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The Hybrid King
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An End To The Madness Empty An End To The Madness

Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:28 pm



It was one thing after the other with this damned organization it seemed. Soon making his exit from the Moon incident between the Vanguard and Shadowfall, Azure Iramasha had made his way back to the main headquarters of the group in Sukai Karakura. With the recent actions that were taking place that very second on the Moon, the Leader was in a rather tough spot. Fighting continued to rage as he spent his time investigating a lead that he was recently informed of by Kamui Cruor, an ambassador for the Sugiura that had recently joined their ranks. Of course, there wasn't much power under his belt, but knowing something as important as a traitor within their ranks? It was cause for alarm, at least to Azure.

Without much care, the man flung himself through the many doors leading towards the lone elevator that was used in order to reach the single office within the very center of the building. The office of the Reagent General, Azure Iramasha, was one that sat entirely alone against the edge of the building, hugging it's windows as if it were a safety net. Normally, people didn't know the location of the elevator towards the office, but due to Azure's... rampage, all one had to do is follow the destroyed doors and broken walkways to find its opening.

That being said, Azure quickly made his way from the elevator to his office, his foot tapping as each second passed inside the elevator. Kamui didn't inform him of anything serious other than the possible infiltration of the Vanguard. He only informed the Leader that a traitor may exist, no other details were disclosed sadly. This only put Azure in a greater state of worry, his own distrust for those that had recently turned against him causing his mind quite a bit of distress. It wasn't something that was entirely foreign to him however, his family have the same circumstances happen quite a few times throughout his lifetime. This didn't change the fear that now gripped the Vanguard's leader, to think that he didn't just put himself but everyone in the Vanguard in danger, it just didn't sit well with someone like Azure.

Finally reaching the large, circular room within the heart of the headquarters, Azure continued his brisk walk to the wide semi-circle of windows that directly faced opposite the elevator itself. Approaching the clear two way glass, the man looked down at the vast majority of Sukai's residents. "To think all these people... Each one could be dead by now thanks to me.." As remorse filled the Iramasha's mind, he pressed his forehead against the cold glass itself. Kamui was nowhere in sight as of now, he still knew nothing about the possible intruder and to make matters worse, there were people nearly dying for his cause on the moon's surface. It all felt for naught, his battle for earth.

And so, the man's walls began to crumble. Things seemed to only get worse and worse as he continued to stand with the Vanguard. It were as if Azure existed in his own personal hell. Was there really anything he could do to protect those that were so precious to him now? Only time would tell, it seemed.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Blade on Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:58 pm; edited 3 times in total

An End To The Madness FXpoQxJ
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An End To The Madness Empty Re: An End To The Madness

Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:37 pm


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count:

It could not be understated just how much planning, detail, and attention went in to setting up phase one of this little plan. Ever since he had been transferred in to this little clusterfuck of an organization the plan had been in motion and as many could attest to, that had been a LOOONG time. Of course, it wasn't all intending to lead up to this penultimate moment. A lot of it involved experimentation, trial and error, processing and elimination, and if we were being completely honest, Kamui had spent a healthy amount of time trolling the every loving hell out of Hayden. He was pretty sure that if he did absolutely nothing for the remainder of his existence, he would forever haunt that muscle headed neanderthal's dreams. Still, in some part even the irreverent amount of agitation he caused for certain people, had all been building up to this moment. This beautiful, wonderful moment where he finally got to stop cow towing for the Vanguard. It hadn't been all bad. Simply by saying "Vanguard" he had been gifted a lot of perks. It sort of carried the same weight that being a police officer would have carried centuries ago. The only difference was the "badge bunny" crowd was now more of a "Insufferable Social Justice Warrior" bunny crowd, but the perks themselves remained. This allowed for a healthy amount of distractions as well as a steady number of test subjects, including easy access to all sorts of humans, powered and otherwise. "Numerous" did not even begin to do justice to just how many guinea pigs he had to play with among the Vanguard itself and the civilians that lent it aid. He had a long time to conduct these experiments and he was happy to say that they had yielded results.

It didn't take him long to find his target though, his last target on this wretched rock. Azure was pressed up against the looking glass, otherwise known as a window, apparently lamenting his lot in life. It was unfortunately comical. Shadowfall attacking the Moon was the opportunity he was waiting for, it was true. This was ultimately what he needed, but it was a little sad. He appreciated that it would obscure him and his actions, most of the events on the moon, even his own, would be blamed on Shadowfall. That was ideal, he wanted the spotlight off of him for as long as possible, but it still stung a bit to know that he was not really going to be appreciated for his genius. Such was the fate of the deceiver though, despite the sting it was something he was accustomed to. He heard Azure speaking to himself, only making his predicament more adorable. The red maned man took a few steps closer, his presence being hard to ignore, even in the duress he was under at this point, before he responded to a statement Azure was probably not especially expecting a response to.

"All those people could be alive thanks to what you do in the next few moments, commander."

Kamui let his words linger in the air for a few moments, keeping his eyes fixed on the man who was, for the moment, his commander. Even as a liason, Kamui was a member of the Vanguard and he should treat the creature with the respect he deserves as the leader of an organization the size of the Vanguard. Of course, if Azure could read minds he'd realize just how hollow that respect was, but thankfully mind reading was not one of his many gifts. After those few moments could pass, Kamui spoke again, directing his commander to the matter at hand.

