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Joined : 2019-02-28
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Age : 25

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Elyss - [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard E] Elyss Kishimoto Left_bar_bleue0/0Elyss - [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard E] Elyss Kishimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Elyss - [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard E] Elyss Kishimoto Empty [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard E] Elyss Kishimoto

Mon Mar 11, 2019 10:29 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

I. Basic Information

» Name: Elyss Kishimoto
» Alias: None
» Age: Appears 20
» Gender: Female

» Association:

  • A student of Ulv

  • A member of the Gotei United

» Appearance Written:

Elyss is a built woman who takes great pride in her well-trained body and curvaceous shape. One's eyes may immediately fall upon her bright, long, wavy, red hair falling to the middle of her back that mimics the intensity of roses in richness before taking note of her Onyx eyes that always seem focused, except, for whenever she's relaxed or lost in thought which then has her eyes seeming a bit dull and less menacing. There is a scar running down her left eye that does not impede her ability to see fortunately. Her face is oval-shaped, but her chin is slightly pointed making her face seem somewhat heart-shaped as well depending on how one's eyes view it. Her jawline is slim with her cheeks being slightly hollow under her cheekbones giving her a more serious model look, though, some may just say she has cute dimples. (I would not recommend calling her cute). She dons a medium-sized, slightly pointed nose. Her lips are thin, yet, they are a nice pinkish color.

In summary, Elyss has the face to easily become a model with the absence of any freckles despite her being a ginger with pale skin. Though, she normally wears a serious expression making others quite wary of her presence, but once an individual gets to know her, they quickly get to see her smiles and wilder facial expressions as she's usually the type of gal to wear her confidence.

Said earlier, Elyss is a built woman with a curvaceous shape standing at a height of 5 feet and 5 inches. She has a maroon cream skin tone. Though, depending on if she spends long periods of time outside, her skin can appear to have more color as a sort of tan. She wears a D cup size bra, but she’s more on the smaller side of the size chart. Moving down to her stomach area, one will notice her 25-inch toned midsection. Due to many hours, days, and years of working out, Elyss has developed quite the defined body with a nice six pack. Though, her abs are not chiseled or carved as some men, like to have theirs, and are more a faint imprint on her stomach showing how balanced her workout is. Her shoulders are slightly bold and plump, and her arms are sexually toned ending with small, yet slightly rough, strong manicured hands and fingers. Due to losing herself to the Hollow inside herself and fighting Abigail, Elyss has lost her right forearm leaving only the stub of her elbow. Now, her hips are decently sized, 35 inches, from the work she’s done training her thighs and such. Yes, one may say she has a strong posterior, but be warned. Those thighs aren’t just for show and have a lot of power behind them if she decides to use her legs violently against an individual. All in all, Elyss is quite the beauty of a woman with looks and strength about her.

» Appearance Image:


I. Personality

» Personality:

The Good

Elyss Kishimoto is a quiet woman. Though, that doesn't mean she is reserved despite the coolness she carries. It simply means she doesn't get loud when the situation doesn't call for it. She's in her head a lot thinking and watching her environment for situations that may need her attention. She’s straight to the point when she does speak however letting her mind known at that moment and quieting down right after.

Alas, that doesn't mean she is incapable of holding a conversation with another. In fact, Elyss is a very friendly person despite her lonely nature to those that want to have any form of relationship with her. Once one actually approaches her, they will be greeted with an impartial expression and kind words. She is more of a listener than a talker however. She believes you don’t really get to know another unless you listen to their words and understand their meanings.

That understanding is what also drives her devotion to others. However, her devotion isn't to a single person or organization even as she gains close friends and allies. She is devoted to what she believes is right; fighting for the weak. In life, she fought to keep the weak students from being picked on by bullies, and in her new life, she still has that same drive to watch over those that can't watch over themselves. It's probably her biggest motivation to continue trying to improve herself and get stronger.

This pushes her to carry out any task given to her. She tries to be reliable and follow through with anything she promises or tells another. If she says she'll save the day, she'll try her best to save the day. If she's given a task, she'd try her hardest to complete such task at the level expected of her. She's just a hardworking individual that wants people to see her as such.

