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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] Empty Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A]

Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:52 pm



» Name: Liana Unohana
» Titles: Blood Moon (previously Black Moon)
» Appearance Age: Early Twenties
» True Age: Eighty-Nine
» Gender: Female
» Affiliation/Rank: 2nd Division - Kido Corps / Gotei United

» Height: 5'9 ft / 172 cm
» Weight: 149 lbs / 67.5 kg


As a trait inherent and strengthened by the guidance of her adoptive mother, Liana has consistently been most well-known for her compassionate and generous actions. Previously a Vice-Captain for the Old Gotei's 4th division, her job description was by nature one fueled by acts of nurture and support, and the reputation she's accrued in this position--and due to this position--has naturally fed back into the desire for her to do good. Being recognised for her work in this field--and nearly unanimously positively for that matter--continued to inspire the yearning for receiving validation through these acts. That said, even without the prospect of positive feedback from this sort of conduct, Liana pursuingly performs acts of good will purely out of seeing it as the "right and just" course of action. Moments of conduct contrary--both for herself and to accept the actions without of other people--usually require significant and demanding justification; even then, depending on what it is, Liana would go so far as to feel remorse for other people's actions without compassion.

Liana was initially an astonishingly reckless child, and truth be told the majority of the lack in manners she offered was due to her upbringing. Born in fairly damning circumstances and the will to adapt and survive in inherently disadvantageous conditions formed a wall around her heart, and anyone who approached her--regardless of personage, intent, and appearance--was always met with ferocity and aggression. After being under Retsu's tutelage, the sheer disparity between Liana's starting point and current manner of conduct has made her consideration for politeness and mannerisms that much more professed. The tireless, conscious efforts to correct herself has made her attentive to this sort of thing, and as a result is a point of focus and consistency.

Something retained from her youth and better managed but still prevalent, Liana has a preference for action, and standing by overthinking and ruminating a situation is an easy way to irritate her. Both a trait that aids her in leadership as well as a circumstantial shortcoming, depending on the occasion she can easily be pinned as the type to jump the gun and act before appropriate consideration, which isn't always wrong. In Liana's mind, doing that is at least better than sitting around trying to conceive every possible contingency; furthermore, while she's subject to confusion and can take the wrong turn at the wrong corner as everyone else, the girl will at least do it confidently, and in the event of her being mistaken, own up to it and take responsibility.

In the face of making these mistakes--or preferably successes--Liana will press forward. Sure, celebration of the success or reviewing the mistake can take place, but there should be a limit to that. Stagnation in the face of failure or complacency from the confidence of success is not an option. Of course, the Unohana neither has any intent of being a party-pooper and forcing people into directions they feel less than amiable towards, but for the sake of a person's benefits, she will take the time to be hands-on and direct in guiding them further forward. The alternative is to not, and that never got anyone anywhere.

That said, Liana has no good opinion of people who pursue stagnancy or easily settle down, or generally have some polar shift as the result of a single instance. This is a poor mentality, only possible if cultivated and mistreated, to which she feels pity and reproach, both to the person and their previous guidance that allowed this mindset. It's inappropriate and counterproductive by nature, and while Liana has a big heart, there's limitations to her tolerance. Her decisiveness to take action also takes place in cutting off dead limbs from the body, and her ideals would ask that she can take every person she can onto her boat of productivity and success for universal betterment, but the realism she takes into account makes this sort of expectation impossible to hold.

Liana has become accustomed to the role of leadership, and in fact now finds some degree of comfort in its familiarity, but her innate preference of socialisation is the general lack thereof. She doesn't mind the interaction, but prefers to be the receiver of content, more keen on listening and learning from the providers rather than offering her own two cents. She's capable of it, without a doubt, but her area of expertise is in absorbing, and later maybe regurgitating all she's taken in, rather than offering original content spontaneously.

Liana is definitely introverted albeit successfully overcoming many of its challenges, but she definitely enjoys social interaction. As her taciturn disposition displays, the girl is most likely the quiet one in the group who listens rather than talks, and a part of this is the curiosity which fuels her silence. Liana naturally wants to take in all the information around her, and especially details of a person and what they convey, in a way as something for just personal enjoyment, but also because it helps her to perform in the future in all she does. The more she knows, the better she can be in any field, both as a person, or as a fighter, or as a leader, or as a soldier. She truly holds the phrase "knowledge is power" reverentially.

As a result, Liana proves highly analytical in the sense of situational awareness to the world around her and the people in it. She has particular focus to certain visual cues and various subtleties and idiosyncrasies of a person--just as something she naturally picks up. Her own opinion is that she isn't particularly smart or clever, and generally intellectual input isn't her area of expertise, but in spite of that--and also because of that--taking in all the information possible allows for ease and clarity in deduction, piecing together the abundance of information accumulated to easily come to proper and accurate conclusions.

Without a doubt Liana is incredibly afraid and fearful, in many senses of the word, but she doesn't view it as a disadvantage or shortcoming. In fact, the girl embraces this prevalent side of her, because as a dear friend once said, "fear is the greatest boon a person can hold. Fear is what divides the courageous from the cowardly and the brave from the stupid--not the strong from the weak." Fear is a superpower that allows a person to perform in ways no other person can, and to act with particular efficiency or attentiveness, and is also a driver of emotional sensitivity that attunes a person to the world very well. Thus, instances of fear is something Liana confronts head first, and while she may be trembling in her boots in the face of something which frightens her, she specifically looks it in the face and uses it to empower herself, swallowing her spit and pushing down the daunting pressure.

Liana's fear is her driver, but this wasn't always the case. Especially as a child with dire circumstances, fear was something that effectively ruled her life, and the events which transpired in her past traumatised her--especially moments in her childhood which transformed into greater mental beasts and creatures than anything else due to the years of poor coping mechanisms and the dramatisation of these memories as she grew up. More mature, stable, and better equipped to handle these memories, Liana doesn't seem nearly as troubled by it as she really is, to the extent of which resurfaced memories become vivid visions that provoke unbridled actions. This is naturally a point of embarrassment which she constantly tries to sweep under the rug, and ironically very poorly addresses despite her attempts to handle well essentially every other instance, to the extent that people have labeled Liana confrontational--especially before being introduced to positions of leadership. Specifically, any mention of the 4th division slaughter mentally shakes her.

Tolerance is something she's known for, and while she has her limitations on this front, it's well advertised that this gauge of tolerance is inexplicably high. Liana can endure much harm, to herself or peers, physically and mentally. One of the reasons this is possible is because she doesn't truly just ignore and let go these misgivings, but instead carves them into her heart, remembering them indefinitely. Usually unaddressed by giving people the benefit of the doubt to act better in the future, or have room for improvement, but with cases of her tolerance being tested and whittled down, one quickly comes to find that Liana can be the most vindictive person you meet. Forgiveness is practically her middle name, but if you don't plead for it, you get no sympathy, but instead the darker side of her heart--something better avoided, and those that learned the hard way could attest. A debt is always paid, for better or worse.


    Early Childhood
The Ideitreng family was well known for the consistency in quality of shinigami produced, and while it made them a valuable asset to the throne, which in part retained their status as lower nobles, their constant production of powerful members did not denote the consistency of loyalty. With the occasional turncoat family member, by default the Gotei gained a well equipped enemy in each occurrence. Thus, the Ideitrengs never really moved up from their position, though they were still held onto because they were still an asset which, at least as a family, remained in servitude to the crown.

In the event that a member might foreshadow some degree of disobedience to the Gotei or signs preceding a potential secession from their ranks, they were accordingly dealt with. In one of these instances, a couple with a newborn babe ran through the outer districts of Rukongai, the mother an Ideitreng, fleeing from members of the Onmitsukido. In their final efforts, the couple abandoned their babe, a group of street urchins picking it up.

The group felt pity for the infant for being born from the get-go in very familiar circumstances, so with their combined efforts the urchin group did their best to raise the child. Obviously, this didn't go very well, but the outcome was fairly optimistic. By the time the child physically matured to the same general age as the urchin kids that raised her, while she had a poor understanding of the world around her and a very distorted perception of reality, she at least wasn't unhealthy, physically, spiritually, or even socially.

In fact, on a social level, Liana was well received. As she grew up, many of the kids--partially out of camaraderie and familial bonding in their efforts to raise her--loved her like a sibling, and was a member of this urchin family that brought many of them together. She grew up curious, taking everything in like a sponge, and as an obedient child, as far as the kids she interacted with went, she never met trouble with them. On top of that, Liana was a pretty child, and being treated as a little sister, was well protected.

    Latter Childhood
This dynamic shifted a bit when some of the kids engaged in nefarious activity, thereafter suffering the consequences as a few adults took it upon themselves to punish the involved urchins. While it was a simple case of spanking some naughty kids for petty theft, Liana seeing the kids struggle in the grasp of the adults had treated this as a very serious incident--thus, she took action.

The blood of an Ideitreng ran true in her veins, and while there was no permanent harm to any persons involved, this became the start of her legacy as "The Black Moon". The spiritual power she displayed--and competency of control with it--attracted much attention.

Eventually, the Urchin group gained momentum in control, and as Liana matured alongside her "family", some degree of control over this district began to reach out. Their actions became more unruly, the crimes committed increasingly severe. Liana's power quickly shifted her to a place of power and leadership over this group, and considering her upbringing, this status was poorly handled.

The most dire result was Liana as the sole survivor in what escalated to a gang turf-war, rival criminal groups in the area slaughtering the girl's "family" in her absence, as she attended to other matters. Of course her rage returned the favour, but the damage had been done, and the poorly raised Liana was also emotionally vulnerable. Up until this point, she had never really faced any serious adversity that wasn't immediately handled by the overprotective family members or her immense power generally unseen this far out into Rukongai.

The emotional trauma sent her unto a progressively darker path, and her involvement in crime and murder spiraled out of control. Her innate power and constant usage cultivated it, her reiatsu growing absurdly to the extent that its dark black miasma appearance coated the skies for miles to come, to the point of encasing the moon. This is where "The Black Moon" was coined, referencing her massive reiatsu.

