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Isoule [Approved 3-3] Empty Isoule [Approved 3-3]

Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:44 pm
» Name: Isoule Sukaibaundo
» Titles: (Does your character have any sort of special title rank, nickname or alias?)
» Age: 19
» Gender: Male
» Affiliation/Rank: rouge

» Appearance Description: (Please Put 1-2 Paragraph's on your character appearance.)
» Appearance Picture: Isoule [Approved 3-3] NeahWalker600399899_zps1088fc09


Isoule [Approved 3-3] Image4320-1

» Personality: Ever since the day his best friend died Isoule personality has undergone a dramatic change. Its like he is fighting to be better mentally. Because of this he is often seen switching between his old goof ball self and a more serious person. Certain qualities of his former self have been completely removed such as his laziness and under achieving attitude. These qualities have been changed into much more serious ones such as a strong since of strong since of reciprocity or an eye for an eye and despises laziness in him and others. He also developed a sort of duel thought process. This is essentially two different thoughts going on at the same time; one pushing for an easy or alternative way of doing thing the other a more linear or straight line way of thinking.
This inner battle can have a positive effect or negative, it can either distract him from his current reality because the thoughts will not compromise or open his mind up to different possibilities. Because of this he is always seeking to balance the two different thoughts to come to one solid one. This can turn him into a serious and compassionate person or a goofy and cynical person, or any other combination of the four. Dispute his ability to do this with his thoughts he normally ends up just playing referee with the too and putting them in their respective corners.

» Likes:
Cheese puff: his favorite snack
Justice: of some sort or another
His Bokutō: Jinsokuna sutoraiki is its name and danger is its game. His is his personal weapon of choice.
Being outside: he hates being cooped up in the house. It’s boring.

» Dislikes: ] Hollo: anything that looks like a hollo, anything that smells like a hollo, hollos in general.
Laziness: reminds him of his old self and his flaws he fights against.
Being board: because it’s boring
Pointless tasks: makes him feel like a lab monkey.


Isoule [Approved 3-3] Image4322-1

» Background: Unremarkable, lazy, wasted talent; words used to describe Isoule Sukaibaundo maybe four years or more ago, but now they wouldn’t land in the same room as him if they were spoken. Being an orphan since before he can remember he has no idea where he comes from nor did he care because he was never alone. His best friend Tyomiki was always there or as long as he could remember, being raise in the same orphanage being adopted by two different set of parents in the same neighborhood at ten. They attend the same school formed groups together even went to the same Kenjutsu and Shorinji Kempo. It’s like they couldn’t escape each other, but that didn’t matter because their friendship was deeper than that; they were brothers through high wind and rain and crazy girls all alike.

At the age of twelve one of their Shorinji Kempo instructors noticed the boys had an aptitude for energy. At that time he began to bring it to their attention and changed their training methods to focus more on honing those skills. Isoule being lazy did as he always did and took the lessons halfheartedly and barely paid it any mind and went through the motions. Why should he focus on this all he wanted was to be able to defend himself from thing that are real like bullies in school or muggers or Tyomiki when he tried to make Isoule try harder in life. This was another useless skill to perpetuate the thought that there are spirits out there who want to eat me, BULL S@*t. In Isoule’s mind it was rumors of a half crazy world spinning off its axes. All he wanted to do was be successful; and that meant decent grades; which he had, a good high school; which he would get into, and a kick in the rear when he needed it; which is what Tyomiki was for. Yet he endured the classes and learned something useless he thought.

On a dark autumn night; maybe a day or two after Tyomiki’s fifteenth birthday, Isoule and Tyomiki where coming back from their Kenjutsu. They traveled through the streets as they always did, Bokutō in hand and as usual Isoule complaining about the pain having to go to Kenjutsu classes until this late at night and Tyomiki was poking fun at his statements. This night like every other for the past two weeks they came to a back ally short cut and like this previous two week it gave Isoule a chill, like a cold rod running down your spine, he wanted to go around it. Tyomiki on the other hand had different plans he began to walk down the alley despite Isoule’s reluctance. He knew his friend would leave him to walk the ally alone, besides he was more spiritually aware and he could see anything clear to the other end. As tyokimi continued down the alley he felt a push, the push of an annoyed friend who was determined not to be here, Isoule’s push. As the two friends wondered down the alley more Isoules feeling got worst and worst until halfway through it stopped, like it was never there. Relieved Isoule relaxed, but the moment he did is the moment his life changed. All of a sudden Isoule was lifted into the air and slammed into a building like he had been thrown. And before he knew it tyomiki had been slammed onto the grown. As he sat there on the ground he saw a black silhouette on top of Tyokimi with its hand through his stomach. It turn twords him and he saw with glowing white eyes cold and piercing, jut black and glowing eyes. The black from the silhouette reached out and grabbed him by his neck then the eyes moved closer to him and let out a screech, following that a sharp pain in his left shoulder like something had taken a bite out of him. As the pain of his shoulder amplified he began to see, a white face… no a mask with teeth, teeth that were in his shoulder crushing his collarbone, trying to kill him. This is the moment that I die he thought to himself as he saw blood gush from his shoulder and out the mouth of the creature with the white mask. Then next thing he remembers is a knife black in color piercing the right eye of the creature. It was Tyokimi knife; the one he had given to him on his birthday that had recently passed, and holding it was Tyokimi. The creature released his grip of Isoule and smacked Tyokimi into the opposite wall, knife still in its eye it took those white teeth from that white mask and bit into Tyokimi’s neck killing him. This moment can’t be real, he thought as he saw his friend go lip in the hands of this monster. Suddenly a flash like lightning came and the monster fell, in its place stood a man in black with a katana in hand as the creature faded to nothing like it never existed. Next to the man stood Tyokimi unscathed, but how; as Isoule examined closely he saw Tyokimi was standing over his own body. As Isoule began to black out he saw the man take the back of his katana and touched the head of Tyokimi and he disappeared, leaving nothing but his mangled body behind and the knife he used to stab the monster.

