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Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Left_bar_bleue0/0Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ]

Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:33 pm

    credits: Template by PerfectFallacy
    music: Comin' In Hot ∞ Hollywood Undead
    status: Template | JJ | App | Gilgamesh
    notes: Gilgamesh page 1

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] GilgaEnt1

Sugiura Template


Name: Gilgamesh
True Age: Very close to that of Shimura.
Gender: Male (Usually)

To fully understand the King of Heroes, one would be faced with having to understand one of the haughtiest and most arrogant men to walk the planet earth. He appears to be very full of himself, and never recognizes the authority of anyone; even gods would not be allowed to control this transcendent king. Standing at the Zenith of opulence, Gilgamesh is a man who enjoys only the finest things the world has to offer. He possesses a very imperious attitude and despises being below anyone else. When enemies witness his power in battle they can do nothing but wither and stagger before his might, finding that he’s more than simple talk. He tends to be a rather selfish and straightforward man, and will rarely indulge in the company of others. Instead, the only thing a stranger may experience from him is indifferent disdain and contempt. When faced with this man’s overbearing attitude directly, most would find him rather unsociable and avoid him like the bubonic plague. While he can be quite respectful and caring towards others, such traits are seldom seen from the King of Heroes.

Due to the extensive years following the betrayal at Alter Takuri’s hands, and the results of having his body doused in the contents of the grail, seeing the sweet and sovereign king that once ruled over the western kingdom seems like nothing but a hazy illusion. That said, when an opponent or person is truly worthy of his praise he will do nothing but compliment and praise them for their abilities. If a woman, which is a rare case, happens to be the symbol of his appraisal, he will love her unconditionally. There is something that this Grand King enjoys about power, and when one rivals his own, he recognizes them as his equals. Now, this can be broken into two sides of the coin. On the side of Heads, Gilgamesh recognizes his companion as a comrade and will aid them in their endeavors upon request. On the side of tails, he will still recognize them as an acquaintance, and issue a challenge to that person to see who the better man between these two is. This can most evidently be proven by his relationship with Alexander the great. Though heads and tails are considered when it concerns this domineering stalwart King of Conquerors. Gilgamesh has the uttermost respect and admiration for Alexander, and would gladly accept this man’s challenge at any time. They are men forever bound by the bonds of brotherhood, after all.

Alexander was in fact, the man who taught Gilgamesh everything about Kingship. His lessons may have seemed like those of a tyrant, but at the end, Gilgamesh truly realized the beauty of it all. He earned the envy and respect of his people, and they followed him without any doubt in their hearts. He was a true king, a stalwart man who led his kingdom with equality and dominated his opposition with nigh-absolute force. In fact, Alexander and Gilgamesh have made it their goal, if the day should come, to fight to the death. Gilgamesh would want nothing more than to die by the man who formed him into what he was as the Western King. And Alexander would definitely enjoy fighting a battle with his entire heart put into it. Some do doubt that such a day would come; and it likely never will, but surely their battle would be one set down in the farthest reaches of great history; a legend to be spoken of for years to come. Another more negative fact about the King of Heroes is his pride. The Pride he feels is nothing short of superlative. He will normally consider himself perfect, in each and every way possible. He is very confident and domineering and does not allow for anyone to be the top dog, but himself. He is one who rules the field with an iron fist, and those who dare to stand face to face with him will undoubtedly be challenged and be forced to prove their claims. While his excessive arrogance would make him see like nothing but a man with hubris, it seems that when opponents come up against his ultimate, ‘Gate of Babylon’, that his pride isn’t as exaggerated as they first assume. In other words, this grand king isn’t just trash talk.

In fact, unlike most arrogant men, who usually pick and antagonize the weak and the oppressed, Gilgamesh appears to take ill humor in bringing down every last piece of those who consider themselves “Kings” and “Strongest”. If they are truly what they say they are, then why not take down the prime cut? Such is his mentality when faced with opponents such as the aforementioned. If they prove they are equal to him, then like any lion that is defeated, he will resign himself from the situation and make a mental note to defeat them at a later engagement. Now, there are times however, when his pride works against him. In these cases, where opponents are the bane of his abilities and therefore capable of defeating him, he finds himself pushed back into a corner. At this point, one can see anger twist and sully his handsome features. This anger becomes so potent, that not even a bloodbath will sate his bloodlust. For a man who considers himself first and foremost, a king who reigns among heaven and earth, losing to a lowlife or what some would call “dogs” serves to not only embarrass him but anger the tyrannic man as well. He also becomes peeved when people use his own treasures against him or creates counterfeits, these people obviously being Emiya Shirou and Archer, the red knight. He takes great pride in not only himself but his wealth of valuables as well. Unless he permits it , no one is allowed to touch a single one of his items. Only those worthy of standing on terms with him as an equal are allowed to indulge in pleasantries such as his wine and other trivial items that would leave one dumbfounded. Now that we have experienced the depth of his pride and arrogance, let’s turn our attention to the other facets of this incredulous man.

Gilgamesh is very impulsive and as explained before, even under someone else he will not accept their authority. As much as this would drive someone to think that it puts him at odds with his partners, this couldn't be any further from the truth. Most of his allies and comrades know his abilities, and therefore are aware that as long as they continue to lather him with respect and adoration, then he will undoubtedly carry out orders without the slightest ounce of hesitation. His impulsiveness can grow in tandem with his pride, often overshadowing the prodigal skill that he possesses due to years of experience as a war general. Gilgamesh is a man who knows the battlefield inside and out. He can easily think up tens of thousands of strategies capable of ending wars in an instant, and come up with multiple plans in how to use his weapons, overpowering his opponent with his mind alone. This makes the prospect of fighting a serious Gilgamesh a thought no less than mortifying. Since his arrogance normally seals his downfall, fighting him at a level when he is both serious and prudent, gives the opponent no chance of escaping with their lives. It is a rarity to see him spare the lives of his enemies, but for people with the will of a warrior and ones that don't run away even when they know their time is at an end, he will spare them.

Despite the general opinion an onlooker from the outside looking in may have, Gilgamesh does not revel in unneeded bloodshed. It hardly perturbs or disgusts him, but even with someone of his class believes there's a limit to entertainment in the form of recklessly bringing about the end of lives. Indeed, this man who many consider to be a tyrant, is not as cruel and heartless as he appears at first sight. In fact, Gilgamesh still retains a lot of the good traits that he possessed in the past, along with a few unfortunately acquired new ones. Another surprise that would come to anyone who knew the current Gilgamesh is that he is without a doubt, a family man. When Shimura and his other kin are concerned, he will protect them with every iota of his being. Most of the people he met and befriended in the old days are still his close companions and his family is whom he feels closest too. If anyone dares to bare their fangs against his beloveds, he will make it a goal to execute and punish them without a single ounce or care towards their reasons that caused them to commit their heinous crime.

L In terms of past comrades, only Diarmuid, Alexander, and Gildarts are his true brethren. While Diarmuid betrayed him once, the man nevertheless respected his efforts to follow his heart’s desire and pursue a life with the woman he loved adamantly, Aries. He was the most loyal and compassionate Knight that the King of Heroes could’ve asked for, and would gladly repeat the times they spent honing their techniques and forging their friendship together. Alexander was his mentor and a man who captured the greatest respect of this mighty king. It goes without saying that he respects this man with every fiber of his being brought to bear. Gildarts was yet another revered soldier who pledged his full loyalty to Gilgamesh and served under him, fighting beside the golden knight with every fiber of being brought to bear on the battlefield. He never hesitated to protect his king, even if it were at the cost of his life. He sacrificed his life without hesitation, providing his king with enough time to defeat his most mortal enemy, Dhaos Nakira. Were it not for his sacrifices, the land would still be plagued by that demon.

The last two people, and probably the select few who had the biggest impact on his life was Shimura, the goddess of creation, and his very first wife, Dechtere--the goddess of destruction. Though he knew their paths would ultimately separate, the times spent with both of these women is what helped forge him into the man he is today. Whenever he felt that there was no hope left, that there was no way of wresting victory from the hands of his enemies, they were always there in his corner to encourage him and keep him from losing sight of the kingdom they envisioned. The pathway of a King was difficult. Compared to Shimura and Dechtere who helped build the race, their rulership was comparatively easier. Gilgamesh needed to show his followers that he was strong yet also sensible and a man who could act with reason as well as impulsion. Whenever he felt that his efforts were meaningless, their words of encouragement and affection served as the greatest inspiration. It can ultimately be said that at one point, these two were the underpin that would lead him to greatness.

While it appears that this King of Heroes is nothing but a chauvinistic, arrogant, and presumptuous tyrant, no sensible man can deny his wit. Contrary to popular belief, Gilgamesh is very perceptive of his surroundings and how the world works around him. Having lived such a long life, the lavished man developed a tunnel vision, one capable of staring deep into one’s soul. His gaze has always had this powerful effect of causing those to freeze in their tracks, as though he can see right through their entire being. He is a very insightful on how the world works as well as the people who live within it. When he is not taking to battle himself, he enjoys watching over the lives of certain people in order to cure his boredom.

