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Iriko Shikokai Empty Iriko Shikokai

Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:29 pm

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu

  • Name Of Character: Iriko Puzyri-Teimei Crow
  • Link To Character Profile: Popped Bubbles
  • Reasons For Upgrading:
    The Pale Rider: First District Demonic Incursion
    What Are You Upgrading:

    Kido to Grandmaster.
    Focus to Grandmaster.
    Weapon Skill to Grandmaster.

    Adding of Shikokai.

    Shikokai - Gaikan no Seiryuu (Form of the North Ice Dragon)

    When he enters this form, Iriko and the dragon Seiryuu's forms meld together, becoming one and the some. His horns become frozen over with ice, as well as his arms and legs gaining patches of ice that end in dragon talons. On his back form a set of wings, large and intimidating on his back. His tails all transform into frozen tails, no longer laying flat behind him but able to move and flow about as if constructed by bits of ice interlinked with one another. In addition, his hair becomes a sapphire blue. On the left side of his fake appear a succession of black markings, evidence of his sorcery, shining dully on his face. His hair recedes back so that both of his eyes can be seen, and his body expands slightly in size, becoming less like a teenager's and more like a man's.

    Form of the Ice Dragon
    So long as he is within his Shikokai, Iriko's well of power is much higher then it has ever been before. Not even his bankai can begin to compete with the power of this form. Just as the rest of his experience shows, the fact that he is an absolute glass cannon is only magnified by the level of this state. This state is so powerful that Iriko has to make a conscious effort that his body does not transform into the form of the Seiryuu in an attempt to properly contain the power level. That is the form meant for this state, but Iriko's unlocking of his Shikokai allows for it to be existing in a smaller, more complete container: Iriko's altered body.

    Speed of the Dragon
    While in this state, Iriko's speed increases exponentially. He is able to leave afterimages of himself behind as he moves ,and he can use Rainbow Manipulation simply to enable movements, using his mind to calculate the exact specifications that allow for the precise movements of his limbs. The speed is enough that traversing the entirety of the Gotei would only take a few moments for him in this state.

    Strength of the Dragon
    While in this state, Iriko does not necessarily become any more strong, physically. However, there is one aspect of strength that is improved. While in this form, Iriko's body gains 'stopping power'. This means that if his fist and another's fist were to collide into one another, for example, then his fist would prevent them from moving forwards with an intense amount of force. While he can't push this force forwards, he can use it in his block. His hand might break, but the fact that he's putting the effort forwards will cause this stopping power to emerge and attempt to prevent the other from advancing.

    Conceptual Power: Elemental Sage
    While he has entered this state, Iriko's mind is able to process things at a level completely unimaginable compared to his other forms. This is due to the fact of the meditation that he has to perform in order to use this form. This acceleration of the mind, the complete clearing of the conscious, allows him to use the entirety of his sorcerer's knowledge to its greatest extent. Within his mind are the elements, and he is able to use and wield these elements into certain attacks which he refers to as Supreme Hadō Absolute magic. This form of Hadō is nothing like the normal ones used by Shinigami, because these Hadō, in addition to being able to combine the various effects of kido and use what is stored within Iriko's mind to create entire new ones, also has the ability of accessing something normal Kido can never hope to reach: Elemental incarnation.

    While most Kido create some form of element that is founded by Reishi, Iriko's Supreme Absolute Hadō do not follow this same principle. These magic do not replace anything, they summon the actual elements into the battle. For example, when he uses something with Ice, it creates an absolutely spectacular amount of sheer cold, being summoned and kept in the form he desires by reishi, but is the element itself which he is wielding as a weapon. Now, due to the terrific power he wields, this allows for absolutely tremendous attacks made out of pure element, the base forms of which he refers to as the Roars. This is due to the fact that he is now melded with a dragon, so the base forms of each of his attacks are referred to as the Roar of the x Dragon.

    Roar of the Ice Dragon: Seiryuu no Houkou
    Spell Title: Supreme Absolute Hadō Zero: Seiryuu no Houkou

    "Beast of Yore,/Hear my Call! /From the Winter's Fiery Breath,/ Hadō Absolute Zero: /Seiryuu no Houkou!"

