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Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] Left_bar_bleue93900/99999Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] Empty_bar_bleue  (93900/99999)

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] Empty Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++]

Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:10 pm

The First Sternritter

Luna Leonhart

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Coding In Template By:


Quincy Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Luna Leonart
» Titles: The First Sternritter, The Blizzard, Ice Queen
» Age: 990
» Height: 5'10" ft
» Gender: Female

» Affiliation/Rank: N/A

» Physical Appearance Description:

Standing at 5'10 feet and weighing it at 160 lbs, Luna is just of average height and weight. Judging by the contours of her body however, she has been told many times, she has just the right assets in just the right places. However, unfortunately, most comments stemmed from individuals whose lives were silenced by Luna herself as soon as such comments exited their lips. The even unfortunate rest were instead met with a night of nearly unforgettable pleasure, just to meet an even more horrifying end at her hands once her interest in those man had subsided.

For the longest time, Luna was used to wearing the typical garments of a Quincy. As part of the Quincy of old and being the first Sternritter, it was almost an expectation. Following the untimely disappearance of the man she hated, most Quincy disappeared with him. Finally awoke from her deep slumber, and having time to reflect on the world, though her personality did not quite change, her choice in garment had a very striking difference. With no sign of her people of old ever resurfacing, she finally had the freedom to do as she wished, even if the results were not quite as reassuring as she had expected. Almost out of spite, she chose to wear dark colored clothing, which, although not black like the Shinigami's, was a very dark blue color which contrasted greatly with the predominantly white color of the Quincy.

Her outfit in general, consists of large dark blue boots that rise up to just about her mid thighs. The boots are adorned with elegant inlay designs of golden hue. She also sports a skirt of very minute proportions, which is just barely able to cover her butt, albeit possibly showing some more if she made any rough or sudden motions. Being looked at its not a problem to her. Though she cares little for her appearance, she will kill anyone who she deems uninteresting if they look at her seductively, and she will kill them as well even if they are interesting...once she has had her time of pleasure with them. Just above her skirt, a tight wrapping of bandages can always be seen covering her belly button and her midsection. Although most of her injuries healed extremely well, thanks to the constant supervision she had during her grueling training, some of the worst scars did not heal as they should. And thus she hides that portion of her body as it shows things that, although she no longer cares for nor affects her, she just rather not show openly.

Luna also wears highly decorative gauntlets which spawn from her hands to just the area of her elbow. The gloves are rather particular as only the middle and ring finger are covered. Atop her hand, a golden inlay is quite carefully tailored, wrapping on the other side of the hand, to make it easier to practice, shoot, and engage in melee combat. By her wrist, a fairly thick golden bracelet makes a pause dividing the portions of her wrist and forearm, as the latter shows zigzag-like golden lines towards the edge of its predominantly blue design. Though the rest of her arms are largely uncovered and thus bare, by her biceps, she possesses yet another golden bracelet, not unlike the one by her wrists. These are merely golden in color and not in property to allow for contraction and extension. On her shoulders, ornate blue and golden pauldrons produce rather sharp-looking designs to accentuate her use of arrows. She also sports a cowl which doubles as a cape. The cowl has very ornate golden designs, almost making an image of an owl, while her cape has very linear golden lines on the edges. Aside from the cape, she wears no other form of covering on her back, so during battle and in rather windy situations, it is largely bare. Her top is covered, as the a fabric extends from the cowl down making sure to cover down her neck, to where the bandages start. However, her frontal garment merely does enough to cover the more eye-opening areas. Though her breasts are largely covered, its not unusual for the sides to show just a bit, and most of the sides of her upper body are nearly fully on display.

Almost like a foreshadow to her powers, Luna's hair is quite light. She is known for her rather long silverish-white hair. If left unkempt, it could easily reach down to her butt. However, for the most part, she keeps most of her hair tied up and in a ponytail, covered by her cowl. She only allows but a number of strands of hair to be visible up front as they drape down onto her body. Even then, her hair is of such length, that the strands that are allowed to be visible, easily reach and sometimes go past her breasts, save for the shorter strands that hovered just about eye level. Her eyes are a light sea-blue that has been known, along with her hair and her body, to captivate the hearts of countless man. Some say, its like seeing the calm and loving solitude of being by a beach, albeit being a striking contrast to her powers, at the end of your life. And for most who experienced such feelings, the feeling indeed was the last they felt in their lives.

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] VYK6w2r

II. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Sarcastic: Growing up with people who cared nothing of her own personal problems and looked only at her powers and how to further increase it, she was faced with a wide variety of individuals. For the most part, these people had a very bitter and sarcastic tone to their voice. From them she has taken some of their habits and can often be seen making use of sarcastic statements during regular conversation. Specially if she dislikes someone, sarcasm might be one of the very first things to come from her as a prelude to a violent confrontation. Though she is known for making use of rather snarky and sarcastic comments when faced with difficult or annoying situations, she can most often be seen making use of them to get out of such situations.

Sadism and Masochism: Ever since she was a small child, Luna was brutally beat by all of her instructors. She had many professors, and every time she improved enough to know better than her instructors, she was presented with even stronger teachers until there was no more room for improvement given the availability of Quincy. Every time her performance was less than what was expected of her she was beat mercilessly by her instructors. The same was also true of the times when exceeded expectations for not going the extra mile and attaining even better results. No matter what she did, satisfaction and acknowledgement were nearly nonexistent. Aside from the daily beatings she would take from her instructors every single day throughout a lot of her years, she was beat even worse by the tall bearded man from the Quincy. Although initially the man would only come once a week, his visits added up as she got older to be more, and more. Each time he visited he would train and beat her to an inch of her life to the point where, in more than a few occasions, she had been thought as dead. It would not be stretch to say that Luna had been beat within an inch of her life several hundred times. From these experiences she learned to be acquainted with the pain that came with training. Not only was pain something she is now able to easily endure as if it was nothing, but its almost as if she craves the pain, welcoming it as a natural side effect of battle. Likewise, she enjoys delivering pain unto her opponents, since, even if their expressions may say otherwise, pain and suffering are one of he purest feelings in combat to her.

Slutty: Luna has always been aware of the way her body looks and the effect she has on most man. The idea and that knowledge are far from foreign to her. From a very early age she was pushed, most often in rather skimpy clothing, against regular human scum, so that she would lure them by her beauty and assassinate them. Back then, it was merely a way to bring out in her the instinct to kill and a feeling of gratification out of doing so. During the later years of the Quincy while the bearded man was still out and about, Luna was notorious for the way she lured man in. On most occasions she was seen walking around with a large group of man looking at her from afar, as anyone she deemed to be annoying or in her way would meet an end worse than death. For the most unfortunate man that actually managed to catch her attention, she was quick to lure them in with her body, and promises of lust and desire. Once she had pleasured her lustful desire and the momentary interest in the man had subsided, she was known for delving into her ever-present sinister side and slowly watch them die as they wretched in pain. Not very different than a black widow, or a praying mantis, Luna was one to be rather picky of her mate, but also one who would silence the life of her lover after she had satisfied her desires.

Disrespectful: It is very unlikely for Luna to have any sort of respect for anyone or anything. The better chances are for those whose power either matches hers or exceeds hers. She was raised among death, pain, and suffering, and thus has no patience or time for sweet words or kind misdemeanors. Her actions are most often rather straight-forward and simplistic as such are her words. She has not quarrel saying whatever she wants to say to whomever she wants to say it without fearing the repercussions. She has even openly insulted the bearded man who so easily stripped the life out of the subordinates who just happened to look at him in the wrong way. She tends to be a bit more disrespectful to those stronger than her than those of her same power however. Although she sees both as adversaries, the stronger foes give her more to shoot for and a reason to hate them. The hate mainly spawning out of the difference of their powers. Since most individuals she meets are far below her in terms of power, she is most often having to interact with their kind. Though she is, at least initially, rather detached and aloof to the existence of those weaker than her, she's surprisingly less disrespectful to them. However, she can't stand those with a self assigned sense of power of importance and thus her rage and words will hit sharply to those weaker than her who dare step beyond the line.

