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Sun May 24, 2015 10:44 am
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Demonica Nightfang

Song: Murder Melody - Artist: Cult to follow - Words: 967
demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3697

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3698-1

[NOTE the only thing truly added is the environmental filter, other changes include the appearance description and slight rewording on body of edges.

» Name: Demonica Nightfang
» Titles: The Black King, Dark Berserker, Incarnation of blades:
» Age: 13:
» Gender: female
» Affiliation/Rank: shadow fall

» Shifter Appearance Written: N/A
» Shifter Appearance Picture: N/A

» True Appearance Written: see header

Green Skin: Demonica’s skin after being removed from Ninsun in the Dark World Arc has gone from its normal pure white variety to a tint of olive green. This skin is luminous and almost seems to be an offshoot of her demonic heritage, with its reptilian color and supple characteristics the very skin itself seems to not only accent her demonic natures, but at the same time dubs her clearly and proudly as something that is “inhuman”. Beyond this it should be noted that it is impossible to say wether her skin is soft or rough, this is because her skin itself is completely cut-off from the elements, due to her blade barrier, it becomes impossible to tell as those who get close enough to touch it are completely torn to shreds generally as her ability is one that is unable to be used on either friend or foe. However also because of this, her skin is completely free of scars, not one single scratch lays on her green demonic skin, instead it is completely flawless, without skin-lines or fingerprints, there are no wrinkles, no imperfections, again though this is because her skin itself is unable to be touched directly as such it’s never been worn down itself.

Brown White Ringed Eyes: Demonica’s eyes have been many colors, however after forcibly removing herself from ninsun, her eyes have changed to the color of a deep woodsy brown, vibrant but also haunting due to the fact the pupil or iris is not ringed by the normal black color. Instead before one gets to her pupils there is a clear telltale ring of white that surrounds the iris. This ring itself seems to have occurred from some weird change that took place when Demonica was within ninsun for almost a year. Its purpose is unclear. Also the eyes are dull, any gleam in them is due to tricks of the light, as Demonica’s eyes are heavily indifferent and betray slim ranges of emotion in even the most perilous situations. Because of this her eyes generally have and unnerving “steel” edge to them.

Short Stature: Demonica is very short, standing roughly at around 4 foot 9 inches, so despite her power and ferocity she is a rather short demon, proportionally speaking though, unlike prior to removing herself from ninsun in the black world arc, her body is no longer that of a child's physique. Instead she has the proportions and general hour-glass figure one would associate with an adult, this is because due to the time spent in ninsuns body, Demonica’s own body type naturally shifted and developed itself for the year she was in stasis. As such Demonica is only short in stature, her body type itself is more on the “adult” side in terms of proportions and body shape.

Tail: After leaving Ninsun body forcefully in the black world arc, Demonica had aquired a tail, short and reptillian like, this tail extends normally around 3 feet from her body tops, and is rather thick. In terms of how it looks, her tail has the characteristics of a reptiles , the only real noticeable difference between the two being the fact that unlike a reptile, Demonica’s tail itself is completely void of scales and has a smooth surface to it minus the ridges on the underside which are from stress associated with demonica’s forcible body separation from ninsun.

Flat Chested: Demonica is naturally flat-chested, this is due to the fact that her body type is naturally short and compact. Although this is the only thing about her that is as well not of an adults physique. This makes her have that “Lolita” style as it is called in certain cultures. The only difference being is that, despite most cultures associating this look with a childish adult figure, the rest of her body has an adult shape, form and build to it. So in her case one might just say that she is essentially “Flat as a board”

Brown-Black Hair: Demonica’s hair has changed alot, however after forcibly removing herself from ninsun in the black-world arc, it seems to have been altered slightly in some way by Inami’s own genetics, because of this her hair is now that of a black-brown color depending on how it is looked upon in the light. As well this hair is cut short and stops before the shoulders.

» True Appearance Picture: (If you have an image, feel free to post it here. If not, remove this)


demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3699-1

» Personality:

twisted Demon’s Persona: Demonica’s personality is warped and twisted, but she isnt’ inadvertantly evil. Instead it is more she no longer understands exactly the rules of society, or what can be considered good or bad. In this way after the black world arc, She doesn’t grasp concepts like love, hate, evil or good. These things have become far removed from her mind. In this way she has a demons persona. As again the way she behaves is considerably demonic in the means that she isn’t one to avoid destruction, but she doesn’t seek it either. Instead Destruction is more just a byproduct of those who end up trying to harm or get in her way. Here in lies her demonic persona, she is utterly harmless normally speaking, she doesn’t seek actively to fight, or to kill others. Instead she seems to prefer to keep to herself, only interacting at the bare minimal that is needed to maintain knowledge or information on the world around her. Though when provoked, there seems to be some kind of switch that is thrown off inside her.

So once she is provoked she will become a monster willing to destroy, willing to rip limb from limb, willing to turn everything into a sea of flame in the process if that's absolutely what she has to do. She doesn’t care, she doesn’t find it amusing, its more like a knee-jerk reaction, like if someone scares you; you have two options. Flight or Fight. So in her case its pretty much almost like she is willing to destroy everything on a knee-jerk reaction, there is no real intention behind it, which is why it is scary. She no longer does it out of choice, it is something instead that just happens wether she intends it to happen or she doesn’t intend it to happen.

Timid: After the black world arc, demonica seems to be timid, in the means that she has trouble talking to other individuals. In fact this is one of the reasons now she shuns contact with others. It’s more that she has problems in a crowd in terms of coping, making it so that she has generally a very quiet demeanor. She rarely will talk as well due to this reason, not because she doesn’t want to be social, but because instead because of the incident with reigen showing that he had just been using her pretty much she can’t talk to others without remembering that fact, the blackest and darkest moments in her mind. They continously haunt her and make it so she cannot truly speak fully.

Lack Of Optimism: Another fact is after the dark world arc, and from Reigens actions, Demonica herself has lost the ability to be optimistic, instead she merely sees things for how they are, not for what they could be or what they may turn out to be. So if things look grim, she won’t try to find a silver lining. Instead she will just go with things how they are, continuing to just exist without finding either the good, or finding the bad. It is the least painful way she has found that interactions are possible to be done by. By having no expectations she cannot be betrayed by those expectations, and thus she will never have to feel pain or sorrow, just merely feeling things for what they are is a easier option.

Shell Of Monotone: Generally unless under severe stress, demonica rarely shows any emotions associated with joy , or with optimism, instead she is more a being that conveys her notions through dark expressions ,and cruel humor , she knows nothing else now other than a silver tongue when she’s speaking, or the unending comforts of silence when she’s not. She acts almost as if she’s an existance that is void of extreme’s instead either for good or for bad, she behaves equally to everyone, to both protect her emotions, but further to protect her sanity from being broken once again, as it was with her whole escapade with reigen.

Longing: Despite herself, demonica still longs for reigen on a fundamental level that she herself doesn’t quite understand, nor wants to. Even after removing herself from ninsun in the blackworld arc, she cannot remove reigens influence or the emotions his very name brings up in her heart and her mind. Instead she is stuck longing for him even though she knows essentially he is nothing more then a toxin that will poison her and break her like he did last time.

