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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7013
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda

Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:49 pm

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda 0uUSyQA

Enter the Savior


I. Basic Information

» Name: Cyrus ast-Auramazda
» Titles: N/A
» Age: 391
» Appearance Age: 25
» Gender: Male

» Affiliation/Rank: Vandenreich; Grandmaster of the Sternritter

» Physical Appearance Description: In spite of his age, Cyrus has maintained an exceptionally youthful appearance, his eyes still carrying that glow of one's early years. Standing at 6' tall exactly, with an exceptionally confident stride and gait, Cyrus' build is rather slender, and one would be forgiven for assuming he was quite weak from his outward appearance. Overall, Cyrus carries himself with what could only be called a decidedly noble air, despite his lack of any such authority.

His neat, perfectly kept black hair trails just to his neck, carefully maintained so as not to bother him in the slightest or get in his way. His body is immaculately kept, not a single scar anywhere, his hair perfectly trimmed, and even his nails appearing to have been manicured. While he tends to be smiling almost constantly, this demeanor quickly shifts to one of what could only be called a profound sense of disgust and disapproval when he is called upon to do battle against evil. Even when smiling, however, those who are more perceptive can see an undeniable fire in Cyrus' eyes, an intensity that seems as though it pierces through whoever he is actually looking at and toward some far greater sight.

Cyrus typically wears light colors, often going so far as to wear entirely white, though he usually adorns these outfits with a decent amount of gold or silver jewelry, or the occasional blue accessory. Most often he dons white sweaters or jackets over white shirts, with white slacks and white knee-high boots. Despite these colors, however, Cyrus' clothes rarely seem to dirty much, thanks to a network of Cyrus' reishi which pushes dust and other such things away from his clothing, or more accurately simply causes it to fall away as though frictionless. For a man, Cyrus accessorizes a rather impressive amount, and indeed the amount of care he puts into his appearance is what could only be described as "profoundly effeminate."

When entering into battle, Cyrus' attire shifts only slightly, an incredibly long, flowing white coat covering whatever current attire he might be wearing, and a pair of silver, rectangular quivers forming at his hips. This coat is incredibly simple, a blue line trailing down the center and with a lovely embroidery decorating the lower half. This coat, much like the rest of Cyrus' attire, rarely (if ever) dirties.

» Physical Appearance Image:

II. Personality Traits

» God Complex: Without any exaggeration, nor any sugar-coating, it would be flatly false to describe Cyrus without first calling attention to what could only ever be described as a god complex. Cyrus believes himself to be truly divine, the physical embodiment of Ahura Mazda on the Earth. To that end, he carries himself with the dignity and serenity that should befit one like himself. Everyone upon the Earth, nay, all of creation, is naturally below him, for he is nothing short of the avatar of the Creator himself. Of course, one should understand as well that, as such a divine creature, he would never deign to brag about his place in society. Modesty and wisdom are the greatest signs of true glory.

» Counter-Hero: To call Cyrus an "antihero" would not be quite accurate, as his actions and motivations are fairly within alignment, and his quest for peace and order below him is, all things taken into consideration, fairly standard. Of course, with his sense of pride and self-worth, there is a certain...distaste, as it were, for others who could call themselves heroes. He believes it is a meaningless title, taken on by those who feel the need to be praised and given accolade for their work. In his eyes, the idea of "heroism" is entirely pointless, and genuine good actions should simply be done as a matter of course. To enforce them in the name of some other ideal sullies the fundamental nature of the act.

» Perfectionist: To say that Cyrus expects perfection would be the greatest understatement one could make about him. He demands it absolutely, from both himself and from his associates. If something is not perfect, then it is Cyrus' own duty as that singular perfect being to assist in bringing it to its highest potential, and he will gladly devote himself fully to such a cause. Everything in the world can become truly and completely perfect, if only the means are brought to it. If he must be the one to bring those means, then so be it, and if he must grind the face of the inferior into those means, well, it is simply his moral duty.

» Gentle: It would be inaccurate to call Cyrus' kind and gentle nature a facade, for he has no intention of any sort of falsehood. It is simply the nature of someone of his stature to care for those below him, is it not? To that end, Cyrus genuinely cares for each and every living thing, and would do all in his power to bring them happiness if he believes they deserve it.