  • Quiet, Friendly, Devoted, Hardworking

The Bad

Despite her calm demeanor most of the time, that is just the outer shell of her being. Deep inside, her normally quiet nature hides a horrifying inner beast. She is impulsive, and that combined with her suppressed love for violence, causes her to charge forward right into any situation she feels need her attention without hesitation. Even if she can't win, she can't simply sit back and watch as others try their damn hardest or get abused. She's prepared to fight anyone who interrupts the peace of others no matter who they may be. A drive that also pushes her to be stronger much like her devotion to protect others. How can she reasonably help others if she can't even face the threats to them herself? Still, her draw to conflict is not where it ends.

Deep inside, beyond her passion, is something even worse. An insanity that not even Elyss truly understands. There's using violence to solve a situation, but then, there is violence because it's violent. Once Elyss starts fighting, something seems to slowly take over the longer she's in conflict with another. One will notice her progressively get more and more aggressive to the point that she’s a whole different person. It's as if her inner demons are awoken by the blood rushing through her veins as her adrenaline clouds her mind. It scares her, and is the main reason she tries to deal with situations as quickly as possible and wears a cool outer shell to hide the violent monster within.

This also is the reason for her insecurities. She wants to be stronger, but can she really trust herself to use such strength for good. If she loses herself to such wants for violence so easily, should she be trusted with any power at all? Would she end up hurting her friends? Would others grow to fear her instead of looking up to her? She enjoys thinking, but when those thoughts start filtering through her mind, she recedes further away from the reality around her.

  • Impulsive, Violent, Insecure

Likes: Training, Calm conversations, Fighting(secretly), Cake

Dislikes: Losing control, Bullies, Failure

I. History

» History:

A Kishimoto:

The Kishimoto household: a lively couple that owns a small restaurant near the outskirts of Karakuri Town. It is a simple restaurant with outside seating, but around the area, it is quite popular with the neighborhood for its quality food and homely atmosphere. Right above the restaurant sits the home of the Kishimoto family. It’s not the richest nor lavish lifestyle, and at times, it gets rather difficult for the couple, but they persist and holdfast working hard to ensure that their dreams of making others happy are fulfilled. Though, at one point, when things became repetitive and the small restaurant was just going through regular business, the couple had a sudden development. The wife was pregnant with a child, and after nine months, the Kishimotos added a new baby girl to their household.

Early Years:

Elyss was what they named their new daughter. She was a loud infant, though, it seemed the scents from the restaurant always kept her calm making it surprisingly easy for the two new parents to run their business without too much hassle from her. Nothing of interest really happened for a while; years passing by with Elyss growing up watching her parents care for the restaurant. Though, she learned early on that hard work pays off.

There was one situation when she was 5. Elyss was simply abiding time sitting beside the river that flows through her town letting the cool flowing water run around her feet to combat the heated day. It was a day like any other day. Her parents were busy working. Usually, she’d be helping them taking orders and cooking next to her mother, but today, she got the chance to act more her age; act more like a kid. How boring… She enjoyed the fast pace that came with working alongside her parents. It kept her mind occupied, and she didn’t have to worry about the bothersome kids that lived around her or school. Her parents thought it bad for her to be too work minded at her age forcing her to enjoy life a bit.

“Leave it to us adults. Go enjoy your youth.” That’s what they would tell her right before kicking her out.

Anyway, like usually Elyss found herself by the river bored when, suddenly, there was a splash nearby which was soon followed by animalistic cries. A dog had somehow slipped into the river and was being carried downstream. Now, the river isn’t a big, fastmoving, dangerous body of water, but it’s too deep for kids to swim in without supervision, and the dog that had fell seemed to be a puppy while the owner was just a kid; maybe even younger than her. An adult would have been able to easily save the puppy, but they’re just kids who wouldn’t last long in the middle of the river.

That didn’t stop Elyss from doing what she did. Soon, she found herself lying on the bank wet and coughing up water. She had saved the puppy. She almost lost her life, but she had done it. Luckily, her parents had taught her to swim since she strayed around the river so much, but going that far out and deep was new. Still, she had done it. That was the only thought racing through her mind for the rest of the day. She always helped her family, but now, she’s helped someone else with their problem, and it felt great even if it left her tired and hurting.

Of course, she got in trouble when she returned home, but nothing could spoil that feeling inside her. She still felt some strange high from doing something so risky and dangerous while helping another. She wanted to help others more.

Teenage Years:

Elyss grew up with a heroic attitude about her. Though, her way of helping people were a bit aggressive. She wasn’t content with helping her parents run her store anymore. She wanted to expand her reach out to helping the neighborhood, and that required her to venture out from home. Her parents were glad for her attraction to the outdoor world, but they were perplexed with the sudden change in her viewpoint.

