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Thu May 31, 2018 4:39 am

Who 'Da Fuck Said Da Queen Was Dead? [Operation Fun Rebels] [SF Mission] [4/6 Spots Filled] 6EdIfMt

Song: Walking With Strangers - Word Count: N/A

Mana didn't give a gosh darn diddly damn whether or not Arianda or Calypso were still clinging to her at the hypersonic speeds at which Ol' Queenie moved to reach Flow City from the Asthavon's Demon World Palace. If they were dust in the wind, so be it. It's not like she didn't warn them they were in for the joy ride into hell itself! Mmmmmmm, yes! She was far too friggin' focused on havin' a bit of a feast, makin' a scene n' nommin' on the delicious flesh, blood, bone n' spirits of these lil' rebels that have been popping up in Demon World following her absence.

Oh yes~

People weren't happy with how unstable things were becoming with the current rule of her lovely lil' kingdom. Demons were upset that she had a lack of presence, others loathed the amount of heavy conflict the realm was under while some just were tired of the chaotic rule of the Asthavon's and Shadow Fall in general. And, like a fly on the wall, Ol' Queenie couldn't help but overhear this gathering of roughly 80,000 protestors gathering in HER city. n' what kind of a Queen would she be if she didn't entertain her a guest? A LOUSY ONE, THAT'S WHAT!

Thus, as the emerald moon shined down upon the brightly lit city filled with chaos, The Demon Queen's presence smashed into the scene like a freight train ready to railroad everyone's asshole straight into the depths of anal hell. Nothing but a series of childish laughs could be echoed throughout the city as this thick pressure weighed down on the city.

When this presence made itself known, protestors, citizens n' Shadow Fall warriors themselves knew one thing: their Queen was back....for better or worse.

So, after taking one large leap from the top of a ten story building (regardless of whatever Arianda or Calypso said at this point unless they had the power to cease her movement), Ol' Queenie stomped to the ground, made a jovial laugh n' wasted no time having a neon green tendril protrude from out of the base of her stomach to make a shish kebab out of about a dozen protestors. In one foul swoop, this tendril was then retracted as these men n' women alike screamed for bloody murderer as they begged for someone to save them -- before getting munched on by the stomach of Mana.

It was a bizarre sight to see as Demoness's stomach grew large toothed fangs, gnawed on the protestors one by one n' spread a series of crimson, silver, gold and emerald blood, guts, bones n' gore in every direction as her laughs n' the childish giggle of the millions of souls inside her body grew ever louder as she relished in this moment of carnage. If Arianda was still around Mana at this point, she'd take a dazed stare at her compaiono before uttering these words to her:

"I can't be a greedy lil' bitch can I? There tens of thousands of these lil' darlin's n' ya deserve a snack for me havin' abused ya worse than an African Slave. Go on, snack on some of these darlings as well. Ya earned the treat, babe."

While Mana could wipe the whole of this city out with her strength as a demonic goddess, ol' Queenie saw better fit to extract the fun out of this n' take her time eatin' like a good wittle kid. Therefore, as all the people looked onward, Mana only had this to say:

"Well, ya' got all these people rounded up to throw me a lil' party. WHO 'DA HELL MISSED THEIR QUEEN!? STEP UP, S'UGAH'S! <3"

...n' with that, The Queen of Demons was back on the scene....

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:41 pm; edited 3 times in total

Who 'Da Fuck Said Da Queen Was Dead? [Operation Fun Rebels] [SF Mission] [4/6 Spots Filled] WVMWLOu
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Thu May 31, 2018 10:57 am

Cali felt... Very, very tired. No, tired wasn't the right word, out of it was. Mana had sedated the little demon so that she wouldn't scream or cry, as they had taken off into the realm with blinding speeds. Cali was only being held towards her mother via a tendril, keeping her tethered to the demon queen and calm despite the speeds being overwhelming. As they had traveled, Cali was out of it, mentally wonked, and taking the time to lament on the disconnect they felt, the dissonance between their mind and body, it was a surreal experience to say the least.

Huuh.. Am I trailing behind, or going forward..? Her mind tried to make sense of what this feeling was, though the experience was cut short, as something burned in the back of her mind...

