Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3]

Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:39 pm
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Quincy Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Ritsuko Nikolovich
» Titles: none
» Apperance Age: 21
» Actual Age: 479
» Gender: Female
» Sexuality: Lesbian, Sapiosexual
» Affiliation/Rank: Once a recruit in a soviet training camp but was discharged due to her injuries. Now joins Vastime

» Physical Appearance Description:
Ritsuko's small frame reflects a lack of physical strength or defense but endurance parameters are high. This is highly attributed to a petite frame. Being only 4' 7" in stature she appears to be around fourteen but a petite build belies her true age of twenty-one. With pale skin and dull blue eyes, her expression is nearly always wrought in stoic expression yet as refined stone. Short sandy-brown colored hair reaches down to her neck.

» Physical Appearance Image:
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] 150?cb=20141012224221

II. Personality Traits

» Personality:
Admirable: Be it her determination or sheer raw power she shows those around her makes her someone people tend to look up to. Her strong will and never back down from a fight attitude get her some bad attention but she won't let anyone, not even a male tell her how to live her life.

Appreciative: When people offer to help even if it's just a place to spend the night she thanks them from the bottom of her heart. Any debt she falls into is always repaid to the best of her ability.

Athletic: Ritsuko has spent a lot of her time building her body to hold against a attack and hit them twice as hard. If she has time between taking care of her work as a quincy she spends it working out and pushing herself as far as she should go and then some.

Calm: After you have seen the darkness in people and shown your own to those you cared about you learn to remain calm. No matter the situation people place Ritsuko in she keeps the same calm mind and gaze, only two have ever seen a face she has outside anger and relaxed.

Contemplative: Ritsuko never acts before thought, and she also does not think to long to miss her chances. In combat she knows to make quick choices and outside combat she takes as much time as she can to make sure what she will do won't be in vein.
Gentle: A side only Ritsuko's past lover got to see is the kind soft side she keeps under calm water. Ritsuko truly has a gentle heart under everything she covers it with and fears showing it because each time it causes her more pain afterwards.

Hardworking: Ritsuko has spent the last five years working herself to the bone to make sure she's happy. While she had a decent work hard attitude since she was little she has began to take it to far that it causes her some harm at this point.

Playful: The side Ritsuko only shows to those she trust. Overall she does sometimes show her playful nature when training or working but not on a emotional level or enough to notice without actually looking for signs of her being playful.

Protective: Ritsuko most noticeable trait is her obsession with protecting things she cares for. Willing to place her life on the line for people she just met as she values the lives of everyone else around her more then the twisted life she has.

Punctual: Even if she does not have the brains to remember everything she should bring, she keeps her times right. Never one to be late or to early for anything she had plans on going to do.

Strong: Muscle over brain happen to Ritsuko. She would spend her time building herself up rather then learn the easier way to beat her foes. But it is that part about her that helped her make it this far so she has no plan on changing that just yet.

III. Relationships

Character Name: Ritsuko Nicklovich

Current Relationships

Mirja ~ A woman she met within Vastime at first glance Ritsuko thought she was an ordinary maid doing her daily duties. However she's actually a Corpral in Vastime and she gave Ritsuko a tour while also showing her the recruitment office. Although she doesn't know much about her, one things for sure she does have a good sense of humor and a bright attittude.

Toshiko: A female she met on the beach, Ritsuko wasn't fond of her at first but after closer examination she was actually a smart and well mannered woman.
She's a known hacker and has even showed her a view of japan's famous landmarks which she enjoyed greatly, in a sense Ritsuko feels like a little sister towards her she doesn't know why exactly but they feel almost alike.







Close Friends:



Allies: (Unlikely or Likely fits in this category)

OOC: This certain section is completely optional


One Sided Crush:








Students: (I personally don't see this happening anytime soon, but just putting it here anyways.)

If there's a type of relationship you like for your character to be with Ritsuko then just reply or PM me stating what you would like. We'll work it out and connect the dots of how the two character became like that. Happy roleplaying everyone

IV Character History

» History
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] 200px-Communist_star.svg_400x400

Life of a Soviet Soldier Boot Camp (1957-1964)

When Ritsuko Nikolovich entered the army, just after she turned nineteen, she wasready to serve. Many Russian teenagers were desperate to avoid the draft, but Ritsuko yearned for an escape from her drab existence—long hours spent looking after her elderly grandmother, afternoons and evenings spent shopping and cooking for her. It was a thankless task that fell to Ritsuko because her mother spent most of her time at work, waiting tables in a restaurant popular with tourists in the Black Sea town of Tuapse, where they lived.