He always picks out the unusual individuals. It could be a man who is confused by his existence, or a woman fighting for a righteous cause only for fate to constantly crush her dreams. Watching people and how their lives intertwine, revolve, and move along is quite entertaining to this haughty king. Reiterating an earlier fact, his wisdom revolves around indulging in pleasures that mortal man have yet to experience as he has. Whatever the case, he always dives into the world of the otherworldly, things that he considers interesting. Always inquisitive, always insightful, he never fails to pierce through the surface and beyond the superficial. While a man of great elegance – an opinion he shares himself – the royalty of others are boring and mundane to Gilgamesh. There are a select few who he pays particular interest too, but in general, he considers the rich and lavished – as surprising as this may sound - to be very uninteresting. To him, those are who unusual and blind to whom they are or really may be, provide him the ideal modicum of entertainment.

…In regards to love, Gilgamesh is what modern day people would call a sleaze. He doesn’t believe to committing to a relationship, an unfortunate trait acquired over the years following his betrayal at the hands of the black knight, Takuri Sugiura. He does not enjoy the pursuit of a relationship, finding the bearings of being faithful to one woman quite stifling. Though, for any woman who knew him from the past, he was anything but unfaithful; the Golden King was a hormonal man, yes, but he was nevertheless faithful to the women he married. The Gilgamesh, however, is neither loyal nor reverent of the women he mingles with.

To him, their bodies are just mere recipients of lust, used only to satisfy his sexual desires. It is an extreme rarity to find him loving a woman with his heart, rather than with his body. He may douse and lather them in praise and adoration, only to leave them high and dry once the night has concluded. When someone does happen to catch his eye, however, he will take what he wants and claim them, whether they accept or yield. This can be proven by the maddening infatuation he has for one woman; Takuri Sugiura. It cannot properly be called love, his only desire being to return the favor of fully corrupting her body within the contents of the grail. Currently, it appears that she is the only one who is capable of rousing any true desire out of the spirit of the King. However…this is not the true Gilgamesh, merely a shadow of the once great, once courageous king. Still, it’s not as though any of these traits were existent during the time of the King’s reign, no this man and him were as far apart as heaven and earth. There existed one King who was truly admirable and courageous, honorable and praiseworthy. His name was……

Words do nothing to describe how passionate and kind this man was. He was a man who had always earned the praise and admiration of his people without being overbearing or a tyrannical ruler. Always sweet, always compassionate, he always treated everyone as though they were his own family and would protect every single one of them with his life. While he possessed pride, it wasn’t anything that a King like himself didn’t deserve to possess. He didn’t earn his name King of Heroes from being a hero of justice, but by protecting all of his people and upholding equality around his kingdom. If he even caught word of someone trying to hurt his comrades, he would face them on his own and make them pay for their crime by serving under him until they too became a close comrade of his.

Like Alexander he ruled with an iron fist, but he didn’t try to overpower or kill them but seize their hearts through compassion and brotherhood. With anger, with compassion, he ruled his lands and became the symbol of his people’s envy and their love. Everyone wanted to be this image of the king; they wanted to become a wild yet reserved man who respected the opinions of not only soldiers - but his people as well. He was a true man who held honor and brotherhood close to his heart. He was forgiving, he was compassionate and on the other side of the spectrum, he was also strict but not too overbearing that his people would want to revolt against him. The Golden King was playful, he was a diehard romantic but never attempted to plunder or assert dominion over his lovers, choosing instead to praise and admire them with words of love and admiration. His love for the people, his love for the kingdom, and his love for the world was his true source of power.

As long as he had that behind him, nothing else mattered. As long as they were their too scream his name, encourage and request his help, he felt as though he could challenge the world and beyond – as long as he had the people, his power was seemingly inexhaustible. Glory and championship, compassion and brotherhood – love and devotion, he was all of this and more. If such a claim is appropriate, he was a true man and a wonderful king who valued the opinions of everyone around him. He never let his title of king inflate his ego, believing that he was simply some young wild kid trying to reach the heights that legends and his mentor before him created.

To himself, the only thing that separated him from other people was simply his title, nothing more. If he saw a young woman in distress, he punishes the attacker. If he witnessed bloodshed happening before him, he would take the life of the won who committed the heinous crime. As a man who believed first and foremost in equity and equality, everyone was important in his city. He would even work for his cities people, building houses or caring for their children were never too difficult for him to accomplish. The Golden King was the true Gilgamesh. The man who was borne by his mother, and the one who grew up with no goal until he crossed paths with the legendary guardian beast Enkidu, he was the man who sought treasures and spread them over to his people. His wealth of valuables were never only his own, whatever he collected went to the people – child and adult alike.

He was a man filled with boundless brevity and a man who always challenged the impossible, no matter what the odds were. He could be facing an army of 100,000 soldiers all by himself, and he would smile and grin like wild teenager, but his goal would never falter. He was not without faults, however. There were times when he was ruthless, and times where he would become too competitive but these times were so minuscule as to be nonexistent. He never referred to anyone as “Mongrel” or “lowlife” and always had underlying respect for their power and efforts. How could he look down on the weak with contempt, when he too was once weak? He was naïve, and he was idiotic, but this only served to make him even more endearing to the people. Their king was undeniably human at heart.

He had his imperfections but even those matched perfectly with perfections. This is still the image burned into the hearts of the western people; they will never forget this man, even though his tale ended with one of betrayal. Who betrayed him and why did he betray the people he loved with unreserved glee? Only one person knows that answer and doubtless regrets the events that transpired….but still maybe there is some hope that this man will return, maybe someday the man who burned the image of king into his people’s heart will return. No one can say this for certain….for now he is only legend and will remain that way until someone fixes the anomaly.

General Appearance



Animalistic Traits: Guardian Beast, Enkidu.
Appearance Age: 17-22
Height: 182cm
Weight: 68KG

Natural Abilities


The Miracle of Wealth Accumulation
Gilgamesh's treasury is theoretically infinite, but this is because of the only Magic which he possesses, which is constantly active on his body, a passive effect. He is constantly gaining wealth at all times, collecting items of value into his Treasury due to the concept of 'the first story', 'of which all stories are based.' This magic states that therefore every 'incredible item which could have its story is related to the King of Heroes', and is therefore 'possible to have within his Treasury.' Therefore, Gilgamesh's Treasury is constantly accumulating wealth and amazing items, which allows for him to have theoretically an infinite amount of items at his disposal, as his treasury is not only filled with the physical parts of weapons, but also the 'concept' of the weapons existing. He owns many weapons in their prototype and conceptual stages because of this magic that only he possesses, and it is part of what fuels his power source of wealth.

Sacred Weapon:

Gate of Babylon

Gate of Babylon: The Gate of Babylon is the primeval treasury used by the Hero King, Gilgamesh. It is his ultimate weapon and a sign of his ultimate wealth. It is a dark red, key shaped sword which is used to connect him to the “Golden Capital” Allowing him to access the contents easily. It connects the space of reality to the vault, opening an "invisible door" that allows for his treasures to pass through upon his command. The items that pass through the gate form golden ripples in the empty air as they appear. The items stored within this mass of incredulous wealth, can be summoned from anywhere at any time, either directly in his hand's, or anywhere within the direct vicinity. In fact, when an opponent appears to charge recklessly towards him, he can even defend himself by summoning his armaments to either defend against their attack or execute a flawless counterattack. The treasury is fueled by nothing but wealth. And as it grows, so does its power. In other words, as long as the wealth of the owner increases and he continues to accumulate a wealth of valuable treasures then Gate of Babylon becomes even more absurd. Needless to say, this as of the current day is why most consider him to be an Archer due to the way he recklessly fires his various swords and spears. The weapons in his treasury become bullets on his command, and then no sooner, fired off at an exceedingly imperceptible rate of speed and velocity that causes them to become air resistant during flight. During battle, he generally readies numerous weapons at a time, by letting the hilts stick out of the ripple slightly, or allow them to levitate in the air behind him. Upon snapping his fingers or activating it via-telekinesis, the seemingly infinite mass of divine weapons can be fired without pause. He usually starts out with lower numbers (10, 17, 30, 47.) But depending on the respect, anger, or joy he feels towards the opponent, he can increase them at his leisure. Upon firing his divine array of armaments, he can allow them to strike the ground, causing an explosion similar to carpet or obliteration bombing to occur; Leaving countless scars on the battlefield in his wake. Once the battle has been decided, upon closing the Gate, any weapons left on the battlefield will instantly dissipate and return to the vault. Though, if he wishes, he can leave them out if he feels they have been sullied and dirtied by something repulsive (I.E; Caster’s Extra Dimensional Evil God). The ability to fire the weapons yields an excellent ratio of destructive power to spiritual energy efficiency due to the cost of reiatsu used to fire the weapons as bullets being relatively low. The only real energy usage lies with the Gate of Babylon's activation cost. He generally fights at long range, though he will wield a single weapon in close combat if he feels confident in his victory. He makes use of the many unknown abilities of the weapons, and constantly switches them to keep his opponent off guard. Still, he is not a swordsman, so he is easily outclassed if an opponent is skilled at close combat. Against something like Unlimited Blade Works, which allows for weapons to be drawn and fired slightly faster than the Gate of Babylon, Gilgamesh finds himself easily outclassed and overwhelmed when forced to fight in close combat. And against opponents who are capable of manipulating the momentum or gravity within the battlefield, he left at even more of a disadvantage. To explain in further detail, what this primeval treasury houses is wealth from all over the world. The treasury contains all of the treasures of the world that he collected over the span of nearly his entire life, divine mysteries from nearly every legend. It contains swords, polearms, lances, hammers, shields, and demonic swords that later made their way to Europe and South America, all of which form a perfect treasury of masses of unused weapons that simply went to sleep with the king. It contains original models of sacred’s such as Misaiko’s Megamikaze and Iori’s, Houtengeki. The weapons are extremely resistant to heat due to holding base similarities to that of Zanpakutō, making them all but impossible to be melted by any flame or heat based abilities. Moreover, due to the speed at which they are fired, which is in total, 13,000MPH, they become extremely air resistant and will rip through most flame or wind based techniques. Needless to say, breaking or bending the weapons is extremely hard due to their weight distribution (10,000 Tons in total), and are highly durable against any opponent; even those that pride themselves on defense. Even with small and agile evasions, because the projectiles are flying at such a high rate, the air pushed outwards by the divine treasures would be enough to cause his opponents to become unbalanced and in the case of surprise attacks or relatively weaker opponents, they would be blown away like mere flies. This is his ultimate weapon; one that makes him absolutely transcendent among the many warriors of the world. With the infinite amount of treasures at his disposal, he is capable of defeating and equaling almost any opponent who comes up against his magnificent might. Besides storing weapons and armaments, he appears to use trivial items as well. Such as wine, an ancient Indian airship, and potions that manipulate the genetic make up of his body. As he says, whether sword or drinks, only the finest is stored within his treasury.


Golden Rule: Opulence and wealth so incredulous and primeval that it has become a conceptual ability. It goes without saying that his wealth exceeds and transcends the reasons of creation that man has borne. Throughout history and mythology, individuals destined to amass vast fortunes and treasure are identified as possessing Golden Rule. Among these figures, Gilgamesh stands alone at the zenith of opulence, for he has at his disposal enough riches to purchase whatever he may need in any era. In battle, it appears that golden rule also serves as a conduit for every single treasure stored within the Gate of Babylon. Each and every single sword, spear, halberd, polearm, and even incongruent weapons, are filled to the brim with abundant amounts of spiritual energy. This is why Gilgamesh does not have to go through the arduous task of adding or using his own Reaitsu, because thanks to the natural abilities of Golden rule, it acts as the conduit to Gate of Babylon's mighty and destructible power. When the spiritual energy is released from the weapons, not only do they explode on contact, making grabbing the weapons nigh-impossible, but thanks to the divine energy supporting the weapons, even a empire seems like mere paper before the might of his power. Concurrently, the more wealth that Gilgamesh amasses equals how much power his weapons will gain over time, making it a truly formidable ability on the battlefield.

The Golden Saber - Competence in Hand to Hand
Gilgamesh's body is trained, trained by the very best that the Sugiuran west had to offer. This makes his ability in actual hand-to-hand combat surprisingly able, though he would never lower himself to the point of actually fighting hand to hand with someone. While he most certainly could, he much prefers not to, as he finds it emeaning. however, if he can get the feeling of lowering another's status by punching them in the face, or showing his respect by doing so, he most certainly has the tools to do so if he wanted to.

The Golden Caster - Interest in the Arcane
Gilgamesh has an 'interest' in teh arcane. Normally, this would be a simple trait of his personality. However, due to how the Golden Rule and the Miracle of Wealth Accumulation, it has a supernatural effect. When Miracle of Wealth Accumulation triggers, it gains not only the prototype, but all the abilities that the weapon would one day gain past its prototype phase. This is why spears like Gungnir have the ability of Gáe Bolg, despite Giglamesh not having it within his vault. This also leads to non-strictly valuable items, such as Prelati's Spellbook, which still have an immense amount of arcane value but not physical value, to appear within his vault, as this trait deems them as having 'value', even if they normally do not.

The Golden Rider - Wielder of Ships and Vessels
Gilgamesh is a master commander, and due to his learning under some of the brightest military figures in the land (such as Alexander), he is amazing at commanding ships and the like. He never loses his course, and will always head to his goal, whether he is flying the Vimaya or captaining the Golden Hind. In addition, he is a very able bodied rider of mounts, which allows for smooth transitions with beings such as Bellepheron and Fafnir.

The Golden Archer - Strongest Apparition of Bows
Gilgamesh is without a doubt one of the strongest 'archers' in existence. Archer, in his case, is defined as one who uses ranged weaponry. As he makes all of his treasures ranged by the nature of his Gate of Babylon, this is what makes his such a superb 'archer'. However, he is also very gifted in archery. He can hit a target at over 1000 meters away from himself, and can even maintain this level with difficult bows such as Gandiva. His archery skill would surprise many, as he normally never uses it; but there are some times when he wishes to show off his archery skill for sport.

The Golden Assassin - Sudden and Final Blows
Gilgamesh's usual way of taking out enemies is forcibly and suddenly. He knows all the weak points of a human body, and due to his nature as being impatient, he works towards ending people as fast he can. His ability of attacking people and ending things suddenly is heightened to the level of being a valuable skill, and as such his Treasury contains many such items to be used.

The Golden Lancer - Ever Presence
Gilgamesh's body is constantly releasing a unique kind of reiatsu pressure, the pressure known as the "Golden Presence". This presence means that anyone who senses him is not overwhelmed by the Golden King, but rather is overwhelmed by his identity, feeling in his aura the many legendary feats he has performed as well as his true identity as a true King. As such, his presence does not push people down physically, but rather mentally; those of weaker will will be oppressed by the sheer power of the King of Heroes, though the insane do not feel this, as they are cuckoo.

The Golden Berserker - Loss of Reason
However, when Gilgamesh becomes enraged is when things begin not going his way or when those who are near him begin acting superior to him for three posts straight. The sheer amount of rage that he undergoes is enough to the point where hundreds of items appear out of the Gate of Babylon, and Gilgamesh becomes deadly serous. He loses all pretenses and gains a single directive that drives every single one of his actions: Humiliate the opponent. He doesn't deliberately kill, but eh does everything in his power to lessen them, to turn them into a withering mass at his feet unable to even begin to fight back. Only then does he completely work on killing them, which he sadistically enjoys if they remain stubborn in disrespecting him.

The Golden Ruler - Voice of One Who Destroys
The last natural ability that Gilgamesh possesses is that of a ruler. As he has experience as a ruler of territories and is an extremely powerful individual, his voice carries weight. His voice speaks directly to the subconscious, meaning that when he is speaking imperiously, people listen, whether they want to or not. His voice has even been known to pull back those from the brink of insanity, or make respectable enemies into his allies. Such is the power of the voice of The Gilgamesh, whether for good or for bad. He is also an accomplished singer with the gold records of such 2400 hits as "You Mongrels Gonna Die" and "Gold, cometh unto me".

Temporary Knighthood
Gilgamesh has one supernatural ability known as Temporary Knighthood. Temporary Knighthood allows him to act as a Knight Sugiura of his level for 2-3 posts, if he is ever forced to act in that manner. This means that if he gets under assault directly by someone and must engage them in melee combat, he has the ability to do that, at least temporarily. This means that he can even keep up with some intensely powered melee fighters, but he lacks stamina, which is where his true handicap lies. If someone can overcome his stamina in melee combat, then it is possible to overwhelm the King of Heroes.

Other Weapons: See Armory.

Sacred Unleashed

Joushou:("Ascending") The King has no need of such trivial things!

Zenou: ("Almighty") The King is frankly almighty enough, this is obvious!

Kyuu Kyou:("Ultimate") ...Hmm.

The Kyuu Kyou of Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh changes completely into the form of his Alter, utterly and completely.

Alter Form

The True King's Appearance:

The Golden Truth's Personality:
The Golden Truth is the True King, the original one, before the corruption was inserted into his body. This King is discussed above, and since unlocking his Kyuu Kyou, Gilgamesh and the Golden Truth's personalities have ever so slightly intermerged, rendering part of Gilgamesh's mind purified. He is no longer sadistic and evil for the sake of being evil, but for the intentions of being a ruler. THis ist he change made in the Golden Lie, while the Golden Truth is slightly less... perfect. The Golden Truth has become more of a fierce combatant, a brave warrior of steel, than a happy-go-lucky king. However, he is rather ashamed of the Golden Lie, though he will carry out his mission all the same.