» Unflinching: Without a doubt, the single most defining thing about Cyrus is his complete and total dedication to achieving any goal which he sets for himself. Cyrus refuses to accept any form of failure or defeat, will never surrender, and has little to no concept of a job left only half done. In his words, “if a job is worth doing, it is worth dying for.” While a great deal of his willfulness is simply an in-born trait, it developed to where it is now only during his years of hermitage and training in his family estate. For nearly a century, Cyrus did nothing but train, honing both his body and mind until he collapsed from exhaustion or hunger, and upon doing so still forced himself to reach sustenance or a proper place to sleep. Put simply, when Cyrus has genuinely, truly committed himself to a course of action, there is not a force short of death which could keep him from seeing it through to the end.

» Protective:: To protect those below one's station is simply the natural order, and it is the duty of the shepherd to guide his sheep. Though the people of Earth are a distant and detached people, who seem to lack any desire to protect themselves or to avoid an inevitable and violent demise, it is still his absolute responsibility to protect them from such a fate as best he can. Cyrus cares not for race or for creed, for ideals or nations. He will defend the weak with his life no matter who they are, and to those who disrupt that peace, he will dole out swift and merciless retribution.

» Vain: Cyrus' refusal to accept anything less than the best from himself may give him an undeniable force of will, but that does not mean it is without its downsides as well. Cyrus refuses to look anything less than his best, to perform any less than perfectly. By and away the quickest way to make Cyrus lose his composure is to actively harm the self he presents, be it through giving him a poor reputation or simply making him look bad in even the most minor of ways. Cyrus aims for perfection, after, and to try and ruin that will make you into his enemy.

III. History

Once upon a time, there was a young desert prince. His name has been lost to time, but for the sake of ease we will call him Azmi. Young Azmi had everything that a young man might dream of, wealth, comfort, the attentions of beautiful women and the respect of both his father and those of his realm. Yes, it could be said that Azmi lived a life others could only dream of. Despite all of this, however, there was something lacking in his life, something that all those around him seemed to enjoy.

That something was struggle.

The thing which drives men to live their lives to its fullest, which gives their actions meaning in life, seemed to simply pass Azmi by. Everything which he attempted seemed to come naturally, and before very long he was entirely bored with life. Death seemed more and more appealing by the day, but ultimately the day came that he found himself given something he might finally pursue. Informed by his father of their Quincy heritage, Azmi threw himself into this training with what could only be called a disturbing devotion. He chased power at any cost, and yet even in this he was not truly challenged.

His brothers, who trained alongside him, pleaded him to slow, that their father might give them more time to become proficient themselves, but Azmi cared not for their cries. He saw the potential to finally find a challenge, and demanded his father continue to train him. Years passed, and his brothers would not drop out, but instead perished from the struggles. In his mind, Azmi knew that this was a tragedy, and that he was to blame. But the pursuit of struggle was simply too much for him to ignore, and he went after the call of it with a near-reckless abandon.

When World War III came, Azmi traveled alongside his father to fight, to defend their homeland. It was a challenge, but scarcely much of one at all, and as the war raged on, his father fell. Though Azmi thought to continue the fight, his own honor demanded, if nothing else, that he bring his father home. Upon his return, he found himself in contemplation. Without anyone to train him, what struggle was there left but to fight for the people? Perhaps that had been the purpose for which he had been born in the first place. Perhaps he was simply created to fight for those others, to protect them and shepherd them. After all, as he had seen through the war, they could not protect themselves.

Yet, perhaps it was not to be. Though he tried his greatest, it seemed all for naught. He had fought, he had found struggle, and did not provide him the satisfaction he might have hoped. Struggle, he found, was not something inherently valuable as he had once suspected. No, it was simply that the greatest actions were those which would invariably require struggle. That difference was one he had failed to see. It was one that he would need to understand as deeply as he could were he to truly enact the change he wished to see.

So he began to search. He looked for those who would be able to fix the world alongside him. He traveled the world, used every resource at his disposal, and finally found the one woman who could truly assist him more fully than any other; a woman known only as Shirohime. Through her efforts and her abilities, Cyrus' humanity was...removed. Purged, sent elsewhere. Yet, he did not become someone else. He did not become some monster. No, he was simply finally the god he had always known that he could be. He was ready to truly change the world now.