Anger. Injustice. Fear. Empowerment... It was a flurry of noise that scratched the back of her skull relentlessly. And it was far more than enough to get the Danava up and perky. The emotions were almost too much for them to bear, the darling panting and edged into a panic, til Mana had dropped down, and shish kabobbed a dozen protestors, which caused Cali's dark eyes to widen in horror, watching them be eaten... By Mama.

The demon's heart beat rapidly, so hard that she swore it was going to burst out of her chest like a newborn Xenomorph. She simply watched in horror as her mother continued to consume people, becoming lost in her thoughts.

This isn't.. What I wanted... I just wanted... To have a calm time, with Mama...

Golden tears trailed down her face, as her body acted on it's own, getting off her belly and onto her feet, rushing to and hugging her mother very, very tightly from behind, trying to stay in contact as long as possible, for her body to bring calm, comforting energies to the manic queen, her body eminating a very strong, sweet scent, that would make any around her who smells it feel more inclined to an elated mood.

"Mama..! Please stop! PLEASE STOP!"
She begged to her, "This isn't what I wanted to do with you! This isn't anything that I wanted! I wanted to go somewhere calm with you..! Mama.." She almost choked on her breath, "There is... Something... Very wrong, isn't there? That.. I have to fix... I have to help..."

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Thu May 31, 2018 12:46 pm

The Angel of Conflict

Arianda Vael

Who 'Da Fuck Said Da Queen Was Dead? [Operation Fun Rebels] [SF Mission] [4/6 Spots Filled] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: NA

It appeared a certain demon trio, at least Arianda assumed Cali was a demon, was flying to Flow City at speeds that required Arianda to look like a baby clutching to its mom’s chest. In other words, she was holding on for dear life as she drank her fill of Mana’s blood to revitalize her. Once her fill had been drunk, she licked her lips, licked Mana's neck, and then simply held on for dear life as the trio flew to Flow City like a missile inbound to strike the city.

As soon as the three landed, Arianda was basically flung off of the Demon Queen's front as she moved to devour people; protesters that seemed to want to do something about Mana. In the way that meant uprooting a demon queen that they thought had no place on her throne. Arianda saw this, looking around at the carnage around them; the mass of people that wanted a different queen. A foolish desire, really. The Angel of Conflict could only sigh as her wings spread from her back and she crossed her legs, levitating above the crowd, as well as Mana and Calypso; slowly creating a blue aethereal spear out of her own energy. The demon stared at the crowd with displeasure. Flow City was basically the Angel's own little territory, so, seeing so many beings act like this was... greatly displeasing.

"All of you are fools if you believe that such a thing will make a difference. Ah well, time to purge a REBELLION"

The demon twirled the spear on her hand before she threw it into the middle of the crowd, many of which have already abandoned their cause and left at the sight of the Queen of Demons. Maybe of Arianda, but, it was hard to say; not many really feared her. But, the second her spear hit the ground, many a person was incinerated; reduced to nothing in the crowd. Arianda sighed softly as she floated down into the middle of the crowd, who surged towards her, aiming to take down her and then Mana. It was pointless of them to even try. All they wanted was a change, and they turn to protesting; tis just a fools errand to protest the absolute.

"Oh~? Is that so, hun~? Why, I better get an appetite soon; some of these people look mighty scrumptious. And don't worry about being greedy, dear Mana~ I've come to accept it. Now, do try and save some of the tasty ones for me~ Now that I think about all that torture you put me through, I am absolutely famished~~"