Sweetness: It may be impossible to get to see this side, however Demonica is unbelievably sweet, probably because now she understands even though she doesn’t understand conventional emotions, just how much it hurts to be betrayed, or to give your everything to someone and then have that sun that lit up the abyss of your heart turn out to be nothing more then a rumbling blackhole that was only there to suck you dry and leave nothing behind. Because of this, her sweet-nature is abit strange, underneath the layers she had put around her emotions, she is constantly hurting, constantly crying, constantly weeping and in pain. So much pain that came from being deserted to fall into nothingness at the final moments of her life.

She if someone gets this far?.. She may not give them everything but, she will always be there, she will make sure these kinds of special people find happiness, she will move heaven and earth for them, live and die for them, and always always have their back. As she feels no one should have to go through the perpetual heartbreak , the pain or the misery that she herself had gone through due to reigen. So she is at heart a truly sweet person, despite her hard exterior which is made precisely to keep people out and to keep them from getting too close to her.

Inability To Move On: Demonica is unable to truly move on, until she has closure from her past she will be haunted by the past, because she gave everything she had to one person, and then was thrown away when her usefullness had hit its experation-date.

Sadness: Underneath the monotonous mask, Demonica still is torn up over reigens actions, she has a heavy weight and sadness on her heart, one that sometimes makes her questions wether or not her existance is a good or a bad thing, such is when people aren’t looking sometimes such as when she is far from anyone else, she can be seen crying, or staring off into space, generally questioning why things turned out the way they did, or if it was something she had done, if she could have done something better to keep this from happening, or if it just is how things are going to always be.

Sometimes this can be seen in her words, or how she speaks as well, through pauses, or if she suddenly becomes mute and decides to not talk again for a very long period of time. These things are also side-affects of this sadness, such as if she remembers something she didn’t want to remember, things like that.

The Abyss Of Hatred: She has one person she truly hates, and that is reigen. For his betrayal her soul has been warped upon rebirth during the black-world arc. Merely uttering his name is the single way to get this side of her to come out, the blackest hatred she has ever felt and ever will feel, that has forever been burned inside her heart. A hatred so eternally black that is looks like the gaping maw of an abyss, endless and deadly. In Fact words can’t even describe the dark hatred that lingers in her heart, instead just uttering that name is something that can bring out the very nature of the demon that she is, just from hearing his name she will do a complete 180 in personality, she will forget about everything else. She will not care about anything else, she will become a being that will just destroy and destroy until someone forcibly subdues her.

Not only this? She will emanate hatred that is strong enough that it in itself is enough to make animals within a 10 mile radius of her flee, it is enough that even hearing his name will instantly bring her into releasing her energy. Just hearing the name is the only reason she needs to destroy everything. The name Reigen is akin the the perpetual F-BOMB that will set the fuse to this nuclear war-head. It is the one word that if someone even utters, she will never forgive, nor never come near them again. Her hatred is on par with the love she had for him, giving him everything to only be thrown away. Her vast hatred will not end there, if you even utter the name? She is almost 99.9 to the 9th % likely to blow you up in a crater the size of road island, or conneticut, because this is honestly HOW much she hates him.

It is beyond psychological scarring, it is almost like a force that warps and contorts her soul, brings her anger and hatred out, in fact? Other then uttering his name, there is no longer any way to actually get her to release, given she doesn’t remember how to release, instead her release of energy is tied with her emotions. This is the single way to piss her off, actually just remembering him is enough to make her sick with hatred. As such, this is the single absolute NO-GO when around her, never even mention Reigen unless you wish to see the devil itself come out to raise hell and terrorize your very soul for the unforgivable sin that had been commited by uttering his name.

» Likes: (This is self explanatory. What does your character like?)

» Dislikes: (This is self explanatory. What does your character dislike?)

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3700-1

» History

:What happened With her?:

As you know she was M.I.A for nearly half a year due to suspicion of betraying the demon world, and had a massive bounty looming over her head, it was because of this fact that she actually decided to go wandering , and literally for the next 6 months began to grow in her power, and learn more about herself. Quite honestly you could say that the past 6 months of her life had been the most discovery that she had been able to undergo in a long time, this is precisely why throughout countless battles, and other instances and situations, she began to learn about herself and about the world at large.

Her travels led her to meet and hear of many things in the world of the living, and also meet many people, multiple things brought her around to many places, and even to hueco mundo, in her travels, she was a member of shadow fall under the bad light of lies and deception, she was branded a monster by the world of the living, and had no place to go, no place of her own, and thus she kept forging ahead her cloak on her back and her blade as her only companion going through perils that shaped the next great leg of her journey.

She crossed continents and traveled through bitter mountain ranges, through harsh deserts and through rain forest and jungle, she in the past 6 months had been moving here there, literally she had been moving everywhere.. It was just something that happened to her at the wrong place and most certainly at the wrong time. . . But eventually her name was cleared and she returned to shadow fall a new person.

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3704-1

» Natural Abilities:

»Akuma Kyodo: Demonica herself possesses a fairly powerful akuma kyodo, however the reason it is powerful is not quite for the reason you'd expect it to be powerful for. The reason her demon barrier is so strong is because it needs to be that way to suppress her bodies cutting potential. As without a strong enough force to block it she wouldn’t necessarily be able to move, or function with ease. This of course as touched upon above is where her demon barrier’s prowess comes in, being it is powerful enough to stop, supress and keep her body from cutting objects on the other side of the barrier indefinitively. What this means is that because of her demon barrier demonica is able to utilize both her physical talents and her body’s design both to their maximum potential seeing as her skill with akuma kyodo other than it’s strength is through it’s partial activation. Being able to solely activate the akuma kyodo for example on the soles of her feet or in her fists. and in doing so allow her to have the mobility and natural offensive capabilities that someone who didn’t have her body type might have.

»Body Of Edges:

Demonica’s Body Of Edges, As it suggests, her body itself is a living incarnate of a shredding edge. Each of these countless edges have the ability to cut with the strength of a zan, and are honed to a sharpness that seems to never be able to dull. However this is the very staple of her immense levels of defense, Being designed to indiscriminately cut through anything and everything that generally comes in contact with her body. It isn’t defense, its unorthodox levels of strength in attack, as her blades encompass a 360 degree radius of her body, and are a literal part of her skin, intended to cut kill main and render into a cloud that not even dust is classifiable acceptable for.

This means as well, Demonica’s body rarely comes in contact with the elements, instead? Demonica’s body beyond her blades is kind of in a contained environment, shreds most molcules which are coming in contact with her. This is because thanks to her massive reserves of demonic energy, her body in it'self has no dull edges, it is merely a large object which has been honed and sharpened until merely coming into contact with her body is enough to shred steel and rend gemstone apart.

However, interestingly enough ,due to the year demonica spent being combined with a being known as Ninsun Asthavon , Daughter of Inami, Demonica’s body of edges, has evolved further, from the introduction energies that linger in hell due to the Necropolis system that is dormant in ninsuns body. So in comparison to how it was originally, the Body of edges currently is stronger then the original. Below will explain the characteristics, both evolved and normal.

Below I will explain the main characteristics of her blades.

1: Sharpness/ Cutting power: In terms of her cutting ability the bladed aspect of demonica's body is strong enough at this point to rip through the molecule structure's that bond together objects, although she is unable to pull off feats such as cutting light, or tearing through object's smaller than mere molecules. However the reason for her body being able to work on a molecule level is the fact that her body in itself is one gigantic blade. As in every surface of her body is created specifically to be able to cut things apart.

