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Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One [Ibiki/Mirja]

Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:41 pm

Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Shirō Sagisu - Song: Attack of Titans
- Word Count: N/A

"That is what a leader does. They bring the best out of those who follow them."

Frank and to the point, Ibiki did not hold back on the depth of words because that is what it meant to be a commander in her eyes. It's rather easy to lead by power, fear, and authority over those who are subjected to your will. It takes a much more sincere and powerful blossoming of character to be able to bloom the seeds of strength into others with the ability of patience, optimism, and love. Which is where The Menacing Devil Shinigami was not so menacing.

Despite not being a mother herself, a part of the sub-conscious of the woman tended to resonate with a great affinity towards maternal instincts when the circumstances called for it. The woman had not known the touch of love, but it was hard not to ignore the instinct of to nurture and protect those who serve under you. It would be a disservice to the way she led if The Devil Shinigami were to forget that bit of herself. So it made her happy to see that Mirja was beginning to learn from this hellish lesson and is why he tone softened further as they progressed through this hardship of painful hell.

"A leader is fierce when they need to be, and loving when they do not have to resort to such deadly tactics. I am not Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto because I do not believe slaughtering anything that goes against my creed will resolve anything. I believe in those who follow me and will work with them until I have no other choice but to disintegrate with them my will if all else fails."

Why else would Ibiki bother with healing Mirja and not imprisoning her where she stood? The Captain Commander had every bit of strength, order and ability to slaughter this woman if she so chose. But what would be the point of it? That was not in her vision of uniting the shinigami race. The woman wanted to remain resolute, but that still came with the condition of being able to endure such mistakes and blunders as the one Mirja made. Hence, The Devil Shinigami was going to hold steady to proceed through her ambitions despite this vast mishap from her own subordinate.

"The only way to disappoint is when you fail to move forward in the face of many failures. We are not made to succeed from birth, but we do have the ability to keeping marching towards our ambition if we endure the hardships that come our way."

Then, with a release of her energy, The Suika Woman then unleashed an eruption of solar light throughout the cave. It shot forth like lightning for one hundred meters -- then exploded into a burst of ungodly strength that annihilated every bit of rock, ash and energy within that contained region to prove a point to Mirja: she COULD kill her right now with relative ease, but that was not her objective.

"I see you have the desire to want to better yourself, so that is why I invest my time and energy into you. If I failed to see that, then I'd have no problem skewering you until not a piece of your body remains. Do you understand now?"

With a sigh of exhaustion, this whole ordeal was growing a bit tiring for the Captain, so she decided to then turn her gaze towards the abyss of darkness behind Mirja. Tulpa? Ibiki hadn't a hell's clue what that was, but given the negative sensation pulsating from this creature's being, it was safe to assume that it was an extension of her will. So it was natural for The Devil Shinigami to investigate further into whatever this "Tulpa" business was.

"Do you mind explaining what a Tulpa is before kill yourself?"

Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One [Ibiki/Mirja]

Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:29 pm


Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja covered her eyes from the sudden flash of blinding solar light. Eyes sharp and constantly open to the fullest degree were at a disadvantage when a flash like this suddenly came out of nowhere. Her ultra-dense lenses could absorb a great deal more light than a normal pair of eyes, but there was a limit to that, and this far exceeded said limit. It seemed Tula-Mirja reacted the same way, as there was no crunch of her nose getting flattened by the monster coming this way to tear her apart. It was a sad thought, that all her negetive emotions could actually create something like that, even assisted as they were by the shackles. Ibiki's words were very scary, threatening to obliterate her until nothing remained of Mirja's body - at least, that is how she heard it at first, a second take gave a much sweeter feel to it, but it was still terrifying. And as strong as she was defensively, Mirja had no doubts Ibiki could do it and not even break a sweat. So, rather hilariously, Mirja and Tulpa-Mirja both nodded at the same time.

However, she couldn't rely on Ibiki to fight her battles for her, so Mirja made sure that Ibiki knew the depths of how much the wolf girl was aware that Ibiki cared. And with a very specific look in her eye, made sure that Ibiki knew how much Mirja was driven to evolve and progress endlessly for the sake of herself and for the sake of Ibiki, to become something that the Devil Girl could be proud of. If she didn't die here.