Three days later he awoke in the hospital know already what had transpired, he had encountered his first hollow and shinigami and it cost his friend his life. From that day forward he devoted himself to becoming stronger so he could kill as many of them as possible. Going back to his old master after he was well enough to train he ask him to teach him so he could sense hunt and kill an hollow he would come in contact with. And with this he began the training become adapt chi so that one day he could make the hollow his victim instead of being victimized by one. This is the day his life changed; this day he became a hunter of hollows and demons.

Isoule [Approved 3-3] Image4360-1

» Natural Attributes:
Advanced swordsmanship: Being that Isoule had been trained in swordsmanship from a very early age he possesses advanced knowledge in most katana based swordsmanship skills and is able to perform advanced moves combat. Also holding a standing knowledge in Agni Purana which is more a agility based form from India.

Hand to hand expert: being that Isoule had been trained in multiple forms of hand-to-hand combat from a very early age he possesses advanced knowledge in most hand-to-hand fighting and is able to perform advanced moves in combat

Strategic thinker: despite Isoule being lazy he has an extraordinary mind for strategic maneuvers; being with friends to get a task done or in battle amidst blades, it only take him a second to form a plan 10 steps ahead of whatever he is doing as long as the foresight is reasonable or he has watched his opponents moves for a reasonable amount of time.

Free thinker: because Isoule was lazy at such an early age he spent most of his time thinking of ways to use his environment to make life easier or avoid work all together. Since he is no longer lazy but still possesses this trait he is able to see and analyze his environment in combat to gain the upper hand being it using something to cause a distraction or using his abilities on something other than what it was intended for. The possibilities are endless.

Energy suppression: through intense training the user is able to reduce his energy to nearly nothing becoming undetectable to most being; the exception being those who’s power far exceeds his or those who have a mastery in sensing themselves. This ability allows him to preform sneak attacks and various other maneuvers related to this ability. The drawback is he is to perform any energy bases attacks or attacks requiring energy
•Acute sensing: only being able to do this during energy suppression sense the flow of energy flowing within the targets body. Being able to see this enable him to predict where attacks are coming from and where they will land. This allows him the chance to dodge counter or stop the attack of opponents his level and a little higher. This does not mean he can dodge an attack that is faster than he is; it is a heads up of at the very least of an attack coming. This power evolves as the character does adding more in-depth details from sensing. This can be used in hand to hand combat or with a weapon of any sort as long as energy in not being used. The exception is that a player tier 2-4 or higher can use this ability while using energy attacks.

Kanzen ni rirīsu shishi (fully released limb): this is a technique in which the user focuses as much energy they can into the limb currently holding the weapon. This causes the limb to go berserk and increase in speed and power on a tremendous scale. The downside is it can exhaust an inexperienced user of the technique quickly because the user must have a large amount of focus to control the limb during this technique or risk destroying something unintended or the users arm itself due to strain. At the lowest tier it can be sustained for 3 seconds one a day at the highest it can for be sustained for 30 min 10 times a day.