2: Durability/ Longevity: Of course her blades have both longevity and at the same time have durability. Because her blades are built to cut and rend even the hardest substances, they are built to last, and more importantly built to be able to cut, to mince, to grind, to rip , and to shred. These blades you must understand have been built with the sole intention in mind of actually causing death to actually make it so the foe will be killed instead of them living on and surviving another day, And because of this, well it’s no wonder that she is so dangerous.

3: Demonic Energy : Her demon energy is naturally interconnected with her body as a method of self preservation. It function's primarily as a sharpener for her blade's maintaining their sharpness in the case that they have been dulled down or hit by something stronger than her blades. A byproduct of this is that her body in general radiates a saturated shell of demonic energies at all times that continues to pulsate from her body because of this.

5: Energy Destruction: In both her sealed and unsealed state, demonica possesses the ability to cut through energy attack’s just as effectively as she is able to plow through physical attacks. Primarily this is because her blade’s by themselves are already naturally interconnected with her demonic energy reserves. Meaning that these blades are able to come into contact with energy based attacks and cut through them quite easily. Take into account that her offense is also extreme to the point that she is considered to be a living metaphorical blade and it shouldn’t be that difficult to see how, even in her sealed state demonica is able to bisect energy attacks of those that are of similar tier to her without that much difficulty.

6: Basic Principle: Demonica’s body is built on a simple principle, that principle is to behave like a blade. Naturally this means that every given inch of her body has been sharpened and built with the sole intention to cut thing’s apart. It’s not a very elaborate design, but it is none the less a deadly one. This is why for the most part demonica’s cutting ability has been elevated to an extremely high level, and is also why without much difficulty she is able to cut through attacks of the same powered tier as her as if running her hand through water. Her whole point is to cut through things accurately. Cleanly. And without incident. Beyond this the only real characteristic of her’s that is in any way .. slightly complicated would be the fact that she also manipulates nuclear energies this being the only other real power that she has because her potency is present thanks to her simplicity. As the more complex someone’s abilities and structure gets? The more spread out the power gets, and in short her body is made to cut, and cause nuclear explosions, and thank’s to the fact logically seeing as her body is designed to do two singular things. It means her abilities are honed so that she can elevate those two things to truly ridiculous levels.

»Deceptively Immense Spiritual Pressure type 3:

»Energy Powerhouse::
Demonica Nightfang herself is a massive concentration of cutting potential, and energy. While it is held for the most part within her body, the excess of discharge energy’s signature can be generally felt upwards of a quarter mile. While it’s affect reach to a little under a mile if she fully releases it. This is in part due to the fact she is on the higher end of 0 tier, and also due to the fact her aspect of being a spiritual powerhouse is combining her two different forms of energy, that are found naturally in her body. These two forms of course being her nuclear, and demonic energy signatures. As well because she has two signature’s her spiritual signature is rather bone-crushing, having an oppressive aspect to it, almost like being at the bottom of the ocean. Below there will be a more indepth explanation as to what being a spiritual powerhouse actually means.

1: Demonic Energies/ The Demon Seal: Demonica’s natural demon energy comes from a larger than normal amount of demon seals that are covering her body from head to toe. Now a majority of this energy goes internally into sharpening and keeping her body in it’s pristine bladed condition. Now factor in the fact that because her energy type is bodily integrated it means that what energy she does have is undoubtedly enormous, the byproduct of this is comparable to how a sun has solar winds and discharges from it’s surface. Her Demonic Energies coming from that enhanced demon seal of her’s makes it so that in terms of energy level’s she would be on the high end for her tier, the vastness of it being comparable to a large lake or a small ocean, in both abundance and depth if you are looking for a metaphorical representation.

2: Demonic Brutality/The Intensity of her wrath:In terms of Demonica’s Energy’s [ demon and nuclear energies] Affect on the environment, when she releases any amount of energy, in the form of “direct energy ” the fact is she is an individual of high 0 tier. As well as the fact that by nature and by design, she is as well a highly offense based high end 0 tier individual. Because of this her energies meaning both her nuclear and demonic have rather adverse affects on the environment around her when released from her body in any real given point in time. These adverse effects generally include the earth or nearby objects in upwards of a quarter mile radius being reduced to ash, or at the very least in regards to npc object’s torn apart until it is hardly in recognisable state.

Next there would be the heat and radiation. Particularly because her energy is for the most part a combination of both demonic and nuclear energy. So logically the release of her natural energy would generate a fair bit of heat. This heat spikes at around 1,000 degrees fahrenheit and bottoms out at a toasty 250 degrees fahrenheit so long as her energy itself is released. This toasty heat will be contained mostly in the quarter mile mark, where her radiation and nuclear energies effect is most prevalent. This means as well mostly energy will stay self contained in this radius. rather than expanding outwards and dissipating after the quarter mile mark.

Note, this energy

3:Nuclear Entity/Nuclear Power: As briefly touched upon in her demonic brutality, and in her basic concept portion of the app, Demonica is also a nuclear energy based being beyond her immense demonic energy reserves and cutting potential. Now her nuclear energy is in terms of mass equivalent to being a tad lower than the entire reserve levels of her demonic energy. For example this means that if she is 0-3 her Nuclear Energy reserve’s would be the equivalent of a 0-4+. this is because her nuclear energy is a secondary power source that demonica nightfang has the ability to draw upon when in combat. As to what “nuclear power” specifically means, it means she has the ability to utilize energy run off from sources such as hydrogen atoms and other substances that you would find in common nuclear reaction. Now because this is her other facet of what essentially her entire body is built upon, it would stand to logically assume that while the energy reserve levels of her secondary power source is low, it still would be equivalent to a high level of energy for that particular tier. It is one of her defining aspects, that makes her demonica nightfang in the first place.

»Offensive Powerhouse::[justify]Demonica is For the most part Offense Oriented to an extreme degree. Because of her offensive orientation atleast physically speaking she is able to use said offense to cover up her most glaring flaw which is her below-par defense. Mostly though her aspect as an offensive powerhouse stem’s from the very physical way both her body design and her energy design affect the world around them. That and the fact that her compound form is geared specifically for combating foes with an almost lethal efficiency. In some ways you could say the reason for her being an offensive powerhouse is because her body itself is by design one singular sharp cutting object. Now because she is an offensive powerhouse below will explain slightly better what being an offensive powerhouse generally entails.

1: Offensive Strength: Demonica has some backbone when it comes to her strength, being able to apply the adequate amount of force to destroy great portions of a city, or change the landscape after factoring in how her body itself is able to cut through most substances. However because of her body being one essential blade her strength is often not seen. Given to use her strength to it’s maximum potential she has to use her demon barrier to create a buffer between her body and the object in question. In doing so she is able to effectively utilize her offensive strength without much of a problem. When not using her demon barrier though her strength diminishes seeing as she rarely comes in contact with objects hard enough to give her time to even find enough purchase to apply that fairly above par strength of hers, in any real quantity.

