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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:22 am

Song: XO [Instr.] - By: Eden Project - Word Count: N/A

The Ziamichi Template

Basic Information


» Name: Kuanastha
» Titles: N/A
» Race: Visera Demonio
» Age: 2/22/450+
» Gender: Female
» Affiliation/Rank: Rogue


Personality Section

» Personality:

The start of someone’s personality is revealed through interaction, and Kuanastha’sidiosyncrasies leave her at an odd spot of sociability without hospitality. Kuanstha contradicts herself on a number of scenarios with only slight details keeping her coherent. Far from outgoing (albeit light-hearted at times), Kuanastha is rarely the one to initiate conversation given her timid, borderline socially awkward nature, contrary to the typical ‘butterfly’ she forwardly embodies. She may just be that one person sitting at the bar alone keeping to herself, drink in hand; however, should she ever be approached, a long lasting conversation of open-ended responses and questions flourishes with ease. More than open to engaging alongside her sociable aura (by no means literal or magical), Kuanastha’s body language, facial demeanor, and admittedly attractive appearance ties together into a practically expected affability. But, she’s not?

All in all, this can be explained by Kuanashta being “easy to talk to, especially when considering her responsiveness and gentle appearance. The primary reason--despite her often times incorrigibly harsh attitude --lies in rhetoric. With her literacy and manner of speech combined with knowing what to say, when to say it, and overall the best conveyance providable per scenario, Kuanastha can cater herself to each individual. As a result, Kuanashta is inherently placed as an easily relatable person, thus a person to easily create bonds with.

Tie this into her volatility on an emotional spectrum, going easily from giving unreasonable favouritism towards her allies and a death sentence to even slight offenses, people easily respond with their very own strong emotions--especially towards someone seemingly so tyrannical. Regardless of whether those emotions are favourable towards her, so long as they can be changed to favour her, that same level of intensity usually carries over, thereby making her a hard-to-forget person, and by extension, one whom holds many loyal people.

That capacity to be a people-pleaser with catered rhetoric and a heavy personality is precisely what humanises Kuanastha; simply put, she has the capacity, but not the will. Since the flip of action she’s taken after a major self reformation, Kuanastha has found it an easy feat to dish out a storm of blunt statements in any number of tones, ranging from matter-of-fact blatancy to insultingly sarcastic all in the aims of a determined result, regardless of her inner fragile nature. By now, it’s rare to receive anything sugar-coated, to the extent that you’d sooner see her keep quiet than say something not from the heart, though the way she forms these “from the heart” colloquialism may not be as straight-forward as it could be. In a way, she’s horribly honest albeit cryptic. That being said, it’s also entirely false to say she has integrity.

Kuanastha likes to think herself, and sometimes she is, without reserve, whilst conducting herself with thoughts kept secret. While she usually holds counter-measures in place, she puts effort in making even her allies unaware, following Sun Tzu’s “to deceive your enemies deceive your friends first”. This often results in her coming across as reckless. To be fair, she certainly acts without proper consideration, a trait with often garners respect and malice from a number of peoples.

Taking a step back, let’s go a bit more into Kuanastha sociability again. As stated, taking away that “aura of attraction”, most of her supposed affability lies in her “wordsmith” qualities. It’s a fact that her ability but reluctance to be a people pleaser finds origin in the manner of her upbringing, but beyond that there’s also a part of Kuanastha that’s exorbitantly unstable when it comes to mood. To others, it could be classified as a bipolar level of mood-swings, where as far as the girl is concerned, her changes are entirely justified.

Thoughts constantly juggle in Kuanastha’s mind, often of entirely different subjects usually barely linked by a lesser thought with minor relevance. Her incessant thinking naturally affects the way she acts. The main reason those actions may contrast so easily and so quickly lies in how she experiences things. Kuanastha’s thoughts tend to be broad and easily transformative as a result of seeing every second as a moment. Every moment is a point of experience in her life, which explains her forgetfulness at times considering time is so “elongated” in a sense. At the same time, it’s the reason Kuanastha can recall even the most minute details so vivdly.

That train of thought(s) link to her actions through her judgementality. Albeit the common negative connotation, Kuanastha’s judgement is incredibly varied and often unbiased, covering a number of circumstances. That being said, on the occasions where it is biased, it’s to an incredible extent. While she recognises the existence of grey inbetween black and white, contrary to her ideology, Kuanastha frequently response to situations with clearcut differentiation (ironically, on a case-by-case basis), often subconsciously. To that extent, Kuanastha often places bias when confronted with someone she finds below her, something inevitable for everyone to come across. Granted she isn’t (always) narcissistic, nor by the cliche manner that discerns people by nobility and pedigree; such a system is too shallow and petty for her tastes.

Now, by no means is Kuanastha not petty or shallow either. Rather, by no means will she lack her share of petty or shallow moments. It’s easy to forget her mental age and position from the background she’s derived from, but Kuanastha is still only a child in mentality, who can’t always dictate right from wrong for herself, especially as a result of her twisted mentality. She has her faults and faulty moments, one of the former usually lying behind her judgementality, and will continue to be faulty because she sees no wrong in it, or at least brushes it away as something not large enough to affect her.


"Considering his hollow nature, Kururai would have no trouble consuming thousands of souls to stabilise himself so long as he held the willpower to overpower all the souls he consumed, and originally that wouldn't be an issue, except for having lost some of his racial traits upon becoming a Visera Demonio, just as Ana had lost her existence as a Danava. That being said, the consumption and effective destruction or absolute oppression of the souls he consumed required more than just willpower. While the merged soul of Kuanastha reigns supreme and the souls of the demons themselves are now melded into her, slivers of their conscience bore into Kuanastha's mind, hence her schizophrenia. While she certainly has her bouts of insanity, namely because she clinically is insane, the manifested voices within Kuanastha's head more often than not present themselves as constant blithering annoyances. For the most part, Kuanastha suffers a perpetual twitch-chat in her head."

Background Section

» Ana Asthavon Part: Prior to the Asthavon sisters and their isolation in the Iahhel compound, the generations of kidnapped hybrids by the clan councilmen’s frequency was something to behold. Particularly the sheer amounts of negative energy that gathered around in reaction. The resentment, anguish, and despair formed by the generations of hybrid Iahhel over time brought a new existence into life--a Danava demon. Of course, the danava demon’s actual conception would occur in the area where the negative energy gathered, that being the location the clan elders held the hybrid children. Without a doubt, they discovered the demon, and the strength of the elders combined amounted to more than enough to detain the demon. The councilmen’s trend of corrupt opportunists naturally took advantage of this new existence, drawing power from the danava to add strength to the defensive measures that kept the four sisters contained and suppressed.

(btw the demon is born as a conjunction of a Ritual (inadvertently done by the elders as their killing of the hybrid beings ended up operating similarly to a ritual) and abnormal birth, born from the malicious thoughts powerful enough to create the demon on its own, only further propagated by the introduction of Haniel, since almost the entire compound is set into a negative mindset)

Being born from the feelings of oppression, vengeance, futility, and hatred, focusing on the oppressed portion, the demon's powers were forced upon the girls. As she was born from the feelings of these very beings, she naturally felt an affinity and empathy for them. Having watched their suffering, to her efforts, the demon worked her powers in reverse, releasing the restrictions on the creature within Haniel (of course, only to a minimal extent considering the elder’s suppression of her), in exchange making it more easily noticeable for Nami to detect the energy flux with Haniel as the origin, as well as amplifying the malicious thoughts of the beast within.

In terms of her differing emotions concerning the sisters, the introduction of opposing feelings corrupted the very being of the demon, as she was founded upon negative emotions, which also helped attributed to the entire compounds change in emotions. Of course, it only served to amplify Haniel's effects as opposed to being a large portion of the change itself. This conflict was easily created as it would be natural for the preceding hybrid children before them to have formed bonds with one another, thus influencing the demon's fundamentals during gradual conception. In the end, the demon morphed to a Danava of Entropy, governing over some different traits to Mana's eventual existence as a Danava of Discord and Madness. Which also explains the demon's particular notice to Haniel amongst the four sisters (which plays a part in the demon's return).

From there, taking notice to the plans of Haniel's sisters, although the demon understood that it was for the good of Haniel herself, as well as the siblings as a whole, the demon still felt particular pity for the girl. That being said, with her existence as essentially the danava of gradual descent into chaos, the stability of the demon’s powers of oppression and her no longer single-purpose existence allowed for a more tangible manifestation within the bounds of her own field of oppression, that being closer to the side of Haniel. As to why this demon wasn't detected, the manifestation only went so far as to telepathic communication, in an attempt to give Haniel solace in her episode of turmoil from negligence from the people she most cherished.

Unfortunately, excessive and memorable exposure would have brought Haniel all her suffering for absolutely nothing, as the plan would inevitably be unsuccessful. For that reason, the demon would utterly suppress any memory of her exchanges with Haniel. The end goal of these times of communication was to at the very least provide later effects after the eventual girl's breakdown. After all, it's difficult to recover from an adverse change in person to a point of stability. After the success of the sisters’ plans, the release on Mana's memories of interacting with the demon would easily be done since after the Iahhel Genocide, the demon's shackles would be released. The event of the demon releasing the memories would attribute to the feeling of sisterhood.

After making certain the bonds between the sisters reforged, as quite literally a free-spirit the demon takes to returning to her origins, with the purpose of vengeance on the elders now subsiding. And by origins, she returns to the demon world, where she goes quiet, and out of satisfaction in serving one of her purposes, she aims for satiating her needs to consume negative demonic energies, and being out of touch with the rest of demon kind given her isolation to the Iahhel compound since birth, she failed to understand convention or perceived possibilities of demonkind. That being said, out of naivety and thirst for these energies the demon intuitively found a separate realm, and the demon entered Touketsu’s realm. Naturally, she's fucking curbstomped.

With inadequate power she would be crushed into oblivion, as is the natural conclusion. But, as one might be able to tell, she somehow escapes. The method? The demon initially entered the realm in thirst for the energy there. Naturally, this would crush her, but feed into her aspect of maliciousness, while empowering her side of entropy as the state of her existence is pulverised into an absolute mess, and eventually, oblivion. In that time, her malicious aspect is crushed as it is the one which seeks the energies far too much for her to handle. The result is more or less a purified, single-aspect Danava: the Danava of Entropy. To be candid, this venture only serves to purify the demon and in no way grants her extra benefits from having been in the Demon God’s realm. Particularly due to there being probably no way for such a demon on her level to even keep consciousness, let alone tap into the realm and utilise the energies for her benefit. This part of her life does however find significance in her resurface.

