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I'm A What...? - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm A What...?

Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:11 pm
I'm A What...? - Page 2 Shantae_v_nega_shantae_wallpaper_by_carionto-db0k8l7

Upon Saiya's eyes falling closed, the darkness of her mind was slowly filled with a faint crimson hue as she began to coast into the inner world where Tha'alyu'ua, her demonic symbiote, rested inside. The room did not appear immediately, however as if it were a dream, Saiya felt her innerself walking towards this red hue. The hue became deeper, but there seemed no signs to any light shining into this area.

Entering The Mind

As she continued to walk , the room began to fill itself with items that resembled one of Saiya's favorite spots of relaxation when she was within her home town. The floor under her began to generate soft throw sitting pillows that were arranged into a sitting circle, at this point she noted 11 pillows, but every time she entered this world, the amount of pillows seemed to increase by one, and there would always be a minimum of two. The pillows themselves were a deep wine red, a little darker than the room itself to be noticed, but still within the same realm of reds. They also had golden tassels that hung downward off of the corners of each pillow, as well as the sides being sealed by the same golden threads like a rope collapsing around it. As omnious as the room seemed to feel, the overall setting seemed very warm and welcoming, it was weird to Saiya how comfortable she felt, knowing that this was Tha'alyu'ua's home.

The rooms continued to fill with more objects at the walls seemed to generate more of these deep red memories of her hometown. The walls filled with red sheer curtains that seemed to match the color of the red pillows that were on the floor. The room than began to round itself out, making it feel almost like a dome surrounding her, but despite this room shift there was still a vast amount of space within the mind. A long the walls, a series of picture frames then began to generate, being golden as well and a very bright shining gold, as if these held significance to whom she was. The frames themselves however, were empty. There were 12 of these frames, and of the 12, 9 of them has a swirling texture within them that was a mixture of blacks, reds, and dark oranges, infinitely swirling inside of them. The other three were a pure white, but because of the shadows within the room, they looked like a muggy off-gray color, tinted with the crimson hue of the room.

Saiya looked to the frames and looked to the pillows, and sighed heavily. Then after the sigh, she began to cry again, falling with her knees slamming into a pillow underneath her. And upon the sense of her emotions, on queue, there was a large glass vile that appeared in the center of the circle of pillows. The glass itself was also stained a deep red, and within it one could see an omnious black smoke filling up within it. The vile itself looked like a large hookah stand, and had many bubbles and grooves within it to make it look more elegant than what it actually housed. The vile also had 8 curved hoses that stuck out of the base of it that where golden in color, but the shine was muted by the smoke that poured out of it constantly. As Saiya's tears began to fall, the smoke poured out heavily, filling the base of the room itself with a black fog, and from the fog, the center began to swirl upwards.

The upwards swirl shifted from black to the crimsonhue, and at the top of it all it was an eerie pale blue that seemed to over take the crimson portions of the smoke. The swirl continued, until all of the created fog was sucked up within it and transferred into the blue hue that Tha'alyu'ua herself was. And when it was all said and done, Tha'alyu'ua's true body began to form. Four streams of the mist jetted downward and began to solidify into pal arm like appendages. The crimson that was in the mix, was transformed into a sheer cloth that wrapped around her waist and draped downward like a skirt. However the sides of the "skirt" were pinched upwards, so the skirt began to look more like a sheer loin cloth. She did not have legs, and where they would be, was instead a large train of the swirling smoke that seemed to spiral down and emit from each of the seperate 8 hoses. As for her body, she was completely naked, and the only thing that "covered" her were two nipple piercings that were golden, and had a golden chain connecting to an armband that wrapped around each of her biceps. She also had a plethura of golden accessories to accent herself. She had multiple golden bands coiling around where her neck would be, There was a golden broch inbetween her breasts that had a golden chain the looped around to where her hips were. At each hip rested a golden ring, which was used to drape the sheer loincloth that was around her waist.