"I have identified the one I mentioned to you, the leak. He has admitted to the treachery but I'm hard pressed to believe he orchestrated this himself and he has been particularly evasive about the possibility of accomplices. I believe I have broken him however, he should be lucid for a bit longer if you would like to finish the interrogation yourself, sir, he is detained in my office. Rooting out the information leak will be integral to striking back at our enemy."

With that, Kamui turned back toward the aforementioned office. There was an art to subtly manipulating someone to do what you want them to do. The first step was to never supply all the information. The less information you give the more the mark needs to fill in the blanks themselves, filling in those blanks makes them feel like they reached the conclusion on there own, even if you guided them there by the nose. Azure would fill in the blanks, Azure would assume Shadowfall was the foe he spoke of, he'd let his fear and paranoia continue to paint them as the root of all his evil. A singularly minded and focused target...was the easiest target.

They reached Azure's target quickly enough, a door Kamui opened for him. Courtesy was important after all. With the door open, Kamui nodded toward the figure resting in a chair about ten meters off from the door. He was human in build, he wasn't bound to the chair but based on the damage done to his body and how he was slumped against the chair, it was made rather apparent that Kamui had utilized an impressive combination of physical persuasion and chemistry to elicit the information that he had acquired thus far. The captive was rather evidently drugged out of his mind, eliciting one more piece of dialogue from Kamui.

"I had to use some...we'll call them extreme methods. I can't promise how much longer he'll be able to provide useful information."

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Last edited by Imakuran on Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Hybrid King
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An End To The Madness Empty Re: An End To The Madness

Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:43 pm



The silence was instantly interrupted by the sharp words of Kamui Cruor. The operative made his way into the Moon Base's main offices in order to meet with the Commander, their whole purpose being one of top priority. The traitor that had so elusively escaped Azure Iramasha, according to Kamui, had finally be apprehended. Azure knew nothing about the male or female that was taken into custody other than the fact that Kamui had been suspecting them for the longest of times now. It was frustrating, not being informed of an important piece of information for so long. Nevertheless however, it didn't seem to matter now. The paranoid leader turned to his subordinate with an intense stare filling his expression.

"Right. I guess that's entirely true, isn't it Kamui?" Yes, of course. Despite the paranoia and despair that filled the Iramasha's mind, he had the ability to continue and guide those under him. He could entirely come out of this on top of things. Right? Shaking his head, the commander rubbed his forehead before returning to the priority at hand. Kamui had spent little time hashing things out and getting straight to the point. The leak was identified and taken into custody in a nearby office space that doubled as an interrogation chamber. Not only had he taken him into custody alone, he happened to get a confirmation on his actions. Entirely broken, the operative was intent on not giving any more information about fellow accomplices that may or may not exist. The paranoia filled mind of Azure Iramasha instantly snapped at the information, there had to be more. A single person attempting to foil the Vanguard was the last thing he expected or could predict. Not in the state he existed in now.

"I don't understand, Kamui. I don't understand how I missed all of this so easily... that... that isn't normal. I'm beyond grateful to have the Sugiura help here, without it I would have been left in the dark entirely. I've been so lost recently... I just want to do right by everyone. I don't know why, but I need to. Before I'm..." A deep sigh followed the abrupt ending of his voice. Shaking his head, he began to step forward towards the doorway, finishing his thought. "Nevermind, I'm sure you want to get going by now."

Turning away quickly, Kamui commenced with moving towards the operative known as traitor now. The two quickly made their way to the office, its tight spacing causing it to be rather cramped on arrival. Kamui quickly closed the door behind the two, gesturing towards the man in order to show the state he was currently in. He didn't lie earlier it seemed, the man seemed entirely demolished when it came to life. He was silent, drool dripping from his lip as he slumped forward in the small chair he occupied. The traitor looked as if Kamui had brought him to the brink of death multiple times. One after another, each instance of torture and interrogation becoming worse and worse as the time went on. It was almost disturbing to see the damage Kamui had placed on the operative, it turning Azure's stomach to mush, his own thoughts twisting and turning the story into a gruesome one.

Looking towards the Sugiura, Azure shook his head and grumbled. "I get needing information, but he looks dead Kamui." Approaching the traitor, the Commander gripped at his fleshy skin before tilting his head high enough to meet his eyes. They seemed to be empty, a dread filling his very soul as he sat in the silent room. Kamui sure wasn't joking around when he attempted to get something done. Tossing his head downward once more, Azure placed his hand against the table sitting before the captive.

"Right. I'm not getting anymore information out of him. Is there anything you've gathered that points towards an accomplice? If we have yet another leak or an someone he's been conveying information to then things could turn south quickly.." Turning away from Kamui, the leader placed his hand against the cold wall before slapping it multiple times out of frustration.

"Talking about irritating." He was frustrated, what else could be expected in this situation? Not only did he make a mistake as the Vanguard's leader, he also happened to be entirely complacent in the dealings with the traitor. It was all Azure could really express in the very moment that felt even remotely right. The world was against him in his eyes, but at his back stood Kamui, someone... He considered an ally.

