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Invasion by a Friend Empty Invasion by a Friend

Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:15 pm
He wore a cloak over his frame as he walked towards the gate to enter the Seireitei. This wasn't his first time there as he kept his spiritual pressure hidden. Not exactly something he enjoyed doing as his eyes narrowed a bit staring at the guards. They were a bit cleaner and more well behaved. But as he took a drink of his cup his eyes of coal examined the area. This was the reform going on presently in the world. How interesting it was that someone else was bringing this sort of stuff to light. How many moons had passed since he left without a word? Turning in his Haori for whatever reason he desired. His scars on his face ached as he remembered the battles that took place here. As he walked forward the man started asking questions. They weren't very patient with him. He grinned a bit as he released his power knocking both of them out. His hood blew off a bit as he drank from his cup a bit. His lips curled into a better smirk as he cracked his shoulder gently. Tossing aside his sake cup he walked towards the gate.

"Well boys, let's see just how good you've gotten in my absence. " He said slowly bringing his arm out to see what would come of it. He'd trained endlessly in many things while away. The art of perfect womanizing by Damien was a great lesson. He threw a punch knocking one guy flying away. At the same moment, he brought his hand down extending his legs outwards. Sending two other men to the floor. Before regaining his posture as he drew his Zanpakutō's blade to block a blow from who he guess was the guardian. He'd drawn quick and smacked the man on the back of his skull grinning a bit. He rested his sword on his shoulders as his spiritual pressure was let loose finally. Damien one fo the former Captains had returned to see how this place's reform was going. "Not too bad, you got some potential there..anywho best go in and say hello to the boys on the other side." He smirked as he walked into the place now slowly having dispatched the welcoming group.

Hearing that alarm go off that they'd been invaded meant every able body was on its way. How many would know his spiritual pressure and know he came to test em out. Damien's lips smiled a bit as he watched them start drawing their weapons. He sighed softly taking a shunpo before hitting all of them sending them flying every which way. "Very good, but work on your flash step." He said leaving them groaning on the floor as he sheathed his sword. It seemed he wouldn't be needing this for a while. He blinked catching the fist of an attacker as the man went for a kick in the air he smirked. Slamming the man into the wall hard as he shook his head. "Don't try fancy Hakuda, it's only good if you're able to execute it.." Damien was a rampaging enemy as far as some would know. He wondered how long it would take before somebody who knew him came along. He'd not really began using his entire spirit energy.

His eyes focused a bit as he itched at his jaw pondering what to do next. Destruction of property would be bad. He sent his elbow backward knocking a guy sneaking up on him out as he sighed. Making a ticking sound as he crouched looking at the guy holding his face. "Rude to sneak up on people in their thoughts. " But the question was why hadn't he come across a Captain of the place yet. Did they still wear the haori, those were a fashionable item indeed. He itched his chin now resting against a nearby wall with symbols on it. He'd heard the rumors that the Gotei 13 had undergone some changes. But never did find out what kind those were exactly. It seemed their grunts still lacked some skill far as he was concerned. His eyes closed now as he flared his Mantra up. Sensing the area around him, it seemed quiet for the moment. A little too quiet in his opinion as he broke in through sheer force. But it was about time he enjoy himself a break here till someone arrived of interest.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Invasion by a Friend Empty Re: Invasion by a Friend

Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:59 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja, was, cooking~! And it was good. She hadn't cooked recently, and that was bad, but now she was in some guy's shop helping out and giving her talents the much needed work out. Aside from her shop in Vastime, this was the first time she had done anything for anyone in a while, and it felt good. Unfortunately, the feeling good would soon be ruined by the sounds that her wolfy ears picked up. The sound of the Seireitei alarm going off. They were in a close district of the Rukongai, so Mirja was on hand if they were needed, but not actually inside the Court.

Making her excuses and rushing to near the scene, she watched some guy batter the crap out of the normal guards, and decided he wasn't going to go down easily. She was coming from an angle he probably wouldn't expect, Rukongai side rather than Seireitei side, which should give her an edge. But just to be sure, she activated her Silent Scream technique, and then donned her Hollow Mask.
'You think I'll just come running every time you call? I could have been in the bath' Hvit exclaimed. It had no bite, it was said in a humorous tone, so Mirja knew she wasn't serious, but a retort would have to wait.

