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Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:35 pm
"If....if your parents....if you had no idea where they were....If you've had no idea where they were since you were 6....what would you do...?"

Jon had considered searching for his parents before, but his loneliness and fear prevented him from doing so. Jon was sick of his own balllessness getting in the way of his goals and dreams. Only with Urufu's help had he been able to conquer his inner Hollow, and yet he still can't use his mask....he wanted to know what Sapphire would do, strangely enough, he felt like he could trust her.
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Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:43 pm

Sapphire Yuudai

Sapphire listned to him for a moment, he was studdering; she raised an eyebrow as she waited for him to spit it out. Then finally he did, he asked how she would go about finding her parents if she hadent seen them in years. She raised and eyebrow and figured that that's what had happened to him.
She placed the cup of tea down and thought for a moment.
She started off, she looked more serious as she crossed her arms.
"Depends, are your parents Vizards? If they are then that'll be rather easy, you could either find them though their spiritual pressure or go to the Vizard council; they could probably be able to find them rather easily." She nodded.

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Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:51 pm
"Heh....if only it was that easy....I myself am a halfbreed, but I got my dad's powers....My Father is...was a Mother was an Arrancar...I haven't seen them in so long...I don't know whether or not their dead or alive...."

It was true, Jon didn't know about his parents whereabouts or status of Life or Death. But to him, only his mother mattered....she was the only one who cared about him.... His dad was nothing but a deadbeat Vizard, looking for an exotic one night stand when Jon was conceived...Jon had only met his father once....and he hated him from that moment on....Jon was six....his father had decided to 'grace' them with his presence...and abused his mother...nearly killed her....that's when Jon learned his Zanpaku-to's Name....and used it against his father. Jon could still remember the last words they exchanged....his father said, "Quite a bit a spunk on you, kid..."
Jon merely replied, "If you ever come near me or my mother again....I'll kill you..."
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Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:00 am

Sapphire Yuudai

Sapphire thought about this for a moment, a half breed...she'd never come across a heaf breed before, everyone she knew were pure breeds, even her, both her parents are Vizards.
She looked up at him and saw that he was taking a little trip down memory lane, the look in his eye gave it away but she didnt bother pointing it out, that was his personal matter.
"Suizome, what do you think of this?"

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With that, Sapphires spirit manifested himself beside her on the sofa, he too was crossing his arms with a serious expression.
"Well, I think you could still go to the Vizard council...If your father is still alive you could probably track him down. If he cooporates maybe he knows the where abouts of your mother. If not, then I think the best thing do to, to find your mother is find an Arrancar..hopefully one that dosent want to kill you."
Suizome said, it was really as simple as that, he was sure that both counsills would have some sort of record of the deaths and where a bouts of their race in this human world.
"Listen, It may seem impossible but it's a good place to start."
He added, looking over to Sapphire who nodded in agreement.

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Jon Soki
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Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:04 pm
Jon sat quietly, soaking in their words. They were right....he was determined to at least find his Mother. He couldn't give any more of a damn if he tried. Jon decided to go...but not alone.

"Alright....I'm gonna head at least find my Mother...I could care less about my D-...Joseph....but I want you to go with me...please...I've never been to the council before and wouldn't know where to begin or how to interact..."
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Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:22 pm

Sapphire Yuudai

She could tell he was thinking long and hard about this, and really letting everything that was said sink in, was he considering all the possibilities? Probably not, but if push came to shove, she'd be like a voice of reason to get him to think of other alternatives. Sapphire nodded to him when he finally spoke, announcing that he would go look for them, well at least his mother. Sapphire got the notion that he wasnt all that interested in his father in the first place, she wasnt in any position to judge anyone on their relationship with their parents; she didnt know what his family life was like and seeing the end result, she assumed something really negative occured. He asked for her to go with him.
"Of course, my father is apart of the Vizard council, perhaps he can help too"
She smiled warmly; she stood up and stretched a little.
"Well, I saw we get going" She looked down at him to see if he were ready or if he wanted to wait a little bit, which ever he felt comfortable with/

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:10 pm

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