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Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:47 pm

A young man was hastily putting up fliers all over town that read "Training Wanted Please come over to The Greenhouse Cafe near the park for more information". This man was Hoshi he was desperately trying to find someone to train with so he could stop his greenhouse from being destroyed so often. "Today is going to be a good day" Hoshi said as he walked around the park looking at all the flowers he had grown and seeing all the people in park enjoying them as much as he did. The sun was brightly shining and Hoshi was wearing his usual shirt that shows off his small abs and he had his tight black jeans on. He was barefoot because he knew he was not going very far today and he liked feeling connected to nature. He had his hair down the long silver strands glistening in the sunshine. His hair was the envy of those that shopped in his cafe and in his greenhouse and he loved his hair so much it was one of his prized posetions. Hoshi started to think about the fliers that he had put up today. "Nee~ I hope that someone comes over soon im getting bored" He said whining ans he sat down in the bench infront of his greenhouse and waited.
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Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:02 pm

This was positively the most amount of butterflies he had ever created. There were nearly forty of the creatures fluttering around him. Time to test his theory. If he was able to manipulate his reishi into butterflies, perhaps that was merely the beginning. Calling one of the creatures into his outstretched hand, he was interrupted by a scuffle from behind him. Turning, he stared out of the mouth of the dark alleyway, his butterflies oddly still, floating beside him without deviating from their positions even a fraction of a space. It was quite odd. Focusing, he saw a young man putting fliers up around. Deciding his training could wait briefly, he waited for the man to leave before he sent a butterfly scout towards the flier. Readjusting his jacket, the suit’s coat was rehung on his broad shoulders snugly.

The black insect returned shortly with the torn flier in it’s legs. Snatching it from the creature with gloved hands, he nodded to the butterfly, whom flew up to join the ranks of the others. ”Training, eh?” He mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Deciding he would join, he immediately set off down the alley. Entering the busy street, he spotted the kid and followed him, before referencing the alleyway again. Deciding to just head to the greenhouse, he set off.

Taking him only 10 minutes to walk, he whistled a jaunty tune while walking with a serene smile gracing his lips. If one was to see him without knowing him, they would assume he was simply a kind man (or drug addict). If one actually knew him, they’d be hiding their wallets and other valuables.

Approaching the greenhouse door, he knocked slowly on the door, adjusting his glove beforehand. Behind him, the swarm of butterflies flew in a funny pattern, appearing to be a skull image. This was actually completely by accident, and was simply because Rust was thinking about maybe a battle or something of the sort. Waiting for the door to be answered, he called a butterfly to his hand, where he stroked it’s body between it’s wings.

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Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:14 pm
Hoshi saw the man as he sat next to the door and said "Are you here for the training Sir?" As he got up and his eyes glowed pink as he looked at the mans heart and saw a boquet of hydrangea flowers and Tiger Lilies. "I see your heart is full of pride and wanting wealth, i guess that makes you a selfish man doesn't it" he said as he extended his hand to the stranger. "My name is Hoshi this is my greenhouse and the cafe across the street is also mine. im afraid you wont steal any cash from me cuz its all in the bank cuz im rich, please dont destroy them i have had to rebuild them so much im tired of it and that is why i want training. If i see your a good fighter you can work for me if you want" he said smileing.
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Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:28 pm

There was a small twitch of Rust’s right eyelid, and a brief break in his smile, before he returned to be the suave, sophisticated man he pretended to be, and in many ways was. ”Selfish? Whatever are you talking about dear boy?” Rust asked, before a single butterfly behind him floated forward into the greenhouse a few meters. Pointing at it with his fingers in a pistol position, he shot his thumb down, pantomiming firing a gun. Instantly, the butterfly exploded, black/purple reiatsu rippling from the blast point. Three plants and a table were destroyed, ash remaining in his wake. Holding up the palm he ‘shot’ with, another butterfly emerged to take it’s fallen comrade’s place.