There was about a hundred and twenty foot between her and the target, and she wanted to get the drop on him in the biggest way possible. So she went with her Flash Point technique. It pushed her body way past it's usual speed limits for a short period, and would cover the distance in a blink of an eye. She could do about a mile in under a second with this technique, so this would be a very good show of his reactions. If he managed to actually move out of the way of this one, then she'd need to step up the game. Flash Point was her fastest technique, but speed didn't always count for everything.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Invasion by a Friend Empty Re: Invasion by a Friend

Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:26 am
His eyes gleamed a bit someone was coming with a rather impressive move. Rubbing at his chin as he couldn't completely detect them with mantra. His frame moved to the side avoiding the blow as he grinned a bit."Nice, I was wondering what my intuition was going on about." This little female was going to be interesting compared to the others he guessed. He moved his arm a bit bringing it in front of him as he grinned still. Gesturing for her to bring it on when she was ready to go. Damien was very much a man who didn't have a place in this whole thing yet. But he was a former Captain and one of their best. Though he did know the age that came previously was his fault. He didn't have an answer for that problem that came before. He'd come back to join a couple things but for now, it was time to work. Her speed, technique, and everything she did solid. He rubbed his chin smiling as he looked over the female. She definitely was the first positive he'd seen here. The test was going decent in his eyes as he figured out where they were.

He didn't know how good she was yet, though. So it was going to be entertaining to see how good she was against him. His eyes studied her closer, the movement was impressive so was the raw power in the blow. He watched the wall she'd likely hit shatter into pieces. A hollow mask, making her a Vizard he guessed. He'd fought plenty of them and she started off with her mask. Interesting she did indeed take the matter seriously. He couldn't afford to hold back either as he lost his smile for a moment. A massive surge of reiatsu blasted out sending a couple tiles flying away. Damien looked at her as his crimson aura engulfed his frame. "I won't be rude and hold back since your doing my the courtesy of coming with your strength. " His eyes began to focus in on the female. Damien was perhaps one of the sharper and stronger mentally of the Captains. His unbridled spirit and intuition were second to none. He'd never had to move before someone arrived, that girl had some major speed. Damien wasn't sure what kind of training she had. But she certainly was fierce with her mask and everything. Thus his release of power, thinking back on dodging it was interesting. Anyone else would have been hit by that and it would have been uncomfortable. He'd figured someone would come from one direction or another. It was surprising that a Vizard was here. His student had been rejected due to that. Perhaps his services wouldn't be needed after all and the new generation could handle things. "Oh right, my name is Damien..Former Captain of the Gotei..Nice to meet ya little lady."
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Invasion by a Friend Empty Re: Invasion by a Friend

Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:56 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

There was a crack as the sonic boom of Mirja turning the sound barrier to shit caught up with the wolf-shaped missile. Unfortunately, with his surprising dodge, the distance was too short for Mirja to be able to do anything about correcting herself, and she barreled into a nearby wall, smashing it to tiny pieces, before clambering out of the wreckage. Her body, enhanced with Silent Scream, made the impact jarring but not damaging. He then flaired off his reiatsu, in an incredible manner, comperable to that time Stefan floored her with his pressure alone. But this time, Mirja was prepared for that. The training in the ocean had brought along instinctive memory to her body, and so in response to pressure, the body fought back. The man had an insane pressure, and Mirja knew that without the Hollow Mask and her Silent Scream, and some of the load being taken by Earth-Defying Array, she'd feel as if she was walking on the bottom of the ocean.

He Introduced himself as Damien, Former Captain. So she returned the favour.
"Mirja Eeola. Not, really...anything actually. I mean, there was this one time when I went for Vice Captain" she said, splaying her hands and then spawning two more pairs of thick, black arms from her shoulders and just below her armpits. "But that sort of fell through" She then pushed off, using her incredible speed to clear the gap until she was a few feet away, and then slipping suddenly behind him with her Fotarbeid technique. Finally, she flash stepped back in front of him the moment she arrived behind him and threw all three fists on her left side at him, aiming precisely for the gut, the sternum, and the throat. Hopefully, keeping track of Mirja's high-speed flitting would catch him off guard enough to get the shot off....