Template By: [THEFROST]

An End To The Madness FXpoQxJ
An End To The Madness 2Y9rqGk

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An End To The Madness Empty Re: An End To The Madness

Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:14 pm


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count:

It was a shame that silence was the only appropriate answer to Azure's little pity party. Kamui had a full host of words to arrange in a beautiful array of sentences that would fully exemplify just how overjoyed the Sugiurans were to be there for him in his darkest hour that their emissary had effectively helped engineer. Of course, the Sugiuran populace at large had entirely benevolent intentions with this, Kamui was very much acting rather rogueishly for quite some time, but for whatever reason, people put faith in establishments, in organizations. "Kamui" was far less trustworthy than "Prince of the North, Kamui" even if they were exactly equally unable to be trusted. It was a truth that was working for Kamui at this moment. Azure trusted him because he could tie a name to a bigger name and that bigger name provoked thoughts of responsibility, of honesty, of trustworthiness...and it was a mistake. Though Kamui didn't say it, he finished Azure's sentiment for him. He wanted to save everyone before he was gone, before death struck him, before the cruel hand of fate ripped his good intentions from this world like ripping off the most stubborn bandage that had ever graced this world's wound. He would not be left wanting that for very much longer.

Kamui stood by the door and watched as Azure made his way in to the room, not even pausing to consider his surroundings. He investigated the body in front of him and made a, surprisingly, apt observation. Yes, the man was dead, had been dead for a little while now, but what was most impressive was that, for all intents and purposes, he did not seem dead. Kamui had to suppress a grin as he closed the distance entirely and touched the man, all but ensuring his scent was now recognized. Of course, it didn't matter too too much. Azure might have noticed signs of it on their way down and assumed that it was because everyone was in panic mode due to the Shadowfall invasion raging around them, but the base was deserted, devoid of activity. As the sun was setting behind the earth, this problem was only exacerbated as the darkness crept in around them even further.

"I'm afraid we have quite the infestation of them, truth be told."

As soon as the word "irritating" left Azure's mouth, a pair of hands clapped behind him, Kamui's digits aligning as the sound reverberated through the room and if he had his way, it'd be the last sound that Azure would be able to manipulate. As the clap echoed, the "dead" traitor, snapped forward, quicker than a half dead man should be as his jaw unhinged, moving to bite down, hard on Azure's neck. Unfortunately for Azure, even in his compromised position emotionally he shouldn't have trouble handling one human...the human was just the next distraction for his already distracted state though. As soon as the monster moved, two secret panels in the floor withdrew. Quickly following, two long metal objects shot from the ground and straight for Azure's hamstrings. These metal bars were charged with Kamui's chi to ridiculous temperatures and the heat would no doubt be painful, but the truly scary part was what they were burning in to Azure. There were two symbols, cantonese characters, etched in to the metal at the end of each cattle prod as they would move to bury in to Azure's legs. This would not function like a typical cattle prod though, where it only seared and scarred the flesh. This was Kamui's chi, the cattle prods were moving to etch beneath the skin, seeking to burn the words in to the man's femurs. On the right would be the word "Mute" and on the left would be the word "Inert." Two adjectives that when used on Azure would have rather damning results. The first word, mute, would have rather obvious consequences. Azure's auditory powers would be sealed and, thankfully, Kamui wouldn't have to listen to his voice any more. The second word was a little more vague and as such, was going to have less of an overall impact, but all the same Azure's physical capabilities would be decidedly reduced. Kamui had faith in his Juin beasts, but he knew even with numbers they likely were not going to drag Azure down before he could escape.

However, even with the inert, the bite would not be able to kill Azure. He was still much too strong for that, but should that humanoid creature succeed, the true goal was the poison that'd soon after begin coursing through the Iramasha's veins. It'd be an amusing experiment for Kamui, he had never been able to test the potency of it on an Iramasha before. In all of his other enhanced subjects, the poison followed a pretty typical route. The first symptom would be muscle fatigue, something Azure would already be laboring under from his adjective induced weakness. The second would be hallucinogenic effects, blurred vision, and general disorientation. Then the corrosion of organs and finally nervous system collapse. He kind of doubted the third would happen, he imagined a being of that power would process the poison out of his system before it had a chance to kill him, but thankfully Kamui only really wanted the first two.

"Isn't this fitting? The mighty Azure, eaten by one of his humans. If that one isn't enough, I have a whole base full of them. How many people did you have staffed here? Thousands? More? And you've given me free roam here for how long? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the kindness, but we all serve our own masters, you just weren't mine."

Kamui turned and opened the door behind him, pushing the door ever so slightly open as Azure still had to deal with the creature in front of him. The soft smile was still on Kamui's face, but the eyes, oh were they ever different. They still maintained the calm composure they had always held, still looked like they were in total control and nothing strayed from their design, but something else was there now...bloodlust. Eyes that spoke a truth with complete and utter sincerity. Azure, and the Vanguard, were going to die this day.

"Now if you excuse me, I have a door to go open for Shadowfall, I'm sure Neoveta cannot wait to stroll these halls. Try not to make a mess."

Kamui shut the door behind him and exited the office, making his way toward the front "gate" of the facility. Of course, Kamui didn't give a tally-ho fuck what Shadowfall was doing. They were a smokescreen, but Kamui knew it'd only enrage Azure more. Just like "Sugiuran Royalty" gave Kamui a level of trust, bringing up the bad guy team, the evil organization, would bring even further feelings of hatred and betrayal. It wasn't Kamui any more that was doing these heinous acts, it was Shadowfall. It was amazing how much effect on a paradigm a few choice words could have. Azure would have another trial before he could truly appreciate that though. Whether the bite was successful or not, the creature before him would detach and begin to convulse near the now rather toppled over chair. The man then began to seemingly rip apart at the seams. Blood splattered in to a fine mist before painted the ground and walls around it. From the carcass emerged a creature that could only, truly, be described as a nightmare.