And with that touching moment done, Mirja dropped into a combat-ready stance, her arms heavy and her body slow. It was not going to be anything resembling a fight, but she wasn't going to go down like a weakling, not even trying to fight the spawn of her own mind. She was going to die with fists raised and heart roaring like the wild beast she was. However, before it came, Ibiki spoke, and the creature seemed to, just watch. As if it wasn't sure what to do.
"In case I don't make it, I want you to know how much you mean to me, Ibiki. I really love you, with all my heart. I've admired you from afar for so long, and now you have come to me, I have nothing left that would cause me to regret. To know that you truly deserved all my feelings up to this point...that's all a girl could ask for" Mirja's voice had such emotional weight to it, that it would probably smash through the floor if it was ever made a real thing. And then, she shifted her front foot forward, moved her shoulder a little, and spoke again. In a dramatically differing tone.

"If I survive, I'll give you the full run-down on the awesome technique that is a Tulpa, because it's pretty complex" Mirja told Ibiki. The nervous tone, the deep despair of her words, and the heaviness of Mirja's heart were all gone. Replaced, was steely determination and apical focus on the task at hand. She knew that if Tulpa-Mirja had Mirja's techniques and level of power, even Ibiki might be hard-pressed to catch that inital movement. That, was when Mirja was the fastest, and that, was when Mirja took control of the flow of the fight. "In basic terms, because I have no idea when this thing is going to come at me and it is going to come full force when it does. A Tulpa is basically a memory, made manifest. Powered by determination, lashed to reality by nothing but your Willpower, and quite frankly the proudest achievement I have ever had in this life. Which is kind of sad since half of it was stolen from another guy"

And then it came. The Tulpa came faster than Mirja could have thought possible. And that was her. It was fine being the one that moved freakishly fast all the time, but to be on the other end of it, was amazing. If entirely scary. It was, however, at the point where her nose exploded into bone and broken bone that she realized it wasn't entirely natural. This, was the other side of her Enhanced Flash Point. The ultra-high speed technique that distorted optical causality, much like the Senka technique. Even her, who could see anything coming with her Occular Awakening, was caught off guard by the speed that was coming, and the Impetus that came along with that kind of speed. It was a dam good job that the Devil Bonds kept her durability, or that would have been Mirja, out for the count. As it was, she was simply blown off her feet, the world span around her, there were gray spots on her vision, and she couldn't quite remember what she was doing here.

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Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One [Ibiki/Mirja]

Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:29 am

Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Shirō Sagisu - Song: Attack of Titans
- Word Count: N/A

Mirja had a fondness for over-complicating the delicate natures of face-to-face interaction, so Ibiki humored it and allowed her to prattle before making her words brief, but meaningful and to the point.

"Then I accept that love."

That is all The Suika Devil felt needed to be said on that matter. If the woman was determined to show her affection, then the Wolven Shinigami should know quite well the best way to show it is to not waste Ibiki's time, continute to fight to improve herself and do not give up even in the face of failure. As this oni woman can forgive an infinite amount of failures, but she cannot forgive someone who fails to realize their full potential of will. As it is that hardship, struggle, and pain which helps to mold and improve the strength of a spirit's determination. And without that, there is nothing you have left in your inner most self if you do not have the resolve to see difficult task through.

Which is why when Mirja started speaking more on what a Tulpa was, Ibiki was paying close attention to the stability of the wolven shinigami's own mind. By feeling the wavelength of her spirit, The Suika Woman could sense the increased brilliance in her aura. That to her then indicated that Mirja was gaining a greater sense of purpose, cause and resolve within her inner world. And if that were to be the case, then this Captain Commander could continue to support and indulge her subordinate in more of her attention and love.

"I will help to enhance your tulpa technique and I will master it myself if it deals with anything of the mind. Heh, I'd like to think I have a will of iron, after all."

There was a bit of smugness in that comment, but nothing that wasn't well earned. The Resolve Force within Ibiki was fueled by her own desire. It took high volumes of concentrated will to utilize, and many years to master, so she gave herself a bit of room to reach into her mental cookie jar and pat herself on the back. And she'd be happy to spread this wealth of knowledge, strength, and awareness to Mirja's tulpa project if her willpower could somehow alter its course.

