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Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:05 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

Yahiko's suspicions proved correct sadly, this was a matchup nightmare. Yahiko wasn't strong enough to outdo him with shadows. Of course, his Aunt taught him that technique as well. His brain did the math and it seemed most of it lined up. Yahiko laid it out now as he spoke finally. "These results were determined many moves ago. " He reached into his pocket removing a cigarette and zippo lighter. "I'm not sure, but something you have makes contact impossible. I specialize in close-range combat at the moment. Most of the ideas or techniques I could have were unstable at best. My control of my Shunko isn't absolute nor perfect enough to perform some of them. So that rules out any form of methods of tried and true techniques. Kido was an option but as you just displayed it would have been fruitless. Making the next logical step to sacrifice someone to see more..or to run away and regroup. Nether were optional given the situation. Thus the only choice available was to make you use energy so someone else could strike you down. "

Yahiko explained his line of thinking as he knew the problems. He had no way to make a barrier larger enough. He couldn't use Shunko that strongly to perform his techniques. His skills in his Zanpakuto were still lower end. Then came to another deciding factor in the reioryoku disparity. "While the strategy is a flawed one, escape itself was unlikely. You are faster and able to move quicker with unknowns when I struck you..I suspect your Zanpakuto has a time of touch that causes rapid decay through tissue and cells. Perhaps energy as well, it seems to function through the fabric as well. Making it perhaps a type of weapon which infects by a small margin of energy. guess is off. " The energy of his mother's favored Kido. That was also colored strangely meaning it may have been akin to the affiliation of sorts. A type of rapid-acting poison that decayed the skin and thus broke through it.

"You showed to be capable of Bakudo 70, which also indicates upper-end Kido meaning escape and survival would merely have been a flailing attempt at best. At present, I've no techniques that match your rapid decay or the speed of which you move. Thus the only conclusive theory is that you'll win the question is how long can I survive. " He slipped the cigarette back into the box. Yahiko ignored being called an idiot, tactically speaking this was a suicide fight from go. But if one looked at it as though equals it would be naive. Yahiko lacked several distinct areas. But it was an interesting fight where he got to see and get some ideas.
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Cross Division Sparring  - Page 2 Empty Re: Cross Division Sparring

Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:49 pm

Cross Division Sparring  - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Shin stated in a bemused manner. The kid was observant, he'd give him that. But, that wasn't the point he was making at all and he sighed to himself. "The bottom line here really boils down to a few things. Your chosen approach is too passive and reactive, your chosen technique has no real grounding in any specialization that I could pinpoint, and you let yourself lose the moment you gave me any advantage. The first advantage you gave me wasn't our abilities but our mindsets. You were unwilling to use your abilities unless forced to. We both like our secrets but unlike you, I'm not crippled by my need to keep them hidden." Shin stated rather bluntly as he chuckled to himself. Shin knew first hand that information was a weapon but, just keeping information hidden was a great way to invite someone to push you off balance before you were ready.

"There are two things you should know. First is unless you plan to also distribute misinformation, just concealing your information means absolutely nothing. Anyone with observation skills can pick up on important information in time. Secondly, you don't have the right to conceal information if you aren't always primed to engage it and able to control it to the point that you can manipulate it at will. You learned a small bit, a tiny bit, but far from everything. And even when you learned it, I only let you learn it because it allowed me access to something you were hiding. I gave a little to force you to give a lot, and I only gave that little bit for a few seconds." Shin grinned as he pointed this out and then shrugged his shoulders. "So no, you had other options. You were just too engrossed in not playing the information game correctly to see them. The information game isn't about only keeping weapons hidden. It's also about this."

Shin said as he reached into his pockets and pulled out a handful of spicy candies and proceeded to plot them into his mouth. He'd shish them around in his mouth for quite some time as his other hand then reached into his other pocket, pulling out more candies. These, beings his spicy candies with some of his Death Candies mixed in that, with them even touching the flesh would start irritating them to the point of practically corroding them. For anyone but Shin, that is. He then took these very candies and tossed them towards Yahiko. Given his current physical state, he couldn't really dodge them but they weren't thrown with force. Just thrown to be caught. And even the aromatic fumes of them would be extremely irritating and overwhelming spicy on an unrealistic scale. But, Shin had also just eaten these, leaving all sorts of questions in the air for Yahiko once he'd receive them and the message Shin was giving to him.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Cross Division Sparring  - Page 2 Empty Re: Cross Division Sparring

Sun Feb 23, 2020 9:29 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

He listened but Yahiko had already considered what had to happen. He proved the holes in his game were larger than anticipated. Making fighting Kuro a dangerous proposition at the moment. Training alone with this one would help cover them. Perhaps next time he would be more inclined to use something. He'd been considering how to fight his enemies. His Aunt got by without ever using a Zanpakuto. Something in that spoke to him reminded him to push harder. That Shunko could be taken much further. His Aunt had proven that forms existed beyond the base. His Hakuda needed more training but he also needed practice. To further his understanding of Shunko and it's transformative effects. Yahiko took the candy, eating it without saying much as he stood up. Something brought him an idea about this situation. He would fight Shinryu again when he finished perfecting something. His technique and skills needed to grow. But not in the way most people thought, Yahiko had experience wielding his base form. But what he didn't have was releasing it into its next stage.

The heat didn't bother him given the way he ate on earth. Yahiko understood something key and important. Using his Zanpakuto powers alone wouldn't avail him. He needed something further and developing into his aunt's techniques. He began to see the chinks in his plan thus far. He needed something for those techniques which stopped combat. Mastery of his sword and how many it could do. These were nice elements but could be further improved. "Given me something to think on..I think I'll head home for now. I'll return when I have something..concrete to show you." Yahiko said as he walked away. His foot worked fine indicating further. This wasn't just one thing but many things. He would need a counteractive measure for that. Something to get around that poisoning of the air. Perhaps that was the key in truth, his Shunko was the power to focus upon. His Zanpakuto and skills within it were passable. He couldn't progress further beyond his Shikai. Not yet, more remained to be done in this sense.

Yahiko knew the next stage was going to be rough and important. He would consider going to his Aunt. But he doubted she wished to be involved in this. She was mourning his uncle's passing. It would be something he did alone for now. Something that let him dive deep into Shunko, deeper then his Aunt had. And go as far as possible. With the Wind element, he'd been blessed with. Had his mother remained alive he likely would have trained in his Shunko. Until he was this age and continued training. She believed it was the perfect Martial Art in of itself. Hakuda and Shunko, those would be his aces. He would change himself and grow before returning to fight this Captain again. Combat would be his objective to make him go all the way. If he could press him if only a bit his chances again Kuro were better.
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