Hōrudingushīru (Holding seal): this ability allows the character to place a certain percentage of their energy into a seal as a reserve of energy. This allows them to access more energy at once when activated. This gives the user double the energy and that energy is used to double the general stats for a limited time.
• Stage 4: The seal is released but it is imperfect. The seal extends from his chest in the form of black markings spiral; it covering his entire chest and neck. He is able to double chi for 1 minute after that it has been used up and he is physically exhausted from the strain of the seal. All stats are cut in half
• Stage 3: unachieved
• Stage 2: unachieved
• Stage 1: unachieved

Air affinity: The user has a natural affinity for the element of Air/wind. He is able to manipulate the already existing air on a small scale. All air in small vicinity is able to be manipulated and fused with the user’s energy to create advanced moves (see chi section for move list)

Isoule [Approved 3-3] Image4321-1


» Chi Powers:
Chi pulse: chi energy compressed into the palm of the users hand and released at a distance or up-close and personal to the target. The chi pulses having different aspect according to if more ying or yang is used.
• Yang pulse: chi pulse with more yang then ying; it is used to push opponents rather than strike to damage. This is equally effective up close or at a distance according to how well the user can do the technique
a) De~yueru oshite (Duel pushing hand) a yang push where two hands are used to amplify the push effect.

• Ying push: chi pulse with more ying than yang; it is compressed ying energy that does a small explosion on contact. Used to cause internal damage to the opponent causing bones to brake or organs to become damaged by the chi. This technique is best done up close and personal.
a) Fumō no tamashī no itami (unbearing soul pain): multiple ying pulses in the form of high speed strikes.
Wind-chi infusion: this is a technique that combines chi with the element of wind to amplify its power and brings out its different aspects; Wind and ying, wind and yang, and wind and ying-yang.

1) Seiyō-fū (western wind): or the wind that pushes; is the aspects of yang and wind combined. This technique and all of its derivatives are non-lethal in nature. It is use to offset push contain or push/move the intended target.
(1) Seibu no fūha (western wind wave): the Seiyō-fū is channeled into a horizontal or vertical wave that off-balances or knocks back the intended target with wind.
(2) Seibu-fū no sākuru (western wind circle): the Seiyō-fū is channeled in a circular motion. This causes a 360 degree wind burst that off-balances or knocks back all within range.

2) Fū no oni kegawa no yōna(wind demons furry): or the cutting wind; is the aspect of ying and wind combined. This technique and all it derivatives are lethal in nature. The wind is compressed into a sharp cutting wind that slices like a sharp razor or sword.
(3) Kaze no oni kegawa no yōna iki (wind demons furry breath): the Fū no oni kegawa no yōna is split multiple tiny cutting wind strike that are lunched at the intended target slicing them multiple time.
(4) Kaze no oni kegawa no yōna shitamuki no nagare (wind demons furry downward stream): the Fū no oni kegawa no yōna is concentrated into a single large wave of wind–ying energy that rips its intended target in two.

Yang Surge: Most people on Earth call it this, but a Yin Surge is a powerful blast of white light that is released from your body's life energy. It can take any kind of shape you wish, however, upon hitting something it will not only do large scale damage similar to a Grand Rey Cero, but it can even accelerate energy across a 2000 meter area in order to make some people or objects more vibrant, bright and a general sense of upward energy is felt in the affected area. When this happens, it can increase the users own powers for a period of three post. Not only that, but if a soul is killed by this, the chances of them becoming a hollow are lessened greatly.

Yin Surge: As to be expected, a Yin Surge is the exact opposite of a Yang Surge. When this attack is used a powerful blast of black light that is released from your body's life energy. It too can take the shape of whatever you wish and cause massive damage, but in it's effective area of 2000 meters it can cause a mass silence within the area, deep darkness to be visibility seen and an overall slowed feeling. When this happens, the users abilities will be boosted just like the Yang Surge.

Geppo: Being that there powers somewhat evolve around the Yin and Yang, moon step would be their form of flash step, high speed movement where in the case of tier you will be able to keep up with the Shinigami's flash step. Yuèqiú bù thought does have one thing that is different from the Shinigami's flash step because it makes no noise.

Vindeca "Heal": Using Chi in order to get their bodies to the best shape as possible, using the chi flowing in their own bodies they are able to regenerate faster than the normal human beings this doesn't mean their bodies heal instantly, it's almost like the Shinigami, their bodies can heal faster than normal humans can, this doesn't pertain to any injuries like a cut off limb, they cannot regenerate an arm or a thumb or anything, these are flesh wounds to the body.

Tekkai "Iron Mass": Training themselves as much as possible along with the Chi in their own bodies they have formed an almost 'perfect' body where their muscles are so close together that they have higher endurance then the normal human, also with using this they are able to form Chi on their own skin, this is constantly active, and is a lot like the Arrancar's own Hierro.
» Awakened Appearance: not yet achieved
» Awakened Powers: not yet achieved

[strike]» Fully Awakened Appearance: not yet achieved
» Fully Awakened Powers: not yet achieved

Universal Tools

  • Name: Jinsokuna sutoraiki
  • Type: Bokutō or wooden katana. Used in close quarter combat.
  • Who Can Use It: Isoule Sukaibaundo.
  • Information: Jinsokuna sutoraiki, while held by Isoule, form a field of energy exactly like the type isoule is giving off at the time enabling him to make Jinsokuna sutoraiki as sharp or blunt as necessary. The ability of Jinsokuna sutoraiki to sync itself with Isoule also enables it to act as a chanelll for Isoule’s energy.
  • Notes: This is Isoule’s personal Bokutō he has had since he was 10. Because of his chi abilities since a young age and the amount of time and usage he has gotten from it, it has naturally synced itself to his energies.

