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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:17 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The reaction and creativity were enough as Poliro was closed within. Tsubasa slowly pulled his wakizashi free as he cracked his body a bit. The second weapon was drawn as he smiled a bit. Now it was time for him to become serious as he began calculating the output increase he felt. The increase in power and speed would be impressive for the most part. He suspected a rather good amount from speed and such. It was about time he shows him just how strong he was. Tsubasa had warmed up enough and Poliro had seen enough parlor tricks. Slowly he prepared himself as he got ready to use something. His stance was strange as he was ready to strike his body crackling with lightning. As the box went down and he saw the mask. The admission of respect was nice, but now it was time for him to cut loose. Tsubasa was going to show Poliro just how strong he actually was. Slowly exhaling a bit of shunko came from his mouth as the white energy formed. Exploding and crackling along the ground it was damaged as he stared forward. He stood watching as Poliro came at him was an increase speed and power. So the boy was ready to really fight but the tiger had been provoked enough. Tsubasa was interested now and ready to truly begin. How long had it been since he got to draw his second sword? How long had it been since his body was covered in shunko? It seemed to of been ages ago since his last good fight. Tsubasa missed them as Poliro came at him he'd hit something. But it wasn't Tsubasa, the male avoided the flames with lightning speed. He wasn't fooling around anymore as Tsubasa unleashed his true speed. A blur or something akin to an afterimage remained. Gliding his blades he began the dance of the Black Lotus. The sound was almost like a tornado as it cracked and broke the sound barrier and went beyond. The blade's swished and whipped at the body of Poliro. Tsubasa's speed using both weapons was immense as was the power. He couldn't cut that sword or deflect it, but striking him was a different matter.

Releasing a megavolt along his body along with shunko allowed a bit of protection from the flames. He'd used it as a regular method not activating shunko techniques yet. He performed one hundred cuts on Poliro in that instant counter attacking but he was far from finished here. It was about time he showed him just how powerful he was as he pointed a finger alt Poliro from his right hand. Still gripping his sword between his fingers. A blast of Byakurai fired and was shot with a railgun at Poliro's frame. This was aimed at the male's leg and would send tremendous damage to the nervous system but he was far from done. Tsubasa slammed his foot down and send a discharge of lightning everywhere. Slowly the barrier went around them not from him but his people. They could sense the battle had truly begun now as he smirked a bit. Tsubasa hadn't cut loose in so long against an enemy. He wasn't going to kill Poliro by any means. But he was going to enjoy this fight and make him go further. Tsubasa's body crackled like a thunderstorm as he flicked the blood from his blades.

"Now I'll fight you without holding myself back Poliro." He said his voice calm and relaxed as he began moving now rapidly as he tapped his foot beginning the Shukuchi of his Kierudo style. This allowed him to move even faster as he was a blur of movement. Shooting by Poliro like a blur as he swung both swords across aiming at the male's chest. Sending a discharge along his blades to send electricity into the body of Poliro. Tsubasa was ready to truly begin showing Poliro what the Pale Rider was. What it meant for a Head Captain to fight again. Poliro respected him but had only seen the beginning of his skill. Only begun to see the depths of what Tsubasa was as a person. He stopped his movement of tapping his feet on the ground as he swung his blade. A massive blast of force came towards Poliro like a wind of nothing but blades. These would shred him if he took the hit from them.

Tsubasa decided for once in his life he would do something else as he began moving around. Continuing to stay in motion as he used his footwork. Hoho as he got ready to unleash his power even further on the male now. The mask was all he'd done so as he smiled a bit at the form. "Limit of the thousands of hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, a book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, gray fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired" He said as pink bolts formed around him as they charged with his discharge. Preparing them they shot forward at twice their normal speed at Poliro. But Tsubasa intended to do more as he cracked his neck a bit. This was only beginning to interest him even more.

This fight was only just getting started and the Pale Rider had begun attacking with his full might in regular form. His shunko danced around his body as he glanced down. He could use Suigin Or Rajin if the matter truly called for such drastic measure. Poliro had shown himself to be strong, Tsubasa would have him concede this battle soon as he gave up. He knew the male was seeking a challenge like him. Tsubasa's blade's dripped with small bits of discharge. As lightning danced along his body crackling and making sounds. This was the beginning only the true beginning of him. Using that speed to fire Hadō 91 at him was only the true beginning. He wanted an excuse to use his Shikai something to push him into it. Poliro was getting there, but it wasn't quite time. Had this male been weaker he'd of died by now. Tsubasa showing his shunko off as he'd began tapping into his higher speeds. He noticed a small bit of damage to his clothing. Some of it had gotten burned during the first attack.