IV. Equipment

» Reading Material: Cyrus often has assorted books on his person, typically classics of literature or philosophical texts, including a copy of A Hero of Our Time which never leaves his side.

» Sanrei Gloves: In addition to Cyrus' own Sanrei Glove, he owns the three gloves which belonged to his younger brothers during their training.

V. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Observational Mathematician: The skill not only of understanding mathematical concepts and formulae, but of being able to apply this knowledge based upon observations of the world around oneself. Cyrus is quite capable of performing exceptionally difficult computations based upon what he is currently experiencing in, quite literally, the blink of an eye. At this high of a rank, he is not only able to calculate these things with ease, but can make functional estimates of any unknowns which he might reasonably be able to judge based on his own senses (such as speed, distance, mass, etc.). It should be noted that this quick thinking extends only to mathematics, and not to more broad problem-solving.

» Spiritual Awareness: From his years of training, Cyrus has reached a point where sensing spiritual phenomena and energies is simply second nature. While all Quincies are already capable of spiritual awareness, Cyrus has gained what could only be described as a form of battle precognition when facing spiritual attacks, as he can sense the flow of the spiritual energies without even a conscious thought. It should be noted, however, that just because he can sense an attack coming, this by no means guarantees that he can dodge it.

» Siege Warfare: Having studied archery from texts of long-dead empires and shaped his combat style accordingly, Cyrus has modeled his bowmanship after the long-dead traditions of siege warfare. His style is built upon the principles of overwhelming force, rather than any finesse or grace, and as such his arrows tend to be fired in with a single target's absolute destruction in mind. Due to this approach to combat, one may find that tricks and misdirections will simply go unnoticed, or simply be destroyed, when fighting against Cyrus.

VI. Quincy Skills & Abilities

» Quincy Cross: Cyrus' Cross takes the form of a small, unremarkable silver ring on his left middle finger, engraved with what appears to be an incredibly small bit of sheet music. As a defensive measure, however, he wears a number of adornments and assorted pieces of jewelry which all, at least at a glance, look more likely to be a Cross. However, his Cross is not something he truly needs any longer, but is rather kept as a memento, a reminder of the humanity he once had.

» Wave Functionality: In his pursuit of ever more power to save the world he loves, and to prevent any others from needing to walk that path, Cyrus has developed his own understanding of reishi, one which radically differs from the traditional application. While Cyrus is entirely capable of absorbing reishi particles as any quincy, his own reishi is released in the form of R-waves, the frequency of which varies wildly based upon the application. These R-waves are massively difficult for most to properly manipulate, as they are an entirely abnormal form for reishi to take, but it is by no means impossible, only generally inefficient.

» Koyū-tō: (固有筒, “Proper Tubes”) Not so much a modification to standard gintō as an adaptation of it, these are little more than Cyrus' way of ensuring that he is able to demonstrate the majesty of his R-waves in all possible forms. Koyū-tō take the form of very long, thin white tubes, perhaps a foot in length and less than half an inch in thickness, and are opened by snapping them in two rather than the traditional method of simply unsealing them. Despite functioning otherwise identically to gintō, Cyrus considers them something entirely different, as well as vastly superior.

VI. Aspects

As with all divines, Cyrus is not limited to but one way to show himself to the mortal realm. He may display himself through a wide variety of aspects, and in each of these, his persona shifts accordingly. More importantly, however, these aspects each carry with them a unique passive ability, which is only active when Cyrus is currently embodying that particular aspect. As Cyrus now lacks the divine core which kept these aspects in check, their existence is more akin to a curse upon Cyrus than any sort of blessing. Upon shifting his aspect for any reason, Cyrus' durability is immediately dropped a single rank for the remainder of the thread in which this occurs. Obviously, he cannot shift again when this brings his durability to Untrained, or he will perish.

»Kouroush Atar Berezi-Savah - Cyrus of the Beneficient Flame: The fire that eats, but drinks no water, the Atar Berezi-Savah is the flame which burns in holy places. When Cyrus enters this aspect, his countenance hardens, his gaze calculating and his words curt and to the point. He aims for the swiftest and most efficient solution to any problem, but of course this does not override his deepest goal of protecting all in his sight. This aspect allows Cyrus to not only more efficiently draw in spiritual energy, as is the traditional methodology of Quincies, but to spread this spiritual energy to his allies, as well. Even passively, those allies marked with Yazata will share a small portion of Cyrus’ energy reserves, and may treat their abilities as if they were one sub-tier higher in their effect (or, if this would move the effect up into a new tier, merely a + higher).