    This form of the Supreme Absolute Hadō uses a blast of pure and complete frost. This frost freezes everything it comes into contact with, freezing the air, freezing the ground, freezing absolutely anything and everything it comes into contact with, creating a massive amount of ice that expands forwards. The ice is ice at the temperature of Absolute Zero, halting any and all particles with the nature of 'no particles moving' by draining all of the energy in an area with the element of ice. This is the most comfortable of all the roars for Iriko to use, and he can use it without Incantation due to the closeness of its concept to his own form.

    Roar of the Fire Dragon: Karyuu no Houkou
    Spell Title: Supreme Absolute Hadō #100: Karyuu no Houkou

    "Beast of Rage,/Hear my Call! /From the Mountain's Magma Breath,/ Supreme Absolute Hadō #100:/ Karyuu no Houkou!"

    When this spell is triggered, the absolutely incarnation of pure flame is generated. This attack is like a pure energy that is simply molded as flame with the goal of 'speeding particles up'. This is its one and only actual function, but the damage that it can cause is nothing to scoff at. Because of its nature at having the ability to be absolutely gigantic in size, it can level entire city blocks, leaving nothing but molten ash behind. The temperature of this attack is difficult to calculate, as the energy it constantly fluctuating and constantly rising after it has left iriko's mouth, as it uses even the air around it as fuel, creating a vacuum that is difficult for even him to resist as it burns even the reishi in the air as fuel, using every resource, including things such as Nature and Death energy that are within the area to keep burning. This technique is dangerous for the reason that Iriko cannot stop it once it has begun. After Iriko has used this attack, he has no way of stopping it. This means that this attack is used for emergency purposes only, or for when it is absolutely necessary and the terrain around his body can be disregarded, as far as value goes.

    Roar of the Plant Dragon: Moriryu no Houkou
    Spell Title: Supreme Absolute Hadō #1: Moriryu no Houkou

    "Beast of Instinct,/Hear my Call!/From the Forest's Pure Might,/Supreme Absolute Hadō #1: Moriryu no Houkou!"

    This attack forms the pure element of foliage. The resulting attack becomes an absolutely gigantic amount of rapidly expanding tree bark with massive amounts of dense leaves surrounding it, finally with grass growing all over it. This bark is like a massive sphere of pure destruction, expanding rapidly after it leaves Iriko, like a gigantic seed that descends onto the ground, smashing anything under it and assimilating itself in with the land, breaking apart the chains of Reish that Iriko uses to hold it together and proceeding to grow a literal forest on the spot, destroying and re-growing itself with great rapidity, massive amounts of plant life firing off in every direction in order to smash and break anything that it comes into contact with. Whenever it comes into contact with something that will not move for its growth, the entire life force of the attack centers in on that point, bringing in the entire force of the attack to bare for whoever it is that comes into contact with the attack, including Iriko himself, which can make this a difficult attack for even the user to deal with.

    Roar of the Sand Dragon: Sunaryu no Houkou
    Spell Title: Supreme Absolute Hadō #2: Sunaryu no Houkou

    The roar of the Sand Dragon creates a sandstorm from Iriko's mouth. This sandstorm covers over everything that it approaches… and then proceeds to stick to them. From there, it summons the element of Earth, encasing the target in a total shell of raw earth, perfectly packed so tightly that it is as if being encased in diamonds. From there, the sand cuts the opponent in every place that it can as it passes by them, as if thousands of swords pass through the target.

    General Disclaimer
    These are exampls o the kinds of magics that Iriko can crate. As time passes, it is highly likely that he will work out more, probably right on the spot due to the act that the Male is extremely adaptable, not to mention intelligent enough for his method of summoning to work for various elements.

    My World
    From the time he unlocked his Shikokai, Iriko has gained the ability to automatically create offensive kido. While the kido that he is able to crate has an immensely wide range of what purposes it can accomplish, how it can work, and the raw power it possesses, at the same time it has a massive limitation. His kido cannot be used in any way that conceptually depends on binding, healing, restraining, or shielding the user in any way. This means that absolutely no defensive actions can be performed with the kido that Iriko can now create.

