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Two Kuchikis and a Stick or Two - Page 4 Empty Re: Two Kuchikis and a Stick or Two

Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:49 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Gritting his teeth together as he felt pushed back. His body wanting to bend as he contended with that strength. Tora was so strong even on the defensive, any move would end in injury. "Is that it?" Ignoring the voice he had to think about how to deal with this. He needed something or he was going to get hurt. If he diverted the physical strength at an angle maybe. He'd still end up hurt but it was better to get zinged a bit then a lot. He felt his muscles tensing and spasming trying to keep Tora at bay. Takehiko considered his position now still groaning before making the step to his left. Bringing his sword down in one instant to allow the forward momentum to carry Tora. He'd broken the stance suddenly to try and catch the male off guard. But he suspected Tora would be ready for this so he needed something. He just needed to be faster was all he could tell himself as he went to move. Managing to avoid the strick to his hip with this but he couldn't avoid the follow-up. Takehiko felt his shoulder pierced as he winced in pain feeling his eyes burn. He clenched his teeth now making a piercing motion as the man moved in towards him now.

Takehiko couldn't avoid the throw either entirely as he did come up with an idea. During his time in the air Takehiko instead of losing his cool. Gripped the arm of Tora holding it with a tight one as he slashed towards the male. Before he was sent skidding across the ground. His aim should have hit shoulder or part of the arm that threw him. Takehiko landed roughly rolling to a positioning where he was kneeling. "Pathetic, where is your anger? Show me some wrath boy!" He shook his head clear trying to maintain himself he had moments. What could he do in this instance, fighting on pure instinct just wasn't his skillset? He knew what had to be done but wasn't sure how it would go in his condition. He'd likely take a hit partly or maybe he would get lucky. He was unlucky most of the time when it came to it.

His shoulder that had been pierced thankfully for him wasn't his dominant arm. But none the less the seconds gave allowed him to formulate a plan. Well given the clear disadvantage in this and the time limit of his mask. Takehiko felt frustrated by how far he was behind. This voice kept egging him on as well trying to convince him. His stance had to remain something that said he was going to block. Watching the move he did make it as though he intended to block. Every notion was set to block but the boy had something else in mind. He'd be playing this close to the gut if he wasn't careful. Takehiko's lungs filled with courage he hoped as he got ready to do something. As Ulv would put it this would be amazingly stupid no matter what. Well, she was right and so was every voice in his head. But this guy he was fighting was a genius. Sometimes to fight smart people you have to do really stupid things. Takehiko as the blade came kept still as though he was going to block it yet.

He didn't break resolve or his idea not showing any signs of him doing that. The moment the blade made contact it happened his robes remained where he'd been previously. Utsusemi was the name fo the technique he'd used and it didn't come cheap. Takehiko took a slice along his abdominal area as he had to play that to the second it touched. He didn't go up, left, right, or behind Tora however. He went low slicing at the man's legs aiming to cut through his leg area with a quick slice that leads into a Hoho of him sitting for a moment. As he landed a few feet away checking his stomach and neck. Blood trickling down as he'd made a risky gamble at that moment to cut Tora's legs both. Hoping to sever the tendons and stop movements from coming. In terms of win or lose Takehiko was fairly sure that was largely the dumbest thing he could do. His body ached with frustration as he felt exhaustion creeping in. Glancing to see if he'd gotten even a scratch on Tora with the strategy. One thing was amazing that this boy could even know how to execute Utsusemi despite it not being perfect.

Fast people would see through it and it was far from clean given his stomach and neck. But he was able to perform it partly none the less. Takehiko got up slowly breathing heard through his mask in a strange sound. He needed to hold on and prove to Tora he was worthy of this training. He needed to show him that he was worth taking on as a student. He had no time to defend on his laurels as the blow came shortly after on him. Bringing the sword up to block as a bit of the blade from Tora cracked into his mask. Chipping his head slightly causing blood to drip down. His throat cut wasn't too deep nor was his chest one as the angle was clear with his measure to avoid there. His arms trembled as he felt the weight and that voice lingering in his mind. "PATHETIC WRETCH, I CAN TAKE HIM LET ME FIGHT!" This battle on two fronts was a thing of tiring conclusion as his power to hold back the being within became harder.
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