Her face soon formed out of it all, and despite her being "demonic" in nature she was fairly soft as far as her features were concerned. Her eyes looked cold, yet calm and collected as her pupils fixed onto Saiya. Her mouth formed, and through the smoke, a set of sharpened teeth emerged, and then the blue mist collapsed over top of it to reveal her lips, where the only thing of mention was that her bottom lip had a golden ring pierced through it. Her ears slowly rose out of the smoke and formed into pointed long ears, that had a wide variety of piercings a long it, followed by the lobe of the ear being pierced and having a chain that connected to the tip of her ear were a studded piercing was held; the stud having a crimson gem within it. The rest of the smoke, turned into the black smoke from earlier, and began to form long, flowing jet black hair that seemed to have no end, as it connected to the hoses from where she emerged from.

Warning, NSFW:

"As much as I would enjoy that, I do not think crying will release me..."Tha'alyu'ua spoke sternly to Saiya, as two of her arms folded over each other, while another arm reached forward and grabbed Saiya by her ponytail and raised her up to face level with her. "I expected you to be stronger than this. Why did you drop yourself in this village you putrid mistake..." Tha'alyu'ua's anger swelled as she used her other arms, shrinking it down to size so her hand could wrap around Saiya's neck and begin to choke her."Now I have to figure out a way for this... thing to let you go so I can continue to reshape you for my true self to be unleashed into this world!" Tha'alyu'ua's anger continued to grow stronger, as she released the hand around Saiya's neck to reach upwards and slap Saiya in rage, and then returned quickly back to wrapping its hand around her neck.

"I am... still hu--" before Saiya could finish her sentence, Tha'alyu'ua's other arms unfolded, and one of them instantly came forward to slap er around the face again, and then grab her jaw pinching to a point of hearing Saiya's jaw crack from the pressure placed onto her.

"Did I say you hand to right to speak with me?! Last time I checked, I never wanted you to exist in the first place. If your 'Oh-so special' village did not try to suppress me for centuries I would not need you in the first place... Once all of my plans are in place with you as my vessel. You will be killed, and the words that you are trying to force upon me now, will not matter. Do you understand...vessel?"

Saiya began to cry from the pain again, the pain from the now two smacks across the face, and the grip from Tha'alyu'ua around her neck and on her jaw, that almost made her feel like it would be broken even if she were to wake up at the moment. As much as she squirmed and tried to wake herself, she couldn't. Tha'alyu'ua had all too much control over her at this point, and it made her feel useless... more useless than she already felt she was. The energy of this entity was locked away for centuries before her, and because of Saiya's mistake for being newer to the job, it cost her town, and if nothing is done soon, quite possibly her life. She could not stop the entity from exiting their seals in the town, and now the issue is reversed where now that its out, she can't put it back in, and she is the reason for it leaving in the first place.

Tha'alyu'ua constantly feeds on Saiya's negative emotions and simply grows in strength because of it, and with the negativity of her worthlessness, the pain, her sadness, feeling abandoned, confusion, and many other emtions swirling inside her, Tha'alyu'ua is fairly close to her peak strength.

". . . A--Ar--Ari!" Saiya squealed at the top of her lungs in her mental prison, and as she shouted the world seemed to fade rapidly, along with Tha'alyu'uas abusive vice onto Saiya temporarily. The squeal penetrated through her mind well enough, that she screamed the name while she was asleep without realizing it, but started to wake up in reality.

Exiting The Mind

As she woke up, she popped instantaneously, gasping for air as the last thing she remembered was being choked. She then slowly felt the pain from when she was within her dreams begin to form, but without leaving any marking as to how they occurred. She then slowly began to realize her setting... how did she get into a bed? She sat up right as she began pondering as she looked around the grandiose bedroom that she was in. Although the room was all black with hues of red thrown in as accents to the bedding and the room's color scheme, it felt cozy. She took a moment to shift around softly on the bed and really feel how soft the bedding was underneath her, but then felt ashamed feeling that the place where she laid felt slightly damp due to nervous sweating from her mental world. She curled her knees up to her body while still being underneath the blankets, and her face still had the face of exhaustion, only getting about 2 to 3 hours worth of rest before being disturbed by Tha'alyu'ua. She pulled the blanket up to her face just enough so that her nose and below was covered up, and she began shuttering, from both pain and fear of her nap.