Though, before they could get too deeply into that tender subject, the replica of Mirja's own foul thoughts went on the attack and moved at blinding speeds. However, the instinct of The Suika Devil's body was not moved by it. Rather, she already was anticipating for that creature to assault at any given moment given the unstable nature of her subordinate's inner negativism. So it came as no surprise that it went straight for Mirja as these were matters of the spirit and they always required a strong mind to endure.

Which is why The Devil Shinigami started to tether a link to Mirja's body in order to transfer pools of her own ambitions into the woman. The intent of it was to give her enough positive energy to otherwise subdue the beast and make it work for her. There was no removing the spirit of negativity from the world, but there was no reason that it could not work for you instead of against you. With the support others, it was possible to stare it dead in the eye, overpower it and give it the acknowledgement it needs in order to see the light of day and fight alongside as a partner of your spirit.

So, along these lines, Ibiki opened her mouth and motinoed for the next set of training to begin:

"Don't run from the abyss of your mind. RUN TOWARD IT. Make it yours and confront it. You cannot escape this, but it does not have to consume you. So work to make it work for you instead of the other way around, Mirja."

Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One [Ibiki/Mirja]

Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:29 am


Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ibiki....she had accepted Mirja's love, and that, was so much more precious than anything else in the world. Tears filled her eyes even as she led on the floor, bleeding and broken. Something inside her cracked even more, and she felt despite Ibiki's words, this was were she was gonig to die. Soul cracked wide open by a walking grudge. But, there were worse ways to die than by the encouragement of a woman she valued more than most in the world. Probably more than any, at this current moment. But fate was not going to allow her to pass on just yet, as she was suddenly filled with a deep, throbbing energy that cooled her body to the point of perfect. That exact point that lay on the precipise of too hot - which for Mirja was pretty cold, to most people - and too cold. It was glorious.

The words, run such a truth in her. Not to run from the abyss of her mind, which she had done for so long. But to run towards it. To confront it. To stand against the tide of blood and death that she had left in her wake and proclaim that she would no longer be controlled by it, no longer would she hide in fear of who she was. Of what she was. And with that, the feeling inside her, the stange wall, shattered entirely, smashed by a fist of positive energy gifted by a woman who meant more to her than even Mirja could imagine.

And on the other side of the wall, there was a deep rumbling. Mirja recognized the rumble immidiately, and her state of mind went a bit crazy, the link with Ibiki allowing the Devil Girl to hear the same rumbling, and the conversation that followed.
'You can finally hear me, again' said a voice. A deep, powerful voice, one that implied great might, but also great comfort. 'Despair held me at bay, so thick and heavy were your feelings. But they have finally broken and I can be at your side again. Perhaps' The Voice, seemed as if it had not quite decided if it was going to return.

'Once, long ago, you turned your back on all that I can be out of fear. The power I offered scared you, and you did not wish to kill another innocent man with strength that you could not control. And so I was cursed to be less than half of what I am. But now! Now you have the chance to know me for who I truly am! My claws are not tools of destruction. They are not for slaughter, or the theft of life! Like a mother defending her cubs, my claws draw from a steadfast heart! They exist to protect that which you most value in this world! If you can accept all that I am, then roar! Scream to the world you denial of fear!'

It was certainly a pretty speech, and the words were reinforced by the fact that they were spoken by a voice that sounded as if it has swollowed a massive bass speaker. And with Ibiki's energy, she could truly feel as if there was a chance for her. As if accepting all that it could be, was within her grasp. And so she rose from the ground and with all her heart screamed to the heavens themselves.


Sensing that something bad was going down, Tulpa-Mirja rushed in just as there was an explosion of light and pure force. A sound of ripping, and splattering blood followed and the Tulpa-Mirja retreated, bleeding profusely from several deep claw-marks in it's gut.

'although those bracelets do seem to be surpressing a fair bit of myself. Ignore the 'know me for who I truly am' part for now' Beowulf's voice boomed. It was strange, to hear a voice that powerful, sound awkward. It made Mirja smile. Gods, when was the last time she had truly smiled? For an actual reason, not simply because a smile was another tool.