Hate & Fear: One of the biggest lessons she learned in her life was that hate and fear are vital components of combat and should always be sought out. Hate was what fueled the anger and the power she continually achieved during her younger years. The bearded man had even taken a particular day to beat her within an inch of her life, her small head slamming against the floor, as he continuously told her to fuel her hate. Through hate she was able to become stronger and surpass all her professors, and kill the great majority of them. Through hate she rose up to stand up toe to toe with the bearded man and injure him in a way only another person ever had. With hate, she was taught the importance of fear. She had been fearful once. Of that man. And it was her fear which helped fuel her hate. Like in many aspects of life, she has learned just like she was taught, that fear is essential. She sees the shinigami of old as imposing beings who struck fear into the hearts of anyone they came across. The fear was imposing and it struck many with hate, much like it had done to the Quincy, fueling their race for power until even the Shinigami would fear the name. In a world without fear and hate there can only be weakness. After analyzing the events that have transpired in her absence, it is clear to her that the world today is not very different from the one she left behind. Whether others wish to accept it or not, fear has caused much of the war that has ravaged the land. Hate filled groups have lashed out against others in fear of their powers. Like an ever ending cycle, the fear fueled the hate and the hate fueled the fear, letting the events repeat themselves over and over until everything was turned into turmoil. Fuel and fear, for her, are vital to life.

Emotionless & Lack of Interest: She is a very hard woman to please. Those who indeed please her have a harder time staying life. However, during most normal situations, Luna tends to be quiet for the most part. If she has something she wants to say she will say it without a second doubt. Her eyes are very hard to read as its her expression. Throughout most conversations her eyes appeared as though she was looking into the distance, not caring who or what was talking to her. That same lack of interest seems to be predominant when she speaks to nearly anyone unless she has an acquired reason to have the slightest amusing interest in them.

Intellect and Innovation: For most of hr life, Luna had been seen as a prodigy in most regards. Her intellect was one which surprised all her professors and even the bearded man as well. Easily learning the materials and rapidly catching up with the reishi abilities expected of a Quincy, her speed of growth was unlike what most had ever seen before. Fluent in most languages known to man, her vast repertoire and practice has made her able to pick out any language near instantly, even if she has never heard of it before. Able to analyze attacks given their concentration, feel, and look she had even been able to recreate and remodel attacks based on those she saw from her instructors.

Despise for Honor & Justice: Because of the way she was brought up, her teachings instructed her to believe that honor and justice were wrong and a disease upon the world. One of the best examples to her were the shinigami. A proud, bloodthirsty race at first who steadily became weaker out of their own desire for order and peace. In her mind, pain, suffering, and conflict are the only way to truly exceed the expectations and become stronger. Trivial things like peace and order merely get on the way. Its those mindless feelings that weaken the body and endanger the soul. She is disgusted at some of the displays of weakness she has recently seen, stemming out of people trying to cement peace and order in a world ravaged by fear and hate. Luckily, she has found enough strength and power in the world that can nearly match hers, which will, hopefully, create a demand for more need and hate, and further the world down into oblivion, creating more monsters, just like her.


Coding By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Cooking Spray on Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:53 am; edited 2 times in total

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] ORabiFS
Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] Empty Re: Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++]

Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:17 pm

The First Sternritter

Luna Leonhart

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Coding In Template By:


Quincy Profile

III. Character History

» History

At The Beginning

Left on the side of a fast flowing river, the careful place object held a newly awarded life and a child who could not have had been acquainted with the world around her for more than a couple days. For hours on end, the child remained. She cried at first until no more tears would escape her eyes. It was almost as if, even at her age, she knew her situation well. Though the thoughts of that time are well past her recollection, the memories are such that should be kept, should she ever learn or remember the truth.

In what seemed like hours she would be surrounded by a plethora of man dressed in white. Their faces were shady, clouded by the way they stood and the direction in which they looked at her in relation to the sun. In the distance, similarly clothed people carried away lifeless bodies of civilians who were slightly paler than usual, but after all, they were dead. Though the child receive quite a lengthy number of looks, none of the man even approached her close enough to get a better look or touch her. Making space for someone to pass through, a very large, bearded man made his way to the side of the girl as he looked down on it. One of the man by his side tried to place a hand in his shoulder with a look of concern before the bearded man had him dead in a pool of blood by simply turning to face him.

Extending a hand to reach and touch the girl, the eyes around seemed astounded when nothing happened, as if they had expected something to occur the moment she was touched by someone else. Being picked up, the man whose hair and beard were thicker than they seemed earlier merely grinned and wrapping the child in a substantially large amount of fabric, gave her to a lady dressed like him. Though quite a number of directions were given, likely in behalf and connection to the small girl, for the most part they had been largely inaudible.

As a Child

Ever since she was of age to remember, she recalls wearing white for the most part. She wasn't quite sure why, but she enjoyed it. Although it was likely because most people around her wore it all the time or because she had a keen interest and like in the clothing, she believed it nonetheless. Her days as a small child were, busy to say the least. She never got a chance to see other children or play with them as she was always told that playing was a luxury she did not deserve. For the most part, her only companions were a small group of extremely tall individuals who taught her a wide variety of things. One was in charge of her academic abilities and her language proficiency. The other was in charge of maintaining her physical body at top form. The third individual spent his time solely focusing on teaching her how to gather and use reishi. The fourth guy was meant to give her and teach her the ins and out of combat using all of her abilities. The fifth guy, and probably the one she feared the most, was the same man that took her in as a baby. Though the training with the first four man was daily, every single day, with no time for anything else but eating and sleeping, the last man only visited her once a week. What she faced against the first four was brutal. Training every single hour of the day aside from when she slept and ate their training was not only grueling but perverse, and quite demeaning. Nothing was ever enough, and her progress, however great was never enough.

It was likely because, like her, most of the man training her, feared and respected the bearded man. They were Quincy. She was one too. The man however, she did not know her name, and everyone was far too afraid to speak of it either in his presence or when he was not around. And so, she followed suit. On the extremely rare occasions she was allowed to venture out of the castle in which she lived, she would see quite a large number of adults training though their training was nowhere near as grueling as hers. The worst days were the times the bearded man came. He only did so once a week, but she dreaded the day. The tall man would always send her other teachers away and they would leave almost before he gave them the order to. Every week, the bearded man would test the power of the child but his strength was without equal. No matter how much the child improves, the man was always able to best her without moving a muscle. If she could get him to move while their battle transpired, it was truly a miracle for her. As it was usual, after every training session with him, he would beat her to an inch of her life. She was told it was a way to teach her. Her strength and power far exceeded that of any individual her age, and she was told so even by the leader, the large man. However, he desired more of her and wouldn’t stop. After the man would leave she was promptly tended to as her wounds were usually very severe. Giving her as much medical attention as possible, as soon as she was ready to walk, she would continue to be trained by her teachers. Though they always hit her and spoke in ill tones and ways to her, their hits were nothing compared to the way she was taught and punished by the bearded man.

Nearing the age of 10, she was told the people outside the walls always spoke of her. However, the people who shared such information were never heard from again and it was wildly believed that they had been assassinated in orders from the leader. In her short years of live, Luna, which was but a name given to her by one of the man that trained her, had experienced more than most people her age would be exposed to. She had seen a plethora of people die, both at her hands, and at the hands of her teachers and of the bearded man. Some were humans, most were Quincy, and there were even some individuals dressed in black, whom she was told were Shinigami. She was told about the Hollows as well, but their death, from what she was taught, was as natural as breathing and thus did not matter much. Just a couple of years earlier, Luna had developed a power which was unknown to other Quincy. She could create, control, and manipulate ice to her will. This was likely the reason the bearded man had shown interest in her from the very beginning and the reason her training was unlike any others. Years prior would see her without such powers aside from the occasional ice wave that would occur following one of her heavy beatings after training. Just a couple years ago however, she had been able to summon it and control it at will. Though training still occurred every hour of the day, every day, as long as she was conscious, the bearded man changed the amount of times he visited from once a week to twice a week. Though her powers had intensified and were nothing like the way she was when she was younger, by actually paying attention, and possibly holding back, he was still able to school her and beat her even harder than he used to do years earlier. Since her body was tougher and older, it seemed he knew he could abuse her without going as far as to kill her. She hated him. She truly hated the man. However, hate seemed to be just the thing he wanted her to feel.

During one of the many grueling sessions, the man had told her hate was a good thing to have. Hate and fear were necessary for survival. While he taught her the meaning behind his words, he held her hair by one hand as he repeatedly forced her head into the ground, wounding her beyond belief. That lesson, like many others, would stick. The training, though sickening and perverse was paying off. With the anticipation and the knowledge that she would be beat by her teachers, and beat to an inch of her life twice a week by the leader for merely doing what she was supposed…she knew better than to slack as doing so would earn her a fate worse than death. Not long before, even her teachers had been changed. Once she turned 10, her teachers had been swapped for rather rugged individuals she had barely seen a couple times before, although always accompanying the leader. And her assumptions were right, the new teachers were just as ruthless and evil as they looked, and even stronger than she could imagine them to be.