The demon grabbed one of the rebelling SF warriors from the crowd and she spun him around like a flail; smashing many a demon to death or throwing them aside. Afterwards, she crushed the demon's skull with ease and looked around at the crowd; her eyes half closed. She was bored. Not that this was boring or anything, but... these people attempting to rebel; it was quite silly. The Angel of Conflict looked to her Queen before she gained a rather sadistic grin as her wings flared from her back again as she spun through the crowd; spawning her scissors as she tore through countless, countless, demonic rebels. Eventually, The Angel wrestles a few of these rebels, all of differing genders, and slowly wrung them dry of the latent Death Energy that was around them. She then kicked their dissolving corpses aside, grabbing a few people by the throat. From there, tentacles sprouted from her back and started to devour them piece by piece; eventually rendering them to nothing. The Angel of Conflict even took a few of the more good looking men and women -- listening to her lovable Queen about getting a snack or two -- chomping into their necks with unhinged jaws before her wings wrapped around Arianda, and her victim; and when they opened, only Arianda was left, licking a bit of blood off of her fingers. After a couple more snacks like that, she just had to stretch; a few bones popping in the Ari's back as she looked at the crowd around her before peering at Cali.

Arianda had no idea who this child was, she was clearly a being born from The Queen but something felt... off; different. One would think that if she was created by Mana, Calypso would be more on board with what her mother was doing; meaning that there most be a second factor that clashes with The Danava of Chaos's being. Whatever it was, the demon could only sigh and move towards the pair of Danava, cutting down rebel after rebel as she walked over. Arianda could only sigh at the sight of the child begging for her mother to stop this; it was futile. Mana doesn't listen to anyone but herself, and maybe a few others. Honestly, it would be hard for the Angel of Conflict to believe that even Cali would sway her desires. But, she simply continued slaughtering rebel after rebel, keeping a close eye on Mana and Calypso; wondering what would happen. After all, this child was new to Arianda; she couldn't help but wonder what secrets the two had kept from her. She was a curious little demon, and wanting to know the truth behind things was just a little ideal of hers. Besides, she would love it if a certain demon Queen would tell Arianda what this Child was about. She couldn't wait to hear the truth behind it all. Well, maybe she could; some of these demons were actually pretty damn tasty.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Thu May 31, 2018 4:48 pm

Artist: Ace Waters ft. Thunderscott - Song: Nihilist - Word Count: 1055


Cries and screams. Delectable.

Emotions of fear and despair poured over the temple of Khalaism in Flow City, which stood erect beneath the emerald moon, the man chuckling to himself as he finally managed to remove his body from the mass of flesh. Both arms reached above his head as he walked out of the temple's inner sanctum, a white towel resting on his shoulders. "Haaa… Such a lovely day~" The Archbishop muttered to himself, his sweat-matted hair sticking against his skull. The sounds of chaos filled the streets, but he was not concerned with that. He was concerned with those of weak will who could feel the presence of his disciples, who wandered close to the main gates of the temple, before being brought deep inside the loving bosom of the religion that Sunshine Asthavon helped lead.

His matted hair extended, the sweat dripping from it as another towel was fetched, wrapped tight around his lower body. As he walked towards the entrance out of the sanctum, he grabbed a basin of dark liquid that had been left out, tipping the oil-like substance over his head. The sweat and grime began to dissipate instantly, the wear and tear of the activity he had been engaged it flowing effortlessly off of his body. It had been a wonderful little revolution for the Khalaists so far. So many minds looking for purpose, lacking direction. They needed to be helped. They needed assistance. That was exactly what the Evil Angel wished to give them… though he had been having some difficulties with it himself, recently.

Oh, Holy Mother, why do you torture yourself like this? Both of his hands were folded in prayer as he walked out of the temple, his eyes half closed as his focus turned away from the place where he felt safe. He was moving towards a much more uncertain place. Only his own presence in this holy place had managed to keep the Demon Queen's presence from subsuming every single individual who he protected here. As a result, he was the only one who was forced into experiencing the full brunt of her appearance. The others were blissfully ignorant, and would remain so until the danger had passed.

Ah… such delicious torment, such vile dangers… Sunshine's spine shivered at the thought, the soft towels helping him remain relaxed as he approached the main gate. The towel that was wrapped around his body shifted and morphed, becoming a noble green robe from his waist down. Standing before his home, he let out a single breath. So beautiful… let's embrace our cousin, and enjoy the sorrows of our home's current state…

The man's body shifted, a strange shwoop noise coming from the demon.

* * *

Distance was not a problem for the Archbishop. He was used to crossing great lengths to spread the word of his Goddess, though now his abilities were placed into a different service. Dozens of demons fell flat on their behinds as a sudden speed brushed past them, the speed's owner finally coming to rest out in the crowd.