  • Name: Shīru no kyū. Aka sphere of seals
  • Type: mulit use but currently just Defensive
  • Who Can Use It: anyone adept enough in chi manipulation to active the seals
  • Information: Shīru no kyū is a sphere just big enough to fit in the palm of your hand. This ball is covered with rune seals that when activated form a barrier ranging from a 90 degrees to 270 degrees surrounded area that protects the user from spiritual and physical attacks that are equal to or less than the amount of chi syphoned into the sphere. The wider the protective field’s degree is the less affective all around.
  • Notes: (Add anything extra info here like who created it)

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction:Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Human Skill Sheet
[list][*]Anima Stone Strength: Beginner
[*]Soul Sorcery: Beginner
[*]Soul Dash: Beginner
[*]Soul Detection: Adept

Chi Skills
  • Geppo: Adept
  • Vindeca: Adept
  • Tekkai: Beginner
  • Yang Surge: Adept


» Roleplay Sample: “what the f@*k was I thinking” Isoule thought to himself as he stood pressed up against the wall peaking around the corner. No more than 100 feet was a hollo; it’s not that he didn’t know it was there he’d been tracking it for an hour. Taking a deep breath he attempted to convince himself that he wasn’t scared, but he was; he was terrified with cold chills all down his spine. He grips Jinsokuna sutoraiki tightly as he steels his nerves. “F@*k It” he whispers to himself as conformation of what he’s about to do. Once more he peeks around the corner; this time he sees a woman walking in front of the hollo like she can’t sense or see him. “F@*k” he says as he moves from his cover simultaneously dropping his energy to the lowest he can get it and calculating the chance he’ll get to the hollow before he get to the woman. “20%. Shit I might have to use one of those techniques.”
Then we’ll loss our element of stealth,” one of his aspects chimed in.
“Fuck that she’s dead if we don’t” the other disagreed
“We’ll have to take it out quick then” the first suggested
“So two doses of speed then” the second confirmed
Shut up,” Isoule finally shouted in his mind. As he moved closer he knew they were right; he wouldn’t be able to reach the hollow before it reached that woman if he didn’t move faster. “F@*k! F@*k! F@*k! I was supposed to be the epidemie of stealth today; I guess I have no choice.” He thought as he settle on he’s next course of action. Without warning his energy climbed to is maximum amount. As the energy released the hollo began to turn in Isoule’s direction; this was his chance. Geppo! In that instant he disappeared from the hollos sight and reappeared no more than 2 feet in front of it; the hollo tried to strike but it was too late. The moment Isoule appeared in front of the beast he had already stored as much chi in his right sword arm; only thing left was to release it. Kanzen ni rirīsu shishi! In that instant Isoule sliced the hollow into 30 different pieces with 30 different slashes. In this is the moment a 17 year old Isoule killed his first hollo.

Last edited by Isouls on Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Living Microwave
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Isoule [Approved 3-3] Empty Re: Isoule [Approved 3-3]

Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:18 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Metal as Fuck
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Isoule [Approved 3-3] Empty Re: Isoule [Approved 3-3]

Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:12 pm
Archiving due to member inactivity. If you want it back, just post here.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Isoule [Approved 3-3] Empty Re: Isoule [Approved 3-3]

Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:17 pm


Alright, upon this members request, I am going to be moving this character back into the Accepted Human section of the site. Hopefully we'll see this guy getting active pretty soon since he has returned to the site. Its always nice to have people come back.

Isoule [Approved 3-3] WVMWLOu
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Isoule [Approved 3-3] Empty Re: Isoule [Approved 3-3]

Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:18 pm

✖| TLC NEEDED! Gao! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

Archive Warning!
Hi hi! I know that you wanted to do a bunch of roleplays! Also there is a cool new event going on right now! <3 It will be a great way to get back into roleplays ^^ Also a new family is nearly completed and they will be hosting a small event if you wanted to get involved with a bunch of different types of roleplayers.
Gao! If you wish to keep it, reply to this within a week!

Isoule [Approved 3-3] Image
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Isoule [Approved 3-3] Empty Re: Isoule [Approved 3-3]

Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:30 am

✖| Kuma Shock! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

Off to Inactive Characters!
Update: Due to recent inactivity, I deem you MIA. This is going to archive.

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