It didn’t take long before she started to get into trouble. With her newfound attraction to helping others, it also meant she stuck her nose into things she probably shouldn’t, and a lot of situations she finds herself getting into can’t be solved by talking it out or getting a cat out of a tree. No, a lot of the situations she gets into normally involve dealing with bullies or straightening out arguments between her classmates or neighbors. Most of those situations don’t resolve without a little bit of a tussle either.

Quickly, Elyss gained the reputation of being quite the tough brat. People didn’t want to start anything with her around, for they knew she wouldn’t hesitate to resolve the situation herself. During all this, Elyss started developing a hunger for a fight. If people won’t learn through words, she’d just straighten them out with more than words. If only she had stayed that way however. Maybe she just had a lust for battle, but at one point, she started attacking others just because claiming that they were planning to do something, and she’s simply handling it earlier. She had grown accustomed to fighting and adored the adrenaline rush it gave her, and this became a problem for everyone around her.

Soon, she was called to the office, and was given a choice: stop fighting everyone she deems a problem, be suspended or expelled, or put her fighting to a more constructive use. Elyss didn’t find a problem with her violence, but she had to comply to the principal’s demands, and that’s how she joined the Martial Arts club. And, this is where she thrived.

It was the perfect environment for her to be honest. Without the ability to do as she was in school, she needed a new outlet for the pent up aggression she had. In the Martial Arts club, she was able to beat people to a pulp without getting in trouble, and the fact she was learning so many other ways of fighting and such only made her more intrigued in the club's activities. By the time she was 18, she was known as the red devil for her red-hair and unforgiving attacks in any ring. Yes, at some point, she had started participating in fighting events and school tournaments dominating and rising in popularity quickly.

Early Adult Life and The End:

Maybe that's why she was chosen if you'd consider it something like that. Her personality and spiritual energy acted like a magnet calling on another similar in form. Far away from Elyss while she was busy training hard beating her fists repeatedly against a punching bag, someone died; a strong individual who's spirit shattered into pieces as with their body. From that explosion, a piece of their very soul is launched outwards at speeds that rival light itself soaring from Spain all the way to Karakuri Town where Elyss trains. It hit her like a truck knocking her off her feet onto the floor; that shard embedding itself inside her own soul merging the two into one. The raw power of the foreign soul rocks her very being altering her physique and her mind. At that moment, during her stupor on what just occurred, she felt an urge to fight, an urge for stronger opponents, and an urge for victory. No longer was it about fighting for others even if she had already strayed from that path. Now, it was about fighting because she wanted to, and that's all.

People were amazed when she stepped up to fight. She decimated her opponents with ease to the point that it got boring. Her fists flew and slew. In fact, she became even more violent than before; her opponents beaten to pulps against her. It wasn't a challenge anymore. She doesn't know how she became like this, but she adored this newfound power in her hands, but she had to find a way to truly enjoy it.

That's when she got into underground fight clubs. Though, even then, she was winning a bit too easily. This horrific new love for fighting and hurting others tore through anyone who stepped before her. That's how it ended too. Her life was taken much too soon, but that's what happens when you dive into something dangerous with only a few ways to escape. People get jealous, people get vengeful, and people eventually act on those feelings. If she was asked how, she'd not be able to answer as she sits bleeding out from multiple knife wounds in an alley. All she remembers is that car pulling up as she was heading home.

She died that night alone. There was so much regret in her heart that her soul did not pass on, and her soul chain appeared as she watched life move on before her for weeks. All that time, she kept thinking about her parents, and her club and few friends. She regretted losing herself in violence, but there's nothing she can do about that now. Slowly, she became more and more depressed as time passed, but eventually, a Shinigami did appear before her performing the Soul Burial and sending her to the Rukongai where her new life began.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

  • Zanpakuto

I. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

» Racial Abilities: [You can put any customized racial skills/abilities/techniques in here. These can range from shunpo, kido, zanjutsu and anything else you want to add. Feel free to skip it if you don't want to fill it out.]

