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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:26 pm


Enter Calypso


This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

The sudden appearance of the young woman in Minatumi could have been startling, if she hadn't appeared in the dead of night. Her consciousness was lost to her for about a week, constantly floating within the spaces of several metaphysical planes, even though memory of doing so may not be fully apparent to her restored mind. The moonlight, paired with street lights shimmered upon her body, as the demon slowly began walking.

Her gaze was kept low, bleached locks of hair draping her paled shoulders, as she tried to subdue her presence. She still felt like weak, ill shit, she had just woken up and suddenly made herself appear in the city she had so many terrible feelings being born. Once a place she thought she could come by whenever with no fear and only comfort, now made her even more ill to be in. She didn't feel like she had any place coming into this city. The only excuse she had for showing her face was to see what the level of damage was. As far as her thoughts when she first appeared, she was intent on this being the last time she would come, because...

She rounded the corner, stopping and staring at the street before her. This was the area everything happened in..

It was all her fault.

Pale tears streaked her cheeks, unlike the vibrant gold they typically were, her eyes having darkened from gold to a deep grey, and it seemed even her tears reflected this change in spirit. She leaned against the nearest building, sobbing quietly as her pale fingers tightly grasped the corner, face twisted into a despaired grimace as the pain in her heart truly spilled forth.

She wanted a good look at the aftermath of an event she caused, for her to have that firm, permanent reminder, to never make the mistake of inaction ever again. She only hoped nobody would notice her, this was a position of weakness, despair, and shame. Nobody, please.. Nobody..

Especially not her...

Code By:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:00 pm


"So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

The sound would echo through the whole city, whistling gently through the cracks and entering the empty alleyways. Ulv had, in the wake of the attack, decided on a day off and just a massive festival. It had run into the night, and that was when she got up on the stage and flaunted that beautiful singing voice that sort of cheated using her aerokinetic powers. So caught up in her own grief, it would probably take Calypso a few seconds to realise she was staring at a whole crowd of people.

Though, had you not been here for it, you would not believe the city had been attacked by the Demon Princess. That, was the benefit of having an exceedingly powerful barrier on top of a high ninties bakudo protecting the place, and a well drilled populace to find shelter in the wake of the attack. And of course, Ulv's shining golden eyes looked up, cut clean across the crowd and stared directly at Calypso.

'The dress is perfect for you, darling. Could stand to smile a bit though. And your desires to stay hidden in the one place on earth where I am omniscient, not entirely smart either' the gentle, sultry whisper so close to Calypso's ear filled her, even as the song continued.


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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:37 pm


Enter Calypso


This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

The young demon pressed up against the side of the building, shimmering tears leaving her eyes, as her grief overshadowed any activity around her at first, but as she gradually vented the aching of her heart, she flinched in realization that she was around a crowd. Within that moment of panic, a small rush of her energy left her palms, but rather than cracking the concrete her palms were pressed against, it harmlessly dissipated as a small puff of bright, pale lavender energy due to the protection the city possessed.

She held her chest, exhaling softly as she assured herself to calm down, calm, it was just a crowd she was too in her own head to notice.. It.. Was all okay.

However, what proved to be far less okay, was the sound of singing, rather, who was singing. She almost felt her heart sink right down out of her body to realize the person she had wronged the most was also out and about.

She weakly got herself to her feet, knees knocking as she tried to walk away. Emotional damage plus being out so soon after a long rest wasn't the best for travel when the factors for her to tremble and shake were present. The jovial, unfiltered emotions of the crowd lightened the young one's terror, but it didn't prevent her from flinching, falling over as she heard the woman's voice in her ear.

She noticed her. Calypso wanted to cry even more, feeling similar to a child caught in the cookie jar, except far worse and far more serious. She wanted to puke- She DID puke, a splatter of shadowy matter suddenly leaving her jaws as she retched, adrenaline only adding to the sensation of illness.

Calypso's paled form slowly rose back to her feet, cupping her ears as she tried to get out of the crowd, the young one beyond messy and crying, looking like she just had a terrible breakup as she kept her head low and tried to escape.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:30 pm


( new song)

Well that was lovely. Calypso's puke vaporised a few seconds after hitting the ground, hissing like it had hit a hot pan. Which wasn't too far from the truth. But, if Calypso thought she could just run away from the whole thing, then she could. Ulv was all about consent after all, so she wasn't going to make Calypso do anything. So she just carried on with the festival, keeping to the theme with a new song, overtly using her aerokinetics to be the backing vocals as well as the main vocals at the same time.


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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:12 pm


Enter Calypso


This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Her eyes were tightly shut, face messy, pressing her ears shut as she ran, tears streaking her cheeks. Her mind was filled with fears of the woman, imaginations of her being upset, unwilling to forgive her for allowing this turn of events. Her legs ached as she ran, heavy panting as doubts entered her mind.