His body was fine however and hadn't taken damage yet. The Susanoo held up nicely and protected him well. "I can take my Shunko a step further, but I won't just yet." He said calmly as he stared towards Poliro now. Having showcased himself as the warrior who unleashed the savage within most. He was a warrior, the Pale Rider of the Gotei. A man sent out before to bring about death. He was the Captain of Squad Five. Stepping in for his friend Kuro and helping out his Division. This was all things he could do and accomplish. Tsubasa Unabara was a legend of his time and this day. Poliro would learn soon more about the man as he continued this fight. It was going to be something brutal and without regard for the surrounding. Tsubasa's attacks had begun to get larger. He was scaling them up and clashing with Poliro now. Letting Poliro see just how potent he was in his sealed form. Tsubasa was going to use a single move from his zanpakuto now. Giving Poliro something to accomplish and attempt.

"Raging Rajinto Claw" Polarity around his index and middle fingers as they pressed together began to charge as he released a massive blast from his fingers at Poliro. The blast scorched and burned the ground as it went towards him. Tsubasa's fingers lowered as he gazed and focused on Poliro. Ignoring the discharge that continued along the ground around him. It was the beginning of this battle in every sense of the word.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue20/100Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (20/100)

Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:41 pm

Song: HAVOX By: BlackY vs Yooh - Word Count: 1,294

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"Allow me to show you, how meaningless titles are in the face...of..this...FEAST BYAKKO!" He said as the male released his bankai and Tsubasa's Shikai emerged and power surged through the area. It was like the entire area was consumed by voltage as lightning shot everywhere burning everything. The release of raw power was out as it converged on the form of Poliro. Everything in this barrier was getting destroyed and vaporized. If he wasn't careful he would join them as Tsubasa released his Shikai. Titles were pointless they were given to people for some trait. But in the end Pale Rider or Flame Reaper, it mattered little in this regard. They were warriors and fighting was part of it as lightning surged around him along with his shunko. Tsubasa had certainly stepped up a level and it was time for him to see it. Izanagi began it's work and quickly calculated things helping his mind work. Tsubasa began estimating and figuring out the exact force Poliro put out. It was indeed impressive as he was working up a sweat now. But Poliro wasn't quite there yet to really push him beyond this. He began hyper calculations even considering locations as he felt the temperature rise in some locations. Below him was the likely course so he sent through massive electricity through the ground causing them to explode. They didn't reach him as the release of his Shikai released a massive voltage into the area. Destroying what would have done it but he was far from done with this matter. As Poliro shot forward he reacted deflecting the blows off and away. Using his skill to divert the force away and using both swords he was able to do so. While it looked effortless he had to make sure to hit everything at the right angle. Deflecting each blow required tremendous skill indeed from his end. Fighting this man wasn't easy anymore, he was finally getting closer to his level. He could begin now and truly showcase just how powerful he was. He didn't have to worry about injuring or killing the person now.

As Poliro leaped into the air his mind began calculating the range and move as he truly began using the comprehension of his Cybermind among other things. Susanoo was taking a beating from the heat and the damage of this guy's swings. Tsubasa had yet to take physical damage but his clothing had been singed. Deflecting the blows away he followed the movement of the male. Tsubasa decided to play for real activating his personal step. Fujin, it was so much faster than a regular Shunpo. To compare the two was an insult this step allowed him to move far quicker. Metal charged with lightning began to form around Tsubasa's from and around the area. Hundreds upon hundreds of metal spikes and things began forming in the ground and area. When using Fujin an after image would be left behind. Allowing it to look like Tsubasa was acting cocky about it. The explosion of force was good and nice in damage. His metal generation continued as he shot past Poliro aiming to cut his entire arm off.

He didn't aim small as he pointed a hand at Poliro after zipping past him. One thousand metal spikes shot at Poliro from all directions charged with electrons they would explode upon impact. Or discharge the lightning through his body frying some of his nervous systems. The power was going to be effective in this situation. As the formation of metal that was somewhat, heat resistant began to continue. They were forming around Tsubasa's frame. He could do many things with this as his eyes stared at Poliro. "Your not bad Poliro, not many people have made me fight for real as of late." He said giving a compliment as he exhaled softly. Breathing out Shunko energy again from his mouth. Activating this and using so much energy to fight the man. Tsubasa did begin calculating his reserves a bit as he allowed the static built up to be absorbed. Beginning to refuel on energy to use against Poliro now. He was indeed ready for a confrontation of this sort. He'd come prepared to fight and wage a war.