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Master
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Elite
  • Martial Skill: Elite

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Kidō: Adept
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Elite
  • Focus: Advanced



Last edited by Siegharty on Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:59 am; edited 25 times in total
Veteran Member
Joined : 2019-02-28
Posts : 3463
Age : 25

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Elyss - [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard E] Elyss Kishimoto Left_bar_bleue0/0Elyss - [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard E] Elyss Kishimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Elyss - [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard E] Elyss Kishimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard E] Elyss Kishimoto

Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:33 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

I. Sealed Powers

» Zanpakutô Name: Tenmarin (天魔輪, Heavenly Demon Wheel)

» Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance:

Tenmarin’s appearance is strikingly similar to Elyss’ own appearance mimicking her long red hair and general face structure. Though, unlike Elyss, Tenmarin stands at an even six feet towering over Elyss in a taunting manner at all times. Where Elyss’ chin is a gentle point, Tenmarin’s is more sharper and defined. The Zanpakuto’s face, in general, seems to have a more mature look than Elyss’ hinting that it could be how Elyss sees herself rather than how others see her. Or maybe it simply takes such a form to bother her due to its personality. Tenmarin usually wears a Japanese style military outfit of all black with a red cape.

Despite its general appearance, Tenmarin seems to actually be a male Zanpakuto having a deep voice similar to that of a male's than a female's. Though, at times, it seems to be able to mimics Elyss' voice infusing it with its own in a distorted symphony which usually only occurs when Tenmarin speaks directly into her mind instead of in person. Maybe it is trying to stimulate her by appearing more as Elyss' inner voice than another being that exists within her. Though, Tenmarin usually states that it is her soul and not her boogeyman.

» Zanpakutô Spirit Personality:

Tenmarin, down to its core, is hazardous to Elyss’ wellbeing. Though, it encourages her to follow her ideals and live life they way she wishes, Tenmarin also understands that Elyss harbors self-destructive thoughts and rebutes them furiously. Tenmarin sees Elyss’ life as precious and way more valuable than how Elyss tries to values it. And, this is where the danger lies. Tenmarin hates how Elyss holds herself back simply to uphold morals that no one seems to truly respect. Tenmarin has a hatred for the outside world for how it had and still is treating Elyss which was born by Elyss’ own subconscious disdain for her poor upbringing in the Rukongai. Tenmarin believes that Elyss should hold nothing back, not even her desire for violence and control. And because of such, Tenmarin only allows Elyss to taste its power if she relinquishes her own mental chains and fights freely. This is what makes Tenmarin rather antagonistic to Elyss, for Elyss knows how dangerous she is without mental barriers stopping her from going too far, but Tenmarin was born from the union of Elyss’ Zanputo and Mirja’s soul. This means that Tenmarin has a natural affinity to Elyss’ inner rage and believes that embracing such is the only way Elyss will truly grow and become who she wishes to be deep inside. Elyss and her Zanpakuto are both stubborn, but they both know who Elyss truly is, and while one tries to contain that nature, the other only wishes to let it loose and free into the world.

» Inner World:

Elyss’ inner world is quite fluid in appearance but follows a general mold designed by Tenmarin to tempt, bother, or distract Elyss. Tenmarin and Elyss both exist within a giant sphere with nothing but an endless void outside of said sphere. Within this sphere is a single floating mass of Earth that seems to be breaking apart endlessly yet never loses any mass. Within this realm, on this rock, exists a small old Japanese town with a large ancient Japanese style castle existing in its center where Tenmarin usually exists. Within this town exists beings that Elyss can’t quite explain. They take the shape of people but are completely white and devoid of facial features. Yet, on their heads are budding Dragon Lilies. The startling thing is that when one of these budding Lilies fully bloom, Tenmarin destroys that particular person. Elyss doesn’t understand the reason behind this, but Tenmarin goes about this in horrific ways simply to get Elyss’ attention.

This is where Tenmarin’s control over the realm exhibits itself, for multiple Lilies bloom at a time. As a response, Tenmarin manipulates the reality around Elyss transforming the town into gory battlefields where the white people are slain mercilessly or it is changed into a strange brothel that usually ends with drunken dead bodies maimed and abused in abnormal and cruel ways. Sometimes, Tenmarin acts unusually and simply creates a massive graveyard that the bodies bury themselves in alive. Yet, right after the beings have been killed, everything returns to normal around Elyss as if nothing had happened at all.

» Zanpakutô Appearance:

Elyss - [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard E] Elyss Kishimoto Erza-Scarlet-Demon-Blade-Crimson-Sakura-Cosplay-Props_1200x1200

Unlike most Shinigami, Elyss has two separate katana that appear to be twins of sorts. Though, the main difference between them is that one blade is the exact opposite color pattern as the other. One has a red sheathe with a red handle with a blue diamond pattern while the other has a blue sheathe with a blue handle and a red diamond pattern.

