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Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:03 pm
Mission Specs:

Styn stepped out of a hole in the air and shivered. The dry desert air of Hueco Mundo could be considered cold for sure, but it wasn't a physical sensation that caused his reaction. He had been sent on what he hoped wasn't going to end up a suicide mission, to try and recruit a powerful ally into the ranks of Shadow Fall. It was probably true that he wasn't fit for the mission. Unfortunately, many of the higher ranking members were busy with other missions, and he might be on his own for this one.

The demon took a moment to just process his surroundings. He stood on the cylindrical top of a bone white structure. For hundreds of feet in all directions were the shifting sands of Hueco Mundo. Closer, was a sprawling structure, a veritable fortress. Only specific Shadow Fall clearance had allowed him to bypass the defenses of Las Noches. Styn had no doubt that his entrance was being monitored by the hollows and Arrancar on duty. In the same way that they had noticed and reported the presence of an individual who had been absent from the multiverse for some time.

There on the other side of the pillar was a figure standing, back facing Styn, staring out over the sands. Reports stated that he had come to this exact same spot several times in the last few weeks. The white clad, short Arrancar, was none other then Ulquiorra. Supposedly he had been an Espada more then four hundred years ago. What he was doing alive and well, was something that Styn wasn't privy to. No, the only thing he really knew was that Shadow Fall was interested in the man, and his job was to offer a position in the Shadow Espada to him.

Another thing Styn had no doubt of was his expendability. He wasn't sure if this mission was an attempt to get rid of a troublesome newcomer who didn't conform to the demon norm, or if Hobgoblin was pulling the strings behind the scenes in an attempt to help his young protege. Either way it was a dangerous mission for a young demon. He couldn't understand why they hadn't used a hollow or Arrancar in the first place. Still if something had to be done, best to do it quickly, even if that something was marching to his death. It wasn't that he was fearless, he just didn't take so much joy in life that he held it in any great value.

His true fear was pain, that meddlesome, bothersome sensation, that often accompanied death. He hoped that Ulquiorra wasn't the sort of person who toyed with his prey. With a deep breath to steady his nerves he made his way across the pillar. His step was slow, weighted down with dread. Even from this distance, with the Arrancar doing absolutely nothing, Uliquiorra's spiritual pressure was enough to make him break out in a cold sweat. The air itself seemed to embrace the area around the man making each forward motion a battle.

Styn felt no such welcome, in fact every step seemed to push down on him just a bit more. It wouldn't have surprised him if the roof on the building were to open up and swallow him whole. There was that much of a feeling of unwelcome. The walk was long, the space on the pillar was as large as a football field. If he managed to make his way all the way to the Arrancar he would offer a polite bow and a greeting. "My name is Styn, I've been sent from Shadow Fall to greet you and see to whatever needs you might have during your visit."

Last edited by Styn on Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:03 am; edited 2 times in total
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Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:56 am

Artist: Black Lab - This NIght - Word Count: 1,109
Hueco Mundo, a place of filth and rot. As far as the eye could see it was desert. No hope to speak of, no fabled oasis, no time for such petty things as hopes and dreams. If there was such a thing as hell, Hueco Mundo exstited on a plain below it, no life thrived among its endless sands. There was only carnage, only death. The very laws of nature twisted, contorted into an obscene mockery of what should be. For here in the land of hollows…it's eat, or be eaten.

He stood atop a grand statue made of the same material that covered one half of his own face. It was a simple structure though massive in size, it lacked any sort of real complexity. Why it had appeared, when or how? It was anyone's guess for as much as he knew it just simply had been. These grand white structures seemed to appear in one form or another across the land. But why? It was as if someone had placed them there purposely, but that was not possible. Because in Hueco Mundo, to take the time to dream such art meant death. Turn your back for even a second, and God knows what would swallow you whole. So then what were they? Some sort of life form perhaps? To Ulquiorra, it was as if the land itself was saying something. A song, an elegy, spoken as these large white pillars. Notes that when pieced together would perhaps form a message of some kind. The notion was immediately cast aside. It made no sense. Hueco Mundo was anything but alive. These monuments, whatever they might mean, did however remind him of days long gone. When he too was unique, and different. As he pondered a life gone he watched a battle, between two hollow putting their lives on the line. They tumbled, and scratched and snapped at one another before crashing into one of the giant pillars. Cracks appeared, tracing pathways along its surface, digging deep, scarring the pillar. A wound that would never heal. Soon, it would fall, like everything else in this land.