When Ritsuko thought of joining the Russian army, she dreamed of excitement, of shooting real guns, of making friends, of being part of something she believed in even though the army was bogged down in a terrible, endless war in Chechnya. She saw little downside to joining the army. Her life was stalled anyway. She wasn’t going anywhere with her education. She had never excelled in school, her progress hindered by what seemed to be a learning disability that was never diagnosed or treated. She was not comfortable reading or writing. She had tried but failed to learn welding at a trade school. Her only marketable skill was preparing food, a skill she had furthered with a year in cooking school, and something she thought she might be able to pursue in army kitchens. Having cooked for her grandmother since she was ten, she had developed a knack for using herbs and spices to add zest to usually bland Russian food, and she was adept with the local fish, crabs, and mussels.

So Ritsuko stepped forward willingly. In this she was bucking a trend. The draft has become unpopular throughout Russia, in part because of harsh, cruel conditions in the ill-equipped and underfunded army, where conscripts are paid the equivalent of about $3 a month, and in part because of the war in Chechnya. Those who do are generally from society’s lower ranks. Education deferrals are routinely available to teens from affluent families. Others tried avoiding the draft by paying hefty bribes to recruitment officers in exchange for being classified as unfit. Some add a drop of blood to their urine samples, in the hope of being thought ill. Some even swallow magnesium crystals, which are said to cause painful stomach ulcers that can lead to medical disqualification.

A tall, ungainly girl with floppy ears and hooded yellow eyes, Ritsuko was influenced by a childhood spent near a military base but without a man in her life: her father had left the family when she was seven. For years Ritsuko had looked out her bedroom window onto the base and watched the soldiers train. She watched them go through their drills, admiring their precision. She watched them play sports and lift weights and joke around in their off-hours.

“From her windows she could see that the atmosphere was really friendly,” Ritsuko says today in her soft, shy voice. “The soldiers were really friendly. They were not bullying each other, and they were laughing. It was like a family.” She thought they would be her family too.

Ritsuko was assigned to a nearby military base, in Yeysk, for basic training. Yeysk is a port city known for its fighter-pilot training center. A sign at the entrance to the base pronounces it “a blacksmith shop where cadres are forged for the Russian air force.” Ritsuko knew she would never be a pilot (that role is reserved for air force officers with much more training and education than she had), but she wanted to learn how to handle anti-aircraft artillery.

Conditions in the barracks were spartan but ordered. There were no showers, but the soldiers could wash once a week in Russian-style saunas known as banyas. They were given clean clothes and underwear once a week as well. Ritsuko found every day much the same. Up at 6:30, with five minutes to use the toilet, brush her teeth, wash her face, and get dressed. Pull on the scratchy uniform, the portyanki (rectangular pieces of cloth used instead of socks), and the heavy leather boots that didn’t quite fit. Ignoring the blisters on her feet. A clean white strap had to be put in place just inside the collar; no one knew why, but those with a dirty strap were punished. Then it was time to report, salute the sergeant, join the formation, and start to run. Usually it was two miles; sometimes, if the temperature was below zero and the wind was fierce, it was a bit less. Then push-ups—it sometimes seemed to Ritsuko that her entire life was now spent doing push-ups—and more exercises. The meals were bland, providing a reprieve from exertion but little more. After dinner the soldiers could relax a bit, and watch TV or videos of old Russian war movies. Ritsuko could listen to her favorite bands, until lights-out, at 10:30. It was a hard regimen to get used to, but the soldiers adjusted. They joked that they would survive basic training because even Russian generals were smart enough not to kill off their cannon fodder ahead of time.

Ritsuko liked the predictability of military life. She loved learning how to fire a machine gun and anti-aircraft batteries, how to shoot down incoming rockets and missiles. She found out that she was good with weapons—she could destroy a target at 200 yards—and she was happy on the firing range. Blasting away at the target dummy with the vicious AK47 to a more precise weapon such as the Dragonov. It was the first time she had been good at anything other than cooking. She was homesick, but so was everyone else. She fit in; she even seemed to thrive. She even recalls the time showing herself standing tall, obviously proud of her uniform. She felt herself becoming stronger. Developing stamina, courage

The Nightmare is about to begin
However it was all about to change once she arrived in Kamenka, a military base outside of the region she was born in.

New arrivals are at the bottom of a well-defined hierarchy. Just above them are so-called “old soldiers” or “grand-fathers”—second-year conscripts serving out their final months. Most are no longer willing to make their beds or shine their boots or find illicit booze; they get the new arrivals to do these things for them. Once the officers leave the barracks for the night, the old soldiers take charge.