2: Defense: Demonica’s defense is sturdy because of the fact that even though her body by design is able to cut through most objects that come in contact with it on the molecular level, there is to reason that just because she cuts the object up into fine particles doesn’t mean that those cut up pieces aren’t hitting her on some level. So because her method of dealing damage is for the most part an extremely physical and close-quarter oriented method of attack, she has to have a defense level that can counter-balance the need to get in close to her opponents to actually deal fairly high amounts of damage to them. As to what this means in terms of how much she is able to defend. well by defense alone she can take blow’s from individuals of the same tier as her or slightly higher and only sustain moderate damage to her body from it in the case that the object is too hard for her blades to fully cut through it to the point that it won’t primarily cause serious damage to her. Below is a some examples of how strong this is.

Say you threw something at her of similar tier, I.E someone hit her with a massive energy attack or physical one, so long as they had been on her tier range she can take up to 40% less damage than what she normally would take because of just how she naturally shreds through attacks. Now if that individual was of a higher tier than her, such as if she is 0-3 and they are 0-2, she could take maybe only 20-30% less damage then what she normally would take due to her defense.

3: Speed: Because of demonica’s compact diminutive stature and her streamlined body she is naturally able to reach high level’s of speed when in motion. This speed being roughly in the range of being able to hit upwards of mach 1 from a still-standing position. Part of this is because her body is naturally sharp and that make her body more aerodynamic breaking up wind resistance or utilizing slip-streams in the air current around her. These factor’s are a part of her fairly extreme level of quickness yet it’s not quite all that defines her speed. Some of the other factors are that when in motion Demonica can use her nuclear energy as a booster, to rapidly increase her speed when focused on her feet , or in a given direction. Another factor being that she has great strength, and because of this she has the ability to explosively accelerate from a stationary position, speeding up to truly frightening rates of speed. Most importantly though it should be noted that she generally can reach higher speeds when cloaked in her demon barrier, utilizing it so that she can fully make use of her strength without it being diminished by her blades cutting through the objects that she is using to find purchase on in the first place.

5: Weapon skill: Maximum leverage: While her other skills are strong the fact is that her weapon skill is really the strongest thing she has, in fact you could say this is what truly makes her so dangerous in the first place. Her weapon skill in fact is very high being able to both take a beating and at the same dish out a wide beating without much of a problem , it’s just a fact about who she is, her weapon skill is in all honesty the strongest thing about her other than her weapon hide, being able to use her whole body as a weapon makes her deadly, but then being able to completely force the body into submission makes it even deadlier. » Unique Abilities:


demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3702-1

To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Adept
  • Demon Magic: Untrained
  • Shadow Movement:elite
  • Akuma Kyōdo: elite

General Skills
  • Durability: Elite
  • General Speed: Elite
  • Strength: Master
  • Weapon Skill: Elite


demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3703-1

» Role Play Sample:[i](Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)


Last edited by Shizuo on Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:20 pm; edited 21 times in total

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] LzZCuy7
demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] BtXe12b
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demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Empty Re: Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon]

Sun May 24, 2015 11:41 am


Demonica Nightfang

Song: Murder Melody - Artist: Cult to follow - Words: 967
demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3697

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3701-1

-This form is unable to be used unless someone accidently says reigens name-
» Note: Feel free to change "Adjustable State Appearance" to any title you'd like for your Demon's Stages.

»Black Kings Release appearance :

»Black Kings Release Abilities:
»Nuclear Control: A fact about demonica is in her release nuclear energy swamps the surrounding landscape, in fact you could say that her power and her strength itself are two different things, being able to crush the landscape with her pure nuclear energy? That’s one of the known side effects , it’s not that she’s trying to do this but , it’s the fact that when she releases, she is letting out all the energy that she generally is to keep inside, and in this case, That does quite literally mean, that her nuclear energy control is going to go through the roof, being able to manipulate and being able to control her nuclear energies, is just a thing that is needed for her released form, of course there are some facts about this that should be shown, those will be of course explained below in depth using, the key Points.

1: Nuclear Fallout/The Nuclear Release:
Alright it is a fact when she does release at least her nuclear energy factor, which is although not a very major thing about her, is going to be at some degree catastrophic, given the fact that of course, when it comes to the abrupt pop- into existence that is kind of what is the release of energy itself, it is going to be very much comparable to a nuclear bomb going off in the near by vicinity , that is of course to say that, everything is going to go from, normal, to “Big boom” not only quickly but violently too. If you’ve seen a volcano explode in tv/First hand. You probably are going to have a good idea of what her abrupt release actually causes.

2:Nuclear Intensity: Nuclear energy at least when it is released is going to have some decent intensity. That is to say of course that when it goes off , at the very least you are going to be able to not only spot it right away, but you probably are going to get shaken up by some of its lingering, or immediate effects, such as of course buildings kinda sorta turning from, the structure of man, to a pile of ash and utter ruin on the ground, in the moments of release. So you can quite literally in most people’s book say that her release is destructive, or atleast destructive enough to cause nuclear fall-out in a 3/4ths of a mile radius surrounding it, and large damage in that radius as well.

3: Nuclear Control/Basic Control: Alright while she does have control over her nuclear energy, it’s not as complex as actually some people might think it to be, in fact actually it is quite basic, sticking to the principle, of being able to use it to destroy , create beams, or bursts, or use it in basic attacks, its not complex enough like microbial shit, or creating new things from it, its simply gathering concentrating expanding the radius, compacting the force, and being able to offensively shoot or control it, without a lot of trouble , so if she tried to do some of the more intense things with it, she would more likely then the case be not, run into some pretty major problems, if that where the case at least because, she is not accurately, that into control, or manipulation she is offense .

5: Nuclear / Explosion Based Manipulations: It should also be kind of noted that, in the case at least of her actual skills she does have the ability to manipulate and for the most part be mostly immune to either bright blinding lights, explosions, flashes, or anything that generally can be caused from a nuclear explosive device, however this is not all around immunity, it is instead well what you could call, a given fact that should be expected. As she works with nuclear energy, isn’t it fairly safe to assume for the most part, that if she’s using something so dangerous that she is going to be mostly if not entirely immune to its effects? Like for example if you are a fire fighter, you have gear to lessen the effects of fire, if you’re a electric user, generally speaking. You yourself are going to be either highly immune to electricity, or entirely immune to electricity. Its like saying, that a fire user will burn up from their own flames, the notion of that is sadly, either ridiculous or the result of a very Very stupid fire user in general, that’s honestly how things work with her resistance atleast to nuclear energy/explosions in general.

6: Heat/Temperature: This is another given, in this case because just like a normal reactor at least nuclear energy generates a lot of heat, this is the reason that of course demonica is pretty much also either highly resistant or in some cases nearly fully immune to the effects of both heat, and the effects of flame or fire. Its just kind of one of those common sense things, as nuclear energy as seen in nuclear power plants generates a lot of heat, which is why they must keep the reactors cool, so that they don’t actually react violently and then cause some pretty hefty damages. So if nuclear energy generates heat naturally when in use, wouldn’t you think that a user of nuclear energy themselves would boast a pretty substantial either immunity or tolerance of fire heat and flames in general? So with that reasoning yes demonica is pretty much highly tolerant/immune to the effects of flame and heat to a certain extent, yet don’t mix this up with full immunity because she can still, even though its very very hard, get burn or even damaged by the effects of flames. Although the situation of that happening is very unlikely in general just to throw that out there.

