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An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Empty An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot) [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts]

Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:47 pm


Mana Asthavon

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] 6EdIfMt

Song: A Kids World - Artist: DR:AE OST - Words: N/A

While most of Chicago was drowned in fear, surprise or locked in the midst of battle; one of it's overseers was in the outskirts of the suburbs idly watching the city burn to hell in a hand basket. Many of her advisors were screaming down her neck for her to do something, but not a single care in her body was there to be found. Ah yes, the sights of a crimson sky, burning flesh and crumbled ash were all the flavors of discord. Yet, The Queen of Demon's appetite for it was quite full. It was if her gut was filled with the best fried chicken man could buy and there was no space to devour anymore of it.

So, instead, a rather disinterested and sullen look had ravaged the woman's face as she gazed into the abyss of her own burning city. In this state of lethargy, The Royal Asthavon really couldn't be bothered to lift much of a finger. And why should she? At this point, most of the territories which she claimed expanded into many different worlds and realms at this point. Not only that, but she was an entity of chaos. This meant that while she wasn't quite in the mood to feast, she wasn't in the state of mind to really disrupt something related to her own nature.

Nein. What was fueling her entire essence was an absurd apathy. Something which had been grinding the woman for quite some time. She was close to her end-game, yet had lost most of what she had in the beginning. A corrosion of the self, a decaying of loved ones and a flock of mindless sheep which followed her every beck and call through the chambers of hell. Yes, it was quite the lavish life; one which had the cherry put on it's top with the type of otherworldly power which this Queen possessed.

Yet -- it was all so hollow and dull compared to the start when she was building her empire. Back in those days there was always a challenge, a new love to be found and something to compel her to act with discord. Now, with almost nothing left to stand in her way from the perception of Mana, there was no reason to really act until she was ready and thus she stagnated in this instance.

Ergo, it is the reason why Miss Manic Mana Asthavon rod the depths of her low and regressed into a more childish form as a result. Her signature horns vanished, her body deformed and soon her lavish raven hair became a chipper shade of green. While wearing nothing more than a pair of oversized black and white pajama's, The Mistress of The Deprived was seen picking a daisy on the top of a rooftop as she hoped something entertaining would come of having something in her own backyard be set on fire.

Could it set fire to a rebellion? Perhaps some new powerful foe may come? Or maybe she could have a reason to feel flared up? Not even Mana knew the answer to that. While, apart of herself did. It was all set and riding the course of a low as the many spirits and voices within her head became dull, somber and downright filled with grief with everything that had transpired up until now to allow them the luxury of sitting on the throne of power; while their sword of Damocles looms ever so slowly above their head.

'So dull'

'We should eat something and get fat.'

'What is there to do anymore?'

'Do we really wanna be complete? I kind of like us as we are now."

'Ehhhh, we should do something, but at the same time it's pretty interesting to watch it all burn.'

'We all turn to ash, so let's have a laugh and watch it unfold.'

'Really, we got all the time in the world....'

'Oh, kill that ugly son of a bitch.'

With a glance to her right side, The Queen of Demon's would abide by the voices of absurdity ringing in her head and wave her right hand in the air. Within that same movement, an eruption of emerald green energy would erupt from her palm and destroy a flock of a dozen zombies before they had a chance to gnaw on her tender flesh. The body of Mana would then emit a rather loathsome aura which would make even some of the foulest zombies not even want to bother in hopes of finding something better to devour. At least, from a primarily instinctual level. As it was suicide to engage this woman in battle to most; and that's how boring Mana's life had become as a result of this power.

An absurd power and an absurd boredom~


Coding By: [THEFROST]

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] WVMWLOu
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An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

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Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:04 pm

The Angel of Conflict


An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Arrowhead and Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 940

Chicago... what a nice place, well, currently. There was so much chaos going on in the city, it was much nicer than Arianda thought it would've been. And there were zombies too!! Fucking zombies! Of course, those she did not care for; at all. She was just here to find her precious Queeny, her dear Mana. Easier done than said really, especially since Mana emitted a very particular one. One that actually could arouse Arainda if she wasn't careful. Of course, the constant conflict Mana always oozed didn't help either, but, it did help balance out the voices in her head constantly screaming about this or that; arguing with each other. But, once Arianda felt Mana's presence; they shut their fucking faces up. Thank god.

Anywho!! Chicago, land of the... wait, Arianda doesn't give a shit what the land is; it's getting destroyed anyways. Destroyed by zombies! Ones that were apparently on the moon too... how did she even miss those damn things? Probably too busy being bored in the end, after all, everyone, and everything, died in the sector she conquered without so much as a scream of horror; they just up and died. Now, that, that was fucking boring. However, to Arianda's dear Mana, this shitfest going on in Chicago was even more boring! Of course, Arianda did not know this; she was just going to see her Master/love interest. Yes, she has more than one love interesting. Ceal is definitely her girlfriend/pet, but, Mana was Arianda's Master. She didn't only deserve her most love; she commanded it.

As Arianda walked through the zombie ridden city, she used her DE to reduce some zombies to nothing but molecular paste. Others? She just cut them the fuck in half with a quick swing of her scissors, very quick swings in fact. She kept on walking through the city, ignoring the screams of the innocent; even the cute ones. Well, some of the cute ones. There were times where she saved the very cute ones just to push them through a portal into her dungeon; which did have a magical filter on it so those who were unable to resist the miasma of the demon world wouldn't die before she got to them. Oh yes, it was twisted, very much so, but it wasn't something she did often. She only did it for her own consumption of pain. Luckily, she regulated it, but, she did overindulge herself from time to time. However, she made sure to starve herself for a little so things were balanced out once again.

Arianda yawned softly at the utter amounts of boredom. She was actually surprised she was so bored, frankly. Normally, she'd be going nuts with chopping up all the zombies just to tear them asunder. But, this was something far too boring. Why? Because so many above her had ordered her to help; even though she was the Grand Duchess of the second circle. Yes, she did have superiors, but, she just listened to Mana and only Mana when it came to Shadowfall manners. Otherwise, she'd scoff at them and then walk away. But, she went to Chicago today to get them to shut up. Of course, as said earlier, her main objective is to find Mana. Which she just succeeded in doing so.

She just found Mana, visually, just as she was about to switch forms. After she did Arianda raised an eyebrow at this. Nothing new frankly, Mana cared not for material forms anways. Arianda hopped up onto the same building as Mana did, watching as she blasted emerald energy towards a zombie horde, obliterating them. Arianda grinned and then coughed slightly before she knelt for a moment.

"H-Hello Master... It's nice to see you again~"

With a sharktoothed grin, Arianda dived into some shadows and the flew out towards Mana's opposite side, aiming to give the Queen a solid tackle hug. She knew it wouldn't move the Queen an inch, but, it was all in good fun; she just wanted to hug her Master after all. With a noise of joy, Arianda hopefully latched onto her lovely Queen Mana and wrapped her arms around the Queen's neck.

"I missed you so much Mana!! I barely get to see youuu~ Our exchange quite some time ago was lovely, but, I still don't get to see you often~!"

Arianda would smile and then aim for a kiss, but, did not expect it to go anywhere. Of course, she was not here to flirt, sex, or anything like that; she was just here to spend time with her Mana. Whether or not the kiss was successful, Arianda would continue to hold onto Mana and talk to her a little, hoping to get a response.

"My Dear Queen, My Mana, Master~ Is everything okay? You seem kinda, well, very bored... or am I misreading your face and the conflict inside of you?"