Ritsuko's misery began on the day she arrived, when she made a seemingly minor mistake in military protocol. She addressed an old soldier who had attained the rank of sergeant with the formal term “Comrade Sergeant,” which had been mandated at the Yeysk base. But soldiers at Kamenka had been told to use a more familiar approach—to call their sergeants by name. The sergeant, angry at Ritsuko's mistake, pummeled her, hitting her everywhere except on the face (so that no bruises would show). Ritsuko eventually smoothed things over with the sergeant, but she was beaten for weeks by various old soldiers whose demands she failed to meet. Her idea of the military as a family evaporated.

She was not simply hit once; she was beaten up. First the sergeant—he hit her in the stomach several times, and in the head, and after she fell he kicked her in the stomach. He didn’t aim, he just kicked and kicked and was swearing at her. Starting the very next day, the old soldiers would give everyone thirty minutes to get cigarettes with filters (which is impossible on the military base), or say, “Get me this much money in an hour, and if you don’t bring it to me in an hour you will be beaten to a pulp.” Which always happened, because we had no money … The base is not in a city, it’s in the woods, so most can’t go and ask for things. People can’t ask the trees for money and cigarettes. The old soldiers and even the officers would get drunk, and to entertain themselves they would wake recruits up in the night. She can still remember all the stools that were broken through beating and hitting. They would make her do push-ups and just beat them for entertainment.

She gave it to her friends for safekeeping. That night Ritsuko was summoned to the boiler room by Ruha and his henchmen. The next day she spent the money on cigarettes, cookies, and candies. The old soldiers found her purchases, seized them, and again hauled Ritsuko into the boiler room for a beating.

That was when her mind broke. The next day, acting on impulse, she tried to escape. She wanted to make her way back to the base in Yeysk, which she had enjoyed so much. She believed that she could return to the target range there, where she had proved her prowess. She walked off the Kamenka base through a park that was not fenced in, but she was caught within minutes.

Two months later Ritsuko tried again to escape; again she was caught and forced to return to Kamenka. On her third attempt, the following spring, she succeeded, along with another private who had also suffered under Ruha. Eventually Ritsuko reached Saint Petersburg, where she contacted an advocacy group. Legal advisers from the group told her to go to a hospital and have her injuries documented, so that it would be clear she was no longer healthy enough for military service.

IV. Equipment

» Equipment:

Soviet Uniform Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Formaban
However she hardly wears the uniform anymore

Regalia Name: The Eagle

Regalia Type: Beast

Regalia Travel Form Appearance: Ritsuko's Travel Form is a beautiful bracelet, consist of a beautiful wave design. The bracelt itself is nothing special though, the only thing the bracelet does is examine ritsuko's body language and brain to determine her mood; she wears it on her right arm and depending on her mood the color changes. For exmaple, being happy turns the bracelet bright yellow while anger makes it a dark red.

Weapon Form: Ritsuko's weapon turns into a crossbow, similar to a quincy bow it'll utilize reishi around the air in order to fire the weapon and reload it. The crossbow is colored blue and will immediately blend into any environment Ritsuko is in.

Woodland/Jungle: Green camo design
Snow: White
Desert: Desert camo design

Ranged Elements: N/A

Enhanced sight: Ritsuko gets an increase in perhiperal vision and eyesight. However since she's not a high enough tier she can only see a maximum range of about a few km. During her "Sniper Sight" she's able to identify an ally or enemy based on their colors, however certain people can exhibit different colors.

Red: Enemy
Blue: Friendly

Origin Form Appearance: A golden eagle.

V. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills:

VI. Quincy Skills & Abilities

» Quincy Skills:

Strong Spiritual Awareness: Unlike humans, all Quincy have the ability to sense and perceive supernatural occurrences around them. Therefore, one can assume they often possess a strong sense of perception more often than not. This only further becomes cultivated and improved upon as a Quincy's power becomes greater.

Quincy Cross: The Quincy Cross is a symbolic artifact which represents those who have been blessed with Quincy abilities and techniques. Granted, it does not always have to be in the shape of a cross. It can be in any form The Quincy wishes. What is more important is the fact that this is often the medium which syncs together their spirit weapons, Quincy equipment, releases and other racial skills. Thus, it can be assumed that most Quincy will often possess a cross of their own.

Reishi Manipulation: This is one of the key aspects of a Quincy: Reishi Manipulation. The Quincy utilize the reishi found in the air around them and use it to their advantage. More often than not, they have a easier time harnessing this energy in locations with a higher focus of reishi such as the Soul Society or Hueco Mundo.