Demon Energy : Demonica also of course when in a released state such as this, boasts a very substantial amount of demon energy, it’s the polar opposite of her sealed state in the general fact that, while of course in her sealed state energy can’t actually be felt, in her released state, perhaps you could say the amount and strength of both her energy, and the amount of it are both going to be in high levels, and at the same time, be quite intense. So for the most part, it should be something that is explained. As you may understand the reasoning behind, with all great things, there tends to be a good deal of general explanation. At least that’s why below there will be the key factors, or things that you should probably know that happens, both at the time of the release, and more importantly then what happens generally after the release and throughout the rest of the battle, both capability wise, and strain wise, since again her demon energy is probably going to be something that you or who ever she is fighting, is going to remember.

1: Demon Energy Release/effects of her black king release: When she gets around to releasing, she’s no slouch when it comes to the devastating consequences of her release to begin with. So when she releases beyond the nuclear fuck-explosion that is most definitively taking place, there is also the general factor of her demon energy that is letting itself rage out and be free on the battle field itself. So when her demon energy at least at the moment of release perhaps, comes out of hiding within her as it is in her sealed state. It’s going to cause quite the ruckus, as all that energy, and lets just say now she’s in no short supply of it due to what her nature is- will be quickly boiling and raging to the surface, and that generally means that it’s going to cause a pretty violent event. With that in mind, it would probably not be a shock that ontop of a nuclear event, her demon energy is rupturing out of control, and tends to act as a battering ram on the weakened structures that have been first picked apart by the nuclear energy that is in general releasing.

2:Demon Energy Weight/ Kinda Sorta pressure Increase; Anyways her demon energy as you know is nothing that is incredibly weak, nor is it something that is going to be , well in most people’s thoughts Uncomprehendingly strong. Thanks to this, however you could say that her energy is while not fuck strong, certainly overwhelmingly strong. That is of course why you might see that, in many cases when she is going through things like releasing such a well, certainly large amount of energy , its going to of course also have its general side effects and other weird stuff. This is one of those things, as when it releases at least a normal person or someone even as strong as perhaps she is , will most certainly while not to the point of being knocked out, - feel the pressure increase that bears down on foe’s and allies alike. So its not really a matter of How perhaps that this happens, It’s just a natural thing and something that at the very least should be taken into consideration. Her demon energy is able to generate more pressure, like any high spiritual signature would, except this is demon energy, not reitsu, that’s just really what I’m getting at here.

3: Demon Energy Augmentation: Alright another thing , is that her demon energy, while it is most certainly in display magnificent , does much more than just being there to be a pain and a testament to her strength. Instead what it does is as well boosts generally features like her demon barrier, and her blades power. So think of it this way- you get a strong person, and then you get the released version, much like a kenpachi canon situation, her released side of her energy at least , in this case due to how it is bottled up in her other form. Is going to allow, the boosts and augmentations that it would normally allow, going as far as to generally cause a fairly strong boost in both power, and over all skill. So as far as this part of her is concerned, and as to what you need to know. The boost that takes place increases general fighting strength at +50% power, meaning it is going to be 1.5 times stronger at least then the sealed form was , that’s just how things work with her around here.

Due to this however, her black-king release is considered to be unique in the fact that it causes her spiritual energy to expand rapidly, and because of it being such a massive energy boost the byproduct is that she drops 1.5 tiers I.e if she's 0-3 she becomes 0-4- once she exits the form for the remainder of the thread.

4:Standard Control: Demonica doesn’t do amazing things with it, but she can control and augment her massive reserve’s to do simple things like, increase strength substantially, or increase her movement speed. It’s perhaps not something that is really breath taking , or a feat of nature. But it serves its purpose well in battle, so generally it is just there to say, the more energy she compensates into a attack, for the most part will be the reason result wise, you will get a generally powerful or more powerful then normal attack from her. Not because she’s using more strength or something, but rather its just generally because she’s augmenting more of her energy into attacks then what of course she previously had ben augmenting. That is why in this case, when it comes to things in general at least like her spiritual energy , she is most certainly able to get her uses out of it, even though there are not many uses perhaps, she still has use for it none the less, its rather as simple, and as basic as that in terms of the reason behind why she can do this, to make use of her large level of power.

Just for example's sake, in terms of manipulation and energy allocation, if she's a say advanced in speed, she could augment her speed to that of a masters for roughly the price of draining an equivalent of a gran-rey cero's worth of energy every turn. However the downside is if she augments too much she can cause damage to her body after extended periods of augmentation on a certain body part for roughly a time period of 6 turns or greater.

Her Offensive Progress: Well when she releases it should be known that for the most part, Demonica possesses a lot more in her arsenal then just mere blade hide, given it was her sealed states ability, it is also going to be a rational thing to also reason out that it would probably find some sort of improvement when in her released state. Which of course it does, given the fact that her swords themselves are not just there for show or something that will remain like they are indefinitely as they are a part of her ,and if she ascends into a new state, then her swords and her offense generally themselves are going to find some substantial increases to reflect the fact that she has grown in strength quite considerably , and not to mention that, when she releases, it would make sense that her techniques or atleast she would be different then her sealed form wouldn’t it? With this in mind it should make sense now why her offense which is already pretty strong is getting improvements here, as it’s because her form is changing, not precisely because she 100% needs it, its just a common fact. Below I shall explain some of the crucial improvements in her offense.

1: Blade extensions: While her body remains as it was, it was quite honestly the most important change in her hands, and her fingers. Even her body in general, not to mention she grew horns but that’s beside the point. Every striking point of her body can extend around 50 feet, and in this way it makes it so that she can for the most part cause her body distant to increase greatly at least when it comes to striking distance, this is why she is a real blade, a walking blade if you will, because she now can strike out at a distance, and do so without much of a problem, extending and then retracting though takes slight drain, which is why every time its used, it can’t be used more then twice in a row before a breather is needed. That’s just something basic about it, like you might think with manipulating ones body, change it too much and you are going to have some serious problems. The same applies here, if she does this too much, it causes damage to her body.

2: Blade Manifestation: a unique byproduct around her body, she can manifest around 50 -60 blades max at a given time, these blades of course come from her spiritual energy, yet that have slightly more than just that going for them to be honest. As each blade can be used up to 10 at a time, which Is why besides her body itself, she does have the interesting fact about her that is basically that, while she can spawn 60 blades she can only use around 10 of them, which is why in terms of control she has no real use for any more then 10 blades. So even though she can generate more then 10 blades, its quite often going to be the case that she’s only generating 10 blades at a given time. Since any more then ten is going to be like wasting needless energy, as why would you in the first place be using more general energy then what you have to use? Is there really a point in that? Atleast that’s the reason that she herself isn’t generally going to be found using more than well 10 blades generation wise at a time, as she has no need to do so.



demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Image3702-1

To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Beginner
  • Demon Magic: Adept
  • Shadow Movement: Elite
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Elite

General Skills
  • Durability: Elite
  • General Speed: Elite
  • Strength: Master
  • Weapon Skill: Elite


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Last edited by Shizuo on Sun Jun 02, 2019 1:59 pm; edited 4 times in total

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] LzZCuy7
demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] BtXe12b
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demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Empty Re: Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon]

Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:35 am
First things first, you need to put a tag on this. If it's done, the tag should be [FINISHED], if it's incomplete, it should be [W.I.P.]. Moving right along, the things that jump out to me:

You may want to insert her original history as well in addition to this... as what you have put up here really... does not say much about her origins or how she came to be.