She tilted her head to the side and then waited for Mana to reply. Hopefully, Mana wouldn't be opposed to a little entertainment from Arianda. Her own nutty pet just wanted to make sure that her Master was A'okay! It was her job as a pet! Of course, she wouldn't refer to herself as such, she'd just call herself Mana's instead of pet. However, today was not for such things. Arianda was here to help her Master, and that was exactly what she would do!

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

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Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:51 pm


Mana Asthavon

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] 6EdIfMt

Song: A Kids World - Artist: DR:AE OST - Words: 1520

Oh how~

Oh why~

Oh the horror

The whole damn city of Chicago was beginning to be devoured by the flames of rapid chaos. Fires everywhere, larger than life creatures tearing up the landscapes (and people too), unhinged spiritual pressures flying everything which way but right. Mhm, yes, it was a hella' of a scene of disaster. One that might catch the attention of the entire nation if something wasn't done about it. Yet, even with all that being the case, lil' ol' Mana was still so tired and weary. She needed something to make her go, something to make the damn witch wake up and scream: "HELLO WORLD, MY NAME IS MANA ASTHAVON AND I'M FEELING LIKE MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN TODAY!"

It was rough to find that sort of manic spirit when the oceans of her more sullen madness and depravity ate at her very spirit. To her, it was as if someone had dumped a bucket of acid on her heart and killed her very well to thrive in this moment. Sorta' like the same thing that happened to Mexico when the drug cartels took over back in the 2010's. Maybe. Kind. Sort of. Fuck, who knows. The only thing that Mana knew is that she was very hollow, empty and dull; like some kind of eraser abused to shit and back by some bratty kid who is a wasteful little fucker in class and wastes his time drawing cruddy art.

Alas, though, something interesting was coming up on the horizon. Like a breath of fresh air, the scent of Ariadna had filled the nostrils of Mana's tender lil' nose and it brought with her a sense of familiarity. To smell the blood and essence of one of her first Eris darlings was a rather interesting thing. Since, even though the bitch was pretty deprived of entertainment at the moment, it still was a nice hint of nostalgia to see something well-known to ya. It's the same reason why those millennials had a non-stop boner for the 90's and started spreading all the lovely merchandise they wanked over as a kid into the 2010's in rehashes, toys, games and so on. Nostalgia and fond memories are a bitch.

Anyway, it's time to get the dick off the yellow brick road of memory lane. By the time Mana was done dancing and prancing within the halls of her mind, it seemed that the likes of lil' slave, servant or whatever the fuck she was to her had jumped up, killed a horde of bloody fucking zombies and was trying her best to embrace her master, lover, friend, ally or whatever the fuck Mana was to her pet-servant-comrade-friend-ally-thing-a-muh-bob.

Digressing, it looked like the poor lassy had been deprived of all sorts of love and affection. That, or she wasn't receiving the right types of tender love and affection from whatever slaves, pets or relationships she was finding herself thrown into within this chaotic world. Since when the woman tackled and embraced her, The Queen could outright feel the hunger gnawing at the bowels of The Angel Of Conflict's stomach. It was a rather contrasting feeling compared to the great depths of emptiness that ol' Mana felt at the moment.

So, like a confused child hugging their long lost sibling for the first time, Mana held on to Ariadna and patted her head ever so gently. Making sure none of her own powers went haywire and snapped the poor dears neck off. Though, at this point, she was pretty damn certain that her regeneration could handle it. After all: The Queen didn't waste her oh-so-valuable time training the scamp just to be a generic pile of weak rubbish. Something crafted by her mad hands outta be fucking durable enough to withstand a bit of rough play.

"Geez S'ugah, ya' feel more starved for my attention than a teenage boy who hasn't rubbed a good one out in a week."

As usual, Mana was always tongue n' cheek with the words that flowed out of her mouth. Even if she was feeling as miserable as the US Economy during the 2008 recession, the woman always had a quip or two to banter with. At any ol' rate, it seemed she was still very much excited to see her "master" and was all up on her cock like a catholic school girl seeing a dick for the first time. It was adorable in one way or another, so she'd she passively allow it for the time being. It wasn't like she was doing anything better than being a bum and laying around letting shit happen.

It's also the reason why she decided to be a bit submissive today and allow ol' Ariadna to kiss her. After all, The Queen didn't mind a change of pace when it came to the flow of her life. So allowing someone else to take the initiation and take control was all but fine by her. It even aroused her on some levels; since the thought of being taken like that, despite having all the power in the universe, was rather arousin'. Sorta' the same feeling overworked Japanese men get when they take off their business suit, put on their gimp costumes and allow a dominatrix to make them their momma and take control. Everything is so iron-fist gripped with The Queen that she didn't mind allowing someone else to take control for awhile.

So, with that warm lil' thought in mind, Mana would return the kiss back and pull Ariadna down on top of her as she began to idly gaze into her servants eyes. And the reason being is because it took awhile for Ol' Queeny to determine what was wrong. It was like asking a guy who just murdered all of his classmates in the school: "Hey, mate, are you alright?" Of course he isn't alright in the head; and neither is this bundle of chaotic mess known as Mana. Hence, The Queen would simply touch the forehead of her pet, infuse the emotions she felt earlier and convey them through a form emotional telepathy to have her become aware of the state of mind her master was under.

"Bored, bored, bored. Nothing to do, emptiness in my wittle ol' heart. Not sure what the hell I want anymore, but I ain't sure what the hell is cloggin' me up. I don't want to do anythin', yet I'm cravin' somethin'. I don't even give a damn about the world burnin' all around me as it's something I've seen a thousand times over. Fuck me, dear, I've no idea what is wrong. I need somethin' more, or this weight takin' away~"

Non-sense. Rubbish. Drivel. The words uttering out of the Queen's mom were oh-so-whimsical, yet they were oh-so-confusing to The Queen herself as she felt this swell of nihilistic feelin' tingle up her mutated heart. Really, she wasn't quite sure what to do about this and that is why she eventually just laid back and stared blankly at Ariadna; similar to a kid who had a good, healthy dose of Ritalin and became a total robot. Stifling their creativity, attention and drowning out their wicked crazy persona into something bland, dry and totally boring.

That was where Mana was at emotionally, mentally and spiritually. She needed something to be freed from her, something to make her unhinged or some kind of fuckin' miracle to ease the corruption of her own body by her overindulgence in her own element. Perhaps this was even her bodies own way of keeping her from killing herself. Who fucking knew.

All Mana knew was that she was drowning in a sea of dullness and something needed to entertain her. So, she would begin to rub the cheek of Ariadna before asking this simple question:

"And just what do you know of my conflict, my dear lil' pet? Do tell."

This was not asked sarcastically; although it was certainly expressed in a catty tone. The Queen was quite curious to hear what her pet was reading. So it was going to be up to her to inform her master and bring her up to speed. There weren't many spirits in this grand ol' universe who could comprehend and understand the enigma of her personality, stance on the word and the sense of absurdism her mind followed. So to hear The Angel of Conflict utter those words of understanding were rather amusing her and she was expecting an answer soon.

For now, Ol' Queeny was going to keep laying down and await whatever words would come as she got comfortable underneath her pet.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] WVMWLOu
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An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Empty Re: An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot) [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts]

Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:47 am

The Angel of Conflict


An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Kraddy - Song: Heart Anthem (Cryptex Remix) - Word Count: 2120

Oh yes, Chicago was going to absolute shit. People were flying, fires everywhere, giants fighting; it was one great sight. HAH! No it wasn't. Arianda truly could care less about Chicago being turned into more of a charred spot on a map of the earth than it already was! No, her thoughts, and her entire being, were directed upon Mana Asthavon. The second Arianda's lips met Mana's lips she did start to measure the amount of conflict in Mana; trying to discern how much she could tell the voices in her head to shut their fucking faces so Mana could get a little time to think on her own terms without something trying to influence her till the day’s end. Course, that's not what Arianda was going to do. Oh hell no, not even close.

