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Sat Nov 27, 2010 4:29 pm

Rust grimaced. That was more energy than he had expelled in his lifetime. Ever. Supporting himself with a shaking arm on a wooden table, he smiled. ”Yes. I’m very sure I need some training.” He said, his white gloves staining from the soil on the table. A sneer touched his lips. Now he would need new gloves. Fixing his jacket coat, he straightened himself back up. Sweat poured from his forehead, dripping from the cross-like stigma in his forehead and down his brown skin. Staring at Hoshi with his yellow eyes, he smiled graciously. ”What kind of spells would you like to try?” He asked, readying himself. 20 butterflies behind him flew forth and positioned themselves in front of him in the shape of a broad skull once more.

”Whatever you have I’m more than sure I can handle it.” He said with a touch of cockyness. ”So please, try your best. I wish to see what you are capable of, even though I know 75% of it.” He laughed, his sharp teeth revealed easily thanks to his mouth being wide open in maniac laughter. The shadows cast down on him, hiding his figure slightly. Rust was the Butterfly King. Rust could only be bribed so many times. Rust was merciless. Rust was a killer.

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Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:46 pm
After that display of manaical laughter Hoshi felt extremely concerned about his own safety. "Lets go to my special training room. There we can train without destroying anything" Hoshi stood on a circle that was in a cricle of blue roses. He closed his eyes ans the circle under him glowed and the ground started shaking as the area around the roses started going down forming a spiral stair-case that went down into the ground. The circle stopped glowing as the stair-case stopped going down with a loud thud. Hoshi started going down the stairs as he said "Once we get down there we can choose what kind of terrain we will train in." Hoshi kept walking down the white stairs as he got into a completely empty huge pure white room.

Last edited by Viz on Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:05 pm

”I don’t think so.” Rust murmured as soon as the gateway was formed and the basement was revealed. ”I have no intention of lowering myself into such a room, especially not with one I do not trust.” He explained suavely, though to no one but himself. Hoshi had already disappeared down the staircase, leaving Rust alone at the top of his shop. Sighing, he knew he would have to descend in order to train with Hoshi. Just in case, he made sure his extra butterflies were positioned perfectly to destroy the greenhouse entirely if things went wrong for him. Rust always liked to spite one whom wronged him, even if it was an ‘accidental’ death. The 20 butterflies that had roamed in front of him to form the skull fluttered behind him casually, before converging into one massive butterfly. His reiatsu and reishi had converged together with the 20 butterflies to mix them together in a rippling motion, similar to a large ball.

It was after the rippling ceased did a large chrysalis reveal itself, the intense glowing of his reiatsu stopping. This was certainly draining, though fairly lessened thanks to the main butterflies already being formed. With a splintering crack, the chrysalis broke open and a rather large butterfly broke free. With a toss of his head, the massive insectoid crawled over to him, climbed up his back, and grappled onto him. Snapping his fingers, the beast flapped it’s wings and lifted him into the air. Yes, this was how he would make his appearance. The body of the purple butterfly was quite thin, and the way it was latched made Rust appear as if he simply grew large butterfly wings. As an afterthought, he filed away the thought to simply create butterfly wings on his back in the near future. Many would think that using Butterflies as a weapon was a homosexual thing to do, and underestimated him. They died.

Lowering into the stairwell, he descended into the darkness of the basement. ”Alright Hoshi. What do you have for me?” He called, his yellow eyes peering towards Hoshi from above.

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Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:45 pm
Hoshi's eyes widened as he saw the giant butterfly that was strapped to Rust's back. Hoshi thought Oh god im totally screwed now. The room lit up and it was now a desert with lots of tall white pillars and a pure white sand. "Well this is new. I didnt know this room could change its appearence like that." Hoshi said honestly looking at Rusts eyes. "Quick question. What is your name sir?" he said stepping back a bit in case the man decided to explode himself and take Hoshi with him. He didnt know what this guy was capable of or if he was just someone sent there to destroy Hoshi.
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Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:47 pm

This idiot didn’t even know what his own room was capable of? Rust was sorely disappointed. Sneering downwards, he slowly descended from the sky. Touching the white sand softly, he slowly began to let the wings on his back desegregate. Slowly, the pod attached to him was disappearing. It was then he realized how truly drained he actually was. Stopping the disintegration, he needed to recycle. Focusing the reishi that was disappearing, he melded it onto his left hand. Remembering what it felt like to craft a butterfly, he harnessed that ability and allowed the reiatsu to swirl over and down his arm, before eventually converging into a long and large blade. It was intricately designed, with many sharp points and edges. Oddly enough, only the body of the butterfly was recycled into the blade. The wings had remained, hovering near his back. With a blink, the large, glowing appendages snapped onto his back. Flapping them, the full realization hit. He could create wings on his back, and a blade on his arm.