Like Wind in the Meadow

As time passed by, she could only hope her training would subside, or at the very least get easier, but alas, the true, was quite the opposite. Whenever she improved beyond the power possessed by her teachers, newer, stronger, and harsher Quincy professors would be provided for her to ensure she always met an end that pushed her to force her skills to the limit, as well as to ensure a fitting end where she would be acquainted with pain. And she was. Throughout her life, Luna was acquainted with pain in such a way that it was nearly impossible to think what it would be like to live without it. However, training, battle, it meant hate and pain, and thus, given her life, she would never be without it. She could not miss training. Ever. I would mean her death. She thought every day she died a little more, especially with the way the bearded man broke her down, but in a way, she was reborn. Although the teachers always bested her, every time she made significant improvements over them, it took considerably longer to find new professors. It was likely that, beyond her knowledge, she was becoming an very powerful Quincy, quite stronger than even most of the man under the leader’s command, and hopefully, not far from him.

In her teens, around the age of fifteen, the battles and the pain were not too different, but the outcome and the progress were unlike before. For the last two years, though she had made such an astonishing improvement that was beyond recognition, she was awarded with no new teachers and instead, battle worn and hardy Quincy took the place of her instructors in battle and her other skills every day. Finally besting all of them, she got news of what seemed to be heaven. At that same age, the bearded man had made her an offer she could not refuse. Having bested her instructors, she would be tasked with taking down two specific individuals, if she did so, her fate, her future, and her freedom were in her own hands. It was difficult to imagine a live without the group of murderous individuals she had grown up with, but the idea of having a choice, even if she didn’t actually try to exercise it, it was exhilarating.

Having been brought into her battlefield, it was almost strange feeling the sunshine on her body. With white attire, it seemed almost foreign, as she was mostly always dressed in rags. Not much later she would catch wind of an incoming shinigami who fit the description of the man she was intended to kill. There was no point in thinking of self-doubting. It was not the first man she would kill. Luna had taken care and assassinated some of her professors she had bested during battle as well as a fair number of civilians she was to test her ice skills on. She had been acquainted with pain and with death and thus, neither affected nor meant much to her. The battle did not last much. She wasn’t sure how strong the man was but she was able to end the shinigami’s life even after he had released his shikai, in mere moments. Though his spiritual energy was considerable, he was not stronger than instructors she had assassinated back when she was merely 11.

From the shadows, a large man appeared grinning, enormous sword made of reishi in his hand. It was him. The bearded man. It didn’t take her long to figure out his sick plan. It was him. He was the man she needed to best. It was impossible…but she had to. She had improved tremendously. She summoned her bow and her arrows, and even making use of her ice attacks, directed all her might at the man. Unlike years before, the battle did not end in brief seconds. She was unsure how long combat had taken, but it seemed like hours. What she was definitely aware was that fighting her, had become a chore for him. He had to resort to using quite a few numbers of techniques, most of which she knew, and some of which she was not aware of. Paying close attention to some of the more peculiar techniques, like unique to him, she would try to replicate them outside of battle if she made it out alive. She was a woman of great intellect, which with like her battle abilities, had been forced onto her.

As the battle continued a bloody and heavily wounded Luna struggled to stand up as numerous wounds from her body shed enough blood where too many minutes out and bout would result in the end of her life. Across from her, the man was not unharmed, and that was accomplishment enough. He had obtained a couple of nasty scars in his face from one of her attacks and his clothing was pretty shredded to show deep cuts and lacerations across his body. Though she did not want to give up, her eyes closed before she would reopen them in a different facility, all wounds already healed. Once up, she was surprised when she was not met by her instructors; instead, she was summoned to the bearded man. The man, in front of thousands of Quincy seemed to want to make an announcement. She didn’t know exactly what was happening but soon, she would find out. She was to become the first Sternritter…B The Blizzard.

In the next few years and as the conflict between the Shinigami and the Quincy worsen, more Sternritter were appointed. There was even one who was also assigned the letter B along with her. His name had always been much too difficult to pronounce but they always got along fairly well albeit sharing the same letter. Their powers, at least back then, were quite similar and close to one another. Having been devoid the pleasure of fighting more instructors, she was told that, aside from other Sternritters and the bearded man himself, anyone else thrown to her would just end up as fodder. Judging from her power and comparing it to others she came to the realization that they were right. Forced into seclusion to fight stronger and stronger enemies every time she became stronger she was raised to hate and fear pain and to wish to deliver it onto others instead She was brought up to feel weak and seek power just to know she was very strong in her time, just to augment her thirst for even more power.

Battles had ever since become rather boring. The bearded man would no longer fight her. As the years transpired, her power had become so high it was nearly on par with his, and her mind, she had truly surpassed him and it was likely why he opted against fighting him. Behind his back, she had created many Quincy techniques, some that mirrored ideas she had obtained from his abilities, and some she had remodeled to look just like his. Not long before she had even acquired her own vollstanding. Her personality had even changed after her newly acquired powers bloomed and became even fiercer. Unlike the rest of the Quincy and the Sternritters, she was the only who openly insulted and picked on the bearded man without fear. He simply did not care, possibly as he knew it was not an act of true disrespect but rather Luna wanting a fight. There was also a chance he truly feared her abilities and her newly acquired power. Perhaps he was truly afraid of being bested and killed by her, or killing her in the process. Nevertheless, she was wildly known for her power and her unorthodox and unfitting behavior.

As she approached her young adult years where she turned from being a teenager into an adult, she had already had quite a number of flings. The amount of serious boyfriends she had were none. However, she was quite often seen leading men into her quarters for rather dark and lustful evenings. For the most part however, she was rather picky with whom she brought. Very few men interested her enough to get them with her, and even few her amused her enough to be kept alive as the large majority of them were killed right after she went back to her senses after a climatic and lustful night.

Killing was something she did quite often, and something she rather enjoyed. Though occasionally she would finish her opponents rather fast, this was done only when the missions and the orders called for swift action. If the specifics were left to her own details, she always liked to tease with her opponent, making sure that she exploited their weakness and forcing them to endure the greatest pain for the longest amount of time before steadily succumbing to their injuries, and promptly, their own demise. She also had a twisted idea of fun, but given her upbringing, she could not be blamed. In her battle style, she merely resorted to her arrows and her spirit weapons as going as far as using her vollstanding was unheard of, especially against such weaklings. She was also known for her especially strong blut vene. Her training as she had been aging consisted of training up and empowering her pureblood Quincy techniques like the blut vene and the vollstanding as well as her arrows. For the most part, Luna was a prodigy among the Quincy. On one occasion, even the bearded man had confessed to her, that although his might and his power was without equal, at her age, he paled in comparison to her latent and hidden power. In all manners, she was a true beast.

The Unexpected Freedom

While off on an important mission she got wind of a strange rumor. The bearded man had disappeared, although some of the Sternritter believed he had instead forced himself into slumber out of a grueling fight with an equally powerful shinigami. In his absence, there was division, there was problem. Many of the Quincy went off to live on their own, to become subjugated by the Shinigami they once fought. Others had banded together awaiting the awakening of their leader as it was said to be soon approaching, that his return would be quite soon. She knew the latter not to be true. She had no purpose without the bearded man. Her goal was to finish him and kill him, finally proving all her years of struggle worth it and proclaiming herself one of the strongest, if not the strongest Quincy of her time. Though she struggled with her decision, she decided she did not belong in a world as feeble and weak as this. Devoid of opponents strong enough to pose a real challenge, she forced herself into stasis, as she calibrated her energy to awake in just a few centuries.

Either out of a mistake at the point of calibration or perhaps stemming out of the years of grueling suffering, she was in stasis for longer than she had imagined. Nearly twice as long. If the rumors had been right before she went into her deep slumber, the bearded man would have returned. Instead, she was shocked when she learned the truth. As far as she could find out, there was no real news that the bearded man had ever woken up. In turn, the number of Quincy had dwindled tremendously since the days of old. Seeing no purpose in her life, she was saved just by the sheer spiritual pressure she felt spawning the land and the oceans. Some things had changed. There were quite a lot of strong presences scattered around the world. Very few managed to stand toe to toe with the level of power she possessed, and the few that did would soon learn that the first Sternritter, the Queen of the Quincy had returned and she meant businesses.

Some Time Later...