(Again, it's all for the most part a plot device, which connects her on a soul-level to the Asthavon family through the demon realm and, eventual re-awakening I'll be now describing.)

With her existence now solely as a Danava of Entropy, and her connections to Mana both on a personal level, now soul level from a closer connection to Touketsu and closer connection to Mana herself as a Danava of similar aspects, and Mana's ability to essentially detect relatives proven by her ability to know Kururai was after meeting Inami, the Demon Queen was thus able to detect the demon within Za Koa, and out of sentiment for a person who took to caring for her in childhood, attempted to bring that conscience from the demon god’s domain back into the accessible realms of PH.

» Kururai’s Birth: Somewhere in Hueco Mundo, within a Shadowfall lab, one of many experiments took place. One particular experiment yielded results unknown to even those of direct participation. For a motive unknown to the subject, a modified hollow was constructed, similarly to the artificial souls the Gotei had developed oh so many years ago. The host to the effective mod “hollow” soul had been a young human, still alive at the time, and no doubt fearful for their life.

After only an hour of horrid shouts, the screams had ceased; oddly enough, the body didn't seem to have been transformed into a hollow, as the usual logic would dictate. No doubt, the human in that body had been entirely suppressed, but there was no physical differences to reflect that. In the end, the experiment was deemed a failure.

It would seem that, despite being a ridiculously simpleton mistake, the developers of the artificial soul forgot to account for a lack of spiritual power, which would result in a failure to transform the body itself, keeping physical form. While the hollow had successfully resided in the body, there was no expectation for it to be sustained--the lack of spiritual energy would eventually sever the connection between the body and soul.

The product of a failed experiment was dealt with accordingly. Swiftly and without much though, the body was dumped off somewhere in the dunes of Hueco Mundo, the hollow left to eventually lose its presence as the resident mindless hollows fed upon the now useless human body. Something else the developers hadn't seemed to account for--and understandably so--was an outside variable. A menacing presence shadowed over the lifeless human body harbouring the artificial hollow.

Moments passed before the hollow within the body developed a conscience. Awareness had manifested, and against the lack of expectations, the hollow was, so to speak, 'alive', thanks to an outside source streaming into his body, keeping his literal heart beating and soul active. The looming presence from before had been the cause. The hollow had risen, seemingly in complete control of the humanoid physical body. Everything seemed to be functioning properly, including its eyes. What it saw was not the sands of Hueco Mundo; instead, an endless sky of hazy purple shades, coalescing with a multitude of other hues, meshing together in a headache inducing flow. And what seemed to be generated from that horrid mass of colours was a voice, seemingly shrouded in the heavy tone of multiple--hundreds, thousands of voices, all speaking as one.

They engaged in conversation, and before long, the hollow, "Kururai", gained an identity. The only thing missing was 'purpose'. As the voice, the 'Nether', being the term it referred to itself as, had proclaimed, a being has purpose, and a loss of purpose is a loss of being. As such, the Nether had imparted upon Kururai a purpose--something which would stick, and for a very long time.

"Let your purpose be ours. Grow, take ahold of us, and give us purpose. That is yours."

A series of confusing and cryptic conversations continued, before a basic grasp of who they were was established. As the Nether would proclaim, it was a dimension, which over time had gained self-awareness, one way or another. And the voices and plural pronouns were in reference to the thousands of consciences that resided in the Nether, spawned from its awareness of its own existence. And for a supposed long time, the Nether had looked for that without purpose, without identity--that which lacked what the dimension itself had lacked as well. In that, the Nether tasked Kururia with the purpose of giving itself purpose. Kururai, not knowing a thing besides what the Nether had told 'him' naturally accepted. But something seemed to stick to Kururai in relation to what the Nether had said. "Grow".

First, the bonds between the body, soul, and dimension, would first need to grow. This was what the Nether had meant by "take ahold of us". To be able to manually sustain himself, the spiritualess Kururai would first require the skill to draw energy from the Nether, to keep himself intact and act as his Spiritual Energy. This would entail the grasp of the dimension, mastery over it, the ability to have it heed his call. And that he did.

Some 19 years would pass, and Kururai grew in both mind and body. Able to watch the outside world from within the Nether, Kururai had also gained knowledge of the world in which he would soon enter, after his control of the Nether would grow. These 19 years would be filled with the growth of 'self'; new emotions had been discovered, a definite personality had manifested, and in the end, Kururai was ready. Equipped to visit the world he was born in for nearly two decades.

Since leaving the Nether and going into the real world, Kururai has gone on many journeys, one of his first being in the Wastelands of Earth--the reason to having such a destination being the first was that it was an accident. The true aim in mind? Kururai had intended to land in Hueco Mundo, but it was quite clear how that went. The confusing was excusable considering the Wastelands were an arrancar/hollow and demon hotspot, and the only definite difference would likely have been the density of the reishi in the air. Nevertheless, there he was, his first stop landing him in the middle of nowhere; and to make matters worse, he was surrounded by Hollows. Kururai, being the resourceful person, took this misfortune and turned it into an advantageous opportunity. These hollows, albeit seemingly hostile, would serve as a metre to gauge his strength, as well as train Kururai to become stronger than he previously was, no matter how little the margin grew--and that margin was expected to be relatively significant, when two arrancar and a powerful vizard entered the scene.

Now, one might question, exactly why did Kururai desire strength? While it'd be easily said that it was simply a goal in mind, without much back-story to it, the human-bodied hollow did in fact have a reason as to why he'd place growth in strength as a goal. Initially, it was in hopes of giving the Nether what he had promised it: a purpose. But, as he traveled the realms and met new people, whether Kururai was aware of it or not, the reason he desired power shifted into something akin to--but not quite--revenge. The desire to receive closure for what had happened during his conception--and, at the least, this goal would still give the Nether the temporary purpose of aiding the boy in his journey.

Kururai later found himself in the midst of London, a central hotspot for demons on Earth. It was here that the desire for power in the hopes of revenge was more clearly established, when going to what could be considered his second-homeland in sense triggered an inner rage within the artificial hollow. Suffice to say, it was displayed here that he was more than dissatisfied with what had occurred, and the desire within him, and purpose to the Nether, intensified further.

A few more miniature excursions would happen, with Kururai visiting Japan and confronting hoardes of zombies as well as a number of interesting characters throughout that visit. It was here that Kururai had also reached a milestone in developing his powers. Here, he had forged a new energy sword, different from the norm. Alongside this new gain was a handful of techniques to be utilised, from ranged attacks which he never had before, to something covering a wide area, altogether granting him a smidgen more personal wisdom and a slight tinge to self-doubt regarding his primary goals.

Following the battle against the undead was what would be a relatively chance meeting. Visiting the Wastelands once more, in what seemed to be a purposeful journey to reestablish confidence in his ‘purpose’, Kururai battled a lone hollow; unfortunately, this resulted with the true body of the hollow--the mask and mask alone--attaching itself to the boy and siphoning the dimensional energy his body produced, while leaving him with an arrancar-esque appearance, as well as a hollow signature being fed off from him. To make matters worse, he was not alone during this time. A human, with prejudice towards Arrancar in particular, engaged with him in battle, and their clear display of racial prejudice only surved to weaken his resolve on revenge.

The focal point in Kururai’s life and a change of being, literal and emotional, occurs once more in the Wastelands. Kururai had received several things from that experience; for one, his whole body was ripped apart and essentially every nerve in his body sent painful signals to his brain, while the Asthavon, Inami, fiddled with his body in all sorts of manners. Their verbal exchanged brought out an intense underlying hatred Kururai held for the Asthavons, his creators by extension, and a maddening thirst for blood. Inami’s provocations left him all the more certain revenge was what he wanted, but her philosophies caused Kururai to face some introspection, in the end wondering whether this hatred would actually do him any good. The impossible gap between their strength and his given path to suffering for the sake of harming another prompted him to settle his troubles with the Asthavons.

Following that was the fact that he ended up losing his weaker human body, and instead gained a powerful demon body, to some extent making him feel unconfident in his ability to achieve such a hopeless goal considering the greatest increase in strength he ever gained since conception was granted by the very people he despised. Considering Kururai had gone through the process of gaining an unfamiliar body before, and had grasped physical control of his first one within a matter of minutes, it was an easy matter for him to test and grasp the full-control of his new demonic body.

As such, even the demonic abilities that came with having such a body would easily be gained, so inexperience with demonic powers wouldn't be too much of an obstacle for him. Furthermore, by blood he became an Asthavon through this process, his heart pumping pure royalty--Inami made explicitly sure that this would happen, considering she ripped his heart out. And yet, he still found troubles with this body, one from the initial refusal to admit he no longer felt so much animosity towards the Asthavons, thus granting him emotional turmoil. Second, from a demon presence, conscience even, finding root in Kururai, contesting control over the demonic energy and physical body.

In response, the Nether opened a portal into itself and swallowed Kururai whole, allowing him to recover and establish dominance over himself.

» Ana’s Birth: Kururai’s attempt to establish dominance stabilised his body enough to the point of being functional once more, but only to that extent. Fighting the demon psyche within wouldn’t be too complex for someone experienced in the matter, but the demon energy that came in immense waves driving the demon conscience was hard to suppress, even with the Nether Energy at his disposal. The constant battling energies led the Nether to inform Kururai of an impending doom. Resigned to death, Kururai ventures for a final strike against the head of the Asthavons, Mana Asthavon.

Hatred towards their family was revitalised when the the taunts of the demonic conscience constantly tormented Kururai, leading to a degradation of emotional stability and revival of his drive for revenge, considering his shortened longevity. Straight to the steps of the Demon Queen herself, Kururai confronted Mana, and for her amusement, she answered. The obvious result was an absolute crushing. Let alone the vast gap between the two, Kururai wasn’t even in full control of himself, not that it would do much. But, his existence seemed to be more than amusement in the demon queen’s eyes. Within him was Asthavon blood--sure, royalty flowing through his veins, but what would that matter to Mana? At most, he was just a pet to her younger sister. At this stage he was a rare existence: a visera demonio ziamichi. But that still didn’t amount to much considering he was guaranteed to self-destruction within time.