For adjacent districts, the territory of The Black Moon became famous, as it was the turf of a young girl who listened to no-one, respected no-one, and demanded both in return. Considering this was an uncontrolled person with feats comparable to fairly powerful shinigami, there were few challengers, and those few were met with horrifying results. Thankfully, these days reached an end.

Eventually, word of The Black Moon reached far enough to gain attention from a Shinigami unit on an excursion to the outer layers for investigation of a different urban legend. But, on the way to that site, the unit figured addressing The Black Moon was fine too. Coincidentally, this unit was in part escorting Retsu Unohana. In the end, they discovered the root of the Black Moon legend to be a young girl, an image awfully disconcerting with the most prevalent rumours.

Beyond that, Retsu drew many parallels between Liana and another familiar child she met in very similar circumstances, which in part drew up some nostalgia. As a result, she handled the situation in the same manner, and while Liana had daunting reserves of spiritual energy, both her and the energy was unrefined and untrained. After a fight demonstrating her ferocity and savagery, Liana was inevitably defeated. But, the potential in her was clear to see, and beyond the girl's shortcomings, she was brimming with vitality.

    Shinigami Training
Retsu returned to Seireitei with Liana in tow, shockingly obedient to the change of circumstance. Both distraught in having lost for the first time as well as pursuing the object of her desire and defeat, Liana figured it better to acquiesce; aside from any pride lost, to which there wasn't much left, nothing better was in her district than the potential of seeing what the Seireitei could be like.

The result was absolutely grueling for Liana, who was adjusted to an entirely different culture. The outer districts cultivated some hard to rid habits and perceptions on society, but with enough dedicated drilling and grinding, as well as Liana's competence and inborn talents--as well as drive to actually absorb everything she's learned, the Black Moon arrived at an incredibly favourable result. Retsu taught her everything from manners and advanced education to combat and kido. In aspirations to follow after her now adoptive mother to which Liana eventually became infatuated with, the girl especially focused on Kido and Swordsmanship. Although she displayed proficiency and talent in all fields, her special attentiveness to the two subjects naturally accelerated her progress.

Eventually Retsu felt comfortable with developing Liana to a more stable state, both in body and spirit. In fact, Retsu felt pride over her, and that she met or exceeded all expectations. From here, she sent Liana off to the Academy to formerly learn and become a shinigami, to which she flawlessly passed through; however, the grind and desire to prove herself, not just to her peers and instructors but also to her mother, prompted Liana to especially stick to the Academy as opposed to graduating prematurely just to ensure she had perfect scores in every field.

    Shinigami Recruit
This display of dedication and competency in many forms naturally made her sought after by many divisions, but in line with her reverence for Retsu, Liana joined the 4th Division. Despite the girl's foremost talent lying in leadership and combat, enough that most people assumed Liana was going to join either 1st Division or 11th Division, there was a sense of disappointment in her joining the most combat-passive squad. That said, no-one thought her talents were to be wasted regardless of her choice considering the obsessive development of her fundamentals.

As expected, Liana's reputation and rank rose as she worked her way up to seated positions, consistently climbing, her love and loyalty to the Gotei also developing in parallel as their praises and guidance for her reintroduced Liana to the long-lost feeling of camaraderie and familial bonds. This was a major reason for the Black Moon quickly attaching herself to Retsu and seeing her reverentially.

Eventually, her prowess rose to the level of the Vice Captains, her peak form and reliance on stable fundamentals making her at least able to defend against the less combat-inclined Captains of the time. Suitably matching her capabilities was the rise to the rank of Vice Captain of the 4th Division.

    Black Moon Falls
Everything went well for Liana, and to most she seemed without flaw, to an uncanny degree. Even the subject in question felt a sense of invulnerability, and that nothing would go wrong from here on out. The suffering she experienced in her youth was now being compensated for, and everything would be fine. Obviously, these were wild delusions to soon be corrected.

Liana continuously progressed, and finally she unlocked her Shikai. By this point, she already came into contact and conversation with her zanpakuto spirit, and over the course of continued, deliberate connection to it, she was able to speak its name. It was unexpected that the abilities gained from it centred around the idea of meting out judgement. In the perspective of viewing her abilities to represent the upholding of justice or righteousness, the skill-set was unexpected. In the context of viewing it as the proctor of "balance", things seemed to fit a bit more. A great deal of Liana's growing up involved the lack of having a proper balance in many fields, and her personal affinities to the shinigami subjects and types of kido were fairly neutral, or balanced themselves. This breakthrough was like bashing through a bottleneck, and Liana's growth as a shinigami continued on splendidly. After some time, she even felt Bankai was in reach, but before she could finally tap into more of her latent potential, the demon incursion occurred.

It was a gruesome war, most of what she saw wasn't anything considering her childhood and tenure in the Gotei as a medical specialist. It was definitely tumultuous as many friends passed away, but every time Liana swallowed the pain and moved forward, doing her best to lead the division alongside her mother who had taken the mantle of 4th Division Captain up once again at the time.

Unfortunately, Liana suffered one loss that was far too damaging. After the battle with Khala Asthavon, the reportedly fatal blow and therafter sudden disappearance of her Retsu broke the girl. The heavy exposure to demon and hollow energy, and especially the constant handling of this energy whilst treating the wounds of countless shinigami, progressively tainted and exhausted her mind, relying on self-mastery and willpower to keep the enticing voices at bay. But, compounding the mental break from losing her mother with the negative energies surrounding her, on top of an ability of her zanpakuto contributing to the absorption of these energies, an inner hollow began to take form.

At this time, Liana had lost control. The inner hollow began to consume her, and the blood-thirst, savagery, and unbridled rage she once displayed as a teenager resurfaced. Friend and foe alike were at her mercy, and for someone that reached the level of Captain before unlocking Shikai, now tapping into further power from a newly developed inner hollow, the countless 4th division members around her--desperately trying to treat their Vice Captain's active descent into instability--could not resist her wrath, eventually leading up to an event termed "The 4th Division Slaughter", as well as the shift of Liana's epithet from "The Black Moon" to "The Blood Moon".

    Blood Moon Rises
During the recovery of the Demon Incursion and subsequent rebuild and reformation of the Gotei, Liana resigned and left Soul Society. Given the circumstances, the Gotei weren't really pressed to chase after and criminalise Liana, especially considering the circumstances of her resignation and reputation built up to that point which gave her some degree of leniency. The shame, disgust, and helplessness she experienced drove her away from anything that could even remotely remind her of being in Soul Society.

She took to the Realm of the Living to cope with these new tribulations, most self-contrived but there nonetheless. Isolating herself out of fear of another uncontrolled outburst, Liana spent the majority of her time jumping in and out of her Inner World. The actions she took that day birthed another fear, specifically of her inner hollow. Interacting with it--especially directly--was incredibly difficult, and even after constant and daily attempts to force herself to face it, after a while she could only endure eye contact for a mere few moments before she broke under pressure.

It wasn't until another vizard approached her. His appearance wasn't well purposed, more of an accidental meeting, but the meeting was most definitely invaluable to her. Liana's struggle with facing her inner hollow was most definitely apparent to him, as someone much more experienced in just about everything compared to her. That said, the way she approached the issue of her inner hollow was most definitely not positively viewed. In fact, the stagnancy she was presenting was enough to be called frustrating and thereon justify confrontation.

This confrontation devolved into an out-right fight, essentially ending in Liana's defeat. By this time, Liana had suffered many defeats, none yet by her peers, but spars and battles with significantly more powerful beings on more than one occasion put her in her place. This was one of those moments. With his foot literally on her chest, pressing down from above her, Liana had not many options aside from listening the words he was pressing.

His words were biting, condescending and presumptuous, but the premise in his delivery really stuck. The vizard talked about not having to be content with the circumstances. That you didn't have to change the issues or correct them to move on. Tolerating them, moving on despite them, using them to empower yourself was also an option, and likely the best one for moments like these. All she had to do was face the object of her fears--it didn't mean she had to reach a point where she no longer feared it.

The man abruptly departed, still leaving a bad taste in Liana's mouth, but his words were well considered. Applying them, for the first time the Blood Moon actually interacted with her Inner Hollow, similarly to how she would with her Zanpakuto Spirit. Truthfully, actually confronting it strengthened her fear of it, especially the sheer maliciousness of it, openly stating that moments of Liana faltering would be taken advantage of, and to its fullest, it would tear apart everything around her without exception.

    Unlocking Bankai
While this developed her fear of the Inner Hollow further, this also furthered her motivation to cope with it and prevent the possibility of this happening. This new sense of determination was recognised by the Zanpakuto Spirit, which then saw fit to allow Liana the opportunity to unlock her Bankai.

Liana's spiritual energy was way more than sufficient to summon and sustain the form of her Zanpakuto spirit and even endure a prolonged fight; thus, the only thing she really had to worry about here was defeating her zanpakuto spirit as she kept her inner hollow at bay. However, the fight itself seemed nearly impossible to win. By its very principle, anything Liana could dish out, her zanpakuto seemed to have the perfect answer for it, balancing out any strike and blow with an equalising reaction.

The vizard came to realise that the means to progress further wasn't through combat. While her zanpakuto spirit endured and returned every blow equally, it never striked back. It was purely reactive. Liana had to put down her blade and think of the proper means to overcome the zanpakuto spirit, which was in reality to overcome a part of herself.

It could've been different for other people, but for her, this meant overcoming some of her insecurities, the challenges she faced on account of her own cognitive dissonance, and ultimately the fact that she saw herself as the biggest villain in the aftermath of the Demon Incursion. Towards both what she herself did, and what she wasn't able to do. When she came to be able to forgive herself and strive forward without being so trapped by the echoes of her past, her zanpakuto approached her and used one its abilities, Hand of the Redeemer. In that moment, Liana came to know the name of her bankai.