Before the Demon Queen and the eyes of those assembled, the demons around the marshmallow haired man began to feel limp, their bodies beginning to feel a bit… dizzy. "…NNnnnnAAah….!" A deep, primal noise appeared from the center of this strange occurrence, as several hundreds of the protestors began to feel a bit… worse. The anger gently shifted, the appearance of Mana and her murder having instilled within them a deep sense of… despair.

"…Haaa… HAaaaaaAA..! Nn…..!" Sunshine's body contorted a bit, his eyes wide as he lightly eased back, feeling the tantilizing despair pour into himself. SUUUNSHINE… YESSS…. The Eternal Partner of the Danava of Despair affirmed his gluttony, Sunshine's entire body convulsing lightly, his knees giving out as his palms pushed into the dirt, trying hard to catch his breath.

Then, a different strand of despair entered into his lips. …Hmm? Sunshine's hands pushed back against the ground, righting his skinny body, his bare torso showing once again as his eyes locked onto a strange presence next to Mana. "……" He could feel so much… hope from her. It was being threatened rapidly. Sunshine smiled slowly, not taking from that harvest, at least not yet.

The crowd was destabilized, the tumultuous occurrence filling them with despair, hope, anger, rage… conflicting emotions pushed and shoved against one another, the solitary purpose both rising up and decreasing as Mana prodded them and Sunshine's presence placated them.

"That is… unfortunate." He let out, blinking at the spear detonated in front of him, blowing his body away. Sunshine's half deformed body laid with the carcasses of those who had been slain, his flesh deforming and then reforming like a pool of liquid, his feet pushing back into the ground as he rose once again, the only one standing now within the devastation of the blast site. It is also quite convenient, however…

The Archbishop held out both hands, a pink mist flowing from his body. The mist slithered and surged among the demons, the aggression and hatred beginning to… destabilize. Some began to fall down, slumping completely onto the ground, unable to close their eyes, Sunshine's energy making it harder to… focus on anger.

"…Look at how our people die beneath your warrior." Sunshine's mouth stated, his Demon-Bond reading eyes falling over the warrior who impaled and assaulted the soldiers. "And you'd be lying, lying so sinisterly, if you said you did not love this banquet of rebellion and chaos, Your Excellency~" Sunshine's voice rose above the demons, his body rising up, both hands open at his sides. His eyes were locked on the Queen, before gesturing at the demons around him.

"They are merely wanting for purpose, aren't they…? They're your people, your soldiers, your laborers, your demon horde… All they want is for you to command them, to give them what they truly desire."

Sunshine's eyes opened wide, his mouth opening as he breathed in and out, the scent of battle and bloodshed feeling his lungs. Ah, Goddess… your people are lost without you… Tears of black formed along the edge of his eyes, blinking as they finally spilled down.

"And your sister is wandering; our Goddess has become confused. Are you truly surprised that her people are not the same…?"

Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Tue Jun 05, 2018 4:24 pm

Artist: Bleach OST 3 - Song: Clavar La Espada

The Demon World. Place Nize had visited so few times one could count the instances on one hand fingers. It is a place where those ruling supremacy over Hueco Mundo resided. The gold throne, covered in filth, blood and plain idiocy. Each time thinking about it only proved him that brute power and pure instinct is held higher then anything else. In the end it has always been.

The call was simple and at first Split didn't even consider responding it, but the chance to see the fabled Demon Queen in action peaked the Arrancar's curiosity and he decided to see what was this rebellion all about. So, with stocked up tech, blank face and prepared portal Nize Split arrived to Flow city just as the massacre of rebels began. Octava Espada was left speechless.

More precisely, the man was left unimpressed. Compared to the powerhouse that Mana Asthavon was he saw no reason for both point of this rebellion or why the call was made. Even Nize, with a bit of preparation, could deal with this issue. Such, he saw no reason why these flies were here at all. What more, from his view point of a high raise building it was obvious the Queen of Demons was not even close to efficiently remove the problem. No, rather...She was definitely fooling around. Pointless action in Nize's emotionless eyes.