It wasn't fear, nor anger or sadness that over took him. But a desire deep down to know these things. He knew, that for whatever reason he should relate himself to such constructs. To feel some connection with the warring hollow that dotted the land. And of course with the ivory structures, as he too could still recall being so out of place in a world of ebony. But as he reached for the emotion, that which gave the humans what they call life. It escaped him, just beyond his reach. Such was his fate, as he'd come to know it. The ceaseless struggle to fill the void. A dream, perhaps some might call it. Doomed to never come true.

His train of thought was suddenly interrupted, though looking at him you'd never know it. He stood statuesque, not turning his gaze from the cracks he'd watched form earlier. Whatever it was that approached him now was little more than a blip on the radar. Noted, but of no concern. The pit pat of feet came inching towards him. Step, by slow gradual step. It was surprising and did show whatever the creature was it had enough guts and power to at least approach him, though should it pose a threat he would simply discard it's severed head to the hungry beast below. So he turned, facing the creature. Hands in his pockets and over all relaxed as his emerald gaze fell upon a creature the likes of which he'd never seen in Hueco Mundo.

It was human but at the same time not. Before him stood some forgotten bum who finally begged his way out of the slums, and into hell itself. It wasn't that he lacked the ability to look presentable, moreover, the will. Like he hadn't even attempted to wash his clothes in the last year. It reminded Ulquiorra of the human teenagers, walking around their homes lazily. Lazy, that was the word. With the man's scuffed shoes, and sloppy fashion sense and tired eyes, he looked lazy.

There was a pause, as the creature looked like it might not know exactly what to do, or what brought it here but finally it spoke. He bowed low, polite, formel and then made some request, and Ulquiorra's eyes widened.

There would be a sudden release of spiritual pressure, far more than enough to freeze the creature in its tracks, distorting his view of the world. One moment the Espada was standing harmlessly with his hands in his pockets and in the next, his right hand was raised with a finger outstretched. This was the end for the creature. The disgusting vermin who'd approached what amounted to a God in this realm. Because there was no pity in Hueco Mundo. It was eat, or be eaten.

''Cero.'' Came words like an icy mist from his lips.

An orb of energy formed instantly at his finger tip, and then shot forth just as quickly. There was no hope for escape, for repentance, or for survival. The blast had far more than enough power to obliterate any creature below Vasto Lorde class in an instant, and would even leave a section of the pillar on which they stood carved out. Styn had surely thanked whatever supreme being he worshiped for this chance at life, and said his last farewell to life.

But the Cero shot past him, the force of the blast and the roar of its might ringing in his ear. Ulquiorra had shot not at the Demon kid, but at a hollow that was planning to seize the day, and attack the intruder. Why he'd chosen to save the unknown boy? Call it inquiry, or a whim. But in reality he was simply disgusted such a peaty creature had been brave enough to join him atop this pillar. You don't fuck with an Arrancar in Hueco Mundo.

''Needs?'' He asked in a mocking tone. ''Do you mean to say I cannot fend for myself, here, in my own land?''

Another green orb of energy formed at his finger tip, now pointed directly at Styn. ''Just who are you, boy, and what is this Shadow Fall?''

The boy was lucky. Had it been any other day 400 years ago he would have simply done away with both he and the hollow that now scattered on the winds at the same time. But a questioned lingered in the back of his head. ''Shadow Fall, could they be responsible for my escape from death?'' he wondered.