    Vizard Corps
Albeit a tad anticlimactic, the zanpakuto spirit wouldn't have proposed unlocking bankai unless it felt confident that Liana could whole-heartedly come out victorious to begin with, so the occasion of victory was unsurprisingly, arguably outright expected, especially with this new revelation and insight Liana came across. So, with her stability regained and a degree of strength earned, where was there to go from here? Ideally, treat the situation of becoming a vizard similarly to how Liana always treated a new challenge: grind out mastery over it.

And what better way than to join the organisation founded on the unity of Vizards, likely the organisation best equipped to help fellow vizards cope, adjust, and strengthen themselves as a result of tehir new circumstances. This in mind, Liana joined their ranks and--comfortable with this environment as all people here were once shinigami--Liana quickly displayed many of the skills, values, and general human credit that popularised her in the Gotei and in her urchin group. As expected, alongside the progression of her mastery over the traits gained through her inner hollow, Liana's proactive attitude and innate characteristics accrued traction and presence in the Vizard Corps, until she once more reached a point of holding a leadership role.

    Rejoining the Gotei:
After some time in the Vizard Corps, nostalgia and yearning for her homeland rekindled. The sense of guilt still pervaded her, but the curiosity and homesickness set it hard and powerfully. As her time in the Vizard Corp went on and her comfort with the establishment increased, a tinge of detachment budded. In her mind, Liana felt that even without her, the Vizard Corps would be fine without her. For selfishly joining the organisation as a way to self-serve her need to seek atonement and act philanthropically, the benefits and works he put would justify a break or entire resignation from the organisation.

In the end, Liana followed her heart. She put in a formal resignation from the Vizard Corps, particularly with the intent of returning to her homeland. Many vizards followed suit at the time, or resigned even prior to Liana. Reason being, the reformation of the Gotei under a new leadership also saw changes on the restrictions and invitation of vizards and similar shinigami-based beings, so feeling more welcomed in Soul Society and Seireitei largely changed people's opinions. After all, the enticement of being able to come back home was a powerful influencer.

So like many others, Liana came back home, and to her surprise, not many people held reservations about her or her actions during the Demon Incursion. Since then, the Gotei and its members had been far more concerned with cleaning the ashes, rebuilding their way back up and improving the organisation to a better state than even before the Demon Incursion. Recent success and tangible progress being actualised easily washed over much of the Blood Moon's sins. Of course, some people still felt strongly about it, and the title of "Blood Moon" was still prevalent. Alongside her return, the epithet was once again on people's tongues, though the majority of discussions weren't malicious in nature.

    Hello Captaincy:
Liana's sense of duty and responsibility, to the Gotei, to herself, and especially to her adoptive mother, eventually sent the shinigami back into the ranks of the Gotei. She rejoined with a new sense of purpose and revitalised drive to perform, especially in a familiar yet unfamiliar setting. Back in the Gotei, but a new Gotei, Liana forged onward head first, and the results were clear to see.

Her talents as a leader and exploits in the Vizard Corps were transferred over, and many of the other vizards that resigned knew of her. The fact that the quality of her work and overall work ethic hadn't changed since and still proved a proficient worker in most all aspects, on top of the new level of power she attained, the natural affinity for the division given her practices, and a revitalised sense of trust, faith, and loyalty in her and mutually between Liana and the organisation; all things considered, the outcome seemed nearly inevitable.

Since her rejoining and the reestablishment of her roles in the Gotei, the trigger-factor being an empty slot for the division, Liana was finally promoted to the Captain position.


» Detail-Oriented: A talent at a degree that justifies it's description with other outright supernatural characteristics, Liana's natural inclination to be more of an observer to the circumstances before taking action--occasionally prematurely--has made her attuned to the smaller details in every day interaction, further exemplified with the addition of stress to active factors, thus empowering her in heated moments of debate or combat. Though she isn't as impressive in this trait as those with eidetic or photographic memory, her meticulous attention to detail has been a large contributor to her competence as a leader and proficiency in adapting to all situations, leading into her next attribute.

» Adaptability: In part due to her inherent disposition and personality, heavily fortified by the theme of her abilities, Liana's capacity to adjust to varying circumstances is a point of fame for her in relevant circles. Her rapid change in personage and surroundings accentuate and exemplify this, and given her persistence in achieving aptitude in as many fields as possible to strengthen her fundamentals, Liana has essentially accrued a sufficient degree of proficiency through many avenues to appropriately respond to any number of scenarios. Liana offers a well-rounded array of abilities and the capacity to treat each circumstance with a dedicated and individualised response prepared at will.

» Neutral Affinity: Liana has a sort of baseline global competency that gives her ease of access and introduction into any number of subjects and fields, usually picking up and progressing in these areas through the preliminary levels with relative ease. That said, it should be noted that Liana doesn't actually have any particularly exceptional affinity in any of these fields, in that while she can pick up and adapt to all these subjects without much trouble, her individual talents in any one relative to herself doesn't stick out. For example, when using Kido, there's absolutely no particular strength in a certain elemental spell different from other, even contradicting elemental spells, though this also means she has no specific trouble or drawbacks in any of them either.

» Musically Inclined: Lesser known fact that usually doesn't have much pertinence in her daily life, Liana is pitch perfect. What this means is she can discern the tones and frequencies of the sounds she hears, which is a minor feat, but as someone who likes to occasionally indulge in music--and perform herself--this is a relevant trait.

» Avid Cook: Retsu taught Liana how to cook personally, as Liana used to only ate things she stole, or just failed to eat. The experience of finding the means to keep yourself from being hungry was such an amazing event for Liana, that she became engrossed in learning to cook anything and everything. At one point, Liana experimented with cooking using certain types of mushrooms and even hemp; unfortunately, the steak toppings and cookies she made respectfully were such terrifying, paranoid, and anxiety-inducing events that she never went back to experimenting with mind-influencing ingredients ever again.

» Inborn Strength: Liana's frame has definitely matured since her youth, but still easily misrepresents the muscular fortitude that allows many of her feats to be truly fearsome. Like everything else, much of her physical power is derived from consistent and constant training and development, but the reason it's easily argued that her strength naturally outclasses the rest of her physical attributes is its innate empowerment. A trait she was born with, Liana boasts a daunting level of strength that contributed to the mastery of her district in her youth. In her current form, leveling buildings as collateral damage to her focused strikes is fairly common once she taps into a more savage manner of combat.

For frames of reference, in her time as a Vice Captain of the Gotei 13, whenever Liana came about to aid other divisions, she never had issues in administering medicine and healing. Distraught, injured, and disoriented combatants are typically prone to lashing out and in their confusion even resisting Liana or attacking her. Her primary means of keeping them in line was to always rely on her strength to "keep them in line". Her strength was a major contributor to the casualties brought in her hollowfication during the Demon Incursion, with most of her comrades unable to stop her, as the inner hollow muddling her conscience meant Liana was rampaging around without inhibition, literally tearing through bodies through sheer strength.

Her strength continued to develop as she continued growing, and in similar fashion, her strength was used to keep anybody in line. As an organisation home to many vizards who by nature are prone to uncontrolled outbursts and instability, Liana often had to beat her subordinates into submission. To avoid any lethal punishment, the woman refrained from using her sword or abilities, and just physically beat them into a calm.

» Spiritual Biology Expertise: Her experience as a healing expert in both the Gotei and Vizard Corps is lent not only to by her kido, but her specialised knowledge towards spiritual biology. She knows the mechanisms to the spiritual body, the make-up, anatomy, physiology, and general medicine and treatment methods. Within Soul Society, though her knowledge on medical machinery isn't the best, she can rightfully be referred to as one of if not the foremost expert on spiritual medicine and the spiritual body.

» Weapon Proficiency: Following the trend of being a well-rounded combatant, per Retsu's instructions Liana is experienced in many different weapons with different purposes, and fueled by her personal interest to try new things and broaden her horizons, the girl can comfortably wield anything from a nunchuck to a bow. Of course given the object of her focus, melee weapons which follow similar form to the sword is her area of expertise, the sword and polearms being her primaries. Out of experience and practice, Liana is most proficient with the sword, and specifically in a form taught to her directly by Retsu as her legacy.

» Unohana's Legacy: The sword style Liana inherited from Retsu. It's ineloquent, savage, and exceptionally effective for lethal combat. There is a heavy reliance on fighting from sheer superiority, and not necessarily in strength, speed, or precision. Unohana's Legacy roots itself in the fundamentals of positioning, timing, effective responses, and heavy aggression. A strong offense is the best defense, and while there's the capacity to make more defensive moves and take guarded postures, they are largely discarded.

This sword form focuses on achieving victory through three offensive goals: deconstructing a defense and felling the enemy; preventing any room to maneuver and forcing the enemy to make a lethal mistake; breaking any defense and forcing an opening to kill the opponent.

Deconstructing a defense is more practical. It aims to progressively break away any defensive attempts, generally by disarming them. If they have barriers or armors, the goal changes first from the target being attacked, to their defenses being attacked. If Liana's sword can't cleave the defense or remove it from its position in one go, then she uses continuous strikes to gradually break it down until it becomes a non issue.

Trapping and baiting a bad move is often for used against numerous opponents. While Liana has the ability to create multiple victims with her single sword, whether by extremely powerful techniques that can leave canyons in the ground or by just sheer technical prowess, against a number of opponents who are respectable in their own right, a more tactical approach is necessary. This subject is most concerned with positioning herself compromisingly while leaving room for a response. Alternatively, she positions herself in a manner that makes only one approach to her viable, enabling her to more easily deal with the numbers without having to expose herself to unnecessary danger.

Breaking defenses forcibly is the most savage sword style, and easily the most invested in, courtesy of Retsu's own preferences. Defense is disregarded, numbers are irrelevant, tactical positioning isn't a concern. The only existing goal is to slaughter the enemy, and their feeble attempts to defend themselves only offer the slightest of delays. There is still a consistency and thoroughline to this style, namely in the fashion of the sword strikes. The handle of the sword is held more roughly, with the wrist maintaining a 90 degree angle to the handle, and slashes are less about cleaving through a target, and more about pulling the handle in with the blade as a follow-through. Mentally, Liana visualises no physical entity blocking the path of her sword, and she smashes through like her sword was a battle-axe, crushing her opponents defense and the opponent directly.

