoke with the same depth as her skin colour. Chill and cold, it was deprived of any emotion. "It's been so long since I have been here. They had her so calmed, in a twisted way, but still. And then you broke her. Again"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Tue May 26, 2020 6:56 pm

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

This sensation. Yes. That’s what it is. Anis’ mind is far too gone right now. She has no control over her mind nor her power. Helle realizes this as Anis’ form changes. This is the woman’s Vollstandig. Helle didn’t want to injure Anis any further, but now? That may not be as simple as she had hoped.

“Isn’t it better to find tranquility without the facet of cruel intentions? Calm yourself Anis. Fighting is pointless, for none here desire to lay harm upon you.”

Despite her words for a more peaceful resolution, there is determination in Helle’s visage. If Anis desires to cause problems, she will be met with the required force to detain her. The dampeners should arrive shortly, and if Helle can keep the other blonde from running rampant during that time, then that just makes her job far more easier.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Tue May 26, 2020 7:12 pm

God's Heartbreak

Anis Kabal

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Ohh, tranquillity without cruel intentions? Says the woman who threw a bed at her. Very tranquil there" Anis replied, shaking her head and looking to the wall behind her. Nice, sturdy wall. Nobody would expect her to go through that. Well, maybe nobody that had not seen her demolish aformentioned bed with her raw physical force.

"Her captors, Sofia, you. You are all the same. Everyone wants something from her, nobody cares about her. You just want her to get back to work. Though, news flash, she was never part of the Vandenreich. She got dragged to hell at such an early age and it hasn't let up for a moment. Maybe it was violent and degrading, but Shadowfall was the only stability she had ever known. And you took her from it for your own selfish gains"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Tue May 26, 2020 7:21 pm

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Comparing me to Miss Montero. Bold. Would you have rather I threw a building instead of something soft like a bed to keep you from hurting yourself or others?”

Already Helle has grown tired of this conversation. There is little of worth to note here besides the cruelty that Sofia probably showed Anis. No doubt the woman who wanted nothing but power, who even went so far as to align with demons just for her own personal growth, would have done something to Anis to make sure the Quincy showed nothing but obedience. Helle could only wonder what torture Anis has gone through, but that does not matter at the moment.

“You think I want something besides you to be in good health? If you do not desire to be a part of the Vandenreich, that is your decision, but did you think we would stand aside as your mind troubles you? As you lay abused and injured? I do so wonder what stability Shadowfall gave you that you couldn’t have given yourself.”

And, with that, Helle took a deep breath and looked around at the other patients. Some seemed lucid enough to find this situation concerning while others lay in slumber. Helle’s first priority is to protect them. Her second priority is to detain Anis. The woman cannot be allowed off the island with her mental state so fragile. Who knows what would trigger her out in the world?

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Wed May 27, 2020 7:23 am

God's Heartbreak

Anis Kabal

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"If you think throwing anything at her is a good idea, then yes. You are exactly like her. No tact, no care, just a blunt force impact for your own goals. With 'friends' like this, she's better off on her own"

Anis would turn from Helle at that and tap the wall next to her, turning it into a cloud of dust and rock fragments, from which she would leave into the world and large.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Wed May 27, 2020 9:51 am

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Ah yes. The mattress of a bed, the bluntest object in existence. Clearly, Anis is too delusional to listen to anything that is said to her, even going as far as to compare Helle to Sofia. Helle did attempt to have a simple conversation, but Anis was the one who went from complacent to erratic with barely a suggestion thrown her way. As her mind has already concluded, Helle cannot allow Anis to continue as she is. She is a risk to herself, to the people inside the hospital, and to the people outside the hospital. Who knows what she will snap at with how easily she decided to turn Helle into her enemy?

“I do not recall ever referring to myself as your friend Miss Kabal. I attempted simple talk and you attacked me. I attempted to lightly detain you, and now you are in this form.”

Helle did not bat an eye as Anis destroyed the wall behind her, and with a sigh, she walked towards the hole to watch the other Quincy flee. Luckily, this is when the dampener was brought to her, a metal collar meant to restrict the maximum output of one’s energy. There’s little desire to place this around Anis’ neck, but it seems the most reasonable way to calm the woman down without causing damage.

Taking a breath, a piece of the floor underneath Helle broke from the hospital as it began to float. Stepping upon it, Helle directed her attention back onto Anis and began to fly after the woman atop the slab of crystal, collar in hand.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Wed May 27, 2020 10:15 am

kaputtes Spielzeug

Anis Kabal

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Mmhmm" Anis replied, a clear dismissal of Helle's words as she looked about. What would be the best direction to start running in, she wondered...

Though it wasn't to be, it seemed, as Helle came up behind her and clamped a power dampener around her neck. Anis' power were terrible in the first place, so when dampened they just gave it up as a bad job and went to sleep. Her Vollstandig was instantly dropped, but that wasn't the worst of it. No, with her powers now completely out of commission, her Bone Puppet Suit was also negated. The first and most immediate showcase of this was her leg.