This wasn't something simple or easy that Yggdrasil and the Unabara set up for. The blood that Tsubasa may have gotten on his sword evaporated completely. His Susanoo protection was getting worn down by this heat. Of course, Polrio was increasing his game so why shouldn't he? It was about time Tsubasa played a card he never did. Something to push Poliro to his final point and maybe bring something more out of Tsubasa. He wanted to push further and see just how far he could go. Poliro was exceptional and could work as an enemy for him. He could activate Hadō 99 if he desired at this point. But Tsubasa decided to prevent this from getting further out of hand. He was going to activate something special. "Black Coffin, Asylum." It happened almost instantly as the darkness covered the area. Slowly a Colosseum formed around them. Beginning to protect and guard the area as the shadow wrapped around them. Now he didn't have to worry about cutting loose further. He could even release that if Poliro provided him enough reason.

Tsubasa cracked his neck as he releases a massive voltage around the arena his eyes turning their crimson gaze on Poliro. Metal still generated around Tsubasa's form as he stared at him. He could forge anything he desired from metal at this point. But Tsubasa still had a couple transformations to undergo. He still had things that needed doing and he intended to do them. Fighting people was partly fun and why he wanted the Chamber. It would allow him to battle against things worth his time. Challengers who could fight him and allow him to really begin feeling. Midgar and Yggdrasil were going to satisfy his hunger for a battle. Poliro had done well to awaken the sleeping tiger from his den. The battle had just truly begun and he was looking forward to each moment. Tsubasa had one more step he could take and he intended to combine it with his bankai. His shunko deactivated for now as he felt the white aura discharge.

"Are you prepared Poliro, I am going to release my bankai soon..If you wish to see it show me the rest of your power."

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:57 pm

Song: The World Is Tumbling Down By: Yuki Kajiura - Word Count: 2304

The clouds were dark. There was no light where these warriors battled - in the arena of darkness. As the skies churned, the power Poliro was releasing felt like it was shaking the earth itself. This spiritual energy would definitely crush anyone who stood in its way if they were weak. As the shock waves of power kept erupting from Poliro, it appeared that his hollow mask began to take over his entire body as it slowly crept over his entire head then down to his chest and legs. It would seem like this power came from his hollow as the reaitsu definitely had a powerful hollow vibe to it.

As the hollow mask completely engulfed Poliro's body, it would be very difficult to even see his form as he was encoated within potent blue energy that still caused the earth around them to turn into nothing within this dark arena. This transformation was one of such insane power, that it could potentially be felt by the entire world by anyone spiritually aware. If it wasn't for the barriers and arena setup by Tsubasa, the entire continent of South America would defintely feel the terror of this hollowifed monstrous energy.

As the blue aura finally disspated and the transformation neared its conclusion, Poliro could be seen once more but his form was completely changed. His hollow mask was white with a blue line struck through the right eye but now his form and taken on one like a hollow completely. His skin was rocky and spiky as it looked like his entire body was encrusted with hollow like skin with his hands being very claw like and extremely deadly. It was quite like how Vasto Lorde hollows look - very humanoid but still defintely hollow. His eyes had became deathly red glints, looking nothing like a human.

This was Poliro's ultimate form - the power Vizards dream to have known as Resurrección. Most Vizards simply draw their power from their hollow and use it. Poliro was a different story in this regard as he and his hollow had almost a mutual contract to keep each other alive no matter what and in addition Poliro had masterful control over his hollow to begin with. This final form of the Flame Reaper was more than just Poliro tapping into his hollow's full power. In this state, the two beings became one. The Shinigami and the Hollow combining souls to become one ultimate being. While Poliro would be detected as a Vizard to those with the awareness to make that judgment, he would now feel almost competely hollow like. This was his true power, a power he feared to show anyone because of the consequences. Tsubasa had pushed him over the edge with taking his arm and making Poliro seem like a complete amateur.

What would be immediately obvious after the transformation had finally been complete was that the missing arm of Poliro was completely regenerated and all signs of cauterized wounds had disappeared. Within this final stage of being, Poliro had the traits of all the strongest hollows which included High Speed Regeneration. The reaper would be able to repair himself from any damage he takes from Tsubasa at this stage and effectively had reset all wounds he had taken so far from the rider within this fight.

The final noteworthy part of this form was Poliro's Zanpakuto had completely changed form - it took an appearance of his sealed Zanpakuto being a simple katana but the color of it was a pitch black, the void of nothingness while still covered in blue flames that seemed to melt anything it was in the area of as it reached unearthly levels of heat. Even Tsubasa would able to feel just how hot it was and perhaps cause him to sweat profusely and feel its raw destructive power - like it could melt everything it came across no matter how impossible it was to melt.

Truly, within this form Poliro's darkness fully came to show - he wondered how Ayane his now dead wife would ever feel seeing him in this state where he was completely unrecognizable as Poliro Tensol. His reaitsu was no longer like any Shinigami and he looked like a complete monster to some. This was the power he had to develop in order to survive, to protect the world for the better. If he ever could he would apologize to her for the monstrous form he had to take in this battle.

The Flame Reaper spoke once more. His voice stayed the same as before with quite a strong hollowifed tone, further showing the kind of being he had become now.

