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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:16 pm

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv's Tulpa was not rated for hours and hours of use, and it eventually fell apart, leaving the Ulv without her armour to protect her, and without the ability to call the wolf to be a shield. As such, Ulv had to simply use her footwork and speed to avoid the swinging fists of Calypso and any other attempted assault. Her kinetic sense and reactionary speed put her far beyond what the girl might be able to do. And eventually, she slowed down and then stopped altogether. Ulv could go for a lot longer, since efficient physical movement was hardly draining on the ocean that was her energy.

Finally, Calypso was back, and Ulv just cracked an eyebrow at her now she was in the land of coherency again. She was certainly curious about what was going on and what Calypso had just displayed because it wasn't good for her.
"Mmm, I doubt it did. The question is, why did it happen? I mean, that was hardly your average stuff you were doing there. Some pretty intricate attempts to murder me were thrown out, and that shit doesn't happen on instinct. So, you wanna talk about your secret Murder Mode you got going on there?"

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Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:27 pm

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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

"What do you mean what happ..."

She looked around the two at the terrain that looked like it got several sizeable blasts from a stupidly powerful speaker, panting softly, "..Oohh shit.."

The clearly rather sick girl fell onto her side, may or may not have splatted on some excretion, and panted, "..I-I dunno what the heck you mean by 'Murder mode', I don't even.. What the fuck, what time is it...?"

The sky was wrapped in twilight, the girl panting as she then looked worryingly at Ulv, "..The last I remember was... Looking at you fighting somebody.. And then everything ju-just... Blank. But.. Murder mode? I mean, are you okay..?"

The poor little one was exhausted beyond belief, and now worried for Ulv as she stared at her from her dim golden eyes, "I dunno what the hell happened exactly, I just feel like a deflated balloon that was poked relentlessly with friggen spikes..."

Her demeanor and appearance was like someone who had a really rough time sleeping, which probably wasnt that far off.

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Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:39 pm

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

"Unconscious then. We really gotta get that sorted out, and I have no idea how. Demons aren't exactly my forte. Usually I'd take you to Inami but she is struggling right now, which means there is one person left I know that can shed any sort of light on this situation" She muttered, shaking her head. When her demon friends went murdery because of something strange and unknown, Ulv was most displeased with the world. She liked her friends non-murdery if at all possible. And if it wasn't possible then she liked them in control of their murder.

"Don't worry about it Calypso. Just get some sleep, I'll take you to my home and we can start sorting this problem out together, ok? And don't worry about me, I can say with confidence that I am a being far beyond your grasp right now. Your every action is met with an equal and opposing reaction, and you could not yet hope to produce a action strong enough to overwhelm my ability to produce a reaction sufficient to counter. So if this does happen again, at least you can be confident in the fact that you'll not hurt me"

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Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:30 pm

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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Calypso was only puzzled with the woman before her, unsure on what the hell she meant, but she was too tired to really take this into logical thought and consideration. Relief flourished in her body as Ulv stated that she was just fine, and thus the girl rather quickly slumped into unconsciousness, although of the sleepy nice kind and not the rage-filled murdery kind, her

A solid 6 days, she was unconscious, just eating and lurking around the dreams of many, just doing her usual thing, probably even talking to others about things, and once even stumbling upon one of the... Astonishingly odd and violent dreams of Ulv, which she wasn't sure whether or not she should mention to the woman when she woke up.

But then, well, it finally happened; She did do that, waking up, yawning and stretching her arms, a random assortment of small eyes blinking open and then closed along her body, as she looked around, feeling as if she had the best damn rest in a long, long time.

"..Huh." She mumbled, looking around, realizing her surroundings were rather alien, "..Wait where am I?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:40 pm

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Gathering Calypso up into a sturdy grasp so she wouldn't fall off in flight, Ulv headed back to Minatumi Harbor, a nice run to get the tension out of her after the dodge-fest she had with Calypso. There was one person she could go to, and yet she wasn't entirely sure it was a person she was going to not be awkwardly greeted by. Ulv had had the Vastimian Magic Men use their earth-bending powers to make Arianda's house for her so she would have the same place and not feel awkward, but there was still awkward.

Not least of which her being someone who knew Mirja. And that always led to awkward conversations because Mirja was sociopathic nutjob after everything she had gone through. Ulv was only different because of her powers, and without those the immersion in Mirja's thoughts and feelings would have turned her into pretty much the same. But fortunately, it did not happen, and so she arrived and knocked on the door. Due to both of them having the Resolve Flame, Arianda would have been able to feel Ulv coming, and so wouldn't be entirely caught off guard. Which was always good.

