Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Kai Lam
Kai Lam
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Fighting for Survival [Open] Empty Fighting for Survival [Open]

Sat Jul 01, 2017 10:45 pm
Even as far away as Kyoto, ancient ex-capital of Japan, the news traveled of a sudden and shocking event in America that had shaken people to their core. In such a place like Kyoto, a city safe and shielded from outside conflict due to advanced technology and powerful guardians, reactions to death and destruction in foreign lands were usually of surprise and horror. The vast majority of people in Kyoto, and likely Japan as a whole, had never experienced such strife first hand in their lifetimes.

Though he had yet to go through or witness such an event himself, Jian Yijun's recent interactions with foreigners and adventures had been eye-opening to say the least. After the conflict in Mexico the average person might lock themselves in their home and never leave again, but something had been awoken within Kai...a yearning for thrills, for running blind into peril, for not caring about his own safety. It was this feeling that pushed Kai to go toward the danger instead of away.

Almost immediately after the news of Tampa, Florida's destruction hit the web Kai was already making his way to the tropical city. Traveling by boat, plane, and car he was able to reach his destination in just a couple hours thanks to the incredibly advanced transportation of 2417. In a small rented car Kai was able to get as close to the city as possible before having to travel on foot due to the roadblocks and barriers set up to protect people from whatever lies within.

After sneaking past the light security that had been set up in the area, Kai followed the road he was just driving on for a mile or so until he reached the outskirts of Tampa. Though there was what seemed to be a seeping corruption coating the road and buildings in unsightly blotches, Kai continued toward the city, eventually crossing a bridge over the Palm River.

Once across the bridge, Kai dodged into an unoccupied building resembling a small corner store in Kyoto. The lights still seemed to be operational as everything inside was lit up by a flickering dullness which belied the tremendous destruction just outside. Aware there could be danger behind any corner, Kai drew his handgun and stayed prepared to react to anything that might come at him. For at least a few moments Kai stood behind the counter where the cashier usually is, in order to gather his thoughts and come up with a gameplan.
The Cat
The Cat
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Fighting for Survival [Open] Empty Re: Fighting for Survival [Open]

Sat Jul 01, 2017 11:03 pm
Fighting for Survival [Open] CeGIKcS





These were some of the many words that could describe the streets and its contents within this city. Everything in sight looked as if it was burned, but that wasn't what had happened here. The entirety of the city hadn't been set on fire, but instead transformed into an endless cascade of decayed concrete, metal, and glass. For now, Kai would be fine, although he was not alone. Wandering the streets and the interiors of some buildings were the citizens of this city. Or rather, that's what they used to be.

Their arms were elongated and engorged, spouting massive hands tipped with claws powerful enough to eviscerate even steel. Their heads were covered in some kind of matter that wrapped completely around their head and resembled that of an insect hive. Where there would be numerous holes to allow entrances and exits for the insects, there were many glowing red eyes. However, this was only on the front of the monsters, and behind them were the leftover pieces of shredded human heads. Whatever hadn't been torn apart by other corrupted citizens or had been there before the corruption got to them.

In the streets, they walked aimlessly. They were slow, not fast enough to catch someone with any semblance of speed, but their blows were earth shattering. They made no noise, but if one got close to them, they could hear the whispers that came from the "heads" of these creatures. When they were in groups, it would sound like a person was being assaulted by the words of many almost-silent children. Even when these creatures were fighting, be it amongst themselves or with their prey, there was nothing but whispers. This was fitting considering they react only to sound, while their eyesight, despite having more eyes than anything could ever need, was poor.

Kai Lam
Kai Lam
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Fighting for Survival [Open] Empty Re: Fighting for Survival [Open]

Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:46 am
After resting for a few minutes after walking and traveling all day, Kai drew a small handheld device from his left inner jacket pocket and pressed a small button on its side. This revealed a small holographic screen which displayed the contents of the device's hammer realm, showing Kai how much ammunition he had stored within the machine as well as the existence of his personal weapon Erphtal. Unsure of the danger within Tampa, Kai had made sure to stock up on both rounds for his pistol and medical supplies like a first aid kit. In fact he'd even included a handheld flashlight, some snacks, and a few bottles of water as well. Being prepared for anything was a virtue he lived by.

Kai slipped the device around his wrist and tightening it using the rubber strap attached to it. As he surveyed the small shop to mentally keep track of its contents, a relatively quiet sound loud enough to reach him from outside rang out. His eyes and hands shot up, the barrel of his gun aimed in the general direction of the shop's front door. Quiet accompanied by darkness made it difficult for Kai to ascertain what happened and if there was anyone, or for that matter anything, outside. Keeping one eye trained on the doorway, Kai pillaged the store, placing multiple canisters of kerosene, a lighter, and a few packs of matches together in a pile. He then held up his left wrist and pressed a button on the storage device which caused a blue scanner to go back and forth across the objects he'd gathered before a light flashed out and sent them all into the container.

Now ready to once again hit the road, Kai held his pistol with both hands and kept the barrel up while moving toward the door. After peering out in both directions, Kai left the sanctuary and began walking along the buildings on the sidewalk, moving ever further into the destroyed city. Still being only barely into the confines of the destruction, most of the terrain was in relatively reasonable shape. Cars littered the streets, some perhaps still serviceable but most seemingly out of commission. This fact didn't really bother Kai all that much because if there was anything dangerous in this ominous landscape a running vehicle would probably just draw its attention.

Dodging from corner to corner, using buildings and vehicles alike for cover, Kai continued making his way further into Tampa. Within just a couple blocks of the building he'd used as a supply point, Kai noticed something a bit...weird. Across the street, only a few meters away, a peculiar figure stood brooding in the darkness of the apocalyptic city. Despite being quite large it had somehow avoided Kai's detection until he was quite close to whatever it was. Squinting, he began to make out the features of the creature...and was taken aback immediately. His surprise was so strong he stumbled backward in shock. With a beehive-like head, black-grey skin, and gigantic hands with even bigger claws, this thing was nothing short of a monster.

Unfortunately for Kai, when he stepped back he accidentally rattled a dustbin, shaking the contents and causing a bit of a ruckus. This quickly gained the attention of the formidable creature, drawing its ire. Though not quite able to make out exactly where its target was, the monster turned and springted at Kai at speed superhumans wouldn't be bothered by but for a somewhat regular guy like him it was decently fast. More importantly, the thing's tremendous reach allowed it to swipe its vicious claws at the young man from almost two whole meters away. Reacting as fast as possible, Kai dove down on his right side, which sent pain up through his arm, and fired two high caliber energy-infused bullets straight through the monster's head, shattering an eye in the process. Its momentum meant even though it seemingly died from the wounds it just received, the beast's body shattered the glass window of the building behind Kai before crumpling into a pile halfway in.

Between the loud BANGs of the gunshots, the sound of glass shattering, and the general mayhem of the conflict, Kai was a hundred percent sure more of those things would be coming at any moment. Hopping over the short wall the window had been in, Kai stood next to the monster's body and fired one more bullet through its creepy, disgusting head just to be sure it wouldn't be getting up any time soon. After this he ran and slid over a table in the abandoned coffeehouse he found himself in. Kai kept his gun and gaze aimed directly at the opening he'd just entered through as his heart raced and drops of sweat lined his forehead, ready and waiting for whatever came for him. Come get me you freaks.
The Hybrid King
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Fighting for Survival [Open] Empty Re: Fighting for Survival [Open]

Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:29 am

Song: Evangelion X - By: Anonymuz - Word Count: 1048