"This is it Tsubasa. Resurrección. Me and my Hollow being become one. With that, I take all of the traits of a hollow and also fully combine our spiritual energy. I hope your barriers will hold up. I've never been able to use this form on a person before.. so i'm pretty.. EXCITED!"

For a moment the full powered reaper sounded calm and confident - having released the full extent of his power he knew his was his strongest chance to make sure he leaves his mark on Tsubasa and show his full strength but towards the end of his speech the crazed battle excited hollow definitely showed within him. After all, he would be definitely unable to deny the hollow's influence on his personality now after merging with him. This began the endgame of this destructive powerful battle between the Flame Reaper and the Pale Rider and he would waste no more time on showing just how powerful he was, tightly gripping his void-black Zanpakuto. Just before he resumed his greatest battle, Poliro was stuck with one thought in his head.

"I'm sorry... I need to give him everything. This is for us."

Poliro's strength, speed and firepower were at their limit now as he first started the end game with his Flame Creation ability to create one thousand swords of deathly fire that would just disintegrate regular human beings as this stage as hell itself rained from above Tsubasa but this was far from the reaper's first move in his ultimate stage as he activated a nasty ability to create an aura of death-like blue fire around himself which would innately protect him from energy based attacks without him even needing to take action against them but this would mean the mere presence of Poliro could burn and melt Tsubasa's flesh or worse if he got too close to him.

Knowing Tsubasa's keenness to fight him upclose, with this aura of fire now activated around Poliro the reaper would use a Sonido to transport himself to Tsubasa's side and he did this WHILE the thousand swords of fire rained down upon him knowing he wouldn't be phased by it at this stage. The sonido was now at his maximum speed, moving fast enough to leave an afterimage where he once stood and began ferociously attacking with his darkened Zanpakuto, slashing 200 times at the Pale Rider and with his maximum strength, Poliro would turn anything he slashed into mince with ease as the assault would shatter the speed of sound generating the loud noise of the sound barrier being broken. Poliro's attacking speed had also reached his limit which would allow him to attack furiously and get more swings onto Tsubasa as he now hoped the power he had summoned for the first time would be the key to not totally losing this battle.

Poliro never truly felt completely outclassed in this battle - he was holding back this power as he still clinged onto fears and uncertainty. He was still haunted by his deceased love one and this affected him even while he had took this form. He had met people like Yoma, who were inspired by Poliro creating a simple golem with Flame Creation - how would they feel now to see him like this now? A pure hollowed beast? Such things played on his mind but the Flame Reaper knew he needed this power to stand a chance against Tsubasa. Perhaps now, the chance would be presented to him to land a strike onto the man known as the Pale Rider.

Poliro's goal this entire fight was to leave a positive impact on Tsubasa to show him his strength - he would know soon enough the impact it made on Tsubasa now that his full strength had finally came to light. He couldn't imagine using this power within a crowded area or in a space where others resided. Being confined to the Black Coffin's area and Tsubasa confining the both of them overall with a larger barrier unlocked the gates to Poliro finally unleashing his 100% strength.

Now that the gates of Hades had finally been unlocked by Tsubasa, the Reaper of Flame would definitely be coming for his soul. Death never discriminates.


Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:05 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

How many moons had it been since someone had drawn it out of him? How long had it been since he'd faced a worthy enemy? He didn't respond to Poliro really as he remained silent. When was the last time he entered a battle where the result wasn't known? What was the point to some of these battles for the future? How long did he have to wait to find an ally who was truly powerful? Tsubasa remained there observing as he felt the world and time stop. The color faded as it became gray and colorless around him. Byakko walked next to him as the Tiger looked at Poliro. "He's not bad, just young Tsubasa I sense the yearning for a fight in you.Don't over do it and kill him." Tsubasa was quiet for a change as something of his old personality seemed to be showing. He didn't move yet as time remained frozen. "Yeah." The heat he felt against his body was the increase of power came. Tsubasa was finally serious, able to show himself as a warrior in full. Poliro's power was finally matching his own. No more playing around or giving him cuts he knew the male could heal. He was fully aware of what was going on and intended to do something. From here on out he wouldn't restrain himself any further. The last time he'd let his bloodlust out was on the moonbase. What he'd shown his sister Mirja was only a small amount. Slowly the Arena made from his kido began to fill. Murderous intent something far beyond hollow or demons. Tsubasa's desire for blood and to inflict death upon people. An aura that was set on destruction and killing. His tone of voice changed as his face became straight. He was ready to showcase a side of himself to Poliro. One that hadn't been seen in ages or since his younger years. No idealistic bullshit or nonsense to cover his way. There were no point speaking words any longer for only one phrase would do. He would say a single sentence to Poliro and that would be it. He was going to let Poliro see exactly what only three had ever witnessed.

