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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 1:31 pm

Kuchiki Keiko

"The captain said these boxes needed to be moved to...there? Why?"

Maybe 200 paces or so... what a heavy load. No, that doesn't matter. Captain Kagayaku needed it done, so it'll get done. What's in the boxes, though? Keiko couldn't help wondering, not that she'd have the gall to actually take a look. That's outside her pay-grade, and that's a huge overstep. Just do what the Captain asked, and then move on to the next task. Let the Captain see how promising and dedicated you are, and then maybe she'll take time out of her busy schedule to show you a thing or two about zanjutsu. Building that trust and promise comes first.

Keiko hyped herself up and went to work, slowly but steadily moving each of the 20 box containers like triple her weight or something to one of the big tents next to the armoury. This undertaking was probably going to take a couple hours, but everyone else around her seemed busy. Actually, hold on, who's that? Never seen them before. Shin'o had a new batch of graduates; she must be one of them. They don't seem to be too busy either... Okay. No other way to do this than to actually talk to her.

"Uhm, excuse me! The one with the red hair? Could you come over and help out with these boxes, Captain Kagayaku needed them moved over to that big tent there."


Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] 8Bvy1N8


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Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:33 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Boring. That’s the only accurate description for this day. Boring. There is anything worth doing that hasn’t already been done, and repeating something over and over is sure to cause some strain on the mind. Such a reason is why Elyss deterred from continuing any form of training for the day. Her morning has already been filled with numerous regiments, sessions, and duties. For now, the only thing on her mind is a bit of relaxation. Though, she has little idea how she’ll go about such. Maybe a trip to a bar, a nice nap, or maybe some game. She’s not very good with games however, so that option felt mute the moment it popped up into her mind.

Adjusting her robes just a bit, she sighs and rubs the back of her head before hearing the raised voice of some female turning her head to the side catching sight of some dark skinned chick staring her down. Huh? Red hair? Her onyx eyes move here and there in wonderance and slight prayer that there is another red hair in the area, but everything is pointing directly at her, and thus, she has no choice but to acknowledge that she is the one being referred to.

“And just when I thought I was done for the day…”

She sighed annoyed somewhat by the fact she has to help someone with their assignment. She’s not met this particular person however. Though, she hasn’t met a lot of people in the 7th division yet, so guess this is another opportunity to meet another. Rubbing the back of her head as she neared, she wore a rather bored expression looking at the boxes. Without a word, she lifts some of the stacked boxes, five in each hand. She doesn’t look at all worried about the weight and shows an abnormal ability for balance.

“Alright. I’ll help. Just point the way pretty lady.”

Kek. Pretty? She smirks inwardly at that feeling a bit like Ulv. God. That woman has rubbed on her somewhat in the worst of ways. Though, Elyss has always enjoyed actually getting a chance to show off her abilities. She usually gets shut down hard by someone better all the time however.



Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss]

Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:47 pm

Kuchiki Keiko

Waah... this is a strong one. Keiko paused for a bit with her eyes a bit wide, though the rest of her face mostly mute in expression. She was impressed, considering the girl assumed the red-head was a new graduate of Shin'o. Actually, that might not be the case. The Kuchiki snapped out of it and went along to do her duties by getting behind a box and pushing it forward to keep pace, as best she could, with the strong woman.

Thanks, I really appreciate it--we'll be done in just a few minutes with you here! By the way, I haven't seen you around before--are you a new graduate from Shin'o? You seem way too strong to be someone just out of the academy."

Keiko barely recognised the compliment. That was one of the types of things she heard from other nobles in an attempt to flatter her, and at first she fell right into it, but now that sort of thing felt pretty empty.


Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] 8Bvy1N8


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Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:06 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Huh? Well, it seems her strength and this girl’s strength are far apart. She frowned a bit realizing that her display is a bit misplaced at this moment, for it’s more a necessity than anything else that she use her strength. With a pace that matches this stranger but keeps them both moving adequately quickly, most likely forcing the other to strain just a bit to keep up, Elyss wonders just why someone was assigned to this when they couldn’t adequately finish in a timely manner. Though, the redhead doesn’t know what would be considered timely with this task. What was the Captain’s thoughts with this?

