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A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:01 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Looked like she understood his position quite well. But it seemed like she was planning something his mind began to think about it. She was going to throw a feint at him, do to his stance moved to deflect her blow with his hand keeping himself sideways still. That was when he felt it vanish from touching his hand. It wasn't a real blow the real blow came towards his chin. He reacted with his lightning speed grabbing her wrist as it came towards his chin. He stopped the full impact of the blow by pushing down a bit. But this wasn't enough to counter that punch as he got hit in the chin and grinned a bit feeling like his bell got rung. He attempted to recover quickly from it and counter her blow. Losing his grip on her he moved back a bit. Rubbing his jaw laughing as he felt his teeth had gotten rattled. Had he not been as good as he was in Blut among his other defenses. Ghislain would have been kissing the ground pretty hard with that. Her potential was really good, in fact, she was one of the better new generation he'd seen.

Much better than what the Quincy had presently in his eyes. Ghislain was someone who could respect talent when he saw it. "That takes me back to my childhood thanks, he used to do something similar." Ghislain could have shown her techniques from Quincy's lost forms. But that didn't really matter much here. He wasn't a proficient fighter in some cases still. But her blow had some power behind it, she reminded him of some fast strong warriors. Who both had power and speed in large amounts. He smiled and shook his head left to right merely shaking it off. He exhaled and slowly returned to his stance this time more prepared. Willing to showcase the famous footwork his people once had now. It was time to see what she came at him next with. Or would she desire his move to come first?

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:21 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja was amazed at his reactionary speed. He deflected her first shot, which was to be expected, the shot was there to be deflected, to be focused on, and to be the distraction. But when the punch vanished she could see comprehension flicker in his eyes instantly. Not a second was lost to surprise as he moved to grab the real blow and catch it by the wrist. Mirja's fist still connected with his chin, but it wasn't all it could be and only jarred him to take the blow. The punch hit chin that was harder than chin, however, and that made her think he was cheating.

Thrown a bit by the punch, mentally if not physically, he backed off a bit and even reminisced about how his master's punch was similar.
"It's a special technique I designed based off one of the Shinigami techniques. But~ I don't remember Quincies being that durable just on their own. Is somebody breaking the no spirit powers rule to avoid having teeth scattered across this rather nice floor?" She teased him, grinning broadly in a manner to clearly emphasize that that shot had been her physical attributes alone. What she could have pulled off with the aid of her spiritual powers...well, even an Emperor could shudder.

From her stance - or lack thereof, since she had fallen back on Wolf-Fu - her grin, and her general persona, it was clear she believed the fight was on hold while they sorted out the whole spiritual powers thing. If Ghislain wanted to go full tilt that was fine, but she was fighting under the idea that they were not, and it was a little unfair to break the rules like that and still expect the other fighter to play nicely.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:22 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He raised his hand a bit to explain something to her now. "Most Quincy's aren't proficient in Blut. I am rather skilled int's usage but sadly can't turn it off..Oh here let me show you." He pulled a dagger out and stuck his other hand out giving the weapon a skillful spin. He brought it down full force on his wrist, as the blade came into contact it shattered into pieces. His arm pulsed as he sat there calmly looking at her. "Our Blut is much like the Hierro of an Arrancar in one aspect..We can't turn it has Offensive and Defensive forms.I leave mine in Defense so not to do anything unfair." Well class was over he'd explained the Blut to her now as he rubbed his jaw softly as it did still ring his gong a bit. So that was her technique huh? Well, he guessed he could show her one of the Quincy ones. Slowly his frame lowered as he brought his index and middle fingers against one another. Then his thumb came up and met the bottom of the index and middle finger tips.

"Since you were polite enough to show me a technique I will return the favor. This is something from the Quincy Martial Arts style.You're the first to see it since the War." He said calmly as he prepared to show her a technique from their old forms. He almost disappeared with his speed as he executed the move. Winter Moon as he shot forward and sent a finger jab into her chest but it wasn't normal as he'd always done it before. The reishi blade on his finger tip was dulled so as not to cause internal damage. The sound of his jab had been fast and precise and hit harder slightly then. His previous move he'd shown her part of the Quincy form, but didn't use it's full potential or even half really. By only doing partial reishi control with it to make sure she saw it. He returned to his previous position sighing softly. "Ancient moves that no longer have a place huh. I often wonder what I am to do with these old things." He said allowed almost as though pondering her opinion on the subject.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:59 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Well, ok. Mirja thought. If he couldn't turn it off then it would sort of be fine in this fight of no spiritual stuff. Her strength was spiritual stuff. Way more potent than anyone of or around the same level, but she couldn't turn that off because it was part of her body, it was her ability to use Kido and make Reiatsu platforms, turned inwards and making every part of her biology increasingly more dense, and thus more powerful as the muscles got stronger and stronger. Abnormally strong, even. No Strength training on earth would be able to help her, with the constant growth of her body.

