Hell City Destroyed
Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:41 pm
News Update
- Thread Link: https://www.platinumhearts.net/f273-the-chaya-nation
- Thread Location: Hell City, Chaya Nation
Information: Hell City is now reported to have been nothing more than a pile of rubble, ruins and bodies after The Asthavon Family and Shadow Fall supporters stormed through the town. This is because there were reports of a hostile rebellion taking root in the city against The Demon Queen. Thus, when the Royal Family heard of this news, they were requested to deal with the conflict. After a bit of heavy fighting, it seemed that the rebels forces were strong, but not enough to stop the destruction of the city.
Kiriel Asthavon and Azuma were reported to have destroyed the Eastern District, The Queen of The Vicara Nation tended to obliterating the west, Siliva Asthavon and Reigen Akogi were heard to have freed enslaved Asthavon/Shadow Fall members to the south and Mana Asthavon wiped out the Northern District and anything left standing in the city in a massive blob of darkness that reeked of Death Energy.
There are talks of reconstructing the city, but is seems unlikely.
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