»Kouroush Atar Vohu-Fryana - Cyrus of the Affectionate Flame: The fire that both eats and drinks, the Atar Vohu-Fryana is the fire which gives life and well-being to those who kindle it. When in this aspect, Cyrus becomes a gentle soul, his whole demeanor welcoming and kind, always with a warm smile on his face and more understanding of his peers than when in any other aspect. This aspect, when active, applies a 10% reduction to incoming damage for anyone who bears the mark of Yazata, including Cyrus himself.

»Kouroush Atar Urvazishta - Cyrus of the Blissful Flame: The fire which drinks but does not eat, the Atar Urvazishta is the flame which exists not in the material world, but in the hearts of those gripped by emotion. When in this aspect, Cyrus reaches perhaps the most openly affectionate and empathetic that he is capable of becoming, a borderline bleeding heart who would give his everything for the sake of a cause he saw as worthwhile, and would happily take his time to bring happiness even in a cause as simple as helping a lost young girl find her parents. When in this aspect, Cyrus becomes drastically more protected from mental afflictions, his singleminded kindness pressing through such things. Additionally, mental afflictions which are placed upon those marked with Yazata may have their effects split with Cyrus, allowing him to take at least a part of the suffering onto himself.

Also, he becomes a woman.

»Kouroush Atar Vazishta - Cyrus of the Swift Flame: The fire which does not eat nor drink, the Atar Vazishta is the fire which resides in the sky, crashing down to the world only at the command of Ahura Mazda. When embodying this Aspect, Cyrus becomes exceptionally quick to action, operating much more on his natural instinct than he otherwise might. That is not to say he loses his intellectualism, but rather that he simply gives less consideration to the idea of a carefully planned course of action, preferring instead to act quickly and with purpose. The effect of this aspect grants much the same speed to Cyrus and his allies, reducing the cooldowns of any abilities by a single post, to a minimum of one post. This cannot meaningfully reduce the cooldowns of abilities which are limited by thread, however, as the effect of this is ultimately quite small relative to such a span of time.

»Kouroush Atar Spenishta - Cyrus of the Holiest Flame: The fire of prosperity, the Atar Spenishta is the fire which burns before Ahura Mazda himself in the heavens. In this aspect, Cyrus gains a decidedly regal air, his confidence overflowing and his every word filled with authority. He keeps a watchful eye on all those in his presence, a caring gaze on his allies and open disgust toward his opponents. When in this aspect, Cyrus and all of those marked by Yazata gain a 10% increase in damage against any foe who is currently suffering from a debuff or other significant debilitation.

VI. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Zarathustra

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: Zarathustra takes the form of an incredibly long white bow, its string comprised of concentrated reishi which pulses and flares from the sheer amount of energy contained within. The bow is decorated with a golden trim, as well as a golden spiral which ends in two long points.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities: Zarathustra, in line with its name, brings forth true and incredible change upon the world, a range of abilities which truly encompass the divinity of the heavens. It carries with it three techniques, each of which are core to his being.

» Sraosha: Righteousness, good thoughts, and a purity of mind, such things are absolutely vital in the life of all who seek to become truly good. To that end, negative thoughts and actions must be purged, and must be treated as evil even when they might well seem innocuous. While Cyrus' arrows do not function any differently against Hollows and Arrancar, the trademark interaction between Quincy and Hollow energies is no longer limited to merely those dark spirits. Any shots fired from Zarathustra will treat all foreign beings (that is, all beings whose metaphysical 'home' is not Earth) in the same way that a typical Quincy's arrow would treat a Hollow. This extends to quite literally any beings from other realms, and is wholly indiscriminate in who it destroys.

» Rashnu: Oftentimes arrows fail to travel where intended, for one reason or another. Perhaps it is due to faulty firing, a subpar arrow, or the forces of nature deigning to intervene. For a man whose entire being is defined by perfection, however, this is naturally not the case. When an arrow is fired from Zarathustra, it quite literally can only travel forward, in a perfectly straight line, at a consistent velocity. To most, this might be considered a blessing, but Cyrus is quite content with the beauty of it. Because of this peculiar trait, any projectile fired from Zarathustra can not, in any way, be shifted off of its straight course. It can, of course, be stopped or avoided, but any force which would be used to redirect it will instead only contribute to stopping or dispersing it.

