Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Shadow's Answers Empty The Shadow's Answers

Fri Jul 05, 2019 11:17 pm

Gotei Soldier

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko had been given the royal run around most of the time on this. He'd written a letter sending it to the Captain of Squad Five. Well one of them anyways known as Henrex. Henrex had been trained and learned from Uncle Tsubasa to an extent. Takehiko didn't know what kind of man this one was in truth. But his letter had been delivered already and was written as such. "Dear Captain Astillon, I am writing this letter as Takehiko Unabara. Though Takehiko Kuchiki is my name given the circumstances. As you are no doubt aware my Uncle Tsubasa Unabara turned himself in for imprisonment or execution. I find myself unsure of what motivations he had or to truly understand him. The situation with me had always been slower given my weakness. I wish to ask two favors of you Captain Astillon, first could you explain what my Uncle was thinking you believe? On the last, I would like to ask for helping training and growing. I wish to make a difference and show people that the Unabara aren't all like him. My father's name Tsunashi Unaabra is at stake in this along with my mother Kokokine Kuchiki. Sincerely Takehiko Kuchiki."

The letter had been sent a days ago from the Kuchiki Manor. Again his uncle didn't seem to mind this time around. But Takehiko was desperate to undo the damage his uncle had done. Tsubasa's name dragged his father's through the mud. He just wanted to make a difference in some way. In some shape or form, he wished to improve himself. He would bow his head and do whatever it took to convince Captain Astillon to train him so he could protect people. The sword felt strange in his hands in all regards. He wasn't good at zanjutsu in the sense most would believe. He didn't inherit the skills of Tsubasa in that sense. He'd never tried his hand at Hakuda either really. Takehiko's grades were likely the first thing that Henrex would dig up. If he were to investigate the Kuchiki further. He'd find that he belonged to research and development presently.

His grades were poor and low, he made it by the skin of his teeth. Having the worst scores and being abysmal as an academy student with Shino. The Kuchiki name helped him get taken to a Division. His hand trembled and he felt anxious because Captain Astillon was his last chance really. Ulv had pointed him away in different directions. No training and his uncle Byakuya wouldn't help him yet. Takehiko had gone on missions even helping dispatch a large demon. His only stand out skills was in Hoho and Kido. He was a rough gem that hadn't been polished yet. He hoped Captain Astillon would consider his request at the very least. Takehiko could do little more than beg and plead for help in this sense. His changes had begun in Thailand really. He'd started to think about the fact doing things alone wasn't right. He needed to rely on others in order to find the progress of any kind. To grow into something educated and truly worthwhile. His hand came up to his throat thinking back on it.

When his throat had been slashed and Arianda rescued him. How pathetic he was and so little had changed. Even now brought before his uncle he couldn't stop him. He couldn't prevent that from happening again if he tried. His skills hadn't truly flourished or improved. If anything after Thailand he felt stuck. Trapped in a place where he could not grow. His level of skill simply failed on all accounts when one considered it. He could only put his hopes to Captain Astillon if the man even decided to meet him. Takehiko felt trembling and nerves because this was the last chance for him in a way. He knew the war was coming again after this lull and wished to save as many as possible. But he didn't know the way forward how to grow strong in any sense. Thus the guidance of Captain Astillon was vital to everything. Thus he sat remaining in the waiting room until Captain Astillon was ready.
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Age : 23

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The Shadow's Answers Empty Re: The Shadow's Answers

Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:38 pm

Song: River King Blues - By: Jake Dyer - Word Count: N/A

Letters such as these were rather uncommon these days. Most of the time, if someone wanted something from him, they came to his door and asked. After all, he was approachable, he was kind, traits that made him a good people person -- even if he wasn't one himself. Thus, opening the envelope with his name and reading through the written request, and checked the date of which it was sent -- yesterday.