Ulv.. Ulv didnt sound furious in the slightest when she just spoke to her. She... No she had to be mad! Everything was all her fault, she should be punished! Punished.. For... For...

Calypso's footsteps slowed as she was approaching the edge of the crowd, gaze softening, hands slowly drawing away from her ears. She stood, silent for a moment, until she spoke one thought in her mind,

..Are... You mad at me?

She was hesitant to turn around, her body trembling, fingers digging into her palms so tightly that faint trickles of blue dripped from her hands. Her breath seized,

"You.. You SHOULD be mad at me..! I didn't do anything to stop this.. It's my fault.. Its my fault its my fault..!"

She hiccuped and sniffled, whipping around in the direction of the singing woman,

"If I had just.. If I hadn't just.. If.. I..! You should be mad at me..! You should be furious for what I did! I.. I.. So.. Why.. Arent you mad at me..?"

Code By:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:19 pm


'I mean, I am. But not for reasons you'd think. As you know, I am incredibly furious at everything all the time, but you have the reasons wrong. I should, and am, mad at you, yes. But what was there you could do to stop it? You didn't know Algos was going to go mad like this, you didn't have any capability to stop her when she did, and your attempt to do so ended up with a mind like Mirja's. So I am mad at you for blaming yourself for something not your fault. Or are you hiding power equal to the Queen Of Chaya under your skirt but you don't want to ruin your makeup?'

Ulv's voice whispered and gently caressed the hysterical Danava's ears, and from the stage, the giant whirling deva of delight flashed a wink towards Calypso.


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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:48 pm


Enter Calypso


This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Calypso's greyed gaze stared desperately to the woman on the stage, within the sea of faces did the Danava wishing for understanding and retribution for what she felt was her terrible error. But rather than getting exactly what her illed, despaired mind imagined, she got exactly the truth, and nothing but the truth, the young Danava's knees buckling.

Her expression was one wrought with sorrow, sadness, relief, and slowly diminishing fear, as Ulv spoke of the woman bearing no fault in anything but blaming herself. Copious tears of shimmering silver spilled from her eyes, the sensation of her heart pounding at the walls of her innards, seeing her wink.

Her hands came up to her face, covering her mouth as soft, anxious giggles existed within the sobs and sniffles, her breath hitching,

"..How can you be so beautiful, Ulv..? I'm... Almost jealous in my admiration, being such a massive hurt mess with so much pain in my heart.. I was so terrified to even see you again, I feel like I wronged you.. I wish I could be as secure, in control, and beautiful as you.."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:18 am


Ulv finished her song and handed the stage to a man who looked like what an old monkey would look like were they human shaped rather than monkey shaped. From there a different style - and indeed a different language - started, while Ulv exited the stage.

"Face cream, coconut oil, being made in a tube. Simple stuff" Ulv told Calypso. For a second it was easy to think it was still the whispering, but there was something different to the tone, and so she would soon see Ulv herself was there. "And it's a good job you aren't actually jealous. We've seen what being jealous can do to a person" she gave a quick smirk at that. "As for me, I am older than you on a metaphorical and literal basis. I've got more experience than you, so my mind is stronger than yours. I can handle shit better than you because I have handled more shit than you. You'll get it with experience"


Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:16 pm


Enter Calypso


This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] 6EdIfMt

Calypso was startled when she realized Ulv was actually near her, rather than merely a whisper in her ears, nearly fully falling over only for black tendrils to swiftly push her from the ground and back to balance, but she still seemed weak. Her lip was quivering, as her being was still wrought with shock and fear, not quite catching up to the realization that Ulv wasn't mad at her for the reason she thought of, but she tried to keep herself stable.

"..I meant it in more of a metaphorical sense, but.. Not saying you aren't... Physically beautiful."

She released a weak chuckle, however when Ulv brought up what jealousy could do, Calypso's expression only darkened as she flinched, visibly sick and saddened by the thoughts in her mind.

"..I guess that's.. True.. Ah jeeze.."

She soon slumped onto her knees, panting gently, "Aaah, I don't feel too great... Ah.. I.. Came straight here.. When I woke up.. I think I pushed too hard too soon... Gosh, how long was I out..?"

She cupped a hand over her mouth, trying to take deep breaths and focus despite her feelings of illness.

Code By:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv] Empty Re: This Guilt of Mine [Calypso/Ulv]

Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:28 pm


Ulv just smirked through Calypso's ramblings. It was cute to see her doing this. Made Ulv want to take her home and stick her next to Keija in the happy fun time dungeon. Though, that'd bee talk with Algos first before anything like that happened.

"Dunno. I don't know when you woke up. But seriously, you don't look all that well. You really did push yourself too hard, huh? Baka Danava. You want me to take you home? I can get you to Mana's place, or Inami's if you'd prefer. I could take you to Algos but you need to do that one yourself"


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