The new, nightmarish creature's exoskeleton gleaned momentarily in the passing moonlight as it gained its bearings in the room, a wicked chittering escaping the mandible laden gullet as its beady eyes turned on Azure, a wicked need to feed almost screaming from the sockets. It waited for a moment, waited to see what Azure would do, like a cat having cornered a mouse. It was going to be a fun evening for our favorite Iramasha.

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Last edited by Imakuran on Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Hybrid King
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An End To The Madness Empty Re: An End To The Madness

Tue Jul 26, 2016 9:48 pm



The world around the Vanguard leader was continuing to slowly degrade, each and every aspect of his life attacking his mind without hesitation. The paranoia and despair associated with the on-goings of the Shadowfall Attack upon the moon seemed to have instinctively burned its way to Azure's mind, his thoughts circulating from one thing to the next. So many were being killed and left to the way side, alongside those who may have been traitors. The idea that so many were... so simply thrown into the trash. Anger filled the leader, his eyes seeking blood before his body tensed up, his muscles reacting almost instantly to what Azure thought to be an unconscious human operative.

"..." Silenced followed the actions, Azure's body shifting its way in order to grip at the recently quiet man by the throat. This didn't seem to have much of an effect on the creature however, his teeth sinking into the upper arm of the Iramasha before quickly having his windpipe crushed. Dropping dead to the ground, Azure's vision began to sway back and forth without warning, his mind following suit as he attempted to turn towards Kamui.

"Kamui, wh-" Cut off entirely, Azure's words were awkwardly halted as an intense pain racked his lower body. Without his knowledge, metal cattle prods of intense temperature attempted, and succeeded, in burning his skin to a crisp. Falling to a single knee, Azure's words continued to try to force themselves from his throat, the deep breaths of air he continued to inhale being useless. Glancing upward to what he could only assume was Kamui Cruor, Azure huffed and puffed as he attempted to mouth a rather... depressing sentence to the man.

"This hardly seems fair." The Iramasha gave a half hearted grin towards the Sugiura, his vision continuing to fade in and out as he attempted to climb back to his feet. Azure may have been losing his mind, that didn't make him stupid however. Despite all the warning signs, the carefully placed plans and evidence... Azure was completely dumbfounded in the moments that passed. He had been shammed, tricked, played. Anything could describe the heartless actions that followed Kamui's interaction with the man. He was simply a pawn, something to be tossed away. Whether he believed it or not, The Vanguard was going to be the downfall for the Iramasha sooner or later. The problem was considering the fact that a Sugiuran royal was the perpetrator, the one to make their Leader look like a pathetic animal begging for a future. It was deserved, the state Azure was so easily thrown in. It was only fitting to bully him into submission in such a way.

'Wow, I thought we were going to get to have a lot of fun here. You sure made a few mistakes didn't you, Jackass?' The constant berating never stopped with the dark one within, Husk's words circulating their way throughout Azure's mind as Kamui continued to watch him fight to a standing position. They were both right, sadly. Husk's comment was entirely correct as it stood, his pride and fear causing him to surely meet his end here on the moon. As for Kamui, he was far from incorrect. The humans that scattered all throughout the base were surely under his control if he so simply took control of the now dead operative laying on the ground. Once again, he mouthed words as he attempted to force his voice outward.

"You... piece of shit..." The silent lips of the Vanguard Leader pursed his lips before lifting himself upward. It was all but too late, however. Kamui had reacted far to fast for Azure to really understand what was going on. Making his away from the room, the man exclaimed how he was sure to put Shadowfall's plans into action. Of course, not only did he betray his leader, he also worked with those that wanted him dead in the first place. What else could go wrong in this very moment, huh? 'You cooould be dead already, you know. At least you have that going for you.' As soon as Husk made his rather depressing comment, the human that was thought to be dead was once again very alive.

As if he came from the nightmare realm itself, the creature sparked to life. It's long limbs and nightmarish features mattered little to the Iramasha given he could barely see it in the first place. It shifted left and right, eyeing the Iramasha before launching itself towards the weak male. Sadly for the creature, Azure wasn't dead, not yet. The seconds that followed were simple, the weakened male lifted his left arm upward before grabbing at the creature's tiny skull. As he attempted to increase his power by entering Chaos Form, a sharp pain circulated throughout his body. "Right, why let me be strong." Without another word, Azure attempted to squash the skull with little effort before tossing the creature's hellish body to the side.

Minutes passed now, his vision blackening without warning as he attempted to find the door that kept him confined so easily in the "dark" room. Finally finding its handle, he pressed his trembling fingers against its metal surface and turned. Stumbling forward, the husk of a man stepped forward, each step being more of a limp forward due to the extreme amount of time it took to make a single step forward.

To Azure, it seemed the nightmare had only just begun.

Template By: [THEFROST]

An End To The Madness FXpoQxJ
An End To The Madness 2Y9rqGk

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An End To The Madness Empty Re: An End To The Madness

Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:57 pm


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count:

An unearthly shriek rang throughout the the building as the creature's skull was crushed against the weight of the man's grip, the creature's green blood sprayed all over the already strained room, coating along the length of Azure's arm. The blood was, to a degree, acidic. It was not enough to really damage a being like Azure, but it was enough to tickle and to cause the air around Azure's arm to sizzle and steam slightly as his muscles relaxed. Kamui, as he walked down the hall, turned slightly back to the room as a small grin formed across his features, a familiar glow of gold illuminating his irises as he watched the man's energy fluctuate and wane, but the life signature of his Juin beast disappearing in to thin air. Good, Kamui was going to be rather disappointed if Azure had managed to get himself killed before Kamui had managed to have much fun. The man turned back down the hall and resumed his walk, no, Kamui was about to have plenty, plenty of fun. Azure was going to prove to be a very interesting mark, just as he had been all this time. Please don't disappoint now, Mighty Azure.