The Truth's Powers:

Ea Increased

While in the Golden Truth, Gilgamesh's body becomes a master at using Ea, the blade becomes an 'Anti-Existence' weapon. He becomes able to use it just like any other blade, able to swing it or use it in close combat. This means that with every single attack and strike, it releases more and more air pressure, as its grinding has accelerated from that of tectonic movement to that of a celestial body's movement. The movement of a planet such as Earth hurtling through space. That is the amount of force that is being used within Ea while the Kyuu Kyou of Gilgamesh is activated. When Ea is being released, therefore, the plane where Gilgamesh's fight occurs becomes totally and utterly unusuable, as it opens awful rips to 'hell' in spaces so great that there can be no aftermath. This means that each swing he performs releases the hyper-accelerated nature of Ea that compresses and destroys in a manner similar to a big bang, meaning that anyone who is hit by it witnesses what the big bang was like, and thus knows how the world began, but due to their being hit by it and its force as a big bang, their very existence, which did not exist during the big bang, is destroyed, preventing them from retaining any knowledge of it. The existence of the areas is ripped into pieces, and his target, even it if dodges around, has next to no defense to something that uses the very lack of existence as its weapon, a weapon taht can only be denied in the most rare of circumstances. However, even denying it becomes a difficulty, as due to the multiple uses of Ea, it will even begin to remove and demolish the existence of the thing denying it, making it truly Gilgamesh's most potent weapon.

Gate Decreased
While this form is active, however, Gilgamesh is only able to keep two defined 'treasures' outside of the Gate of Babylon. Normally this means Enkidu and Ea, but it can also be Vimaya and the Throne of Ninsun's descendant, or even a combination of anything else. This is the second part of the Golden Truth's true being, and is what makes it different than the Golden Lie.

Blades of Heaven and Earth
While in this form, Gilgamesh also becomes able to use two very special blades, which form out of his back, leaving the 'treasury' of his own body. These blades have rotating handles, and are completely golden in color, meaning that they can be used from golden blades to tonfa to attaching them together and using them as a bow. Indeed, the true use of them is to use as a bow, which is then pointed at an opponent, which can fire a single arrow. No matter where this arrow goes, the intended target becomes marked, and the true ability of the Blades of Heaven and Earth become revealed.

Star of Utapishtim
The Star is the 'final attack' to end all of Gilgamesh's final attacks. It's use refers directly to the myth of Utapishtim, who survived the destruction of the entire world by flood and rebuilt it. The first thing that happens is a massive torrent of water, enough to engulf an entire city, emerges from the point where the arrow's target was, emerging all at once in a torrent that would completely consume and destroy any and all life that came into contact with it. The second effect, however, is the truly dangerous one. Several thousand feet, past the Earth's exosphere, the final item within the Gate of Babylon, the one that could only be stored in space, appears. Along with this weapon appear several beams of light, each of them having the force of a Cero Oscuras, which wrap around the weapon and aid it in its descent, increasing its overall power. This weapon is the spear known as the Star of Destruction

Star of Destruction: The Star of Destruction is the most powerful of weapons in the King of Heroes' treasury. It hits directly where the target of the tracer arrow was intended to conceptually be, and by approaching that point its true nature begins to appear. It is a spear so large that its impalement into the earth would cause massive tidal waves, disturbing all the tectonic plates of the Earth, and likely causing natural disasters to occur across the entire planet for weeks afterwards. However, that destruction merely testifies to the amount of force which is the ponits of attack. The poitn of the attack has the explosion of te spear, which unloads its monstrous amount of energy directly into the specified location, having the shear amount of power to wipe an island the size of Japan off of the map, and even cause one such as Australia to begin sinking as a result, and if hit in the right spot would cause for it to descend as well. The easy way to dodge this attack is through elevation; however, the efects it will have ont he Earth if it connects are obvious. The Star of Destruction is indeed so powerful that Gilgamesh has banned himeslf from using it, as he says, "inevitably, it would damage some part of this garden of mine... And that I can't stand for." Which is why the Star of Destruction could gain use maybe once in several thousand years.

Obviously, Star of Destruction is event-only.

Roleplay Sample: You know how i do.

Prelude to the Treasury:

True Treasures

Ea — The Primordial Sword of Rupture: Ea is the most powerful weapon contained in the Gate of Babylon, with power rivaling even that of the three legendary sacred's. It is the only weapon solely possessed by the King of heroes, unlike the other weapon's which have been passed down to him or found through arduous journey's (Other than Enkidu). mIt is considered his greatest treasure, only using it against those he deems worthy, and his most trusted next to Enkidu. He greatly admires the weapon and often speaks to the sword as if it were a living being. It is called the "sword that cut the world apart", which gives the impression of being the actualization of the works of a god recorded before the concept of a sword even existed at the beginning of the world. It is a weapon of far too abnormal shape, There is a grip and a hand guard, and the length of this weapon is about the size of a long sword. However, it is a complete deviation from a an actual sword, as the mere shape is far too unusual. It is a cylindrical, drill-shaped sword engraved with crimson cuneiform lettering on three independently rotating segments that spin in different directions, the middle segment spinning clockwise and the top and bottom segments spinning counterclockwise. It is more similar to a spear crossed with a bedrock drill designed with multiple gears to dig a gigantic hole by eating at the bedrock little by little. Its material components have no origin on the mortal plane, and thus, Emiya Shirou/Archer is unable to analyze or reproduce it through Projection. The sword itself is actually nameless, so he has personally named it after the god of earth and water of the Mesopotamian and Babylonian myths. The names "Sword of Rapture" and "Enuma Elish" are believed to reference the Genesis Epic of the Babylonian myth, Enuma Elish. While the glorious Excalibur release's air, the triblade segments of Ea start rotating rapidly, each moving with the weight and power equivalent to tectonic movement, creating a shrilling howl once Gilgamesh commands it to "wake up." It begins to swallow, compress, and accelerate wind pressure into an artificial space-time dislocation capable of pulverizing any opposition. This attack that signifies the state under which it releases maximum output is called Enuma Elish (エヌマ・エリシュ?), the Star of Creation that Splits Apart Heaven and Earth (天地乖離す開闢の星 Tenchi Kairisu Kaibyaku no Hoshi?). While Holding Back, the sword releases a crushing torrent by simulating spatial rends that is equal to or slightly greater than that of Excalibur, but Gligamesh truly going all out causes the true "anti-world" nature of the weapon to activate. Naturally, the power of this already immense attack is at the level of a cero oscuras capable of causing considerably high amount's of damage to the target, making survival without a powerful defensive ability, or an attack of equal or greater power nigh-impossible. It cannot be said that what the blade cuts down is limited simply to "the enemy", and it is impossible to even discuss as to whether it would hit or the force behind it. Grinding at the laws of the universe with its power, it creates a rip that extends from the earth to the sky that pierces the nature of the world itself. It does not necessarily target the world itself, but instead target's the designated area of where the user happen's to be as well as the opponent. The tumult of genesis takes everything that was nothing more than chaos which could not form any meaning, and creates a new truth that divides and distinguishes Heaven, Sea, and Earth. The wind pressure creates a vacuum that takes all things with form, the land, the atmosphere, and the sky into the whirling void leaving nothing but Ea dazzling like a star of creation amidst the destruction, the first thing illuminating the new world. However, Full-scale destruction is never in the King of Heroes Mind, so instead of the entire area, he can concentrate the power of the vacuum onto single or multiple opponent's. the power of Ea can completely destroy a reality marble from the inside. The rift created by Enuma Elish is said to be a look at the "truth" of what existed before the world. Referring to it as hell, the primordial form of the planet before heaven and earth were split, a land filled with lava, gas, scorching heat, and intense cold, Gligamesh states that it is beginning of all legends of lands of the dead. It is the origin of the memory of all organisms before the existence of the planet that is no longer found in the imaginations or spoken memories of people, but rather a genetically inherent and repressed knowledge of a place and time when organic existence had been impossible. Enkidu often claim's that this sword was indeed a blade created before it's existence it's self, However, such claim's have yet to be proven. While no one know's the definite origin of Ea, it is definitely a preposterous and dangerous weapon feared by many.

