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Entity of Contradiction
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Royal Passing [Chiraisu] Empty Royal Passing [Chiraisu]

Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:27 am
Dayalu Seishin
King of Sirsa Lands
Davana of Hope & Reincarnation

In the Demon world, everyone typically, has something that they have ambitions for, something that drives them to d what, ever they might be trying to accomplish. It would be considered unusual or odd, for one to not have such ambitions within this world, Dayalu, was not an exception to this way of life, however, he did not typically step to the very lows of his brethren, to obtain what they wanted in the world around them. It was a very dreadful thing, to bring about such hopes and dreams in all kinds of people, only to take it away from them, eating and consuming it, for your own, in the end of all of it.

Maybe, just maybe, that was how that was how they cycle was always meant to be though, that was not however, the cycle that he cared for, it was the way of life, that was they key to who he has become, and what he and every other living thing shall become.

Now then, it was another matter entirely, as to why this Demon King found himself within the city that stood for Shadow Fall, the Demon Organization, itself. Something that he was and wasn't a part of, being a King, however, he had certain dealings with them, and their leader, the queen, Mana Asthavon. The Asthavon family itself, was also something that he was going to have connections to as well, it was after all, only a matter of time, as the highest family in the realm, everything naturally lead to them for the time being. It was the origin point, or the peak of the mountain as they could say, everything else was downhill from there of course. Not to make is sound bad in a way, but nothing was compared to that of the peak in terms of skill and accomplishments, the Queen herself could be considered that very top of the mountain, if not her, then they had included the Demon God himself, Touketsu.

After sometime had passed, eventually Dayalu had taken care of what was needed to be accomplished with the circles of Shadow Fall, he wasn't entirely free for the day, but he was at a point that he could move as he pleased, he had been going through quite a bit this past year, regrowing his kingdom, a place that he inherited in shambles, but now, it was starting to amount to something or another. It was still a wonderful mix of everything, but that was what made the land of Sirsa different from the rest of the Demon World.

Dayalu found himself, merely wandering the streets of the town, finding himself looking around the market, seeing what the various stands were offering, if anything or anyone was actually standing out. But it was merely an act of passing time, was all that it was meant to be. His presence though, did put a certain feeling upon the area, his was a feeling as if hope was within the area, people that was working on offers clung to them more closely in a chance of making a break. But more importantly was the level of calmness that filled the area in the King's area, the was not sudden outbreak before him, but that was merely how his influence worked. It was only a matter of time, until the cycle continued, but he was uninterested in that as he walked forward. There was some moments where a demon or two would recognize him, but to that he would also only, walk forward, he didn't try to hid himself, he merely went along his way, where they approached him or not was their choice, he would not give them much time to think about it, but he would not discourage, anyone that desired to do so.

Dayalu, merely wandered forth with the wind by his side, as always.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!

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Entity of Contradiction
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Royal Passing [Chiraisu] Empty Re: Royal Passing [Chiraisu]

Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:07 am
Dayalu Seishin
King of Sirsa Lands
Davana of Hope & Reincarnation

[justify] Somethings were best left not bothered, was a motto that Dayalu could follow quite well, however, instead, he found that it could be equally as difficult to ignore the things that truly gathered attention to people in this realm. After all, this was the world of demons, so as the Demon King, continued on his path and his influence was not only effecting everything around him at this point, but making him aware of the souls that wandered around him ever so freely. It was at one point or another that he was able to take note of a soul that stood very far from the others that were around him. It was in pure nature, a human soul, nothing less than that, but he felt an odd twist to it, as if something had been done to change the way that it was. The soul alone, was enough to gain his attention as he was drawing closer to as he walked his way through the town, he was glad that it wasn't really moving as he wasn't in the mood to be chasing down random souls, as they, wandered the town around them.

It was in due time that the Demon King, could stop before, that which he had sensed, it was something odd, that he didn't fully understand as before him was as peaceful as she could be, a human girl, with long blonde hair. He felt like it reminded him of someone else in a past life of his as he watched over her as she rested. Gauging her energy and soul at the moment, he came to the conclusion that she truly had fallen in the palms of exhaustion in the world of demons, a choice that many would not be able to live with for a very long time, however, there were those that had taken an interest with her, but as Dayalu had looked around after he was close, none of them would meet his eyes. It was an understanding that if there was one thing was certain, whether he had good or bad intentions, doing something against him, might cost them their lives.

His attention on the sleeping girl, while he couldn't exactly tell, what was different about her, he could tell exactly what kind of mischief was at work, as he looked upon the girl to notice the collar that was upon her, was that which had a single name on, a name that none one else, would have it in such a regard, Mana, for the Queen of Demons in the central nation. He wondered if this person was a slave for Mana, with collar, but for her to be in such a nice appearance, and reflect as if she didn't have a single care or worry in her posture as she slept, suggested otherwise to him. It was not something he himself indulged himself with, but he knew that Demon Nobles and Royals could keep others as both slaves and pets at times. If she were a pet for Mana, then this person was at the very least someone, who has caught her attention. It was in his best interests to make sure that he treated her at the very least, acceptably. As he reached a hand out to her, as to shake her and wake her up.

There was so much more at work however, as Dayalu's touch was filled with a small amount of his energy and origin, that would very much be considered a jolt to the girl, that could very well not, only make it easier to awaken her, but cause her to not feel like she has just recently been drained out by the environment that is the world of demons. "Miss, I wouldn't recommend sleeping like that here, it welcomes unfortunate souls to come wandering by." Dayalu would go on to explain to girl while trying to awaken her, trying to grip her awakening, making her thoughts start moving once more, whether she caught anything of what he had actually stated or not, it really didn't matter too terribly much, at this point.