As Azure pushed himself out of the room, he would stumble in to a T-hallway, with two choices to make. As Azure completed stepping out of the room, lights along the floor to his right would progressively illuminate, revealing a path down the hallway. The lights would flicker on and off irregularly, shadows playing across the wall with each break in the persistent stream. There would be a soft chattering noise from unilluminated hallway accompanied by the skittering of claws along the metal of the moon installation. A few minutes after the scraping noise of mangled and deceased limbs and sharp taloned feet clawing along the metal installation. A few moments after the noises of the incoming creatures had reached Azure's ears, the man would hear Kamui's voice in his head, echoing with a now rather familiar smugness.

"They're coming for you, Azure. You headed a powerful organization, a great beacon of hope and faith and righteousness within our little world. And as a result, you face the inevitable fate of such, betrayal and corruption. Do you want to know how it was so easy for me to infiltrate? For me to bring the whole house of cards down around your ears? It's a simple answer really, it had already fallen and you were too blind to see it. They were already looking to undermine you and each other before I got here, this plan was made on their backs and turned on them, culminating in this lovely end game as the vanguard implodes in on itself Everything that hounds you now was a traitor long before I got here and they continue to serve that treachery in death. The Vanguard got too big, Mighty Azure, every bit of ambition and corruption took root and even the weakest of peon was looking for the quick path to power. They all sought to stab you and each other in the back just for that edge. And you, Azure, were too weak to stop it."

As soon as the words stopped reverberating in Azure's skull, a human face burst up through the floor board, its body exploding as the shell was discarded and the nightmarish beast shot out of its corpse, aiming to drive its head straight in to Azure's sternum and drag him to the ground, snapping and biting at him after the fact. As this happened, the shambling sounds of two corpses falling through the ceiling down the darkened path, unceremoniously crashing in to the floor as the sound of their snapping bones echoed through the halls. As they unevenly creaked back to their feet, a singular word was moaned out, forced through decaying vocal cords and degrading lips.


More scuffling could be heard behind the two corpses, more of the creatures were coming, more of the nightmarishly monstrous horde of undead coming to join their commander. First came the sound, then the smell. Even in Azure's addled state he would be able to tell that there were multiple, multiple corpses coming for him in just a matter of moments. It would be wise to deal with the one currently attacking him and flee, even at full strength he would find those numbers daunting. As the monsters shambled closer, Kamui's voice flared up once more inside the recesses of Azure's mind.

"You'll have to enlighten me, Azure. What is it like to fail so completely, so thoroughly, across so many mediums? You rose to prominence in the Vanguard, it collapses around you. You try to find love, you end up solely with an apathetic demon and a bastard daughter that the world shuns and cares naught for. You crave your family's acknowledgement...have Ketsu and Koichi wasted even a second's breath upon you? Will they even notice you're gone?"

The grin on Kamui's face grew wider still as he paced through the halls. This was a long time coming. Months upon months of plans and machinations went in to this moment. Soon Azure would be ready, soon the world would begin priming for what was to come. The wheels would be set in motion for the coming of the end, for the coming of the Tig'Ani. The world fascinated Kamui, how it always managed to balance itself out, how it always managed to draw imaginary lines once the dust settled in to a faux sense of equilibrium. Kamui wanted to break that equilibrium, he wanted to destroy it just to prove he could, he wanted to prove the one thing he had never been able to all this time. To do that, he would need more. More power, more turmoil, and ultimately he would need to push every being in this world to the breaking point. He wondered, would Azure's demise be the push they needed to growth, or would he be the blow that snapped the world in half. Kamui eagerly awaited either outcome.

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The Hybrid King
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An End To The Madness Empty Re: An End To The Madness

Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:44 am



The shaky figure continued to move forward what seemed to be an awkwardly shaped hallway. Of course, his blurred vision didn't make it too easy to understand his surroundings, because of this he attached himself to the right wall as he attempted to calm himself down. What he assumed was poison was slowly finding its way throughout his body. Without his sound, he wouldn't be doing anything about it anytime soon, the only thing he could do is fight through it until he found someone that could extract it themselves. Pressing against the cold cement of the Base's structure, Azure gazed forward in an attempt to understand what the hell was truly going on.

From the looks of things, the lights that the lined the right wall continued to flicker in and out of power, the awkward shadows that it cast upon the left wall being nightmarish in appearance now that his mind had become afflicted. Pushing himself against the wall's length in an attempt to reach the other end, the once familiar voice of Kamui filled his mind with constant thoughts. They wanted the Vanguard leader thrown into a pit of despair, pointing out his flaws and torturing him as painfully as they could. The Vanguard was infested by those wishing for his end, something he felt was nothing but true. The paranoia that once filled his mind seemed to be confirmed despite the credibility of the traitor that spoke so easily to his previous leader. It was as if Kamui was waiting for this moment for months at this point, every tiny feature meant to torture the Iramasha in both mind in body. Of course, that wasn't where it would end, apparently.