Enkidu — The Chain of Heaven : Enkidu, spelled "Erukidu" in some versions, is the item most treasured by Gilgamesh, even more so then Ea, and is the "Greatest Secret" Stored within the Gates of Babylon. The name of these chain's come from his best friend and guardian beast, Enkidu. This Chain is one of the few anti-divine conceptual weapon's with the concept of "Reigning over the Gods". Binding them so that escape is Neigh-impossible. The Chain's durability and overall strength confer's to how much spiritual energy they have. To opponent's with high amount's of spiritual energy, this chain is their natural enemy. It will bind them without an ounce of mercy, unless they prepare an escape route or hide their reaitsu with some special ability. To opponent's with lesser reaitsu or no reaitsu at all, this chain is nothing more then a tough peccadillo which can be broken by simply applying and using enough physical strength. Gilgamesh can either directly summon the chain's in his hand's in order to pull an opponent closer, or, as a surprise attack, have the chain's weave out toward's the opponent in order to bind them, making them very susceptible to his volley of projectile weapon's. It was strong enough to force even "The Invincible Guardian Beast's" limbs to bend past their limits while continuously tightening around the area. it appear's to even bind the space around it's self, and is capable of rendering transportation ordered by anything such as teleportation's spell's, Kidō, and anything that has the power to manipulate or destroy Space/Time. it is possible for a target to break the chain, such as when PuToTyra does so using by using his ice to freeze the chain's, with the last ounce's of his strength. If the chain happen's to broken, Gilgamesh can easily repair them within his Gate of Babylon, and use them as he see's fit in another battle.

Skyrim — The Absolute Destroyer: This is the third strongest and trusted weapon of the King of Heroes, referred to by nothing more then Skyrim; The Absolute Destroyer. This weapon's ferocity and offensive power has given it this name purely from the destruction and damage it inflict's physically and spiritually on the opponent. It is a large four-bladed chakram style disk, which have small green vine's which are like metal's, scattered and placed across it's entire structure. The Line's began to glow, once the weapon is brought out of Gate of Babylon. This is most arguably the third strongest weapon stored in the King of Heroe's treasury that he gained through his travel's. Firstly, Skyrim can block almost any and all Wind-based attack's, without any side-effect's or drawback's, making it a perfect weapon against the likes of the Wind Goddess, Misaiko. The fearsome part of this weapon is it's main ability, which can be used while being fired as a bullet, or thrown by Gilgamesh to give the weapon centrifugal force. Once it has hit impact upon anyone or anything, a large vortex made of numerous microscopic wind blade's, that not only cause's physical damage on an external level, but on a cellular level as well. The wind blade's sever nerve channel's within the body, leaving target's without a high level of defense, Endurance, or agility, nearly unable to move if they are struck with this weapon directly. They also target the reaitsu flow within the body, the soul sleep and soul chain and greatly damage's them both , if not completely destroying it once full on contact is made. While Healing Kidō, Healing Sugiura Magic, and regeneration is still usable it is slowed down due to the ferocious might of Skyrim. Depending on the amount of direct damage taken from the first ability, some warrior's may never be able to perform their techniques properly again. Gilgamesh prefer's to use this weapon more so then most of his other primeval treasure's, because he take's pleasure in taking down the high and mighty opponent's he face's, especially if they possess as much pride as he does. This weapon will make even the strongest of the strong return back to their weakest state if they happen to be caught in the full collision of this attack. This weapon possesses one more ability which cause's a multitude of microscopic wind blade's to simultaneously appear. Upon their appearance, they then form together around the opponent, Creating a huge sphere. This will engulf everything within the significant radius, Anyone within said radius, will potentially get caught within it. Immediately following this, the sphere collapse's in on it's self, using the compressed microscopic wind blade's to crush everything within it. Even the strongest of regeneration abilities will find a arduous time healing the wound's of their user.

Bite The Dust: These King-Crossed knight sword's were made for 12 of Gilgamesh's most trusted knight's. Only twelve were made, and exist in the Gate of Babylon. They were made using the remain's of a special metal, that only existed from the God of Earth Guardian beast, they were then fused with the scale's of ice from Putotyra, before Giru gained control of that guardian beast, they were also mixed in within the same bone's of the guardian beast that helped produce Gilgamesh's armor. Dual-noted, is that they were made with the blood of his knight's after their death, making them exceedingly special to the King of Heroes. All of these material's give's these weapon's the concept of "Disharmony". Upon constant contact with these sword's, a wave of disharmony will be inflicted upon the opponent once contact has been made. Each Strike, cause's even more damage, and in the case of shinigami or Zanpakutō, continued damage will cause the blade's, when they are in Shikai or Bankai, to slowly be returned back to their sealed state. Once 4 of these weapon's have hit directly, the Zanpakutō of a vizard or shinigami will be returned to it's sealed state for one post. Depending on continued damage, the number will grow depending on the number of time's it's hit. If this weapon strike's a constant-release type, they will stay as they are, without the abilities to accommodate the aforementioned Zanpakutō. Gilgamesh prefer's to fire these weapon's in volley's, depending on his current mode, since he is inchoate in the form of close quarter combat.
Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] GilgaExt1


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Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:44 am

Blades of Royalty

Spears of Grandeur

Axes of Kingdoms

Bows of Empires

Vehicles of Splendor

Defenses of the Throne


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Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Re: Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ]

Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:48 am
Golden Shenanigans


Guardian Beast

Element: Release
The Magnificent Warrior's Appearance:

The Divine Beast's Personality:

Enkidu was always a caring being. Specifically, he cared about things that he personally identified for hismelf. Whether this be a quest, a person, or a pursuit, he cares deeply about the things he selects. This leads to his great drive, as well as his insurmountable stubbornness. Overall, his caring nature shows the most in his relationship with Gilgamesh, trying to give the king sound advice and be the best friend he can for the King of Heroes.

However, Enkidu is very prideful. When he first learned of Gilgamesh, his first instinct was to go and fight the male. It was only after being nearly totally annihilated by the Golden King that Enkidu would finally back down his prideful nature and 'allow' for Gilgamesh to be his equal within the land. It was not a decision he made lightly, but once he made it he was very satisfied with it. This shows Enkidu's willpower as well. If a challenge arose that consumed a hundred men, two hundred men, it would only be able to half consume Enkidu before he forcibly removed himself from it before grabbing it by the horns and flipping it over before slamming it into the ground.

HOwever, Enkidu is also extraordinarily haughty. The visions he had of death before merging with Gilgamesh often give him nightmares, and they scared both teh Guardian Beast and his king. In addition, Enkidu can be very clingy of those who he loves, and once they have selected a goal, he will not allow for them to deviate from it in any manner. He makes sure his friends go through on their word, though this sometimes can lead to trouble. In addition, he can become very jealous. He is Gilgamesh's bro, his ultimate wing-man. He doesn't care about how many women Gilgamesh isn't screwing around with at the moment, but if anyone tries to take his place as the Golden King's best bro-in-arms then he will NOT be happy.

Overall, however, Enkidu is a fun-loving being. He is affiliated with beasts of all sorts, and at one point believed himself to be the strongest beast in all of existence. He loves the outdoors and he loves playing with his friends, going on trips with them, finding things in nature, etc. After all, he is said to be able to keep it up for 7 nights straight before finally calming down when he gets excited. Though, he hasn't had much of a chance to repeat that feat since the divine harlot.

The Beast of God's Powers

The Beast: Enkidu
Enkidu, being the Guardian Beast of Gilgamesh, is very linked in to his former nature. Before gaining his wisdom through sex with the divine harlot and losing his physical might, he believed himself to be 'the strongest beast in all of existence.' This has passed on to Gilgamesh in the form of being able to temporarily reduce his Mental Deduction, Focus, and Willpower by one rank in order to vastly increase the stamina of his Durability, Pain Endurance, Strength, and General Speed. In addition, Gilgamesh's body will become covered iwth a strange golden fur around his body, and mighty animalistic ears will grow across his head, in addition to a large and powerful golden tail. Enkidu within him, meanwhile, transforms into a massive beast, so great and terrible that his body would encompass the size of a small house and his roar alone would shatter all earth around his body.

The Chain's Representation
Enkidu's mental state is permanently linked to Enkidu, the blade within the King of Heroes' Gate of Babylon. This means that Enkidu is constantly able to watch over his best friend, defending him from threats taht even teh Golden Hero might not be able to plainly see, due to their intensely powerful connection. However, the chain is not merely connected by him in mentality; it is his representation. This means that Enkidu can add his own power to it at any time he wishes, and thsi means that if Gilgamesh gains a grip on something, it can become nearly IMPOSSIBLE to break the chains, as Enkidu shares with them his intense durability, amssive strength, intense speed and amazing reflexes. This is the true power of Enkidu, as well as what makes it the Grandest Secret.

The Final Hunt
The Final Hunt is a condition where Gilgamesh's ability with weapons, his Weapon Skill, becoems maxed out to the maximum possible level that he is able to use it. While he is using this, he lacks the ability to use the Gate of Babylon, however, he can perfectly manipulate twenty or fewer weapons/treasures from his Gate simultaneously, whether these are manipulated by his physical limbs or his telepathy. This is caused by the energy deep within Enkidu stirring, his primal nature pouring over to the mael who he has a connection with. This causes Gilgamesh's stat to be boosted for the post that it is activated, after which it must cool down for a post. This is graet for when Gilgamesh has to enter into close combat, however it still does not give him a substantial increase in stamina.