Although, to a skilled Reishi Manipulator, there isn't much of a difference between Reishi and Reiryoku as a medium of power. With that said, this racial skill allows for them to use this siphoned energy to form a wide array of offensive, defensive, supportive and other abilities and techniques that The Quincy can customize to their liking.

Hirenkyaku: What IS Hirenkyaku? It's simple: Hirenkyaku is The Quincy's answer to shunpo. This technique allows for users to move at great rates of speed by riding the flow of reishi created beneath them. It can also be used i n order to fly or hover over vast distances. As, overall, it is designed to help Quincy keep up and potentially overpower faster foes based upon their mastery of this skill. For the modern Hirenkyaku works alongside their natural speed as a human in order to give them great burst of momentum for short duration's of time.

Blut: This is a natural technique that most Quincy know how to perform. What it serves to do is allocate different streams of internal reishi towards dramatically bolstering their offensive OR defensive capabilities. Granted, the drawback to this is that those with little control over them will only be able to activate one at a time. Additionally, it can cause strain on the user over time regardless of how powerful they become. It just becomes lessened as they have a greater mastery over it.

Blut Arterie: This is the offensive version of Blut. In this form, the user is allowed a great sense of superhuman power. Anything that is used for assaulting purposes against opponents will be greatly bolstered depending on the level of mastery that the Quincy has over their blut. This can be allied to transformations, special attacks, racial skills and things of this nature. Granted, it will take it's toll after awhile like anything else.

Blut Vene: This is referred to as the defensive form of Blut. This allows them to heighten their defenses to absurd levels more often than not. It is often utilized in order to better bare the brunt of released states in general and is often key to helping a Quincy achieve superhuman durability. Thus, when it is activated, most Quincy will often have some form of faint pattern tracing their veins or marking their skin. It can be anything from symbols, reddened skin or whatever else have you.

VI. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name:
Leiser Mörder

» Spirit Weapon Appearance:
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Andrewbipod_712x

Spirit Weapon Abilities:

Reishi Ghillie Suit: Like all ghillie suits they're designed to resemble the background environment such as foliage, snow or sand. Typically, made up of it is a net or cloth garment covered in loose strips of burlap, cloth or twine, sometimes made to look like leaves and twigs. The main weakness of her suit is that it's very bulky and easy to spot if she's moving, meaning she has to be completely still.

The ghillie suit takes about 1 post to completely dissipate from her body and allow her to move freely without being restricted.

The ghillie suit can be easily detected based on the enemies focus as well.

Beginner: Cannot see her at all, looks completely invisible to the naked eye.
Adept: Can see the outline of her ghillie suit but that's it.
Advanced: Can see her body movements within the ghillie suit
Master: Can see her almost immediately

Reishi Bullets:
However if there's no reishi in the air around her she only can use then 10 bullets meaning she'll have to be accurate with her shots. She can also use the reishi in the air to create more bullets, the amount of bullets she can create is scaled based off her reishi manipulation.

Ritsuko can also manipulate the reishi to create various types of bullets, each with their own colors and abilities that is needed for any situation.

Armor Piercing Rounds (Red)
These rounds are self-explanatory they allow Ritsuko to due more damage to enemies with light-heavy armor. The bullets themselves give a loud *pop* sound when making contact with either a wall or other metallic object.

Tracking Rounds (Green)
These rounds are completely harmless to humans and other spiritual beings, these rounds are mostly used to locate an enemy within a 1 mile radius, the bullet will emit a small beep sound similar to sonar inside a submarine.
They are not affected by gravity and can be easily destroyed.

Reishi Magazine:
The weapon is fed from a detachable curved box magazine with a 10-round capacity and the cartridges are double-stacked in a staggered zigzag pattern.
The magazine can fill itself immediatly over a period of time depending on the amount of reishi.

VII. Vollständig

» Vollständig Name:

» Vollständig Apperance: Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Latest?cb=20170217021825

» Vollständig Abilities:
Angelic Flight:
Ritsuko's Vollstanding consist of beautiful white angel wings, these wings allow her to soar the skies but only up to about an altitude of 5,000 feet. The drawback however is that she cannot go any higher and if she does her body will start to feel the effects of lack of oxygen causing her to become disoriented and even knock herself out.

Angel's Gift
Using her Hirenkyaku and her wings to propel herself it giving her a burst of speed to maneuver more efficiently, however it has a cool down of 8 post.
The technique's duration is based off her General Speed.

Beginner: 1 post
Adept: 2 post
Advanced: 4 post
Master: 5 post

VIII. Quincy Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not fill your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. The staff member checking your app will also give you Will Skills in which you can add to your app when approved.

