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Sat Dec 23, 2017 6:17 am



A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

There was a grin that came to the shinigami's lips at the rather rhetorical question Midori had asked about his sister's division choice. Not that he knew of course, for all he knew she wanted to be part of the Research and Development Division, maybe even Realm Enforcement. No. It was obvious from his words where she wanted to go and he decided to answer her seriously instead of giving her a facetious one.

"Well clearly she's going to want to be here.. so just make sure she doesn't get into trouble"

Looking at her while she was in thought he took a moment to just watch her. She fit right into this place, she brought the same aura that the area did, actually she had a better effect. Midori's very presence seemed comforting for him which he was thankful for and when she finally asked a question he grinned and looked away sheepishly.

"How about we talk about you? I mean you're a captain and seem to be incredibly kind, I'm curious about you as well."

With a quick yawn Kento would rest his chin on his arms and watch her a little drowsily while waiting for her response.

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Sat Dec 23, 2017 10:35 pm
A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

"I'll do my best." was Midori's reply to his request about his sister. With an entire Division under her feet, along with the teachings of healing kido and keeping up with most of the medical issues within the Seireitei, she was not going to be able to mother the girl or anything. Midori would, however, be a guiding force like she tried to be with all her other Division members.

The conversation shifted and Midori raised an eyebrow. He wanted to talk about her, hm? Yeah, that wasn't going to be an easy conversation. Midori rarely talked about herself to anyone, keeping her personal business to herself. The only time she remembered opening up recently was to Erika, and that was for "niece" reasons and she kept mostly to conversations about Tsubine and romance. "I'm not that interesting." Midori said in a matter-of-fact sort of way, "What is it you'd even want to know? Being a Captain is mostly paperwork and Division members running to you in a panic because they don't know what to do." Midori made a gesture with both of her hands, bringing them up and waving them like she was pretending to be scared. "The young ones panic way too easily. It's kind of hilarious to watch sometimes."

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Sat Dec 23, 2017 11:19 pm



A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Kento watched the woman as she tried to fob hersef off as a nobody and then try to change the subject to talk about being a captain and he shook his head and looked at her again.

"Oh but you are Captain, you're the most interesting thing I dare say at the least the most interesting thing to me in this place. I understand if you don't want to though, but it's not like I plan to tell anyone and isn't there that saying, Dead men tell no tales?"

He said the last bit with a smile, he knew joking about death and his condition probably wasn't appreciated by Midori but he wanted her to accept that he was going to die. He had come to terms with it, his sister had eventually come to terms with it and if anyone should be able to come to terms with it, it was the doctor attending him. He didn't want her losing sleep, neglecting her own health while trying to find a cure. To him her duty wasn't to try and save him. She was here to make it easier to die. If she had decided to not talk about herself still he'd nod.

He chuckled a bit at her act, trying hard to keep it as nothing more than a chuckle out of fear he might cough again. The last thing he wanted was to faint, cough up blood or something that would make her panic and try to help him, that would just ruin the moment and time for him.

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A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity]

Mon Dec 25, 2017 10:13 am
A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

Midori stared stolidly into the eyes of the man who sat before her. Midori had little intention to talk about herself. Unfortunately for Kento, his arguments weren't going to work on her. The easiest thing for someone like her to do when another is pressing too much is to get up and walk away. Midori cleared her throat and sat up straight, laying her hands into her lap. "Well,I think I should probably be going now." Midori smiled, collected her file, and stood up, "It was nice meeting you, Mr. Suzuki. I'll be checking in every now and then to make sure you're comfortable and the accommodations you'll be receiving are up to standard. Do you have any questions before I go?"

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A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity]

Tue Dec 26, 2017 12:21 am



A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The woman standing up to his questions was an incredible disappointment. she couldn't even lie or make up a fake history which was probably good but also very disappointing she couldn't stay. He smiled back and rose to stand up as well before bowing a little and turning to leave himself.

"Alright Captain, I don't have anything else to say though enjoy your day and I look forward to seeing you next time. oh and it was a pleasure to meet you. Good bye now.."

He turned to leave himself and left her to her own devices while going back to his own room to rest a bit.

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