Template By: [THEFROST]

"Everybody Lies"
Back to the Fold [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] 71f

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Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:23 am
'Well, he's let me talk at least, that's got to be a good sign right?' Styn thought as the emerald gaze of Ulquiorra pinned him to the spot. Almost as if the Arrancar had sensed the lowering of his guard, there was a sudden and completely unexpected increase in spiritual force. The pressure was overwhelming and only a single thing kept the demon on his feet.

Every organism in existence had some amount of instinct. In more cerebral life forms, this was often subdued and could be consciously overwritten with logic or willpower. Fight or flight were common responses, and most creatures would exhibit some expression of one of these two when threatened. There was however a deeper and even more primal instinct. When overstimulated to a massive degree, an overwhelmed brain was forced to shut down certain functions to prevent damage.

In this way Styn found his muscles suddenly rigid and completely out of his control. The edges of his vision began to darken and fog, until he perceived only a fraction of the area directly in front of him. The demon's spiritual sense completely disengaged, leaving only the feeling of being crushed under an invisible mountain. Against his will, Styn's jaw clenched and his lips pulled back in a snarl. Boths arms were held tightly toward his sides and hands grasped futilely at his pant legs.

People talked about time slowing, but as Styn struggled with every fiber of his being to stay conscious, he found time was almost outside his reach to perceive entirely. One moment he was locked in Ulquiorra's powerful gaze, the next he was on his ass staring up in confusion at the Arrancar. There was a flash of light that he barely remembered. Styn had no way to know that only three short seconds had passed since the release of a Cero strong enough to erase him to the last molecule.

There was no thought for why such an attack was launched. Clearly he couldn't afford to be weak in this place of death, and yet his legs didn't seem to listen to his commands. Sweat was leaking out of every pore that it could possibly escape from. Styn became aware of the fact that he had unleashed his true form and was holding every scrap of demonic power he could hold. It wasn't even close to enough to feel safe, it had barely been enough to remain awake.

"Information," Styn managed to gasp out after several precious seconds passed in which he hoped the volatile Arrancar would not get bored and just dispose of this unhelpful nuisance. He still couldn't get up, and he wasn't sure if returning to his previous form would be treated as a further sign of weakness or somehow disrespectful. This was on such a different level from anything he had ever dealt with that it was all he could do to keep talking.

"Shadow Fall is an organization that combines the forces of Demons, Hollows, and Arrancar into a fighting unit. Our goals include unlocking the secrets of immortality and obliterating Soul Society and their allies. We feel that we should rule humanity, not serve it as Shinigami do." Styn realized that he was babbling and swallowed convulsively, mouth shutting with an audible snap.

A feeling of strength began to slowly return to his legs, but he didn't trust himself to get to his feet just yet. Locking eyes with Uliquorra again, Styn finished what he hoped wouldn't be his last words. "What passes for Espada these days are aligned with Shadow Fall. The recognized ruler of this realm is like a sister to Queen Mana of the demons. I don't know how closely you've been following events since your disappearance, but many things have changed about the multiverse. Shadow Fall will have any answers you want."
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Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:48 pm
[OOC: Im joining now because i am intervening before the cero hits, plus i do have permission to join per styn as given in pc, anyways here is the post. ]

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Last edited by Shizuo on Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:52 am; edited 1 time in total

Back to the Fold [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] LzZCuy7
Back to the Fold [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] BtXe12b
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Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:03 pm
[[OOC: I've apologized via PM and Xat to pretty much everyone involved with this little argument. But would like to state publicly this matter has more or less been solved. Luda stepped up as a Mod and is overlooking the situation, Styn has informed me he talked to Shizu further and not only that! But Shizu and I have also come to an understanding with one another. So as far AS I know the situation is being/was handled excellently. I'd just like to comment once again on the quality of this site, it's staff, and it's members. Thanks again guys, looking forward to continuing this thread with the both of you and if anyone involved has further issue with anything. Just send me a PM. ^.^ ~Ja mata]]

Artist: Greenday - Song: Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Word Count: 493
It's been said that fear will keep you alive. But had he chosen to prove that point wrong today, Ulquiorra would have succeeded. Because fearful, arrogant, humble, prideful, naive, crafty or otherwise. No amount of emotion would have saved the boy that stood before him. The boy who no sat flat on the ground, staring into what amounted to the face of death.