Instead, she found potential in Kururai. Not potential for him to reach some greatness, but potential to be used as a host to a long-past memory: The danava demon from her times as an Iahhel, before the Asthavons came to be. With Asthavon blood flowing through his veins and a body writhing in chaos, those host soul rapidly losing control of himself, and the fact that he was after all still a rare entity, Kururai was a decent fit. Thus, Mana offered Kururai a second chance, more or less.

Kururai gave his body to Mana, and if his willpower was strong enough, he would stay present and conscience, and to her false promise, in control. Naturally the Demon Queen held confidence in her sister being able to wrench away control over the body once summoned. Using Kururai as the sacrifice, Mana performed a ritual to summon the Danava of Entropy from the demon god’s realm. The result was Kuana. The danava, named “Ana” at that moment with her own approval, was reborn. And from there, The Nether swallowed her into himself.

With the Nether’s aid, Kururai’s presence strengthened. Ana being the Danava of Entropy fed off the Nether Energy and conflict with the demonic energy within the body endlessly, empowering her soul, but this also released the pressure from Kururai, allowing his soul to return to full strength. Surprisingly, Kururai didn’t feel much disdain for Ana. After his countless encounters with bodily tampering, he became far more apathetic. More or less, he severely introverted himself and put any sort of care into just his sustained existence, and The Nether. Ana, having the majority of her conscience during the past 400 years sealed away, didn’t mind the secondary existence within their body. As long as the two didn’t quarrel, things would be fine, and even if they did come to crosspaths, the inevitable inner conflict would only further feed her.

» Kuana’s Birth: For around a year, Ana and Kururai’s coexistence went about peacefully. Ana was free to do as she pleased, whilst Kururai simply kept the Nether’s conscience company. His worldly desires more or less died out, and through the Nether he saw records of Daoism, eventually finding a new purpose in pursuing the Dao. More than anything, it was something he could rely on his conscience alone to satiate his boredom in this new life.

Kururai’s pursuit of the Dao grew as he began to see some similarities of the philosophy actually take physical manifestation within the Nether. Whether the Taiji applied to the actual universe of Earth like it seemed to apply to the Nether provoked deep interest. Unknown to the hollow, rather the now Visera Demonio, the manifestation of the Taiji in the Nether was brought about by himself. Whilst he held control over the Nether, what could be done with and in the dimension had to be discovered for himself, such as altering the fundamental aspects of the domain.

That interest in the Taiji brought Kururai’s attention back to the world as opposed to his assumed path of eternal introspection, and with that an interest to gain control over his body once more. Of course, having spent nearly a year together Kururai and Ana had grown acquainted, even ‘close’ to one another, to some extent developing kinship through blood and a bond akin to roommates. For that reason, neither actually wanted to forcibly contest for control, and their co-existence would for Kururai very possibly be resolved by him consuming her and integrating her given his hollow nature. Of course, that would also very likely take away all that she is assuming Kururai successfully maintains control, which already proved to be a hassle.

Fortunately, there was a certain being to his memories that seemed well-versed in tampering with bodies and souls. The two sought Inami Asthavon, and more or less out of kinship she agreed to helping them merge their souls to be one. Meddling with souls is never a simple process, and while the merge was successful, complications occurred. The two’s memories and personalities jumbled together, leaving the actual result as more of a husk of a person than anything else. Out of the feeling of responsibility, Inami put this “homunculus” under her care for an entire year.

Overtime, light progressively grew in what was then known as “Kuana”’s eyes, majorly due to Inami’s constant feed of demonic souls into Kuana. Considering Kururai’s original hollow nature and Ana’s prior existence as the Danava of Entropy, the feed of demonic souls strengthened Kuana’s own soul, proving superior and maintaining control. Their memories were sorted out over time, and each of their personality traits, including Ana’s curiosity and naivete, and Kururai’s pursuit of the Dao and apathy, sprouted within this new being. As a side effect, for the mentally young Ana and actually young Kururai, the consumption of so many souls took a toll on their psyche and provided considerable trauma, developing a periodically surfacing case of schizophrenia.

That mental illness eventually led Kuana to, with the majority of their memories now regained, flee from Inami. Particularly due to the errands Kuana ran under Inami’s guidance which more often than not led to some sadistic experiences that left a bad-taste in their mouth. In the end Kuana also removed her last name (attaching part of it her primary name out of sentimentality) in pursuit of, alongside the Dao in the outside world, a self-searching experience to truly establish who she was, as opposed to what the thousands of different souls within her made her. Yet, what really made her actually take the scary step forward of leaving a life she had already adapted to, was the Nether itself prompting her to venture forth. It relayed to Kuanastha, “The tides of the worlds are swirling, and waves are crashing. The time for you to repair yourself is past--you should now focus on finding yourself. Like before, you must seek strength--whether it be through methods like your first time in the outside, through combat and consuming others, or through this new Dao you so strongly pursue; in the end, cataclysmic tribulations will befall you and all the worlds around you.”


The Host's Powers


» Shometsu-Ken Name: 道德混沌 Dào Dé Hùndùn (or Tào Té Hùntùn); Dao of Primordial Chaos

» Shometsu-Ken Appearances: N/A

» Shometsu-Ken Release: N/A


» Energy Levels:
Visera Demonio Energy: Originally, the Visera Demonio-produced energy within Kuanastha was almost entirely demonic energy. Whilst it did provide a hollow-esque signature to it drawn from the soul of Kururai, considering he never produced hollow-energy to begin with, all Visera Demonio-based energies in fact originated from his body and Ana’s later conjoined soul. This changed as Inami fed Kuana souls of all kinds, and while they were primarily demonkin, hollows would be mixed in as well. One would expect her Visera Demonio energy to still be predominantly demonic, but the slightest amount was necessary for the Kururai in Kuana’s conjoined soul to actively produce it’s own. The only issue was, during his birth, his artificial soul failed to produce spiritual energy as an oversight of Shadowfall’s genetic engineers on the project. It wasn’t quite that he was “unable to produce spiritual energy”. Once the soul understood the nature of spiritual energy and how it was produced, it replicated the process and flowed with energy. On top of that, Kururai’s soul was incredibly powerful on it’s own, let alone post-merge with Ana’s soul. The result is a fairly balanced amalgamated singular energy.

Considering this energy derives from Kuanastha directly, aside from the basic qualities of the two, her Visera Demonio energy is vastly different from her Nether Energy. For one, considering her body is the “gate” to the Nether, and her hybrid energy is produced from the soul, it’s not an infinite reservoir, and also self-producing without the need for a body as a medium. Through that, Kuanastha’s usage of this energy her spiritual energy is much more immediate and responsive, albeit not as vast. For the most part, a maximum release of her energy may encompass a large town, and whilst not as densely as Nether Energy, it can still provide the weaker entity an enduring feeling.

DE Class: 5th Class.

DE Powers: Kuanastha’s Death Energy, seeing as it’s passed on genetically, primarily originates from Kururai’s body as a result of Inami’s meddling. Naturally, it was only innate and hidden; Kururai was entirely unaware of it’s existence, let alone enabling him to use it. Things change as a result of Ana’s insertion into his body. Considering her struggled survival in Za Koa directly on top of her own existence as an Asthavon, her synergy with the DE gene within Kururai brings it to light. Given Kururai’s apathy and Ana’s recent rebirth, the use of Kuana’s DE was more or less nonexistent up until her memory reboot. With that reboot, Kuana was conscious of DE, but rarely used it along the progress of her recovering psych. It was more or less during her excursions, or running errands for Inami that Death Energy was used, sparsely, and at most to provide proof of Asthavon blood to the stubborn ones. To that extent, Kuanastha’s DE class is the lowest of the low, and for the most part she can only utilise DE Force and DE Field to a minute level.

» Visera Demonio Racial Skills:
Bodily Stability: Visera Demonios as a race tend to have unstable bodies. Reason being, their existence is the forceful mesh of an Arrancar and a Demon. As such, there tends to be conflict within their bodies; fortunately, Kuanastha is able to bypass the majority of the adverse effects that come with this state of being. The reason is mainly attributed by the nature of one of her previous existences being the Danava of Entropy. While her existences as a Danava has since been removed on account of her transformation into a Visera Demonio, the source of her powers still lie in Entropy, resulting in a more stable body as the conflict is directly fed into Kuanastha’s soul. With that, physical breakdown and reformation of the body isn't a common occurrence. Instead, the battles Kuanastha faces from within tend to be on a mental level.

What allows her to be in direct control of her body is a combination of her experience in this process as well as her already capable adaptive skills. However, keeping constant and consistent control is only possible in a calm state. It's been noted that, especially when emotional, Kuanastha goes rampant, her body included. One of the prime examples of this was, in the midst of her angry state directed towards Inami Asthavon, her Dimensional Energy went out of control, to the point where her body started to breakdown due to being unable to handle the intense amounts pouring through it forcibly, while simultaneously regenerating itself.

Thus, instability of the body isn't a common occurrence, but it's neither an impossible one; however, as aforementioned Kuanastha’s battles are on a more mental level. The reason being her schizophrenia. Kuanastha must be conscious and in control of the conflict between Nether Energy and her spiritual energy. As Ana, due to her nature as a Danava she could passively feed off the conflict, but having lost her Danava nature, Kuanastha must now consciously feed off the conflict, and if left unchecked, the conflict will degrade her body. The same applies towards controlling the instability of her Visera Demonio body; if left unchecked, the adverse effects return.

Cuerpo Reparación: This ability is easily stated as Kuanastha's greatest asset. Since before becoming a Visera, she already had a phenomenal rate of regeneration--this was simply furthered as a direct source of energy was applied to her body, as well as a boost in the amounts of Nether Energy she could handle. At this point, considering her now newly generated spiritual energy, Kuanastha no longer needs to use Dimensional Energy to regenerate, and as such, she no longer needs the same type of regeneration as before.

When using Nether Energy, Kuanastha’s body tended to be forced into reparation through the energy flowing throughout her body, instantly expending itself to heal her. In some ways, this was an advantage, but there were also complications that came with these specifications. For example, if Kuanastha was to simply sustain hundreds upon thousands of small cuts? It'd be a bitch, sure, but after a while it would cause little trouble in the moment, aside from the pain--if anything, after finishing the fight that caused her to receive those cuts, she could simply regenerate and be rid of them. Unfortunately, that's not how it worked, and instead those cuts would instantly be regenerated, regardless of what he did. As a result, he could've exhausted energy that would have better use towards fighting the opponent.