As Kamui continued to filled the man's mind with despair and dread, yet another of the creatures seemed to spring from what was beneath him, piercing his upper-body without much effort. Despite its aim, Azure was pierced to the left his heart, snapping a set of ribs in the creatures attempt to bring him closer to death. Following the piercing pain that show through his body was blood splattering all cross the hallway's length. Both from his mouth and the wound, Azure now seemed to cover himself in his own disgusting vile now that he had been taken by surprise yet again. Without thought, his left hand once again gripped a creature's skull before implanting it to his right, pulling it from his chest before it could do anymore damage.

'You can't be having fun right now, don't you think a hole in your chest is a little much? What sort of pathetic thing happened to make you seem so helpless, Azure?' No one would ever get to truly see what the man mouthed to himself, but to Azure the words would always stay with him. Even through death, his pain and despair wasn't going to be leaving this world any time soon. It was about time that he spoke his mind. "I guess you can say the world got to me, huh?"

Kamui's irritating little speech finally came to an end, Azure's body limping forward against the illuminated while as he attempted to hear his way through his surroundings. His vision may continue to fail him entirely, but the smell and sounds that came from the left side of the junction was truly nightmarish. The moans of a single word filling Azure's body with pain as the scent continued to attack his senses. The horrid smell of multiple dead corpses filled his mind with thoughts that would be assumed to be unbearable for a leader.

The dead were all around him, attempting to find their way to the man in order to cause him great suffering. It was funny, really. It seemed deserved for the mistakes and pain he couldn't keep from the world. As useless as Azure was however, he didn't wish for death just yet. Kamui needed to pay, the hatred that burned for the Sugiura fueling the shambles of a man to fight his way to the end of the hallway and taking an abrupt right turn.

Glancing behind him, Azure awkwardly punched the right wall repeatedly, pressing his strength against it in order to cause quite a catastrophe for the hallway. If all went well, the rubble that fell from both the ceiling and the wall should buy him at least some time, he needed to find the guilt party before he finally bit the bullet. Awkwardly shifting his way down the right hallway, Azure clung to the wall as he continued to mouth off to himself.

"Talk about out of hand, huh?" Kamui's words once again filled the man's mind as he spoke of his immediate family and those that acted as if they knew him well. All throughout his life, everything seemed to crumble at one point or another. His children were obviously leaps and bounds above him in importance, his family treating him as if he were some broken child. Being alone was a feat Azure had learned to master relatively well though, Kamui's words rarely stinging in the moments that past. He was too used to being alone to feel a thing that the traitor threw his way, his blackened eyes forcing their way around his surroundings. "You'd think if you wanted me to make me feel bad you'd say something sick, right?"

Tears began to fall from the mans eyes, his blood covered face streaking now that the salty liquid failed to end. The tears were of sadness, but also remorse. Azure understood the consequences of not succeeding in the end, the hatred that he wished to squash only eating him alive. It wasn't the fear of death that made him tearful, but the fear of another's death. A toothy smile filled the man's face as his dead eyes attempted to find their way through the awkward situation.

"I'm fine with death, you know. For myself, at least. Mistakes are mistakes, and if death is the outcome it seems to be what I deserve right?" The silent lips continued to mouth repeatedly phrases that would only burn their way into Azure's mind before he continued his adventure towards the other end of the newest hallway now.

"You aren't very good at making a poor soul sad, Kamui Cruor..." Of course his tears proved otherwise, his mouth words being quite obviously false. That didn't change anything to Azure, at least. He wasn't going to go out the way Kamui wished for. Not like what everyone else wanted... his pride was far too strong to be ignored.

Template By: [THEFROST]

An End To The Madness FXpoQxJ
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An End To The Madness Empty Re: An End To The Madness

Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:33 am

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count:

The hall rattled and rubble fell from the ceiling, a few walking corpses were caught in the rubble, trapped beneath metallic panels as even more corpses fell in to the hallway with the roof, further painful snapping echoing off the walls as they wailed in unholy agony, wails that sounds hauntingly like "Commander." The shuffling of the dead was still quite audible, but was steadily fading in to the distance as Azure dragged himself along the corridors of their Moon Base Headquarters, his stalling tactic seemed to have paid off for now. However, as the blood continued to flow from him, the more the venom would inevitably effect him, painful coughing would rack through his body, muscles would inevitably start spasming, further beleaguering his journey through the base. He would make it a solid minute unmolested by the roving band of monsters and ghouls before he would come upon a dead end with a singular door barring his progress. As he approached the door, Kamui's voice would once more pervade his senses, creeping through his very consciousness and emanating from within him, once more taunting him for his weakness, reminding him just what his arrogance had wrought him on this day.

"Do you even believe what is going through your head right now, Mighty Azure? You're fine with death? You think it's okay for you to slip silently away in to the night? To fade off in to the abyss? Allow me to bring you back to reality. Your death will not be quiet, your death will not be peaceful, your death will not be the end and I assure you, you are not ready for it. Let's take a look at what you'll leave behind."

As the door pushed open, there was a singular form in the center of the room, a form that would quickly become apparent even in Azure's diminished state. Azure would not be given respite, Azure would not be given leniency, Azure would be shown exactly what his mistakes had wrought, exactly what his ambition had caused, exactly what he had created. As the venom clouded his perception, her form would come in to view. The soft, sleepy, flawless face, the flowing blue hair, the generously wide and voluptuous hips, and those startling green eyes would slowly form in front of him as Naomi slowly turned her attention on to Azure...a soft, sad smile gracing her lips.