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]


Invasion by a Friend Empty Re: Invasion by a Friend

Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:23 pm
Damien watched her move as he listened to her speak reading her movements carefully. His Focus was extremely intent on following her. But it did help that he could mentally guess the locations and judge her movements.Damien did have a decent amount of speed and footwork. uneven. Turning fast he blocked her first blow with his hand as a shockwave sent trembles up his arm. As for the next two, he couldn't completely catch them at all. They struck the Former Captain's body but he'd hardened it as he did his hand. Had he not used the armoring technique he was known for his hand and body would have shattered. She reminded him of a certain Oni Captain that was around. "You must be in Ibiki's Division, your Hakuda is very polished." He held her fist for a moment as he smiled now. As groans could be heard from his previous foes. He'd not killed a single one fo them, only been incapacitating them as they came at him. "You remind me a bit of my former pupil.I think you two would get along well.." He felt some movement as his body did try to move back he had a strong frame and was capable of this much. He was also enhancing his physical skills with his reiatsu to make them more potent.

This girl had some very impressive Hakuda he predicted in a years time perhaps she would raise to that role of Lieutenant. Maybe even a Captain's position as her power was impressive for the most part. She had clean movements and her Hoho was not bad. Her control over her mask was good as well as he could gather her skill output pretty well. "So far one person that passed my little is you, little lady. You see I've come back to see how the reform was going in my own little way." He said releasing her hand as he straightened his form ready to continue if she was. His palm was stinging and tingling even with the armoring technique. This girl would be a first fighter someday when her power got higher. For now, she only needed some experience and she'd be one fierce demon. It wasn't that he could see her movements perfectly. It was more that Damien had fought a long time and could make a tactical judgment on where someone might be going.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Invasion by a Friend Empty Re: Invasion by a Friend

Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:03 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

This guy, this invader, was certainly sturdy. Lying or not about his rank, he was certainly on Captain Level. He managed to keep up with her flitting about and then catch one of his fists. Not the other two, but he was down one arm, it seemed. And, as her two Tulpa fists crashed into his gut and sternum, he seemed to have some sort of armoring technique. Like her Silent Scream, and maybe that was what it was. She didn't write the book of Reiatsu control, so maybe he could fortify a position with compressed Reiatsu to provide additional protection.

But that, brought a thought to Mirja's mind. When a person could armour themselves, it brought about confidence in getting hit. And so she could use that to bait him into taking a shot that would probably send his spleen half way across the Soul Society. He let her hand go and regained his form, clearly seeing that it was not an advantage worth losing his only arm for.
"I am part of Captain Ibiki's squad. We are estranged, however. Most of my skill is self-taught" She told him, her voice taking that eldritch tone that all Vizards had. She still had numerous tricks up her sleeves, but wasn't going to paste them all on him just yet.

So she dropped her Silent Scream and quickly charged a Wolf-God Fist, bunching her four extra arms and then moving in. She threw a Yamazuki with her biological arms, one fist went high and the Wolf-God Fist went low, aiming to hit his face and his gut at the same time, while her four Guns closed in to smash into his sides. She made each hit spaced far enough apart so that, if it was a singular point technique and not just a full body technique, he would have trouble hitting them all. And that would give a chance for her insanely destructive Wolf-God Fist to hit an unarmored part of his body. She just hoped that he, like her, didn't have a lot of tricks. Wolf-God Fist threw her off Reiatsu wise for a time too long to recover from in a fight like this.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Invasion by a Friend Empty Re: Invasion by a Friend

Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:17 pm
She was pretty good, he drew his sword seeing her getting ready to shift stances. He couldn't afford to hold himself back any longer here. He'd need to utilize two sword arts in this situation he suspected. His eyes watched counting the blows she was coming at him with. This time he'd need to really use something against her. He made several fast cuts into the third dimension which her hand would slam into. These physical things would cause damage to those who struck them. While using his art to create more blades as he did so. Moving with his hypersonic speed now not even using Shunpo. Though he was skilled in that as well, Damien wasn't reckless enough to take that blow. She could pop another hole in someone like Radioactive with that thing maybe. He'd hardened his Zanpakutō just to make sure it didn't break as he brought his sword to rest on his shoulder. Despite having one arm he'd moved rapidly and blocked her punches with something. His lips curled into a grin a bit as he looked at the female now closely.