The questions that he wanted to be answered were difficult, to say the least. He couldn't really get into Tsubasa's head and probe around to figure out why he had done what he had. There was a small hint from when they clashed in New Orleans, but there were still so many questions. Questions that he hadn't been able to summon the resolve to see him in prison in order to ask them. The boy's second question, however, was one that he could easily help fulfill, depending on the subjects.

He was skilled in most of the Shinigami's ways, so it would be only natural that he could at least teach something to him. Thus, as he rose from his chair, taking one final look at the letter that Takehiko had sent him, he walked to the door, opening in with a warm smile, seeing the young man standing there, waiting for him.

"You know, there is a thing called 'knocking' you can do to get the door open quicker."

With a gentle laugh, Henrex gestured for the young man to come inside, quietly walking back to his desk, channeling a small bit of air forward to push the chair back for him to sit down as the Captain did himself.

"And another can always just come here personally, you know, without the need for a letter. I don't bite."


The Shadow's Answers Empty Re: The Shadow's Answers

Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:14 pm

Gotei Soldier

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko's eyes swept upwards seeing the figure of Henrex appear. The male was much as he'd anticipated but somewhat different. "In honesty, I did not know what to say or do." Takehiko held uncertainy in him yet trying to figure things out. He'd not held enough courage to speak to his Uncle. Unsure if he'd even be allowed to do so. What would he say when seeing the man who cut his throat and robbed him of speech? He had no idea that entire ordeal left him unsure how to move forward. Following the gesture, he sat down as he felt nerves tremble inside him. "I just don't know, when uncle slashed my throat I was..unsure as I am now." He said softly bringing down his scarf to reveal the wound that remained. He'd gotten his vocal cords mended since making a recovery from it. But it didn't change things how they stood or where to go. Takehiko was young yet in heart and spirit, his confusion was a product of just being unable to fathom him. Tsubasa Unabara was a mystery of a man who existed outside his understanding.

His eyes snapped realizing he'd not properly introduced himself. Standing up quickly and realizing his manners had been lax there. Captains were frightening people, especially stealth force. Rumors had it they'd kill you in your sleep if you slipped up. "Sorry, I'm Takehiko Kuchiki or Takehiko Unabara depending on..who you ask." He started with his name he went by and the other title. He sat down once Henrex would give permission as he sat. He needed to explain himself better, but how did one do it? Words and talking weren't specialties of his. Takehiko swallowed a bit his hand trembled slightly as he knew he needed too. So speaking a bit loud before correcting his voice he spoke. "[/color=blue I...uhh should explain myself more as I am not very good at this stuff."[/color] Takewhiko rubbed at his knee nervously as he suspected Henrex had gotten his Shino Academy results. Takehiko was bottom of his class across the board a failure among failures.

Or had he had time to get such information on him. What did he say now was the question, I suck please help me? That seemed like the most reasonable way to put it. Takehiko just didn't know how to ask for help in this situation. With Ulv and those around her, it was different. He'd not learned about the organization points and they were not Captains. Captains were monstrous figures who fought and ripped people apart. Having read them like bedtime stories of the boogiemen their was a certain mystic level about them for a common foot soldier like him. Takehiko wanted to help people and nurse them back to full. But he also understood a rather important factor in everything. He needed to protect those who he healed.
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4467
Age : 23

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The Shadow's Answers Empty Re: The Shadow's Answers

Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:36 pm

Song: Beneath the Mask - By: Nokturn - Word Count: N/A

Anxious, unassuming, yet also very, VERY quick to please was the first impression that he was getting from the young man. Not that those traits were a bad thing on their own, but they did need some work. So, as Takehiko chose to stand in place, rather than sit in the chair, Henrex let out a soft sigh as he gestured for him to sit down as the young Kuchiki spoke, eyeing the scar along his throat.

A clean, simple cut with a blade that dug deep enough to easily slice through flesh, bone, and muscle. Just looking at it was enough for Henrex to have a pretty good idea of who his uncle was, as well as the person who caused the wound. It was a miracle that he survived, all things considered. So, as the young man finished, Henrex took up a piece of paper on his desk: Takehiko's results and grades at the Academy.