» Spiritual Aptitude: Liana's talent at controlling and utilising spiritual energy isn't some at some unprecedented level, though it's easily said to be at the highest tier amongst those in her generation. That said, considering her most valuable asset is her effort and training regimen, it's without a doubt threatening to even her seniors in this regard simply by nature of applying that inherit aptitude to the mountains of training she's undergone, in conjunction with her many other assets that make training exponentially more efficient compared to the average practitioner.

While her acute control was moreso a result of the grueling and demanding but effective training offered by Retsu Unohana until she felt Liana was prepared to expose that overwhelming pool of spiritual energy within for a child her age, this still doesn't detract from the level of prowess she's reached even without a natural advantage of talent. From that progress, the shinigami proves adept at holding the reigns on the scope of her energy and its motions and interactions with the world, keeping things in check and appropriately moderated at all times.

As far as her aptitudes go, as aforementioned Liana doesn't have any natural affinities to any specific traits, and while this also means she has no overt weaknesses to any traits, it still is an underwhelming feature of her spiritual energy. In lieu of the lackluster identity of her spiritual energy, the Blood Moon has the feature of adapting to the circumstance on a spiritual level.

Specifically, with a source of heat, more specifically some energetic celestial body (namely the sun), Liana aligns herself more closely with that heat and finds her energy to offer more explosiveness. Her energy should be more blinding in terms of luminescence, offer a sort of comfort to those around her and essentially attract attention and good will. This aura exuding from her energy and attributes gained can also be inspiring to those around her, and inspire the shinigami herself, overall improving the mood and forming herself in the mind of others--and her own--as some sense of hopefulness. This is especially advantageous in enduring battles, where a beacon of hope becomes more and more sought after.

On the opposite end is attuning herself to something which provides a cold aura, something that absorbs the heat in the area, or a celestial body which embodies this (namely the moon). The result is attributes embodying Yin. Liana's spiritual energy becomes darker and colder, absorbing the heat and vitality of the area around it and offering a foreboding, uninviting feeling. Her energy dampens not just the mood but hte lighting, as its aura draws in the light in the surroundings to literally darken the surroundings.

    »Reiryoku Capacity: What accentuates her spiritual aptitude well is the sheer magnitude of Liana's spiritual energy. Considering her status and position as a captain, it's obvious that she's reached a more than respectable level, and beyond that she certainly represents the Unohana and Ideitreng families well. Even amongst the Captains, she can at least boast being on the upper half of the group, not just being a tried and true veteran in the shinigami arts and battlefield, but a natural talent. One of her selling points in her youth that attracted attention even from those in Seireitei--whilst still in the outer reaches of Rukongai--was that sheer, unadulterated brilliance in her reiryoku.

    This can't be stressed enough, as in her youth this energy alone and unbridled physical strength was what enabled Liana to rule over the region of several Rukongai districts she inhabited. And afterwards, growing as a person and in strength and energy quantity, with her time as a Vice Captain for the fourth division, it was noted that already her energy levels were comparable to Captains. Thus, now that she has unlocked her Bankai, developed an Inner Hollow, matured as a vizard and as a person, furthermore becoming a captain herself? It's understandable that Liana had developed her spiritual prowess to progress exponentially.


» Behavioral Issues: As plagues the newest generation of Ideitrengs, despite their particular degree of talent and social competence compared to the usually idiosyncratic ridden bloodline, Liana suffers from some fairly difficult behavioral issues, and as each of them typically have a unique case, Liana's issue is a debilitating degree of cognitive dissonance. With frightening frequency, Liana has contrasting thoughts and feelings on any number of subjects in any number of instances, often times devolving into self-arguments that, contrary to her decisive personality--makes her second guess herself. This additionally feeds into her obsession with reaching into several fields and practicing them to a minimum level of proficiency as some sort of pseudo-perfectionism. In the most severe cases, she becomes emotionally vulnerable, rationally dependent, and incredibly anxious, stressors triggering moments of depression that she forces herself to persevere through, as Liana despises self-pity.

» Chain Memory: The subtlest but most defining trait of the Ideitreng is their method of memory that allows them to tap into their vast banks of knowledge at a moment's notice with considerable clarity. In essence, they naturally connect relevant bits of information, and remembering any one of these bits allows them to recall everything else, like sorting memories out into a chain. One event leads to another in repetition, easily making Ideitreng members highly skilled in any academic subject, which in turn allows them to be proficient in any number of practices.

» Independence Drive: The main branch of the Ideitreng hold the trait of independence in higher regard than anything else, and employ this ideology whether aware or not in most everything that they do. The result is all children growing up with the same mindset, favouring to act alone, achieve things by their own power, and be self-reliant in most all that they do. One of the reasons the Ideitreng are exceptional in their fields of specialty is due to this self-sufficient mentality, additionally being more than willing to learn and take in all that they can to add to their repertoire so they may perform any task themselves.

Independence Drive is an ability which flows in all main branch members' veins exclusively, and the intent is to maintain that individuality. Primarily, this functions as a mental guard; attempts to infringe their independence, especially through some form of spiritual or magical compelling, is deterred and weakened, though it's not a total immunity. To make things simpler, binding or constricting abilities are halved in efficacy. From an outside perspective, this can be misconstrued for the Ideitreng to be twice as powerful as usual when breaking through physical and spiritual restrictions, whether it be on the mind (like illusions, spiritual chains, or even powerful reiatsus). Ultimately, it's dependent on their skill sheets, so even if these restrictions are only half as powerful as they should be, if even half of that strength is too much for Liana, naturally she can't break through.

» Inner Characterisation: Like any other Ideitreng, Liana holds within her an Inner Characterisation that's embodied in her spiritual and physical self. For Liana, this characterisation is the balance of opposites. Pertaining to her physical self, this can be identified with a neutral affinity towards any spectrum of "talent", in which she neither excels nor is stunted in any field, and any strides she makes is entirely reliant on her effort alone.

On both a physical and spiritual level, the biggest gain Liana gains from Inner Characterisation is an automatic re-calibration of her physical and spiritual self. To maintain balance on a metaphysical level, her physical body has the natural inclination to compensate where necessary, and likewise with her spiritual energy. For example, if she suffers a blow that disarms her left arm. With surprising quickness, Liana may operate at her peak without being inhibited by an unusable left arm, specifically in terms of slowing her down, throwing her movements of balance and making them unprecise, or otherwise. Conversely, if her spiritual energy was stunted, a similar balancing will occur.

    » Inverse Reflection: The distortions provided by cognitive dissonance can be debilitating, and for someone who used to be ruled by these thoughts which birthed rampant depression, anxiety, and overall dysfunctional social interactions, Liana's greatest opposition of merit, values, and character is herself. Every action and thought is met with an inverse, justified by some opposing train of thought that in the end criticises her intentions. Fortunately, to some degree and especially at the surface, Liana has overcome these distortions, which in the end has manifested as her affinity for "balance".

    As a result, she can often reflect portions of these inversions amicably, and face these distortions with relative ease. So in the case that anybody imposes something in this realm on her? Whether by a power, some illusion or willpower-testing interaction? Liana seems virtually immune, as it's in reality nothing new for her. In a way, this also means that the rebalancing efforts of Inner Characterisation also enables a form of defence not just spiritually and physically, but mentally as well. Mental is clearly the most effective application.

    Aside from proving mentally stable from outside influences, Inverse Reflection also guarantees Liana a better understanding of herself, and not just for the sake of self-improvement as a person. This also enables her to better understand her mental, physical, and spiritual faculties, and recognise any inconsistencies that throw her natural state off balance. In the case that Inner Characterisation cannot treat the issue, as it doesn't pertain necessarily to "throwing her state off balance", but is still and influencer on her? She can at least recognise the fact, and in most cases more acutely identify what is affecting her and how, meaning Liana will also better grasp how to respond and treat the issue through a more manual means, assuming that information is on-hand.


» Hoho: Liana boasts proficiency in Hoho, though admittedly it's the least focused of her four fundamentals. By extension, it is likely her weakest trait. The vizard has always boasted masterful displays of her fundamentals, having even held herself back in the academy specifically to balance out her skills and come out of training with exceptional skill. However, since graduation, Hoho has predominately been used to accentuate the application of her other fundamentals. In the case of zanjutsu and hakuda, it was always used in conjunction with strikes and attacks to add power to the attack, or reposition appropriately. In the context of kido, hoho was often used to create distance and enable a position wherein which she can safely execute numerous spells. By virtue of establishing powerful foundations and consistently practicing and utilising in combat, her Hoho has kept up and can adequately be held up to Captain standards, it just falls short when compared to her other skillsets. Liana can still use the majority of hoho skills, only excluding hoho skills used by specialists and master practitioners.

» Hakuda: By virtue of her monstrous strength, Liana is well suited to Hakuda, and she indeed abuses this natural affinity. That said, she has no particular talent to Hakuda itself and the technical, formal practice of it. Her suitability is by and large reliant on her strength, where using a medium to utilise that strength can sometimes be inefficient, while using her strength through her own body is a direct translation of her own power.

The primary form of Hakuda she uses was learned in the Vizard Corps. It prefers strikes as its method of combat, translating the full power of the body in the limbs. Stylistically, it's similar to Muay Thai, with any grappling techniques being closer to something like Silat, rather than ground-work forms or grappling and grabbing focuses like jujitsu and judo. Similar to silat, this style has multiple movements that chain together into complex movements designed to bring the combat from start to finish in record times. These chains begin at the start of fight and generally end of the fight.