Remove this message afterwards)

Racial Skills
  • Vollständig: Beginner
  • Blut: Beginner
  • Hirenkyaku: Beginner
  • Reishi Manipulation: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Master



Last edited by MWD on Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:50 am; edited 22 times in total
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Joined : 2016-01-31
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Age : 26
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Member Info
Platinum Points:
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty Re: Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3]

Sat Apr 01, 2017 2:37 pm
Hmm, just a note on the Soviet uniform; could you include that she uses it rarely? Since it would only make sense for such a thing to only be used for battle. ANYWHO

» Age: 21

Could you possibly say that she is a bit older than 21 or fix her history? With her current age it doesn't make sense with the history since she wouldn't be 21 if she was 19 in 1957, right? Just need to that either be her appearance age or something like that.

Reishi Ghillie Suit: Like all ghillie suits they're designed to resemble the background environment such as foliage, snow or sand. Typically, made up of it is a net or cloth garment covered in loose strips of burlap, cloth or twine, sometimes made to look like leaves and twigs. The main weakness of her suit is that it's very bulky and easy to spot if she's moving, meaning she has to be completely still.

Could you include a duration for how long this would be effective before Ritsuko would have to disable it or leave the area when she is at risk of being noticed. Thanks!

Reishi Bullets:
However if there's no reishi in the air around her she only can use then 10 bullets meaning she'll have to be accurate with her shots.

I would suggest adding a little bit more to this, as it is plain to me, but, not all will. So, just describe what it is a little bit more and that she needs to use reishi in the air to create them.

Vollständig: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner [For Pure Bloods Only]
Quincy: Letzt Stil:[/b] Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner [For Non-Pure Bloods Only]
Blut: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Hirenkyaku: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
Reishi Manipulation: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Just a not for these, if Ristuko is a pure-blood quincy, she'll have the Vollstandig; not Letzt Stil. So, remove Letzt Stil if she is a pure blood or Vollstandig if she isn't.

Fix these please! Also, remove any first person mentions in the history; I saw a mention of "us" in there. Anywho, yeah, just fix all that please!
Seasoned Member
Joined : 2016-07-24
Posts : 1142
Location : Merica

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Platinum Points:
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Left_bar_bleue115400/99999Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (115400/99999)

Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty Re: Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3]

Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:44 pm
Fixed the Problem regarding her age
» Apperance Age: 21

Made the ghillie suit scale based on the opponents focus
Reishi Ghillie Suit: Like all ghillie suits they're designed to resemble the background environment such as foliage, snow or sand. Typically, made up of it is a net or cloth garment covered in loose strips of burlap, cloth or twine, sometimes made to look like leaves and twigs. The main weakness of her suit is that it's very bulky and easy to spot if she's moving, meaning she has to be completely still.

The ghillie suit takes about 1 post to completely dissipate from her body and allow her to move freely without being restricted.

The ghillie suit can be easily detected based on the enemies focus as well.

Beginner: Cannot see her at all, looks completely invisible to the naked eye.
Adept: Can see the outline of her ghillie suit but that's it.
Advanced: Can see her body movements within the ghillie suit
Master: Can see her almost immediately

Made Reishi Bullets scale with her Reishi Manipulation
Reishi Bullets:
However if there's no reishi in the air around her she only can use then 10 bullets meaning she'll have to be accurate with her shots. She can also use the reishi in the air to create more bullets, the amount of bullets she can create is scaled based off her reishi manipulation.

Made a few changes with the history (removed first person elements)

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Joined : 2016-01-31
Posts : 2309
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Platinum Points:
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty Re: Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3]

Sun Apr 02, 2017 2:24 pm


Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Comments/Notes: Everything looks good to me, approved. IF anyone has any qualms about this, contact me personally.
Tier: 4-1+

Joined : 2011-02-25
Posts : 2112
Age : 28
Location : Nowhere

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Platinum Points:
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Left_bar_bleue0/0Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty Re: Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3]

Tue May 02, 2017 10:28 am
[adm]Moved to WIP on owners request.[/adm]

Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Ap8OoJO

Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4837
Age : 24

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Platinum Points:
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty Re: Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3]

Wed May 03, 2017 7:30 am
[adm]Moving back to unchecked for a re-review.[/adm]
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4837
Age : 24

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty Re: Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3]

Wed May 03, 2017 7:39 am


« Application Checklist »
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A

  • Comments/Notes: Nothing seems wrong with this, so I'll be re-approving this with the same tier and will skills. If anyone has any problems with this, contact me.
  • Tier: 4-1+
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4837
Age : 24

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty Re: Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3]

Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:51 pm
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Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3] Empty Re: Ritsuko Nicklovich [Approved: 3-3]

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