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Sun Jan 27, 2019 6:30 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

How long had it been since Arianda decided to secretly flee Shadowfall for the sake of her family? Not long, honestly. Not that long. But, that didn't mean Ari hadn't settled in a house that Ulv had handpicked for the woman. However, was Arianda in a dress? Traipsing around in fancy clothes? Hell. No. She was no high society demon; she was Arianda Vael, and she was going to wear whatever her twisted little mind pleased! So, that was why Arianda was in her normal appearance; red and black clothes, silver eyes, red cloak, the works. However, the scythe she was twirling around in her hands and fingers was different; red in coloration. It was her scissors, of course, just morphed into another shape. It made people a little bit more comfortable for her not to walk around with a giant pair of scissors attached to her back. So, she occasionally turned it into a collapsible scythe; which could morph and fold. Or she just changed her scissors into normal sized, well, scissors. However, something else aside from eating chocolate, having fun with Aki, and generally trolling around as the resident derpy demon was going to occur today.

Soon enough, Arianda heard a knock on her door; albeit from upstairs as she was chilling with a certain demonic daughter of hers before the demon appeared in front of the door and pulled it open. What she saw on the other side definitely was not expected. There was Ulv, likely giving some sort of greeting; and there was also someone else... Someone that Arianda had only met once while she was still back in shadowfall and with Mana. She slowly put a hand to her face, shook her head, and soon pulled her hand away, her fingernails digging into her flesh before it repaired itself with ease; signs of blood from the obvious display of annoyance she just performed. It was Calypso. Who Arianda had only met once. She let out a small sigh and looked between Ulv and Calypso.

"Ulv... Why do you have Calypso, the daughter of Mana, here...?"

There was a slight bit of melancholy in her voice upon speaking of Mana. It was still hard for her, she did love Mana; but being near her was bad for her health, bad for the livelihood of her family and herself. Honestly, she was glad to be away, but, some parts of you will always miss what you love. But, to the current moment; why Ulv brought Caly here.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:47 am

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Keeping Cali in her grasp while Ari came to the door and looked a little stressed, Ulv just warmed her body and heart with the Resolve Flame while she spoke. Feeling Arianda's emotions, Ulv let out a soft laugh, coupled with a warm smile.
"Love is for Life, huh? Don't worry Ari, I will find a way to help Mana, if there is still a way. So you can be with her and not have to deal with the whole psycho nutjob thing she's got going on pretty much all the time. Really makes her hard to just snuggle" Ulv said, before getting to the heart of the matter.

"As for little Calypso here, there was an oopsie. I was fighting some guys, she has empathic abilities, and the fury she felt sort of just, I dunno... stunned her mind. And then she entered a murder mode and spent the next few hours futily trying to render me less than living. I'd take her to see Inami but Inami is currently not doing so well, so you are the only Demon I know to come talk to about demon stuff. Although I didn't know she was Mana's daughter. She is surprisingly sane for that"

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Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:52 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda wasn't stressed by that. And no, despite Ulv warming herself with the Resolve flame and gave Ari a warm smile; that still did not clear the emotions she felt. Arianda was obstinate. She forgot the emotions of what was an important time in her life once before; and she wasn't going to let something toy with them again. So, to Ulv's disappointment, she would not be simply calmed; was it warm? Definitely. But it wasn't enough to calm the demon down from her stressed and annoyed attitude.

"I dunno if Mana can be helped, Ulv. It's a sad fact, but, very possible she cannot be helped. And yes, she is very, very hard to snuggle; she's not exactly very snuggle-able."

Arianda crossed her arms and then looked at Calypso and sighed softly; shaking her head and reached out to take Calypso into her arms. She also beckoned Ulv inside while doing so.

"Yes... I've only seen it once before; when I first met her. She was strange; akin to Mana and well... I'm not sure. But, she is definitely Mana's child. I only saw the empathy in her in action once for a short period before Mana knocked the girl out and then sent her away to relax. And she's only sane because Mana hasn't taken an interest in her. She barely paid attention to her even when the girl entered the palace after one of her... midnight snacks that included me. Not fun, lemme tell you."

The demon, whether she was carrying Cali or not, would walk inside with Ulv; the door closing behind them as faint singing could be heard from the upstairs area of the house. Arianda soon motioned to a couch; where she wanted Calypso to be sat down; no matter which one of them was carrying the girl. She then sighed softly and would kneel next to Calypso; gently rubbing the girl's cheek before she stopped herself and sighed.