"The Vanguard is her home, The Vanguard is what she came to for you, she will be easy to dismantle with you gone. Wild, unrestrained strength will wane, affection will vanish, meaning will cease. You failed to give her a world where she could be happy. My father put her down as a child when she became too violent, trust me when I say that I cannot wait to enjoy the same opportunity."

As those words were spoken, the skin on that flawless, soft smile began to sag as her flesh began to rot, the meat on her bones began to wither as her ribs poked through her skin as it turned a sickly shade of green. Her shoulder blades shot back and out of their sockets, forming wicked looking blades as the monster howled in pain, shrieked in agony as her soft green eyes slowly began to burn a fiery red, full of pain, anguish, and hate. Azure did this to her, Azure was why she was dead, why her dream had ended. Another unholy shriek erupted as the hideous and grotesque form of the once beautiful Naomi would barrel toward Azure, seeking to punish him for what he had let happen to her as her bladed shoulders were flung straight in to Azure's chest.

Kamui contentedly hummed to himself as he picked up the large caligraphy brush from the nearby table and joyously flowed around the room, drawing his Fuuinjutsu. It was going to be his finest one yet and one that he of course had no opportunity to test. Of course, he was rather confident in himself. He was Kamui after all. He had also been working on this formula since he had begun his plan and he had, thankfully, applied enough theory to the madness to be fairly confident in his success. It was impossible to know without the full field test of course, but the chaos and unknown was part of the fun. He had absolutely no idea how much damage he would be able to do, how much havoc this would cause. Oh it was joyously sweet music to his ears. The young man hummed louder still with a small skip in his step as he blew through the giant seal as if he had been drawing it his whole life as he heard his legion of dead Vanguard soldiers scrabbling along the ceiling and walls around him, waiting obediently for his completion.

Once Azure made it here, it would all be over, it would all be finished, phase one would finally be over and he would be able to go back home. He had some stops to make of course, but Kamui of all people was getting rather homesick. The human world, as fascinating as it was, was still hilariously droll compared to his own. And even that was a shell of its former self, he absolutely could not wait, whatsoever, for the day the Tig'Ani came and they could reclaim it. He was getting so close too, he just needed everyone's favorite little red headed step child.

Kamui took a moment to turn his attention to the door. How far had Azure made it? Was he at Experiment 214? She did have some very wicked shoulder blades, oh if only Kamui could tell what Azure was seeing now, that would make this so, so much sweeter. He could probably write a book on the experience, maybe the Juin venom had psychological applications, wouldn't that be something? Perhaps he would have to look in to marketing it after he finished destroying the Vanguard. It was nice to have fall back options.

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The Hybrid King
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An End To The Madness Empty Re: An End To The Madness

Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:24 am



Success was in his eyes, the rubble that he previously tossed quickly to the hallway had giving him some type of reprieve to bring himself back to the present. Azure Iramasha continued to spray blood all along the walls of the Moon Base, his dead eyes continuing to repeatedly fill with tears as he stumbled forward. The world faded in and out from sight, aches beginning to overtake just about every muscle the man had. It was an odd sensation, the thick dark that hovered over his eyes accompanied with the sickening smells of rotting corpses. Alongside these rather nightmarish traits he also couldn't help but catch the hint of iron now that he had begun to bleed. "How much funnier can this get, huh, Kamui?"

The empty words filled his mind as he fumbled his way through the hallway in quick fashion despite what he thought to be an eternity. Finally coming to the thick metal door that stood before him. His right arm quickly began to convulse in spasms, pain racking the entirety of his body as his left leg followed in tandem. Dropping to a single knee, he pressed his sweat forehead against the cold door before the familiar voice once again found it's way through the reaches of his mind.

'You hear that buddy? He sounds kinda gross doesn't he? How did you ever let something like that walk around the Vanguard man? He reads you so easily, it's disturbing. Gotta give him credit though, he sure does make me squirm to think of what he has in store for us. Right?' Husk quickly exclaimed to the filth covered man, his black irises trying their best to continue to view what he thought to be the real world. Kamui sure wasn't stupid, Azure knew that already though. Shaking his head, he knew exactly what Kamui wanted to do. The world around him will be ravaged and torn to pieces. His death would not go unnoticed. He intended for others to entirely understand the pain and suffering their leader had to endure. It was a depressing sight, the once great man now brought to his knees as if the world had already crumbled upon his shoulders. It was fitting that Kamui would be the guilty party. Someone smart bringing his idiot self down a peg. "Heh..."

Mouthing to himself, Kamui's words came to a close, the door that once stood high before him now swung open with little effort. Azure fell to his face, the spasming muscles that continued to for their way forward caused him quite a bit of discomfort as he attempted to climb his way back to a standing position. Lifting his head now that he had reached his knees once more, Azure's eyes quickly gazed forward before meeting the blue that filled his view. Naomi Miyake, one of the three Miyake sisters that found their way so quickly into his life stood before him. Even if her face wasn't visible in the black void that attempted to fill his senses, he wasn't an idiot.