Even after so much time, Luna had yet to change her mind. Her time with the Wandenreich was long passed. Neither the leadership nor any of its members inspired any form of respect from her. The only one that sort of matched her views to some extent was Sofia, and Luna wouldn’t go out of her way to rejoin her people for one individual. No. The Wandenreich, and the Quincy by that extension were a bunch of cowards in her eyes. They were but the shameful trash that had managed to live on to this day from glory and the power they once held over a millenia ago. Instead, the girl had chosen to remain ehr days doing what she liked best. She would travel the world, finding suitable targets with which to indulge her desires. Luna had many hobbies, most of which involved fighting, sex, and subsequently killing the previous object of her desires. She wasn’t an evil black widow, she was an ice queen.

Everything took an odd turn when the girl met a boy by the name of Towa. He was very normal by all extents and purposes but she took a liking to him after killing the monsters that besieged him. Of course, she would have killed them nonetheless; it was fun. As it turned out, the boy had very peculiar skills that made him a suitable companion, and so, rather than killing him, she took him along in her journeys. As it turned out, the male would become the only partner she had slept with that had lived to tell the tale. And with her newest companion in centuries on tow, Luna continued to press on throughout the world, finding purpose, meaning, and joy in pushing herself to seek new thrills and adventures, finally away from the link to her people.

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] VLKyJ3V


Coding By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Cooking Spray on Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:56 am; edited 2 times in total

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] ORabiFS
Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] Empty Re: Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++]

Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:36 pm

The First Sternritter

Luna Leonhart

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

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Quincy Profile

IV. Equipment

» Equipment:

Ginto: Small containers used to store reyrioku. Quincy may make use of these for spell casting much like Shinigami make use of kido. Like the latter they are activated by calling out commands, but unlike kido, does not require any of the user's energy to activate. On her possession, Luna carries a large number of them.

Seele Schneider: A very thin sword that may be also used as an arrow by the Quincy albeit being much longer than the typical arrow. The Schneider functions like a chainsaw by having the reishi blade vibrate at ultra-high frequencies. By doing this, it easily loosens the molecular bonds between any spirit matter it cuts thus enabling the Quincy to easily absorb the freed reishi. A favorite because of their look, Luna carries with quite a handful of them with her.

Hollow Bait: Small coin-shaped disk that attracts Hollow when crushed. Because of Luna's extremely powerful reiatsu, her hollow bait is likely to bring out some of the most dangerous and rarest entities from Hueco Mundo.

Quincy Cross: Her Quincy cross, like her powers and her outfit, are rather unique in their own right. In what looks like an outer base of black edges, a golden cross, like the inlays of her outfit is widely displayed. With an affixed circle on the center of the cross, the symbol of the Wandenreich lies just behind it, constructed out of gold. For the most part, her Quincy cross can often be seen hanging off of none of her wrists.

Bankai Capturing Medallion [Already Used]: Following her appointment as The First Sternritter: B The Blizzard, Luna saw an exponential increase in her battles against the Shinigami. Although her real objective was to be closer to the Bearded Man, to keep learning, improve and challenging him to yet another fight...for he had seemingly enjoyed their encounters nearly as much as she would not be so. Her nearly immeasurable abilities demanded that she was out on the battlefield, directing and guiding large forces of the Quincy against the relentless might of the Gotei. Throughout the course of the war, she had noticed that the Bearded Man had become a bit more secluded, not out of fear, as that was something he was rather talented in instilling in others rather than experience himself. It seemed like the next step in Quincy technology was at the doors, and it was bound to be released.

On a private appointment, she was presented with quite the odd and archaic looking amulet. Once she was explained the powers, she was literally anxious to go try it out. However, knowing her nature, the Bearded Man cautioned her against doing so or suffer the consequences. Though disobeying him was something she did often and well, she was wise enough to know the implications and the significance of the item and why it was vital it was kept secret and unused for as long as possible. And so, she did.

During the later days of the war before the Bearded Man's disappearance, Luna was in a distant front, leading the fight against a substantial number of strong shinigami. Even in the distance, the enormous reiatsu of their leader surged and encouraged her man, although for her, it merely annoyed her and pushed her to release more of her own power not to get outdone by him. As soon as the leader's reiatsu vanished however, not knowing the specifics and refusing to believe he had perished, she tried to rush in his location but was instead met by the shinigami still left alive. Her man were having a lot of trouble with the leader of the group currently facing off against her as his bankai was one with rather unorthodox abilities. She wanted to end it quickly and see the leader, there was no time. In a vout of utter frustration and desperation, she used her medallion to steal the bankai of her opponent. Although she would not use the bankai in that battle, she would go on to easily defeat the weakened group.

Regardless, she was not able to catch up with her leader no mater how much she hasten her pace. As for her bankai, she feels reassured in knowing she has it, but has never it used but once, to make sure she could control it and get a hold and a knowledge of its power. Its likely that the use of the bankai will be rare, as she would rather not concede a moment in which she has to resort to using the power of a lowly shinigami. Nevertheless, if the situation calls for it, its not beyond her to use it, although it may stem more out of shaming an individual to see him wretch in pain and hate for the lives she's taken instead of to further her already substantial power.

V. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills:

Multilingual & Language Genius: Throughout her upbringing, Luna was forced to study and master nearly every language known to man. With the results of being beat regardless of whether she learned or not, it was quite more severe if it was the latter. Given her immense intellect and the forced drive to learn, Luna is capable of speaking just about any language in the world with extreme ease. For the new and peculiar languages she might not be acquainted with, it takes but mere moments for her to analyze and easily understand the language.

Seductress: Given her experience, seducing man comes to her as easily as breathing. Ether because of her looks, her distinctively different personality while she lures them in, or for some ulterior reason, Luna is quite the seductive woman. Easily able to bend the strongest of wills, she can easily weave a man to follow her commands with promises of unfulfilled lust. Just as there has never been a man who has interested her enough to keep alive after her sensual desires dissipated, she has never once met a man with whom she had a deep interest with, that did not reciprocate feelings of lust and desire towards her.

VI. Quincy Skills & Abilities

» Quincy Skills:

Licht Regen: By storing an immense amount of reishi into her bow and using Hirenkyaku to get over the enemy, Luna is able to release a devastating effects as a form of a nearly innumerable barrage of arrows all at once that likely exceed a dozen thousand. In most circumstances, the attack is performed in an attempt to surprise an opponent. Although the amount of arrows being fired is nearly unbelievable, the space which they cover is not as wide as the amount of arrows may suggest. Therefore, Hirenkyaku is necessary to catch the opponent of guard and pin him down with devastating and relentless force.

Heilig Pfeil: As the signature technique for Quincy, Luna was taught how to fire, increase, control, and empower her hots from a very early age. Always being beat, and sometimes near death for not exceeding her already prodigy-like levels, she was forced into displaying a perfection the likes of which had likely never been seen before. Through years of cruel and grueling training and battle, Luna has become a natural and her arrows were highly revered during the years of the war. Easily being able to shoot over two dozen thousand arrows in one go before beginning to tire. Her heilig pfeil are specially powerful, even surpassing that of all the Sternritters of her time, to the point where her arrows can easily generate considerably large explosions upon impact. However, as the arrows with such magnitude of explosive capabilities require a bit more concentration, she currently possesses the ability to fire up to twenty of these arrows simultaneously.

Shadows: Using shade or shadows, A Quincy can disappear and use a form of fast travel that allows them to quickly leave a place, and move almost instantly to another. However, this skill was thought to be limited to those of the old style Quincy. However Modern age Quincy are known to be able to perform this. Having been raised and trained in the days of old, when things, in her mind, truly mattered, she was taught this technique from an early age and became extremely proficient in it. Luna is easily able to move to any shade she can see, or has previously seen in her vicinity at any time so long as she can either see it or picture it on her mind. She would simply reemerge from the shadow where she intended to appear. Because of the unpredictable nature of the technique and the random effect, it is difficult to pinpoint her intended direction.

Ransotengai: Extremely high level technique which allows Luna to control her body parts using strings of Reyrioku controlled by her brain by forming strings made up of reishi. By using this technique, Luna can control her own body like a puppet, allowing her to move her body and limbs freely despite paralysis, broken bones, or anything that would otherwise impede normal willful movement.

Saiten: The mastery of Rasotengai was quite the accomplishment among the Quincy, but Luna was never contempt with being just slightly above the rest, as she was raised and trained to be the absolute best, or ensure that at least her goal were to be so. During her many battles, she found that she did not have much use for the original technique as it was hardly possible for an opponent to even come close enough to harming her. In part because of her sadistic nature, she kept devising ways in which to murder her opponents while having fun seeing them die. Saiten was but one of the modifications she made to Rasotengai to play with her opponents. By using the same systems through which she would generate Blut, she allows Reishi strings to come off from her pores. For the most part they protrude through the pores in her hands but she may choose to let them do so out of anywhere in her body.