Looking at the massive, lightweight blade on his arm, he needed a name for it. Chrysalis Blade. He would call it the Chrysalis Blade. ”The name I hold is Rust. Merely address me as Rust.” He told Hoshi, before raising his arm up. ”Alright. Let’s see what you got.” Bursting forward, he kicked off the sand and shot forward towards Hoshi. A large plume of white dust shot behind him as his wings flapped quite rapidly, increasing his speed. Approaching Hoshi at high speeds, he swung his blade a few times rapidly at his sparring foe, inwardly promising not to kill him. He had helped him achieve these new abilities by focusing his own inner resolve and anger. He would live. Sadistically, he figured he just wouldn’t tell Hoshi that. Swinging his blade quickly and efficiently, the fluttering of his wings increased, and he wondered if he would be able to create a technique similar to the undead’s Hoho techniques. He’d try it in a few minutes. First he had to see if Hoshi had survived.

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Chrysalis Blade
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Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:45 pm
Hoshi smiled at the man as he saw his powers develop infront of his eyes. Hoshi saw the blade that formed on the mans arm and was happy to now know the mans name. Hoshi formed his small fan in his hand as the man spoke and it glowed blue. He stpeed back a bit and used the fan to block Rust's first hit and in doing so he created a spiral shaped wall of ice between the 2 of them blocking the hits. Hoshi jumped and pushed himself off of the wall of ice and "flew" through the sky as he felt the great sensation of what moving through the air was. Even for just a little bit he felt free from all around him. A green glyph, bigger than Hoshi, formed behind his back as he landed on one of the pillars. He felt like he could control wind magic easier and possibly make new magic by mixing spells together. A medium sized black glyph appeared under Hoshi as he though of a first blend as he then said "Night Wind!" This was a mix of Hoshi's Darkra a beam of pure darkness and Aeroga. Dark lines formed around Hoshi as then they quickly flew toward the ground following the pillar and as they traveled along the sand they made tunnels of cristalized sand. Their taget Rust.
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New Found Powers - Page 2 Empty Re: New Found Powers

Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:51 pm

The ice was a general surprise. Rust had not been expecting that. Genuinely, he felt fear.. for a brief moment. Forcing reish into his feet, there was a sudden noise, similar to the sound of butterflies flapping their wings (only on a grander scale) and suddenly, Rust was gone. In his place was a small collection of butterflies. Upon impact with the dark lines of energy, the butterflies exploded (actually exploding from a command from Rust, but appearing as the former), causing a large collection of dust and smoke to fill the air. Above, Rust was floating gently on his wings, silent and hidden from view thanks to the veil of sand that was currently in the air. Folding his wings tightly to his body, he dropped like a rocket towards Hoshi, incredibly fast.

Holding out his blade, he lined the edge of it with small butterflies, and began slashing towards Hoshi moments before he reached him. Although he was low on energy, he was smart. He had finally conquered the first pivotal step to becoming stronger, now he just had to hold on. Gritting his teeth, his eyes narrowed on Hoshi. He was the obstacle. He had to be removed from his path before he could progress even further. Focusing, his inner resolve hardened into an adamant resolution. Snapping his wings out behind him, he stayed in the air, never quite touching the ground, but always in full control. The moment he reached up to block the attack, there was a little surprise waiting for him.

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Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:32 pm
Hoshi watches as the beams hit what he thought was Rust. The beams created a large explosion and heated up the sand creating a giant spire of cristalized sand. but it didnt seem right. If it had hit a person it would have left a gap in the crystal this could only mean one thing. How could he have escaped he though as the blast of wind from the explosion reached him and sand got in his eyes. This made Hoshi scream and cover his eyes. "My eyes, my beautiful eyes!!" Hoshi screamed as he fell down of the pillar towards the sand. Thanks to this he avoided Rust's slashes but he was falling fast to the ground to some smaller pillars. Hoshi hit one of the pillars bellow with a loud thud and landed on his right arm, his arm made a loud crack as his ulna broke. Hoshi let out a loud scream of searing pain as he cast water on his eyes with his left arm to clean them from the sand and he looked at his broken arm. "Well i guess this training session just got a little more interesting. I cant cast magic very well with my left arm so who knows what will happen when i try to cast complex magic with it, but i guess ill have to fix my arm after this battle." Hoshi let his right arm go limp ans extended his left arm out as the green glyph behind him glowed and he yelled out "Tepmpest!" but instead of casting Tempest a giant sword of fire went flying towards Rust.
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Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:47 pm
thread Archived as its not bee posted in for a good while now
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