    In addition, when he has entered Shikokai, he does not even require the incantation or statement of the spell. He can simply release it from his hands, and in addition each of the spells that he projects leaves a strange golden trail behind it, in addition to being extremely strong due to the fact that he is now in his Shikokai.

    Kami Tonfa
    While in this form, Iriko's Zanpaktou changes into two bar-like tonfas. These tonfa are each roughly three feet in length, each going a bit farther than his elbows when his arms are held out straight. However, these tonfas are extraordinarily special. That's because these tonfa are always radiating a mixture of purple, blue, and a hint of gold. These Tonfa have within them a single piece o the Surpassing Law used by the being known as Khala, which makes them extremely powerful.

    By themselves, the tonfa are the Zanpaktou of Iriko in his Shikokai state. This means that by themselves they are able to shatter most defenses other than the absolute strongest, and even against them relentless assaults can rapidly beat them down if they are not careful. In addition, the tonfa are extraordinarily agile, almost as if they weigh negative numbers. This means that the tonfa actually rapidly accelerate themselves whenever they are given energy, leading to their speeds being high enough to leave flames in its wake. Indeed, the strange aura they give off is due to them trying to rapidly escape Iriko's grip and shedding off microfilaments of his own hands and reishi, causing the aura around them.

    These tonfa have also been influenced by the male's encounter with Khala, the Heart of Devata. They are permanently linked to her conscious, and she is fully aware whenever they have been deployed. After all, they are an extension of Iriko's own arms, and he feels everything through them as if they were a gigantic bundle of nerves. The special trait these tonfa gain from this special relation is a single piece of the Surpassing Law. This means that nothing in nature or logic can stop the Tonfas. Things like gravity manipulation, massive amount of earth, these things are irrelevant to the Tonfas so long as Iriko is wielding them. This means that if an enemy were to summon up miles of rock under Iriko's feet while he has his tonfas on, his body would be able to run straight through the rock as if it didn't exist, before popping out in front of the enemy.

    Alternatively, he could smash the rock, and completely obliterate it through Surpassing Law. This means that everything short of supernatural presence and a human will, both of which are not considered to be natural and predetermined, has no effect on the tonfa. This is why the tonfa cannot pass through innocent human beings, as they have a will. In addition, it also cannot auto-bypass things such as Hierro, even though it might be able to be considered 'natural', because it is only determined by its wielders will. However, towards these kinds of defenses, the unique trait of the Tonfas is also extraordinarily powerful, as it uses everything in its power to make the Tonfa stronger in order to damage those defenses when Iriko wills it.

    There is more to these tonfa than there appears, however.

    Tonfa Extensions
    Iriko's Tonfa also have the ability to detatch the ends of them, causing them to drape downwards, revealing a sharp chain being left behind from the tip back to the rod. These whips are able to be used by Iriko to hit the opponent at speeds similar to how the tonfa by themselves move, and make it so that it is like he is wielding four weapons instead of just two, as he also has near-perfect manipulation of them due to them being like extensions of his own body. In addition, each link of the chains are able to produce bubbles, and indeed are covered in his spiritual soap. This means that Iriko can create a veritable ocean in a moment by spinning the chains around at full speed, as the full speed is… considerable.

    Breaking Apart
    However, just like Iriko, his tonfa have very low durability. If the Tonfa are unable to break through a force that presses against it and the pressing force actually were to deal damage, segments of the tonfa would begin breaking off as if it were a sword. However, this generally does not happen, and the tonfa are nearly as effective blocking tools at close range as they are offensive weapons.

    Resistance to Demons
    Another unique trait that was gained from his conflict, Iriko in his base form has become highly resistant to the influence of Za-Koa based attacks and demon racial abilities. Furthermore, in his Shikokai, these kinds of things do not seem to affect him or his energy as powerfully as they should, showing about a 60% resistance to them. This means that Akuma Kyodo does very little to hinder his attacks, Shadow Movement is generally able to be see just the same as normal attacks to him, he is unaffected by strikes fueled by Za Koa as if they were not, and Demon Magic and curse effects have little effect on him, so long as he is Shikokai. While in his other forms, they are dramatically weakened, working only at about 60% their normal efficiency.