During most occasions, she was fond of placing the Saiten upon the lifeless bodies of defeated combatants and forced them watch their companions. The look of horror, fear, and sadness of her opponents when they were force to strike down their late companions that had fallen before them was gratifying enough to make her feel a joy that could only be compared to sexual arousal. Since the Saiten is connected onto the nervous system of the individual after their death, although she has control over their body, its very limited what she can draw from. Normal body functions such as running, flash steps, and slashing is as simple as breathing as by merely moving a muscle she can direct her own nervous impulses through the Saiten to the lifeless body. Her Saiten merely allows her to use the dead body to hit, slash, rush the opponent, and as a catalyst and conduit to run her own attacks and unique powers through them.

Although Saiten may be hypothetically used on a live opponent, the foe must be at least two tiers weaker than Luna and must have suffered considerable damage to even allow the ability to take place. However, at the first sign of relief, either through medical kido or through a strong burst in reiatsu from the foe, Saiten would instantly be disconnected from her body. Also, although the Saiten strings protrude from her pores, any sudden or rough deactivation of the Saiten carries no dangerous effects for her as the strings would merely dematerialize and cave onto themselves out of the reflex in her own nervous system before allowing harm to come to her.

Kirchenlied: Sankt Zwinger: A technique of nearly unlimited power, it is the single greatest protective magic of Quincy offense and defense. At will, Luna may generate a number of roman numeral-inscribed constructs from the fingertips of an outstretched hand, which causes several towering columns of Reishi, shaped like the Quincy Cross, to erupt upwards in a circular formation around her. Anyone who steps within the confines of the area will be immediately rent asunder where the stand by the light of God.

Immense Spiritual Power: Luna possesses an enormous amount of spiritual power which is easily viable and finely controlled. Although her unique ice abilities have a definite effect on the weather, her spiritual pressure is such that merely walking about during a battle causes it to affect her surroundings and her environment on a controlled level, easily reshaping the battlefield by the sheer power she lets out. Her spiritual energy has been known to make large and tough man fall on their knees, and even make hardy shinigami sweat and tremble in fear at her presence. She has also demonstrated having such large reservoirs of energy to be able to utilize an enormous amounts of taxing attacks without feeling faint.

Hirenkyaku Master: Supernatural Speed & Agility: Luna is exceptionally skilled in hirenkyaku, easily being able to outspeed her instructors as she grew up, faster than the bearded man was able to acquire stronger opponents to further her growth. Her speed is such that most opponents never notice her intended location until it is too late. Aside from showing she has been capable of keeping up with some of the best and most powerful forces of the Quincy of old, she has also demonstrated unbelievable speed and reflexes during battle. Her reaction time and speed are such that when caught by surprise by an attack, she can easily react in time to dodge in a rather graceful way or counterattack if she so wills it.

Luna can keep up steady and tremendously fast assaults upon her enemies which forces the great majority on the offense, as she has been known for being ruthless and relentless, leaving nearly no flaws or openings in her attacks. Easily able to use the battlefield to her advantage, her agility an speed enable her to rush and jump from wall to wall, keeping an intense and steady amount of arrows raining down on her opponents in rather unorthodox ways to keep them guessing and unsure of her attack patterns. The flurry of arrows in such unorthodox directions and her nearly unmatched movements grant her such dexterity while attacking her opponents that she is easily able to continue her demolishing offensive from a variety of angles with great accuracy and power.

Genius Intellect and Prodigy Battle Tactician: Ever since she was a child, Luna was widely regarded as a prodigy, a crafty tactician who easily deceived her enemies, and one of the most intelligent beings of her time. During battle she highly analytic is able to deduce situations rather easily and create intricate and unorthodox battle tactics on the spot. Quickly being able to understand and see through an opponent's power and attack patterns, Luna can tailor her own defenses and attacks to make the opponent's useless against hers. Although she cares very little for people unless she has a keen interest in them, she is very cunning and insightful of everyone around her, easily being able to predict nearly anything well in advanced. With great intuition, Luna is easily able to become aware of incoming danger, almost as if in response to a reflex, to any incoming danger and thus react in due time. Her vast knowledge and battle experience has led her to obtain an innate understanding of the abilities of others, even if she has just recently seen them for the first time. From there, she can, with quite ease, input variables and concepts into her mind much like an equation to deduce, and follow through with the best course of action.

Blut: Advanced Quincy technique where Luna makes reishi flow directly into her blood vessels. By using this technique, Luna can drastically increase her attack and defense to near unimaginable levels. Aside from being extremely dangerous and potentially deadly to her opponents, it is not without restrictions. Since the attack and defense form of Blut utilize different reishi systems, they cannot be used both at the same time. Through intense training, like some of the legends of the Quincy of old, Luna has managed to be able to used both at once but only for extremely short amount of times. If she were to keep both active simultaneously for more than two posts, it would likely bring about her untimely demise.

Throughout her training, she was forced to her limits with relentless attacks from opponents much stronger than her. The attacks were vicious and never-ending to ensure she would reach the limits of her blut and either force her to tap into what she could barely attain, or suffer the consequences in battle, and a near death post-beating if she failed to meet up to standards. After defeating and killing stronger and stronger instructors, Luna was able to tailor and improve her blut in the hectic and dangerous state of battle. Not only is she able to keep up her Blut Vene and Blut Aterie up for considerably long amount of times when compares to other Sternritters and in even the Bearded Man himself, but she was gifted enough to develop her own off-shoot extensions of Blut to further enhance in combat. Surpassing what was thought to be impossible, she has even learned to fuse her unique genetic skills with her Quincy gifts to attain a mastery and a power over Blut that can be compared almost to a god.

Blut Vene: The defensive form of Blut which grants Luna inhuman durability and is represented by a faint pattern tracing the veins beneath the surface of the skin. The act of using Blut Vene is largely unknown to her opponents since the visible pattern is only shown on the afflicted area when struck. If consciously kept at full power, even attacks delivered by a powerful Bankai can be negated completely. However, despite the considerable defense afforded by this technique, it is seemingly not absolute, and can be torn using sufficient power. Additionally, Blut Vene can be used to aid the user against critical wounds which have already been inflicted by stopping the severe loss of blood which would result from said wound.

In addition, Luna can use her unique abilities to coat the innards and the exterior of her veins with ice without causing harm to herself while further augmenting the defensive power the ability grants. After extensive training in and out of battle to take the ability to the next level she discovered that by tensing and cooling down the veins with her ice abilities she was able to maintain the effects for quite a bit longer.

Blut Arterie: The offensive form of Blut that grants the user inhuman attack power. This technique is the only thing capable of ensuring that a Quincy's attacks are able to significantly damage a Bankai-wielding Shinigami. One notable use of this is applying it towards physical attacks as well as coating it on there own arrows to increase the damage output to that of a Bankai wielding captain. This is a vary powerful skill that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Much like with blut vene, the extensive battle experience and grueling training sessions with incredibly superior adversaries throughout her life forced Luna to create new and unique ways to use her abilities to enhance the gifts already available to the Quincy. By diffusing some of her ice abilities into her body, she has been able to make a specially diluted form of her ice that enhances the power her Blut Arterie already possesses. Not only is the boost in power significantly greater, but the amount of time she can maintain this form of blut is much longer as she keeps feeding the veins and maintaining them cool and stable for longer than usual.

Blut Netzhaut: By expanding on her mastery of Blut, Luna has been able to rework the Quincy technique to benefit her in a variety of ways, By pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible, she has been able to create her own unique extensions by delving into her Quincy mastery and the unique abilities she was born with. By forcing her Blut to flow into her central retinal veins, she can produce quite a number of effects on her eyes. The blut enhances her sight temporarily by allowing her to see clearly, akin to telescopic, up to 1,000 meters. Likewise by fine tuning the Blut she can also focus her sight in to see material and entities the size of a nanobacteria. Although the use of Blut in this fashion is quite straining because of the necessary concentration and strain it causes, Luna has found a way to circumvent the problem. By allowing her ice to diffuse into her central retinal veins she can ease the strain it causes and steadily maintain the effects this form provides her nearly indefinitely. However, it is currently still difficult to maintain either the telescopic or microscopic view during heated and constant uninterrupted combat for more than three posts, but, given a time to rest or to hide, or assuming she is not directly involved in combat, she may potentially keep up the ability nearly indefinitely.