Shizou wrote:The simple fact is, Demonica’s body is a murderer's dream, it is worthy of the name the perfect killing machine, made to do the simple functions of slicing apart, ripping apart, shredding to mere molecules, and reducing things that come in contact with her to mere fodder, and it does so again indiscriminately due to the raw power that it possesses. This body of edges is the real power that has been concealed that gives demonica her improbable defense levels, given it is not really defense, but instead is a completely unorthodox method of attack that surrounds her body. Not a defense built upon defending, but instead a honed weapon that is built to kill, and is unable to be turned off, a weapon that constantly is baring its fangs, no matter who, what, where or why.

What.. is the purpose of this paragraph? DOes this contribute anything towards the actual ability, or is this simply how Demonica views her own blades? If it is that, it may be more appropriate to place in her personality tagged as her view of her body.

Demonica's Blindness wrote:Demonica’s body beyond her blades is kind of in a contained environment, as her body naturally shreds even the rays of light that are there, coming in contact with her.

If it shreds even light, then she's completely blind... Is that what you intended

Clarification wrote:1: Sharpness/ Cutting power: The main aspect of the blade is of course its cutting power, and its strength. Being able to cut through hard objects armor, and defenses itself is what gives this blade quite honestly its keen edge, as while her defenses may seem to be strong, it is again the fact that her offense is so strong that it deceives most people to the fact that her defense itself is actually not that special, its strong but still not that special , This is why demonica can be considered more of a offensive Anomaly Then a defensive Wonder.

2: Durability/ Longevity: Of course her blades have both longevity and at the same time have durability. Because her blades are built to cut and rend even the hardest substances, they are built to last, and more importantly built to be able to cut, to mince, to grind, to rip , and to shred. These blades you must understand have been built with the sole intention in mind of actually causing death to actually make it so the foe will be killed instead of them living on and surviving another day, And because of this, well it’s no wonder that she is so dangerous.

So... I'm still not sure how sharp these blades are, or how tough that they are. I get that they have sharpness and something about how she doesn't have a large amount of defense... as well as that her blades have some hardness to them and are designed to rip and shred things... But I need more information on exactly how hard they are and how sharp they are. Since if they are cutting up light... yeesh.

References? wrote:her whole body itself pulses with demon energy that is cleverly concealed and cleverly hidden by her magic jammer,

What... magic jammer? There isn't another reference made to it in your application... except for the description in the same paragraph as the place where your blades are described under the Demonic Energy section.That, frankly, is confusing. What are you going to do in a thread if you use this defense (didn't you repeatedly state how suck her defenses are?) and your opponent can't find the section that explains why you can resist their analysis of your character? I'm ust saying that you should consider changing the name of the ability to something more descriptive, such as 'Psuedo Armor of Demonic Energy' or something similar.

Explain Further wrote: Environment Filter: Demonica’s blades act in a unique way, this body also shreds the environment around her, making it so that it is an incredible feat to come in contact with her, or hit her defenses. Given the fact that the “environment” and her “environment” are two factors seperated by the living blender of her body. This blender has the ferocity of her tier, and is an ability that enables the body to be protected from the substantial perils that her body itself generates statically. Through the shredding that takes place. As such These blades work to stop alien substances, or energies from coming close to the body through shredding them. To bypass this has two main features, one being that the tier of the one inducing it is equivalent or greater than demonica’s own, the second is that the ability is either unorthdox enough/ adaptable enough to not only brave the shredding of her body, but then at the same time, be able to regenerate to bypass it.

Furthermore, to create the kind of cutting power that your skin claims, your blades would have to entirely lack electrons. Good luck figuring that out, as well as you need to state that somewhere if you still want to use it

You should probably mention... wrote:the reason for this again is , after removing herself from ninsun, and gaining the environmental filter, there was no period of time in which her body reacclimated to the elements, or the environment, instead? The body itself has lost that resistance and this filter has funnily enough made it impossible for her to regain a normal level of environmental tolerance.

You should probably make note that her body does not use any vitamins, such as D, or breathe, since her blades are deflecting all forms of oxygen if she hasn't acclimated back to her environment; also the blindness referred to earlier.

This is also probably a good place to mention something else: What if someone 'catches' all of her blades? For example, what if Moonie stopped all of them from moving with his body? Would her entire body become unprotected, even though Moonie has not broken them? From the way you describe them, they seem to work on a search-and-destroy principle or are simply moving incredibly fast out of her control. Or would Moonie's interruption cause the kinetic energy to go back on her, causing her to flip and spin around instead?

Also... how can she move? If she's shredding molecules with her skin, then she's scattering any wind pressure that would allow for momentum... in any direction.

Energy Destruction wrote:Energy Destruction

What about energy that explodes upon making connection? Or poison? Or flame? Can her blades move faster than the acceleration of a chemical reaction five inches away from her body?

Just kind of what? wrote:in fact her body kind of just is able to keep going, despite the fact that most of the stress she puts on it would generally cause blades to shatter and blades to get dull.

Could you please just put 'her demonic energy replenishes her blades passively'? It would make using them actually... relevant to the laws of energy of the site. Thanks.

Shizou wrote:one that when sealed you find to be untraceable.

That's too absolute. What is untraceable? Her energy, or her energy signature? Does she have an aura, a unique energy type? If someone were to scan her very soul would they find energy there? As for the rest of this ability, I'm not sure it flies. Even if you put a fire under a box, that doesn't mean that the fire is gone. It still is giving off heat, at the very least, even if you have removed the ability for it to be seen. Energy is much the same way, simply by creating a physical obstruction does not mean that it is completely sealed away; you need to explain further.

...And then in Energy Powerhouse you say that her presence can be felt for a mile radius.

Explain Further wrote:1: Demonic Energies/ The Demon Seal: Demonica’s energy comes from her internal and external sources, however it most noticeably is going to come from her demon seal. The fact is that energy that she draws is at first stored up in the body, and this is why when she of course releases the energy as you might think, there is quite a good deal of it. Not to mention her being a extreme offensive tank, and powerhouse type, it makes a lot of sense that the demonic energy she has is just nothing short of purely overwhelming. In fact energy she gains and energy she expends is about equal, in terms of demonic energies, yet this is still only one side of the coin, and most certainly not the major foundation of why she is a energy powerhouse, instead it’s just one of the key factors is all.

2: Demonic Brutality/The Intensity of her wrath: Demonica has more in store then sheer power, the fact is the pressure and just how strong the energy within is once released just finds itself to be. In fact when released her demonic energy is brutal enough to cause the environment to literally explode around her, nuclear strength, and demon might. You could say those two things are why when she releases her energy it most certainly is dangerous, it causes not only problems but it at the same time leaves the battle field scarred, due to the fact that you see, in a sealed state the energy is all bottled up in side. Then in a released state, it’s like when a fire hose is turned on, all that energy and power wants to assert itself, which naturally leads to from a sudden surge in power for all this damage to the environment to actually occur.

3:Nuclear Entity/Nuclear Power: Demonica also attributes her energy powerhouse status from her massive nuclear and hydrogen based power. As you see she is a very strong being, that is has been proven, however the strongest thing about her is not her nuclear energies, in fact it’s just that she has so much mass when it comes to nuclear power, that it often deceives people into thinking this is what makes her tick, when actually this is only one of the many things, that makes her just what she is, and makes her purely who she is. Think of it as one of the many faces that make her up, her nuclear power which is surely strong, is just the tip of the “Ice berg” you could say.