Even with now greater experience and control over Nether Energy in foreign realms, this trend persists irreversibly. It’s simply one of the prices to pay if Kuanastha was to use Nether Energy to heal. The counterplay Kuanastha currently uses is to simply seal away Nether Energy in it’s source: the Nether. Considering she no longer depends on it to sustain her existence, it’s not necessary to keep it consistently flowing through her body. Now, using spiritual energy, there are far further applications to it. For one, there's no need to grasp energy from the Nether to heal her body, eliminating any sort of delay that might be present. Furthermore, beforehand her regenerative skills already reached quite a high point in terms of speed, so cutting down on the time in which this rapid healing transpires simply makes the process seem nearly instant. Of course, just as with Nether Energy, a lower amount of Spiritual Energy frequently causes a noticeable deceleration of the regeneration speed.

The amount of times she is capable of regenerating is significantly increased. Before, not taking into account of an abnormal, emotional state in which the amount of energy she produces might be significantly higher, she might've become fatigued after regenerating limbs a few times. With her new body and far less limited access of energy, it's easily assumed that her regenerative skills are capable of repairing the bulk of his body aside from vitals close to indefinitely (assuming her spiritual energy isn’t being expended elsewhere such as for combat). Something like limbs can constantly be replaced, and organs are even a possibility; however, something of more importance, such as the brain, heart, lungs, and anything above the shoulders--these tend to have a harder time repairing themselves. While it is possible to repair her lungs, the amount of energy necessary, for whatever reason, is significantly moreso than regenerating something less vital. With that in mind, the regeneration of it is far more limited in comparison to the simpler body parts. Something like the brain requires even moreso energy, as the energy must completely recreate all the systems that connect throughout the body.

Aside from the regenerative side of Cuerpo Reparación, bodily reconstruction or configuration is more than a simple possibility. In fact, considering her original natural talent in terms of controlling one's body through Kururai and Ana’s Danava of Entropy ability that holds particular strength with shape-shifting or otherwise, transforming parts of the body into different substances is done with ease (full body conversions takes quite a bit of focus and time); a simple change in appearance proves an even easier feat.

Considering Kuanastha’s body focuses on regeneration as opposed to durability, her body proves fairly squishy in its natural state. Through the use of Cuerpo Reparación, Kuanastha’s body can quickly change into a hardened state that feels not even a scratch from an entire building thrown at her. Of course, the more enduring a body, the harder it is to regenerate it; therefore, whenever Kuanastha’s body shifts to a hyper-durable state, the effectiveness and speed of her regenerative abilities goes down, whilst the energy required to regenerate goes up.

Cero Rastro: Cero Rastro in its essence is a powerful blast of energy that streams from the user towards the point of impact. At it's core, Cero Rastro is an ability that hinges on the user's banks of energy. Kuanastha, who already has the overwhelming access to the Nether, can supply an unprecedented amount of energy to power a Cero Rastro as is. Thus, relying purely on her VD Energy produces incredible results. Tapping into her affinity of Entropy gives every Cero Rastro of hers a boost of strength against defensive measures. Whilst the strength of a normal blast hitting its target straight on is generally at par with the level of proficiency she holds (beginner-grandmaster etc.), when an enemy uses some sort of defensive measure, such as a barrier, physical, spiritual, magical, or otherwise, a tinge of entropy gradually corrupts the integrity of the defense, severely amplifying the natural energy-draining effect of the Cero Rastro. That in mind, Kuanastha’s Cero Rastros have excessive armour-penetrating power that typically makes any attempt to mitigate its damage futile. These blasts have the base colour of burgandy, with the rings being an endless void-black.

While her normal Cero Rastro does incorporate a tinge of Entropy, that’s only passively. An active infusion of Kuanastha’s powers into her Cero Rastro achieve far greater effects, especially when used in tandem with Nether Energy. For one, the majority of abilities, senses, and technology pertaining towards analysis and gathering and using information to anticipate or gauge an opponent will basically be useless on Kuanastha’s Cero Rastros. This offers a tactical edge through all sorts of stratagems, such as firing a barrage of Cero Rastros all at different levels of power (e.g. a wave only enough to only burrow through a boulder, to a succeeding wave with the strength to pierce a mountain). Being immune to the probing of an enemy’s senses, it’ll be difficult to discern which wave is more threatening, and the enemy may put more power than necessary into defending against one wave, wasting it needlessly, or put not enough against another only to suffer the consequences. With the addition of Entropy, the base-colour of the Cero Rastro shifts to the lighter scarlet, whilst the black rings stay the same.

The addition of Nether Energy, which shifts the colour of the rings to a deep violet, overall strengthens the chaotic elements within the Cero Rastro. The primary added effects lie in its destructive force. While her normal Cero Rastros passively have a degrading effect on defensive measures through corruption, the addition of Nether Energy amplifies that by a large margin, and instead of a corrupting effect, the outcome is far more explosive. The defensive measures now instead burst apart, with energies and matter respectively, particle by particle. Furthermore, this now also applies to pretty much anything it hits, including the air in the atmosphere as well as the target(s), as opposed to just defensive measures. Thus, an additive inherent effect may be chaos in the area in general with air particles explosively separating their bonds upon contact with the Cero Rastro.

Tānāgati: Kuanastha’s prior lives and their connection to cross-dimensional travel provides a particular affinity for Tānāgati, perhaps second only to her skills with cuerpo. As Tānāgati partially functions as an interdimensional travel technique, drawn from Kururai’s bond with the Nether and Ana having gone to the demon god’s realm, the sheer accuracy and ease of use is already impressive given the short amount of time Kuanastha has been a Visera Demonio. In the past, Kururai had used the Nether as a pseudo-same realm teleportation method, quickly jumping into and out of it rapidly. Without the need for the Nether as a middle ground now, it’s all the more easily done.

Kuanastha's natural proficiency with this technique would make it understandable that she could actually force entrance between these dimensions given enough time and understanding of the realms themselves. If anything, she could force the Nether to essentially act as a sort of dimensional interference, preventing the full travel from one dimension to another and effectively placed her in-between. Of course, this will require Kuansatha to actually delve into his understanding of the respective realms, particularly the Greater Dao of Qiankun, than simply grasping it intuitively through the use of Kestra Pari and other abilities. Naturally, he wouldn’t be able to indiscriminately enter any realm without reserve, and given the necessity for entering certain spaces via understanding them, in construct and fundamental laws, visiting the area beforehand and having the time to absorb all the information is necessary, and even then some dimensions pose considerably difficult to intrude upon.

As shown in her fight with Inami as Kururai, Kuanastha’s talents with creating portals or otherwise goes to the extent of mass-transfer and multiple transfer simultaneously, synergising with Tānāgati’s natural ability to cause spatial distortions in multitude similar to several Gargantas out at the same time. Having done so before with the Nether, while the level of proficiency doesn’t come close to the amount of portals Kuanastha can open to and with the Nether (having been enough to fill one’s vision for a mile in a berserk state), Kuanastha can still provide an astonishing amount.

In terms of the Sonido/Shadow Step side of Tānāgati, Kuanastha has proved that speed is one of her greatest assets, even having engaged in close-combat constantly (in fact, as her preferred method of battle in the past) relying on speed to come out victorious in her many battles. It’s to the point where speed was her primary method of coping with combat situations of 1vsMany, and while her base-speed is astonishing as is, it’s by far accentuated by the utilisation of speed-enhancing techniques, such as Tānāgati. Furthermore, she could potentially keep constant maximum speed through the use of area-control provided by Nether Energy darkening the surroundings, or even her Entropy abilities scattering light to cause the whole area’s descent into darkness.

Ksetra Pari: Whilst Cuerpo Reparación and Tānāgati are Kuanastha’s greatest assets, the statement is generally in reference to her survivability. In combat, and in fact daily living, by far Ksetra Pari takes the cake. Even before becoming a Visera Demonio, the previous lives of Kuanastha held their greatest trait in spiritual sensing (akin to pequisa) and demon magics respectively. With newfound strength and a combination of their two sides, it’s accurate to acclaim Kuanastha as a Master in utilising Ksetra Pari as a result of her past and present experiences. Her skills in these respective subjects prior to becoming a Visera Demonio also left little room for additional innovation despite innate talent. That being said, while the addition of Nether Energy may amplify the effects of Ksetra Pari, for the most part there’s nothing Kuanastha can to add her own flare to utilising Ksetra Pari. Don’t let that detract from how capable she is with it, though.

Gonna go ahead and shamelessly plead that, regardless of tier, Ksetra Pari be allowed as an additional Master to Kuanastha’s skill sheets simply through how utilised it was throughout her lives and how dependent she was on them, in the past inventing a spiritual sensing technique akin to pequisa of her own volition and innovation, to the point where she used it to survive in battles with major power and tier gaps, and constantly used demon magics, on top of her natural innate sensing sensitivity that brought her to traverse towards the Demon God’s realm.

» Mental Capacities and Physical Traits:
Pain Toleration: One of the more developed parts of Kuanastha’s mental capacities. Given the fact that the process of her rebirth was likely one of the most gruesome experiences ever, from a human body to demonic as Kururai, on top of her slumber in the Demon God’s realm that constantly provided overwhelming pressure to her from all dimensions amongst other experiences, there’s no doubt in Kuanastha’s ability to tolerate pain. To begin with, the constant stress of Nether Energy having coursed through her body had already placed her on a reasonable level in terms of enduring pain from birth.

While that is mostly a testament to his desire to live and endure the pain, it directly represents how much pain he can mentally tolerate before utterly breaking. Throughout the processes of many of his physical devastating experiences, she retained cognitive thought and consciousness, only further pushing forth her pain thresholds. Additionally, Kuanastha’s reliance regeneration also always meant new and fresh nervous systems, never dulled to misfortunately say. Suffice to say, mentally her most powerful mental trait aside from tenacity is her tolerance of pain.

Mental Strength: The strength of Kuanastha’s mind was rather strong to begin with. There are several adequate examples to refer to her not only immediate ownership of mental strength from several births and rebirths, but the arduous build of it. One of the first examples is, as Kururai, his entire birth. For at least the first 5 minutes of his life, Kururai went on without spiritual energy--something paramount to a hollow such as himself. Not only that, but without spiritual energy, he took his own newly formed will, imposed it on a human being striving to hang on to dear life with all their might, and take over said human's body.