    Total H2O Mastery
    Furthermore, Iriko is unable to be affected by water, ice, or wind based attacks, any of which contain H2O. On the other hand, he has total control over H2O within a 100 mile radius from his body while he is his Shikokai, meaning that if he chose to, he could tear the very water molecules out of the air, though he could not manipulate the O2 that most organisms breathe. Furthermore, he has dominant water control over nearly every other being; to take over control of a water source from him in a direct struggle is nearly impossible, and he is able to produce near-infinite amounts of water, ice, steam, and cold air simply from the air around him and his own body. He is also totally aware of all sources of H2O within that 100 mile radius from his form, and can also freely manipulate any of it at any time he wishes, without any indication of manipulation. In addition, this leads to his unique relationship with the concepts of Ice and Water, which he is able to summon forth at any time, such as he did in his battle against Khala, again within that 100 mile radius.

    Divine Dragons
    Furthermore, there has developed another level of Iriko's Shikokai since the day inw hich it was awakened. Due to his energy being backwashed into himself and then having Khala's own pumped all throughout his Inner World, his Shikokai has gained what might be called a 'second level'. In addition, what makes this level so utterly strong is the fact that it has a nearly bottomless well of raw energy. This form is absolutely high-class, and the fact that Iriko is slowly gaining control of it shows that the length of time for which he can keep it activated is growing. This state is referred to by Iriko as "Divine Dragon", and it truly deserves its name.

    First Dragon: Commander Dragon
    The first power of this ability is that it has a unique property of being summoned. While Iriko can activate it by will, it is also automatically activated whenever Soul Society as a whole is threatened. This means that if a case such as Khala attacking were to occur ever again, or Kin were to invade, or something similar, Iriko's body would automatically enter into Divine Dragons, and his body would automatically and instantaneously in that exact moment move to where the threat was to defend the Soul Society. In addition, the First Dragon gives the unique property that it is impossible for this mode of Iriko's to ever be stolen, and is immensely difficult to disable, given how much power would need to be suppressed in order to stop it. Without even a body to fight, his body will remain as a spirit in this form and continue to fight until his body is reformed. This trait is only able to be activated while he is in Divine Dragons; were he to die outside of it, he would truly die, and when he reforms it is without any amount of power for a month afterwards. Finally, his existence is unable to be nullified or negatively effected by abilities, so long as the Seireitei exists. By existence, this is being referred to attacks which would render his very existence nullified, or for example his Kami Tonfa could not be negated in their existence to weaken him, generally. This does not mean that negative effects have no bearing on his body; but the fact that he exists so long as he is in Divine Dragons it is extraordinarily difficult to nullify his fact of existence in any way. He can still be killed; his body and soul may be destroyed, he can bleed out and die, unable to continue supporting his vital functions to where his heart stops... but in that case, the fact that Iriko died still exists, so while he can be killed, it is just very difficult to directly harm his existence. It is a part of Iriko and the Soul Society to the extent that the two's life force is linked together. So long as the Soul Society exists, so two does this form and even Iriko's life. Without even a body to fight, his body will remain as a spirit in this form and continue to fight until his body is reformed. However, if killed outside of the Soul Society, he will be resurrected in the dimensional area just outside of the Soul Society, still in this form.

    Second Dragon - Bubbles Dragon
    While in this state, Iriko is able to cause bubbles to instantaneously appear within any area that he could see from where he is standing in a 360 degree area. Furthermore, they have all the capabilities of his normal bubbles, meaning they can possess his slime, any kido, forces of pure power, and more. In addition, while in this state, his bubbles are able to be moved at Kido speeds, and can even form into object like shapes and do things like trap an enemy in between themselves or pursue a target. In addition, all of his basic traits and abilities are totally available to him, as well as being intensified to their maximum level.

    Finally, this state allows for him to use a unique technique known as "Reverse Bubaru Field". What this does is create a bubble that forms out from Iriko and rapidly pursues a target, attempting to drag them inside of it. Once inside is when the unique ability begins, as it does not fully trigger until they are inside. Once inside, both Iriko and the person whom he targeted become trapped in the area, and the entire force of Iriko's form goes into maintaining this special field. While in this field, powers are negated from Iriko other than his tonfa, and all of the supernatural powers of the target other than their main weapon are negated. This means that if the target is a swordsman, they will retain everything that allows them to use their blades at their top level, but not kido or something similar. If they are a bare-handed fighter, they would retain their strength and speed with their fists, and so on. Other than these two things, one from Iriko and one from the Target, all other abilities from both are completely negated. In addition, the Reverse Bubaru Field remains up until Iriko or his opponent are rendered unconscious, and is for all practical reasons indestructible due to how much raw energy is keeping it together.