”Don’t be so quick to make judgement calls. I was merely replying to your flier, but I can see now it was a waste of my time. So tell me right now why I shouldn’t hold your life hostage for everything you own?” He asked with a rather violent grin, his yellow eyes flashing brightly. Immediately, all 40 butterflies moved to surround Hoshi. ”With a thought, I could leave you as a pile of dust and charred bones. Why shouldn’t I?” He asked, looking around the greenhouse briefly before his eyes returned to Hoshi's own eyes.

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New Found Powers Empty Re: New Found Powers

Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:49 pm
Hoshi was surprised at what the butterflies could do and he saw he was in quite a pickle. "Oh please excuse me for judging you so quickly its part of the services i give here and its quite a habit for making flower arrangements." Hoshi touched his pant pocket activating 5 of his cards. He flickered away and was standing outside the cafe and sat on a bench over there. "Please excuse my intusion into your heart and why dont we talk about how this training will go down. Im not into the beating each others brains out to get stronger, so why dont we do this a different way" he said as he put up a barrier around himself because he was afraid that this man would try to blow him up and that wouldnt make a very good training day.
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Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:01 pm

Although it was quite lucky that he had a high-speed movement, it was lucky Rust had made so many butterflies. Although he moved at tenacious speeds, he was previously surrounded by his butterflies. When he used his high-speed technique, he struck a few, which had latched onto his clothing. Laughing as he realized that some of his butterfly were missing, he turned to look at Hoshi. They were still attached to him, roughly 6 around his body in various locations. ”Uh..Hoshi… That barrier won’t help much. In fact, it may make the damage even worse for you.” He smirked at the man, before walking over to the doorway. Making sure half the butterflies followed, the other half went inside the greenhouse, positioning themselves for future use and also gaining information that would be pertinent to Rust later on.

”But.. I won’t kill you. Let us simply go talk.” He said, before disappearing into the greenhouse. The remaining butterfly around him followed like ghosts. The other six remained on Hoshi.

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New Found Powers Empty Re: New Found Powers

Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:14 pm
Hoshi took the barrier down noting the butterflies stuck to him. he walked carefully to the bench outside the greenhouse and sat there. "Some cool power you got there. My can come close to the things these butterflies can do. Sure i have powers far and wide that can do many things but when it comes to situations like this you can see im pretty useless. So what made you come to find me for training?" He said trying not to move much seeing that those butterflies could explode at any moment. "My plants only hurt hollows of high levels. We are safe from them as long as a giant hollow doesnt attack the greenhouse but feel free to take some they can be very usefull should you ever run into hollows"
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New Found Powers Empty Re: New Found Powers

Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:39 pm

Unsurprisingly for one whom know Rust well, that actually worked. ”I can have some, eh? Hmm…” Pondering this, Rust nodded. The six butterflies attached to Hoshi disappeared into the wind, though the remaining ones around him and in the greenhouse continued to exist. ”Congratulations. You live.” He said, making note of which plants he wanted later. ”So, I found out about the training from a flyer. How would you like to go about it?” His voice was once again soft and pleasant, and the only indication he was previously about to kill the man were the many butterfly floating around him. Now, however, they had changed attitude, and were actually moving like regular butterfly. Some had even begun pollinating close-by plants.
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New Found Powers Empty Re: New Found Powers

Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:23 pm
Hoshi let a big sigh of relief as he relaxed on the bench. "Thank goodness i thought i was totally done for. You are really good. you sure you need training?" He said and went inside the greenhouse feeling a little more comfortable though the thought of being blown up into a million pieces still lingered in his mind. "Well i though we could discuss what are problems in fighting are and we could make situations and try to work ourselves out of them. The other person giving pointers on how to get out of them. As you can see I am no good when i am surrounded by exploding butterflies, or any tight situations. I also want to make some new magic and i want to try them out."
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New Found Powers Empty Re: New Found Powers

Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:52 pm
(Attention, I have moved some of Jon and Viz's post's to the archives due to them breaking the posting order. Jon can rejoin the thread once Urufu makes his post. If you want to debate this, take it up with me in PM on the site or PC in the xat. DO NOT BREAK THIS RULE AGAIN!)

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