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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:44 am

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Taking a deep breath, Ulv applied theory to practice, and looked over at Shunsui. Mirja really had him down pat. Maybe she found a kindred spirit in Shunsui. He had mastered the calm demeanour and serene surface a lot better than Mirja ever managed, but they had the same temperament. They looked a friendly, flirty person on the surface but beneath that, her Empathic Heart told her of a quiet void that would have no qualms splitting someone in half if it came to that. Unlike someone like Henrex, who would exhaust every option before killing them and be hesitant about it even then.

The kido came, and Ulv moved her hand into it's path, her energy flow and her martial technique melding together into one. It was cool to see Mirja was this talented with her internal energy, to make a Martial Art off the same principle as Shunko, and Ulv wondered how she would have been if she hadn't been born with the deficiency that crippled her energy powers. Like a bubble upon soapy hands, the kido gently slid and was guided away, being flicked up into the sky so it wouldn't crash into anything and cause any damage.

Focus, and energy. If either were interupted the Lotus would collapse and the power rendered inert. It was why there was such a gruelling demand to learn the very first technique. With the Initial Lotus open, she moved to the first lotus, Separating Shock Palm. A two stage attack that created a ripple within a person's body and then struck within that ripple. The ripple reduced the skin and muscle's ability to absorb and protect the internal skeletal structure, making it ideal for breaking bones and dislocating joints.

Ulv kicked all her force into her Earth-Grasping Step and threw herself towards Shunsui, aiming for the shoulder joint to see how effective it was against an opponent like the Captain.

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Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:36 am


Shunsui looked on with interest, impressed that Ulv had been able to deflect his kido is such a way. It was certainly a valuable technique she'd developed. He did not know how it would hold up when confronted with higher level kido, especially when they were wielded by those more skilled in the art than he was, but from what he could tell it should still work. He glanced upwards, watching his energy fly off into the nether. Moments later Ulv was making her way towards him at a rapid pace. He made no effort to dodge or deflect her blow. He was as curious to see the effects of it as he was sure Ulv was, and so he decided to simply let her make her attack uninterrupted. Having made his decision Shunsui prepared himself to take the blow. He could see that she was aiming for his shoulder, and because they were not in a serious battle he did not expect the aim to change.

Shunsui braced himself for the shock he knew was about to come. He was confident enough about the state of his body to not worry overly much, but that didn't mean he was going to take an attack while completely vulnerable. Ulv came upon him quickly, her palm impacting his shoulder with significant force. There was certainly a strange feeling along with the pain, as if his physical structure was being temporarily altered, even if only slightly. He took note of the feeling, for future reference. The pain was not insubstantial, but due to the fact that Shunsui was more than used to dealing with the pain caused by his own abilities, he wasn't concerned with the sensation. He could tell that his shoulder had been severely dislocated from the blow, but he'd dealt with that many times in the past.

As Ulv sped past Shunsui he gripped his left arm with his right hand, wrenching his joint back into place. This bit hurt less than the initial impact, but was still noticeable. He made very little noise due to this, but that was also mainly because of the experiences he'd had in the past. All in all, he considered this to be a fairly potent technique. Perhaps he wouldn't be taking much more head on.


He said this with the utmost sincerity, turning to Ulv. Now things could become a bit more lively, if that was what was desired.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jan 27, 2019 6:28 am

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv's physical force was immense, she didn't even need the mimicry energy flow to create Detaching Wolf Paw and would probably make a compound fracture if she did, which was never good for anyone. Feeling the ripple effect hit the skin, and then the force driven in through the rippling flesh to take advantage of it's weakened state, the bone was wrenched from it's socket, rendering it immobile, like a car that had just had it's wheel torn off. That didn't bother her, she had broken a lot of people in her time, but it was the next bit that came that was.

The crunch of him popping his arm back into it's socket jolted Ulv back into the world and her face was one of shock and surprise.
"Eeee, you know it's just occurred to me. Maybe I shouldn't be testing this body-breaking Hakuda style without a medic here to you know, unbreak the body. With a precise strike, the Final Petal can blow a hole in your organs, which is a harrowing experience for a demon who has racial regeneration that they can just ply to counteract the damage. But for someone who doesn't have hax mode, a little more of an issue?" she then thought for a moment, and summoned a pair of amber-coloured manacles. Glowing softly at first, the colour deepened, until it had the throbbing power of a sun.

"Alternatively, I only need to feel how it works. Which means I don't need to be anywhere near full force to actually do this. I bumped them up to their metaphysical limit of 95% suppression. A bit of Reiatsu dampening and you shouldn't feel a thing" she told him, nodding softly and giving Shunsui some time to pad himself up, before stepping in. With the Bonds crippling her, she couldn't move worth a damn, being equal to a highly athletic human in speed and strength. And the power she was putting into the bonds to increase their suppression as high as it was, wasn't sustainable, even with her depth.