What caught attention from the point he stood was another person. Someone he hasn't personally met, but the previous Nize had. Someone that had instilled fear in the previous mind. Sunshine Asthavon. He was here as well, joining the pointless slaughter, that could have ended with just a snap of fingers from any of these near-god level beings. In that place they were releasing pointless party tricks, indulging their madness and depravity. He truly didn't understand mad people.

But then dozen or so demons from the hysterical crowd seemed to notice Nize and in their confusion, or maybe it was fear induced madness, they launched in the Espadas direction. Nize let out long sight, he had no intention to participate in this idiocity, seeing there was no actual need for him. Still, seemed fate had decided otherwise and such two small shoulder guns appeared, both firing hail storm of bullet size Balas in the rebelling Demon direction. The crazed beasts didn't even attempt to dodge and quickly fell dead, each having more holes in their bodies then one should.

After removing one annoyance Split decided he might as well have some field training, his "Soul Drive" keeping all the mental side effects from the various hellish creatures at bay and away. Jumping down and into the mass of rebels he closed his eyes and focused, silently muttering.

"Cero Volcánico!" The ground then slowly erupted in series of multiple Cero's more or less frying anyone too unlucky to get caught in the blasts. At this point he just wanted to get back home as fast, as possible. Split was not really needed.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Who 'Da Fuck Said Da Queen Was Dead? [Operation Fun Rebels] [SF Mission] [4/6 Spots Filled] RDLUVBj
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Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:20 am

Who 'Da Fuck Said Da Queen Was Dead? [Operation Fun Rebels] [SF Mission] [4/6 Spots Filled] 6EdIfMt

Song: Last Daze (Funland Mix)- Word Count: N/A

Ugh. For fucks sake, this lil' tart was gettin' on ol' Mana's nerves. Crying, whining and making herself to be a pitiful sobbing mess wasn't a good look for an Asthavon in The Mind Of The Demon Queen. Therefore, while everyone else was having fun making this place look like the set of The Walking Dead, sweet Mana had to be stuck on babysitting duty to deal with her itty bitty problem.

"What 'da hell are ya' so damn worked up about? Ya act like I'm not one of the most ridiculously overpowered creatures to ever walk 'dis ol' land of ours."

Twas' clear this was gonna be a bit of an issue, so Mana decided to amp up the amount of maddening energy which bled from her body to the ninth degree. Of course, The Queen wasn't gonna have this child high out of her ever loving mind, but like all good millennial mothers, she was gonna dope her ADD ridden child up with some nice ol' sedatives. Oh yes, a thick layer of emerald energy consumed the child so that she may begin to find herself dulled, chilled n' like she had a good joint or something to that effect. ....oh, I guess the whole thing about not getting her high was out of the picture. OH WELL! Whatever will shut this child up will work for Mana.

"n' don't go pointin' fingers at me, lil' one. Yer the one who decided to wake me up, but now you don't want to play with Mama Mana? Don't hurt my feelings like that, s'ug~"

Splat, tat n' scarrrrrrrrrrt!

While our holy mother Mana was busy lecturing her little one, some cloaked demonic freak tried to outright stab The Queen from behind. Which -- resulted in one hell of a midnight snack for Ol' Queenie! In a single movement, a throbbing, hard appendage with razor sharp teeth extended forth from her back and consumed the bastard in one foul swoop.

"Besides, why can't ya' just enjoy the night out like her? Ya' don't see her being reduced to a slobbering mess afta' I ate the shit out of her flesh n' organs."

Not even acknowledging the tasty meal she consumed, Mana was right off to the horses as she pointed at Ariadna learning to have fun with consuming a bunch of these needless extra in this show of life. Although, it seemed as if this ol' party was just gonna keep getting bigger. Since her ever-sharp demonic senses perceived the presence of a fellow Asthavon falling forth to the scene of carnage, mayhem and destruction. With his appearance on the field, it looked like almost everyone fell into some sedative trance; but to Ol' Mana it was just another excuse to feed off their despair, confusion and delirium that such a future of death instilled in the psyche of the mind.