"Yeah I think that about sums it up, the reform is going well. Oi, Ibiki-Chan I'm done here sorry about the mess!" She had some quick movements making him go to his swordplay as he smiled faintly. She'd be a nice fight for his pupil perhaps and even him if he wasn't careful. Damien tapped his Zanpakutō against his shoulders a bit. "Think we should close it about there Mirja, I did what I came here to do. Unless you'd like to keep going in a sparring way." He said his eyes focusing in on the girl now as his crimson hair blew in the breeze. He'd been taking the girl for the most part seriously on the last exchange. He wasn't dumb enough to remain behind those cuts either. He'd distanced himself because the shockwave could likely get him. Just because one could harden their body didn't mean they took dumb risks. Damien had already paid for that arrogance with his arm. It wasn't a mistake he intended to repeat ever again for anyone.

Underestimation of anyone breeds weakness as his eyes focused on her closely. He suspected she wouldn't believe him or perhaps push for more. As he'd shown off a couple sword techniques there that hadn't been seen before.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Invasion by a Friend Empty Re: Invasion by a Friend

Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:54 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Speed. That was Mirja, she loved it, embraced it, nurtured it and pushed it to new heights every day, going further and further, each time getting into territory she had not been able to understand before. And yet. The man in front of her was so much faster than her, she could barely keep up with him. And he wasn't even a Martial Artist, he was a Swordsman. The increase in his power was palatable when he drew his sword, and vanished from the spot, leaving behind strange slashes that sliced into her fist, cutting her flesh but being stopped by the infinitely stronger bone. The cuts, however, seemed to be physical objects rather than just something like a rend in space that cut you open, and that was exceedingly unfortunate.

With nothing to take the brunt of the impact apart from some really slim cut, Wolf-God Fist showed off it's potential and tore the walkway apart, blasting paving stone and ripping a large portion of the ground up, leaving a trench several feet deep in the ground for a good twenty meters in front of Mirja. There was, after all, a reason she never let that one off indoors.

His comment about Ibiki did spark something in Mirja about how it was strange no Captains had arrived yet, but she wasn't going to let him get off the hook so easily. Sword or no sword, she was going to make this guy sweat a little for his invasion of the Soul Society. She would never unleash her Bankai in a place like this, but there were other techniques. Her two arms vanished and she glared at him and his incredibly superiorness. Being so powerless in front of him pissed her off.
"You think you can come invade here and not get punched in the face?" She asked him rhetorically, before summoning Lady Caliburn. What looked to be her Zanpaktou Spirit or something like that, manifested behind her from nowhere. The female was massive, casting a shadow over the area, and splaying a hundred magnificent arms. the eerie looking face stared down at Damien, and then in an instant they were all smashing the surrounding area with palm strikes, not aiming at Damien precisely, but coating as large an area as they could to make his escape as difficult as possible.

And while Lady Caliburn was bringing a hundred-handed vengeance to Damien, Mirja was watching him, her eyes boring into him in such an intense way, preparing to burn the rest of her Plus Ultra in a Physical Instant to keep pace with him, and then a Chai Kick to hopefully break through anything he tried to protect himself with. One solid hit was all she needed, and then he could turn her into sushi for all that it mattered. Besides, this fight was incredibly insightful. She was learning how to deal with fighters way beyond her own skill level. And nothing was going to get in the way of that.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Invasion by a Friend Empty Re: Invasion by a Friend

Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:05 am
He whistled a bit as he saw the technique coming out of the box. That was quite a lot of arms for him to stop this time. The girl seemed to desire an education as he tapped his zanpakuto against his shoulder. It seemed like she wanted a bit more out of this fight than anything else. He guessed he would show her something a bit special instead of doing anything too flashy yet. He didn't seem to move yet as his eyes watched the movement coming towards him. The contact seemed made as the fists slammed into him. But it was instant that his cloak was the thing be punched now. Utsusemi had been used by Damien who finally used his flash step. He didn't doubt this girl's strength as he appeared behind her using superhuman speeds. Damien smiled a bit as he attempted to his Mirja in the back of the skull with his weapon. This would happen around the same time he vanished and took the impact. He'd timed his attack perfectly, while as a Master of Hoho he didn't often go to using it. Due to his already extremely fit physical nature.