One may begin to wonder exactly why she was here. Well, the obvious answer was for Arianda to come see her amazing Queen Mana to give her a big kiss and something to cure her boredom. While the kiss was 100% successful, not one sided at all, it nearly made Arianda melt into Mana's embrace. If Mana was alcohol or drugs; Arianda was a serious fucking lightweight and possibly addicted. Maybe.

However, that was not the exact answer to Arianda's random visit to her poor Master. No, she was here to hopefully help Lunatic Mana with her situation. After a time, Arianda laid down with Mana and then felt the emotions that Mana was conveying to her; those of immense boredom. And we're talking about enough boredom to possibly kill others of boredom. Hell, she even had a mental image of Mana looking as if she was just dying of boredom. Which she probably was, but, that's why Arianda was here after all. She was here to cure her Queen's boredom and hopefully serve her for once; and maybe keep helping her for the remainder of whatever life Arianda may have on this plane of existence. So, with a soft, content, sigh; Arianda's right hand slowly began to trace the contours of Mana's face as she looked into the Demon Queen's eyes. Her powers, and capability to understand this woman, were going in overdrive. She was basically searching in every nook and cranny of Mana's eyes and face; the most expressive parts of anyone's body. Arianda's finger continued to trace Mana's cheek even after Mana wanted Arianda to tell her about the conflict in her. Surprisingly easy to say, yet, hard to phrase. With a sigh, Arianda began to spoke in a surprisingly sultry tone.

"Well... let's see... the first thing that's a little obvious is those voices constantly screaming inside of that head of yours, Mana. What else... hmm... this boredom inside of you is definitely an issue. I feel like some aspects of you would rather be destroying everything, even me sometimes, rather than sit here and be bored. Aaaand... I do think there is some other conflict inside of you. Not even borne from those others in your head, or that boredom. No, it's what caused the boredom..."

Arianda stopped speaking as she thought, obviously trying to pin down exactly what she was sensing from Mana. That, that needed another kiss. Definitely. Totally not an excuse to kiss Mana, no idea what you mean. With a rather elongated smooch, lasting probably near a minute before she slowly broke the kiss and hummed softly as she thought of the conflict she had felt inside Mana. Normally, it was just those voices that were just causing the Conflict. Sure, Arianda could get them to shut up for a little if she tried, but, it would be hard. With a little more thought, Arianda concluded exactly what it was that was causing some conflict in Arianda's lovely Mana.

"My dear Mana, I do believe you are in more conflict with yourself than before, and, well. Given all the chaos recently I have a feeling there could be slight overindulgence... Only my assumption from what I can feel from you, Mana. But, I may be able to help..."

Arianda grinned and then placed her forehead against Mana's forehead. Possibly unknown to Mana, Arianda had made sure to keep that slight telepathic link between the two so she could use it; and she was glad she did. While Arianda was sifting through the things she glimpsed in Mana's eyes and from the conflict she felt from her; Arianda discerned that Mana likely needed someone to share her burden with. Well, she has a perfect, loving, candidate here that would do just about anything for Mana. So, as the grin grew larger, Arianda's eyes snapped shut as she wrapped her arms around Mana tightly and threw a rather aggressive kiss on Mana's lips.

The first thing Arianda did, after laying the aggressive kiss upon Mana's lips, is that she used some demon magic, and the knowledge she had, to expand the telepathic link vastly. She not only expanded it, but, she also made sure that nearly anything could be transferred through it. Why? Well, you're about to find out. Arianda was throwing herself onto quite the difficult task, which few had attempted. Because of this, Arianda was throwing all the effort she could manage into this; she was even using residual DE in the area to help her in her plight. Without a single sound from Arianda, Mana would feel the conflict inside her being controlled slightly and being put into shape to the point where it wouldn't cause much trouble for Mana; as long as Arianda made sure to regulate it daily.

However, that wouldn't be the only thing she would feel. Mana could feel a warm embrace, one that felt as if Arianda's entire essence was encasing her and pulling her into a maddening cuddle that had love, chaos, and conflict in it. The love was not quite as abundant as the chaos and conflict; since the conflict and the chaos was basically Arianda and Mana. However, that's not the only thing that would happen; far from it. Arianda was nowhere near done with what she was doing. In order to help Mana more, she needed to try and help with that overindulgence of Chaos; even if it could be detrimental to Arianda. Frankly, she didn't care. Arianda really would do anything for her Mana.

In a surge of effort, Arianda seemed to reach between that telepathic link that Arianda had forced to be enough of a link between the two for Arianda to get a clear look into Mana's mind. And, needless to say, it was like taking the most chaotic and loony amusement park and multiplying that by 100. Just feeling that nearly made Arianda break the connection and abandon what she was trying. But, she wouldn't give up now. Controlling all that conflict was only the first step, and needed to be constantly regulated or it would go right back out of control. So, with a push to Arianda's limits, and a little on her psyche, Arianda delved into Mana's mind and then used that connection to pull at least half of the chaos that was inside of Mana; hopefully enough Chaos to reverse the affects her overindulgence had caused. When Arianda was sure she had as much as she could handle, and that Arianda had placed a notion of just how much she loved Mana in the mind of Manic Mana, Arianda yanked the chaos inside of herself and quickly cut the telepathic link as she sat bolt upright; gasping as if she didn't have any air to breathe. The chaos starting to ravage Arianda's body within a couple of seconds of it entering her body.

At the moment, Arianda had ended up straddling Mana. This meant that her backside was leaning on Mana's lap as she leaned back; attempting to gain a breath of air as her body started to glow a sickly green. Arianda grit her teeth and quickly went inside herself and used her powers over conflict to tame the large amount of chaos inside her now. It was hard... very HARD. Hell, it was even causing Arianda's skin to break in certain places and cause her to cough up blood. She did spit the blood aside, making sure it didn't touch Mana. But, the second she tried to move she felt quite a bit of pain; making her cry out. Well, if she could. Arianda was currently a little breathless; making it very hard to cry out in pain. But, the pain was clear on her face. Arianda was getting close to losing control and she was sure her body would be ripped apart, but, she then remembered something that Mana did during her training; got her to drink her blood. If she remembers what she felt whenever Arianda drank it, she felt some sort of balance or something that helped her powers stay stable. All she needed to do was get some of Mana's blood and things would hopefully be a little better.

Arianda's hand slowly dropped down to fall on Mana's arms as fangs grew over some of Arianda's teeth. She looked at Mana with a pained look and whimper a little as she spoke shakily.

"I-I need your b-b-blood once more... M-Mana.."

In a swift motion, Arianda bent over quite quickly and sunk her teeth into Mana's neck and caused the scrumptious liquid that was Mana's blood to burst into her mouth. Arianda then started to drink the blood quite quickly until she had enough for the energies inside her to even out and stop trying to rip her apart. From there, Arianda's body slowly started to regenerate; healing the areas where her skin had been split open and ruptured by the energy. From there Arianda placed a hand on Mana's neck, right where she bit her, and then kissed Mana in a way that seemed both dominant and quite submissive at the same time.

"I-I h-hope my efforts helped some, my dear Mana... Y-You should know that I will do almost anything for you..."