Divinity of the Beast of Heaven
Enkidu is also a 'divine being', originally created 'by the gods'. This means that his existence, as well as Gilgamesh's, is unable to be tampered with or interfered with in anyway. He makes Gilgamesh's own body 2/3's divine, which is why the Gold King of Heroes is completely immune to all diseases, has wouds that cure very fast from the simple ingestion of food, and also has such a perfectly toned body. He has inherited most of this 'divinity' trait, however it does have a drawback. Because Gilgamesh dislikes the divinity trait, it is reduced beyond what it could be able to do because of rejection, which is why it is only at the level of two thirds. It also prevents Gilgamesh from being displaced within the time-space continuum, meaning that he cannot be sealed outside of time itself as long as he is contracted with Enkidu. Speaking of which, this trait also solidifies his connection to Gilgamesh, protecting their bond with a Divine Contract, making it nearly impossible to break, as the user would need a higher 'divinity' than one made by the 'gods'.

Mud Manipulation
Being a male made out of clay and earth, Enkidu and thus Gilgamesh have the ability to manipulate dirt and mud. THey can manipulate quite a substantial amount, due to the amount of energy that the two share, enough so that they could bury a city with it if they tried hard enough. However, due to this being the state that Enkidu was in while he was decomposing, he does not like using the ability, and neither does Gilgamesh, as he considers it immensely far below him. Overall, while they could use this ability, they almost never do.

Immense Spiritual Well
The well of spiritual power that Enkidu has, as a being that could match Gilgamesh in combat and as an immensely powerful Guardian Beast who is both powerful alone and with the combination of being a Guardian Beast makes the amount of spiritual energy he can possess absolutely massive, enough to drown out cities and even nations if he were giving it his all. This is shared with Gilgamesh, and contributes to his overwhelming power to make his abilities truly fitting of one who is literally a demi-god.

Guardian Beast's World:


Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] GilgyA

The Grand Entrance of the King of Heroes

Gilgamesh was born 1/3 man and 2/3's god...

A king, a legend. Gilgamesh was a king of Uruk, considered by many to be the greatest of all. His mother was so beautiful, she was considered to be a goddess, and his father was so great and rich that he solicited the attention of this beautiful woman. The times were much more different in those times; women were usually considered as a part of society, with an entirely different role than would be the status of the future. However, together they conceived a son, and the blonde male Gilgamesh was born to them, an action which caused the entire nation of Babylon to rejoice.

Gilgamesh grew up in splendor, but also hardship. He grew up in life believing that he was only to be in charge of his own pleasure, living day to day for it. However, during these pleasant, dreamy days, where he forced men to compete for his appreciation and females of the land to surrender themselves completely to him, he was interrupted by a messenger. A male came to him, and in the times when lying was not a common practice, informed the king of a male who claimed to be just as powerful as him. Gilgamesh ordered not a horde of soldiers to fight them, but rather his most important whore, the royal harlot, the divine prostitute, to go out and meet him.

The male in the woods was absolutely smitten with the harlot, and even though she gave him an erection lasting 7 days, he did not bear her a child nor become more violent. In fact, he claimed that the sex made him smarter, and he named himself Enkidu. This male came before Gilgamesh, and challenged the highly trained king to direct combat. Gilgamesh took the many glorious weapons and treasures which he had gathered in his life, and went to battle with the immensely powerful beast.

They fought for a long time, so long that both of them reached the point where attacking the other would lead to instant death. Therefore, they decided to become best friends. The truest best friend, the most manliest of bros, the greatest broship of all time. It was so beautiful, that in later days when he was alone Gilgamesh would cry over the sheer beauty of it.

Later, due to the shenanigans that led to the creation of the Gate of Babylon out of the Cedar Tree of Humbaba, Enkidu was struck with a very painful sickness. Gilgamesh had to watch as his bro of bros, his greatest buddy, his most important friend he had ever met his entire life, died in his arms. This gave him such intense sadness that he went off on a quest to find eternal life.

He learned of the great flood, and went and found a plant that could give him immortality. When he had just gotten the plant, however, he went to relax, and while he was doing so a strange snake devoured it. However, as Gilgamesh was standing over the snake, it became clear to him that he had made his entire life useless up until this point, and that death wasn't the thing to be scared of, but being forgotten. Gilgamesh's superb logic activated again, and as he finally reached home, he learned that it was more important to focus on his accomplishments than the physical acquirements that he had made in his life, improving greatly his ability as king of Uruk, and he became beloved by his people, and had his Epic written as a result.

In time, just like all things, he died. He died while in bed, due to overstimulation very late in his life. He went out with a smile on his face, knowing what he had accomplished in life, and he gave all of his thanks to Enkidu for allowing him to pass away properly.

The Creation of His Garden of All the World

The King Said, "Look At My Great City!"

After his death, the King realized... "I am still existence? I am not in the cage of Enkidu?" So it was that he looked at the one who had bedded him, who merely smiled at him. She told him that his immense spirit was too much to be absorbed, and freed his soul. As a result, he was sent to the Seireitei... Or was supposed to.

However, he became totally consumed within the space of time, and his body began to warp and shift. Instead of becoming a shinigami, his cells were totally different. He couldn't accept any Zanpaktou spirit, denying each and every one of them. They were all unacceptable for him, as he could never take a male partner of his soul other than Enkidu. Therefore, he refused to develop any kind of internal development, and as a result he changed.

Meeting a similar being named Shimura, she explained what he was, and he laughed. He laughed at being different, and joined her in the Sugiura realm. However, he wouldn't take being below anyone else, so he went and founded ANOTHER kingdom in the west. With great justice, he began building his own realm, and learning more and more about the strange pocket of existence that he was within. While he was there, he met another peculiar man. This man loved to laugh and laugh, and introduced himself as Alexander. He looked at the kingdom that Gilgamesh was attempting to create there, all by himself in the west. Being a great friend and helper, he decided to assist him with his endeavor, bringing in A MASSIVE ARMY to help found the kingdom. So it was that the Sugiuran West was begun.

Gilgamesh learned under Alexander, gaining knights that would be trusted comrades through his entire life such as Gildarts and Diarmuid, who helped govern his area. With the guidance and presence of these great men, Gilgamesh became an accomplished ruler, even of this strange new race. He helped move forwards their race, helped make them grand and make them a force that was to be reckoned with. He loved those times, loved them dearly, as they were a period where The Golden Truth was able to exist in full force. It was also during this time that he met Dechtere, his first wife, and was assisted by Shimura. Together, he created his great kingdom, a lasting testament to his life.

However, there was a hole in his life. He was missing something... he was missing a partner in his life. He felt isolated from the Sugiura around him. They all had a special partner, an existence that they contracted with and became a part of his life. He became consumed with this darkness, before he finally exiled himself to his own wilds, and left on an expedition to the South. It would be over a hundred years before he would return, and in that time he would map out a massive amount of the regions below the West and East's borders, while also meeting hundreds of Guardian Beasts. However, he slowly began to get closer and closer to the time that he was looking for, and though it took him so long, he finally found what he was looking for.

At last, he found the Guardian Beast of Enkidu. However, it was not the being that Gilgamesh was used to. He looked like a great beast, a green one, the form that he had inhabited before being mated with silly for seven days straight. The two engaged in battle, feeling just like they had before, and Gilgamesh and Enkidu's battle would end up lasting for a good part of the last ten years or so of his life. Their existences had changed, and therefore the length of the battle was greatly altered. Gilgamesh had developed the Gate of Babylon, the Miracle of Wealth Accumulation, and the Golden Rule. The amount of training that Gilgamesh went through during this battle would solidify both of their abilities, and at last the smoke cleared.

In the smoke of the battle performed by the legendary Heroes of Babylon, Enkidu and Gilgamesh forged their contract. Enkidu would join Gilgamesh in his many travels, giving him the link he needed to perfect his very being, and Gilgamesh would be ever present with his friend. Such was the happy ending to the chapter of Gilgamesh's life, the last true time that The Golden Hero would be able to have, and the happiest moment of his unlife.

The Conflict With the Unholy Beast

Gilgamesh was filled with despair, as his escape from sorrow and painful death was taken away.

Within time, a strange being came into Gilgamesh's treasured land of the west. With Enkidu, the Golden King of Heroes believed that he was once again totally invincible. He had learned to be a glorious King from Alexander, but he was filled with a terrific confidence from this fact the likes he had never before known. As such, he held no fear in his heart when this strange figure entered his land.

The figure was malicious, fierce beyond all belief. Gilgamesh ahd never met a male like him before, and in their original conflict merely watched as the greatest knights of his realm were defeated, Diarmuid, even Gildarts could not stand up to this foe. Gilgamesh, being the Golden King that he was, determined that in fact this male was worth of him to fight... And soon learned his own mistake. He had made an error, and for the first time in his life his arrogance was exploited.