To try to calm her nerves, her magic took over, shifting her clothes into her white silk pajamas, that has a soft pink lace around the edges of the waistband, and at her pant's leg openings, the shirt was a halter top that was mid-rift and white silk as well, with the same pink lace extending as a fringe on the top and bottom of the shirt. The space between where her knees were pulled up to and rest of her body was filled with a conjured stuffed animal that she had fond memory of that would calm her down as a child. It was a bright tomato red ball, with 8 tentacles coming out from underneath it. It was purple spotted and had large yellow stitched on eyes, and underneath the eyes was a stitched on smile.

Despite all of this that was conjured as a mental response to "Calm down" None of it seemed to help as she sat in fetal position underneath the pulled up blankets squeezing the plush toy and shaking.

Last edited by MistahJay on Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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I'm A What...? - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm A What...?

Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:55 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It probably took a few minutes before Arianda came rushing into the room. She had just barely heard Saiya scream, shriek even, her name while the demon was a good few rooms away. So, Arianda walked into the room quite briskly, having already done her best not to fling the door open despite the worry that was brought to her being when she heard Saiya scream her name. Soon, the demon moved up to where the girl was, cuddling an octopus-like doll. She was curled up in a ball, and seemed to be trying to find some comfort in her situation. The demon frowned a tiny bit, feeling bad for the poor girl, so she slowly sidled up next to Saiya and pulled the girl into her arms; at least after she announced her presence so Saiya wouldn't freak out.

"Hey Saiya... it's Ari. I'm here... is everything okay, little one?"

Of course, while she was present, the bindings and limiters she put on Tha'aluya were much stronger than when she was not; also strengthened by the conflicting feelings that Tha'aluya and Saiya held for the other. Of course, they were not absolute, but, they were strong enough to keep Tha'aluya from harming Saiya. At least, that's what Arianda hoped. But, for now the demon held Saiya close, tapping the damp area of her bed and slowly drying it; since she kinda had some heated elements of her bed. Only some for whenever it got rather cold. Regardless, she was holding Saiya close and having the girl use her bosom, Ari's bosom, as a makeshift pillow.

"I have a feeling you had a rather bad dream, Saiya... but it's okay, I'm here now. If my presence gives you any comfort, then I shall try to give it to you as much as possible, little one. And, of course, I always will have hugs, cuddles, and the like as comfort as well~"

The demon smiled softly at Saiya before she simply held the girl close, lying there next to her for a time. That time, of course, would be decided by Saiya and possibly Arianda. Sure, the demon could possibly lay there with Saiya for the whole day if she wanted. But there was food downstairs; which she was sure Aki already took her share of before returning to, well, Aki things. However, the demon known as Arianda was taking care of Saiya in the way she knew best; physical comfort. Hopefully, Saiya responded well to the cuddle that took place. After all, Arianda may be the Angel of Conflict, and possibly a rather evil being, albeit she don't give a fuck about alignment, she still had a good heart.

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I'm A What...? - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm A What...?

Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:04 am
I'm A What...? - Page 2 Shantae_v_nega_shantae_wallpaper_by_carionto-db0k8l7

She continued to shake and shiver as she nestled into Arianda. She didn't know how to relax herself to generate words for a response at this moment, as it felt like with every time she blinked she squeezed Arianda tight, fearing that she would eventually fall asleep; only because her body needs it, not necessarily because she wants to. A full 8 hours of forced interaction with the abusive parasitic demon that resided within her terrified her to the core, but at the same time being unconscious or dead due to her own fear would make this all the worse. In fact, it might make it so that Tha'alyuua wins, and completely takes over her body and Saiya wouldn't be able to do anything about it other than be a minuscule consciousness in this host's takeover.

At this point, she had been without a regular night of sleep for almost 3 days straight, Tha'alyuua unintentionally scaring her awake at every chance she could. Being awak seemed to be the only time Saiya felt like she had control over Tha'alyuua, as the last time she fell asleep, it was the time she turned into the harpy to fall into London in the first place.