Put in an example of each, please, to show how exactly how much of each of those she can use, a kind of upper bound.

Why wrote:Demonica is a offensive power house, there is little else that you can say about it honestly. Her offense is strong enough to make up for both her defense and her offense together, as the fact is if you are offensively strong enough that you deceive people into thinking you have actually ungodly levels of defense, then chances are that your offense is going to be something pretty intense. That is certainly the case here, as demonic in so many words rolled into one, has offense that itself makes her defense insanely strong, not because she is majorly going to murder something, but instead because of the fact being that her power is enough that she can defend while focusing purely on offense, and strength speed, she is without doubt a strong physical powerhouse, although below is a break- down of both her physical capabilities and also , why she is a powerhouse.

What was the use of almost this entire paragraph? Other than the last sentence, it just mucks up your application and serves as filler. In the future, please consider putting such irrelevant information underneath the personality section, as this is a philosophy and does not actually define her abilities. It's conjecture.

Her offensive strength, you should explain how she can use this when her blades are preventing any form of forces from going between those five inches.

However this is because due to the increase in her offensive capabilities she has lost the real “Need” to have such defenses.

Eh, that's an opinion, so I'd kindly ask for you to remove it.

Her speed, you also need to address how she can move at all when her blades are ripping up her forward momentum she attempts to generate.

As a result, the ability 'removal of resistance' is completely and entirely wrong. Without anything to grip or connect with, you do not move. With no force to move against, you stay completely in place. You can't move or change direction in the vastness in space. So yeah, your removal needs removed.

Expulsion of mass is completely wrong for the same reason, and in fact if it DID work that way that she did not remove the forces it would slow her down because of the forces moving against her direction of motion. She wouldn't shit them out the back of her blades, it's like getting hit by a wall that you cut into pieces. You still got hit by a f#cking wall. You still had to go fast enough to keep moving after getting hit by the wall.

Explain further wrote:5: Weapon skill: Maximum leverage: While her other skills are strong the fact is that her weapon skill is really the strongest thing she has, in fact you could say this is what truly makes her so dangerous in the first place. Her weapon skill in fact is very high being able to both take a beating and at the same dish out a wide beating without much of a problem , it’s just a fact about who she is, her weapon skill is in all honesty the strongest thing about her other than her weapon hide, being able to use her whole body as a weapon makes her deadly, but then being able to completely force the body into submission makes it even deadlier.

You do not explain how this is actually used as a trait, simply that she has the capability TO use... something. Please explain further on exactly what this trait represents, what it alters or changes from normal, and go into detail on the upper bound of it. I can't approve something if I don't know what i'm approving. Also, you may want to remove that embarrassing little thing that says 'Unique Abilities' on the end of this ability in your application.

Black King will be dealt with once these are fixed.

In the meantime, I'm adding a [W.I.P.] tag to her and moving Demonica to pending.

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demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Empty Re: Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon]

Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:26 pm


Well, this has gone on long enough. With that said, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread out. Thanks to everyone who took part in this. I'll go ahead and move this into old missions now.

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demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Empty Re: Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon]

Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:29 am
in terms.. of if her blades can cut through explosions or chemical reactions. At that point it would become physical rather than energy based most likely, and it'd be rather than a matter of her body lol cutting through it, just shredding it.

Next. In term of catching her blades, it seem's i worded this WHOLE app in a sense that is even confusing me now that i look back at it. Clarification to said question though is that her body is one huge omnidirectional blade. It's not that perhaps she has many blades whirring around her like needles on a cactus, it's more so if you bump into her it's the same as bumping into a blade's edge. There aren't.. multiple blades. it's just that she's one big sharp edge.

Continuing in explanation, if someone has the durability to withstand her blades then they have the general durability to withstand her blades, they may still cut them , but for brief contact purposes like as you brought up with moonies case, it may scratch them but other than this they would sustain very little injury unless for example she decided to pump more energy into sharpening her body, in which case it may cause more damage.

Moving on to her energy and descriptions.. those are lacking i am working on fixing them as we speak.

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] LzZCuy7
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demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Empty Re: Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon]

Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:47 am
[mod]Moving this thread to W.I.P cause i was requested and paid $5 in paypal to do so.[/mod]

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demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Empty Re: Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon]

Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:11 pm
ohkay i fixed the stuff that jj brought up in my logic 101 crash course i think.

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] LzZCuy7
demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] BtXe12b
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demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Empty Re: Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon]

Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:39 am
[mod]Moving to Unchecked for you then.[/mod]

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demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Empty Re: Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon]

Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:48 pm
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Comments/Notes: I'm feeling slightly sick while doing this and a little bit down, so I'm going to make this shorter, simpler, and much more blunt than usual. I'll leave this message here a head of time, if you wish to discuss anything I have brought up to make a counter-argument or something similar, feel free to PM me on skype. Anyways, here we go.

Shizuo wrote:2: Demonic Brutality/The Intensity of her wrath:In terms of Demonica’s Energy’s [ demon and nuclear energies] Affect on the environment, when she releases any amount of energy, even in the form of “run-off” or excess natural energies that have been expelled from her body, there is still the fact she is an individual of high 0 tier. As well as the fact that by nature and by design, she is as well a highly offense based high end 0 tier individual. Because of this her energies meaning both her nuclear and demonic have rather adverse affects on the environment around her when released from her body in any real given point in time. These adverse effects generally include the earth or nearby objects in upwards of a quarter mile radius being reduced to ash, or at the very least in regards to npc object’s torn apart until it is hardly in recognisable state.

Can it be listed the difference between using run-off and the direct source of power? If there is no difference, then I would prefer one since it leads to using excess energy, energy that won't drain the person, being extremely powerful.

Shizuo wrote:2: Defense: Demonica’s defense is sturdy because of the fact that even though her body by design is able to cut through most objects that come in contact with it on the molecular level, there is to reason that just because she cuts the object up into fine particles doesn’t mean that those cut up pieces aren’t hitting her on some level. So because her method of dealing damage is for the most part an extremely physical and close-quarter oriented method of attack, she has to have a defense level that can counter-balance the need to get in close to her opponents to actually deal fairly high amounts of damage to them. As to what this means in terms of how much she is able to defend. well by defense alone she can take blow’s from individuals of the same tier as her or slightly higher and only sustain moderate damage to her body from it in the case that the object is too hard for her blades to fully cut through it to the point that it won’t primarily cause serious damage to her.

I'd prefer if it was listed what tier of an ability itself is needed to do real damage, such as a max level lightning strike dealing larger amounts of damage, enough to actually matter, while a level 2 icebolt from someone of an equal tier just pegging her and doing enough to maybe get her a few scrapes or cuts. Simply saying that all equal tiered attacks do around the same damage could be used in a bad situation to make a big bang attack seem much weaker than it -should- actually have acted.