It wasn't anything impressive -- in fact, it was the complete opposite -- but, there was quite a bit of talk and rumor around the Seireitei about Takehiko, about what he had done and the context behind that. So, while he was concerned about his grades and results from the academy, it wasn't a definitive "end all, be all" like Takehiko likely thought it was. Setting the paper down, Henrex leaned forward, and set an arm on his desk, resting his head in his hand.

"Don't worry, I'm not the greatest at it, either. Be as blunt as you need to. Why did you come to me, of all people, for some kind of help? No matter what it is, I'll try my best to help you, Takehiko."

Smiling warmly, Henrex gestured to the young man once again as he finished and fell silent. Takehiko had the floor now, and Henrex patiently waited for him to explain, no matter however he would choose to approach this. He wanted him to just speak his mind, without worrying about formalities or wording things in a certain way.

All he wanted was the truth.


The Shadow's Answers Empty Re: The Shadow's Answers

Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:07 pm

Gotei Soldier

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko considered for a moment what was it he sought. What did he dream of doing aside from childish beliefs? He didn't hold a candle in sword or skill of that art. He was gifted in Kaido art and he knew that. But something in his core told him something more important. He could not be what he dreamed of in the future. "I..I want to shatter myself." Takehiko said softly as he closed his eyes inhaling slowly. "I'm not that strong in terms of power like my uncles. I lack even compared to the lowest ranking of the families I come from. " His digits slowly gripped the leg of his clothing tightening slowly. Frustration was a clear thing and whining about it solved nothing. "I want to break this mold and find a new person on the other side." Takehiko saw the current him as a mold he'd yet to break free of. Something that trapped him within his shell. Removing his uncle's book he set it down on the table. It listed many things and it's writing was clear.

"After he cut my throat he tossed this to me." His eyes stared at that journal as though trying to decode a mystery. That man was a Rubix cub without a solution. Takehiko finally gave up and decided to break it down here. Captain Astillion would be his only witness. "When I look in the mirror I see something I wish to shatter and break." He said feeling his hands tighten further around it. The fact was he survived and more useful people didn't and that hurt. Takehiko had let go of his regrets and fear but in the end. He still hated that person looking back. Takehiko saw a weak person who didn't measure up to what was lost. "I can't avenge what was taken nor do I see the purpose in that...But what I and ask me break this shell and find that new person waiting." Takehiko had only one last sentence in him he was letting out a torrent of emotions. Things for Captain Astillon to see that no other would.

"When it comes down to it...I have nothing to show for the journey the work...I'm not strong enough to save the lives or protect those precious. I want to make the most of what my mother and father died for..Please help me get strong." Takehiko said it as he bowed his head frightened to look up at Captain Astillon. Would he be laughed out of this place as he was a no-talent recruit? His skills were beyond lacking in every fathomable situation one could bring up. But in this, he had one more thing for Captain Astillon, the letter left to him from the man held in cells below the First. Something for Henrex only, Takehiko had considered opening it. He set it down atop the journal now as well for Henrex. The letter would read as such if he decided to open it.

"My Dear Henrex Astillon, if you are reading this I've finally deemed it time to stop. My body is safe and while I can never let you all know the secrets of this world or my path. I can tell you this, don't lose sight of you in a search for power. Power blinds and leads to the self-destruction of a person. I am one such individual who sought it and imploded. Now be I dead or otherwise you are the next Pale Rider. It's a title and you are the one who makes it what it is. What meaning it holds for that is up to you. Look after Despair for me, she is sure to be upset. I will warn you of this, don't look only at Mana. Something far more frightening is beyond her. A Sleeping Dragon will plunge the Gotei into crisis one day. Do not forget about Kin Iramasha in Mana's madness. Look after Takehiko for me, Tsunashi is gonna give me an ear full for wounding his son. But in closing, you and Mirja were my whole world. I love you both and hope you succeed farther than I ever could or will."

That was it with Tsubasa's signature and stamp upon the letter.
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