"I'm sorry. I am sorry I brought you into this world, I am sorry you have to exist, and I am sorry that I feel such that you can exist in the first place. I want to be your friend, but I also know what you are, and the whole concept of friendship is not something you can even acknowledge the existance off. There is nothing you can understand, except hatred, and anger, and fury and disgust. And the best ways to kill someone" She flexed her hands, and glowing white claws blossomed from them, her palm covered in what looked to be the paws of a giant bear. "There is nothing I can do except destroy you"

She then looked to Ibiki, and gave the Devil Girl a look of such, gratitude.
"But I do thank you. You gave me something clear and solid to look in the eye of, and know the depth of how I am. And with that, I can know what I am up against, and with that knowledge, I can know how to deal with it in time. And I know this is a monologue because you don't even understand language and I could speak entirely in pig latin and it would mean just as much to you but monologues exist for a reason" Mirja went a little off course at the end, but she always had trouble with her confidence after a battle turned in her favour.

The Tulpa seemed to take offense at that, and with a scream of it's own, Reiatsu exploded from it, so thick and heavy that, even with Beowulf's help, standing up became hard for Mirja, weakend by the Bonds as she was. But there was something in that Reiatsu that was so familiar.

"It has a hollow?!" Mirja exclaimed, before looking to Ibiki. "Ibiki! It's gone mad! You need to get out of here, I don't know what it will do in this state! I don't want you to get-" Mirja was cut off by a punch of such speed and power, had Beowulf not pulled his claws up to guard Mirja's head, that would have been the end. Physics went mental as a chillingly cold fog sprung up from the rapid depressurization of the vapor between the Tulpa and Mirja. Sight was gone and all that remained was the tremendous, mountianous hollowfied Reiatsu of the Tulpa, that had lost whatever small degree of reason it once possessed, and was now riding the most powerful - and most crippling - techniques Mirja possessed. The Reiatsu was incredibly unstable, and if the monster was a reflection of Mirja, it gave quite an insight into the stability of not just Mirja's mind, but her very soul.

Mirja - the real Mirja - felt her arms shatter from the punch. Reinforced as they were by Beowulf, they didn't explode, but she was blasted off her feet and sent with an excruciating impact with the ground. The table was currently turning so dramatically it's stand was glowing red hot from the friction of it's movement. it seemed this was what she got for grandstanding and not just finishing it when she had the chance....

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Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One [Ibiki/Mirja]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:03 pm

Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Shirō Sagisu - Song: Attack of Titans
- Word Count: N/A

Wholeness. That is something which resonated within the essence of Ibiki as Mirja reunited with lost portions of her spirit. To be able to command, guide and then direct people towards being a stronger version of themselves is what a capable leader had the capacity to do. So, this made a smile as tender as the touch of a new borns skin wash over the face of The Devil Shinigami as she witnessed the scene taking place before her.

While there were no real words to say due to the fact that Ibiki did not see it as her business to meddle in the affairs of someone else's inner world and essence, the relaxed expression, body language and aura of the woman's body indicated that she was indeed pleased with her being able to push through the hardships that came her way to progress this far. If Mrija could continue to do that, then there was no reason for Ibiki not to lose hope in her.

"There really is no need for thanks. Thank me and yourself by making this constant and facing these unpleasant feelings head on every time. You can only waste my gratitude by doing nothing with it."

After all -- the job wasn't even done. That creature was still there. And if that monster of her negativism still existed, then this task of gaining control over herself was far from finished. Henceforth, while Mirja was busy yapping off at the mouth, The Suika Devil was far from surprised when the beast decided to knock the life straight out of the woman. What did The Wolf Shinigami honestly expect when that foul creation still lingered?

It is for this reason why Ibiki let out a soft exhaling of breath before producing a thick layer of burning orange power from out of her body. In the abyss of this pitch black darkness, the radiating light of The Devil Shinigami's power flared like the burning sight of a blazing sun. So, much like the illumination of Ibiki's will brought the essence of sight into the shadows, as to would Mirja have to do the same thing within herself.

"What do you want me to do? I can slaughter this creature, but it will only come back because you have not finished the instability that lingers within yourself."

A shift in The Commander's gaze brought her amber-lit eyes toward the sight of the monster roaring down on Mirja. If it dared to cross that line of making an attempt at Ibiki's physical safety, then in that same moment the creatures life was forfeit and the faint growling of demonic creatures roaring in the distance echoed in that moment to signify her instinct to fight. However, Ibiki had no intention of jumping in otherwise.

Instead, the horned woman uttered these words out to Mirja to begin the next phase of their training:

"You have my Resolve Force within you: search deeper for the root of your instability, drag it out and let it become a part of you. Once you see it for what it is, you can accept it, move on and allow it to make you stronger."

Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One [Ibiki/Mirja]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:29 pm


Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ow, ouch, oohh, dammit. Getting blasted by herself who was riding the last-resort ace-in-the-hole techniques that Mirja had cultivated over her life was not a fun experience. But with the voice of Ibiki, and her shining bright light filling Mirja's heart there was no way she could even comprehend the idea to back down. So she turned herself inwards, shattered arms laying by her sides. She was used to breakages after all. And there was a blossoming feeling in her heart, something like the normal fury of battle, but both enhanced, and bridled. It was a glorious feeling.

'Got anything for my legs?' Mirja asked, staring intently at the monster as it seemed lost in it's own head to comprehend the concept of pressing the attack. Until the burning bright arms vanished and in their place, pure white boots encompassed Mirja's legs. Knee-high and shining, there were stylish fins sticking out, and they felt very comfortable. Which was surprising, she never went in for footwear. But, then it was a piece of her soul so if the footwear was uncomfortable, there was some major questions that needed to be asked about herself.

And also there was the words from Ibiki. The monster took the change in power as an attack and rushed her, but Mirja was ready for it now, and the boots allowed her to push past herself and smash a foot into it's head. Given a few moments as it followed Mirja's earlier lead and smashed into the ground, she panted and looked inwards. The words from Ibiki. She could think on them now. She had the Resolve Force, she was trusted by the one so close to her, enogh to have a part of her Resolve Force. That made her heart swell with pride. And no shortage of love for the Devil Girl. How could she care enough about Mirja to be so determined to rescue her from herself? It just flew in the face of everything she had ever known.

"Uhh, you know, I don't even know if killing this thing will keep it down. It's an anomoly. It's not meant to exist. We are in Terra Incognito right now, and while that's where the best development comes from.." she paused for a second to execute an ultra-high version of her Footwork technique, and then sent the Tulpa off down the road again "..generally not the best idea to experiment with something that really, really wants to kill you and definately has the firepower to see it's goals through. Although, there isn't much reason to listen to me right now. Formulating plans even as I talk to you, I just like talking. It's a thing for me. A thingy thing" She told Ibiki, yammering on constantly to keep herself calm.

Draw out the root of her problems, huh? That is what Ibiki said. Would it change the Tulpa? Would it do anything? Would it just be her dredging up old memories and being hurt all over again by them? But, It was Ibiki. She knew what to do. She had clearly so much more experience than Mirja. She wasn't a girl to run from that which scared her. So Mirja went into herelf, and found the heaviest, darkest sack of pustle she could, before dragging it back up, into the open, the forefront of her mind. They exploded there, and it was crippling. She could barely handle the stabbing reminder of her two words moments in her life.

And just as her terrible moments were split into two, incredibly powerful moments, so did the Tulpa scream and twist and then rip down the middle into two incredibly powerful monsters. Each one with such focused intensity that it sort to tear her apart from just their desire.
"Well, there are now two of them. Somehow I am doubting the integrity of your methods, Ibiki" Mirja said, but it was said with a light-hearted tease to it, so hopefully she wouldn't get too upset over the words. But then, she saw the man on the left. The kid on the right wrenched her heart with despair, her first kill. A life she stole before he was even a man. He was her biggest regret in this life. But the man on the left....that was something altogether different.

'Mirja, I feel I should have mentioned this earlier, but...' Beowulf tried to speak, but was cut off with a shriek. A shriek of anger, of hatred, of pure, undiluted wroth to shake the very foundations of the world they stood on.
'You know, if you've got a scaling fury-power, maybe mention that sooner?' Hvit chimed in. There was no more Mirja. There was just an avatar of pure bloodlust, and tangible disgust. Probably not something Ibiki was all to happy being linked to, and thus feeling the sheer depth of it much more keenly than just sensing the thick waves of killing intent rolling off off Mirja. Because, in front of her, next to the man of deepest despair, stood Doctor Caanan.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 Empty Re: Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One [Ibiki/Mirja]

Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:55 am


Impenetrable Ignorance: Tulpa Arc - Part One   [Ibiki/Mirja] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja, was on fire. Her body burned as if she had spontaneously transferred all of her blood out of her body, and replaced it with lava. She was moving, rushing towards something she didn't know. And all around her was heat, and fury. She had never been so angry in her life. She felt the hold she had over her mentality slipped out of her hands and was now running down the road so merrily. Her beast, her beloved beast, who shouldered all that was rage and hatred, was now in control. And with it came a battle lust unbridled, and unparalleled.