Last edited by Sage on Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:22 pm; edited 37 times in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] Empty Re: Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A]

Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:36 pm



» Kido Invention: Liana has enough skill and experience, both in executing and creating Kido, that in theory she can just create kido spells on the go to fit the situation. If this is the case, then naturally the kido won't be as fleshed out; the application will be minimal and simplistic, the execution may be sloppy and no chant is created for it, and the power may not pack a considerable punch. However, she still has the adaptability and mastery over it to create an answer to a problem in the moment.

» Quintuple Chanting: Kido Chanting isn't always a necessary component in a Kido, but knowing how to expedite it, manipulate it, and master chanting is a valuable skill. The hallmark of Liana's skill-set that really cemented her rise to Vice Captaincy in the Healing Division during the Gotei 13 was her ability to cast up to five kido simultaneously. Naturally, this is an exceptionally difficult task and requires utmost focus, and generally this sort of task requires her to do full-chants to get good efficacy. Since the time of her Vice Captaincy, a lot of time has passed, and a lot of growth has been done. Enough that she's come to the point of mastering this ability, and while she still needs to hone in and speak the whole chants of all five kido, she has much more leniency with four or less. With four, she can shorten the chants, and with three and below, she has no problems casting them wordlessly with minimal impact to their effects.
    Kido Loading: Liana can silently cast multiple chants of kido and prepare the energy to execute the spell but hold off on the actual release. She is capable of "storing" up to 8 different spells before it becomes too much for her to keep track of and control.


» Kido 2: This kido changes the shape of any inanimate target surface. This can be used to, say, grow spikes from the ground, form a hole in the wall, or even transform it to create cuffs and trap someone to a pinned wall. The user fires off a blast of energy towards the designated zone, and upon landing, the user can start controlling and changing the surfaces touched.

» Kido 9: The user conjures innumerable swords around them through energy, rotating it around their position or a target position. The swords rotate at a high enough speed to blur into a slid wall. Naturally, walking through the wall invites a world of pain and lacerations. Each sword has about the same constitution as a well forged steel sword, and similar sharpness.

» Kido 10: Similar in concept to Kido 9 but offensive. Kido 10 gathers the swords together, directing them towards the target at speeds equal to the top speed of an advanced general speed. The sword constantly rotate, retract, and change the angles of their blade, making an appearance similar to a leatherback turtle's mouth combined with a chain saw.

» Kido 14: The user can conjure shikigami, typically in the shape of a small rodent. The rodent is like an extension of the user's senses, including spiritual, and any information the shikigami gathers can be relayed back to the user.

» Kido 15: The user conjures a much larger shikigami as a defensive tool. it's akin to a golem, being able to go up to an undefined height. Difference specific shikigami summoned can offer different skilsets; some have offensive abilities, others might have elemental properties. The user can maintain up to 5 shikigami listed simultaneously at Elite, 8 at Master, and 12 at Grand Masters. They can sustain hte maximum amounnt of shikigami up to 4 posts at Elite, 7 posts at Master, and 10 posts at Grand Master. The user can still summon other, minor shikigami with less specific function and for, but by extension also dramatically less power. The ones listed are simply specifically crafted shikigami kido.

» Kido 15-A: A series of blue shikigami with humanoid appearances. This series has a unique thematic based around copying something from their user or target. All of the shikigami can be instantly dismissed if their horns are broken. The reference picture goes from Left to Right corresponding to the listed individual shikigami. The total range of the 15-A series for each ability is 150 metres. Unless otherwise stated, the durability for all these shikigami are adept.

    A-1: This shikigami can cast any kido the user can at a kido proficiency one level below. By default, the shikigami is limited in the tier of the kido spell it can used based on what kido proficiency level it has. It functions as a separate entity with independent mobility, fuctionally just being an extra body for kido casting. This shikigami cannot use special kido-oriented skills, only kido itself. This means, A-1 cannot quintuple cast, kido load, or spontaneously create new kidos.

    A-2: A vanguard shikigami with an unorthodox sword shape (long handle). Their movements are adapted to whatever they're fighting. The types of physical moves they perform, even physical techniques like shunpo or possessive movement: if that kind of movement can be replicated using energy, the shikigami can use it. The shikigami does not actively remember techniques past the battle its present in. As a result, A-2 is largely focused on extreme mobility. A-2 can only start copying techinques if they're used first.

    A-3: One of the most obscure shikigami, A-3 copies the colours of the kido the user is actively using. It then matches the colour of the kido to the same colour of another object within their range and either has the kido being casted develop a homing effect (if the targeted colour is another person or their clothing/body/item intrinsically attached to them), or they can transport the kido itself to be sent out from the target object itself with the corresponding colour. For example, if the kido was black, and there was a pitch black shadow in the distance, A-3 can transport the kido to come out from the pitch black shadow.

    A-4: The towering shikigami, as its appearance might suggest, is exceptionally focused on defense. Both its durability and strength are one tier below the user's kido skill, capping at elite. The shikigami can copy the user's damage taken and halve the user's damage taken. For example, if the user ends up being stabbed in the side, half the depth or size of the stab wound will be transferred to the shikigami in the same area instead, but given the shikigami's size, it can endure a considerable amount of abuse.

    A-5: The most dangerous but difficult to use shikigami of the A series. It has very little mobility (untrained speed), and its effects have a radial range. Within that range (150 metres) with the shikigami at the centre, sources that inflict damage on the user will have the damage replicated unto them. outside of that range, no damage is copied and reflected. The source of the damage inflicted is where damage is afflicted back towards, and the source must be autonomous. So if, say, the damage taken is from a gun, the damage isn't reflected back to the gun, but instead the person who fired the gun. If it's, say, another familiar with some autonomy, the damage is reflected back to the familiar. The user does not need to be in range of A-5.

» Kido 15-B: A series of colourful humanoid shikigami. This series is all offensive, hyper mobile, and only have some smaller differences between their applications. Unless otherwise stated, the durability for all these shikigami are adept. From left to right:

    B-1: A blue and tall shikigami, it floats above the ground and rotates around its target, firing small fire-based kido inccessantly at them.

    B-2: This shikigami runs in close proximity to the target, leaving behind very small--almost imperceptible--reishi trails. The trails are like fine wires, and walking into them is like walking into a sharpened blade.

    B-3: This one uses a scythe and cleaves at the opponent. If the scythe hits, it drains the opponent's speed, growing faster itself while the opponent grows slower. Each cleave transfer only 5% of their maximum speed, though naturally the faster B-3 is, the more easily it can cleave at and steal more speed. The maximum speed that can be transfered is up to 50%.

    B-4: The fastest shikigami in the west. It possesses at least elite general speed, though it has no boosts, such as a leaping movement or shunpo or any of the sort. B-4 wields a lance. The lance's strikes multiply per strike, each striking doubling the echo strikes. The 1st strike creates 1 echo strike, the 2nd strike creates 2 echo strikes, the 3rd strike makes 4 echo strikes. The maximum amount of echos are 16, and every strike thereafter continues producing 16 echo strikes, all of equal power.

    B-5: The second fastest shikigami of the B-series. With a durability one level below the user's kido skill, this shikigami moves only in bursts and boosts, and linearly. Essentially, it's constantly moving like it's using hoho, and cannot move otherwise. The speed of its hoho is one level below the user's kido skill. This shikigami is typically used to bash into a target, ramming into them like some sort of, well, ram.

» Kido 15-C: These massive shikigami are more akin to immobile totems. They are elemental bases, and when sumoned they're placed in a square or rhombus formation with the user at the centre. The shikigami thematically follow godai elements. Anytime a spell of elemental affinity is casted, if the spell enters inside the formation of the shikigami, the spell can be negated. If there is no elemental affinity, voide negates the spell. None of the totems or the user can move, or else the formation breaks, and the negation effect is canceled. Each shikigami totem also has their own effects on the formation that can activate separately or in tandem with the rest of the effects. The durability of all the totem shikigami are at advanced. The largest size of the formation can extend to 50 square metres.

In order from left to right: Fire, Wind, Earth, Water. The user represents Void.

    Fire: Fire can empower allies within the formation, igniting the cores of their energy reserves to temporarily unlock any latent potential burrowed deep within them. It can temporarily uplift allies' spirits, giving a minor increase to their willpower and focus (not enough to upgrade their skill level, but just make it superior to the normal level).

    Wind: Within the formation, the trajectory of things can be influenced and redirected, almost as if to give the user a minor degree of telekinesis. They can't take full control of something in their formation, but apply a force of influence to guide it and manipulate its direction.

    Earth: Similar to wind, this can influence the trajectory of things within the formation, though rather than changing which direction, it changes the magnitude of their movement, and reels things in. Like a magnetic, or a gravity to the formation, it pulls things in and holds them down, like it freezes everything within its grasp and forces them to stillness.

    Water: Entering the formation calms someone to their core. the water element is used less for combative scenarios, and more to help allies in situations regarding the mind and spirit. The water element formation enables the person to much more easily access their inner world, as it functions as something to bring stillness to the heart and mind, open up the spirit and enable a deep meditation. It can be used to help people work out the troubles in their heart, to even confront their demons (perhaps inner hollow). It's much easier to manifest spirits within yourself within the Water element formation as well, and if the person is open enough to it, the formation can even pull the spirit out of you.

    Void: Void element only applies to the user, as the user themselves is the void element. the only exception is if they transfer the benefits of void element to someone else within the formation, but in that case the user is no longer a part of the formation. The user is not recognised as an entity at all to the formation, meaning they don't benefit from any supportive formations like fire or water, but they also are not afflicted the stillness of earth, or the control of wind. Void element serves to allow the user to access the full limits of their imagination, turning their thoughts directly into kido directly and without much reservation. There's no need for incantations, no need for complex processes and a proper structure. Temporarily, the user can simply conjure their thoughts and will them into existence as sustained kido. It is the only element that can persist outside of the formation, as conjured kido can be sent out of the formation and maintain its purpose. Kido sent out of the formation gradually degrade as they leave the formation, completely losing all structure past 200 metres.