Following that was the fact that Kururai went ahead and trained for 19 years, eventually taking over the entirety of a dimension, handling all the backbreaking work that comes with such a feat appropriately. With all these things in mind, Kururai has undoubtedly built a very strong mind, but its growth doesn't stop there. Along the way, the boy came face to face with Inami Asthavon, who had torn his body apart, to the extent of not a single bit of flesh from his old body being left. In essence, she went above and beyond in mutilating him; from this, practically the only way possible for him to survive was to deal with it. If it was someone else, they likely would've broken down a long time ago, and to have dealt with all that suffering while simultaneously fighting off another entity who had attempted to do the same as himself and take over his body? Mental Strength is not a lacking substance in Kururai's case.

From Ana, her birth was the result of scores of children’s pains, their malice, and their depression. To have been able to overcome that and act decisively and temporarily go against these very kinds of children for their own benefit despite it being the core concept to her initial existence, to the extent that her Danava concept had slightly shifted, is a feat in its own capacity. To add the fact that she followed her instincts, made way into Touketsu’s realm, had a literal half of her existence crushed out of existence, and still kept her psyche after Mana retrieved her, also proves a feat in and of itself.

Swordsmanship: Kuanastha has some experience in all manners of weaponry, gained through watching others perform through the Nether as Kururai before his 19th year. Throughout the real life experiences she's been through, this has only widely increased; however, mainly in terms of swordsmanship. Amongst all other skills in weaponised combat, Kuanastha’s talents truly flourished through the sword. Unfortunately, during her time of recuperation and mental descent and recovery throughout the later years of her life, her actual techniques have yet to appropriately develop. At most, Kuanastha holds understanding of optimal stances and appropriate reactionary moves. For the most part, Kuanastha fights with the blade out of instinct.

Last edited by Sage on Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:08 am; edited 5 times in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Re: Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:29 pm

Song: XO [Instr.] - By: Eden Project - Word Count: N/A


» Parent Ability:
Child Ability/Technique:
Sub-Child Ability/Technique:

» Nascent Soul: Nascent Soul is an ability Kuanastha applied on herself, for self-security and tempering. Simply stated, Kuanastha severed the bonds between her body and soul, no longer making one dependent on the existence of the other. If her body is destroyed, her soul is retained, and if her soul is shattered, her body will not become an empty husk. In fact, it’ll be far worse, as she placed whole importance on her soul. Hypothetically, she no longer needs her actual body to exist. Achieving this state, given the matters of her birth and rebirths, as well as the existence of the Nether, made this a simple task; the issue was existential balance. Naturally, the connection between body and soul was vital to appropriate power and strength.

While Kuanastha can have her body entirely and utterly destroyed without a single molecule of her body remaining in existence, she may survive so long as her soul escapes--which is likely, considering the Nether. The issue lies in how fragile the soul all on it’s own is. To be directly struck at the soul, Kuanastha will easily suffer harm if not immediate and irrevocable death, as damage to the soul is hardly reparable to begin with, let alone something fatal to strike its fragility. Furthermore, Kuanastha’s strength is very much emphasised by the strength and security of her body, especially considering her Visera Demonio traits, further explaining why it’s not so easy to simply let ago the body and lock herself away in the Nether with absolute security. That being said, maintenance of the body can’t be neglected either. On the other hand, this also allows for a very unique set of abilities that revolve around the separate but coexisting entities of the nascent soul and physical body.

» Entropic Consumption: Given her initial nature as the Danava of Entropy, albeit having long lost her Danavahood, the attunement to all things entropy-relative still runs strong through Kuanastha, and the effects bare clear of this. Particular when within range of any sort of chaos, instability, and especially the gradual descent of order within a given system, substance, construct, or otherwise; from these levels of entropy, Kuanastha may essentially feed upon it, with the usual effects of inherently restoring balance to the subject whilst temporarily empowering herself, or keeping her sustained. Naturally, given an incredibly chaotic environment, theoretically Kuanastha could run her energy on indefinitely so long as she could continuously feed upon the anarchy around her, though given that she inherently restores balance as a result of consuming it, there generally won’t ever be a situation where chaos is held indefinitely. This ability is one of the major factors that keeps Kuanastha together, mentally and physically, figuratively and literally, from her unstable body and mind, to the nature of her abilities that may easily cause her to lose herself and destroy herself.

Essence of Entropy: Part of Entropic Consumption is interacting with that entropy to begin with. While Kuanastha is capable of consuming it, it’s not the only form of interaction she can perform when it comes to entropy. Whilst within that presence of chaos, she may essentially take the nature of that chaos a if it were malleable, and control it with inherent effects depending on the utilisation. Namely, having it flow through something begins to corrupt it, and especially when it comes to low-conscience living things such as a plants, depending on the level of the Essence of Entropy at hand, entire forests can easily decay with rapidity. It’s all about the resources at hand, and with enough, a large level of control with the surroundings is possible.

Thermal Dispersion: Not to the extent of thermal manipulation given the limitations of what exactly constitutes entropy and the manipulation of it, but Kuanastha through her origin of powers is capable of controlling, to a degree, the movement of heat via the control of movement through energy. In thermodynamic context, entropy is essentially the unit of measure for the state of energy being more concentrated, to less concentrated. Technically, this is a calculable process given a specific temperature, so while it doesn’t directly disperse “heat” so much as just energy’s physical concentration, given the connection between the two, for the most part Kuanastha is capable of manipulating the temperature around her, or within a subject.

While the method is only through dispersing the energy, or reversibly concentrating the heat thus achieving a higher temperature considering ‘more energy in this isolated space’, she isn’t capable of entirely controlling heat like other persons may, whose powers are dedicated to thermal manipulation or otherwise. Furthermore, the subject prone to thermal dispersion must be that object alone, or the selected space alone, and the energy must not flow outside of that space. So, for example, if Kuanastha was to use Thermal Dispersion on an opponent’s cero, she may be able to disperse the energy behind that Cero, but she can’t rid the cero of the energy propelling it towards her. To that effect, at most she could treat the cero like a bullet hitting kevlar, in that the full force will still hit her, but with Thermal Dispersion--rather, in this case, Energy Dispersion--she can mitigate the force to an extent.

Output Dilution: Kuanastha dilutes the results of an enemy’s ability by taking the intended output and redetermining the input, say of energy to power the ability, thus changing--under most circumstances diluting--the result, or output. Like many of her other abilities, Output Dilution may function supportively to an ally to accentuate their output. As with thermodynamic entropy, this abilty is primarily energy-based, so if applied to even something like kinetic energy and not just spiritual energies, it may dilute the force of a physical action as well. To change the input of an action to zero for a completely canceled output, only when the difference in force or energy of the action and Kuanastha’s own powers are distant enough can this be achieved. When the selected action to be diluted gets to a certain point of strength, only weakening it is possible, and when strong enough, the level of weakening may reach a negligible point.

» Dark Threads: Excerpt from Inami Asthavon’s Application: A power that uses similar Concept to D.E , but instead of using death energy, its a combination of corrupted Demonic energies, and Hell's Miasma. As when creating the Demi Core of the chaya nation. Her threads and the miasma's of hell began to bond which is the only reason that her threads can effectively draw the energy from hell without much strain or adverse affects. As such they also possess a balance of both versatility, and Durability. Given they are able to sustain blows from 0-tiers when they are woven together to create solid Constructs like walls, or sheilds. Given they combine their durability together, its easy to see how they would be very strong when combined and put together. This is particularly useful, since the threads are created Internally, meaning Inside her body. Allowing for both quantity and quality of the threads to be controlled. Also this is why she is unable to unlike her sisters use any viable form of death energy. As her threads are naturally incompatible with the asthavons trade-mark form of energy.

Dark threads have a primary means of affecting or changing the ebb and flow of battle. This would be the fact that the threads themselves have comparable strength to a demons Akuma Kyodo (demonic barrier) which is filtering out and suppressing any outside influences which seek to onaffect the course or properties of the threads that are in use themselves. Directly from that capability would be the notion that while they can be destroyed, they can’t be altered from the original path by any one person other than Inami Asthavon herself. Although this is only one of the many functions the threads actually do possess; another one of the functions would be the ability to control, manipulate; and attack the opponent or even something like a capacity for creating weapons or even being able to on a lesser level overpower or stop attacks before they can actually cause any severe amount of damage to the user.

They although also have the ability to create certain objects. Some of these are spontaneously Generated, others require some time to create if they are stronger. However after the increase in her Power, Inami discovered that she is able to control and use less blood to control, and exhert her dominance over many of the threads which used to in fact cause and change her blood flow, Essentially meaning she is now able to control her threads while they will take the normal amount of blood if she wishes to double their effectiveness when in the midst of battle. However they are now unable to actually cause death due to the limitor Inami set herself after her adventures with Neoveta, having gotten a better grasp over her powers then when she originally was awoken from her slumber some time before. Hence why this now shows the greater grasp, and power control she has and can display over her abilities.However, if over-used she still can if she's low on energy get dizzy, or light-headed, and possibly even strokes or seizures in severe situations. Given her blood is a medium still ultimately used to strengthen her power with these threads, as such she still needs to be cautious when using them.

Also, Dark Threads are able to perform feats and miracles, such as it is possible to possess and turn every day objects into puppets If she imbeds her threads into the construct. She can turn the Dead into Inimate puppets that will depending on the amount have a tier of 1-1 / 0-5 [if there's 1 or 2 of them] or anywhere down to [2-1/3-1] [2-1 is for 10 or more] [3-1 is for 40 and up. ] She is also able to perform feats of self-recovery, mending herself and fixing the injuries in her body which is a feat in itself because she can essentially reform and stitch her limbs, and body back together. It also is why her Main Title which is "Puppet God X" Or the God of Puppets. Is so widely used, as she can literally turn hordes of the undead that she finds into hordes of puppets that she can actually control. This also has been strengthened thanks to Hells Miasma, causing her affective range of control to range essentially where ever she can feed demon energy to.

With The Addition of Hells Miasma, the threads have become able to merge with the objects and effectively become invisible to see. Which is also why of course Dark Threads are closely used with puppetry and other forms of long range, or you could say indirect stealth style combat; because this is precisely what Dark Threads excel at , not direct confrontation, or directly overpowering the foe in a blazing display of power, no they have optimal balance of durability (a skill level below the Akuma Kyodo Skill Possessed) Speed, and flexibility in options which allow these little threads to become a not so little problem while in the middle of either large scale war, or serious fights and confrontations of any general level.