"The time for talk has passed." His voice was cooler and something unsettling about it. As Poliro continued to converse with him as his eyes stared. A single word that was uttered in all times by him only three times. Name and Khala were so far his only enemies to draw it out of him. It had been so long since he could release Byakko's second release. Poliro would survive it he proved himself worthy of this fight. Worth the time to him going into this state. Tsubasa would even do something he'd yet to do. Testing out new forms and such were a thing that took time. Tsubasa trained relentlessly but his sparring partners were few and far between. Those who could stand with him while he trained were a short amount. The world wasn't so big or small that you could mince words at any time. Long ago this phrase meant something important. When it was let out, the death of people was certain. Someone was going to die the day when the single word of release was made.

Its name was a simple one and meant a mastery for Shinigami few knew. "Bankai." He said as the entire arena got blasted by lightning discharge filling it up far more. The electrons in the area and entire spectrum seemed to light up. Tsubasa's frame sparked and sent out energy everywhere as he stood there. The discharge coming off his body along with metal circling around hi9s form as his eyes stared outwards. Bits of metal and earth were shot at Poliro with a railgun speed towards him. The world unravels fast depending on how you pull that string. He was sure Vastime was well aware of this energy spike from him. And whoever he was fighting in the area, so if things got out of hand someone would show. Tsubasa's body was discharging 4 megavolts on its own presently. This voltage was enough to cause the entire ground to burn. The surging was causing damage to the area around him. Tsubasa had accidently vaporized the people in the Gotei with this in his youth.

The sheer release of metal and voltage began to converge hitting those flame swords. Tsubasa's discharge along with it, he easily created highly heat resistant metal that was lined with electrons. The discharge of which would cause the swords to explode where they were. Tsubasa's eyes remained focused on the goal at hand. Poliro everything he did was clear as he activated something special now. Tenjin it was time to activate it as he slowed Poliro's movements down a bit. Using this technique he focused all his senses on the male. Using everything to track and follow him. This allowed him along with the Izanagi Processor to truly function. Tsubasa's eyes stared at him following his movement as he came into range. the Flame field he made clashing with the lightning one. Tsubasa was going to showcase him something impressive here. But the use of speed and increase was impressive. He couldn't afford to hold back any further. Tsubasa would showcase just how strong he was as the attack came towards him.

Metal formed absorbing the impacts and deflecting blows as swords formed and allowed him to protect himself. Tsubasa was about to release something impressive. Using Fujin again he turned his blade sideways from the distance he was. This wasn't something that could be completely avoided. The entire inside of the place began to charge with an ion particle set up. Tsubasa's zanpakuto turned sideways acted like a key as the metal swirled around him. That had allowed him to deflect and dodge most of Poliro's attack. The damage had finally broken through his Susanoo around his body. The case would regenerate later and require another application. Tsubasa smiled faintly as the polarity here had changed. Raging Rajinto Blast was the name of the technique. How it worked was simple the entire area's polarity was changed around Tsubasa. Making the zone and people within it conduct electricity far more. Enough that the amount released would cause it to be far more potent than previously.

In short, when using this method Tsubasa could engulf an entire area in pure electricity. In a science way, it was up to ten or twelve megavolts being released upon the area engulfing it. Tsubasa was immune to such things and felt it like a bath. The amount of damage was akin to 40 megatons of damage being released. Tsubasa hadn't held back much of his power. But had he done this with Shunko activated it likely would have killed Poliro. The entire area filled with light as an explosion filled the arena of pure energy hitting from every angle. This would require Poliro to try and either avoid the discharge. Or he would have to put a field up if he had time. The electricity was coming from every angle sending sparks through everything. If Poliro was struck by this he would feel his nervous system being fried and damaged. Fighting would be a hard feat now that Tsubasa used this. This move was merely the beginning as the entire battlefield was covered in metal. Tsubasa's generation of spiritual energy had set it up.

The technique used metal around the battlefield to create a box around Poliro. These increased the damage from the regular amount and set it higher. Allowing the male to take in a massive sum of damage from his attack. Tsubasa's blade slowly glowed white as shunko energy began to form around it, recovery wasn't allowed any further. Tsubasa was going to use his city destroyed now. In this phase, he could destroy an entire city with it. He could use it ranged or close depending on his practice. Tsubasa's focus never faded from Poliro's form. Able to detect the large attack still. Fujin has used yet again three times he felt it wearing his body down a bit. Tsubasa would use nanobots now embedding and strengthing them in the attack now. They were for the most part immune to high heats and would require an alternate method of removal. Tsubasa's form came down as he performed a double slash. Using his Shunko Blade to cut Poliro in an X now from his waist upwards. At this exact second five thousand metal swords that had been charged shot forward.