“No and yes. I was barely in the academy, but I did partake in lessons. I just had a lot of outside influences that propelled me beyond everyone else around me, and so, it was declared that I would learn the basics. My strength, at the time, was less than this but well above my classmates.” And with other issues, Elyss found herself in a weird position, but in the end, everything worked out.

Another issue with this situation is Elyss’ lack of understanding about Nobles. Though, that hardly matters now, does it? Maybe it will. Maybe it won’t.

“Why were you assigned to this anyway? It seems weird to me for the Captain to assign someone to a job that they’re not the best suited for.”



Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:34 pm

Kuchiki Keiko

Wow, this girl was something. Keiko was building up a bit of a sweat to keep pace with her, but she'd be damned if she just let it show so blatantly, so she pushed herself without murmuring a complaint about it.

"Wow, so you basically skipped ahead of the academy? .... Did you go straight into the Gotei afterwards, then?"

Keiko took pauses before the sentences to take a deep breath--these boxes weren't light, after all.

"Not suited for? Haha... Nonsense! D-don't underestimate me, I'm a ... Kuchiki. I complete ... my tasks in a ... timely manner."


Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] 8Bvy1N8


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Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss]

Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:01 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Skipped ahead? Yeah. That’s a way to put it. Elyss did acquire her Zanpakuto immediately after receiving her Ausachi. Though, that was Ulv’s fault and the spirit in her head wasn’t even her Zanpakuto. Well, now it is because of reasons. Bwah. A lot of information that Elyss didn’t care to explain or think about right now.

“Yeah. I skipped a lot, but I didn’t join the Gotei right after. I’ve only been in the 7th division for a little while. A week?”

Elyss stopped herself when her partner couldn’t continue on. The poor lass needed a breather. Elyss felt a little bad about showing off a bit. She had honestly expecting the other to be capable of more than this, but the fact that the other is trying so hard is admirable. It reminds Elyss of when she wasn’t particularly this strong but threw herself at any challenge with unfaltering determination. She still is to this day.

“...Kuchiki? Like… uh… Takehiko?”

That was his name, right? She remembers that guy. He was the one who healed her after Arkin disgraced her body so mercilessly. Remembering that event still excites and angers her. One day, she’ll have that man groveling at her feet. Though, she doesn’t quite understand how this girl is related to Takehiko. Their color schemes are rather different. It’s also lost on why her last name even matters in this situation.

“Um… What does that mean anyway? Your last name I mean. Mine’s Kishimoto, but I don’t go saying it every time things get difficult. I’d much rather know your first name. It’ll help me remember you more than a shared last name. Elyss is my name, and all tasks should be completely in an acceptable manner anyhow. Don’t want to take too long on one thing. Too much to do in the day to get stuck.”

And, with her lack of understanding about nobility, Elyss starts walking again expecting the other to keep up. They’ll get this done in quickly now. This redhead is a bit fired up.



Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss]

Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:15 pm

Kuchiki Keiko

"What? What were you doing in the mean-time, then? I've heard of people taking a gap year, but I couldn't ever do that. Not just 'cause I wouldn't want to, but my family would never let me."

Keiko took notice to the girl stopping, but rather than figuring it was to allow her to rest, the Kuchiki took it as an opportunity to create some distance. She read the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, and Keiko took these sorts of lessons to heart. She was intent on going all the way until the destination. Rest could come after she at least hit some milestone. Things didn't work out that way once she heard that last comment. Keiko paused dead in her tracks for a moment to reply, a good amount of coldness in her tone. Her face stayed poised forwards as she spoke.

"No. Nothing like Takehiko. He's not a Kuchiki."

Then she continued pushing onward, now more aggressive, and her breaths heavier and more ragged.

"My given name's Keiko, meaning 'Respected Child'... hahh... It's a bit gratuitous, but the elders of my clan.. hah... gave it to me... So I do my best... to live up to it. Kuchiki, meaning 'Decaying Flower'... it means... life without.. purpose... there's a... there's a deeper meaning... to it."

She had something to say in response to Elyss saying not to do too much in one day, but right now Keiko had to conserve energy and focus on getting the job done. Replying to everything was taking more wind out of her than she thought.


Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] 8Bvy1N8


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Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss]

Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:42 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

What was she doing in that time? Her thoughts go to everything she’s been through. Well, that’s a story all in itself for another time, for she’d rather not let all her dirty laundry out in the open. It seems her stopping to let Keiko catch her breath didn’t help because the woman just kept on pushing. Elyss sighed as she moved on to catch up which didn’t take long, but then, Keiko stopped again with a coldness that had Elyss a bit spooked. It reminded her of times where she wore such an expression. It seems there is some animosity between family.

“I… didn’t actually mean what your name literally meant, but it’s nice to meet you Keiko. I meant more as… why does your name matter in this situation? You are pushing boxes, but why does being a Kuchiki weigh so heavily for this certain task? It’s just a last name. I understand pride and such, but the way you reacted to Takehiko suggests it’s more.”

She rose a brow as she walked beside Keiko wondering if she’d get an answer or not. The girl looked way too focused on pushing the box. Elyss felt bad at how easy she made it seem. Yet, that’s just how life is. Keiko won’t get stronger until she pushes herself.



Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss]

Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:05 pm

Kuchiki Keiko

She stopped pushing the box dead in her tracks and stood up properly. Keiko did appreciate Elyss's help, a further incentive to not be rude, not that Keiko would be rude to her if she didn't help. But this level of ignorance was--. No, it's not really fair to call it ignorance. It is ignorance, but Elyss can't be faulted for it. Ugh. What was the appropriate thing to say here to convey what she means without saying the wrong things? Whatever, what comes out is what comes out.

"With all due respect, my name matters. To me, my name will always matter. It's a part of me, and it's something I take pride in. Not just my given name, but my family name. It's a mark of my heritage and a symbol of responsibility. I don't know what your family means to you, but to me, it means everything. Everything. So everything I do, in all that I do, I do to live up to that name. Kuchiki means "decaying flower", or in other words, "life without purpose". I was taught that means we find our own purpose, and to me, for as long as I can remember, my purpose has always been for my family. Even something as simple as pushing some boxes--in fact, even moreso because it's simple. For all the honours and privileges I was raised with, simple things should be simple to do. That's why Takehiko isn't a Kuchiki. Being a Kuchiki isn't just about having it in your blood. What's in your blood shouldn't mean anything."


Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] 8Bvy1N8


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Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Faces [Private/Elyss]

Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:30 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Elyss feels strange. The way Keiko speaks about family feels familiar, but it is somehow foreign as well. What does family mean to Elyss? That’s something she’s never actually thought about. Family. That causes her to stop dead in her tracks thinking deeply on this. What would her response be? What can it be? She doesn’t want to halt Keiko’s progress, so she quickly starts moving again contemplating further before opening her mouth.

“Family… You know Keiko? I woke up one day all alone. I didn’t have a family around me, but the way you talk, that conviction, that drive, the desire behind your words. I don’t understand what all you received growing up because I’ve never thought about it. What my life would have been if I had a family to support my next steps into the unknown; people around me who are like me in more than just ideals. But, you know… I guess I’ve kind of made my own family with my own bare hands. They didn’t give me anything when I started, but they’re giving me all they can now that I’ve got them. And, that’s what I’m trying to do in return. Though, I guess I’m thinking of family in a more broad sense. People I create bonds with. That’s who my family is. Those I see around me striving to move forward through animosity. People I wish to protect. People who I want to be proud of me as I take my next steps forward. Even something as simple as pushing these boxes… I want to do it with the best of my abilities, so that even if I fail in the end, they’ll know that I tried my damn hardest to live to their expectations. So, Keiko… We may have come from different backgrounds, but it seems what we want to do with ourselves isn’t too far off, yeah? Or maybe I’m just being too sentimental about this. I don’t fucking know. Even though we’ve just met, I’m feeling that drive to help you on your journey to live up to the Kuchiki name. I guess in a sense, that’s enough for me to see you as family? Funny, yeah? Besides, we’re both working in squad 7, so we’re already a mixed matched family, yeah?”

She tilts her head a bit wondering about all she said. There’s no going back on any of it anyhow, so she just shrugs and turns her head to Keiko with a dumb smirk on her face.

“Now, the next time we go back, I’m going to expect you to push double the boxes.”



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