Shizuo wrote:3: Speed: Because of demonica’s compact diminutive stature and her streamlined body she is naturally able to reach high level’s of speed when in motion. This speed being roughly in the range of being able to hit upwards of mach 5 from a still-standing position. Part of this is because her body is naturally sharp and that make her body more aerodynamic breaking up wind resistance or utilizing slip-streams in the air current around her. These factor’s are a part of her fairly extreme level of quickness yet it’s not quite all that defines her speed. Some of the other factors are that when in motion Demonica can use her nuclear energy as a booster, to rapidly increase her speed when focused on her feet , or in a given direction. Another factor being that she has great strength, and because of this she has the ability to explosively accelerate from a stationary position, speeding up to truly frightening rates of speed. Most importantly though it should be noted that she generally can reach higher speeds when cloaked in her demon barrier, utilizing it so that she can fully make use of her strength without it being diminished by her blades cutting through the objects that she is using to find purchase on in the first place.

I am denying this. I personally will be heavily against having it re-written or re-worded. This section essentially -completely- nullifies the fact that there's a speed skill that -plainly- states her actual limits in actual speed. There are some abilities that can have a person exceed that limit, but definitely not going at speeds that -Grandmasters- typically can not. I would rather her speed be dependent on her actual speed skill than having her blade powers make her able to do everything.

Shizuo wrote:2:Nuclear Intensity: Nuclear energy at least when it is released is going to have some decent intensity. That is to say of course that when it goes off , at the very least you are going to be able to not only spot it right away, but you probably are going to get shaken up by some of its lingering, or immediate effects, such as of course buildings kinda sorta turning from, the structure of man, to a pile of ash and utter ruin on the ground, in the moments of release. So you can quite literally in most people’s book say that her release is destructive, or atleast destructive enough to cause nuclear fall-out in a 1 mile radius surrounding it, and large damage in that radius as well.

I'd prefer if not an entire mile area was -entirely- turned to ash with no chances of survival. Just from releasing, this gives her the ability to launch a short range nuke at anyone nearby, purely from releasing. I'd prefer if it was maybe a bit smaller than a mile radius due to how destructive nuclear energy is, or less powerful but able to reach farther.

Shizuo wrote:4: Nuclear Generation: More honestly one of the well features that should be noted is that while in at least a state of release, she can generate nuclear energy, or create it from the surrounding landscape, however when doing this say if she creates enough nuclear energy to destroy a town, that’s probably going to decently drain her, so in these cases when it comes to resupplying herself at least the common rule of thumb is, the more she is generating, the more drain it is going to put on the body, unless near large bodies of water and in those instances she can take hydrogen out of the water and replenish up to a 4th of her supply every 6 turns.

Two things, one, I'd like for that limit to be placed for her base form when it lists that using hydrogen will help replenish and such, since water is full of that as well as a lot of things, it's even present in humans. Two, how can water be used to replenish her stores if it's all already evaporated from the nuclear energy she radiates?

Shizuo wrote:3: Demon Energy Augmentation: Alright another thing , is that her demon energy, while it is most certainly in display magnificent , does much more than just being there to be a pain and a testament to her strength. Instead what it does is as well boosts generally features like her demon barrier, and her blades power. So think of it this way- you get a strong person, and then you get the released version, much like a kenpachi canon situation, her released side of her energy at least , in this case due to how it is bottled up in her other form. Is going to allow, the boosts and augmentations that it would normally allow, going as far as to generally cause a fairly strong boost in both power, and over all skill. So as far as this part of her is concerned, and as to what you need to know. The boost that takes place increases general fighting strength at +50% power, meaning it is going to be 1.5 times stronger at least then the sealed form was , that’s just how things work with her around here.

If that's just how things work with her around here, then things should also work with a heavy energy drain that -boosts- her overall power by 1.5x. A boost like that is heavy with her already destructive base form, meaning that there needs to be a big drain to balance this.

Shizuo wrote:4:Standard Control: Demonica doesn’t do amazing things with it, but she can control and augment her massive reserve’s to do simple things like, increase strength substantially, or increase her movement speed. It’s perhaps not something that is really breath taking , or a feat of nature. But it serves its purpose well in battle, so generally it is just there to say, the more energy she compensates into a attack, for the most part will be the reason result wise, you will get a generally powerful or more powerful then normal attack from her. Not because she’s using more strength or something, but rather its just generally because she’s augmenting more of her energy into attacks then what of course she previously had ben augmenting. That is why in this case, when it comes to things in general at least like her spiritual energy , she is most certainly able to get her uses out of it, even though there are not many uses perhaps, she still has use for it none the less, its rather as simple, and as basic as that in terms of the reason behind why she can do this, to make use of her large level of power.

I would heavily prefer details or explanations or even just a flat out list of how much power needs to be drained in order to boost x parameter by x amount.
Shizuo wrote:3: Blade Appendages: Kind of like swords at grow out of her fingers, she has some blades on her that cut more than others, so you might want to take note of where these peculiarly strong blades (Strong for her atleast) are generally going to be located on the body at any given time, since you see the position of these blades themselves is generally going to be set in stone, as they form at the time of her release. Keeping this in mind, the following places are where blades are located. 1 on her tail’s tip, 1 for each toe, 1 for each finger, 1 on each elbow, and knee. That is the following locations, that you would find these dagger sized blades on her body. So the other question would generally be, what do I mean when I say they are stronger than most of the other blades on her body? Well the thing is these generally have 3x the cutting force of the other blades, and generally for that reason it makes them a lot more likely to cut someone then the blade hide itself actually will, so in essence, watch out for them.

Having three times the cutting force means that it's three times the broken. At her base form, she can already tear through almost anything naturally. If these specific blades were multiplied that heavily, then she could cut through -anything-. Period. I'd prefer it if there was either a good example to gauge just how hard she could cut when compared to a powerful defense, or if this was removed or reworked to be better balanced.

Shizuo wrote:4: General blade Strength: Generally speaking, her blades do have a semblance of increase when they get to this stage, and that increase is around generally 50% increase in strength of what involves her blades in general, yet this happens for a very good reason, given the fact that she has released her energy she can focus more on improving blade quality then she would in a sealed state, as of course in her sealed state, the main difference is she also has to focus for the most part on actually going and hiding her energy signature, but in her released state that prior focus can be directly put into good use, and by that I mean, it can be used to increase and boost her skills to above what they previously where, and by doing so it generally is going to not only make them stronger, but at the same time, it is going to make her able to cause some pretty intense damage to those that make the mistake of directly trying to attack her , or maim her in general, as in short her blades well they get a decent amount stronger in this stage.

Similar problem to the previous ability, only lessened. Let's say for some reason that the first one was approved, that's a 3x multiple... Add 50% of that right unto it and she has blades at a 4.5x multiplier that can tear through anything. Personally, I'm fine with a passive boost, but please detail how -much- it boosts rather than giving a flat number, such as saying that if she could barely go through Mister Strong Man's muscles before, now she can tear through them a bit faster.

Feel free to message me about anything you see here if you wish to either speak about it or give an argument as too why you believe some of the abilities should stay. Unless another staff member disagrees, I am keeping this in unchecked and not approving this.

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] QYEibkj
demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] F2mrTYb
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demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] Empty Re: Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon]

Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:49 pm
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Comments/Notes: Thanks for working with me and not causing any grief, hope you get pretty 'Demonic' with 'Demonica'!
Tier: 0-3+

demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] QYEibkj
demonica - Demonica Nightfang 2015 [Semi-Approved 0-4-; Traditional Demon] F2mrTYb
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