    Third Dragon - Dragon Reaper
    Furthermore, the fact of Shinigami is taken within this form to the absolutely utmost. Iriko's body automatically cleanses any hollow within his area of a 100 mile radius, and if a Vasto Lorde were to stay nearby him, they would be completely dissipated within two posts. Regular hollow are unable to maintain themselves, and Plusses are similar, being automatically Konso'd and sent to the Seireitei. Furthermore, any Shinigami that are anywhere within the radius of Iriko and affiliate themselves as allies of the Seireitei gain a massive amount of increase in their power, making it so that within Shikai states lead to the power of Bankai, and that Bankai are nearly the level of Shikokai simply by being within his presence. Furthermore, Iriko's Zanpaktou becomes automatically reassembling, as well as being able to multiply itself theoretically infinitely. Reishi in the area of his radius also gains the unique property of being disabled of use to anyone who is not at least in some way Shinigami. This means that Quincy cannot manipulate reishi near him, and his radius also completely disallows the summoning of Za Koa to any demon beneath 0 tier so long as it is active. However, it also disallows Holy Energy from the Soul King to Iramasha and Angels below 0 tier as well.

    Finally, while in this form, each of Iriko's Shinigami Racial skills is at least raised at the Master Level, and his Base Skills are all Master other than Durability.

    Fourth Dragon - Dragon Caster
    Furthermore, while in this state, Iriko is able to cast any kido from within the 100 mile radius. This means that his kido can be fired off from any point as if he has just cast it, dozens or even hundreds can be cast at once, and even Bakudo are able to be used, something which is not used by Iriko before this point. This means that he can even cast multiple bakudo on the same target from multiple locations, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of the spell. Furthermore, the kido which Iriko is able to cast gain the ability of 'being unable to be countered'. However, this is merely a fancy way of expressing it. In reality, Iriko is able to automatically reproduce kido in the same state that it was before when it is dispelled, meaning that it is as 'if' it were not countered. This does mean that if someone were to drain the energy of the kido for themselves, they would gain energy from it, but the kido would still appear to be there due to Iriko near instantly recreating it. This means if for example, a source which was about to fire off a kido were hit by some kind of sword that killed its source as a kido, the killing would be in essence denied, and the kido would still fire off as normally planned, as Iriko uses the power in this state to recreate the attack near-instantaneously.

    Fifth Dragon - Tragic Dragon
    The Fifth Dragon is another passive of this state. So long as Iriko is within this state, he is constantly crying golden tears. His entire body feels like it's shooting itself, meaning that his brain is constantly registering pain like being shot like with a shotgun every second this form is initiated. Furthermore, because this form will always be used for the defense of something else, this means that he is taking damage for something he does not deserve. The benefit of this is that damage does not affect him in any way; even attacks that would harm something such as the soul are unable to be felt by his body, meaning that his pain tolerance is essentially perfect, as he is feeling it but it is unable to register the eternal pain that he is going through at all times. In addition, he loses his ability to speak, his words instead being projected into the minds of every person within his 100 miles radius in the form of writing. This Dragon is one of the primary reasons he does not enter this form much, and is one of the primary counterbalances to the power he wields… as it is the pain he would have gone through had he been hit with the full force of the backwash of his energy into his Inner World.

    The pain he feels is similar to that of having a kidney stone, a heart attack, every limb on his body ripped off, getting hit by a shotgun blast on every side of his body, his entire body being aflame and a stroke all happening simultaneously. Take that pain and multiply it by ten, and then add on the fact that it never stops happening while he is in this form. That begins to scratch the surface of the amount of constant pain and strain Iriko's body is in.