As much as she fought back, she was clearly going through cycles of micro-sleeps; moments where she would swiftly fall asleep for about 4 seconds and then re-awaken herself. Her eyes looked bloodshot red and her eye-lids could barely open because of how exhausted she began to feel. She began to groan slightly at every time she woke up from one of her micro-sleeps, feeling the brief pain sensations from Tha'alyuua's abuse, as well as the overall muscle fatigue from being awake for so long, without any chance to recover. The muscle strain from her time transformed as a harpy to fly here still haunted her, as a majority of the pain she felt was in her arms, ribcage and back, since that was where a majority of the feathers sprang from. This pain in addition to her calves and feet from the transition to talons and bird like legs, caused her not to move from this curled up pose; only because moving from her pose now would be even more pain to stretch herself out from.

"... What's happening...?"

Was all she could speak as a tear rolled down from her barely visible eyes, her voice being crackly as she still felt as though she was being choked.

"... This... This ..."

She tried to formulate more responses, but the micro-sleeps caught up to her, making her forget she was even speaking, as she fell asleep for a few seconds, before re-awakening and repeating.

"... What's happening...?"

As she dozed off this time, rather than seeing Tha'alyuua's face, she saw a flashback of the destruction of her town, and with it she began to remember that she was a primary cause for it all. In the vision, all that she was given a glimpse of was the Guardian Stone, the tablet that people of her type were sworn to protect, and because of her newness to the job she could not save as many people as she wanted to when the stone mysteriously cracked open in the town. It freed an eerie dark energy over the town, causing many to die in a seemingly instantaneous plague. Out of her people, very few survived and in the darkness, she remembered seeing Tha'alyuua's eyes glare at her. As she saw Tha'alyuua's eyes in her micro-sleep flashback, she opened her eyes to ignore a possible interaction with her. Another tear rolled down as soon as she opened her eyes.

"The st... the Stone..."

Was the next piece she spoke, before falling in a micro-sleep, again. This being a clearer version of what she wanted to say instead of "This...This." This micro-sleep she did not wake up from immediately, but it was obvious that she was not having a good time in this. Her body was still trembling, and she even began to become cold on some parts of her body. Her forehead was noticeably sweating and her mouth began to hang opened, causing her teeth to chatter against one another as goosebumps raised along her body.

Last edited by MistahJay on Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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I'm A What...? - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm A What...?

Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:00 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda had to do her best not to do anything odd, but, it was clear that what Saiya needed right now was some sort of comfort. The demon smiled before her lips gently pressed against Saiya's forehead; gently wiping those tears away from her face. She smiled at Saiya, her face bright despite Saiya's condition.

"Listen to me, little one~ That being won't bother you while I'm here. You're safe in Ari's arms, okay~ Just breathe, and try to keep yourself warm with both me and the blankets, okay~? Because I'm right here, dear Saiya; and this Ari ain't going anywhere. So do try to rest a little bit, okay?"

Arianda gave Saiya a confident smile before she basically started to radiate a bit more warmth than normal. Sure, it was simply a matter of heating up her body a little bit so Saiya could feel that heat as she cuddled up to Ari. Meanwhile, the demon also gingerly cleansed Saiya of the great deal of pain she was feeling from what was likely her first transformation. Obviously, Arianda couldn't remove all of it, otherwise Saiya wouldn't really be able to deal with the pain on her own. Afterwards, the demon gingerly wrapped her arms tightly around Saiya's waist.

"I know you don't wish to move, hun, but do try and keep yourself pressed against me, alright? You're safe here with me, I promise~"

Arianda smiled at Saiya once more, giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek before she used a bit of her control over conflict and demonic ability. Of course, Saiya would also need to believe that she felt safe, so, the demon gently caressed Saiya's back; smiling as she kissed Saiya on the lips. It was sudden, sure, but despite it's random nature it should feel comforting for the girl; especially since Arianda knew how to kiss quite, quite well. However, the other thing that would comfort Saiya would be that Arianda was funneling the tiniest bit of a calming energy to Saiya. After the kiss was broken, Arianda held Saiya a bit tighter and smiled at the girl.