But he had something Ulquiorra wanted, and that made all the difference.

''Information you say,'' He asked inquisitively.

Information is a powerful tool. People often think of bombs, of soldiers holding guns, and of generals leading armies into battle when they think of war. Though was truly terrifying, what truly makes all the difference in the world is not the crack shot sitting on a hill with a sniper rifles. It's the guy who switched sides, and brought our team information on Adolf Hitler. Because to know your enemy, is to have already defeated him. It's not the smartest man, or the strongest men who rule the world. It's the ones who know how to use their information, regardless of what it may be. How they got it. Or what their situation is. Maybe the Esapda understood this, who knows, but one thing was for sure. He knew the value in seeking knowledge. Whether the Demon Kid understood this or not did not matter. But his response had just saved his life.

Ulquiorra's arm slowly lowered, his Cero fading, and the hand found its way back into the pocket it called home. The creature before him had changed, in a process similar to that of a hollows Ressurection; though entirely different. The calcification of his limbs resembled his own Hierro, but it was not the same. It was only similar in the same way a Shinigami's Shikai or Bankai is similar to his own release. But he was amazed at such a creature. Here before him was something new, something completely unique.

His mention of Shadowfall, of someone called Mana, and of the Espada in general confused him. Ulquiorra found himself piecing things together for the first time. The lack of contact with Lord Aizen so far. Surely by now he would have found his most loyal servant? The change in the landscape, both here in Hueco Mundo, and in the Human world. Everything seemed different. It had not donned on him, until just now, that an endless amount of time could have gone by since he last walked the earth.

''Tell me something, boy.'' Ulquiorra spat harshly. ''When did I last walk the earth by this...'Shadowfall's 'record?''

The answer would most likely come as a shock to him. Because in the mind of the 4th Espada, Lord Aizen was still his master. Ichigo was still his sworn enemy. And the woman was still his puzzle to solve. Information is a powerful tool indeed. But would his mind be able to process that 400 years had passed since his death?

Template By: [THEFROST]

"Everybody Lies"
Back to the Fold [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] 71f

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Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:52 am
-Thanks styn for your communication, and thanks Vent for helping me be a better rper. both of you best of luck in this thread, and styn, Keep being who you are you honestly have proven to me you will be a splendid rper in the future, ill be keeping an eye on both of ya~! For no though, ill be exiting this thread, i hope both of you prosper and become better rpers from this!!!

Back to the Fold [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] LzZCuy7
Back to the Fold [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] BtXe12b
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Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:23 am
Styn let out a slow breath as the arm of his potential demise was slipped casually back into Uliquorra's white coat. The sense of menace in the air was markedly less then it had been mere moments before. It seemed his gamble had paid off after all. In just the observation of the reactions that followed his statements, the demon could already make a few educated guesses.

Firstly, it would seem that the arrancar hadn't been watching from the shadows these last four hundred years. The eighth circle would be relieved that they hadn't missed such a powerful force for so long. Of course it was always possible that Uliquorra was acting like he wasn't sure what year it was to throw the demon off his guard. Styn would make every effort to study the arrancar's face and body language, as little as the blank faced man was going to show anyway. The demon wasn't sure he had ever seen someone express so little malice or joy before ending another existence.

Secondly, Uliquorra wasn't insane. It had been touch and go there for a moment. Styn had been sure that even if he wasn't going to end up dead, the mission itself was bound for failure. You couldn't reason with crazy. More importantly, you couldn't trust it. Four hundred years was a long time for someone to be lost. Rumors had indicated that in recent years this figure had been seen in multiple locations, but such hearsay had never been confirmed to Styn's knowledge, till now. Even so, given the arrancar's evident confusion, it was unlikely that any of those prior sightings had anything to do with the individual who now stood casually before him.