"Ah, yes~ What a delightful lil' hun ya are, Sunshine. Givin' me 'dis sweet n' tasty meal as an offerin' to ya' Queen. Consider me pleased~"

Of course, old church boy didn't come without a sermon. Apparently, he was givin' her some jive about ol' Queenie not giving her subjects a command, a direction n' place in life. To which, logically, Mana really couldn't say he was wrong. What? Ol' Queenie may be insane, but she's insane like a fox or however the bloody hell that saying goes. With her mind as unstable as it is, 'twas quite natural for a bit of things to go haywire when not makin' active public apperances. So, she gave a hard cackle like she was the wicked witch of the west, looked at Sunshine with pure delight behind her gem green eyes n' uttered these jovial words to him:

"Oh my, dearie~ I can't quite say ya' aren't wrong about those things. If it's command n' direction they desire, don't let me stop them from having their supply of it~"

At this point, it was clear Mana could slaughter most of these creatures with a single flick of a wrist. And, with the arrival of a new face on the battlefield, Mana waved Nize before leaving Sunshine, The Arrancar and Arianda to clean up the mess. In one movement, the tendril around Cali's waist tightened before Mana jumped up towards the tallest point of the nearest skyscarper at mach one speeds. When she reached the peak of this structure, Mana let her voice be heard far and wide!

"All of my most wonderous pretties in The Kingdom of Demon World: have you ever stopped to think WHY I was put into this position of power as your Queen? It's simple: the eradication of old order."

In this moment of great command, a volt of emerald energy shocked the skies and consumed the heavens in a dazzling emerald light which lit ablaze the night time sky. In this way, the telepathic message of Mana's words spread throughout the communication systems of Demon World, into the minds of other creatures and spread for as far as it could go so that all may hear her message.

"When The Asthavon family seized it's way to power with our pretty lil' claws, we sought the destruction of control the former Queen of Demon World held. I yearned to bring new excitement to our realm, to remove the dullness of life and usher in a new age of liberation, power, and dominance for our race. Can ya' honestly say we haven't become the cream of the crop under my rule?"

There was then a pause before a foul grin etched it's way across the woman's lips.

"No. Ya can't. It's through this state of mania n' madness that our world became less drab. As your Queen, I want ya' to embrace this new world to forever find ways to use this state of free mania to unhinge yourself from your limitations and bring new hell to this realm. Even to those who hate every fiber of my being, bring on as much entertainment as you can as I gave you the stepping stones to give us both entertainment until we're both in the bloody grave if that's what it leads to~!"

With a cackle n' giggle, Mana embraced her own sickening energy as she howled with a great laughter; enjoying the scene n' making the most of this hellish night. Twas' hella fun makin' all these billions of creatures follow her lead n' control! It was simply the best!

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Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:45 am

Golden beads left the young Danava’s eyes in droves as she hugged her mother, mumbling begs and pleas to stop what she was doing. She wasn’t sure if her scent, her body, anything was working, but she thought if she held on as long as she could, it would stop.. It would all stop and they could just leave, have a nice quiet time somewhere else, and forget any of this ever happened. It was a selfish desire, but a desire the Danava had wanted terribly to happen.

“YOU! I’m worked up about YOU!”
The Danava snapped in reply, her face pressing against her mother’s body, “Even if you think that… S-something… Something could happen… Something could happen and you could be go… fo… e...vr..?”

A strange sensation pinched at Calypso’s senses, rapidly numbing them. What was happening..? Oh… It was her Mama’s energy.. Flowing into her? Her vision blurred, muscles beginning to feel weak, the child feeling her arms beginning to slip down Mana’s figure. She tried to hang on, quite terribly so, but to no avail did her arms listen to her. She slumped on the ground next to her, the sound of her heart beating, blood pumping, thoughts, and the vague bout of white noise slowly took over her hearing, as she couldn’t feel like she could move.

“” The word faintly left her lips, as she saw something move just in her dimming peripheral vision, feeling something warm and smelly splat on her upper body. She couldn’t properly tell what was going on anymore, her senses felt like she was stuffed full of sheep’s wool…

She was just here, alone in her thoughts, barely able to observe the outside world.