Puppet creation is something that happens because she puts her own energy into the puppet, its not just a random "Dead person" they would have legitimately have to had died during the thread to be used as a puppet, and even then the limits to the puppet are going to be put towards the strain such a puppet would have on the user. Adding on to this, such things as stitching her body together, and why blood is used is fairly simple. The blood acts like in a gran-rey cero, it boosts and increases the strength by using that blood as a medium to focus and control more energy. Finally as to stitching her body back together, this is something for her which is like regeneration, it happens but it isn't perfectly healing her, and it takes MASSIVE amounts of energy, so don't expect to see this done often.

Nether Threads: While Kuanastha has not inherited Dark Energy from Inami, despite her body having initially been comprised of her Dark Threads, she did gain the method of creating and using these threads in similar fashion, with Nether Energy as the selected medium. For the most part Kuanastha may simulate all the effects of the original Dark Threads, albeit at a lower level. Of course, given the qualitative differences between Dark Energy and Nether Energy, there will be small details that differentiate the two versions. For one, they can still be used to enhance regeneration, though it’s not as necessary given Kuansatha’s already two differing methods of healing herself.

Plenty of features offered by the Dark Threads are available through different avenues, in fact. For example, creation; as opposed to creating objects via these Dark Threads, without making things convoluted she could just directly create things using Nether Energy, as opposed to shifting it into these threads, only to create something after taking that additional and unnecessary step. That being said, there are only a few times Kuanastha may actually employ Dark Threads, especially considering the potential backlash as a result of overuse. Primarily, they are instated as a form of proof of identity--or rather, was. Having run errands for Inami within her own nation, one of the best ways to prove Kuanastha was indeed acting on her behalf was the unmistakable signature Dark Threads of Chaya’s Queen.

The other large usage comes to puppetry, as is the Dark Thread’s hallmark utility. While Kuanastha is nowhere near proficient on the level of the originator, it still proves adequate to even the scales when Kuanastha is ganged up on. Given the nature of the Nether’s Conscience, control over these puppets are just as easily handed over to the Nether’s management; considering they are linked mentally and spiritually, the process is akin to running simple commands through a computer, letting the device execute all the complex aspects to achieve the desired result.

» Karmic Threads: One major thing Kuanastha did with Dark Threads to personalise them was change the direction of its effects; that is to say, as opposed to affecting the physical world so to speak, Kuanastha aimed its manipulation, in the end reinventing Dark Threads as “Karmic Threads”. Combined with her spiritual acuity that made the acquirement of Dark Eyes from Inami redundant (as, Dark Threads could have been inherited, but were unnecessary to take on given Kuanastha’s natural affinity with the subject that likely exceeds the abilities of Dark Eyes), Kuanastha had devised a spiritual sense towards “karma”.

With any of her senses, whether the traditional five physical senses or any on a spiritual and supernatural level, with adequate focus Kuanastha may perceive the “karma” around the world, and specifically a person or thing. While she can’t discern every single thread given any one person--let alone the whole world--is almost always densely entangled in the threads of karma, particularly potent ones will differentiate themselves in some manners, usually in terms of thickness, a different sound when thrummed, the density when spiritual sensed, or different colours.

If Kuanastha is able to directly handle these karmic threads, to an extent, she can manipulate the subject’s karma. More or less, she becomes capable of some level of handling causality. Naturally, there are limitations. The primary drawback is mental strain, and the longer Kuanastha forces herself to perceive these karmic threads, the more stress is applied not to her mind, but her soul. Extensive strain may permanently damage her nascent soul, resulting in deep repercussions that may forever stunt her growth, or threaten her existence. On top of that, Kuanastha frequently manipulates her own Karmic threads to handle the world’s karma around her. While it’s a much safer way to entangle an enemy and put the situation under her control without having to approach them--assuming the enemy themselves cannot explicitly manipulate karmic threads either, it also risks damage and/or unneeded manipulation of her own karma.

The capability of karma being tampered with is derived from Kuanastha’s ties to entropy and spiritual strength, entropy dealing with the increasingly random (albeit definite) transference of information, and what better representation of entropy in a spiritual sense than karmic threads: literal threads of information linking all manners of creation unseen to the eyes, with any number of repercussions resulting in definite but often incalculable effects.

Memory Manipulation: In the sense of Kuanastha’s Karmic Threads, karma is intrinsically linked to causality, and as an extension, events of the past and present. That being said, there are a few effects garnered by manipulating Karmic Threads. For one, the memories of a person can be messed with. For the most part, this is only a temporary effect, and can only effect very small parts of a person’s memory, though often times a smidgen of remembrance is all that’s necessary. Within the thread, and only within the thread, Kuanastha, through handling a person’s karmic threads, can do only one of two things with a person’s memory: pinch the thread, causing the entity in question to momentarily forget about the memory, or two: resurface the thread and stretch it, causing the entity to vividly remember the memory.

Sometimes, this may be used to traumatise the enemy for some time, or other times cause them to forget something small but vital. For example, resurfacing the memory of a shinigami’s accidental slaughter of innocents that may have traumatised them, or, cause a demon to forget a small character necessary within a demonic seal that, in the end, nulls the entire effect(s) of the demon seal. There are technically other abilities derived from the memory manipulation aspect of Karmic Threads, but have less direct effects, and are more so natural abilities used in order to manipulate these memories.

One of them is being able to perceive these memories; after all, it’d be a little pointless to thoughtlessly mess with someone’s memories without knowing what the memory is. Kuanastha cannot fully see the entirety of a person’s life, or the entirety of an event from a single thread connected to it, mainly because of the mental strain of keeping, more or less, “Karmic Perception” on for so long. Otherwise, she could spend extensive amounts of time looking through someone’s past through the threads.

Of course, these are all temporary effects often limited only to the occasion, later to be reversed, though the trauma of resurfacing a memory has a much higher tendency to stay, given an unfurled memory is hard to once more suppress. HOWEVER, it is possible to have permanent effects with manipulating a person’s memory via Karmic Threads; Kuanastha may sever a memory entirely resulting in permanently forgetting it, or awaken a memory that seals some ungodly power within a person (plot-only power; only used on someone’s character/NPC with their permission. Can be used to on unimportant low-level NPCs for plot reasons, e.g permanently severing the karmic thread that holds a random guard’s memory of interacting with Kuanastha in the case of espionage.).

Causality Manipulation: Like the effects of manipulating one’s memories, manipulating causality is only temporary. While this ability is used in similar fashion, causality manipulation has far more potential than memory manipulation, particularly when it comes to using the karmic thread to manipulate the effects of a past event, such as severely weakening an opponent’s fighting potential. The primary method is by meddling with, say, an important session of training for them that brought their level of power to their current state. With a slight pinch of a thread, the victim may find themselves in a drastic decrease in power.

The stronger the results of the event meddled with, the harder it is to meddle with, and as a result, the shorter the effects. So, if Kuanastha meddled with a Karmic Thread that disables the enemy’s ability to use a single sword technique, this disability may last the entirety of the thread. However, if Kuanastha meddles with an event that relates to, say a shinigami achieving their bankai, the duration of the disability is drastically reduced, sometimes lasting only as long as a single post depending on the shinigami in question.

The duration of these effects are less dependent on how individually powerful the technique or ability in question is, so much as how encompassing a person’s technique or ability is. The individual strength of the opponent’s Sword Technique may exceed the power of another person’s entire heightened form, but because the other person’s entire form is affected, that also meaning all relative boosts of power, form-specific techniques or abilities, are temporarily sealed, the duration of the sealing of that person’s form is by far smaller than the sealing of the first person’s sword technique.

Just as with Memory Manipulation, the Causality Manipulation aspect of Karmic Threads also allow for unsealing something within a person. As one could expect, Kuanastha is capable of also temporarily granting someone an entire form, albeit for only a very limited amount of time. Naturally, the more powerful the effects of this form, the shorter the duration. The same goes for a unleashing the true potential of a single technique; the stronger the Sword Technique”, the shorter the person can utilise this sword technique. As this Causality Manipulation is caused by tampering with the results of a past event, there are limitations.

While forms are easy to enable since most everyone has the capacity to gain a form, and Kauanastha most only find the optimal moment in which, if “something” else happened in that past event, the person in question would have unlocked another form, individual techniques are somewhat harder to come across, since those are generally only the results of training or heat-of-the-moment combat. For the most part, while the potential for a form exists in most everyone, Kuanastha cannot grant someone a non-existent technique on the basis that they may have hypothetically created it at some point in their life had things gone differently. To that extent, this ability in the case of singular techniques only strengthens the technique in question dramatically. The technique exists, there’s no ‘hypotheticals’ about it, but if, say, they made with better accuracy, efficiency, or anything that could have improved the technique earlier on, generally the present results would be far greater, thus enabling the strengthening of an individual technique.

Naturally, the unsealing through Karmic Threads of a person’s power, or sealing, can at times be permanent (for plot reasons only, and this can only be used as one of the presumed several reasons someone is applying for a new form or new technique, as to accentuate the IC reasoning behind it.)

Karmic Sealing Hex: The Karmic Sealing Hex is a type of technique that combines the wholesome power of Karmic Threads. Kuanastha manipulates these threads to directly bind the actual body of a person, temporarily sealing a person’s abilities through canceling the fruits of effort in past events, as well as causing them to forget multiple key moments that granted them the their current cognitive function. For a short period of time, they are essentially held in stasis, unable to act. This is generally used as the failsafe technique of Karmic Threads, as it is highly dangerous not only to the target, but to Kuanastha herself. It would be basically impossible to bind the target in their own Karmic Threads with her bare hands, so she manipulates her own Karmic Threads to wrap a person within their own. This clearly risks entangling the two’s Karma, potentially permanently, garnering unclear effects that typically bind the two by fate, and generally grant Kuanastha adverse effects such as periodically effecting her own Karmic Threads and past events and memories, at times permanently. That being said, this technique is typically used when Kuanastha has no other avenues amidst combat.

Karmic Sealing Hex finds its potency not so on the sheer strength and power of a target--as most of the Karmic Thread abilities present, though raw power does act as a factor in the abilities’ potency--so much as how much karma the person in question has accrued, and by extension, how plentiful and thick a person’s Karmic Threads are. For the most, those long-lived will find themselves less easily bound, given their long lives have granted them enough threads to not so easily be tangled with. As, the more threads, the harder it is for Kuanastha to completely encapsulate them, as well as put more risk into entangling her own threads with theirs.