A low target was easy, so Ulv moved downwards, a look of her body simply crumpling as if all bones had left her body before her strike went for the femur in Shunsui's leg.

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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:04 am


Shunsui laughed as Ulv came to her realization. That certainly was in her nature. He was glad to not have to worry about the full force of those blows any longer though, even for him it wouldn't have been pleasant. He rolled his arm in the socket a few times, making sure there was no impingement, then assumed his stance once more. He let his reiatsu flow through his body at full force, just in case there happened to be a mistake.

As Ulv came towards him this time Shunsui had much more time to study her technique. It was actually quite fascinating. Very different from the Hakuda that all Shinigami learned at least rudimentarily, in theory if not in practice. Eventually she reached him, and sunk low as she connected with his leg. That part was by far the strangest, he would have to ask about it more thoroughly later. He could feel the strange sensation much more thoroughly this time, but he wasn't sure if that was because Ulv was putting more into the technique or because there was no pain associated with it this time. Alternatively, it could have just been the natural ramping up of the technique. The feeling was actually somewhat pleasant when it wasn't damaging him. It felt somewhat like therapy for old and tired bones and joints. It brought a bit of a smile to his face. Of course, he didn't react to this attack in any other way.

"That actually felt kind of nice without the pain attached. Maybe you could repay my favor with one of your own in the future. A joint massage once you've become more familiar with the technique? This technique may have more applications that just damaging, I could see it being further developed into some sort of healing, or at least pain relief."

Shunsui required no change to prepare himself for the next attack so he simply motioned for Ulv to continue.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:26 am

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Apparently it was nice to feel the Planting Of Petals technique if it was used with sufficent control to not cause the fracturing it was meant to. That, really was something to look into, both for medical and combat use. If she tweaked Seperating Shock Palm to ease the tension in a persons muscles and to loosen their joints, it could be an advanced massaging technique. Plus, take it the other way and she could blow the tension out of a person's muscles and render them temporarily unable to use them while the muscles recovered from the benevolent blow.

" actually a really cool idea. The original technique creates minute fractures in the bone, which a later technique then exploits to create devastating skeletal damage. It doesn't break the bone so much as cause it to explode into a shower of shards and marrow. If you've got the strength for it, of course. Some kid isn't going to be blowing up your rib cage because he knows this. But the idea of using it in a controlled manner to aid in osteology-found issues...Well, I shall go teach Rukia how to do it and see what her mighty brain can come up with. For me, if it doesn't break, snap, or eviscerate, I am not good at it"

She scratched the back of her head at that last admittance, not really liking her nature as a machine of war, but it was something she couldn't avoid. Combat came naturally, and development was spontaneous. Some sweat dripped down her back as the effort of maintaining the Devil Bonds at a much higher level than they were naturally designed for made itself known. But it would be a fair while before she was exhausted by it.

"Next, I need your imput. Punch me! Or, kick me, or hit me with a blunt object. Which ever you are most comfortable with. And don't pull your punch if it would throw off your stance. We are, as we have said before, a strong girl" Ulv took a new stance, one that seemed different than the others, and in that difference, confusing as to what it would do.

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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:00 am


"I'll be sure to keep an eye on how that turns out. I'm glad I could help come up with a possible new application of such an interesting technique. Maybe one day I will get that massage. When you see Rukia give her my best regards. Oh, and I'm sure there are other things you're good at."

He gave her a small wink after saying this, ever the playful flirt. It was a hard habit to break, and that was assuming that he wanted to break it in the first place. Too many interesting things happened as a result of it for that thought to ever cross his mind. After this interaction Shunsui began to wonder what kind of attack he should employ in this situation. He went through a few options in his head, mainly considering different kinds of open palmed attacks, but eventually he settled on a punch, to the stomach no less. He felt more comfortable with making an attack like that at something much closer to his full strength than if he were aiming for a more vital or sensitive area. She had abs for days anyway, she probably wouldn't feel too much of it even in normal circumstances. This thought made Shunsui chuckle heartily.

"Very well then, let's get started, shall we?"

There wasn't much movement necessary on his part, as they were still standing rather close together. He simply wound back his right arm and threw an uppercut, waiting to see just how Ulv would react to it. He expected to see something even more interesting than what he'd witnessed previously, and was fairly confident that she wouldn't let him down. He didn't exactly use all of his strength, but close enough to not make any sort of difference in how he executed the attack. All that was left was to observe the outcome.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:08 am

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Taking a breath and focusing on Shunsui, Ulv prepared herself for the new Lotus. It was a strong one, but required a lot of precision and skill to pull off, since if she wasn't in the right place to use it, then it wouldn't work. Shunsui gave a bit of a flirt, which he had done to pretty much every woman since Mirja first met him and probably long before, and then struck out at her stomach. Ulv's hand moved to the blow, her fingers gently sliding across the fist before a palm cupped it, and rolled back gently. A combination of spiritual and physical energy leeched the power from his fist until there was nothing left, and then Ulv's muscles seemed to ripple.