"I... Honestly can't say what happened when she flipped out on you; except for the fact that her empathy could be extremely sensitive to certain emotions. Like hate, rage, bloodlust; stuff like that. Like how I would be sensitive to a large amount of Conflict; she is sensitive to a large amount of bloodthirst. That or something of the sort. All I can really say is to find a way to wake her up; and hope she's calmed down. I don't exactly want to delve into another's mind who is so sensitive to emotion; I dunno what could happen if I do the wrong thing."

She looked towards Ulv, her silver eyes staring deep into the girl's own eyes. Arianda soon chuckled softly and smiled at Ulv.

"Good to see you Ulv; but maybe give me more of a warning than just with the resolve flame, okay? I do have a phone, you know-- Wait, I bet you don't, huh?"

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:21 pm

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Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Ulv brought Cali inside and laid her down to get some rest. Ulv's highly attuned senses - they came with the territory of super spirit power - could tell Cali was exhausted, and would probably not wake up for a while as she recovered from that exhaustion.
"Giving up without making an attempt because the mountain you see before you is a tall one, is not what I do. Maybe I will die on the slopes, but I will die with a proud heart, and a life lived as well as I could. As close to my principles, as one could"

Ulv looked to Arianda, and nodded softly.
"She did have sensitive empathy powers. We spooked her the first time we met and that was just with simple resting emotion. I was sure I fixed it, but apparently there is still something wrong when it comes to scale. As for phones, why would I have one of them? They break really easily" she shook her head before lighting up her hands and pressing them to Calypso, looking to see how the Devil's Heart was working and if she could modify it to work any better, so that scale was no problem.

"Well, if she is Mana's daughter, and you are Mana's wife, Ex-wife, whatever. Then that sort of makes you other mum. So even if you can't fix the Murder Mode, you could lend a Demon-y hand to her, teach her how to control her powers. Show her that there are demons in the world that can love her. Show her that love does exist in a Demon's heart" She then looked up to Ari, and cracked a smile. "And it's good to see you are doing well. Just, try to keep the tentacles off this one, hey?"

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Smiles And Snapping Spines - Page 2 Empty Re: Smiles And Snapping Spines

Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:36 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda shook her head at what Ulv said. To her, it was impossible to help Mana; she had tried multiple times. Had it left Mana "better"? Not even slightly. If anything, her attempts to help Mana get "better" only seemed to egg Mana, Eris, on with filling the entire world with Chaos. So, the demon let out a tiny sigh, gently rubbing Cali's cheek still.

"I have already tried, Ulv. If it is possible, I am not the one to help her; someone else can conquer that mountain. Because I will not die to a hopeless climb. Even if my future is uncertain, I don't wish to die..."

The demon soon let out an exasperated sigh before listening to what Ulv said; her left hand eventually leaving Calypso's cheek as she didn't turn her eyes to Ulv as she spoke. She was focused on Calypso, using her senses to pick up what was inside of Cali. Obviously, the tangle of energy that was Mana's and someone else's; she couldn't tell who. However, there was also what was likely something from Ulv; which became especially evident when Ulv put her hands on Cali and seemed to be checking on whatever it was. She soon let out another sigh, shaking her head softly.

"It's better than a feeling for me. Even with my better understanding of emotions that I have now than I used to; I can still easily get confused by them. Especially with the normal torrent that Amphilogiai brings about... who has been strangely quiet. Never mind, you'd just break a phone trying to text on it."

Arianda moved a strand of hair out of her face before she looked at Calypso.

"Right now, honestly? Unless I can get some sort of clue on how to help her, I can't think of anything aside from trying to replenish her energy with either something like chocolate, or simply wait for her to wake up... And I think it's because Calypso has a bit more to her than both of us know."

The demon soon began to pat the girl on the head gently before she seemed to react a bit badly to being called "mana's wife". Ari suddenly tensed up, her eyes seemed to grow wide, and her silver eyes turned a more crimson red for a few moments before she took a deep breath.

"Please... do not call me that. That was her term for "favored pet" Nothing more, nothing less. I was just a toy, Ulv. And... Maybe I could. Maybe. I don't know. She probably won't be as easy to teach as Henrex, however. And Ulv, if I was Calypso's mom, I'd make sure she knows I love her. But, as I am not, as far as I know, I'll do what I can for her... It's better than having only Mana."

She smiled at Ulv, turning her gaze to the woman finally before she gave Ari another comment that annoyed her a bit.

"Stop assuming I tentacle every cute girl I see!"

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