After those words Arainda slumped onto Mana; clearly exhausted from what she did to hopefully help Mana with the issues she was having. However, Mana could tell that Arianda did not just do this on a whim. The level of exactness she executed it at made it clear she had not just made up this right then and there. With a soft sigh, and a smile curling Arianda's lips, her slightly shaking form would look at Mana again and speak to her.

"If you need a-anything else, I am right here for you; Mana. I'll be with you as long as you allow just to make sure you always have that manic spark in your eye. I'll make sure you won't get bored again. And I do truly love you, my queen. It's just a fact~ "

Arianda gave the Queen of Demons, one she really did love quite a shit ton, a rather sincere smile as her face did look quite weary. She was clearly at the Queen's will now; leaving her free to do what she wished to Arianda. However, if Arianda was going to hold up her word to not make the Queen of Demons bored again; she was gonna need to be able to deal with anything Mana sent her way. She was already prepared to take whatever the deprived Mana wanted to send unto her. Hell, she would have her own things to probably thrust unto Mana on her own. But, that was likely for later. While Arianda had acted quite dominant over Mana up until now, it could be a little hard to do. And if she was unsuccessful in ripping enough Chaos away from Mana; she may need to rethink how she helps her Mana for now. But, what she said still held true. Arianda will never leave Mana unless Mana herself requests it. But, for now, it was time to wait for Mana to react to Arianda trying to yank the chaos out of her mind. Only time could tell really, and Mr. Time really had a habit of fucking with the things Arianda wanted to see. One day she'll kill that bitch... Stupid Mr. Time...

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An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] Empty Re: An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot) [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts]

Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:31 pm

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Saw & Pendulum - Song: Hatsune Miku - Word Count: 4050

Static. Nothing but static. The voice of her beloved pet was nothing but STATIC. That's all that Mana heard as soon as the likes of her little servant opening that pretty little mouth of hers up. While there was an earful of things that Arianda yearned to express to The Queen, the mental outlook of our most gracious sanatic maiden was all but lost at this point in time. Yet, if her connection was keen as she proclaimed it be, it was certain that Little Miss Riding Hood over there could begin to comprehend even the slightest inklings of understanding when it came to her masters ever diluted mind.

So, instead, The Queen gave a stern sigh, laid flat out on her back once more and closed her eyes as this great sense of emptiness only festered in intensity. Why was the case one might ask? Ha, the more another tried to establish a link with the cosmic levels of absurdity which brewed within her foul heart, the more furious the kick back would be trying to tame something so gruesome. Twas a rather futile set of efforts in the point of view in which The Queen stood at, but her submissive mood at this point and time quite frankly didn't give one iota of a shit. Arianda was free to do however she wanted to her body, mind and spirit until that spark of mania surged, swelled and erupted within her persona.

Well, at least so long as it did not step the line and dared to take what was not rightfully hers. There would be a subtle impulse of warning from the sinister depths of energy which mulled within the essence of Mana that would warn Arianda just how far to reach. It was fine to learn the intentions of her actions, it was ok to harness alloted portions of her power, but she is NEVER allowed the sanctity of this most putrid place without the oversight of The Queen. If she should ever dare to step over those boundaries, The Queen would NOT hesitate to render her into a bloody pulp, strip her of her powers and show her the wrath of a proper demoness who holds dominance over their most brute race.

Thus, with all of the imprints of her body's rules embed within the consciousness of Arianda, Mana granted The Crimson Hood the privilege of stealing a kiss from her lips. As she could tell with but only a few glances that her pet was hungry for the depths of power, embrace and depravity which overflows out of the persona, body, and soul of The Demon Queen. The heat, the intensity and the aching pulse of affection from a most youthful yearning screamed forth from the body of the woman. Indeed, this feeling of passionate love could be all but overwhelming for most. Yet, to this emerald-eyed mistress of discord, it was the very least this creature could do to try and appease her most boundless appetite.

"Hungry are we?"

Those words were filled with the tone of a woman far too tired, somewhat amused and rather curious as to what her servant was going to do in order to keep pushing her boundaries. While there were a limited amount of rules set forth in the mental communication between the two of them, apart of The Queen was equally interested to see just how far this hungry pup was going to go in order to possess what she cannot have. It was a sick game that The Queen played and it served entertaining to watch the worth of her kingdom, body, persona and power hang over the woman in order to induce her in a trance that made her the slave of Mana's.

Although, according to the sentiments which were oozing into the embodiment of The Danava's from The Crimson Hood, it was apparent that she was trying to communicate the fact that perhaps she overindulged on the abundant resources of chaos which were ever-so-present in this world that was filled with instability, strife, and bloodshed. And, to that extent, The Queen could only nod her head and give a slight cackle at that thought.

Of course she had overeaten; even a fool could see that. The feeling that was overcoming the body of The Demoness was one of a universal scale hangover which swallowed her whole being. Everything down to her mind, body, powers and perception of reality was overcome by a dull aching pain that made her desire to do absolutely nothing. Even as the world began to burn to cinders all around her most beloved kingdom, there wasn't even an ounce of ambition to do much of anything about it because of the fact that her fill of destruction, mayhem, and chaos had been congested and there was no way for her to otherwise fit any more of it into her grand scale appetite. It had been sedated, it had been full and there was nothing left to consume until it digested, processed and allowed for the next step of power within The Demon Queen.

So, even in this weakened state of existence, Mana sought to make sure that Arianda knew the error of her ways by stating something oh-so-obvious. With a faint smirk, The Queen would let out a grim chuckle, flick the nose of her most beloved pet and make sure she understood that she was being nothing more than a fool to utter back what The Danava already comprehended quite well. When The Crimson Hood was able to then wrap her pretty little head around that fact, her sweet, sweet master became a good girl, laid flat on her back once more and allowed for The Pet to ravish her pale lips for as long as she had yearned for.

And -- it wasn't really that bad to be the bottom.

To allow someone else to do all the work for once had been a much-needed change of pace. To watch her pet struggle, fight and attempt to do what she could with her limited power against a most overpowering madness aroused her to a degree. However, this wasn't quite in the erotic way of speaking. While the manic persona of the woman was filled with flirtatious and promiscuous behavior, the attraction that the woman was feeling at the moment was towards the fact that her tender lil' pet did not pussy out like a lil bitch, dared to face the Queen at her worse and did everything she could to try and please someone who could not ever be pleased in this lifetime.

And, to that extent, our wonderful demoness couldn't help but begin to laugh a most foul chortle. It started off as a low laugh that made it seem as if she were as a quiet as a church mouse. This laugh then progressed to something louder and eventually, the whole of her gem green aura let out a series of demented cackles for all of the world to indulge in. From hardened demons, to little kids, from old men, to women in the prime of their life; so many different spirits, voices and races started to conjoin together and let out a most giddy laugh at the uphill battle which Arianda was beginning to face trying to undo something which could not ever be undone.

Was it ever possible to help alleviate the source of infinite madness which lay within the heart, mind, and body of the Queen? Of course~ Many had done it before. But to totally subject it, seal it and destroy it? Well, you may as well begin believing that anyone in this universe had the power of the absolute. As, from that basic understanding of the fundamental aspects of this existence, it simply wasn't possible due to the nature of her being. If Arianda were to ever wholly remove this boundless mania from the empress, or any being for that matter, there may not be anything left of Mana save. What would remain would be a being that is utterly different to what The Queen is now as she speaks and breathes. There was no telling what type of ego, self or body the demoness would desend to if such an event were to ever occur~!

...which is why apart of her vile soul held a morbid curiosity at that outcome.