"I'm your big sister from now on, okay~? And you're my little sister; you'll always be safe with big sis, little one~"

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I'm A What...? - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm A What...?

Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:22 pm
I'm A What...? - Page 2 Shantae_v_nega_shantae_wallpaper_by_carionto-db0k8l7

"But...It...But it...."

Saiya tried to forced herself into conversation, but at this point her body felt way too fatigued to try to even form proper words, yet alone sentences. She began to shake her hand, nestling herself into Ari's arms farther as she adjusted herself into the warmth of her body. The warmth helped with some of her symptoms, but she was all too afraid to fall asleep on her own, and wanted to fight to stay awake, even if that meant destroying her body in the process. She felt like she would rather stay awake for years, than to even fathom blinking for a micro-second, although that dream was highly unrealistic.

At long last she finally felt like, enough was enough and began to give up fighting, her body was in too much pain, and it felt like her heart beat was moved into her skull rather than isolating itself to her chest. She continued to nest inside of Ari, and as she was drifting she heard the phrase "You are my sister", and popped back up immediately. Her face broke down from being tired, to being an awkward mix of tired, anger and confusion, as her eyes furrowed upwards. Not caring about the status of her body she began to freak out and raise her temper, and along with it, her temperature.

"Sister?! Wh-Why would I w-wa-want that?! You-YOU- YOU ARE what's in me! Why Wo--Why---Wh-- ...W...."

She shouted as her own body temperature began to rise exponentially unintentional to her. It was to a point where it was noticibly making parts of her body glow a bright amber, primarily around her gauntlets, and her tiara on her forehead. Saiya flickered on and off with her micro-sleeps, turning on- and off her anger, as if she did not realize she was falling asleep in between her words.

"Why would I --- I Want to-- To-- T... To Have a "Sister" out of you?! I don-- I don't Even know you! Eve-- Everyone is dead! , My friends..--- My..--- My Family!--- My Pets! All---Alll ---A .... --ALL GONE! And Now, The thing tha---- That KILLED MY FAMILY --- WH--- Wants to be "FAMILY?!"

She screamed at this point when she spoke her words, and as she was screaming, the final exclamation forced her to pass out from using all of her energy, giving Tha'alyuua the perfect opportunity to take over. The glowing parts of her body, were now a manifestation as fuel as Tha'alyuua now took this energy and made the glow continue to radiate down Saiya's body, engulfing her skin in what looked like lava pouring out of the pores of her skin. Because of all of the heat, Saiya's limp body rose up into the air, and her purple hair, caught on fire turning into a bright orange mane of hair flickering underneath of Saiya as she suspended herself upwards. As the flames began to course throughout her body, Tha'alyuua took over as the consciousness of her body and began to speak for Saiya, as she continued to mutate Saiya's body

I'm A What...? - Page 2 Latest?cb=20160401201604&format=original

"I am of a much higher benefactor than you are.. .and once I take over this vessell fully, I will gladly show you how much of a nightmare I can be to you. Do not Dare disrespect me to lower me to such standards as a "Sister" to you ever! Do I make my self clear?"

At this moment, Saiya was still hovering in the air completely motionless, with the only thing moving being her lips as Tha'alyuua spoke through them. The flames continued to grow and spread through out her body, exponentially increasing her heat to the point of feeling like the inner core of the Earth without question, and it seemed like it would only become hotter once Tha'alyuua assumed control.

Last edited by MistahJay on Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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I'm A What...? - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm A What...?

Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:41 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda sighed softly. Everything she was doing was obviously not working; Saiya was shaking. Becoming more and more unstable until the demon that was inside of her, who Arianda tried to chain down, broke herself right back out. Or at least pulled herself to the front of Saiya's consciousness. Arianda would have liked to tell her that, well, she wasn't like Tha'alyuua. She just wanted to help her. Arainda soon sighed softly, Saiya hovering in the air as she appeared to be limp. Motionless. Arianda clicked her tongue softly as she slowly stood on top of her bed; letting the energy that she has gained from Mana out. It was a disgusting energy, in a sense; so chaotic that one could feel the disgusting amount of chaos from the energy with ease. She shook her head softly and sighed softly at Tha'alyuua.