Coding By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Cooking Spray on Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:25 am; edited 1 time in total

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] ORabiFS
Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] Empty Re: Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++]

Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:44 pm

The First Sternritter

Luna Leonhart

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Coding In Template By:


Quincy Profile

- Ginto Spells:

Heizen: Heizen instantly gouges and purges whatever is enclosed in the space within the four tossed gintōs. It is tremendously effective even against Menos Grandes. This technique creates a transparent, rectangular beam of energy from the silver tubes which then slices through the opponent. It is activated by the command: "Feel the wrath of battle and accept this sacred chalice - Heizen!"

Gritz: A film of Reishi emitted from a thrown Ginto surrounds the enemy. This technique forms a man-sized pentagonal Quincy cross which envelops its target. It is activated by the command: "A silver rod strikes the five-fingered stone bed - Gritz!"

Wolke: Cushioning the impact of a fall with Reiryoku contained inside a Ginto. This technique uses a silver tube to create a large blast. It is activated by the command: "Tilt the goblet to the west - Wolke!"

Sprenger: This technique uses five Seele Schneiders to create a pentagon-shaped seal which, when activated, causes a massive explosion within its borders. When an object or a person stands within the middle of the Pentagon the placement of the fifth Seele Schneider can trap them by wrapping and binding their legs to the ground with dense reishi. The Seele Schneiders function as accumulators, gathering the necessary amount of reishi to create the explosion. The liquid inside a silver tube acts as the trigger. The preparations for the technique combined with the charging time for the Seele Schneiders make its use in battle impractical unless the user has a partner that can stall to buy time, or has enough strength to create the formation while under attack.

Granate: A technique where the reiatsu stored in the Gintō is used to cause a large blast; much like a grenade. To activate it, one must add a drop of their own reiatsu to the Gintō, as well as say the command "Feel the blast with your soul, Granate." To explode, the Gintō must be tossed at the opponent, and will explode when it is close enough to a source of reiatsu or when it comes into contact with any surface.

Einweben: As suggested by its name, Einweben is a binding Gintō technique. It creates a large, man-sized energy web that is useful for either trapping or deterring an opponent. It is activated by the command "The silver strands bind you to your place, Einweben." This technique can either be used up close or by throwing the Gintō at the opponent.

Spiegel: A technique specially tailored by Luna during the time of war. By spilling the contents of a ginto tube along with a sample of her energy with it, she can create up to two silvery-white mirrors. The mirrors are strong enough to whistand and repel any energy based attack that is fired at her regardless of the specific consistency or material of the blast so long as it is not a peculiar enough attack that would otherwise circumvent defenses. She can only deflect blasts with her Spiegel from opponent's whose energy and tier does not exceed her own. The mirrors also gain extra strength to remain still if not in used through the reishi she forces into them from her surroundings. Therefore, a mirror that has not been hit may remain for another post. If in an area with an incredibly dense amount of reishi, like in Soul Society or at Hueco Mundo, she may create and maintain up to five mirrors, and even manage to deflect energy attacks from foes up to two tiers higher. The technique is activated by the command: "Reflect the unworthy, Spiegel!"

- Unique Abilities:

B The Blizzard: Since birth, Luna was blessed with the ability to create and fully control and manipulate ice and snow. At will she can freely chose to freeze anything she touches. On her earlier years, specially as a baby, her power was largely wild and untamed which caused the untimely demise of her parents, until she was placed under strict and grueling training by the bearded man to milk her powers and mold her in a force of utter destruction. Since her constructs are nearly limitless, she can potentially create any structure or objects of gigantic dimensions or of microscopic sizes, so long as she wills it. She can not only create and manipulate ice and the transitional forms of snow, but she has also been known to create them in gaseous forms as well.

Although for the most part her powers and a lot of her abilities, are most often unleashed via her hands, she may do so out of anywhere in her body, and even away from it. Her entire being is able to conjure ice and and snow, as sometimes when stepping onto large bodies of water, like rivers, she purposely wills it and thus it immediately freezes at the moment her feet touch the liquid. Her powers are such that she does not need water present to create ice. The immense reiatsu is such, that merely using her powers affects the weather in her vicinity as it may create extremely cloudy skies, thunderstorms, and even blizzard. If she so wills it, it is possible to maintain a city, or wherever she stays, in perpetual winter for as long as she desires.

Cold Desire: Luna may create, at any time, a gentle, cooling mist akin to snow powder. Though visible, it has a very peculiar smell, almost as if one were to take a whiff at the mouth of a river. In a sense, the specific scent differs depending on the individual to whom it cast on. Basically, although her physical features are most often enough, a little help has never harmed her. With this cooling mist, the foe is drawn to her with feelings of intense desire and love. In a sense, it makes it so that the man wants nothing but her, and stops at nothing to do so.This is her plan all along as a satisfied Luna can more promptly discard of the individual if her interest for him subsides. A peculiar thing about the ability is that, if the individual can either see or smell the ability, it is but an indication that they have already taken effect. Otherwise it would require an inhuman sight to be able to see the particles, either as a result of an ability or a modification to the body. (Requires OOC consent).

Will of the Ice (passive): When Luna was born many feared her even among the Quincy. It was told her powers were unnatural, even for the spiritual world, almost as if there had been a malign and insidious force living within her at the time of birth. Whether the claims were substantiated or not is beyond proof, but one of Luna's most peculiar and frightening abilities its her Will of the Ice. Ever since she was a child, aside from being beat for reasons which amounted to training and her progress, however gifted and amazing the latter was, there were some other factors involved. While beat, every time, her instructors, and even the bearded man, had to hit her extremely hard, and harder every time after...much more than they had intended to produce the wounds. Initially as a very young child, she believed she subconsciously created layers and walls of ice between her and her assailants to protect her of the hits, but as she grew older and much stronger she learned this was not so.

During a myriad of battles and violent encounters, she has learned that her ice surrounds and protects her not only out of her own command but also by itself as if it genuinely wanted to keep her safe. On the extremely unlikely ocassion that someone stepped in to strike her and she either hesitated or chose not to react, a set of layers of ice would appear by themselves both closer to the upcoming limb to meet and delay the attack, as well as another layer of ice covering her skin to further weaken the attack and protect her. For the most part this happens all the time which tends to give the idea that Luna uses a lot more ice than she actually does, specially while defending. Because while she may erect certain structures or objects to procure her safety, her subconscious defenses are already creating their own set to back up her actions.

White Death: As soon as her abilities have been in place, and snow and ice cover the field, its as if the whole area is under her control. Luna is able to, at will, create any structure anywhere, even by where her opponent stands to strike, pierce or mull her adversaries. Though the opponents release a large amount of energy, the falling ice and snow enables her to create dangerous objects and structures to strike down and harm her opponents where they stand. Although the objects are as varied as her thoughts, for the most part, Luna most often creates sharp spears of varying degrees of thickness to get at her opponent.

Crystal Clear: Luna's abilities make her immune to the extremely cold temperatures she so often makes use of. If at any point during a battle, she suffers a serious injury, Luna may choose to cover the wound or the damage limb with her ice, causing a form of healing factor to occur. Her ice, when purposely applied for this reason, allows her to recover from any damage she has sustained. The ice diffuses into the cells of her body, causing the healing process to occur at a drastically hastened pace closing the wounds on her body, or in the case of a lost limb, reconfiguring the ice to match the cells of her body, and thus growing back the lost limbs in an extremely short amount of time. Doing the healing requires some of her energy aside from using her ice, and the more serious and dangerous the wound the more energy it takes to fix it, and if the area is further damaged before it has time to heal, it not only delays the process but makes it a bit more difficult to do so. Unfortunately, only Luna may be healed by her own ice, as the temperatures are far too low to be helpful to anyone else and would just freeze them to death instead.

Snow Trap: By purposely making it snow, Luna may cover the battlefield with a myriad of snowflake. In a sense, all the snowflakes, as its the snow, and the attacks she produces, all have a signature of her reiatsu embedded on them. Among the hundreds of thousands of snowflake, Luna may select a number of them to purposely scatter them around her opponent. Much like her ability with the Selee, she may create, a Quincy-like pentagram to encase and freeze the foe in a trap of ice strong enough to hold back opponents up to a tier above hers for a maximum of three posts.

Menacing Light: By focusing ice into her limbs, she may produce a number of effects. She may choose to fire ice blasts from any of her limbs at her opponents. These blasts may be of fairly regular strength though traveling at insane speeds akin to a bala shot, or they may be fired with immense power at a more appropriate speed. Likewise, Luna may just choose to encase, certain limbs of part of her body in ice for added protection.

Should an opponent be hit there are a number of things they should watch out for. Besides from the strong impact from her powerful blasts and hits, the ice tends to rapidly try to overtake the foes, freezing them to encase them in ice. The opponent must thus release quite a lot of reiatsu to avoid that from happening. Also, the more an opponent is hit with this, or any other form of ice or snow based attack from Luna, the repeated influence of her ice causes the muscles and joints to weaken and slow down the foe exponentially.