» Mithra: A single force may not always be enough to change the world meaningfully. But when bound together, through oath and contract, many individuals become something far greater. When Cyrus fires an arrow from Zarathustra, it can only be described as massively stronger than any typical quincy arrow. This, of course, comes with the drawback of his being unable to apply the usual mass-approach tactics one might take against an enemy, but to strike with a thousand weak blows is not an approach he considers particularly dignified in the first place.

VII. Vollständig

» Vollständig Name: Ahura Mazda

» Vollständig Appearance: When Ahura Mazda is active, Cyrus' appearance changes very little. A flowing cape, a pristine white on its exterior and a deep blue within, forms on his back, and may take the shape of two wings should Cyrus so choose.

» Vollständig Abilities:

» Vohu Manah: Perfection, by its very nature, need not change. It is only right that the world itself change around such a perfect thing, if need be. Ahura Mazda is a profoundly unusual Vollständig, as it does not operate along the lines of most others. It does not provide Cyrus any boost in power, no drastic increases to his speed or his durability. His weapon does not take on some mighty new form, and his attacks are no stronger than before. Even his spiritual output is completely unaltered, and indeed, most would completely fail to see much change in him at all outside of the cape now adorning his back.

This Vollständig exists only as Cyrus' final trump card against opponents he feels have become too comfortable with him, and is a reminder to them that they can never assume to understand the divine. When activated, Ahura Mazda does only one thing; the next 21 shots fired by from Zarathustra are no longer constrained by what is typically considered a “straight line.” Their other characteristics, of being unable to be knocked off-course and never losing velocity until completely destroyed, remain the same, but this single change is all Cyrus considers necessary to completely shift the tides of a fight. Despite this minor shift, Cyrus is still able to fire perfectly standard arrows alongside these enhanced ones, though most observers would be able to quickly tell the difference, as these enhanced ones are where the energy of the Vollständig directs itself, rather than into Cyrus himself.

Due to the rather unusual nature of Ahura Mazda, it does not have a post duration as per the standard Vollständig, on account of requiring additional energy only when firing enhanced arrows. It is still treated as a release for all intents and purposes, but it has no time limit, only the limit of its 21 enhanced arrows. However, Cyrus is still only able to use this release once per thread, and is still tired after its end as per any other Vollständig.

VIII. Quincy Skill Sheet

Racial Skills
  • Blut: Adept
  • Reishi Absorption: Beginner
  • Quincy Spellcraft: Adept
  • Spirit Weapon: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Elite

IX. Upgrade Log

2022 Spookyburst
-Quincy Spellcraft from Beginner to Adept: 10 Points
-Blut from Beginner to Adept: 10 Points

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Last edited by Rawk on Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:36 pm; edited 11 times in total
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Left_bar_bleue174500/99999[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda

Thu Jul 04, 2019 8:01 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [-]
  • Appropriate Age [-]
  • Gender [-]
  • Appearance Present [-]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [-]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [-]
  • 10 sentences for personality [-]
  • History is of appropriate length [-]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [-]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [-]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [-]
  • Skills are not filled in[-]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [-]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [-]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Advance
  • Focus: Advance

Hazard Rankings
  • Power: S
  • Influence: A
  • Resources: A


Avesta: Because of the nature of this ability I won't be implementing a cooldown, however this is on trial. Naturally if it proves to be a problem I won't hesitate to severely limit this power set. ''

Tier and powers are being assigned/approved based off the creator using their OTY wish, and the antag burst creation event.

Tier: 0-5++
Hazard Rating: A[/adm]

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda JfH75kA
[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda H8Tyk70
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda

Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:40 pm
Applying burst upgrade!

Link here!

Focus from Advanced to Elite!
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda

Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:18 pm
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda

Tue Nov 02, 2021 9:00 am
Applying this burst upgrade!

Durability from Untrained to Beginner!
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda

Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:36 pm
Applying this upgrade.

Spirit Weapon from Adept to Advanced!
Speed, Strength, and Reishi Absorption from Beginner to Adept!
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7013
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard A] Cyrus ast-Auramazda

Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:08 am
[adm]Character archived on request.[/adm]
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