He had the tools to defeat this enemy, as he had the tools to defeat all enemies. However, his arrogance overcame him, and as he was drawing out Ea, to release on this foe, he learned his mistake. Dhaos was about to completely destroy him, before suddenly Gildarts intervened. He took on the attack for Gilgamesh, and Gilgamesh realized that the only balance to his arrogance was indeed allies who understood him and took the damage that he was going to receive. In his rage, at himself and at the male before him, looking at his defeated knight, Gilgamesh was filled with a blinding rage.

Releasing ea, he fired the Genesis Blade harder than he had ever intended to. The entirety of the Western Realm felt the blast, a massive rip in existence appearing as hell appeared throughout the entirety of the area. The massive amount of damage that was incurred would forever rend that place, dragging Dhaos' soul out of existence, and not just his soul but his very existence, his concept. The true might of Ea was completely and totally released, consuming the entirety of the area, ending the chances of the male to ever exist in this plane ever again, completely removed from the Golden King in his rage.

He was consumed in sorrow. he was totally flooded by the pain of his own failure. Before the King laid his Kingdom, destroyed by his own blade, and behind him were his knights, defeated by this foe. The only one who could still stand with him, was Takuri.

The Defeat of the Golden King

The Golden King laughed, laughed at his own foolishness...

As he turned around to face his knights, the weakest he had ever been, he was assaulted by the unbalanced Takuri. She launched something at him the likes he had never seen before, and his body was totally and utterly consumed. In his pain, he became lost in the massive amount of muck. The Golden King observed the entirety of what was beyond him... and it flooded his very heart with black.

Gilgamesh came face to face... with All the World's Evil. He was faced by it, and he could feel it scar deep within him. The evils of which he had never expeinced before.. And he had to experience it totally and completely alone. Not even Enkidu could reach him, as the evil screamed out, trying so hard to completely and utterly consume him. However, even in the midst of this massive amount of madness that was attempting to totally consume him, the Golden King remained existent.

He told the evil that he would take it on. He remembered the arrogance that had lead to his pain of watching his soldiers die, and being exposed to all the world's evil presented him with a challenge. Hoewver, it was in that moment that he proclaimed that he would take on all the World's evil, as that was the duty of a king. By maintaining himself, he kept a special trait within the evil. It was a trait of uniqueness, of individuality.

The muck could not take this. It rejected the error, and Gilgamesh's psyche was torn from it. It ripped through his mind, through his very soul, causing cracks within it the likes of which could not be healed through normal means, or even detected by the Golden King of Heroes. The mud rejected him, and he reappeared within the world itself, opening his eyes and being met with the sight once again of his defeated knights and the destroyed kingdom...

The Emergence of The Gilgamesh

The King's heart became cold, his movements languid, and his eyes dull...

The King who emerged from the muck was no longer the same. This King was one who realized that his own arrogance was who he was, it was his existence. His defiant nature to resist all other chains that laid on it was what drove him, instead of the hearts of his subject. his eyes changed from looking downwards to seeing himself upwards. Thus ended the Golden Truth... and entered The Golden Lie.

He left the Sugiuran Realm, imposing a kind of self-exile on himself. He went to the human realm instead, and began to search for those who could overpass him. But even more so than that, he searched for the one who had dipped him into her foul liquid. He searched for Takuri. His search would carry him over vast plains, into depths of Hell, the Demon World, the South and North of the Sugiura's realm, the island of the Iramasha, the realm of humanity once more, the realm of hollows, and even into outer space itself.

Everywhere, he searched, until at last, he found that he could not find her, and that he had been left all alone. He discovered that Enkidu had not spoken to him for months, and he realized that the Guardian Beast whom he maintained a contract with would not allow for him to speak with him, stating simply that Gilgamesh no longer understood how mortal beings felt.

The words of his friend were the only ones that could pierce through the cracks that had appeared in his very soul, and he realized that indeed... his life had become pointless. It was then that he recollected his travels, and finally remembered a man who he had rather liked the story of.

The Discovery of the Ruler of Eyes

Look with your eyes... at my beautiful city!

At last, Gilgamesh went to the Korkuteshi realm, and went directly towards the main complex of its ruler. He smashed everything in his way, beginning to decimate the collective total of their forces. It was certainly the plan in his mind. However, something shifted and changed. The man who came to stop him was the King piece, after all. Gilgamesh thought this to be a fairly wise decision, even as a massive blade came plunging down in an attempt to end the life of the Golden King. Even he, however, the master of Eyes, could not stop what was about to happen next as chains shot out, gripping the weapon and preventing it from skewering the Golden King. He merely laughed as he looked up at the male, throwing out his eyes open wide.

After a brief period of discussion, Giglamesh told Kin, the ruler of K-World, of his life, and his wish to find this Takuri Woman. At the same time, however, Kin interested the Golden King, as he listened to the story of the male's life. Especially his story of Iori made Gilgamesh laugh, as he had known of her before that time. Together, the two of them decided that Gilgamesh would join as the Co-Head operative to K-World, and Gilgamesh became 'second-in-command', by title and title alone. In reality, he was there to watch the male known as Kin, and see if he could not grant his own wish.

The Purification of the Eternal Emperor

Gilgamesh, do not listen to the... lies!" Cried Enkidu.

After many years of searching, Gilgamesh finally came across the one he had long been searching for. Takuri was before him, and the Golden King immediately took out Ea against her, swearing to wipe her away from this existence. The ensuing fight would require its own Epic to be told properly, but needless to say that the Golden King released the entirety of himself for the first time since he had battled Dhaos. In that fight, he overwhelmed her, not, by being the Golden King, but rather by changing, the Golden Truth reemerging.

Takuri was not prepared for this, and in the land of the South, where Guardian Beasts still speak of the tale, he caused a massive flood, before dropping an amount of power on her stronger than any other force that had ever been seen in the land of Sugiura before, completely annihilating her before its attack as she was completely and totally annihilated, leaving behind absolutely nothing.

The re-emergence of the Golden Truth changed Gilgamesh once more. The cracks that had appeared in him recovered, though he could still feel the scars. The regrets of his time since he had abandoned both his people and his responsibility as King of Heroes weighed heavily on his soul.

The Perfect Present

Gilgamesh ruled wisely and fairly, and the great kingdom of Babylon would sing his epic for eons to come...

When eh returned to K-World, at last he discovered that Kin was no longer there. Her daughter, however, had taken over his responsibilities, and while she was most certainly interesting, Gilgamesh could not help that something was missing. As such, he chose to begin a new quest: starting up a voyage. A voyage to see who could prove themselves as being heroes in this new age of technology. Along the way he'd found some time to publish two different albums, meaning that even among the populous he was fairly possible. He produced a public service announcement, the words reaching across organizations, across the different continents of the world, into the regions of the Seireitei, Iramasha Island, Hueco Mundo, the Sugiuran realm, and even Demon World. The voice of the Golden Ruler would be known to all currently eligible heroes, and together he would begin the search for Atlantis, to restore balance to the world due to his absence...

And to mend the scars that remained even in his own soul..

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:51 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Re: Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ]

Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:52 am
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  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: Oh lawdy
Tier: 0-2+

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] WVMWLOu
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Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Re: Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ]

Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:21 am
Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Cd6bf655bd5c932195a1fc9fc2fce280

Enkidu: Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh!

Gilgamesh: Yeah?

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Ac1b1d4e426659a860227f138a4466b4

Enkidu: Our creator is currently updating our app, isn't this just glorious news!?

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Gil_sprite
Gilgamesh: ......It would be if it weren't for his turtle mentality towards apps....

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] C6b47979ef760f23fe145f74a06f6954
Enkidu: Who cares! It's still great news, i can't wait to see what he'll add!

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Character_n02

Gilgamesh: Neither can i, so people if you value you his life, i advise you get him to finish my glorious and divine update as soon as possible, if not who knows what will become of him.

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Th_1f31e41af7f316778e1db124d1aa0c21

Enkidu: A-Ano.....Speaking of our creator, where is he? shouldn't be the one notifying people?

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] FZ911-00052-650x365

Gilgamesh: Nope, he's trapped inside my treasury writing my update as we speak, for lazy people like him, he needs do more work and less lounging. In other words, stay tuned lowlifes.

Enkidu: ..........

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Tumblr_lurylkPvZ21qzx6n8

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Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Re: Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ]

Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:19 am


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• Let's Get Down To Business •

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  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A

  • Comments/Notes: One of the primary reasons I'm giving Gilgamesh 0-2++ is because this guy has the potential to be a planet crusher. Not only that, but this guy is a pretty high rank in K-World, seems to have someone who can role play him legitimately's fucking GIlgamesh. So I'll give it my stamp of approval.

  • Tier: 0-2++

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] WVMWLOu

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Re: Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ]

Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:52 pm
Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Tumblr_mufl34byYd1r8uyogo1_500

Aivee Clean-Up Time!
This member has left the site or is inactive! Therefore, I am placing this into archives! Don't worry, if you want it back, simply post Here!
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Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Re: Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ]

Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:41 am
Return of the King of Heroes

    credits: Template by PerfectFallacy
    music: Fated ∞ Paul Udarov
    words: 1800
    status: RP Sample
    notes: #Gilgamesh #King of heroes is back #Alexander #Epicfight #GoB #Yes

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] GilgaEnt1

Am I a man…? Am I a beast..? Am I a devil… Am I a god? No... I am a King!