Frozen Doppelganger: At any time, Luna may create a doppelganger of her although extremely weaker than her. Although the ice clone has access to all of her abilities, it will never be stronger than 0-5. For the most part, both individuals look exactly the same. The only difference is that the doppelganger skin is slightly paler, almost with a blueish tint to it. The frozen doppelganger may only remain in the field for a duration of six posts. Once hit, much like the ice acts upon her body when she suffers an injury, the blasts diffuse into the bodies of the enemy, as if the whole attack was siphoned into the point of impact to be delivered as a catastrophic point blank attack.

Cold as Ice: Much like she is able to freeze objects upon contact, the same is not very different when faced with opponents. Luna may easily freeze a limb of an opponent if she makes contact with them or if they instead make contact with her. The ice will start to surround the area that was touched near instantly, whether it be an actual part of the body of the foe, or their weapon. The ice, much like a virus, will try to rapidly overtake the foe and freeze them in a prison of ice. if the opponent does not apply some strong form of medical kido, or otherwise release a simple, small, burst, of reiatsu, with energy displaying a power beyond what they currently displayed before being touched, the ice layer would potentially overtake them completely. Opponents up to two tiers above her can simply break or stop the ice at will.

Penance of Frost (passive): As soon as her ice powers are active upon the battlefield, the feelings of the harsh winter are felt upon all presence. Even if the foe is accustomed to fighting under extremely harsh conditions or their bodies enabled them to sustain in the cold she produces, the difference in their genes as opposed to the ones which specially tailored the ability, causes all opponents to suffer a fair reduction to their speed.

Cold Flight: At her own discretion, Luna may release an abnormally amount of energy creating about 20 owls which hover around her and around her shoulders. The owls are not much bigger than her head but they are distinctively different than the regular owls one would see across the world. The owls are predominantly a white mixed with blue. Back during the times of the war, the Quincy would get riled up when her owls would appear as it was a sign that B the Blizzard was approaching. The color of the owls are not in fact a representation of the Quincy colors but rather her ice reflecting some of the blue hues in the sky. Inside the owl each being has been tailored to contain an extremely large amount of volatile energy tightly packed with the healing abilities her ice offers her. The owls fly at incredible fast speeds like that of a bala shot and are largely directed by Luna's thoughts, although directing them with her limbs causes them to go even faster.

Upon making contact with the opponent, the owl will detonate to cause an incredibly dangerous explosion that would damage the foe tremendously. However, given the nature of her abilities, even the explosion behaves in a rather unorthodox way. Instead of exploding outwards into a drawn out blast, it rather implodes into itself diffusing the whole blast into the point of impact, getting the most out of it and causing nearly unimaginable point blank damage. Following the imploding, the target that was hit would thus be encased in an ice prison from whom they would be unable to get out from for a substantial amount of time unless they otherwise release a substantial amount of energy much higher than what they were currently displaying. Hitting or cutting any of the owls causes the same effects to take place. However, all the owls, once they have exploded for one reason or another, tend to reform into their original shape, even if the opponent is currently encased in ice. However, reshaping owls that have already done their purpose requires extra energy from Luna. The amount needed is hardly enough to phase her, although that could possibly be because of the immense amount of energy she possesses.

Blooming Winter: One of the most terrifying techniques she possesses, Luna is actually quite fond of this technique. Transforming the entire battlefield into her own personal dominion, she forces the weather into a harsh snowy environment. If for some reason her opponent uses some form of ability which tampers with the environment as well, as some of her enemies did in the past, Luna creates a large dome which encompasses hundreds of meters encasing the opponent and herself. In this dome, much like it would be without said structure in the open battlefield, the amount of snow and snowflakes falling intensifies. Upon landing on the surface, they create a plethora of beautiful white ice roses. The same happens in the sky, or in the case of the dome, the ceiling. As soon as any of the flowers touches the enemy, a chain reaction is released where an abnormally large amount of flowers start sprouting all over the opponent's body, and even the plethora of ice roses in the battlefield are sucked into him like through some form of diffusion.

The opponent would thus be encased in what looks to be a rather large ice rose, unable to move. In that peculiar ice prison, the opponent would remain a total of three posts, unless they otherwise released an ungodly amount of energy unlike what they had currently displayed before in which case they would be able to be freed from the ice prison in two posts. During the time in which the foe is encased on this unique ice prison, the flowers still scattered across the field act, in a way, as solar panels, with the foe acting as the sun. Siphoning energy from the opponent while they are encased, at the time of their freedom, the flowers that were created prior to his entrapment would dissipate with his prison, and with them, the vast amount of energy that was siphoned from the opponent. Given Luna's tendencies, this technique saw a lot of use against her Shinigami rivals hundreds of years ago, as she would merely watch her opponents suffer and die a slow painful death.

Servant of the Snow: With discretion, Luna may use the available snow or ice in her surroundings or simply create them in order to erect a very specific structure. The structure takes the form of an igloo with a maximum diameter of four meters. When created, the igloo houses within a bed large enough for two or one very spacious individual. Beyond that, there is also a small icy refrigerator with ice cubes and water on the inside. In essence, the igloo is meant to be a form of resting place or sleeping quarters when other alternatives are not an option. And much like the Igloo in the world of the living, its construction serves as a form of insulation. Despite potential freezing temperatures of the outside, the inside remains, though cold, at temperatures that are near ideal for the average human being.

Despite its usefulness, the construct possesses a rather glaring and annoying set of cumbersome issues. For starters, Luna cannot create the igloo around herself. Instead, it has to be created around someone else. Why is that important? The igloo is supposed to act as a form of prison for a willing prisoner. Why willing? Because anyone that wants to escape will with ease. Upon creation, the door to the outside is shut sealed, allowing entrance based on consent from the individual within only to those they allow. External forces, including those from Luna wouldn’t have a negative impact on the integrity of the structure. The structure continually feeds off of Luna’s spiritual energy to maintain its integrity. However, anyone caught within the igloo can be freed whenever they wish. Even the weakest of opponents would just need to hit the walls from the inside with intent to break them, and they would right away. As such, the technique doesn’t lend itself well to directly aid her in combat. Not only would she not be able to trap her targets at all, but she also wouldn’t be able to even use it on herself to fend off damage.

It’s in Luna’s nature to feel dominant, to exert power, and to know that those that serve her will stay with her no matter what. Any of her servants or lovers that she wanted to keep within the walls would likely stay put. Surely they could leave, but why would they? If they truly loved her then they would do as they were told. And more importantly, it provided a truly private area in which to do the things she’d rather keep from prying eyes. It also costs a lot less than a hotel. If at any point Luna ends the technique, then there’s a two post cooldown before she’s able to amass or create the ice necessary to erect it once more. Unfortunately for her, her partners tend to take a lot longer to recharge than her technique does…

Ice Dance: By bringing her hands forth or simply willing it, Luna can create weapons out of ice for her use and that of others. Although they kind of weapon is limited largely by her imagination, it could be as a set of blades or as complex as a double bladed scythe. While the weapons are typically meant for her use only, she may freely create some for her allies as well. Of course, the weapons are neither absolute nor constant. Being created through her energy their availability is tied to it as well. Should Luna run out of energy or pass out, the weapons would likely disappear. She may also will for them to cease to be at once or simply individual ones. The ice in the weapons is extremely dense, allowing it to take quite a bit of damage and enabling it to meet up against similar weapons like the blade of a zanpakuto. For the most part, all the weapons will have a very typical blue hue, though it looks more reminiscent of an icy blue, than the color typically favored by the Quincy.

Freeze Dry (passive): In battle, the cold that emanates from Luna’s very core has a very unique effect on her physiology. Typically, freeze drying sublimates the moisture in an object and passes from a solid state to a gaseous state without going through a liquid state first. On her body, it works by carefully reducing unnecessary amounts intramuscular and sub epidermal lipids. In turn, this allows for less total volume pushing up against her nerves, enabling her to increase her pain tolerance to fair degrees. Likewise, a more stable and dense pathway from within all the way through the epidermis, allows for a slightly stronger use of blut as a result.