» Sealed Zanpakutô Power:

Demon Heart:

Within Elyss exists a second heart. This heart is not physical but exists metaphysically at the same time as Elyss’ normal heart. This heart belongs to Tenmarin and exists between the mortal plain and Elyss’ Inner World, acting as a bridge between Elyss and Tenmarin. This also means that Tenmarin is capable of using this bridge for a numerous of things: controlling Elyss, semi-manifestation, and physical and mental trauma.

Demonic Fury:

Zanpakuto have their own Reiryoku that they are capable of sharing with their Shinigami. Tenmarin’s heart allows for a more advanced form of interaction between Elyss and Tenmarin’s Reiryoku. In similar fashion to Ulv and Beowulf’s Sealed Power, Elyss is able to invoke Tenmarin’s power through their shared heart, allowing for her to increase her strength and speed by large increments. However, unlike Ulv’s, Elyss’ Sealed Power shows far greater utility and adaptability beyond a simple stacking boost to her stats.

Though, to obtain Tenmarin’s Reiryoku for herself, Elyss must, first, give up her heart to Tenmarin through a merging process that takes the metaphysical heart and gives it a proper form within Elyss’ own heart. This, in a sense, merges Elyss and Tenmarin through their combined hearts, and once this is done, Elyss is, then, able to pump Tenmarin’s Reiryoku enriched blood through her own body at an expedient pace which quickly powers her up during combat. However, due to the means at which this ability is activated, Elyss is incapable of simply activating and deactivating her Sealed Power at will and requires one post where Elyss suffers from a skill level drop in her speed and strength to activate.

Once activated, Elyss is able to quickly multiply her strength and speed by arming her muscles with the energy she is getting from Tenmarin. The visual sign of Elyss’ empowered state is that her major veins begin to glow a bright red. This ability proves capable of only affecting certain parts of Elyss’ person at a time. She can wear it like a cowling over her whole body or select only her arms or legs to receive extra power. Due to this being a power granted by her Zanpakuto, it is not akin to normal energy enhanced physicality and does not require maturity in Hakuda to be deadly, instead, using Elyss’ Zanjutsu skill when compared to any other skill that moves against her attacks. She also proves capable of applying these buffs to her Zanpakuto, considering they are Tenmarin.


Beginner: Full (25%), 45%
Adept: Full (50%), 75%
Advanced: Full (100%), 120%
Elite: Full (200%), 250%
Master: Full (300%), 350%
Grandmaster: Full (400%), 500%


There are counterbalances to this ability. Due to Elyss’ heart becoming merged with Tenmarin’s, it places a high train on the major organ in her body. Not only this, but her whole body is being strained by the excess power for this percentile increase in power does not replace the power she already has and thus strains her muscles' durability. Due to this downside, while Elyss is utilizing her Sealed Power, her durability begins to decline at an exponential rate. After the first six posts of utilizing her Sealed Power, Elyss’ durability decreases by one whole skill level. Then, onward, after five posts, her durability falls another level, again at four posts, and again at three posts until she eventually reaches untrained durability which will render her incapable of movement and cause for her muscles to rupture and possibly suffer horrible injuries.

Also, once leaving her Sealed Power, if she has suffered any form of durability decrease, Elyss is unable to go into any other release for three posts which, during this time period, she will suffer from extreme fatigue lowering her strength and speed by one whole skill level. Her durability shall also remain in a decreased state during the three post time period. However, this three post time period increases by one post per every time Elyss' durability has dropped, the first durability drop does not affect this timer.

Elyss is incapable of activating any Shinigami-related release while making use of her Sealed Power, nor can she activate her Sealed Power again in the same thread that she has suffered a durability drop in.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: [What is your shinigami's release phrase?]

» Shikai Release Action: [Does your Shinigami do any physical action to release their Shikai? Feel free to remove this.]

» Shikai Appearance: [What does your Shinigami look like when released?]

» Shikai Abilities: [What abilities does your Shinigami gain when releasing?]

I. Bankai

» Bankai Release Phrase: [What is your shinigami's release phrase?]

» Bankai Release Action: [Does your Shinigami do any physical action to release their Bankai? Feel free to remove this.]

» Bankai Appearance: [What does your Shinigami look like when released in their bankai?]

» Bankai Abilities: [What abilities does your Shinigami attain in Bankai?]



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