» Kido 1: This spell thins the atmosphere of energy and air, serving to both reduce buoyancy, inhibit sound, air resistance, and anybody's access to breathe.

» Kido 3: Temporarily removes the effect of gravity, or shifts the directional pull of gravity. This doesn't have much considerable bearing on beings that can fly, but even against them, Kido 3 can provide some degree of pressure.





» Kido 13: User conjures an ice construct to surround an area. This kido is best used in high humidity, as the cold propagates to turn the water in the atmosphere into actual liquid, and promptly freeze that water. The ice construct thereon expands on its own, though the user can control the direction in which the ice expands. If the construct is broken, unless its melted down entirely, the humidity of the environment is severely lowered, or the overall temperature of the environment is raised substantially, the construct will continue growing.


» Kido 16: The user conjures a swell of energy around the target. Eighteen spears are formed which pierce through joint positions of the target. The spears don't do any damage, but they inhibit the movement of the target. The joints locked from the spears include the elbows, wrists, two spears for the neck, shoulders, four spears along the spine, the hips, knees, and ankles. The spears are also in these designated areas to prevent the flow of spiritual energy to enhance the body effectively, while also piercing points that use leverage against the target. All in all, it is almost impossible to break out of this seal through physical strength alone, or even physical strength enhancement. Unless you have some ungodly level of physical strength to overcome the spears forcibly, the spears itself should be broken through external factors, whether by a weapon, ally's help, or even using the surroundings. The spears themselves are very fragile, and easy to dispatch if they aren't used on you personally.

» Kido 17: An elemental sealing kido. It begins with establishing large full-fist handcuffs to completely encapsulate the person's hands all the way to past their wrists. From the handcuffs, a freezing energy is pushed from their hands and throughout their body, halting any proactive usages of energy. Passive flow of energy is unaffected. The kido recognises a switch from passive into active usages of energy by any fluctuation that goes beyond the person's resting status. The kido can be broken by a concentrated burst of energy sent directly into it, though that would typically take a high degree of focus to control the energy to not alert the kido, and some time to accumulate the energy at small amounts at a time before bursting through.

» Kido 11: This kido functions as more of a trap than just a seal. The kido doesn't target the victim's body so much as their energy, similarly to Kido 16 and 17. The kido is first laid out within an area, locking down the spiritual energy within that area. Nothing influences or changes the energy in the area, just puts it in stillness. If someone walks into that area, or sends their energy into it, the spell freezes their energy as well. If the being is largely made of energy or their mobility is a result of tehir energy, then naturally they are frozen as well. Otherwise, it just inhibits the use of their energy externally. They can still use their energy internally.

» Kido 12: similar to Kido 11, this actually targets internal energy and inhibits any effects of abilities based on energy afflicting the user's own body, or any internal processes. For example, if an arrancar within the area uses a bala, it's successfully sent out. But the effects of their hierro or regeneration are impeded within the zone of the kido. Kido 12's area of influence cannot overlap with Kido 11's.


» Kido 4: Coats the arms in an orange veil of fire. The fire isn't hot and doesn't burn, but it leaves behind a trace of the fire that can always be sensed and seen, even in complete darkness or through other objects, by the user. Anything the fire touches, it sticks to it.

» Kido 5: Strikes, even small finger strikes, release shockwaves. Smaller strikes produce smaller shockwaves. A finger strike could probably produce shockwaves that ruptures the organs of an ordinary human or medium sized animal (antelope). Powerful full fist punches could produce shockwaves that collapse buildings or lethally rupture massive animals (like a sperm whale or giant squid).

» Kido 6: Coats the body in an orange veil of fire. It looks a lot like Kido 4, except full body, and this enhancement increases the user's resistance to heat. At full power, the user could walk through lava for up to 3 posts before the veil vanishes, and when the veil vanishes, the protection immediately vanishes

» Kido 7: Coats the body in a blue veil of fire. It looks identical to Kido 6. This enhancement protects the user from extreme cold, enabling them to be in environments of very cold even -100 Celcius. Like Kido 6, after 2 posts elapses, the veil fades and the protection immediately vanishes. The suer will immediately be impacted by the harsh cold of the environment.

» Kido 8: Enhances blood flow in the target's body, using their user's own energy as the fuel to accelerate the blood flow and produce the necessary components that run the body, essentially artificially accelerating all the processes that occur through blood flow. quicker healing, higher awareness and mental clarity, in general similar to just having a large boost of adrenaline, except healthy and sustainable. The enhancement can go for as long as the user is in contact with the target, and after losing contact with them, it can go on for up to three posts.

Last edited by Sage on Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:50 pm; edited 6 times in total

Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] 8Bvy1N8


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] Empty Re: Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A]

Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:14 pm



» Zanpakutō Name: Avera/Khais

» Zanpakutō Spirit Personality:

A kind-hearted female persona, Avera displays qualities like a naive saint. Incredibly compassionate, to the extent of giving graces to even roaming strangers with a vicious glint in their eyes and scowl on their face, so long as they don’t wrong her, Avera is willing to give aid to any in need. Not out of a sense of heroism or moral obligation, but for self-satisfaction. A sensitive person at heart, she can’t bear the tightening in her chest from a pitiable scene; thus, she acts accordingly.

Not entirely in the sense of disbelief, as opposed to a cautious exterior. Avera may be compassionate, but she offers her services on the premise that she’s convinced of their situation. Otherwise, even though she’ll jump to the aid of a bloodied body off the side of the road, until given reasonable evidence, the spirit will hold her guard up. Of course, that’s just some sort of general situational awareness, keeping her surroundings--and the people she interacts with--in check and constantly observed. This trait doesn’t really affect her sociability or sympathetic outlook.

Staying true to her naive-saint personality, a core characteristic is Avera’s curiosity for all things everything. From seeing a waterproof pen and wondering how it works, to an unexplored forest begging to be traversed, a tiny flame in her heart ignites in the face of the unknown. To that extent, Avera has a knack of being a tad impulsive at times, lining up with her compassionate side fairly well. Perhaps a bit reckless when all these traits cooperate, Avera still has a sense of caution to barely hold her back from a taboo-riddled metaphorical line.

Mainly in social interactions, Avera has a sort of innocent playfulness to her. Not taking things too seriously in conversation, the spirit enjoys taking things at her own pace, guiding the conversation where she desires to the extent of bouncing topics in and out at a rapid pace. Often mistaken for a short attention span and uncomfortable level of skinship, Avera very quickly adjusts to a person, quickly accelerating her friendships to a level of touching, hugging, sharing foods, etc., especially going to such an extent without the other party’s matched adjustment, thus leading into her being overly familiar, and therefore ‘playful’.

In comparison with her counterpart, Khais, Avera may seem like an angel. Yet, the defining feature that puts the long-lasting companions of Avera on guard around her, even when she’s at her most vulnerable moments--in fact, especially when she’s seemingly most vulnerable, is the spirit's capacity for a radical change in personality, bordering bipolarism. The trigger? Anything along the lines of betrayal for the most part, a deep-set emotion that may have contributed to the negative emotion build up that eventually formed her inner hollow.

Aggressive at the surface, Khais displays an abrasive personality that often wards people off from any decent conversation, not just with himself, but thanks to his exceptionally cold demeanor, even with Avera at times as well. Sometimes, it seems forced that Khais is often rude and apathetic, keeping only to Avera and himself, practically barking away anybody who comes near. Of course, he’s not without a baseline capacity to converse; his manner of speaking just takes some time getting used to.

One of the few traits Khais has in common with Avera is a skeptical outlook, except that Khais takes things a step further to the point of immediately assuming ill-intent or actions motivated by self-interests. Khais’s aggression pushes people away under the assumption of their two-faced manner of operation, and it takes a good amount of work to get passed this barrier that is his persevering cynicism.

And to carry on with his trends of being a near polar opposite to Avera, whilst his white counterpart is a light-hearted individual capable of infinite wrath and vindication, Khais is the excusing type. Though he finds it repulsive to have his trust betrayed amongst other things, he has the heart to accept their wrongs towards him and move on. Whether this characteristic is driven by his apathy to the point of ignoring the treachery, or Khais is earnestly willing to accept someone and overlook their faults--that has yet to be determined.

All things said, most of Khais’s abrasive personality doesn’t actively surface, as he’s the reserved type. For the most part? Unless directly spoken to, he stays quiet and to himself--that is, Avera and himself. If he does have something to say, most of the time Avera will be the only one to hear, until they come across a subject he may feel a tad strongly about. For example, someone approaching Avera with seemingly ill-intent? Though she might already have some cautious assumptions swimming about her head, she’d definitely be the type of person to invite them without jumping to conclusions. Khais, being the protective introvert he is, may actively give the stranger a bad taste in their mouth with viscous discourse.

» Inner World: Liana's Inner World has gone through some drastic changes over the year, but the scenery has at its base always been a rocky shore leading into a sea with constant ripples, but overall a serene calmness and no waves. Ironically, beyond the horizon is a moon that pulls no tide, and shines more like a sun than anything. There can be lively creatures seen in the sea and skies, but never close enough to interact with, such that the girl isn't clear on whether these are actually sentient and living creatures in her inner world, as opposed to just illusory movements conjured by her zanpakuto spirits, inner hollow, or just her inner world as a whole.

The most noticeable detail aside from the base scenery is the heavy light blue tinge coating literally everything in her inner world, a colour she never felt any particular attachment to, and continues to confuse her even now. A deep purple would be sensible given the colour of her reiatsu, or even blood red given her circumstances, but instead everything is tinged with a shade on the other side of the spectrum? It also seems like Liana is the only inhabitant bothered by this, and at times it doesn't even seem like anybody else in her inner world recognises the oddity.

Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] 5j07sQI

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Technically, Avera and Khais are one zanpakuto, but functionally operate as if they were two separate zanpakuto, offering different ability sets that tie together into a single theme. That said, their sealed appearance reflects this in being two separate weapons. Both are identical in shape, that of a traditional katana-styled asauchi, with the one representing Avera being black, and the one representing Khais being black.