Standing on it like it hadn't snapped in half was a terrible move, and so she sort of just lurched off to the side as a compound fracture ripped through flesh and muscle, hitting the ground roughly. And, beneath the skin, unseen to most, her shattered skeleton drifted apart. Her Bone Puppet Suit was keeping her together in a literal fashion, and without it, her fractured, broken, and crudely regenerated bones broke from the effort of existing. Thousands of bone fragments split from her, and lacerated the nearby blood vessels. Still, she was restrained now, at least.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Wed May 27, 2020 4:47 pm

Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

It was that simple? Helle had expected Anis to put up more of a struggle, but instead, the Savant found herself easily clapping the collar around Anis’ neck to force her powers to dissipate. And, just like that, Anis went down for the count. However, Helle felt that everything was not well with the woman, and with just a simple kneel and touch to the woman’s arm, she could feel the distortion under her skin. Her bones, they are not together. In fact, they are broken. This is far from okay. Far from it. Was it Anis’ power? That must be the case for the woman’s earlier exertion had caused her leg to swell as it broke. Medical attention is required immediately before Anis dies. Even if she is durable, no one has the ability to survive this amount of damage for long.

This is the reason why Helle quickly returned to the hospital and told staff to come with her immediately in an attempt to save the physically and mentally broken woman.

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Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Empty Re: Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis)

Sun May 31, 2020 11:28 pm
Enslaved to Duty (Helle/Anis) - Page 2 Hd0GJlj


It was common knowledge that the Sternritter Grandmaster was not one to mae simple requests of, particularly in day to day affairs. While he gave his best efforts to help those around him in the immediacy, the truth was that there was far too much for him to plan around for him to simply offer his assistance individually. It was because this knowledge was so widespread, however, that Cyrus immediately understood the gravity of the situation when the medical staff made a request of his assistance.

Rarely did the divine Quincy move with such extreme urgency that his body was strained by the exertion, but he did not wish to waste any time with mere mortal footsteps when the life of one of his children was so within his domain to save. With the words of his Avesta spoken, he simply appeared within the hospital, his own pain inconsequential compared to what he might prevent. His eyes still carried in them their usual gentleness, for his Aspect had not yet changed. Yet the holy fire which burned within him, which made him all that he was, was so apparent as to be nearly overwhelming to any others. He demanded the location of his dear child, impatience obvious in his tone, and once more simply spirited himself away toward her, unconcerned with his own well-being.

As he found her, it was perhaps for the best that his immoirtal visage was not one influenced by emotion, for surely the once-human heart beneath that godly veneer would have grimaced at the sight before him, and perhaps even shown the faintest bit of panic. But the divine did not feel such things, and they were cast into the whirlpool of annihilation which was his core. For now, his own humanity was wholly meaningless. There was a life to save. Countless divine words echoed through the air, spoken not only by Cyrus' own tongue, but from the very spiritual energy around him. It was not the full scope of his power, certainly, but it was very much more than he might normally have offered. He had, after all, gone to unfathomable lengths to save this woman's life once. He would very much be willing to do so again.

As the energy surrounding the divine Quincy bent wholly to his will, the world itself began to mend Anis' injuries. It was not a pleasant process, and he imagined that it was every bit as agonizing as the injuries had been in the first place. He could do many things, but even he could not simply return one to perfect health without effort. Still, the injuries were severe. He knew that they could not simply be repaired so easily as putting the bones back into place, for there was far more damage than he might ever have had the power to repair without becoming one with the divine.

In truth, he considered such an action, if only briefly. Such a thing was a threat to his very being, and even if it would save her life, Cyrus could not risk his aims for that. It would put so many billions more at risk. But- he would not allow her to be put at risk again. A compromise, then. A dangerous one, perhaps, but a measured one. There was no other recourse, he found.

The faintest sliver of the Grandmaster's divinity wormed its way from within his soul, and coursed for the briefest of moments through the world itself before surging into Anis. It was, he imagined, all the more unpleasant when placed atop the efforts he was still making to repair her uncountable internal injuries, but her immediate comfort was secondary, tertiary even, when there was a life to be saved. The divine energy he imparted upon her was neglibible; it was not enough to share even an Aspect. Yet, she had still certainly been marked by his Yazata now. It was not how he had intended to share these blessings, but it was not something he would regret.

More holy words echoed through the air for a while longer yet, until finally Cyrus took a single deep breath, and the Avesta spoke no more. He had done all that was in his power to do. Her wounds, in the most immediate, were healed. The mark of divinity imparted upon her would keep these fragmentations from occurring once more. Taking a seat in the nearest chair, Cyrus simply leaned back and took a moment to collect himself. He would speak if spoken to, but his aim here had been accomplished. For now, even a god needed a moment of rest.


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