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Mon Dec 18, 2017 9:14 pm
Life was so much better when you weren't sick, when you weren't dying yet at the same time Kento found that the gardens of Division Two were something he would never have appreciated before he got sick. In the past he'd playfully make comments about his sister's affinity to flowers and in return he often got hit or a good smack from her. It was true, he did think flowers were kind of girly, he had to wonder what exactly about them changed his mind.

The shinigami wasn't expecting anyone, he had been here a few days and people would pass him by. Assuming he was just some ordinary patient who was recovering, with high-level kido it was rare for someone to die in the way that Kento was. Most people would not likely go straight to the thought that he is on the way out except for those who took the time out to take a look at his file. Otherwise he was nothing more than your average person enjoying the serenity.
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Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:45 am
A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

The file she had in her hand was a disturbing one. No cure -- No response to kaido. Midori was often called a miracle healer, but this was even above that. After reading through Kento's charts, x-rays, blood tests, and whatever else her subordinates attempted to use to help him, it wasn't surprising that the chart had been passed to her. Unfortunately, in this moment, Midori almost felt hopeless. She spent hours reading through it all, but there was a fact that she had to face: she could do nothing. She was not used to the feeling -- Accepting someone's passing was not easy for her. She hated it.

After finding that Kento wasn't in his room, Midori asked around and was told he had gone to the gardens. She made her way there and looked around. Once she found him, she only recognized him through the picture in his file. "Hello. Mister Suzuki." Midori said kindly as she stepped up beside him and held out her hand, "I'm Midori. I've recently been given your chart. I understand... you're not in the best of health. How've you been feeling?"

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Tue Dec 19, 2017 1:41 am



A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] 6EdIfMt

Kento had drifted off to sleep. In the past he used to have quite the stamina and large amount of energy but recently he was very tired and would often fall asleep. If anything Midori might have thought him dead from the image and her knowledge but it would be proven wrong when he yawned and looked up at her.

His copper eyes looked around, quite blankly for a few moments as he got his bearings after his little nap. Once he looked up at the woman in a doctor's coat he nodded and gave a smile.

"I'm feeling great Captain, I don't mean to be a burden and take up space or your time. May I help you?"

He could not lie, she was beautiful. Giving himself a smile which would look a little childish to the woman as he thought about how his old self would've probably tried to swoon her. Alas that spark had burnt out though and Kento felt bad to think that the captain that dedicated herself to saving lives simply had to watch one be extinguished. He hated the fact that his little sister was much the same, she couldn't accept it and seemed like she thought she could create a godly-level Kaido spell that could stop his soul from destroying itself. He couldn't convince her not to, if Midori herself couldn't do it then how could she? But some people are just so stubborn.

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Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:43 am
A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

Midori smiled, nodded, and sat down across from him. "Well, I've been looking through your chart. I understand that, at the moment, you're mostly always fatigued. Have you had any new symptoms crop up?" she asked, setting the chart down in front of her and laying her arms along the table. She was choosing to give him all of her attention now. She couldn't imagine how it would feel to be dying and knowing that even "magic" couldn't save you. It was a terrible fate, one Midori wished she could stop. "Have you been made aware of your accommodations? Things like... where you'll be staying, what amenities we can offer you, what our goals in this situation are?"

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Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:13 am



A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] 6EdIfMt

He watched her sit down, admiring her a little. Not because of the body she boasted - well maybe a little - but primarily because she was the captain of the second division. The top dog coming down here just for him instead of palming him off to a subordinate was still a little surprising. He could tell she really cared about the people under her.

"Charts? oh... Those things, nah.. I'm pretty fine at the moment thanks. Nothing else wrong with this body of mine, I'll let you know if anything falls off so you can stitch me back up and oh, I missed that please call me Kento. You sound so formal."

The red-head grinned a little, appearing almost unfazed by the sickness that took hold of him. he really was serious though. The last thing he wanted in his life was to be addressed so formally. Of course when she continued he looked thoughtfully as he remembered someone telling him the situation and all of that.

"Yeah, he was a good kid. I'm living somewhere over there, and please I'm just one of those Rukon brats don't be baffling me with those big words captain is that like an anemone or something?"

He laughed a little, hoping to brighten the mood from this woman's seriousness and professionalism that she brought. If he was going to die he wanted it to be at least somewhat fun and carefree. Although the hearty laugh would quickly turn into a coughing fit which extrended for about thirty seconds. Any attempt on Midori's part to help would just result in him putting up a hand while the other covered his mouth. Once it was over he checked his hand for blood, this time he hadn't coughed up blood which he was thankful for.

"I'm afraid he didn't tell me what your goals are, just said something which may as well have been replaced with, you're going to die."

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Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:26 am
A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

"Kento, then." Midori's smile grew a bit and she nodded. He seemed like a nice guy, making what seemed like an inevitable end for him even worse. Why is it always the nice ones who get screwed over? Why couldn't all villains get sick and die? "Wait, what? A-Anemone? The flower?" Midori said, obviously confused. His laugh helped her push the confusion away, so she took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. "Alright, Kento. Formal or otherwise, I wanted to introduce myself and explain what our goals are... Because we have little knowledge of your illness and have not been able to find a way to stop or reverse it, the most we can do is make you as comfortable as possible and study the illness and what happens to you. Is that okay?"