Though, that’s not to say that a younger person is more easily bound. As Karma pertains to the past and the inevitable, vast, but defined results it brings, the more a person has been through, the more karmic threads they possess. That is to say, even someone who has lived thousands of years, if they spent the majority of that time in solitude training, or spent in a deep slumber, they will by far be more easily sealed, and for a longer duration as well, in comparison to someone who has lived only twenty years, but figuratively (or literally) has been to hell and back, conversed with a multitude of people, and put their all into publicly strengthening themselves alongside countless other figures.

Karmic Descent: One of Kuanastha’s best offensive karmic-relative abilities is “Karmic Descent”. To make things simple, Kuanastha takes the essence of these Karmic Threads, and transforms it into a tangible force. Given the dual-purpose trends of Kuanastha’s karmic abilities, one might come to expect that something along the lines of “if someone has good karma, that is to say they have good interactions with people, and if they have any negative actions that accrue negative karma, it is vastly outstripped by the good in them”, or “if someone has bad karma, that is to say they have bad interactions with people, and if they have any decent actions that accrue positive karma, it is vastly oustripped by the bad in them” determines the effects of Karmic Descent. And that karma determines whether something positive or negative happens to the target.

The thing with Karmic Descent is that Kuansatha can actually pinpoint on the side of actions someone takes, entirely ignoring the positive karma if she so chooses to bring about negative consequences on the person. Conversely, she can ignore the negative karma someone accrues to grant them blessings, so to speak. Furthermore, karma isn’t quite fickle, so much as misunderstood, as it pertains to “good and evil”, whereas good and evil is for the most part dependent on perspective. In reality, at least as far as Kuanastha’s Karmic Threads go, negative karma is gained by bringing harm to one without negative karma.

So, should you harm a mass murderer? You may instead in fact gain positive karma. However, negative karma may also be accrued by aiding those with negative karma. So, if you helped out your dearest friend and killed someone who hunted them down? Should your friend be that mass-murderer, you shall share his karmic burden as a result. More so than ‘good and evil’, karmic threads come down to straight-line cause and effect and the cycle of actions that effect one’s state of karma. Intentions are entirely negligible.

That being said, for someone who destroyed a demon city? Certainly, there’s bound to be countless terrible demons that you have disposed of considering the usual trends of karma with demons, but there are very likely demons who, albeit considered “evil” and “bad” to you, have no considerable amount of negative karma, and is in fact at least neutral if not positive on the figurative karmic scales. For that, one could just as easily obtain more negative karma than positive.

As for the actual effects of pinpointing negative/positive karma to manipulate and turn into some sort of tangible force? Primarily, Kuanastha imparts “Karmic Sinflames” on a person using their negative karma, with the worse their karma, the more powerful these “Sinflames”. Sinflames burn their victim not physically, but spiritually, causing immense inescapable pain dependent on the level of negativity their deeds have earned them. This burning pain is applied directly to the soul and their karmic threads, as opposed to the person’s body, thus giving them no harm as well as entirely bypassing their “nervous system” and the physical sensation of pain. Furthermore, as the Sinflames are applied directly to the soul, one cannot simply faint out of shock or pain since the physical mind isn’t a part of the equation. To be unable to take the pain and concede to it is to suffer permanent harm to one’s soul, and in the most drastic of cases, cause death.

On the other hand, Kuanastha can manipulate the positive karma in a person to ease their pain, heal their soul had they suffered any injury, and overall give them aid as a blessing. In some circumstances, particularly when one has a considerable level of karma on either side, these effects may be permanent. In the case of Karmic Sinflames, the person would have to suffer the constant burning of Karmic Sinflames in perpetuity, until someone can relieve them, whether through some other karmic ability, or end them permanently. On the other hand, for someone who has gained a high enough level of positive karma, Kuanastha’s blessing, Karmic Goldenlight, may even gain some sort permanent buff in terms of defense towards directly-soul impacting abilities so long as their Karmic Goldenlight is maintained, namely through retaining a positive karma. Naturally, both effects are reversible through gaining the opposite karma.

Subsuming Bedevilment: This technique is the result of Kuanastha combining the aspects of both a hollow’s consumption of another entity for power and a demon’s natural physical manipulation on top of manipulating Karmic Threads. For the most part, Subsuming Bedevilment is an ability that takes another being’s power for one’s own, weakening them and strengthening oneself in the process. While it’s a simplistic ability in theory, the process is a tad more complicated. Subsuming Bedevilment is separated into three levels: Physical, Spiritual, Karmic.

Through using the Karmic Threads, Kuanastha uses her own to take control of the target’s threads, transferring the effects of their past events, temporarily taking them. The three levels also represent three difficulties. It’s comparatively easier to usurp a person’s physical strength, especially considering a Visera Demonio’s Cuerpo Reparacion, making self-manipulation and strengthening easy; this method instead consumes the opponents energy, however, thus not wasting Kuanastha’s own energy away on body-strengthening. The spiritual level as one could guess involves siphoning the opponent’s energy, and the difficulty lies moreso in the conversion to usable energy for Kuanastha as opposed to actually acquiring it. Considering a hollow’s inborn nature of taking another’s energy for itself, the actual usurpment isn’t as difficult as making it not have too harsh a clashing effect with her own pre-existing energy. The Karmic level is naturally using the karmic threads to usurp the experiences of a target’s life, in the end temporarily granting Kuanastha their powers, or possibly even form.

Naturally, Karmic Subsuming Bedevilment is by far the hardest, and most taxing, and almost unconditionally can only be held for at most a single post. Furthermore, for those who have either a vastly stronger body, level of energy reserves, or incredibly powerful forms, while Kuanastha can still usurp it, it only amounts to a very small level of the original’s power in each level. Additionally, the stronger the opponent in regards to the three levels, the more power they retain post-subsuming.So, for example if Kuanastha took the physical strength or speed of an opponent that oustripped her by far, while she would still gain some of their strength and speed at a weakened level, they still retain a very high level. If she usurps a form, if the opponent is too far above her in level, she can only take a fraction of the power of their form, and even then she would be unable to utilise all the upgrades and boosts that come along with the form, on top of the enemy still retaining their form for the time Kuanastha has employed this technique. Furthermore, considering the sheer difficulty of accomplishing something such as blatantly stealing another’s power albeit temporarily, this ability can only very rarely be used at the karmic level, at most once a thread on anyone near her tier or above.



» Arma Revolución Appearance: (What do they look like if there is any kind of stage?)

» Arma Revolución Abilities: (Do they get any nifty powers, abilities and things of this nature? Put all of that here in separate sections and feel free to repeat as necessary for other forms.)



» Ultimo Revolución Appearances: (What do they look like if there is any kind of stage?)

» Ultimo Revolución Powers: (Do they get any nifty powers, abilities and things of this nature? Put all of that here in seperate sections and feel free to repeat as necessary for other forms.)


The Spirit's Basic Information

» The Spirit's Name:The Nether
» The Spirit's Race: Conscience of a Dimension
» The Spirit's Gender: Ambiguous
» The Spirit's Age: Unknown


The Spirit's Personality Section

» The Spirit's Personality: The Nether lacks substance, in terms of a personality. For the most part, it's rather passive, not frequently making 'conversation', and simply being there unless called upon. For the most part, it lacks a well developed personality so far. One of the very few definite traits it does possesses is a 'nuturing side', so to speak. Having given Kururai knowledge and information, essentially raising the being to who he is now for 19 years, it's understandable that he withholds somewhat of a caring side.

For the most part, the Nether can seem rather philosophical and poetic, especially considering its awareness is infatuated with having a purpose, to the point of pushing it on to someone else to find, or grant him, purpose, as is the connection between the Nether and Kururai. At times, the Nether can say some rather thought-provoking words, but for the most part, he simply lacks much emotion at all, thus lacking a bit of personality.

Upon Ana having integrated into Kururai’s being, the boy for once had someone close to him constantly aside from the Nether, and that outside perspective caused him to speculate that, while he still found the Nether wholly trustworthy, there was more to the dimension’s conscience than meets the eye. At times, it’s a tad cryptic, and while it stays back and allows the now amalgamated being Kuanastha to do her thing, it still seems to hide some things it knows, letting its host figure things out for themselves when it may have foreshadowed an event. Not to the extent of being deceitful, sometimes the Nether outright avoids any inquiry as if it has its own agenda despite claims for Kuanastha to give it purpsoe.

The Spirit's Powers

Ziamichi Powers

» Dimensional Energy: Who would Kuanastha be without Kururai’s trademark Dimensional Energy? As his history dictates, Kururai had taken reigns of the Nether and withholds practically absolute control of the dimension, and therefore its energy. As such, while within the Nether, for the most part it's almost as if Kuanastha’s energy is limitless, considering she can simply manipulate the energy around her as opposed to that which flows through her body. Naturally, she'll eventually tire out, but it's safe to assume that--given the fact that Kururai lived the first 15 years of his life doing nothing but practice bending the world around him to his will--the time in which his endurance fails him within the Nether is a vague limit.

So, within the Nether it's been established that Kuanastha has nigh-limitless levels of Dimensional Energy. What about outside it? In realms like Earth, Demon World, Hueco Mundo and all that jazz? First we'll have to get into what constitutes Dimensional Energy, and how Kuanastha is able to use it in places aside from the Nether. From there, the details will naturally form an answer.

The whole process is fairly simple: Kuanastha's body acts as a gateway between the Nether and the realm she's present in. Through her, the two realms are forcefully linked--at least, until the gate, which is her body, is destroyed. Considering she's a gateway, it is only energy flowing from one dimension to the next--in the usual case of applying Dimensional Energy, from the Nether to whatever world he's currently in.

Unfortunately, there are limitations to the amounts that can flow--too much energy going through the gate will make it break; in this case, that's Kuanastha’s body. So, it all comes down to how strong her body is and how it can handle having energy pass through it. So, how strong is it then? Before, with a human body energy passing through wasn't something difficult in the least, but highly limited, as the stress the body would be put through when applying severe amounts couldn’t be handled.

Luckily, Kuanastha possesses a new body--that of a demon's physiology. On top of that, through the tempering of thousands of demonic souls courtesy of Inami Asthavon’s “good intentions”, Kuanastha’s body has grown far stronger than Kururai or Ana individually could have ever been. As such, energy passing through her is far smoother and easier; demons naturally have stronger bodies that are also accustomed to inter-dimensional travel in comparison to a humans, let alone one cultivated to an extreme. With that, it's inherently easier to channel energy through her body, and in far higher amounts.