Aurora Crystals: At her command, snow and ice cover the ground or the surfaces below. In an instant, a plethora of icy formations spring forth. The formations are very typical to what one would find in nature. In essence, Luna is able to create glaciers as well as sharp spear like protrusions made of ice. The main point of the technique is to change the terrain to be made of ice. Since the terrain is created and maintained with her own energy, she’s able to manipulate the structures to change shape or size as well as sharpness. However the maximum dimension any icy formation in this technique can achieve caps at 20 meters. The range she has to affect the terrain around her is rather limited however. Regardless of how tall a structure may rise, Luna is only able to use this technique within a 50 meter radius of where she stands. Both the ice surrounding the surface of the ground as well as the formations appears to have a variety of colors within them, almost as if pulsing with energy. In return, so long as Luna uses the technique, there would be a visible aurora borealis effect on the sky.

Zanpakutō Name: Junan Josei
Zanpakutō Name: Junan Kai
Zanpakutō Spirit Appereance:

Bankai Description: Though the idea of taking the bankai nearly a millennium ago might not have been among Luna's wisest choices, she did so nonetheless. Her greatest fear was that her form and the beauty of her ice would be tainted with one of the grotesque forms which the Shinigami refereed to as power. Whether luck was on her side or not, it definitely seemed to favor the cold hearted, as she got just what she wished. On the Bankai state, Luna suffers no real visible changes to her appearance or her garment. The only minimally seen changes are but subtle crimson red smoke hues which steadily come off from her body much like the light blue some hues from her ice abilities produce. Beyond from that subtle change, there are no other defining factors aside from a peculiar addition to her reiatsu. Although one would have to really concentrate, her reiatsu seems a bit more fluid and light, even if in reality, her dense and overwhelming energy reservoirs could choke most people to death by merely being in her vicinity.

Bankai Abilities:

Fluid as Wind: Luna is able to manipulate her body's texture and composition to play around with the hardness and sponginess level. By doing this, Luna may freely stretch, expand, contract, twist, bend, twirl, turn, and bend her body in any direction she wishes and almost as long as she desires. Almost as if her body was made of a very flexible rubber band, she may extend her torso, or her limbs or any other portion of her body in a rather varied number of forms. For the most part she creates large, parachute like forms of her torso to halt her exceedingly fast movements or stretch one of her limbs through exceedingly large distances to deliver an attack. The qualities of this ability does not mean that a hit to her person would wound up stretching her. Her body is at it always was, however, she may choose to acquire and display these qualities at any time and stop them just as easily. Just like before, she may run her ice abilities through her body, since although some of her configuration is changed to allow for the rather strange movements, her genes remain largely unchanged allowing her to manipulate her ice freely in her surroundings, others, and herself.

Strand of Rapunzel: Just like she does to the rest of her body, Luna is able to freely stretch, expand, contract, twist, bend, twirl, turn, and bend her hair in any direction she wills it. She may grow her hair to be of any length she so desires it, whether it be extremely long or extremely short. In that same token, if she has her hair cut, she can merely grow it back to whichever length she so desires it. Unlike her body however, she has an extended control over the material and sharpness level of her hair, probably because it is smaller and thus easier to control than her whole body. Although she may make her hair as stretchy and as nimble as her body, unlike the latter, she may also make it tougher than what her body usually is. Able to tense up her hair to be as strong as some of the toughest metals, it can deliver powerful strikes and resist a considerable amount of strikes. By playing around with the sharpness level of her hair strands she may even make her hair be as sharp as piano wire, which has shown to be extremely helpful in some situation. Like her body, if she so wills it, she may run any form of ice and certain Quincy attacks through her hair.

Bankai Passive: As with most Bankai, it grants Luna an exponential increase in speed, spiritual pressure, and strength.


Coding By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Cooking Spray on Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] ORabiFS
Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:52 pm

The First Sternritter

Luna Leonhart

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Coding In Template By:


Quincy Profile

VI. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Ice Bow

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: Luna is often seen creating primarily bows, delegating the use of blade to her icy constructs. The bows she creates can vary wildly in aesthetic design, a testament to her true power over reishi. However, a pretty obvious tell tale sign is that all her bows will have some theme or resemblance to her unique power over ice. Be it a bow made out of reishi to truly make it seem as though it was made of ice, or simply a more modern design with cold continuously blowing through its nooks and crannies. Other than that, there's nothing too special about it.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities: None yet

VII. Vollständig

» Vollständig Name: Angst vor Gott (Fear of God)

» Vollständig Apperance:

Upon the release Vollstanding, a substantial amount of reiatsu encases Luna which results in the formation of a gigantic towering pillar of energy that ends in a large Quincy Cross, from which Luna emerges in her Vollstanding. With a white halow with hints of ice blue atop her head, and similarly colored large wings behind her back, the Queen of the Quincy is ready for combat.

Her outfit also changes drastically as she takes on a more military-look befitting of the Quincy of old, although with a contrasting color of black, rather than white. Her hair also becomes slightly longer and her pupils take on a strikingly different red hue.

» Vollständig Abilities:

Enhanced Speed: Upon activating Angst vor Gott, Luna gains an incredibly large boost in speed, easily being able to appear behind opponent's who would have been much faster than her before, without him even seeing her movements.

Complete Reishi Dominance: It gives Luna the capability of absorbing a large amount of Reishi at the tip of his/her spirit weapon to use in a powerful attack. In this form, a Quincy's absorption of reishi has exponentially increased. She is capable of absorbing the trees, sand, rocks, and even the buildings in Hueco Mundo or Soul Society, as well as most energy attacks, but this skill depends greatly on one’s reishi control.

Sklaverei: Uses the most basic ability to gather Reishi in the most powerful way, by enslaving it. It can literally tear away the components that make up spiritual based objects such as those that make up Hueco Mundo and Soul Society as well as the bodies of spiritual beings. When the body of a spiritual being is affected by this power, Luna can literally assume the characteristics and associated capabilities of her victim. However, the transformation is not permanent, as the power absorbed eventually vanishes.

Flight: With the newly acquired wings, Luna becomes able able to fly and glide at will to aid her in devising yet more unorthodox and complex movements to get at her opponents.

Enhanced Damage and Defense Output: Much like Blut Vene and Blut Arterie, The Quincy in this form have their powers at their very peek, and thus the damage and defensive potential of Luna skyrocket to levels which are nearly beyond comprehension, towering her earlier displays of power with relative ease.

Enhanced Spiritual Awareness: Luna is capable of sensing to a far greater level, allowing her to surpass any ability that would hides one's presence if she is more powerful than the opponent in question.

Modified Spirit Weapon: Instead of having the bow, Luna's spiritual weapon changes drastically when she accesses her Vollstanding powers. Her spirit weapon changes to be in the form of a very large rotating-like spear that she hold with an specially designed handle by the hilt. The rotating spear may spin like a drill to produce very dangerous wounds if fighting on close combat, although arrow shot in that motion can also carry on the spinning style. On the other hand, she holds onto a substantially large shield with what looks like spikes protruding from the edges and circular inscriptions on the inside. Like all spirit weapon, these have the typical blue hue to them as they are made of reishi and can thus be dispelled and recast at will. Just like a bow, Luna may shoot arrows from either the spear or the shield as well as channeling her ice powers through either.

Enhanced Ice Powers: Although Luna maintains dominion over her element and retains the abilities she could previously use, her Vollstanding makes all of her unique abilities based on ice and snow to acquire tremendous increases in power. Her abilities, which were already extremely deadly, see the speed of each attack and the power they deliver exponentially increased nearly beyond belief.

Her new spirit weapons also act as a catalyst since she is able to channel her ice abilities through them just like she does with her arrows. With the same ice abilities, the weapons are like an extension of herself, so aside from channeling the same effects, touching either weapon would grant the same results as touching Luna.

VIII. Quincy Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not fill your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. The staff member checking your app will also give you Will Skills in which you can add to your app when approved.

Remove this message afterwards)

Racial Skills
  • Vollständig: Adept
  • Blut: Master
  • Hirenkyaku: Advanced
  • Reishi Manipulation: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced


Coding By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Cooking Spray on Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:42 pm; edited 3 times in total

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] ORabiFS
Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:54 pm
Bringing back my character from my previous account

All info on the app will be kept as it was upon approval besides minor grammar issues. Any further additions to the app will be listed below in this post for ease of grading what's new or different. Also, I'm hoping for a tier increase from her 1-1++ to account for both the time skip, and the power and skill required for techniques created and shown below.


Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] ORabiFS
Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] Empty Re: Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++]

Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:54 am
Ready to be checked

Luna Leonhart [APPROVED, 1-1++] ORabiFS
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Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:15 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced

Comments/Notes: Everything here looks fine. I will be allowing a Master in EITHER Blut or Hirenkyaku. You may choose which one you wish to have the Master in.
Tier: 1-1++
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Jul 31, 2018 10:24 pm
[mod]Sadly archiving as creator has left the site[/mod]
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