He broke into a small lesson about what it was he was actually doing, and then offered to show her a technique of his, since she showed him one of hers. It was kind of unfair, since it was a technique that he wouldn't be able to learn anything from, the very concept of it's origins something that he would not be able to utilize. Still, he came anyway, and he was a little scary as he was saying it, so she hedged her bets with Silent Scream to make sure nothing got broken. And then he came fast. Her eyes could track him but that was all, her body couldn't do anything but wait for the impact. Everyone was so fast these days, it was like the universe was taunting her with people that were so much faster than she was. She needed to get better, these fights were bringing her the drive to do it, the desire to improve. And she would force herself to get better until she did it, or got crippled and could barely crawl. Almost was never good enough for Mirja.

As for the technique itself, it was quite the impressive one, and in a moment of painful-heart-palpitation-induced clarity, she was inspired to see how well she could recreate it. It was designed for people without Mirja's special physiology, and her Silent Scream took the edge off it to boot, but she still took quite the blow to her heart, and it thumped erratically, painfully for a few seconds, jarred by the impact. Mirja took a few seconds to recover, and then gasped clutching her chest as the pain seared.

"Painfully impressive" She muttered, as the pain slowly faded and allowed her to stand up right. She could only imagine what kind of hell that could do to a person with the regular biology. And that, was something she was pretty eager to find out. "As for what you are doing, you are holding onto pieces of your past. To ignore the past simply because it is dark is folly of the highest order"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:47 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He smiled a bit as he did learn something from her feint move. Hiernyaku functioned similarly to the Shunpo or Flash Step of the Shinigami. So technique wise he could certainly use that power to do something. As he regained her composure he nodded listening to her. "So the question isn't to ignore or something like that.It's how to evolve our techniques and fighting form to the next level." He said softly as he glanced at his hand bringing his fingers up to show her something. "Focus on my finger tips as best you can, I want you to see what the technique actually looks like.I blunted it so as not to harm you." If she did as instruction dictated she would see reishi flare up at his fingertips. But it wasn't blunted this time it was sharp as a dagger. He didn't know how to display it's sharpness to her but he suspected she got the point. He let the form go from the reishi as he exhaled a breath. "Our techniques are based on controlling energy to extremely precise and deadly precision. I think you could benefit from our style not in the way of using reishi the way we do.But they are based on Chinese Martial arts and use a background from there."

He said finally to see if she wanted to learn such a thing. She didn't need the reishi control with her strength. He could figure she could use some of their forms into something. Ghislain's goal was to find a way to improve the martial arts their people spent so long developing. Used as a monk way was the teaching of their people. What could be done to take this to the next level was the question. Their foundation was solid now it was time to build upon it. Ghislain thought perhaps fighting a gifted warrior like Mirja would answer that question. He was learning how to grow himself in the process of this engagement. What if the next step wasn't to do what they did with just hands. But to take it even further to using their entire body as a reishi weapon. That held some potential as he thought about it.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:07 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja's heart was still giving a minorly irregular beat, but it was more of a discomfort than actual pain anymore, so she focused on what he was saying, the fight seemingly turning into a lesson now. He did a cool Reishi thing were he produced some really sharp energy at the tip of his finger, and then she could guess where that went. Stabby stabby in the heart-heart. And that would be game over unless they had some super regeneration or something. It occurred to Mirja that it was like some sort of finger-based Wolf-God Fist. Focus the energy of her entire arm into the points of her fingers and then release it. Wouldn't be as destructive as her Wolf-God Fist, but would be quicker and more precise. Also, less destructive was good, with the way that dam technique tore things to shit.

"I've got quite a few of both of them, actually. Some precise energy control techniques, and some Chinese Martial Arts. Kempo and Bājíquán specifically. But, you have some really good energy control. Like, I've only ever seen Nilfhiem do control like this, so you must be a super-Quincy or something" She pondered for a moment, and then grinned. Plus Ultra wasn't something she threw around carelessly, but this guy would at very least benefit from learning the full-body in one point theory behind Chai Kick. She just had to show him first hand. "I actually used one of my energy techniques, hedging bets you know. Should never just take a shot on the bonce with naught but your skin and pride. And to be honest I am sincerely glad I didn't take that without my technique" she told him, before giving an evil grin. "So, how confident are you in the durability of your Blut?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:31 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He smiled as he heard her say his former second's name. "Well, I was the Emperor of them. Nilfhiem is a strong Quincy but, she still has much to learn of our old ways." He said responding to her as she posed another question. How much faith was it he had in his Blut. He had a good deal but against her. Better safe than sorry, he figured an extra layer of defense may be needed."Against your attacks, I would say I will require an additional defense." He rubbed his jaw carefully as he thought about the best way to do this. Ghislain didn't know the exact answer to the question at hand. But if she had a way to turn the energy control to full body. Without losing the delicate skills he had that was an interesting fact for him. He didn't know if Mirja knew about the Emperors or how they worked. But they were, in essence, the strongest among their people. Ghislain wasn't some bragging idiot on a throne. No point in pretending to be something he wasn't. He was a member of the Vanguard now. His aspirations would wait until another time period. Ghislain didn't fight for the Vandenreich.