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Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:14 am



A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] 6EdIfMt

Recovering from his cough, which would leave him a little short of breath for a few moments before he recovered the shinigami brought his gaze back to the lovely captain and nodded a bit as she spoke. He didn't really like this, he just wanted a conversation with her at the most. None of this mumbo jumbo that he already knew or could figure out on his own, despite his little sister's comments he wasn't a complete idiot. He knew he was a dead man walking and he knew one of the reasons he was allowed to spend his last moments here was so he could be observed. Loyal Shinigami serve the Gotei even in their death in someway, Kento was no exception.

"That's fine, is that all the gloomy serious stuff out of the way? I think it's pretty noble of you though, you could've palmed me off to anyone under you yet you chose to attend to me yourself. I'd like to think it was a selfless act, after all how many people here have to watch someone fade away. It's not like combat for them so quick, you've got some guts doing it Captain."

His praise was somewhat grim, it made it obvious he knew he was dead. Unlike Sophie, he felt bad trying to convince her he'd get up well one day and it'd all be fine. Harder things had tried to kill him what the hell was this compared to a hollow. She never fell for it though.

"So now Captain, if you've enlightened me to all that. Would you stay a while? I know you're probably busy as a captain and all but it does get a little dull around here and the last thing I want is to make my sister feel obliged to leave her studies. She's got enough on her plate with the Academy anyway"

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Thu Dec 21, 2017 4:17 am
A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

Midori was around sick people all the time. The cough was a bother, but not something she'd jump in on unless he was having breathing problems. Since he had originally put his hand up, she let it go. As he cough calmed down, she knew he'd be okay for now. She let him collect his breath and settle before continuing on. His reply about doom and gloom stuff was a little offensive to her. The medical issues of her Squad were pretty much her life. Not only that, but it was her job to inform him of this. Even if another doctor already had, she had to repeat it. And whether he liked it or not, he was a patient and she was his doctor. Until this moment, she did not know him. She wasn't going to jump on a friendly bandwagon just because he wanted it. She had her duty, and he should of known that. However, she could understand his view. He was always hearing about his condition, so a break from it would have been nice, but Midori had her duty and he should have known that.

Thankfully, his next words calmed her and he was seeming kinder. She pushed up a small smile and set the chart down on the bench next to her, leaving a piece of it under her leg so it wouldn't blow open. "Alright. I can do that." she said, clearing her throat, "And I've lost a lot of good men and women in my line of work, not all of them quick. There are a very few that go slower and it's always terrible, always scary, and always a sad. The best I can do in any situation like this is keep myself strong." This entire situation sucked. For Midori, not being able to do anything was extremely difficult to accept. Most of her did not want to accept it. She'd probably go home tonight and study, experiment, and test different kido, kaido, and whatever the heck else she could come up with to try her best to save this man's life.

"If you want me to stay, I can stay for a while." Midori nodded and relaxed, leaning forward into the table and laying her cross arms on it, "Your sister? Well, since there are certain subjects I'm going to assume taboo with you, mainly your condition, why don't you tell me a bit about her? How's she doing?"

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Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:51 am



A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] 6EdIfMt

The man's eyes flicked back up to the captain as she finally put the damned chart away and he smiled. It was about time. Hearing the woman's words made him flinch a little as she finished, he felt very bad. Even with his condition he felt he was burdening the people around him and it would be evident by the flex of his arm as he gripped the fabric of his pants and bit his lip before it all faded away again as she agreed to stay. Still it felt selfish for him to ask any more of her, he was basically asking her to sit here and get to know a dead man, was it really right for him to ask this of her? Was it a mistake? In a way he was thankful for the change of subject to his sister.

"Taboo? Now Captain, words like that are usually used like that in the Rukongai but I think I understand, and now what'd we agree on just now? No more gloomy subjects, anyhow my sister? Yeah. Her name's Soph, well Sophie but I suppose I rarely call her that. She's such a nerd with Kido, she took to it once she joined the academy and she's a kind young woman. I think my condition set her on the path of a healer although I never wanted her to be a shinigami, just my luck I had to get sick and she thought she could move heaven and earth to defy it. It's her last year in the Academy, she graduates soon."

The sick man looked away as he wondered if he'd last the amount of time before she graduated, he didn't know just how quickly he'd lose himself to his sickness and he wanted to see her graduate at least. That was all he could really do right now.

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Thu Dec 21, 2017 7:30 am
A Short Path. [PRIVATE | Serenity] 6EdIfMt

Midori Hayashi

Captain of the Second Division

"A kido aficionado, hm?" Midori raised an eyebrow knowingly, "What squad is she planning on joining?" Because of his situation, it wouldn't surprise Midori if minor topics of his sickness came up. It pretty much immediately did when he started talking about why his sister was so focused on kido. He wanted to avoid the subject, but it might be hard to. And it took Midori a short second after she asked for her to realize that his sister might be joining her own Division to try and help her brother. Maybe that wasn't the best question to ask. Once she got her answer, she'd change the subject quickly.

Well, she'd try to. This was a hard thing for her. Talking to a man she couldn't save and who knew he was going to die about really anything was hard. What things do you like to do? Well, I used to like this... Where do you like to go? Well, I used to go to this... What was she supposed to say? What could she talk about? Midori looked off in silence and thought to herself, rapidly going from question to question to try and not ask something that might bother him. She sighed, a little frustrated. "So... what do you want to talk about?"

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