Even given his need for diplomacy, Styn found that he was unable to release a single ounce of the Za Koa that surged in his blood and bones. He was full to the brim, holding more of the energy then he had ever tried to grasp before. Instead of being weighted down, he felt sharper then ever. The combination of instinctual fear and constant danger was tempering the normally aggressive nature of the power into something much more useful. The demon's mind seemed to be racing a thousand miles a minute. In the end it was a rowboat next to the ocean of the potential he had barely glimpsed mere moments before. Uliquorra could hardly feel threatened by such a small force.

Thinking of which, he owed the former Espada some answers before that dreaded hand made another appearance. First things first though. With a light grunt Styn got to his feet. Standing at full height, he was actually taller then then the slim arrancar. A fact that gave not even a glimmer of confidence. The demon hoped that Uliquorra wasn't the type who resented such a difference in height. Obviously it was too late to shape shift into a shorter form, such an action at this stage could only be read as condescending.

"The current year is 2414. The last confirmed documentation of your presence was in Las Noches during Aizen's rebellion, over four hundred years ago. It was assumed by those who survived that you had met your end at Kurosaki Ichigo's hand. You have to understand that facts during those times are hard to come by. With the somewhat recent merger with hollow and arrancar forces, our own demon intelligence has been able to piece together alot of that mystery."

Remembering something that he had barely glimpsed in Uliquorra's eyes, Styn gestured at himself. "That's what I am your grace, a demon. I won't bore you with the details of our history, but am more then willing to answer any questions you might have."

It was alot to take in and Styn had no desire to overburden the former Espada with a deluge of facts. Even more so, now was not the time to press. Still, there remained one thing he had to confirm with his own ears, or the entire mission would be worthless. "Forgive me your grace, but you are in fact Ulquiorra Cifer, are you not?"

Last edited by Styn on Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:58 am

Artist: Isaac Albeniz - Song: Asturias - Word Count: 888

Hueco Mundo is A hell of a place. And even after 40 years, it had not changed much. The same rules still seemed to apply and the endless sands had only shifted, not disappeared. It only served to prove that death, really was absolute. So much had changed, and yet so much had remained the same. The winds swept across the fathoms, carrying with them a deathly chill. It was a dry sort of bite. No the kind you run out and make snow angels in. But the kind that takes the life of man and beast alike.

He had found a fascination in this boy, this creature that stood before him now rising to its feet a good bit taller than himself. He noted the size difference, but beyond that paid it very little mind. It was discarded as useless information. What was noted as useful was his ability to stand. To rise to his feet even in the presence of an Espada. Ulquiorra did not grasp the concept of emotion, but from time to time he found himself wondering if he displayed some mockery of what he'd picked up around him. Pride. Anger. Madness. Was it pride to consider one's self above another being, even if it was true?

He could see beads of sweat dripping down the others creatures face, and he considered the fact it must be uncomfortable. That his legs must curse him, as his body seemed to weight a ton. Pressure was a good incentive, but there was no need for such trivial displays of strength at this point. Whomever this or whatever this creature was before him it obviously knew to show respect, and by instinct had some degree of common sense it seemed. Styn would at that point feel as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders. The sensation would be sudden, and quite extreme, in fact he may even feel as if he was going to float away, carried off by the wind. As his body readjusted to reality without the weight of Ulquiorra's spiritual pressure which had now been suppressed. It was both a show of good faith, and the Espada telling him it would take little more than a finger to end his life. A show of respect, and an insult all in one.

So he listened. Taking in every word the 'demon,' spoke like a machine taking in information. Processing. Calculating the next move. 400 years had passed, and at the mention of Ichigo's name Ulquiorra's mind trailed off, just lightly. HE was still listening to Styn, but he watched as a human took the form of a Hollow all over again. He cursed silently as he, one of the strongest beings in Hueco Mundo was stuck down by what should have been a lifeless husk. It was not fear that over took him, nor regret. But a methodical process of trying to find the error. Attempting to fix the situation, and discover how the battle could have ended in his favor instead.