He fought for the Vanguard and protecting this world from evil. So to that end, he needed to be much stronger. Things like this wouldn't do any further. So he needed to learn what she had as he inhaled deeply. His eyes growing a bit serious as he decided to prepare himself. Black substances began to form around his torso as he prepared for the blow. "I will use some of my power for defense so as to not die from it." Dark Matter began layering itself over his chest and vitals so she could show him what she wanted. His blut alone wouldn't be enough to take a monster blow from her. He stopped the process pondering if it better his body takes it. Her strength was unknown with this power and he'd been wounded by a hit to the chin he blocked somewhat. No choice aside from this if he truly wished to learn the technique of Mirja.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:21 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja heard he was the Emperor of the Quincy, and then Nilf needed to learn of the old ways. Which was probably helpful. Nilf really looked like a girl that would accept any help when Mirja had gone to see her last. But that was for later, he was layering defenses so he didn't die from her Chai Kick, which was good. He was taking precautions. Not just thinking 'ohh, I'm an Emperor, balls and sass will protect me from getting my chest caved in by this kick'. Mirja liked people that knew that kind of thing. And so she gave him a moment before preparing.

Dropping Silent Scream so the hit was as light as possible - it would still be astronomical, but it wouldn't be quite as hard without that technique - she turned on her side and raised her leg. There wasn't the slightest bit of wobble about her, clearly being a girl that could hold the same pose if her footing consisted of a wet rock bumping down rapidly moving water. If he was still doing his energy sensing, he would notice that Mirja's incredible energy readings would take a considerable dip, which would prepare him for the kick that came to his chest several seconds later.

It would be a very strange kick. A distinctly unique feeling as the blow was fed by every muscle in Mirja's body, each one feeding force instantly to the point of impact and blasting out into his chest. Mirja had chosen the chest because it was the largest point, the most durable of anyone and sufficiently aimed, it didn't have anything that vital to boot. Hitting his leg would prevent vital shots, but the chest was a lot stronger than the leg, so the chance of breaking anything was reduced.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:52 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

His eyes and breathing became very different. As he began to view her energy now in full as he saw it move. The flow and dynamic pull it had was strange. He could feel everything flowing around the girl strongly. But that was when this dip came in the energy. His eyes studied her closely viewing what he could from her. Deciding a final precaution was in order to make sure she didn't cave his chest in. As her kick made the impact it struck something that would hinder it for a moment. A crimson like wall it hit before the wall cracked like glass and the object moved forward. Ghislain had externalized some blut in order to prevent some damage. His eyes studied her body and how it was functioning during this event. His mind pondered if he could control his reishi to that amount. A thought struck him at the moment as his Dark Matter Shell held up for the most part as her foot barely touched him as though coming to a stop. The momentum had been halted in large part due to the defenses. Ghislain seemed to be thinking about something for a moment.

He let the defenses fall as he exhaled a breath his breathing changed. Instead of trying to control it he would do something else. He would let the energy run wild and move as it dictated needing. Reishi surged around his entire frame blasting the ground hard as his clothing moved. He looked at his hand now as he lowered it and began tinkering with the idea. Not just letting it surge out of control like a wildfire. Controlling his breathing and remembering the teachings of old. Nothing had to be complete without form or step. What would this be called in old ways? Being a master he did think a new Dance should have been made some time ago. Something less about the precise attack and more like this. A full frontal assault that rampages and destroys the enemies. But for now he decided to put his own idea away to hear her instruction on what she'd just done. He suspected there was more going on than met the eye overall.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to Vastime - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to Vastime

Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:32 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja's foot connected, and the area behind him got obliterated with the kinetic energy that traveled through him, and out the other side. There was nothing that could stop that, it was simply too vast to be stopped, even if the person managed to prevent the kick itself from doing any damage to them. Which was her first thought as she put her foot down and looked at him. He seemed not dead, which was always a plus. He was the right side of dead, he was undead. But then she paused. If he was undead then he would have to have died first, and a look of panic crossed her face.

He didn't seem dead, he was doing energy stuff which was pretty big and a little crazy right now and Mirja decided to just go stand over here and watch instead of interrupting him and possibly getting her face blown off. He was certainly proactive, what with his attempts to replicate it the moment he got hit by it. Even Mirja would take a couple of minutes to focus on the aspect of a style before starting the replication process and trying to make her own. Still, the idea of making her own did spark something in her mind. So while he was doing his thing, she did hers.

It would be similar to her Wolf-God Fist, but instead of the entire body's energy in one point, she would focus her entire arm's energy into two fingers, giving a wide enough area to blast off while also keeping it slim and precise. If she could pull it of right then it would play havoc on the joints if she hit, such a powerful blow over such a small area, that would certainly be painful. She looked up on occasion to make sure he was still in one piece - undead people had a habit of falling apart - and at one point saw him looking at her, so she grinned and spoke, seemingly done with his bit for the moment.

"So, it's a cool kick. It's from a style called Plus Ultra. You need to do a special training regimen over about a month, and there is a diet as well, and when you are done you have three blocks of energy that you can burn to use different techniques. That one, Chai Kick, focuses the entire muscular structure of the body into a singular point. Having seen it, I am sure you can work on replication via Reishi. You seem a very smart Quincy"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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