Yet, that part wouldn't be listened to. Oh no. There was far too much going on with The Crimson Hood at the moment. She was bridging connections, infusing her soul into Mana's and having no clue as to the stellar demon beast she was awakening. So, as her little pet started to dive deeper, deeper and deeper into her master's heart; there would be nothing but burning pain which was going to swell within the circuits of nerves which stream through the body of Arianda. In this moment of agony, it would feel as if her whole existence was filled with a stinging pain. Akin to the senseation of being dipped in an unending lava; her whole spirit, mind, and body could feel ungodly servings of hurt beginning to grip it in order to force the runt to stay back or endure more of this torment of the soul, conciousness, and physical embodiment.


Mountain View

"Do ya still wish to peer into the veil of my essence, dear? I'm sure ya must regret it now."

When Mana uttered those words, it was almost as if nobody was even home. Those luscious gem green eyes of hers dulled in color, her face turned to a neutral expression and her body became oh-so-cold. If Arianda was still embracing her in this moment, the young demoness could feel as if she were snuggling up to the nature of winter itself with her frigid the body of The Queen became. When this sense started to overflow throughout the area, the channels of energy within The Demon Queen became destabilized and it was going to result in some rather chaotic state of affairs.

Since, within the short of time that followed in the pursuit of Arianda trying to open up her master's heart, rays of emerald and slade hued light erupted from out of The Queen's body. It caused the area to begin to shake with earthquakes, for the skies to turn a grim shade of black and for an overbearing pressure of gravity to crush all those in the area. Buildings began to tumble, crack and shatter under the weight of this daunting weight for many miles on end. All the while, holes within this secluded section of Chicago started to open up, swallow those into pits of lava and make anyone who dared find safety in this region to deeply scorn their decisions to hide out here.

With roars of thunder shattering the heavens above, it was no wonder that the original body of The Demon Queen started to return to proper form during all of this. The figure of The Empress became filled out, her breast returned and a wealth of raven hair covered both Mana and Arianda as her horns came back to her head with a cracking sound. When she gripped the waist of The Angel of Conflict, the blackened claws came back in full force and a hissing sound emitted from her most deprieved master as a pair of bat wings sprouted forth from her backside; forcing The Queen to sit up as her nasty self started to return back to proper form.


Once more, she'd repeat that question. With an immense fury filling her eyes, those windows into the soul became filled with a lime green light. In one chomping motion, Mana would then begin to take out entire chunks of Arianda's flesh on her neck. Fat, bone and blood filled her face and she'd dare to begin to consume the very essence of life which brew within the woman. She wanted to be her pet? She wanted to save her? She wanted to be a fucking tool? SO BE IT! MANA WOULD USE AND ABUSE HER! In this state of frenzied thought, the unhinged Queen started taking vast amounts of energy away from Arianda. It be as if the very force of mother life itself started being pulled straight out of the woman. She was draining, draining and draining her to the point of being put towards the brink of death. So much blood was lost, so much energy consumed and so much life was stolen to this most ravenous Queen that Arianda may soon mourn daring to have wanted to save something so sinister.


Further and further, the voice of Mana started to become distorted, grugled and filled with loud bursts of static as the existence around them started to groan in pain. The fabric of reality itself could barely sustain itself against such a potent strain of chaos embedding itself into the world. As a result of this turn of events taking place, colors started changing frequently around them. Reds became blues, greens became static, blacks became white; and soon a TV-like static started filling all of the miles of space around them as the moans of thousands of demons in utter distress scorched the landscape and caused the skulls of hundreds of humans to pool in a stream of blood that surged, swelled and danced around the two.

In this most vicious scene of carnage, the body of The Queen soon became corrupted, broke down and bled out to many emerald eyes staring at Arianda from behind. It was as if the backside of Mana's body regressed into a series of flames, darkened in color to become as dim as the cosmos itself and these gem green eyes soon filled with the infinite shades of shadow with their luscious light. When this moment came, the two eyes in The Empress's face disappeared and her fangs grew ever larger as her hunger returned with the vegance.

This impulse of otherwordly hunger caused tendrils to extend out of the spine of The Demon Queen that extended to the size of six feet tall human males. When they were done spewing forth in a show of burning gem green blood that burned all things that it touched, dozens of razor sharp teeth opened from behind and these tendrils started to screech, scream and cry at the same time as they sought to skewer the pet where she stood. Two tendrils each dared to yank the arms of the woman off as if they were nothing but play things, while two other tendrils pulled at the legs of the crimson hood. In this way, a howl of dominace akin to a wolf crying out in the wilderness echoed in the air. Soon after, munching sounds could be heard as they bite through the bone, flesh and meat of those limbs so that they may find susiostence in the flesh of the demoness.

Yet -- it still was not enough to fill this deep rooted craving to dominate her pet.

She wanted to serve The Queen? THEN SERVE WITH YOUR BODY!

Again and again, like with everything else in her life, Mana dared to take as much as she could without breaking that limit of life. Every inch of skin left on the woman was going to be cut open, gutted and evaporated to the point where she'd only have 25% of her body's blood left pumping inside of herself. All the while, they sought to consume whatever bone, organs and tendons they could which were remaining with her limbless body. What? Was she not ready for such a thing? TOO BAD! HER MAJESTY WANTED TO CONSUME HER BODY AND SEE THE DEPTHS OF HER BODY AS SHE BROUGHT HER SUBJECT TO THE VERGE OF A PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL DEATH!

Therefore, she was going to morph her pet into what SHE wanted. Mana was the master, Ariadna was the slave and she was going to submit to her Queen's desires even if it killed her. Therefore, with her UGLY human form disposed of for the time being, this Demonic Matriarch would move her hand to outright RIP the scalp of the woman off. What? Why does she need such short hair? Fuck that. The Queen was going to make her a proper demon and give her the body she craved to see.


To silence any cries at this point, the Queen would give a snarl and shove the scalp with fresh blood, hair and skin straight in the mouth to silence her pet and put to end any whimpers of protest. If there was even the slightest sign of resistance, this manic punishment would only be that much worse. She was hers to own, hers to dominate, hers to abuse and hers to love; so she must take all these worst and best aspects of herself and learn to remain loyal to them in spite of whatever her mind, body or spirit tells her.

Thus, for her reward, The Queen of Demons vomitted a pool of her olive fluids all over the body of Arianda. What was the purpose of this? Oh, right, she was going to tether her pet's life to her own. At this rate, the poor little thing was going to die without proper care and since the boundary of life and death were but a play thing in the mind of Mana, she'd even use her queenly powers to overstep that bound and keep her tender little play thing from dying a most heinous death. In doing so, every waking movement, thoguht and breath of The Crimson Hood may be filled with a searing pain which yielded the risk of outright burning her souls; causing damage to her spirit and inducing a hellish pain which struck at the very core of her body's existence in this material plane.


Mountain View

"Ya. Are. Mine. To. Tame. And. Mine. To. Use. Cause. I. Think. I. Love. Ya. And. Ya. Love Mine. So. Let's. Make. Love~"

It was almost as if she were singing a demented luallby at this point; humming her song and feeling her ol' wicked self return the more her pet drained this excess madness into herself. Was this scene sickening? Who fucking cared. She wanted to be Mana's tool, her savior and a source of love n' abuse? So why not push those limits and extract whatever the bloody hell she wanted? She was The Queen and The Queen could do NO wrong! Therefore, with this sense of mortality overflowing in her mind now, our fair empress let out a most loving laugh and ripped out the eyeballs of Arianda with only two pokes of her fingers.