Of course, the Tulpa wasn't going to stand there and take it - well, one of them was, it seemed, the boy she had ended the life of just stood there with a stare - and it sprung into combat, matching Mirja's first punch but being hopelessly outmatched for the return blow. The power that was circling in her muscles right now could probably threaten an entire continent, if applied precisely. But, that was the kicker. The Beast didn't know what precise meant, it just knew rip and slash and tear and maim. And that it did, each blow sending concussive shockwaves throughout the underground prison.

And all the time, Mirja was helpless, she could just watch from the sidelines as a massive fire burned in her mind and body, one that could not be extinguished, and denied all passage. Burning herself metaphorically was a strange feeling, but it wasn't one she wanted to repeat, so instead of rushing in, she stood and watched, aware that every second passing was a second that The Beast used Mirja's body in ways that despite her Tulpa-based manipulation, it wasn't graded to handle. She could feel bones groaning and muscles straining from overuse, and needed to figure this out soon.

It was perfect, this trial. The embodiment of what she had been trying to do for so long. Control her fear, control her fury, and become something that Ibiki could rely on. And as if thinking her name spurred action, she was hugged from behind, a warm amber light spilling out to cover her, and the most comforting feeling she had ever known, permeating her body.
"Considering how and when you were created, you are very warm and cheerful. Truly, what I wish to become" Mirja said, cuddling into Iko. And then she snapped into an alert nature, and she knew what she was doing. Ibiki was right, nobody could do everything alone. She would need help for this. Looking back, she saw the warm smile of Iko, that haughty smile of Hvit - she seemed to have realized what Mirja had a little sooner - and the surprisingly friendly stare of her one-eyed giant, Beowulf. She was not alone. While she did not really know how to rely on the people outside, she knew that her people inside would never stir her wrong.

As one, each hand reached into the fire, and encompassed the burning Mirja in a secure hug. One that gave the creature a sense of immense love, and support. It did not know what to do, and froze on the spot. Never before had it been treated like this, it had always been treated with a wary eye and a thought of need, nothing more. Always believed itself to be disposed of as soon as it was no longer needed. But now, it was being loved, it was being shown despite the pain that caused, that it did not need to be in this dark abyss alone. And it was nice.

While the beast was distracted, Beowulf took command of the Bankai and dispelled it. Without the enhancing power of the Bankai, Mirja's fury abated, and The Beast lost it's grip. Drawn back into the Inner World, for an entirely new sort of adventure. And so Mirja properly returned to her body, and felt that it was so close to collapsing. Her mind was exhausted, her body was beyond exhausted, and she had nothing left in either of them to shore up her lack. And yet, even though there was nothing left for her too use left in her body, Mirja remained standing and looked at the man, simply refusing the idea that she was going to fall before she had finished what she needed to do, and thus the world could not argue with such a force of will. The boy. He was hardly more than seventeen in his appearance. She gave a soft, sad smile and nodded to him.

"You...have haunted me for a long time. I have never been proud of myself and my power because of what it did to you. I have feared my power because of what it did to you. But I can not fear myself any longer, and so I must let you go. I must be able to be myself,and I can not accomplish that while clinging to fear. I have people I need to protect, people I need to help. People, I need to be of use to. And I can't do any of that if I am scared of what I can do" She then laughed, an action that strained her body, and she wobbled a bit, before re-grasping herself with her Mind. "She was right. 'Since your power is your tool, if you trust in it, it will never betray you. If you fear it however. . . It was eventually betray you'. Never thought she'd be giving anything remotely insightful considering how we met" Mirja flicked her eyes, met the gaze of the Tulpa-man. They stared, and then it nodded, and faded away, becoming less substantial than the wind itself.

Mirja then turned, to look at Ibiki, but that was the limit of her willpower's ability to hold her up. It had done magnificently, but everything ended. And so it was more of an awkward collapse. Mirja was out cold before she hit the floor, hoping that Ibiki wouldn't just leave her here, but that was just her pessimist. Ibiki, cared about Mirja, and after this, there wasn't a doubt about that.

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