"You know... Not everyone has families. And, dear little lady who's trying to destroy this poor girl's life; she needs a family now that she has lost hers. And mark me on this..."

Arianda's right eye flashed green for a moment before that putrid black energy snaked away and Arianda suddenly changed appearances. Her height was unchanged, the same with her body type, but her skin seemed to be paler. The demon's hair was blonde, her eyes were a golden yellow, and had the pupils of a reptile; a dragon. She had black and red armor on, and, instead of scissors, a pitch black sword with red highlights. Arianda shook her head once more before she stared at Tha'alyuua; the scent of death literally emanating from her being.

"If you harm Saiya, if you try and destroy the being of someone who just wishes to protect and preserve, I will find a way to yank you out of Saiya and destroy you. Because I REFUSE to let someone I like, someone who could have potential to be good for this world, be destroyed by a being who is no more than a parasite. So, how bout you give me back Saiya before you find out why I'm called the Angel of Conflict..."

Arianda growled at Saiya, in such a calm voice that was likely a small bit unnerving. But, her voice soon changed to a softer tone as she completely ignored Tha'alyuua and attempted to speak straight to Saiya.

"Saiya~ If you can hear me, little one; you're stronger than that parasite inside of you. I promise you can overcome her. But, I can also tell you that I am NOT like her. I don't wish to destroy what you care for. I wish to help you; to help you protect. And to give you a family so you're not alone; because I know what it is like to be all alone in the world without anyone else to rely on or love."

Arianda sighed before her gaze became steely as she gazed straight through Saiya and into Tha'alyuua; her piercing yellow eyes glaring towards the woman before she sighed softly. The air around her definitely smelling as if death was in the room.

"Insult me all you wish, hun; just fuck off so I can have Saiya, kay~? I don't wanna harm Saiya. And I especially don't want to use my DE on you through her. So, if you don't mind, turn off that fire and return to the bonds I made for you, hm~?"

She smiled at Tha'alyuua as her DE started surround Tha'alyuua, not that she could see it however; and slowly, she used it to very slowly strengthen the bonds that were holding Tha'alyuua down inside if Saiya by simply using the foreign energy to create something Tha'alyuua could not easily just force her way out of.

"So, if you're done having a fit, mind giving me back the one who I want as my sister? Not as the demon who I assume probably ruined her entire life. Sound good, 'higher benefactor'~?"

Last edited by darkfunnel on Tue Apr 16, 2019 2:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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I'm A What...? - Page 2 Empty Re: I'm A What...?

Sat Feb 23, 2019 9:43 am
The flaming being began to radiate her heat outwards as Tha'alyuua's anger began to escalate. Arianda threatened and insulted her very existence and continued to take on full control of Saiya's motionless body. Eventually she puppeteered her body to reach forward to grab Arianda. A weird circumstance began to happen however, as even though she was screaming and vocalizing multiple insults, the sound did not come out of her throat. Her face was only making the motions of speech as she continued to grab and hoist Arianda off of the ground with her.

Entering the Mind

Internally however, Saiya was taking rest inside of Tha'alyuua. As she dreamed, she began to reminisce about her home and her humble little town. She assumed her usual nightmare would continue out of her control of having the situation replay itself over and over again. Only this time, as Arianda spoke through Tha'alyuua to Saiya directly, her voice echoed through the dark clouds of her dream and began to help clarify the visions. The dark clouds began to clear from the skys and behind Tha'alyuua, Saiya noticed golden tethers ejecting downwards and holding her in place. The tethers then slowly made Tha'alyuuas large cloud of illusions fade,as well as make her shrink in size.

"C'mon Saiya... I know you're tired... But don't make this the day you choose to sleep forever..."