    Sixth Dragon - Poet Dragon
    The final fact of this form is that so longa s it is within effect, every pure Shinigami, including those within organizations such as K-World, receive everything that Iriko is experiencing as a constant transmission into their souls through their zanpaktou. This means that Iriko's Sixth Dragon feasibly connects him to every single one of the people who would care about it being used, and shows them exactly what it is that Iriko is doing at any given time. Furthermore, this Dragon prevents any Shinigami that is associated to Seireitei and loyal to Soul Society, truly loyal in their soul, to be unable to be damaged by any attack that is made while Iriko is in this form. Indeed, his body takes all the damage any of those Shinigami would receive in the area for them, transferring the damage onto his own body and soul. However, this effect will only apply to beings within the same thread.

    Finally, this form has the unique ability to "Borrow" other Shinigami's zanpaktou. Any Shinigami in the same thread can give Iriko permission to copy their main weapon, allowing for him to create a duplicate of their zanpaktou in the same thread, and with that copy he can perform any actions the original owner could perform, including a Shikokai. He does not gain any outside power from this, instead using his own to wield the Zanpaktou, perhaps due to the fact that he cannot talk to his own. Interestingly, he can even speak directly with the Zanpaktou spirit, as the spirit is not copied, only the actual weapon that is connected to them.

    For practical purposes, Poet Dragon allows for Iriko to borrow up to two other Zanpaktou, and in a single thread provide his protection to two other Shinigami, making those two very durable and harder to damage than before as a result.

  • Any Extra Notes: I'm hoping the level of power he's emitting in Divine Dragons is closer to that of an 0-1-, as 0-1 is still a place I'd like for him to grow to and I believe should be stronger than what I've presented.

Core Elements Devised by Aivee

Last edited by JJ on Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:16 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Iriko Shikokai Empty Re: Iriko Shikokai

Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:08 am


Alright, let me start going over some of the things that I feel should be addressed or fixed. I'll start with this quote right here: " In addition, the First Dragon gives the unique property that it is impossible for this mode of Iriko's to ever be stolen or disabled. Without even a body to fight, his body will remain as a spirit in this form and continue to fight until his body is reformed. Finally, his existence is unable to be nullified or negatively effected by abilities, so long as the Seireitei exists."

Does that make him immortal more or less? Or does this just apply to the form he is in? Secondly, I wouldn't say it is outright impossible for it to be disabled. Stolen is one thing, but for the sake of no absolutes, I'd have to ask you to re-do that. You'll also probably have to elaborate a bit on the negative abilities thing; as anything that goes against him could be considered that. So I'd just say it is difficult to make his existence nullified, but not unable. Even Deveta is capable of being put out of existence; as should most characters on the site.

" Furthermore, the kido which Iriko is able to cast gain the ability of 'being unable to be countered'. This means if for example, a source which was about to fire off a kido were hit by some kind of sword that killed its source as a kido, the killing would be denied, and the kido would still fire off as normally planned."

Is that just a saying, or is it just highly durable? Even Zin's GM Kido can be countered or destroyed; it just takes a lot of effort because the spells he compromises are highly potent thanks to his mastery, control and power. So I'd probably either remove that, or just make it difficult to really dispel.

With the whole immunity to demon's thing? I'd say that is a touch and go thing. The reason for that is because it just seems iffy to me to have an entire racial power outright blocked. So I'd say he is 40% resistant to it in most forms, and 60% in Shio because that just didn't sit right with me.

"Finally, while in this form, each of Iriko's Shinigami Racial skills is wielded at the Grandmaster Level, and his Base Skills are all Grandmaster other than Durability."

Eh, I don't agree with this unless you are the creator of the race. Something like the Soul King, Truth (Angel Skill Sheet), Deveta/Khala and potentially even Nozomi with the Quincy. So I'll make a compromise here and say that they are just wielded all at Master for this short duration of time or one or two post.

And with the whole borrowing Zan thing? I'd probably limit that to two Zan's. This also extents to the whole Shinigami not being able to be become damaged. I'd say they are highly resistant to damage with Iriko's influence, but there should still be a chance for someone to strike.

I also do not mind if he uses that small portion of Surpassing Law for those things as long as Khala is aware of it and have the potential to use if push comes to shove. Since it is kind of her power.