The figure quietly turned towards Azure before Kamui's words filled the man with hatred. He intended on making an example of those who attached themselves to Azure's future. The Vanguard was the first to come crumbling down. They would be tortured, killed and made an example of. They were a useless lot according to Kamui, Azure's dead eyes quietly filling with tears as he watched the girl give him the saddest of smiles. She was disappointed, his pain only growing greater as he attempted to weep. The man had no plan on escaping this nightmare without death, but to be tortured in such a way... it was as if he had lost already. Soon enough, Naomi turned to a twisted mess of rotten skin and broken bones, her body twisting in ways seemingly unimaginable in most instances. Without another second to waste, the woman's bones extended from within her body before she barreled her way towards him.

She wasn't real, he understood that all too well, that changed very little for him however. Watching as the woman came rocketing forward, the male had finally broken down to a disgusted mess. The blades that extended their way from her shoulders dug deep into his own upper back, piercing him near through his entire body. If the man hadn't been removed of his voice, shrieks of laughter would have surely filled the hallways now that he had come to a melting point.

'Well isn't this a bit depressing, huh? You should probably stop laughing before you keel over a bit too earlier, Azure.' Husk's attempt to interact with the man was all for naught, his arms lifting upward before he gripped the blades that extended from her behind. Quickly, he snapped them from their source before attempting to tear his way into her chest. Unlike before, the physical ailments that plagued the man mattered little, the lack of a human mentality causing him to drench himself in the acidic blood that filled her.

The shell of the man tried his best to simply rid the world of the creature, but the attempt may prove quite fatal for him. With the thick blades sticking out of his own back now, he continued to kneel before the creature as his maniacal laughter stayed silent within his own mind. All the while he continued to act as if he were some mess of an animal, tears streaked the blood that coated his face yet again, bleeding the colors of deep red and green together far to well. It seemed that his humanity wasn't entirely torn from him, not yet.

Template By: [THEFROST]

An End To The Madness FXpoQxJ
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An End To The Madness Empty Re: An End To The Madness

Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:37 am


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count:

The scratching noise grew louder and louder with each passing moment as Azure recovered from his most recent impaling and it didn't take someone especially well versed in sound to understand just how close they were to reaching Azure in his humble little abode. If Azure managed to collect himself, picking himself up from the carnage of his former lover, he would break through to the next room, a room that was far different than the tiny ones he had enjoyed thus far. He would slowly feel the effects of the poison leaving him, his body finally purging them from his system conveniently after he ripped his zombie lover in half, but the disorientation would almost certainly be replaced with the blood loss he had since suffered. Even if Kamui didn't touch him Azure was rather sure to bleed out right there in the station.

In the dead center of that room was Kamui, standing in the middle of the expansive observatory. Kamui's umbrella rested comfortably on his shoulder as he stared out the large, wall sized window as he gazed down upon the Earth, the rock that Azure had been sworn to protect. Kamui let his eyes linger on the planet for a few moments longer as he waited for Azure to finish filing in to the room. His eyes slowly turned toward him, the same stoic and creepy grin on his face as he did not turn the full pivot around, just enough that Azure had a fuller view of his face as he spoke. It had gone according to plan thus far. Kamui wasn't sure he could kill Azure in peak condition, but right now, in this moment, he was broken. Even if his body wasn't caked in acid, guts, and blood, even if he could stand up straight, even if he didn't have three giants holes in him...Kamui could tell from his eyes that he was broken, that it was over. It was a point of overwhelming curiosity to Kamui what Azure actually saw while under the Juin's effect. What he had actually experienced. For a man so proud, for a man so self-assured...this thing in front of him was quite a transformation. It was all Kamui could do to not bust out laughing at this predicament. He supposed to would have to be something he took in to consideration, just how potent the effects of the Juin venom could be on a weaker being, it was fortuitous that the adjectives allowed him to test it.

An End To The Madness Tumblr_njb2rnVpXe1u6rae3o6_250

"How did you like my game, Commander? Was"

Kamui finished turning to him, the same grin on his face as he walked a few paces forward, eyeing him like a cat would eye a particularly frenzied mouse. Interest, but utter self assurance. Kamui knew he had already won, and it showed. Kamui extended his umbrella out to his side and it slow began to change its form. A sound of rattling chains echoed through the room as the Umbrella shifted, elongating as its tip stretched and twisted in to a wicked sickle blade as the handle of the umbrella morphed in to a long chain, the handle itself slowly morphing in to a large lantern. Kamui opened the palm of his hand and the strange sickle plus lantern weapon would levitate beside him, a content smile on his face as he shifted his attention back to Azure, his words being soft, condescending, and absolutely full of vitriol.

"I was a lie of course, I am not working for Shadowfall. In fact they only barely know I exist and that is to be the plan for the time being. I am sorry, truly, for this. You were an interesting specimen and it is a shame that I need to kill you, you would have been so interesting against the Tig'Ani. Unfortunately though, these are the last few moments of your life."

An End To The Madness Tumblr_njb2rnVpXe1u6rae3o2_250

"Commander, I'm going to kill you now."

The chain, moving without Kamui touching it, spazzed forward, whipping the sickle blade around int he air in front of Kamui. It would look like a strange, awkward dance...if that was all that was happening. Each time the sickle sliced through the air, a Sugiuran Spell, the Pressure Slash, was jettisoned outward at the spot that Azure was standing, multiple pulses of hyper pressurized air were sent at him, expecting to at least force him to move but if he didn't, well, in his state Kamui wasn't especially picky about how many body parts he still had attached, he counted at least three limbs gone from that first salvo if he didn't bother to move. He was oh so close now, just one more step, just one more nail in the proverbial and literal coffin. He broke him, he battered him, he ruined everything Azure stood for...all that was left was to kill him.

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