Her internal body began to sit up and gain it's footing as it began to pant in exhaustion from getting up like she did. As she rose up she looked up to Tha'alyuua as she began to shrink, and the dark fog that was in her mind cleared even more so. Although it cleared away, the destruction of her town was still engraved as the mental image of this world.

"You destroyed my home..."

She spoke as she looked to where her house was within the mental map of her town, seeing it in flames drove her into a state of silent rage as she gazed back up to Tha'alyuua and spoke again.

"You destroyed my family..."

The mental projection went inward to the house of hers, and she saw her mother cowarding and eventually passing away due to the fumes that intoxicated the room that they were in. She remembered more clearly that, she was dragged away from her mother by this demon, by Tha'alyuua, assuming that she was the strongest out of the town and took her as a hostage. Making the echoing of Arianda's words of "...she needs a family." Echo through out the dream. A single tear rolled down her face as she turned to Tha'alyuua again and spoke.

"You destroyed my mind..."

As she reflected inward about how sleep deprived she was, and all of this was because of her own fear, of a creature that already knew she was strong. The fact that Tha'alyuua twisted her mind to make Saiya believe that she was just a powerless human that needed to be taken over, began to infuriate her.

Externally,the flames of Tha'alyuua's Elemental, began to slowly shift into a soft lavender starting at the creature's hands and feet. The flames seemed to crawl up the body and hopefully reconvene in the center. Two little horn protrusions began to poke upwards from her forehead as Tha'alyuua was slowly being pushed out of the front of Saiya's mind.

Exiting the Mind

"Three strikes and you're out..."

Saiya spoke once more, as she screamed mentally, and forced herself back to being the forefront of her own mind, causing the flame form to develop magma rock styled corset over it's body that represented similarly to Saiya's top in her human form. The flames themselves slowly shifted from being golden to being a mixture of soft purples pinks and reds to make for Saiya's outfit color. The flame elemental then released Arianda and hovered closer to the floor, and say cross-legged in the air. As it began to speak.

"Hiya... I'm... I'm Saiya... Tired... But Still Saiya... uhhh, Tiyad Saiya ^_~!"

The form spoke as it started to stretch it's arms upwards and hovered over to the bed, but then noticed it's arm as it reached out to the blankets, and realized that she was pretty much a living fireball and didn't want to catch the whole house on fire by laying down in this form. She looked in the mirror and smiled softly

"Ooo I...Is this me? I...I LOOK SO PRETTY~ ... oh umm... How do I turn this off though?"

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Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:17 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It was quite obvious that her words were angering the demon inside of Saiya that Arianda viewed as a pitiful existence. However, the girl simply only stared at Tha'alyuua, as she was currently in control, with her yellow draconic eyes; the demon simply staring on. However, Ari soon found Tha'alyuua screaming and grabbing at her body. Throat, clothes, whatever she could use to hold up the currently armorclad demon; giving a blank stare to the screaming girl in front of her. Insults tried to flow but only screaming followed. The best she could guess, Arianda's words were getting to Saiya; making the girl's lips turn into a sharp grin as the woman fought back against Tha'alyuua.

"Fight, Saiya; that's your body, not hers."

Arianda simply watched as the flaming demon held her and screamed and screamed for what seemed way too long for Arianda. However, eventually Arianda believed she heard the words 'three strikes and you're out' before the elemental in front of Arianda started to slowly change in color until she was a purple flame elemental who finally let go of Arianda; who simply landed back on her bed with a gentle 'clank'. She smiled at Saiya; sitting cross legged in front of Ari as she spoke. She sounded groggy, as if she had just woken up from a really bad sleep. Arianda smiled at the girl in front of her still as she reverted back to her normal appearance.

"Yes you are a very pretty purple, Saiya; but I'd say you are pretty normally anyways~!"

Arianda giggled softly as she quickly hugged the elemental Saiya; since she's all fire right now. Arianda soon hummed softly at her question how she would "turn off" that form. Arianda chuckled softly at Saiya as she gently pet the flaming girl, clearly not caring that Saiya was likely rather hot; well, temperature wise wasn't the only way Saiya was hot after all. She hummed softly and finally answered her question.