He'd put enough force to knock the girl to the ground and give her quite a headache. "Interesting techniques you have, I don't mind fighting you little lady.But I think you'd get more fun out of my pupil.Hm, want me to teach you some stuff like I did him?" Damien didn't try to do things like this often. She was forcing him to fight in a different fashion of a more serious nature. He'd not used his zanpakuto's powers since it was dangerous. And harming the girl wasn't the goal to that extent. Though he suspected she would have a lot more in mind. Damien was being careful due to how potent and dangerous this girl was. He could see that she and Jaeden would get along. They both attacked him with that exact same fire. It was hard to deal with truthfully when handling him. Jaeden hadn't developed sword techniques like Damien yet. But someday he suspected that the boy would come into his own. Techniques weren't used for styles but for something far more devastating.

This girl seemed to understand that very well, Mirja was a name he wouldn't be forgetting any time soon.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Invasion by a Friend Empty Re: Invasion by a Friend

Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:35 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Lady Caliburn hit hard, but that was not the goal, the goal was to make him feel the hit, and in that Mirja would not celebrate until she knew that it had worked. And then, in an instant, she knew that it had not. She had run afoul of a technique that she enjoyed the use of, but even her eyes couldn't track the insane speeds of Utsusemi. She could burn a Physical Instant, but without knowing where he was, it would be a waste, like throwing rocks into a lake and hoping to hit a specific fish with them.

It turned out, however, that she was the fish that got hit, as the very next moment after she realized he had dodged the blow, she got smashed across the head hard enough for even her to go stumbling. There was a lot more girl to Mirja that most people saw, so trying to move her was something the effort of amused Mirja. And anyone who managed impressed her. She could feel the sadness of Lady Caliburn as the Tulpa failed to protect her, but against this, there wasn't anyone would could do much, he was faster than her by a major margin.

Fortunately, she remained on her feet. Perfect balance was not something that she had to work for, nor would it be disturbed by something as simple as the world seeming to spin and shake violently in the aftermath of the blow. While her mind thought they should be decking it, her body had other plans, and knew exactly were it belonged, which was upright and on it's feet. The man was incredible, and while Mirja was very hard to dissuade once she had got going, total impossibility was something that put her off her attempts unless it really sparked something inside her. She stumbled several feet, and then turned to him, dissolving Lady Caliburn and focusing on him. They were far enough apart that he could feel confident she'd need to move to throw a punch, and hopefully that would catch him off balance.

"Fighting for fun does not light my blood on fire" She then looked to her bleeding hand and shrugged. "Not literally, obviously, but you are certainly an opponent I can be enthusiastic about, and not have to worry about scrapping what is left of you off the floor when we are done. It's a rare situation for me, and so I will indulge to the fullest extent" she explained, telling him exactly why she was so driven. Because with her titanic strength, she could so rarely fight with everything she had and not worry about what damage she was going to cause. She straightened up, and then smiled, not that he could see such through the pitch black hollow mask, but it was a smile none the less. A sudden black fist spawned from her chest, identical to the ones earlier, but intensely faster. The sound barrier cracked as the fist shot out, reached it's maximum range - which was still way short of Damien - and then suddenly extended further, rushing to close the short distance and catch him in his face. Mirja then rushed in quickly, enhancing her speed to an impressive degree with Physical Instant, under the shadow of the extending fist to deliver a punch to his sternum with all the muscle she had at her disposal behind it.

This second blow, however, was a beauty, and a callback to the technique he has just used. Taking the same principles, it would abruptly vanish on physical contact, and would hopefully take the attention off the low Chai Kick to the knee that Mirja was throwing out. She hoped the flurry of sudden surprises and the titanic power behind Chai Kick would do something to him, as she was distinctly left with only one of her many tricks at this point. If her Chai Kick hit, then the limits of his armouring would be truly tested, as her entirely body was thrown behind that one blow, and she really hoped it would do something. Something was the goal of all of this, after all.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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