''Styn, was it?'' Ulquiorra asked rhetorically without giving him a chance to respond. ''Yes you may confirm I am Ulquiorra Cifer and while I have no idea what information you may or may not have on me, this should prove as evidence if you have anywhere near the understanding of my kind as you claim to. ''

Ulquiorra raised his left hand, grabbed the opening of his white Espada coat and pulled, exposing the entire left side of his chest and abdomen. There, plain as day was the number 4. Even after his resurrection he'd woken up and it remained. Proof of his time serving under the Cero Espada, and of his own rank among his colleagues. Depending on Styn's information, this would prove to be undeniable evidence if nothing else, of his rank and loyalty.

''You say 400 years have passed? Then the world I knew is gone. You speak of things I know nothing about, as if some new force besides we Espada now rule over this land.'' Ulquiorra gazed once again out into the sand sea, turning from Styn, though still attentive. ''It is fitting I suppose.'' He said more to himself, than to Styn. ''Tell me first then what is a demon, and what do they want with me?''

He was confused, puzzled by the creatures claims. He had never heard of demons in Hueco Mundo before, and if they were so powerful as to rule over what was once his. Why did they send this creature as their messenger. He was torn between two answers. Either they underestimated his abilities, Ulquiorra's that is. Or they were much more powerful than he currently assumed. Truth be told, he quietly hoped it was the latter.

Perhaps this Shadowfall could prove useful after all. Depending in their intelligence, and their resources maybe they could even help him answer the biggest puzzle of them all. Why was he here? Not in concern to his purpose, for that he need only be given a mission, or follow a path of destruction like any other Hollow. But why was he here after dyeing. Ichigo had won, those reports were indeed true. Ulquiorra had died at the hands of a human. So then, who was he who was now trapped in this form?

Template By: [THEFROST]

"Everybody Lies"
Back to the Fold [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] 71f

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Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:05 am
The sudden abetting of crushing reiatsu was almost enough to send the demon back to his knees. Styn had almost managed to forget the slight tremor that danced up his right leg. He had not quite put out of his mind the sweat that soaked him to the bone. Exposing flushed flesh to an extra chill, as the cold dry air sucked at the very structure of his makeup, attacking in a way that mere temperature could not. To define the sensation he felt as relief was an understatement to say the least.

Gratitude in this situation was awkward to express. Styn contented himself with a brief and respectful locking of pale violet to emerald orbs, before sliding his gaze slightly lower again. It wouldn't do for Uliqorra to think that the demon was putting or airs or daring to consider himself an equal. Styn was well aware of the differences in not only their experience, but that of their reputations. He stood before a living legend and must remain conscious of such a fact.

Styn's eyes widened in surprise that the arrancar would be willing to go so far as to show him his Espada mark. Then again, perhaps it wasn't as large a concession as the demon was making it out to be. Regardless, he now had proof positive that the being before him at least believed he was Uliquorra. As he had mentioned before, intelligence wasn't the most reliable after four hundred years, still Mana was an incredibly informed leader. The likelihood of the arrancar being who they thought they were was rising by the moment.

"Rather then a new force ruling Hueco Mundo, it would be more correct to say that the remnants of the previous force rule this place. There remained some vestige of unity after Aisen failed in his attempt to reach the Soul King. In more recent years, the hollow queen has unified with demon kind in shared interest. That organization is the one that I refered to earlier. Shadow Fall."

Styn gestured to himself again. "As far as demons, your grace. We have existed in a realm of our own as long as the universe has had form. Think of the demon world as an alternate reality existing alongside Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the Living Realm all at the same time. In short, we're invading the Living Realm as conquerors."

The demon paused for a moment, unsure how to proceed. "You can go through this world alone. Few are powerful enough to oppose you. If you want for nothing, then Shadow Fall won't stand in your way. However, if you're not done with the world yet. If you'd prefer allies to stand with, then I'm here to offer you a place in the Shadow Espada. On behalf of my commanders, who would would like to meet with you. I'm here, a curiosity, but a nonthreatening one to question your willingness to serve again."