The man, the man who stood in stark contrast to the blue ocean at his back, looked straight into the eyes of the red haired male. "King of Conquerors… From your challenge… Know this…" He stated simply, holding up his key in the air as a fire appeared around Alexander, the area around them becoming completely clouded, the sea at his back vanishing as it was replaced with clouds. "Not even your men can stand up to the true power OF MY WEALTH!" He announced, as the many armies of Alexander appeared, hefted onto his own horse.

Meanwhile, the golden knight had placed his key forwards, the light of the area perfectly showing off the features of his armor, making him a dazzling sight for all the beings that were now standing before him, everything from the golden boots on his feet, to the blood red cloth that descended from his waist, to the resplendent armor covering his torso. The large shoulder pads, large enough to show how much range of motion that he really didn't need, the opulence and extravagance of the King of the Heroes in plain sight. The golden gauntlet that covered his hands, only the even more intensely golden Key that he wielded before him visible on the striking visage of this man. On the edges of his ears were two squares that descended from the lobes of his ears, which would blind a man from the intense reflection in this sand if they were to look at it.

At last, there were the definite features of his face. His hair, tastefully swept just an iota to the side, standing up without the need of anything else. And finally were his eyes. The blood red orbs that looked straight at the intense ones of the King of Conquerors, completely unperturbed in the slightest. After all, what need would he have of being perturbed? This was a clash between men of brotherhood, in order to establish their dominance over the other. And by no means did Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, expect for such an assembly of the them to overcome him. "Open, treasury of the King of Babylon." He stated simply as all across his back, lines appeared throughout the sky, a massive matrix, an array of crimson. For at least a mile above his head, there was nothing but these strange lines, this grid that ascended into the sky, moving at a near-instantaneous pace. Infinitely patiently, he waited there, looking at the men as Alexander finally lifted his own blade into the air, his men releasing their tumultuous battle cry as at last they began to charge. "Magnificent…" He muttered simply, a small smile on the golden knight's face, amusement in his eyes. This ensuing conflict would undoubtedly amuse him, something that he could feel his desire for rising.

His mind, the mind of one who had been through combat an untold multitude of times, processed all the information instantly. What to do… He thought to himself, his tongue leaving his small lips and curving across the taut skin of his face, his gaze unwavering. Ea could work… But Alexander deserves more than that… And I would like to enjoy this. Hmm… Perhaps I should match them with the swords of my knights..? That seems much more fitting. And in addition… He thought to himself, as without warning the armor around his torso began to fade, turning into golden pieces of substance as it faded away, leaving his bare torso in plain view, reducing the glare on his opponent's eyes. This left his boots and his greaves, but nothing else. "Alexander the Great… Come! Show me the power of your men!" He announced, as all across his back, golden circles appeared. Portals through the gate that had a single piece of weaponry that stuck out of them, hundreds of the things appearing behind him as he reached back both hands, gripping onto a pair of daggers as he pulled them from the gate, standing imperiously with them as twelve exactly similar blades appeared around his body. "The army that conquered all of Asia… Bite the Dust."

At last, they were upon him, and the battle was begun. The twelve blades shot from their positions behind him, even as they began to smash into the warriors around him, deflecting them just as if they were his own soldiers, protecting their king from hundreds of assailants as blades and spears poured down on his body, allowing for the knight to keep his gaze locked on the King of Conquerors. "…" He had become completely silent as blades began to descend down on the King, the man's blade moving in such a fashion that they were deflected. The twelve blades were violently streaming around his body, preventing a single injury from being inflicted on his body as blades of legend descended around their king, the men or the king himself denying them as the weapons violently exploded, their speeds imperceptible to most of their own eyes, only their instincts preserving the male, in addition to his own divine-matching skill. The explosions that resulted were violent, blowing the men aside and away, as Gilgamesh continued to watch the struggle of the king with those eyes filled with amusement, pleased that he had not yet been able to impact the red-haired male.

However, it was with some surprise that his eyes narrowed, the daggers in his hands moving at an absolutely unrealistic speed as a javelin was deflected, strewn far away and slammed into another one of the soldiers. What…? He wondered, before realizing that he was now within the core of the army, and that even his Bite the Dust were having difficulty maintaining all of the offensive strikes against him. "Very impressive…" He stated simply, as at last the Gate opened wide, his own hands held out to his side, a gale emerging from the Gate as it tossed about his wild hair, matched only by the gaze of his wild eyes. "Now, King of Conquerors… feel the power of my wealth, of my ever-expanding treasury! Know the power and revel, revel in the experience of having the world's most important treasures descend upon the bodies of you and your men, whom I have deemed worthy of their use!" He barked at the man before him, even as the blades began to descend from the Gate, the handles leaving their portal as they descended below.

Dozens of weapons left from the gate, heading straight downwards as they smashed into the men who Alexander had summoned to the forefront, blowing away their armored bodies, stopping them even in mid-attack in some cases, Bite the Dust still moving around at all times, the blades clashing the continuous music that was pouring through the golden king's ears. "Glorious… " He muttered simply, as he heard the cries of the men as they were torn asunder, giving them his royal attention, wondering if they were happy with the gift they were unknowingly being given. HE wondered if they could even understand what it meant for the King of Heroes to approve for the use of the greatest treasures of this planet to be used on them. Meanwhile, however, he could sense a change, looking to Alexander himself. Gilgamesh's mentor had lost his horse, the mighty steed falling downwards, having been pierced by Gungnir. To be pierced before the piercing… seem even the steed of legend could not compete with it. He thought to himself, as the king rolled out of the away of another strike, Gilgamesh's arms crossing across his torso as Alexander began to charge directly at him, his eyes remaining impassive, but excited all the same.

The men around him had been laid to waste by the descending hundreds of his weapons, making the battlefield one of craters and weapons, corpses vanishing into spirit as they had been defeated by the massive power of the Gate of Babylon. Finally, their King was the only one remaining, as Gilgamesh reached a hand out before him, the dagger changing as it lengthened, the guard appearing as a strange sword appeared. It was like a drill, rotating black cones with red arrows that pointed in the way of their rotation, in addition to going gradually upwards, ending with a drill bit. The most cursed sword, Ea, had been called out. "Ea, this is a worthy stage for you… Ha." He laughed simply, the noise like a ringing bell, clear and beautiful. "There are few times when I wish that I could possess moments… But this would be one of them." He explained to the sword, as if it were a living thing, even as it began to rotate rapidly, his arm bringing it backwards as he looked directly at the charging male before him.

At last, Alexander reached directly in front of him,t he red king-hero mere feet away from Gilgamesh as he hefted his large blade upwards, before it began to descend towards Gilgamesh's head, the King of Heroes still charging up his own blade, the massive ripples of unholy energy spreading all across the area as at last, Alexander brought the blade to Gilgamesh's head… and abruptly stopped. "The Grand Secret…" Gilgamesh stated simply as he brought his own arm back, cocking Ea. "Enkidu.." HE stated each of the syllables clearly, directly to Alexander, who merely looked down at the golden knight, the red eyes of the male looking directly at his face, enamored in battle.


He stated simply, as he thrust the blade forwards, slamming it directly into the other male's stomach, the drill bit passing straight into him as the Anti-World weapon released, the massive amount of energy leaving it as it devastated the place that Alexander had transported them to, completely obliterating it as the landscape of the place they had been before was totally devastated, erupted and turned into nothingness. Alexander's back had an absolutely massive hole in it, a rupture that covered from the base of his spine to the bottom of his shoulders. However, his vital organs were untouched, the drill bit where the blast emitted from, nailed firmly into his stomach. "Challenge me again anytime, King of Conquerors…" The golden knight stated simply as he removed Ea from the chained male, his imperious armor reappearing around his body as he turned around, the clanking of his golden boots all that was heard as he took a step into the ocean, the challenged issued met…

And just like that, the King of Heroes vanished in a swirl of gold, leaving nothing behind but the absolutely massive devastation through his power, the weapons of legend fading away as they too turned into golden particles, leaving the destruction, and nothing more...
Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] GilgaExt1


(Got permission from Agiro/Agito/Shirou/Kendall to adopt.)

Last edited by JJ on Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:02 am; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Re: Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ]

Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:04 pm
Yerp. Unless anyone has a problem with it, JJ has my full permission to adopt Gilgamesh, as from this rp sample, he has a fairly good idea of how Gilgamesh is in personality.

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Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] Empty Re: Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ]

Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:25 pm
I see no problems. So I shall grant the permission of the golden King of approval

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] C20130520_kamenriderbtw_086_cs1w1_720x405

Gilgamesh [APPROVED, 0-2++ NORMAL] [Adopted by JJ] XmGUKMS
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