Coming from the ground they surrounded and shot at the form of Poliro's body. Upon contact, they would impale him and these were harder to melt. Tsubasa wasn't giving him time any longer to defend. As they entered the skin and body they sent a discharge through them. Almost like a megavolt taser entering someone's body. Activating them he increased the weight of them to several million tons for each one. Weighing down Poliro as he got ready to end this battle successfully now. Everything was ready for the closure and kido time was among them. Gesturing tigers formed out of the air and ground using his binding Tiger spell. They attempted to bite the shoulders and legs of Poliro. It was time for some kido of his favorite kind as he began his work mumbling the chance to empower them. But also combining them together for rapid use. Tsubasa was bringing this matter to a close as of now. Rikujōkōrō was the first as he pointed a finger the six rods attempted to slam into Poliro.

Nanobots silently began entering injuries and disrupting the flow of recovery on Poliro if able. Slowing things down and making the Reaper blood more rather than heal if possible. Kuyō Shibari would be the next as black holes formed around the form of Poliro. Tsubasa also formed a Tiger mirror that would absorb energy from Poliro's attacks should he try flame creation again. The next move was getting all this done as quickly as possible for the final spell. Tsubasa gestured with his palm next after that kido and lightning ropes wrapped around the form of Poliro's body or tried to anyways. Everything was in place now for him to release a spell Poliro knew full well. This was Poliro's single chance to surrender and give up the battle he'd done well to destroy Susanoo on him. But now Tsubasa was about to play for keeps and let him feel something he couldn't avoid entirely. He was about to combine two very powerful moves into one. "Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!"

The same chant from before but this time with ample preparation. Slowly he turned his zanpakuto sideways as the box began to form within the arena they fought. Once again Raging Rajinto Blast but this time within the Coffin. The binding spells and metal continued to build and apply to Poliro as the Coffin prepared to enclose around him. The moment Tsubasa heard him surrender he would dispell everything. But till that point, something else was coming. As the box began to form and spears attempted to insert themselves into Poliro. The polarity within that small zone was changing. Tsubasa intended to channel that full power within the box. There would be no perfect escape only an absolute electrocution of the male's body. Surging currents destroying tissues.

This was a fight now, not a practice or a warm up. It was time for Poliro to decide if he'd seen enough. If Tsubasa series was enough for him to put down his sword and acknowledge defeat. Or he could be stubborn and really find out how good his healing was. Could he survive all this while fighting off the weighted spears and handling another Rajinto Blast? Within the box itself as it closed around him. Also dealing with things invading his body. Counteracting his healing by ripping tissue and doing small amounts of damage to him. The question was up to Poliro, how far down this road did he intend to go. How far did he want to see Tsubasa fight with his full potential? Or did he wish to walk away from this matter without damage? Tsubasa's hand finished the motion and the box filled with the discharge if no surrender was issued. Sending the massive damage through Poliro's body. Putting him through an excruciating amount of pain. This would be akin to your nervous system being fried and reformed over and over. Poliro's endurance and taste for agony would need to be high in order to avoid passing out. But if he had the metal to remain focused.

If he could survive this blast Tsubasa would begin playing even rougher and activate his Shunko's true form. Begin fighting without regard to his own physical well-being. Start tapping into the power that lingered inside himself. The question was could Poliro find an answer for these things and manage them. Could he defend himself from this massive attack and strategy that Tsubasa put out? The metal and everything else had continued hitting him. Forcing him to melt them upon contact. This all required constant effect and cause from him. Tsubasa wasn't finished by a long shot as he prepared himself to use something special for Poliro. He was ready to play for keeps here and truly push his enemy beyond the brink. To swallow him within the people who tried to fight him and merely fell short. As the box began to fade Tsubasa waited to see the condition of the fighter. if this battle could carry on or needed to end right this instant. There wasn't a point to fighting further if Poliro was going to die.

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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:17 pm

Song: Catastrophe By: MuryokuP - Word Count: 1,606

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Progress had been made, the thing he was going for wasn't Poliro. It was the fear something that shackled his wrists. It was time those shackles were broken into a billion pieces. They needed to cease existing and be gone. This was the declaration of his will as he smiled a bit at the box beginning to form. Poliro had learned a trick by fighting him it seemed. Tsubasa detected the second box but it mattered very little. Slowly his shunko fired up as the power began to destroy around him. The ground was being erased along with the boxes as he sighed softly. It was interesting to see growth as he spoke softly."Good move, but I had an ace still up my sleeve.Now..Poliro one final attack to end all, I will put all of my power and strength behind it I suggest you do the same." Tsubasa's skin began to crackle as it turned white and his eyes began to turn black. He closed them for a moment allowing the process to continue. Black marks formed on his skin as he exhaled and slowly his breath let out massive amounts of Shunko.