The Demon King had originally come here, seeking only to better, his relations with the demon organization, Shadow Fall. But now he found a chance that might allow him to interact with Mana herself, and put himself in much better standings. "Are you lost at all?" He would ask her if and after, she had awakened from her slumber. Before her, she would see a male standing about 5'8, with black hair, and extremely pale skin, wear very nice clothing, including a symbol upon his jacket that wouldn't be very recognizable, but was entirely decorated in gold. He had a small smile, and a calm expression upon his face. His influence was at work in the background of the area, filtering the energy that he had influenced over, back into her body, as quickly, as she might be losing it, from the changes of the new realm on her body.

In additions, waves of soothing energy would wash over her, being so close to his presence and energy, as his origins would like only further assist in bring her back to her normal self, or at the very least as close to normal as she could get for the time being. All the while, his origin of Reincarnation was at work figuring out the secrets and alterations of her soul, itself. [justify]

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!

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Entity of Contradiction
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Royal Passing [Chiraisu] Empty Re: Royal Passing [Chiraisu]

Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:29 pm
Dayalu Seishin
King of Sirsa Lands
Davana of Hope & Reincarnation

Dayalu's interest in the situation that was before him was one that was one worth his time he believed, it was something that he could justify in due time as he waking the human from their sleep, and giving her energy, yet on the same time, his aura was very calming one, very counter productive one could say. It wasn't bothering him in the least bit, though, he wasn't really bothered by this in the least bit. He was still interested in the fact that something, no matter how small it was, off about her soul, her very essence. Given that it was most likely had something to do with this human's master, Mana, it wasn't a surprise to sense that it was something demonic in nature. He decided for the time being besides what his origin could tell him, while she was within his presence, he will leave the unusual circumstances to that.

"Glad to hear at the very least that you are alright." He began explaining to her after she was done talking to him. After this he would go on to offer his hand in a polite manner for her to stand form the bench as he decided it was time that he introduced himself. "I am Dayalu Seishin, Demon King of Sirsa, Davana of Hope. While you might not be lost, you do seem to have put yourself in quite an odd situation, had I not wandered by...., I wonder what would have occurred instead, I might have shattered the hopes of others, on the chances of a defenseless girl sleeping on a bench all alone." He continued on with wondering if she would take his hand or not. Dayalu was being quite blunt on the situation that Ceal was in, after all whether he was a demon king or not didn't matter, what truly did matter that she at least had some trust in his kind character.

After all once again, almost every demon in existence had an agenda of some sort, working towards their ambitions one step at time, but Dayalu's were typically far different than most, but if others could read his mind like that, there would be a number of issues that would need to be addressed in due time. "I ask nothing of the kindness that I offer, but that you allow me to escort you the rest of the way, it would be unfortunate, if something horrible was to befall you on the way to your master's home in this realm. He would finish with, making what was his current intentions quite clear to her. To him, she truly was even if it was small, a connection to the demon queen, none the less, something that was useful to him, even though he didn't particularly like thinking in sinister ways, he had to explore all the possibilities if he wanted to see his nation rise and prosper with good fortune.

If she did take his hand, the air around them would in a way, begin to flow like a high current was around them both. This was a mixture of Dayalu's influence and his skill in Shadow movement, as the forces of air and wind, would be strong enough to lift both him and Ceal off of the ground, as if they were weightless, Dayalu of course, just in case, kept hold of her hand, as they raced off higher into the sky. "It shouldn't take us too terribly long like this anyway, don't you think?"[/b] He would ask her once they were far into the air at that point.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!

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Entity of Contradiction
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Royal Passing [Chiraisu] Empty Re: Royal Passing [Chiraisu]

Wed Aug 24, 2016 10:54 pm
Dayalu Seishin
King of Sirsa Lands
Davana of Hope & Reincarnation

It was none the less interesting, to watch as Ceal kept a very lively attitude, Dayalu felt like he was in a way making things better for her, giving her hope for the future ahead of her. Although, if things ever didn't work out in the end, with Dayalu's other origin, reincarnation, one could always just try again. That wasn't really what was important about the moment, as they found themselves up in the air, about to find themselves going into the forest around the shadow fall's village. The Davana of Hope was debating on the things at hand, he wasn't exactly excited to hear that it wouldn't be at Mana's home, cause as of now, he had no idea where he was going, it was almost a bit awkward that they were in the air, because it would be slightly difficult for her to give directions to him, but they would still arrive there rather quickly none the less. "I see, so you are able to lead the way instead of me, I suppose that can work as well." He stated to Ceal, as Dayalu began to break away from Ceal quite literally, his physical body was literally, breaking apart into ashes and dust as it flew out to the air around Ceal.

His soul on the other hand, was going forth, and if she really didn't resist, not like she could easily though, his soul would place a seal upon her body, tethering his soul to her body for the time being, he was kinda like a passenger, instead of the conductor. If this was allowed Dayalu would explain to her very carefully what he was doing in a way. "I've connected myself to you for the time being, it should allow you better control over your abilities and control over my own, consider this a great chance, to wield great power." He would explain to her, but he actually has found that this would be an extremely effective way in satisfying his curiosity, about her soul as he could directly, approach the nature of her inner soul and whatever else might reside there. He wasn't really particularly focused on anything else besides listening to Ceal and maintaining his power on his body.

If things were resisted and he was unable to maintain his seal on her, he would still keep his ash based state, as he would ask her. "In what direction are we traveling to this meeting spot?"

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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