"Ya. Are. Blind. But. Ya. Are. Right. Where. Ya. Need. To. Be. I. Will. Give. Ya. New. Light. New. Life. And. Make. Ya. Body. Right. I. Hate. Ya. Ugly. Human. Body~"

Then, with one munching sound, the crunching of a squisy material was heard scrunching around the mouth of Mana as she consumed her pet's eyeballs raw and fresh. They brought with them the taste of strawberries, jelly and honey; a weird combo, but one which wasn't exactly hated by The Queen. In fact, this bizarre taste caused her to let out a moan of passion and smile as she felt it's warm glow give her life once more. Even if Arianda was in a blackhole of pain, the Queen was becoming filledwith a most precious life. And that is all that mattered to anyone who wanted to serve this most foul beast, right? Right.

"Ahahahah~ I think I'm fallin' fer ya~! I'll tell ya what, toots: ya can be apart of my row of husbands n' lifes. Ya' want to serve me? Ya' want to be dominated by me? Then so be it: I'll make ya' mine and ya' will always be my lil' bitch."

There was nothing else that she desired from her at this point. All That The Queen yearned for was that Arianda simply complies with her wishes. She wanted a slave, someone to follow her lead and make no questions as to whether or not the judgment of her actions were wholly sound or not. She was The Queen, Arianda was the subject and that's simply how things went. If she did as she was told, there would be nothing but love so potent, so deep and so europhic that she'd find herself on a cosmic high from the likes of which she may never come down from~

But that -- was for later.

For now -- she was sick of this putrid false form.

Thus, as the blood burned and modled itself to become one with Arianda, there would be a transformstation of sorts. Since The Queen yearned to see her precious pets true demonic form, the skin of The Crimson Hood, or whatever left of it, would begin to turn a pale white. In this way, her body would slowly start to restore itself from the horbid slaughtering it had undergone and had started to begun the process of unlocking her true form. Mana demanded no less then her most earnest self if she had even a hells chance of proving to be a most loyal spouse of any kind. There was beauty to be found in the primal essence of The Demon and she wanted someone like The Angel Of Conflict to stand tall, proud and ever-so-loving in that whole form.

"Ya feelin' the love? Ya feelin' the devotion? Ya feelin' the utter high of it all? Ya' got my seal, ya got my blood, ya' got my mind; so ya' are a slave to the pleasure, a slave to the pain n' a slave to this most fuckin' absurd universe~"

While Mana sounded as if she were high out of her ever living mind at this point when those words uttered out of her snake skinned mouth, if Arianda could even so much as move a single ounce of her body, The Queen would allow her to pierce her neck, eat her flesh and devour her just as Mana had devoureded Arianda's body. It was the cycle of life, it was the nature of this existence and it was the dance of life and death. All of this is how the flow, rhytm, and boogie of this reality was for all those who called it their home. So she'd embrace the pain, give herself to Arianda and allow her the final boost of regeneration needed in order to fully materlize her demeonic form.

Hence, in this way, the pet would suceed in allowing her master to once again realize her manic brillance, but at the cost of her own existence being nearly stuffed out. If she were to manage to stand once more, the woman could find herself being within the inner circle of Mana's most beloved collection of horded love ones. The demented love which brewed within her dim heart couldn't be containted for one person. Mana was far too lusty, powerful and infleucial for that. No. She yearned for rows of wome and men to be her beloved; to have a stockpile of people to drain their attention, affection and sexual pleasure from because her hunger was just that immense.

Thus, as Arianda clung to life and embraced her master, Mana would simply ask this one thing

"So tell me sweetheart: how are ya' feelin'?"

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] WVMWLOu
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Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:29 am


An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Thousand Foot Crutch - Song: Take it Out on Me - Word Count: 4269

Ever had a freight train slam through your door, pull out some dynamite, mount it on the front of itself, and then ram into you at well over 100 miles an hour with the dynamite exploding on impact? Well, buckle the fuck up in your kiddy seats because what Arianda was feeling was sure as hell 2000 times worse than that. Don't believe it? Well you fucking better. Why? Oh, well, ya know, just pain, all over; should pay attention.

ANYWHO, enough digressing. It was indeed true that this Manic little pair of demons here were definitely not normal, and, well, some serious shit was about to go the fuck down so hard that Chicago may as well just be reduced to ash at this point so it can be left like that.

The first mass of pain started quite swiftly, without warning, as Arianda attempted to delve into Mana's mind. Arianda was able to hold that telepathic connection for a little bit longer until she ultimately disconnected and felt her entire body shake, shudder, and act like a fucking Jenga Quake as her body was convulsing uncontrollably. She probably should have screamed out in pain, but, there was a point where so much pain occurred in one being where their vocal cords would simply stop working and no longer allow one to scream or even speak; and Arianda was dealing with just that. She heard a slight gurgling from herself as she felt compelled to answer Mana's question of whether she regretted it.... Did she?

Simple answer: hell fucking no. Arianda would never regret trying to help her Queen; even if she was currently left unable to do much as she felt the pain continue to assault her body. The pain was what one would certainly call overwhelming to the extreme. It truthfully was so much pain that Arianda could feel herself still trying to scream out in anguish as tears were brought to her eyes from the sheer amount of pain. She could just feel her body wanting to escape, right now, at least; her natural instincts said that. Everything else about Arianda said to stay, no matter what, to live no matter what; to fight the pain back until Mana was satisfied.

Eventually, the pain faded long enough for Arianda to at least gain a certain sense of being and try to speak to Mana. However, she soon interrupted herself when she squeaked at how cold Mana was. It was truly surprising for her Manic Queen since she had nearly never felt so. Arianda swallowed softly and tried to prepare herself for what may come next. However, there was no way for even Arianda to prepare herself for what was about to come next.

Arianda started to shudder uncontrollably as her body felt as if it was starting to freeze from how frigid her Queen's body had become. Arianda could feel something like "fear" welling up inside her, but, it wasn't quite so... maybe something else? Arianda could seriously not tell at all what was coming from inside her until she felt that it was all too late.

Arianda watched as much around her and Mana started to become completely destroyed; basically even more of a wasteland than it already was! Which, not a bad thing, but, it would be bad if Arianda had to deal with any of the destruction. Arianda's eyes soon fell back onto Mana as the land around them was utterly annihilated by the earthquakes, overbearing gravity, and even pits were opening up around them; every single pit chock full of lava that would easily burn and incinerate anything that came too close for the lava's comfort. As those extremely loud thunder claps ripped and tore the heavens apart, seemingly breaking the world, Mana too seemed to break out of a shell of sorts as she quickly returned to the form that Arianda loved to see the most; despite the fact that some shit was about to go down.

Arianda smiled a little as she saw Mana return to how she normally was, in form. The raven black hair that seemed to even be covering Arianda was a little exhilarating to see once more. Of course, she also gained her other features of large breasts, black claws, and bat wings. Arianda soon felt those same claws digging into her back, around her spinal column, as she stared into Mana's eyes, if she could see them, before she heard the tell tale words that shit was about to get real bad, real quick.

Arianda's eyes widened at the anger and fury she saw in her Queen's eyes; in her Master's eyes. At that moment, the very submissive side of Arianda, which is seldom shown, broke through as Arianda recoiled a little and felt herself trying to back away from her Queen; her eyes still wide, her face contorted so that fear could be seen behind it, and even the same more confident air from before had long passed and had been replaced by Arianda's eyes remaining wide open. Her eyebrows raised, following the movement of her eyes, as she placed a single hand on the surface behind her, likely the roof of this house they were on, as she attempted to move away from her angered Master; not wanting punishment. Unfortunately, the punishment came and Arianda could not escape it.