His body was pouring it out as he opened yellow eyes to look at Poliro. This form was the power he could tap into at a moments notice. Tsubasa had a hidden transformation he'd devised using Shunko. His reiatsu almost felt like a hollow. It was something monstrous that hide beneath the surface. His presence was crushing in this form but something else. It was a bloodlust like a hungry animal stood. The air was foul with it as he cracked his neck. His own body ached with the desire to rip Poliro into oblivion. To kill him and everything he stood for, but that wasn't what he stood for. Tsubasa's body and bloodlust were something surprising. A thousand pieces didn't even begin to construct Tsubasa it was a complex thing that was hard to understand the deeper you went. The Journal of the Pale Rider. It was born of calamity and destruction. Death and ruin were things often left in his wake. How fitting this be the case here as barriers began forming rapidly. Several layers were being applied now.

Tsubasa didn't speak further his words in this form were sharp and deadly. He often wanted blood as he raised his zanpakuto in the air. An explosion of spiritual pressure came out as the entire area was engulfed. He would change how he used his move for this situation. Raging Rajinto Blast, instead of it firing around the area. All of it gathered to his blade as Shunko began pouring and pulling into it. Slowly Shunko warped around his zanpakuto as he combined his zanpakuto. Into a singular Katana now as he released pressure barriers were breaking. Tsubasa was going to tap into the power that he so often avoided. Kessho Kemono was his former stage in which he activated his power. He needed to tap into that memory and power for a moment. He needed to remember that feeling and bring it forward without going further. That feeling of transcending the shell he was, becoming greater for a moment. But not for him anymore, but for something greater.

He wouldn't tap into this strength that Kessho Kemono once provided. He wouldn't be able to sustain it yet as that would need some time. Tsubasa needed someone to push him further into awakening further. A fight that truly brought him to the edge of his existence. Fighting Ibiki perhaps but he'd remembered how important it was. Poliro reminded him that he fought for a reason. That his blade had long since hung up its day of slaughter. The butcher of the Rukongai, the Murderous Hero Tsubasa Unabara. So many titles and names that existed in his time as a Shinigami. Growth was needed to become something further beyond the void. Musashi once said five rings existed in this world and Tsubasa had been in one too long. It was time to finally jump and see if he landed on his feet. It was only a bit of his power perhaps not really going fully. Without releasing Shikokai he couldn't touch that reserve. For now, he needed to wait for that moment before he began. The lightning surged through the area at Poliro but far greater.

Tsubasa's aura changed as he exhaled this was going to be a blast battle. Like out of some legendary anime fight or something. Tsubasa remembered how Tsubaki used to go on about it. Keeping his sword raised preparing a massive attack. His Shunko surging to it to form the new version of the blade. He would use Suigin through it along with the sparkling Raging Rajinto Blast. But something else formed there as the ground cracked and began shattering. His eyes stared at Poliro as he spoke."I will show you my RESOLVE!" He said as his spiritual pressure spiked and he made that choice. Jumping off the cliff now finally within. Tsubasa submerged himself into the void now. Going into it and accepting himself as he was. This was a moment of growth, how long had it been? Since he'd truly accepted the moment of things. Since he'd truly moved a step forward? Khala was the last time and even that wasn't a step. But a minor thing that barely counted as an inch.

Kessho Kemono was his previous answer to find himself and tap into the power. He'd become unstable that time but never again would he do that. Tsubasa would protect what was precious now and with every ounce of his soul. He would fight and gain control of the Void within. Tsubasa wouldn't run or turn his back on this challenge any longer. Even if his body shattered and he became something new. He would embrace the challenge. Bring his sword out and cut down the enemies of the Gotei. He would bring them to the future he promised Ibiki with his might. He would no longer fear or try to avoid. Running away was no longer an option. It was the time the Pale Rider road again and truly sharpened his resolve. The True Pale Rider needed to awaken and begin this pursuit. No more submerging himself in doubt or running from the cause in front of him. Yggdrasil was important, but his vow to Ibiki. That mattered far more and he would see it completed. Tsubasa's full power though not in Shikokai was released. Kessho Kemono was activated despite being gone.

Tsubasa had awoken and truly come full circle, Poliro's resolve allowed him to find his own. To awaken now it was time for Poliro to face the Pale Rider's final attack. Tsubasa brought the sword down releasing a massive blast at Poliro in the form of a blade. It shot towards him slicing through the earth and cutting into the top of the barrier. Poliro would need to devise a way to stop it for it was heading at him. Tsubasa added to speed the massive energy attack up as he felt ribs Railgun shot around it as metal formed within it in billions of shards. This attack was his last and he'd poured everything even embracing the forgotten Kessho Kemono to reach a pinnacle. He believed Poliro could find his answer, find something to save him from this blast. Tsubasa felt sweat trickling as his body ached from pain. Kessho Kemono was an incomplete form and at best tapping into it had damaged him. His skin began returning to normal now.