Most energies require the body to produce it, or filter and channel it; as for Kuanastha, it’s simply a doorway that lets energy through, so the overall process allows for a higher and purer amount of Dimensional Energy to pass through when compared to other beings’ methods of energy usage. As such, with the restrictions and limitations of the past removed, the levels of energy possible to passively release is enough to encompass an entire kilometre. Within a 250 metre radius, with herself as the centre, the amount of Dimensional Energy is thick enough to practically taste, tinting the entire field of vision of anyone within those 250 metres in an indigo hue.

Due to the density of it in a localised area, Kuanastha’s Dimensional Energy often has several adverse effects for others. For one, those that can't handle an area of super-dense energy will undoubtedly experience paralysis, numbness, instinctive fear and fainting--generally the common symptoms of the pressure brought by excessive energy levels. On the other hand, because the energy so densely fills the area, the usage of energy-based attacks prove more difficult than the norm, with lower-level energy attacks being completely interrupted at times.

Dimensional Energy is what Kururai would comment as notoriously incompatible with other energies. It has frequently caused problems and put some restrictions on him in the past, but sometimes it works out for the better. As such, the energy-based attacks one might use that requires something aside from Dimensional Energy--such as demonic energy, spiritual energy, aether energy and the sort--will prove to be more difficult than the norm, as one also has to overpower the latent energies around them first.

For the most part, such an area effect is mostly a testament to how much energy Kuanastha’s body can handle, but the vastness of it has one more advantage to her. In terms of fighting against races such as Iramasha, Human Chi-Users and Quincies, the distinct advantage in combat Kuanastha holds over them is the innate ability to take control of the battlefield's energy and limit these beings. As said before, within those 250 metres, Kuanastha’s Dimensional Energy is hyper dense, so much that it often interrupts others using energy-based techniques. Well, within those 250 metres, a large majority of the latent reishi in the air, chaos energy, as well as chi, is pushed out. Unfortunately, Kuanastha cannot automatically push all the other-energies out of the area (though if she puts a large amount of focus in it, Kuanastha can completely rid the area of all foreign latent spiritual energies for a small period of time), but it is still significantly reduced, and the closer to her body, the thinner the levels of assorted energies.

It gets to the point where some may misunderstand the density of Nether Energy in direct contact with her body as a sort of heirro, or some other similar ability, when in reality it’s more of a side-effect. Naturally, this also wards off any attempts of using some sort of spiritual sense to investigate or infect her body. This isn’t absolute of course, but considering it’s a result of dense energy, it generally takes an incredibly condensed piercing power on par with her energy levels to power through. Full-blown usage of Nether Energy to it’s maximum output before starting to bear down consequences on Kuanastha’s body gets to the point of establishing a mini-biome, with the effects of a passive release of Nether Energy expanding to the extent of a small city, the hyper-dense effects naturally being a fourth of that.

During the time of Kururai, the usage of Nether Energy was fairly rustic, as he was limited in imagination and ability to use a unique energy to its full potential. The most grand uses he had achieved using this energy consisted of some rustic energy-imbued sword arts, which in no way necessitated a sword as opposed to using it as a medium to create a more powerful attack than Kururai would naturally be capable of. To be fair, he lived isolated with only a figurative TV-screen as his insight into the world’s limits and imagination. Either way, with his transformation into Kuana once combining with Ana, on top of seeing the world(s) through her eyes, his imagination expands as does the potential uses of Nether Energy. Furthermore, having combined with the thousand souls and thereby their experience and wisdom, Kuanastha has formed four defining categories for the usage of Nether Energy. They won’t always encompass every sort of ability and technique derived, but a large majority.

Self - Gein: Gein, a term collectively coined by Kuanastha’s souls and the Nether, refers to the ‘self’, and in reference to Nether Energy, the manipulation of the physical self. For the most part, this allows for basic levels of physical manipulation such as shapeshifting and weaponised limbs. For someone naturally born with or cultivating a durable physical body, the strength of those weaponised limbs increases amongst other centric qualities (such as the sharpness of a sword-hand). With more skilled usage, this goes so far as to actually separate oneself and control a secondary body. Typically, this is only temporary, as it is the separation of the fleshly body, but if one can get to the point of severing oneself from their fleshly body, it’s possible that one could also come to the point of splitting their own soul to create a “Second True Self”. The alternative method is to find a blank soul (typically one already perished with a karmic white slate) and imprint oneself on it, inserting it into the second fleshly body to create what is referred to as a “Primal Twin”. Whilst the primary uses of Gein is fairly useless to Kuanastha given her existence as a Visera Demonio, some aspects such as cloning and control of the self on a spiritual level accentuates her racial skills well.

Control - Imaar: As Nether Energy is one that poorly handles contact with any other types of energy, a stable group of Nether Energy is typically the only kind present in a specified area. To that extent, the user has, on a mystic/spirit level established complete control of the surroundings. Establishing this ‘energy zone’ is the first step towards having control over the battlefield, and thus the battle. At a preliminary level, one can simply control of energy in the designated area, and with adequate proficiency, deny the use of any adversaries’ own use of energy in the area, severely restricting them and their battle potential. At a more advanced level, one can establish a “Domain”, which allows the user to go beyond just controlling the energy in the area, but the laws of the area. One with a standard “Domain” may typically employ one sort of effect that typically alters pre-existing laws, such as changing the level of gravity, what trajectory is what to change the effectiveness of any sort of vector control, etcetera. The further one progresses, the more Domains they may employ to gain further control of the area. The highest level of Imaar is the “Realm Severing Domain”, which takes the designated area established as the Nether Energy Domain, and temporarily sever it from whatever realm it existed in. With that, it no longer has any sort of laws of the realm to abide by, leaving it entirely at the controller’s discretion. Furthermore, at a higher level of power, one could begin to make up their own types of laws to exert, not in line with any other previously conceived natural worldly law, such as gravity or thermodynamics.

Connect - Pahvoth: Pahvoth represents the strength of the gate, not in terms of the physical body, but how powerful one’s gate can be regardless of physical conditions. For example even if someone had an impeccable physical body, but could only unleash 60/100 of the gate’s potential opening, while they may be able to allow more energy into the current realm from the Nether than someone with a weaker body, if someone who could unleash 100/100 of the Gate’s potential reached the former’s level of physical prowess, the amount of energy they may unleash will have a vastly higher quantity of Nether Energy at disposal post-transfer. The higher ones proficiency, naturally the better the benefits to come along. With the strengthening of the connection between realms through the gate, the stronger the passive effects Nether Energy might bring one, such as the aforementioned pseudo-hierro finding a qualitative change for the better, or the density of the Nether Energy crossing over being far higher. Additionally, the flow of Nether Energy will be far smoother, easily seen in how much faster the cross-over from the Nether over to the current realm is.

Create - Kiindah: The Nether in the end still is an entire dimension, and naturally, with it’s own self-sustaining and unlimited source of energy, one could imagine the possibilities in the Nether having some of its own creation. Thus, for those capable of manipulating Nether Energy, through it they may temporarily create any number of constructs, anywhere from a powerful blade, to an actual flame. Furthermore, advancement in this subject allows for more complex and larger creations, such as creating something along the lines of a golem, which can follow simple commands without requiring the user to constantly be dictating its every action. At a true level of mastery, perhaps even something of sentience can be created. Of course, creation comes only with understanding, and the more one understands the dimension and whatever it is they’re creating, the more effective the results.

» Control: Ten.

The Host's Skills

NOTE: Ziamichi's will have three to four skill sheets possibly. One for general skills, one for racial skills, one for the host's skill and possibly one for the spirit's skills if they are a different race.

Click here for skill sheet
Ziamichi General

» Ziamichi Host Class: B

» Ziamichi Spirit Class: B

General Skills For Host
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Master
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Cuerpo Reparación: Advanced
  • Cero Rastro: Adept
  • Tānāgati: Advanced
  • Ksetra Pari: Master

DE Control
  • Semi-Immortal Capacity: Beginner
  • Breakdown Skill: Beginner
  • Necromancy Strength: Beginner
  • DE Barrier: Beginner

Ziamichi Skills For Host
  • Skill Of Ziamichi Powers: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Control Over Spirit: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Seal Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Sync-Rate: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills For Host
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

The Spirit's Skills

General Skills For Spirit
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will Skills For Spirit
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Last edited by Sage on Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:08 am; edited 4 times in total

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] 8Bvy1N8


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
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Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Re: Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:43 pm
Hoh. You didn't think I would, but in reality, neither did I. Finished an app, oboy; obligatory "reserve hurdy hur" post, where links, updates, other shite will be posted up. Anywho ready for grading ladwew hoorah.

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hybrid King
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Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Re: Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:39 pm
Moving to unchecked for future checking.

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] FXpoQxJ
Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] 2Y9rqGk

Head Admin
Head Admin

Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19440
Age : 31
Location : Purgatory

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Platinum Points:
Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Re: Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:22 am


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Master [Based on the nature of the abilities]
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced


  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

  • Comments/Notes: I'm hesitantly approving these abilities. The reason being is because they appear to have their checks and balances from what I've read over. Additionally, there seems to be a rhyme and reason to them as well. Many of these powers also have an established system and, while powerful, doesn't go overboard in terms of the feasibility of our universe. So, I will allow them to you and if they are abused I will retract this approval.

  • Tier: 1-5+ [For Ziamichi And Host]

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2015-07-30
Posts : 524

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Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Left_bar_bleue0/0Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Re: Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:04 pm
[mod]This character is being moved on over to inactive. The author of the character has not posted since the 30th of October, and by rules, the character must be moved and a notification must be left. I really hope that you're doing alright and okay, and we all hope that you can come back soon! To bring your character back, just leave staff a message here![/mod]

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] QYEibkj
Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] F2mrTYb
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

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Platinum Points:
Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Re: Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:32 pm
Let's be real here. I'm never actually gonna get active. Feel free to just outright archive this app.

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4837
Age : 24

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Platinum Points:
Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Re: Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:01 am
[adm]Archiving due to member quitting.[/adm]
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Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Left_bar_bleue0/0Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Re: Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:14 pm
[mod]Archiving for inactivity. Please speak to staff if you would like this unarchived.[/mod]
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Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A] Empty Re: Kuanastha [APPROVED 1-5+/1-5+] [Hazard Rating A]

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