"You'd have a role similar to the one you held four hundred years ago. In many ways you'd be free to pursue your own goals and agendas. You would also gain the support and backing of our organization, a unification of demons, hollows and arrancar toward common goals. Goals that also include research into the boundaries that separate life and death, something that you might have cause to wonder about yourself."

Styn shrugged, "Or I can leave you in peace. I could answer what ever questions you have out of respect for the loyalty you displayed four hundred years ago. If your fight is over, then allow me to be the first to wish you well on your journeys, where ever they may take you, your grace."

Last edited by Styn on Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:10 am

Artist: Thirty Seconds To Mars - Song: Night Of The Hunter- Word Count: 732

It's an understatement to say Ulquiorra had a piercing gaze. The guy had literally been starring daggers into Styn's form the entire time this conversation took place.

A pieces of the column they now stood upon crumbled, and feel to the ground far below. Signaling the thing would soon fall, and that they two of them might want to either move this discussion along, or to a new location. That was fine, he'd just about made his decision anyway. The Demon was helpful, polite, and most importantly he had common sense. Though Ulquiora had no idea what his overall intelligence might amount too, he had constantly shown respect throughout this meeting. While at the same time, not showing weakness. The best simile might be this; it was like two wolves. One wrong move, and one would be at the others throat.

In that glance, as Styn peered through carefully studious slits, what would he see? Would he see before him a small, slender and less than threatening quiet and reserved man? Or, would he instead see a killer? A pale skinned, fearless, careless murderer with a tight physique? He talked as if he knew the Espada's reputation, but did he really? Could he possibly know the struggles he'd been through? The lives he'd taken with his own hand? The cold, calculated way in which he ripped through his victims flesh? The short answer, was no.

What Ulquiorra on the other hand saw was potential. Something to be harnessed and used. To waste that, would be foolish, something very uncharacteristic of the Arrancar. Here he what seemed to be a brutally honest individual offering himself as service of any kind. He had done so far what seemed to be his best to answer any questions, and tried to expand as much as he could. Leaving Ulquiorra to conclude it was indeed best to continue this conversation elsewhere. That being, on the way to meet the members of this Shadowfall.

Styn had great insight, even if he did not realize it. He'd struck a bit of a nerve when he mentioned resurrection, and the aspect of life and death. Though he still understood very little of this Demon race that much at least was enough to interest him. And so as he listened to Styn speak of a great many things, he began to walk, towards the younger creature, his hands still thrown casually in white pockets and the sound of his steps soft, and anything but threatening. AS he closed in on his would be new ally, he began to speak.

''I do not fully comprehend just what you demons may be yet. However, I think I have reached a conclusion. Your offer me information, and a position among my fellow hollow once again, and that alone is enough incentive. Furthermore; you go on to tell me that you can help me in unlocking the secrets of my reanimation. How you know of my death, or of my resurrection I do not care.''

At this point Ulquiorra had closed his eyes, and closed in on the demon to the point he could feel Styn's hot breath against his own face. His eyes flashed open, and peered once again into the creatures very soul, or lack of one.

''I have also concluded you can provide me very little information beyond what you already have. You came to make me an offer, and these are my conditions.'' He paused, and lowered his brown, relaxing the muscles on his face in a way that stressed the seriousness of the following words. ''Take me to whomever sent you. Or their superior. It would be wise for you to take me to whomever exists today, with greater strength than my own really. Because if I decide this Shadowfall cannot serve the purpose I wish it to, which is the discovery of why, and how I stand alive today. I will destroy them, if it is within my power, simply for wasting my time. For now, consider this a truce, and we shall see how things progress from there.''

He now walked past Styn, before looking back over his shoulder with a puzzled stare.

''Well, let's go then, shall we? Feel free to interrogate me as you see fit along the way. I have no desire to destroy you just yet Styn. So in that regard, you are safe.''


Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Ventriloquist on Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:48 am; edited 2 times in total

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