"I-I don't regret it... I w-wanted to help Master... I-- AGH"

Arianda's speech was soon halted by chunks of Arianda's neck being stolen from her swiftly by Mana's maw; not relenting as she simply tore out the flesh on Arianda's neck like she was biting into a giant hamburger that was rarer than normal. Arianda couldn't help but let out a gurgling scream as a recoil as her neck was feasted upon by her Master. Arianda felt her hands effortlessly attempt to latch onto Mana's arms as the rest of her body had quite literally given up and had basically gone limp.

Arianda caught only glimpses of Mana's face as she simply devoured her neck; fat, bone shards, bone marrow, stray pieces of flesh, and blood filling a lot of the Manic Queen's face as she feasted upon her pet. Arianda could not help but feel her legs input crushing force onto Mana's midsection as her body had basically locked up now, trying not to move much and simply allow Mana to devour her. However, her legs soon went limp, along with the rest of her body in entirety, as she felt the energy, basically her life force, being drained from her body.

Arianda could not help but udder a soft moaning shriek as she felt her life literally being drained away. Arianda felt her breathing growing shallower and shallower as time passed, feeling her life force being drained away by Mana. This was a bit of a severe punishment for just this; death that is. Arianda was unsure what to think as she felt her body just wanting to sleep forever and never return to the waking world. After all, Arianda had no issues with her last sight in life being Mana. However, no matter what happened, no matter how much pain Arianda felt she could tell that her life was not going to fade away; something was literally willing Arianda to stay alive besides whatever will Arianda may have left. After all, Arianda was much too delirious by this point to do anything to try and replenish the energy she had lose; no matter how futile it was.

Arianda soon heard Mana basically yelling at her, sort of, it was a voice that was seemingly booming to Arianda in her state of half-life; barely able to do much besides look at Mana as she felt herself constantly fade and return to life. Arianda stared blankly into Mana's eyes as her mouth as she mouthed the word 'no' in response to her first question while she simply mustered a simple half-nod to the second question; making it quite clear she had absolutely no regrets and that she was still with Mana.

Arianda soon felt that her hearing had started to expire temporarily as Mana started to speak in a way that her voice sounded so distorted and hard to understand that Arianda was pretty damn sure she was basically unable to hear right now. However, she could clearly make out the same booming thunder claps. The clear answer was that Mana's voice was what was becoming distorted, gurgled, and filled with static as Arianda continued to listen to her sadistic Master; who was ripping apart her masochistic pet.

Arianda could vaguely hear the sounds of the area around them seemingly trying to break just from Mana cutting loose and letting out enough Chaos that if anyone was especially weak to Chaos they would likely explode or turn to dust; something like that. Arianda didn't even notice that the colors around her had corrupted and changed themselves so they were no longer the same; some colors even straight up turned to palpable patches of static in the world around them. Such a thing made it seem like reality truly was being broken down by the sheer amount of pure chaos that Mana was producing with reckless abandon; giving not a care to what may happen due to this tyrannical outbreak of Chaos. Hell, even voices started to sound from nowhere; voices of screaming and moaning demons filling the air as skulls of humans in numbers that Arianda couldn't even count appearing around her and Mana. These same skulls soon started to dance like strange jesters in a manic court as Arianda ate her meal of a pet.

Soon enough, though, Mana's form contorted and changed so that she now even had eyes staring at Arianda from behind; peering at her back as Arianda felt herself always slipping between life and death. Arianda continued to stare at Mana, trying to understand what she is seeing. Maybe it was just the fact she couldn't comprehend it right now, but, it could also be that Arianda may be unable to comprehend the fact that a cosmos seemingly appeared on Mana's back without any warning to Arianda. Arianda soon noticed that the eyes that had once been on Mana's face had quickly disappeared as the fangs that were protruding from Mana's mouth soon enlarged and became quite large to surpass fangs that Arianda had ever thought of growing in the past.

Arianda couldn't even swallow now, feeling saliva slowly drip down the side of her mouth as her being was filled with so many things; her body quaked, her mind shuddered, and her soul simply felt as if it had been run through with a barbed spear, at least 50 times in a row. Arianda soon noticed the large tendrils that soon shot out of Mana's back; tentacles so large that Arianda was pretty sure if they went anywhere else besides towards her arms and legs, she would have been forever screwed over.

Arianda made not a sound as she felt her left arm being yanked out of its socket. With a sickening squelching sound the muscles, tendons, fats, and all sorts of connective tissue snapped as Arianda felt that left arm of hers being torn off as if it was nothing more than a cybernetic attachment. Nope, real arm, real blood, bleeding out; a lot. Soon enough her right arm followed suit, being torn out of it's socket with a loud cracking sound. It was then torn off with that same squelching sound that would have likely made even the toughest of men and women evacuate the lunch from their stomachs. Arianda made not a sound as her shoulder stumps bled out onto the floor; not even caring that she could bleed out right now.

If Mana was no longer trying to chew on her pet's neck, Arianda would slump backwards and soon fall onto her back as she felt those same tendrils wrapping tightly around her legs; ruining the stockings completely and cutting into the flesh of the upper areas of her thighs. As soon as the flesh was sawed through enough, since while Arianda was thin her thighs at least had some meat on them, the tentacles made a sharp movement that separated her legs completely; a moaning scream being elicited from Arianda's mouth as her eyes sprung to life for a moment as she lost what gave Arianda freedom to move.

Now, Arianda simply had bleeding leg and shoulder stumps as those tendrils devoured her limbs and Mana elicited a howl that showed her dominance over Arianda; at least it sounded like the howl was from Mana. Arianda truly could not tell, she was so delirious that sounds had mixed a little from time to time; their exact origin a little difficult to decide upon. Arianda couldn't even separate the crunching sound of bone being eaten by the tendrils from the flesh being eaten by those same tendrils.

Arianda felt herself consumed by so much pain that her body had basically shut down, but, Arianda could also feel that certain areas of her body were getting soaked by blood. However, that wasn't the only thing getting soaked here. Ya see, Arianda is what one would call a masochist; and she greatly depends on this at points when she needs to get aroused. And, since her Master was being so sadistic to her and inflicting all sorts of pain, Arianda was soon well aroused and completely drenched down under. If Mana paid attention, that same liquid was mixing with her blood; creating quite a strange pool at Arianda's leg stumps.

As this sadistic fest of Mana's continued on her Masochistic pet, Arianda could not help but feel further and further aroused as Mana continued to literally chew on her. Even the cuts that were appearing on her body only helped fuel this as Arianda felt her body basically drained of all but a fourth of her blood. Yet, Mana was still trying to eat every single thing she could from Arianda without killing her pet. Arianda even soon felt Mana tear off the top of her head; leaving on slight whisps of the red-highlighted black hair that adorned Arianda's head. Arianda could care less right now, as long as Mana let her live, she would be happy. Why? Because, despite how foul Mana could get or would be; it wouldn't change that Arianda was loyal, forever would love Mana, and was ever thankful to her for the power she had bestowed unto Arianda. There was no sense in complaining; no sense in resisting her Master, especially not when Arianda was certainly getting off from this shit.

Arianda vaguely listened to what Mana said; taking in what she asked and said. Arianda couldn't answer her before her scalp was soon shoved inside her mouth; uselessly silencing what was already silent since Arianda had reached a point where, not only was her vocal cords gouged out, she could no longer utter any sentiment of pain. If anything, Mana's screwed up, masochistic, pet known as Arianda would simply utter moans from getting turned on from her master treating her like this. Maybe some part of Arianda liked this, but, if anyone else found out Arianda mayyyyyyy have to reduce them to blood puddles.