...Was this even worth the try? I just wanted to help her be less unstable… I just wanted to give her one… Peaceful… Evening… But this happened… This happened instead, the opposite of what I wanted… Why?

The Ambrosia came far less frequently, but her eyes were still plenty full of the sweet, golden tears, ...I failed. What can I do? Am I even… Strong enough to help Mama? I…

I can’t do this.
I can’t do this.
I can’t do this.
I can’t do this I can’t do this I can’t do this..

...I… Can’t do this..?

What am I talking about..? Why am I.. Thinking like this..? Umbra? Umbra? Is your anxiety coming back up? We don’t have to think like this… It’s possible… We can… We can…

The world suddenly changed as the vague sensation of something curling around her abdomen, and soon the entire city being below her, almost got her mind kickstarted to reality, but she was still in the subdued state.

“...Ohhh… The city’s swingin’...” She mused, a thought coming from her lips rather than her mind.

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Who 'Da Fuck Said Da Queen Was Dead? [Operation Fun Rebels] [SF Mission] [4/6 Spots Filled] Empty Re: Who 'Da Fuck Said Da Queen Was Dead? [Operation Fun Rebels] [SF Mission] [4/6 Spots Filled]

Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:33 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Artist: NateWantsToBattle - Song: Hero of Our Time - Word Count: 1100

Ah, it stings… it stings, they sting…! This pain, I offer it to you… as offering…! Sunshine's body was still reforming in some places, his malleable flesh returning back to the form it was meant to be, the red blood that had coated his body dripping off of him. Not a drop remained on his form afterwards.

Hmm…? It seems our Queen is forgetting one of the Tenets of Khalaism… She appeared to be rather displeased with her child. Sunshine's piercing gaze could see how uncomfortable the creature was, before Mana released some kind of weird drug-like pulsation of energy onto the poor creature. Quite disgusting… For the first time, the smile lowered from Sunshine's lips. He honestly seemed unsettled. Quite unusual for a man who spent a fair amount of time using similar methods to get what he wanted. Perhaps he thought of it as completely different from himself?

Or perhaps he identified with the creature. I'm worked up about you… Sunshine's face visibly began to change, the light smile he maintained starting to turn into a grimace as the edges of his teeth began to show. Extremely uncharacteristic for the aloof archbishop. His fingertips were pressing into his skin, his spine beginning to straighten itself as the pain surged through his form, the fingernails drawing blood. He looked directly up at the sky, taking in deep breaths, his marshmallow hair resting on either side of his skull.

Much like the child, Sunshine appeared to calm down, before finally looking back at Mana again. His eyes were different than before. It was the first time that Mana would have seen such an expression of displeasure from the Demon Prince. Unfortunately, he could not deal with that matter now. They were in the middle of a rather important confrontation.

"By Deveta's Name, we'll be here all day!" He let out in exasperation, hearing more crunching noises from the direction of Mana's knight. Both hands reached out from Sunshine's body, his bare flesh beginning to… sweat. Sunshine's mouth opened from his body, coming undone with a bizarre schlunk noise. As he did so… a torrent of raw black material poured out from him.

The material pushed outwards from Sunshine's body, creating a pool that began to push outwards. As the pool extended, dread accompanied it, pure hopelessness crashing against the senses of every living creature around them. Gone from the field was that pleasant, light feeling that some of the demons were feeling; any who had been affected that would be replaced by this bizarre feeling of half-terror. It was as a raw lack of confidence that afflicted them; pure despair.

Standing there, Sunshine's feet pressed against the orb that now rested on the ground, his hair beginning to extend outwards from his body. That feeling of despair crushed down on them as they looked at Mana, high up on the skyscraper.

For most of the demons, this would be all it would require for Sunshine's influence to infect them, looking up at the Demon Queen speaking to them.

Ooooh, God… Yes… yes….! Sunshine's breathe quickened, feeling how deeply he was penetrating into the hopes and faiths of the demons around him. All around his body, the bodies of the demons began to crumple, falling onto their fronts as they prostrated themselves. Around Sunshine's body, a peculiar slime-green aura had appeared, brighter than the one Mana had.