"Hmmm... Well, I'd say this is like a more powered version of the demonic shifting abilities. So... try taking deep breaths and thinking to how you look normally; try to will yourself to change back to how you are normally. Think of it as simply changing into a new pair of clothes, maybe~! I'd say that's about how I really got a grasp on changing my form~"

She smiled at Saiya; hoping the girl would try what she said and maybe change back to normal instead of being a pretty little purple elemental.

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Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:27 am
Saiya softly smiled with the hug she had received, and lingered a little bit longer, forgetting that she's on fire. When Arianda pulled away quickly, she frowned and the looked down and then made a sigh of relief, as she quickly remembered, she's a fireball at the moment. As weird as the form seemed to feel, Saiya didn't react as though it was unusual. She didn't feel any discomfort being this way, honestly she felt very peaceful in this form. This feeling of peace could've been a mixture from no longer having Tha'alyuua invading the front of her mind anymore, as well as just admiring how pretty she looked in this form. She floated closer to the mirror and started voguing and posing in the air, giggling as she did so. She was containing her excitement as much as possible, as even though she was comfortable in the form, she didn't know how the form worked, and since this form came out from Tha'alyuua's anger, she assumed alot of her forms have emotional triggers.

As she was voguing in the mirror she vaguely listen to Arianda telling her it was similar to most demons natural shifting abilities. Calming down was already tricky with her excitement being cranked to the maximum at this point, but calming herself down to return to boring ol' Saiya, felt even more impossible to do at this point. Though as soon as she found out that she didn't control her hovering, and instead just naturally hovered, she slowly began to curl up and fall asleep, as her body and mind recalled to how tired she was.

As she curled up in the air, her hair then cascaded over her body creating a blanket of flames to rest underneath. She used her arms as a pillow as her knees were brought up to her chest and crossed over one another at her shins.

"Act like I'm changing clothes...?"

She spoke in a tired tone, as she yawned out in her fire form, hovering as she fell asleep. As she slept, her body slowly changed colors to being her natural skin tone, and her flaming hair, settled down turning into her long violet hair that draped over her body. The hovering effect stayed for quite some time, as it seemed like the flame form fizzled out underneath of her, and turned into a cloud for her to rest on. For a brief moment, she laid nude, as her flame form seemed to burn off clothing. However as soon as the residual heat died down, she generated silk bottoms and a small midriff top for herself to cover herself for now.

"I'm... it's so cold now..."

Was all she said as she was motionless, yet talking in her sleep, hovering in place on a puffy baby blue cloud.

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Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:10 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda was glad to see that Saiya loved how her flamey formed looked; quite happy with her purple appearance. The demon hummed softly as she waited for Saiya to change back; before noticing that the girl was quite tired. She smiled softly as a purple, fiery, Saiya curled up in the air; laying on a bed of fire as she started to change back to normal; a yawn punctuating the form change as the fire faded away. Of course, Ari also averted her gaze a bit too late after Saiya changed back; catching a bit of her nude form. However, she looked back at Saiya and smiled at the girl; humming as Saiya rested on a cloud. A cloud that kept her comforted, just not warm. Arianda let out a gentle giggle as she reached her arms out to pick Saiya up from that cloud; pulling Saiya into her warm arms.

"Oh little Saiya~ Cm'ere and rest in my arms under the covers; it's warm there."

She smiled at the very sleepy, if not already sleeping, Saiya that was now in her arms before Ari herself poofed into a different set of clothes; her pajamas. She kissed Saiya on the forehead before she laid down and gently slid the girl under the covers and gently slipped next to Saiya; gently running her hands through Saiya's hair. She hummed softly, pecking the girl's forehead once more before she pulled the covers over both of them and gently pulled Saiya against her warm body. The poor girl had been through a lot and had finally gained a whole bunch more control of herself. It was warming to Ari that she may have helped Saiya at least a tiny bit before her own strength shined through. She kissed Saiya on the forehead once more before she closed her eyes to sleep with the purple haired cutie.

"Don't worry Saiya~ You're stronger than you know; and you have me too~ I'll never let you be alone again~"

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