Well, speaking of loyalty, Arianda's everything was certainly trying to tell her that this was not worth it. But, in the end, they all shut up at the burning sensation of possessing Mana's power inside of her; the Eris Seal. Arianda was going to be endlessly loyal to Mana. It would take a hell of a lot more than this to get Mana to break her loyalty to Mana; makes one wonder how far someone would have to go to break Arianda's loyalty to Mana.

However, Arianda could soon feel herself fading; actually dying. She barely forced the scalp out of her mouth and moved her stumps uselessly as she tried to force herself to live before Mana literally vomited something that was colored a lot like olive oil, likely because it was olive colored, right onto Arianda. Arianda soon felt that she was not going to die, in actuality, but, she would still feel like shit as just breathing sent more shots of pain up and down the body Arianda had left. She even felt like her spirit was being damaged by this new onslaught of pain as she was brought back into more of a sense filled environment than before; now that she wasn't floating between life and death.

An Absurdly Otherworldly Boredom: Is There Even A Point To This Thread? (And An Absurdly Long Title To Boot)  [Side-Story; Far Chicago Outskirts] 6EdIfMt

Arianda soon heard Mana's strange, demented, lullaby as she hummed and literally said 'Let's. Make. Love' Arianda could feel herself craving relief now; not only from the pain, but, also from what it had caused in Mana's little masochist of a pet. If it wasn't clear before, Arianda was drenched in her own bodily fluids from her arousal. It was likely a good thing Arianda was like this since Mana would be able to do whatever she wished to Arianda after she had repaired Arianda from the physical damage.

Of course, while Arianda had cut her telepathic connection with Mana from earlier, she was still pulling out whatever madness she could get from Mana; trying to remove the excess. Of course, this was to help Mana return to normal, which was EXACTLY what Arianda wanted right at this moment; there was basically nothing she wanted more than for her Master to no longer be so dreary and bored.

Arianda soon returned her thoughts to what was happened right now; especially her eyesight... wait, half of her eyesight? Oh... Mana had just torn out one of her eyeballs. Arianda barely even felt the eyeball being torn from it's socket, by a single finger, thanks to her body being so damn numb. Arianda could only see with her other eye, for only moments, as she saw the finger poke right in front of her eye, blur from how close it was, a sharp pain since she actually realized this one, and then nothing. Arianda could no longer see her manic queen.

Blood slowly dripped out of Arianda's eye sockets; drifting down her face as she was now sad she could no longer look upon her Master. At least for now, but, she was a bit too focused on the present to care about the future. It was also disappointing Mana disliked her shifter form; one Arianda liked to pride herself with since it was something she liked to be in quite a lot. Likely an old habit from needing to "blend in".

Arianda soon heard the tell tale sounds of Mana biting down onto her eyeballs; the orbs of flesh being no more as Arianda could only listen now; waiting for her Manic Master to do something more. However, what she soon heard was a little interesting to hear from one who had basically just torn her apart. She heard a moan, yes, a moan. Up until now, only Arianda had done the moaning thanks to how much of a masochist this one was. What came next had surprised Arianda even more that she wanted to have arms back so she could kiss her Master.

To sum it up, Mana said something that Arianda had truly thought was impossible; that Mana was falling for her. Arianda soon found it in herself to swallow again, a jolt of pain being felt just then as she was able to swallow once more. Arianda was also completely okay with being Mana's bitch in every way; after all, she basically owed Mana everything in her life right now. She had no qualms with being Mana's completely.

Arianda continued to breath shakily as Mana seemed to do nothing for what felt like an eternity; strange, Arianda would have thought that she would be able to see with the eyes on her body, but, she must not have had enough energy left to keep them constant and they simply faded. Arianda coughed slightly as she felt a burning sensation once more; yet, this one was different. Blood was literally burning and modeling itself so it could become one with Arianda; forcing her to transform into her true form. Her demon form, that is.

Arianda felt herself soon regain some sense of feeling to many faculties around her entire body. The one that was likely the first she noticed was her ability to see again; her gaze piercing into Mana's eyes; her screwed up pet being glad to stare into Mana's emerald green eyes again. She soon felt her limbs return, her head patched up from being ripped open, and, her hair regrowing. However, something was different. Arianda could tell Mana forced her to transform into her True Appearance; what she actually looks like as a demon. However, she was drawing out what it actually looked like instead of that strange dragon-like demon she used to appear like.

Arianda soon felt that her hair extended down to her feet, with Arianda being at least as tall as Mana; if not a little shorter than her now. Her skin was also pale, just about as white as Mana's own skin. Her arms and legs also became covered with some sort of metal plating; red veins running up and down each piece of metal that was bound to Arianda's body. She could even feel that some of her hair was tied up on the right side of her head. Arianda soon regained feeling in all of her body as she coughed a little violently at first, coughing up a little but of blood as she regained a sense to her being once more. Arianda cleared her throat and then felt something on her chest bounce. Her gaze drifted straight down to notice that her breasts had definitely expanded some. She grinned a little before she shakily rose to her feet from the position she was in earlier; not being able to stand due to losing basically all her limbs and the ability to stand in general.

Arianda's legs shook violently as she stood up, making sure she stood nice and tall as she looked her Master in the eye. Arianda took shaky steps until she was able to put her arms on Mana's shoulders to support herself a little. Her blood red eyes stared into Mana's emerald green eyes as she spoke; her voice a little raspy from all the treatment from earlier.

"How do I feel? Hm, both like shit and amazing to the point where I could go for something like sex; I dunno. Can't tell. The devotion? Well, I did this just for you, so, yes; my being is completely devoted to you. And, yes, I certainly am; I'm pretty sure I'm already drunk off of you anyways. It feels nice to have so much of you... but, I am most certainly a slave to the pleasure, pain, and to this most absurd universe because I am your slave; your Pet, Wife, slave, and I am willing to do anything for you. I guess this just solidified it all then~"

Arianda grinned and felt liquid dripping from her thigh. She groaned softly and leaned against Mana a little bit as she slowly grew fangs as she was presented with her prize from being able to stand; Mana's neck. Arianda bit into Mana's neck in a single swift, vicious, motion as she basically did the same thing Mana did to her own neck; devouring it while blood, bone, and fat covered her face. Arianda stopped when she had devoured a good amount of flesh from Mana's neck; urging her Master to replenish the flesh after Arianda licked off excess blood. She soon was also able to completely regenerate; her body now completely whole as she hung tightly onto Mana tightly. She felt like Mana was her last string of life, and she'd be damned if she was gonna let go now.

Arianda licked Mana's neck softly as soon as she had restored it back to it's former pale glory; making sure no blood was left. Arianda heard her question and then chuckled softly and answered her question.

"I kinda feel like killing a bunch of people, spreading chaos, getting sweet release from you, and, overall, I feel... well, even more Manic then before; I guess. It's hard to describe, but, I just know that I feel so ecstatic that I was able to assist you; and that I am now completely yours. That, and, I feel like I'm on cloud nine~ However, there is something we should get out of the way first; it's something your probably noticed earlier."

Arianda grinned wildly as she pressed herself against Mana, giving away how aroused she was if Mana couldn't already tell. Arianda bit Mana's ear and whispered into it with only a single statement that Arianda prayed Mana would comply with; even though Arianda was near death earlier.

"Fuck me, Master~~"

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