"Then pick something, Demon Queen!" His deep voice called up at her, a peculiar… presence behind those words. Around Sunshine's body, a bizarre… apparition was now there. It had large, skeletal wings, without any other really discernable features. It had to some kind of head, and spikes that covered the entirety of its body. Perhaps one could describe it as eldritch. It wrapped around Sunshine's body, seeming to grow with each passing moment, seeming to speak along with his words.

"They have no hope! They have no cares! These sheep are lost and confused! Are you that drab, Queen of Demons? Are you that dull…? Give them a goal! Let us FEEL LIKE THE DEMONS WE ARE!"

Sunshine seemed no longer to care about authority in the slightest.

If Cali, Nize, and Arianda were not careful, it was possible that they would feel as if they were under attack by the presence of Sunshine's aura of Despair, a mentally draining effect that could lead to them on their knees and warped at least for a while by the experience.

Those affected by the aura were zapped of their current cheerful, hopeful mindset; hence why so many of the demons who were looking up at Mana were losing their will to keep fighting. The effect was not permanent, but they would not be rising up again within the next few minutes, at the least. In this state, they would also be fairly easy to convince or persuade, due to having no current feeling of hopefulness towards the future.

"You have plenty of a feast…" Sunshine told her, manipulating the ball towards one of the fallen, using it to drag the poor soul up, resting it upon the orb of viscous liquid. "So many already consumed by your hand… So feast, and christen us in their blood… with new purpose.

That is why you are our Queen… is it not?"

Template By: [THEFROST]

The Barracks!


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Mon Jun 25, 2018 11:40 am

Continued From This Thread:

Who 'Da Fuck Said Da Queen Was Dead? [Operation Fun Rebels] [SF Mission] [4/6 Spots Filled] 6EdIfMt

Song: This Life Is Mine - Word Count: N/A

"Da' hell are ya' talkin' bout? My life is already on borrowed time, s'ug. Millions of pretty lil' darlins want my ghoulish mug dead in the dirt. I ain't shy 'bout facin' 'em as that's somethin' we all gotta deal with."

What did the child actually expect? Ol' Mana wasn't exactly miss friendly with the world. She kept her power intact by exploiting others politically, forcing herself with power and then using her influence to keep those under her boot in check. If no kingdom didn't do these things, then there wouldn't be much of a kingdom left to defend as all rivaling nations would consume it in a heartbeat. Of course Mana thought what her rule stood for was right in her eyes, but that didn't negate the fact her actions had an effect in the world and one of these days The Demon Queen wouldn't be surprised if someone actually managed to slaughter her; even if her own ego laughed at that thought.

"ne'way, we all are gonna scram from this city soon. There is no need for us to be here anymore. Instead...."

With a lick of her lips, Mana scratched an emerald vortex into reality which had a reflection of the Chaya Nation mirrored in it.

"...we are gonna pay a visit to my sister's kingdom. Call me interested in the developments takin' place there..."

Of course, at this point, Mana had mostly tuned out most of Sunshine's actions until the ghost-haired child of Khala started making lights flash brighter than the damn sun in her eyes. And who in their right wits could ignore that? So, her gem green eyes darted towards Sunshine before stating out loud to demon world what their purpose was:

"If ya want a purpose to pursue, then be it this: the liberation of your fellow demons. Find whatever way you can to free them of their restrictions, let them see the glory of a world without restraint and let the blood of the Avant Demons flow in them and relieve of the constrictions this blood of ours has."

Then, with a snap of her fingers, the information pertaining to the Avant Demon Race would bled into the minds of her nation to show them their way out of being tainted by Deveta's blood.

(Link to them in this thread:

In giving them access to that, they could find the next step in their evolution as a people. While Mana's own next steps were both a few feet away as she began to walk toward the portal which would bring her to the doorsteps of the Chaya Nation. However, she wouldn't exit without saying these parting words to Sunshine:

"If that ain't good enough for ya', then nothing ever will be, SONNY-Boy~"

And with that, she'd give a wave and make her way off to her next venture without a single fuck given.

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