» Split Entities: Liana's sealed abilities are split into two general categories corresponding to her two manifestations of the singular zanpakuto spirit. As a whole at base, Khais and Avera are two different interpretations of executing "Justice": Khais is Reformation, and Avera is Retribution. One side is compassionate and approachable, but quick to strike and vengeful; the other, guarded and aggressive, but forgiving. The gained sealed abilities aren't passively available, so much as becoming accessible in adaption to the circumstances to enact what is 'just', though part of it is influenced by Liana's judgement. Retribution tends to be heavy handed, aggressive, destructive, and strikes at the soul of a person. Reformation tends to be lenient, empowering, healing, and embraces the person's self.

» Eyes of Truth: Liana can discern lies and intentions, and can distinguish illusions and shifter forms from their true state. She can cut a line between fact and fiction and root out what is right or true in a statement, separating it from the rest. Half truths and white lies fail to veil a person's words from Liana's senses.

» Verification of Evidence: The more evidence there is to support someone's claims or crimes, the stronger Liana's powers grow as a means to uphold justice and appropriately handle the situation. Mechanically, this means that if someone says something or performs an action, the more facts or evidence in support of their claim exist or the background of what they're acting, if Liana is to come to that side's aide, then her the power of her abilities become stronger. If she fails to support that side, or if she supports the side with less evidence and facts to back it up, then her powers grow weaker.

» Seeing the Consequences: Liana can predict and visualise outcomes of a decision as a means to mete out justice. Practically speaking, she possesses contextual precognition, though she can only see ahead of time the outcome of the specific decision if it were hypothetically acted on. She cannot just generally look into an actual future with definitive results, or all futures. Her precognition can only take into account entities and information known and relevant to the situation.

» Hand of the Redeemer:: Liana is able to calm a person's nerves passively, cleanse them of some mental ailments and anxieties, and wash of them their sins or darkness. She can even cleanse someone of their inner hollow, purify demons, or stabilise a person's energy or mental state.Unfortunately, she cannot use this ability on herself, as Justice is not to be used in self-benefit.

» To Uphold Order: Upholding order requires being able to know it; Liana can identify the natural order of a system and its intended manner of operation. By extension, Liana can also understand its intrinsic purpose. If something operates outside of its natural state, though she cannot instantaneously gain the ability to address the situation, she at least has the requisite knowledge to try.

» Status Quo: As aforementioned, Justice is not to be used for personal gain. Liana cannot use the active, altering abilities of her zanpakuto on herself. Whether it's as a benefit, such as to heal herself, or a passive detriment, it won't apply to her. This applies to all Liana's zanpakuto abilities. Furthermore, her shikai and bankai do not actually offer her any


» Shikai Release: Descend and Make Judgement, Avera/Khais.

» Retribution and Reformation: Liana's accessible Shikai abilities change depending on which zanpakuto she calls on. If she calls upon Avera, then her abilities are based around retribution; if she calls upon Khais, then her abilities are based around reformation. She cannot call upon both spirits at the same time, and therefore cannot use both sets of abilities at the same time. However, Liana can still exit Shikai and re-enter shikai to utilise the other skill set.

» Avera | Retribution: Avera embodies the vengeful hand of Judgement, which aggravates the soul and seeks out an eye for every eye. For all peoples, indiscriminately, it burdens on them their sins in weight; on their souls, on their minds, and on their bodies. Physically, proportionate to the wrongs they've done in life, people in Avera's range of 500 metres are pressured downwards, like they have an enormous weight on them. Spiritually, it restricts their capacity to draw energy out. Mentally, there's a constant pressure on you that drains and progressively fatigues you, inhibiting cognition. Those who are innocent and without wrongs are empowered and encouraged to enact retribution alongside Liana. They are alighted with the flames of vengeance, their physique becoming empowered, their spirits able to more easily conjure their energy, and minds steeled. The existence and severity of a person's sins is based on Liana's own judgement. As a result, these effects typically manifest as aiding Liana's allies and pressuring her enemies; however, naturally if Liana is aware of the wrong-doings of any of her allies, they will be burdened with their sins. If Liana knows that her enemies were not in the wrong for whatever subject they are engaging in, then they are empowered. None of these effects apply to Liana.
    Repent: The least aggressive of Avera's abilities. Repent pervades the minds of those within range (can be resisted by higher willpower, can be reduced by equal willpower), conjuring their darkest thoughts and sins. If the person has an inner hollow, the inner hollow can be forcefully manifested within range. Each person is now, in the most physical sense, required to literally confront their darkest faces. By Liana's command, the apparitions can be negated. The manifestations can interact with their surroundings and the people, even damage them, though that is largely influenced simply by the form and inclinations of their manifestation.

    Retribute: Based on the weight of the target's sins, Avera can conjure an enormous replica of Liana's zanpakuto in the sky. The size is based on the degree and severity of their sins, so the zanpakuto replica can range from normal sized, to being large enough to cleave a mountain. The zanpakuto replica cuts down to the very concept and soul of the target entity. If Retribute kills, then it does so completely, removing any bindings of the person to any realm or reality. This ability can separate a rakshasa from their realm and truly destroy them, it can completely destroy the soul of a hollow rather than convert them to a plus, so on and so forth. Other adverse and permanent effects may happen if Retribute does not kill, such as destroying an aspect to their soul or some other binding. Retribute can destroy a zanpakuto, an inner world and conceptual world, so on and so forth. The zanpakuto replica takes two posts to manifest completely. Afterwards, on the third post, the sword may come down and enact Judgement.

» Khais | Reformation: Khais embodies the forgiving hand of Judgement, which soothes the soul and protects and redeems those under his influence. Reformation is all about uplifting, and by default Liana is surrounded in a pleasant, calming aura that is indiscriminate. up to 500 metres. Khais makes no distinction between friend and foe. None of these effects work on Liana.
    Restore: Restore works on negative effects, being able to expel enduring debuffs and negative effects on people within the range of Khais's aura. If the person was suffering a poison, Restore can rid them of the poison mostly indiscriminately. Exceptions may include self-propagating and repeating poisons or similar entities, wherein which Liana would need to repetitively use Restore to continuously expel the influences. It only works on foreign entities, so something native to the body like a cancer cannot be expelled. Generally speaking, it returns the people within range to their natural state. By extensino, Restore can even force someone in a release state into their base state, though it also cancels any debuffs that might come of exiting release. So, if there is no particular detriment to it, the person can also just re-enter their release form.

    Redeem: While Restore focuses on physical ailments, Redeem aims at the mental landscape. For ailments which plague the person's mind, Redeem can soothe and even abolish that which taxes the heart. If it's a persistent matter or simple of the person's characteristic, Redeem functions like a burst of opiods, forcefully inducing a state of calm, or even euphoria and happiness depending on the person. Naturally, if the ability is deactivated or Liana exists Shikai, the effect disappears. However, if the effect isn't persistent, but an actual ailment, something induced on them like a curse or spell, or simply a temporary trouble, Liana can potentially rid them of it properly and permanently. In the case of it just being troubles of the mind, the effects of Redeem can even lead the person towards conclusions of their own to address the issue.

    Repent: The least supportive of Khais's abilities. Repent pervades the minds of those within range (can be resisted by higher willpower, can be reduced by equal willpower), conjuring their deepest regrets and sorrows. If the person has an inner hollow, the inner hollow can be forcefully manifested within range. Each person is now, in the most physical sense, required to literally confront their inner demons. By Liana's command, the apparitions can be negated. The manifestations can interact with their surroundings and the people, even damage them, though that is largely influenced simply by the form and inclinations of their manifestation.

    Reform: A one-time usage that immediately deactivates Liana's shikai, and prevents her from going back into shikai. She can still go into bankai after using this ability. Reform takes all persons within the vicinity and, if they are not critically disposed, repairs all their physical injuries, surface and internally, instantaneously. This does not work on any spiritual damage, namely to someone's soul, their energy reserves, or anything beyond.


» Bankai Release: Guide the lost back to their roots, Kheverah.

» Arbiter of Balance: In bankai, Liana's two zanpakuto spirits conjoin to become a singular, formless entity known ass Kheverah. While the two of them originally manifested as separate entities embodying two forms of Judgement, their true nature embodies Balance. When activating Bankai, Kheverah places itself and Liana as the judges which uphold the Balance. The range of Kheverah extends to 1000 metres.

» Equilibrium: This ability adjusts the power of everyone in range to an equal level. This applies to only one trait or aspect at a time, though Liana can change which trait/aspect is targeted. For example, on the topic of strength. Equilibrium finds a middle ground, and brings the strength of all parties in teh vicinity to the average level, equalising everyone. If the trait is strength specifically, then any additional applications or temporary buffs to the sort to strength are not considered in the equalisation. Alternatively, if say the subject was energy output, all beings are brought up or down to the average level of energy in the vicinity. This does nothing towards a person's knowledge or experience with handling lower or higher levels of energy, so for those who are unadjusted, this can be especially inhibiting or even outright painful, as they're being forcefully stuff with energy they'd normally not be able to handle, or are being drained of energy they are typically adjusted to constantly using, therefore causing exhaustion and fatigue. The process of equalisation is gradual, starting at 1/5th of the way towards everyone being put at an average. Therefore, at five posts, everyone in range is completely equalised in that particular trait. Switching the targeted trait or aspect completely removes the buffs/debuffs of the previously focused trait. Liana's own traits are taken into account in the averaging process, though naturally the effects don't apply to her per Status Quo.

» Equal, Opposite Reaction: This ability allows Liana know the composition of a target and manifest an equal, opposing force or entity to neutralise it. This namely comes into play for countering techniques and spells. For example, if she were fighting a demon who threw some sort of lightning bolt magic at her, Liana is able to break down the composition of the lightning bolt and manifest a grounding force of equal and opposing elemental composition to neutralise it. This ability works automatically within her range, and it only applies towards techniques, abilities, and spells. Direct attacks, projectiles, or entities not comprised of energy are exempt from the countering process. Additionally, this spell only works to provide the specific counter that can precisely neutralise the attack, and go no further.