A moment after she had absorbed his punch, and almost as if her hands were on a pulley system, the other snapped out, aiming for center mass to best improve her chances of landing a blow. Despite the restrictions of the bonds, Ulv was still a very strong woman, and when combined with the force that she had stolen from Shunsui, it was very good that she told him to put up his reiatsu barrier on top of using her Devil Bonds...

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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:30 am


Shunsui felt a strange sensation once more, as Ulv grabbed his fist. Not at all similar to the previous feelings he'd been exposed to, but nonetheless, nothing average. He felt the strength flow from his own fist into Ulv's, and shortly thereafter she returned to him what he'd dealt out. He certainly hadn't expected that, but he was, however, more than prepared for it.

As her fist slammed into his chest, Shunsui felt the breath leave his body rapidly. He honestly hadn't expected anything like this, so he was extremely winded after her attack, to the point where continuing to fight would certainly not be impossible, but it would definitely be more difficult. He felt the breath rush out of his lungs, and the feeling that commonly accompanied being knocked windless resided inside of him. He paused for a moment after this, both to regain his breath, and to consider the level of power that Ulv had at her disposal. Then, in a somewhat haggard voice, he began to speak.

"...Well, that was certainly something. I don't know how many more attacks like that I can take without being affected by it in the long term."

Shunsui firmly stood his ground, but at the same time he could definitely feel the effect that the attack had on his body. Even still, he wasn't completely back to his original state, and he could feel that perhaps some of his ribs had been broken. No large matter, that was what happened when you decided to submit yourself to the might of another, training exercise or otherwise. He took a moment to catch his breath, then before too much time had passes, he was ready to go again. He waited, however, for Ulv to respond before he took his battle stance once more.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:44 am

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Ulv's tactile sensitivity was impressive, it was part of why she was so good at fighting. Being able to feel the impact of her fists on the other, and adjust on the fly to the feedback. So when she felt the crunch of bone, Ulv grimaced and watched Shunsui recover from the blow.
"It occurred to me all too late that I should have said don't hit me to hard. Counter-attack styles are dangerous to train with since there is a great difficulty in controlling the force that you redirect. Even if I am on the down, the counter punch would still be strong"

Ulv yammered somewhat awkwardly as she really didn't meant to break his ribs. This whole martial thing just came so smoothly to her. Too smoothly in fact, it made not punching too hard a difficult thing. For Henrex, the shattering of his body was the tool in which Ulv used to ensure the words she spoke remained with him forever, but he had crazy regeneration powers.

"Also, I don't think I want to use this all that much. It's...flow is not mine. I don't know if you have ever felt that, like drinking the exact same drink that is made by someone else and there is something that you don't like about that drink" she looked at her fists, and then up to Shunsui, and gave a soft smile. "And to finish off, my power isn't meant to be used like this but what is the point in being strong if you can't help your friends with it? Do you want me to fix your rib? I am pretty confident I can do that in a snap"

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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:01 pm


Shunsui smiled to Ulv, a friendly smile, not all all affected by the injury he'd just sustained. After all, he'd been doing this for a very long time. You didn't get through this line of work without experiencing some mind bending injuries. Impaled, limbs broken, lungs collapsed, body crushed... the list goes on and on. Compared to what he'd had in the past, this was nothing.

"Don't worry about it, kiddo. It happens to the best of us. You should have seen some of my training sessions back in the day. Are you sure you won't be using it though? You're quite talented."

He meant this compliment genuinely. He was actually surprised with how well she was able to conduct herself in combat, a talent like that didn't come along every day.

"Still, I can understand. Sometimes things you don't create for yourself can seem interesting and fun to try, but in the end they weren't made for you, so how could they be perfect."

He smiled knowingly after saying this. You usually didn't get old without also becoming wise, at least not as a Shinigami. Some displayed that wisdom differently from others, but they almost all had it. Shunsui's was of the more traditional variety. When she spoke of how her power was meant to be used she struck quite a deep note with him, and brought to the surface something that he'd always regretted.

"Don't place arbitrary limitations on your power if you can help it. You're right, protecting those close to you is probably the most important thing, and to do that you can't limit yourself. I'm sure you'll find your own way to use these skills, or develop new ones that are suitable."

Before things got too serious, he'd lighten the mood though.

"I would like it if you could fix me up though, yes."

He slipped out of the upper part of his normal attire as he said this, then delivered a cheeky line.

"Is this the part where we undress?"


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