Iriko Shikokai WVMWLOu
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Iriko Shikokai Empty Re: Iriko Shikokai

Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:59 pm
In addition, the First Dragon gives the unique property that it is impossible for this mode of Iriko's to ever be stolen or disabled. Without even a body to fight, his body will remain as a spirit in this form and continue to fight until his body is reformed. Finally, his existence is unable to be nullified or negatively effected by abilities, so long as the Seireitei exists.

Changing it to:

In addition, the First Dragon gives the unique property that it is impossible for this mode of Iriko's to ever be stolen, and is immensely difficult to disable, given how much power would need to be suppressed in order to stop it. Without even a body to fight, his body will remain as a spirit in this form and continue to fight until his body is reformed. This trait is only able to be activated while he is in Divine Dragons; were he to die outside of it, he would truly die, and when he reforms it is without any amount of power for a month afterwards. Finally, his existence is unable to be nullified or negatively effected by abilities, so long as the Seireitei exists. By existence, this is being referred to attacks which would render his very existence nullified, or for example his Kami Tonfa could not be negated in their existence to weaken him, generally. This does not mean that negative effects have no bearing on his body; but the fact that he exists so long as he is in Divine Dragons it is extraordinarily difficult to nullify his fact of existence in any way.

Furthermore, the kido which Iriko is able to cast gain the ability of 'being unable to be countered'. This means if for example, a source which was about to fire off a kido were hit by some kind of sword that killed its source as a kido, the killing would be denied, and the kido would still fire off as normally planned.

Changed to:

Furthermore, the kido which Iriko is able to cast gain the ability of 'being unable to be countered'. However, this is merely a fancy way of expressing it. In reality, Iriko is able to automatically reproduce kido in the same state that it was before when it is dispelled, meaning that it is as 'if' it were not countered. This does mean that if someone were to drain the energy of the kido for themselves, they would gain energy from it, but the kido would still appear to be there due to Iriko near instantly recreating it. This means if for example, a source which was about to fire off a kido were hit by some kind of sword that killed its source as a kido, the killing would be denied, and the kido would still fire off as normally planned.

Changing the demon immunity to 40% in base and 60% in Shikokai as requested.

Will change the upgrade level to Master then.

Adding note to the end of Poet Dragon:

For practical purposes, Poet Dragon allows for Iriko to borrow up to two other Zanpaktou, and in a single thread provide his protection to two other Shinigami, making those two very durable and harder to damage than before as a result.

And that should be everything.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Iriko Shikokai Empty Re: Iriko Shikokai

Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:41 am


". Finally, his existence is unable to be nullified or negatively effected by abilities, so long as the Seireitei exists. By existence, this is being referred to attacks which would render his very existence nullified, or for example his Kami Tonfa could not be negated in their existence to weaken him, generally. This does not mean that negative effects have no bearing on his body; but the fact that he exists so long as he is in Divine Dragons it is extraordinarily difficult to nullify his fact of existence in any way."

So just to clarify: he can still be killed, but his existence cannot be easily erased? Is that the jist of what I am getting from this? If so, make that more clear in your writing.

"This means if for example, a source which was about to fire off a kido were hit by some kind of sword that killed its source as a kido, the killing would be denied, and the kido would still fire off as normally planned."

So you are saying that if a kido was destroyed by an attack that it would be recreated almost instantly by Iriko with the energy he has in this state?

Make those two things more obvious and I'll go ahead and approve it.

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Iriko Shikokai Empty Re: Iriko Shikokai

Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:17 pm
He can still be killed; his body and soul may be destroyed, he can bleed out and die, unable to continue supporting his vital functions to where his heart stops... but in that case, the fact that Iriko died still exists, so while he can be killed, it is just very difficult to directly harm his existence.

Edited that in.

This means if for example, a source which was about to fire off a kido were hit by some kind of sword that killed its source as a kido, the killing would be in essence denied, and the kido would still fire off as normally planned, as Iriko uses the power in this state to recreate the attack near-instantaneously.

Edited and added onto.

Should all be good now.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Iriko Shikokai Empty Re: Iriko Shikokai

Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:37 pm
'kk, I'm going to go ahead and give this my approval.
Go nuts kid.

Iriko Shikokai WVMWLOu
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