The blast wasn't something Poliro would be able to dodge completely as he'd get shredded by the metal if he did that. His best course would be to counter the blast with one and try to defeat it.

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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:21 pm

Song: Stand Up Be Strong By: Shiro Sagisu - Word Count: 1201

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The unexpected reality that came from the realization of circumstances. This was one of those situations that you were pretty much screwed. He merely listened to Poliro as he saw the attack coming and both met one another with immense blasts of power. His mind went into calculations as the voice of his daughter chimed in. "Papa, this is bad that's gonna do serious damage. Desi Desi-san will be upset if you don't fix it.Why not use five rings?" He began calculating as the fractures appeared more frequently. Could he contain this blast without taking injuries upon himself? Lives were at stake here it wouldn't just be a small amount of damage. People in the surrounding area's would feel this and die if he didn't stop it. Global warming was the least of the worries with the size of it. So he'd need to tap even further into the power within. Resolve wasn't enough so he would need to throw everything he had at it. Nothing could be left out of that as he saw them begin hitting. It was almost in slow motion.

This meltdown of a situation was something of a culmination of ideas and beliefs. Fractures in the middle of things as the time seemed to rupture and break before his eyes. It was like no right answer existed within the Pale. The pale reality that stung in the Unabara mind since she passed. Did he regress and go back to Tsubaki and remember the loss of both child and sister?She wasn't something that could be replaced or heal it. Tsubasa suffered from a broken heart and dream, that didn't exist anymore. It had been so since his childhood and for him. Resolve it was a wavering tempest of emotions and ideas. Izanami's suggestion seemed like nothing but background noise. As the scene went white and vanished before his eyes. Everything disappeared for this moment. Poliro and his entire ambition washed away by reality. He stood among cherry blossoms looking at a small child. Wearing ragged clothing and playing around with a stick. Waving it around pretending to be a warrior for justice.

It was this youth that kept him happy despite the district. The worst place in the world for a child and farmers to grow up. Zaraki, it was a place where blood was spilled daily. Children merely playing sticks and swords as he saw her familiar face. Tsubaki she looked as beautiful as ever. That ethereal beauty that defied the logic most would see. It was clothing or anything so cheap. She simply made whatever she wore look good. Her body was mostly muscle and skinny for quick fighting. He watched as he would lose to her very often. His naive dreams to be a hero of justice. A child who wielded and became the world's greatest swordsman. He promised so often that he would surpass all her expectations. Wield his sword in a way that defied logic and belief. Had he done that yet, had he truly proved he was the greatest swordsman? Had that been made clear in this confrontation? No, it hadn't even begun to be made a factor in this situation. Tsubasa held back for Poliro's sake so much.

He didn't wish to kill but to break the chains that bound. His eyes began to widen slowly as he saw that familiar seen. Tsubaki's death a painful reminder of his past and ambition. He'd failed and walked away from that road. Being the world's greatest Swordsman was his dream as he looked down. Had he truly mastered what that meant to be a swordsman? Was this road he walked one that would lead to that goal?He taught children swordplay and yet none of them had gotten strong enough. Not enough to test him or allow him to truly fight as a swordsman. He'd gotten too far away from his desire and roots. He didn't care about power or anything like that. If this road he wanted was the one he would do whatever it took. Yggdrasil would house the world's greatest swordsman. The one who'd mastered what one could accomplish with the blade alone. Tsubasa's other skills were excellent but he'd not ever forsake himself again. Not for Ibiki, not for Hayden, not for anyone. He would embrace the man he'd lost along the way. The ambition that was forgotten for the Gotei.

Color returned and the scene continued as he began an incantation for an unknown kido. " The first sun rises as the second moon falls, three seasons eclipse the fourth sunrise. Five rings encompass the void, FIVE RING BARRIER!" It wasn't near it's completed form as this specialty was limited for him. Rings of white formed around the area as he felt the blast damage and debris begin shredding him up a bit. He could endure the pain as he slammed both hands together. Forcing the rings of five energy to choke the blast in. Slowly it was closed in the rings and contained as it exploded it's full potential inside. Tsubasa's clothing was ripped and destroyed blood dripped from his shoulder and right arm. He was damaged as he sighed and charged electricity through his arm slowly. The regeneration process began slowly as he simply accelerated healing. Slowly his form walked away from the contained explosion.

He walked over putting Poliro over his shoulder as he walked away from a massive crater slowly."I'm impressed didn't know you had that in your arsenal Poliro..Chapter Zero Cleared.Let's see where this road goes my friend." With that he vanished through a Dangai allowing the barrier he'd made to finish dealing with containment.

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Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:59 pm
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