» Reset the Order: Returns the entire setting of the fight or engagement to the beginning. Like the evolved version of Restore/Redeem in that it returns everything to what it was like before. This ability will deactivate all releases and any charging or channeling spells or techniques. It is one of the few exceptions to Status Quo, and will deactivate Liana's bankai as well. Using this ability is a one-time usage, and Liana cannot re-enter bankai if she uses it.

I. Inner Hollow/Mask

» Inner Hollow Name: N/A

» Inner Hollow Description: Liana's Inner Hollow was birthed from the explosion of her most intense emotions in her direst of times. When word of Retsu being missing--and presumably dead--came to her, Liana felt a coagulation of her emotions so powerful, she lost herself to it. The feelings of love, her eternal anger and fear, the overall passion inspired by the person she cared for, longed for, desired approval and affection, and ultimately someone she regretted losing, manifested as an inner hollow. It was eventually fully catalysed by Liana's regret and shame in slaughtering her fellow shinigami during the episode, adding new emotions to the mix and ultimately developing as a hollow of emotion.

the hollow is consumed with these feelings of passion and emotion in general, mostly seen and characterised as the more apparent and intense ire. the hollow wants to consume liana and will take any chance to do so, and it resents liana for not having been better. Liana deeply fears her inner hollow, not in the sense of being consumed by it--though that is a factor--but more because it represents the darkness welling in her heart that she wants to deny, knowing she can't and shouldn't.

» Inner Hollow Personality: The nameless entity is consumed with its feelings of passion, or just emotion in general, though it primarily expresses it as intense ire. Liana's hollow wants to consume Liana, and has whispered to its host that it will take any chance it can to do so. For now, it only waits while Liana's fear of it builds, while Liana surpresses herself and her emotions
so that it may gain strength to eventually successfully rebel.

The Hollow feels what Liana feels and, as it is intrinsically attached to her, it also holds invested interest in her well-being--if only because it intends to take her body over in the long-run. Additionally, it holds similar sentiment over most things she does. The things Liana loves and appreciates, the Inner Hollow does as well, though it should be noted that most feelings with the Hollow are vastly more intense, and if possible, generally much darker. It expresses the deepest, most negative aspects of these emotions.

Love is to be obsessed over, controlled, and overbearing. Fear is violent, fear should be lashing out and always wary. Sadness is an endless hole dug around you, where any vestiges of hope is staring down into the hole above you. Anger is an immortal fire looking to devour all within site in its flames, to destroy that which has earned its wrath. Happiness is manic, energetic to a fault, hyperactive and self-destructive.

In passing, the inner hollow is often brooding, but never silent. It never stops speaking, whispering the darkest of Liana's emotions to her in an attempt to addle her mind, distract her, weaken her, break her. While the hollow embodies the most extreme of all of Liana's emotions, things which the woman has viewed to be her folly and vulnerability, it similarly views Liana to be weak, to be a shell, and its ultimate enemy. Liana is like a cage, a trap to its truest nature.

» Inner Hollow Powers: As an entity manifested of deep emotion, the inner hollow can manifest those emotions into different effects through it's reiryoku. There's some nuance to the effects as emotions are varied in range and scope, but generally the effects become more severe in relation to the magnitude of whatever emotion it feels. Conversely, it can also manifest the emotions of others in its vicinity (thread) to create the corresponding effects. The number of people who's emotions it can manifest aren't limited, so much as their proximity (thread). The reach of the effects on the surroundings is the same as the reach of Liana's own reiryoku.
    Hollow Feeling | Written in Their Eyes: The inner-hollow possesses the capacity to glance a person's entire life in a meeting of eyes. As eyes are the windows to the soul it is within the power of this hollow to break that glass and force itself into a target's deepest and darkest secrets.

    Hollow Feeling | Mutual Emotions: The Inner Hollow can directly establish a connection between itself and another entity to share their emotions and understand each other. The other person's emotions are relayed to the Inner Hollow--and by extension Liana--and vice versa, the Inner Hollow's emotions are communicated to the other person. Typically speaking, the Inner Hollow's emotions match up to Liana's, except much more intense. Generally speaking, without intense external interference in their connection, the hollow can usually understand at least surface level emotions. If the recipient becomes more willing, they can dive deeper into underlying feelings and core emotion, though it goes both ways.

    Hollow Feeling | Imitation Puppet: The ability of the hollow that is formed from Liana Unohana's change into a Vizard. Hollow Feeling Imitation Puppet is an ability that allows for the hollow to draw out the strongest feelings of a target through touch, tearing out a black muck from their soul before eating it.

    Upon eating it the form they wear changes, their very body becomes that of the target's greatest feeling. A person, an object, a place. There's no powers gained from this aside from that of pure psychological trauma which is designed to break a target's will for the moment it needs to overcome its barrier and seize control. It is devoid of empathy, despite embodying--for the inner hollow cannot perceive any feeling other than it is trapped and alone. Feelings like happiness, pleasure or pain is beyond it. It can only attack its host to try and test the limits of its cage.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Elite
  • Weapon Skill: Elite

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Advanced
  • Kidō: Elite
  • Zanjutsu: Elite
  • Hakuda: Advanced

Vizard Skills
  • Power Augmentation Adept
  • Cero: Advanced
  • Mask Protection:: Beginner
  • Hollow Control: Adept

Hollow Skills
  • Acid Skill: Adept
  • Garganta :Beginner
  • Cero/Bala: Advanced
  • Regeneration: Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Elite
  • Focus:Adept

Last edited by Sage on Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] 8Bvy1N8


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Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] Empty Re: Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A]

Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:13 pm
[adm]-Kido: Are these Liana-specific?

Control Kido:

-Kido 9: How hard are these? How strong?

-Kido 10: Whose shunpo?

-Kido 15 A-1: Would the decrease in Kido proficiency also reduce the maximum kido the shikigami could cast? If not, that should be the case.

-Kido 15 A-5: Does the user need to be within the range of this shikigami, or just the source of the damage? Or vice versa? What is the effect on proxy attacks, for example from someone else's familiars?

-Kido 15 C: What's the maximum size of the formation? How long does this last?

-Kido 15 C Void: The kido should likely degrade gradually as they leave the formation, given the formation as the focus for this ability to begin with.

Sealing Kido:

-Kido 16: How does one actually break out of this seal?

-Kido 17: To what degree is this energy halted?


-Eyes of Truth: Being able to unilaterally understand what part of a statement is true is a bit too much as a sealed ability. Being able to tell that a lie has been told would likely be acceptable, though I would also note that half truths or other such lies of omission should presumably not be as subject to it. Additionally, "illusions" would need more elaboration, as this may well completely negate the effectiveness of otherwise extreme power.

-Hand of the Redeemer: Casual cleansing of the inner hollow or purification of demons is a no go.

Inner Hollow:

-Written in Their Eyes: Could you elaborate on this, I don't quite get what it's actually doing.[/adm]
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] Empty Re: Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A]

Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:55 pm
Kido: Yes, these are specific to Liana in that she made them. I wrote it all as "user" because these aren't kido that only she can perform. She can teach these kidous to other people. Also added durabilities to the shikigami. 15-A, adept unless specified otherwise. 15-B, adept unless specified otherwise. 15-C, advanced unless specified otherwise.

Kido 9: Added in Each sword has about the same constitution as a well forged steel sword, and similar sharpness.

Kido 10: Changed the speed comparison to beat the mid levels of a general speed advanced.

Kido 15 A-1: Added By default, the shikigami is limited in the tier of the kido spell it can used based on what kido proficiency level it has.

Kido 15 A-5: The user does not need to be in range of the shikigami. Only the source of the damage needs to be in range of the shikigami. Added The source of the damage inflicted is where damage is afflicted back towards, and the source must be autonomous. So if, say, the damage taken is from a gun, the damage isn't reflected back to the gun, but instead the person who fired the gun. If it's, say, another familiar with some autonomy, the damage is reflected back to the familiar. The user does not need to be in range of A-5.

15 C: Added The largest size of the formation can extend to 50 square metres.

15 C Void: Added Kido sent out of the formation gradually degrade as they leave the formation, completely losing all structure past 200 metres.

Kido 16: Added Unless you have some ungodly level of physical strength to overcome the spears forcibly, the spears itself should be broken through external factors, whether by a weapon, ally's help, or even using the surroundings. The spears themselves are very fragile, and easy to dispatch if they aren't used on you personally.

Kido 17: Added Passive flow of energy is unaffected. The kido recognises a switch from passive into active usages of energy by any fluctuation that goes beyond the person's resting status. The kido can be broken by a concentrated burst of energy sent directly into it, though that would typically take a high degree of focus to control the energy to not alert the kido, and some time to accumulate the energy at small amounts at a time before bursting through.

Eyes of Truth: Rewrote it: Liana can discern lies and intentions, and can distinguish minor auditory and visual illusions and shifter forms from their true state. If the illusion is a very passive ability, Eyes of Truth can distinguish it. If the illusion is strong enough to constitute a specific ability or anything more than a light passive, Liana is unable to see the truth, though she may see signs of inconsistency that invite suspicion. She can cut a line between fact and fiction and root out what is right or true in a statement. That said, she can only determine which part of a statement is true or false, but she won't know what exactly is true/false about the statement.

Written in Their Eyes: mb, didn't mean to include this. Removed it.

Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] 8Bvy1N8


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Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A] Empty Re: Liana Unohana [1-3, Hazard Rank A]

Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:15 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in [X]
  • RP Sample Present [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Elite
  • Focus: Adept

Hazard Ranks
  • Power: A
  • Influence: C
  • Resources: A

Comments/Notes: Allowing an additional Elite in Shinigami skills, but reducing the typical Elites afforded in Vizard and Hollow skills to Advanced at maximum.
Tier: 1-3
Hazard Rating: A
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