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Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Heading home for the First Time in a Long Time Empty Heading home for the First Time in a Long Time

Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:09 pm
Jon was heading home for the first time since he had absorbed his Hollow. Jon missed the quiet sanctuary he called home. After a long and grueling few months, it was definately time to get home, get some food, a shower, and some sleep.

After Jon had eaten and showered, Jon was getting on his less heavy outfit, a white tank top and his usual pants. Jon layed down on his bed clutching Ryuho and passed out for a bit. Jon awoke to a strange noise outside. He grabbed his shoes and trenchcoat and headed out into the front yard. Jon got outside and looked around, there was definate signs of someone, but who?Or what?

Last edited by Jon Soki on Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:33 pm

Sapphire Yuudai

Heading home for the First Time in a Long Time 50890

What a day it was indeed, first she went demon hunting, then ended up getting chased by a hollow, then the hollow and the demon ganged up on her, cornered her and tried to kill her. Key word being tried. The young Yuudai wasked though town like nothing happened; she had just came out from the forest and wondered into town. Sapphire stretched and yawned, she shook her head in attempt to knock the sleep out of her. She looked like a frail 17 year old girl, she had her hair in pig tails and wore black jeans and baby blue t-shirt. As she walked she put her hands behind her head and hummed softly to herself, walking though the empty streets she senced something…it felt like another vizard. Sapphire stopped dead in her tracts and faced where she felt this presence. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, it defiantly was a vizard; she didn’t know if this vizard was friendly or not bust she wanted to meet them, it had been awhile since she encountered her own kind.

[size=12]With no one there to see her, Sapphire leaped up and followed the path to this person. It didn’t take her very long to come to a house, a house among the humans where this person was. Just in case, Sapphire summoned her sword to her and tied it to her back; she wasn’t going to take any chances, she already had fun killing off that demon and hollow, she really didn’t want another chase. Then she could feel the person coming towards her, Sapphire looked on with her blood red eyes and then saw a man came into view. She wasn’t sure if he saw her or not but she spotted him.

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Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:38 pm
Jon whipped around in the direction Sapphire was in but couldn't see her. He could definately feel her spiritual Pressure though. That was for sure. Jon wrapped Ryuho around his belt.

"Hello?" he said, looking around, "My name's Jon. I don't want to fight you, please, come out into the open, where I can see you?" Jon hoped his friendly attitude wouldn't get him killed.
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Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:06 am

Sapphire Yuudai

Sapphire saw that he had his sword ready; he was speaking with friendly words and a slightly freindly tone, was that an act? She wasnt sure; Sapphire looked straight into the mans eyes as she came more into view; her eyes were more serious now. She wasnt sure if he was being truthful or not.
"My name is Sapphire Yuudai."
She stated proudly; she was definatly proud of who she was, she was proud to be the daughter of Kenshin and Kitty Yuudai and sister to Tai Yuudai.

Be careful Sapphire...

Her spirit, Suizome spoke to her softly, warning her of what she was already aware of.
"Do you live here?"
She asked, she did find it strange that a Vizard was living out here, she couldnt sence another vizard for miles and yet this one was out here.

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Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:19 pm
Jon smiled and replied, "Yeah. This is my house. I live here all alone. Well...not entirely alone, if you count my Zanpaku-to spirit and my--oh....right...." He kept forgetting that under Urufu's tutulage, he absorbed his inner hollow.

Jon shook his head and looked back at Sapphire. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Yuudai, or do you prefer Sapphire? Please, won't you come in for a cup of tea? Coffee, soda, something?" Jon was lonely and desperate for companionship, not a relationship with this girl, but a friend at least. Even Growing up, Jon had few to no friends....
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Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:00 pm

Sapphire Yuudai

Sapphire blinked a few times and tilted her head slightly, he seemed friendly again...
She looked closer at him, looking into his eyes she saw a hint of lonleness; she was usually good at reading people by looking into their eyes; she think she got that from her mother, or was it her father?..Eh could have been both.

Sapphire let go of her sword and smiled warmly up at the man. She noticed he stopped talking when he started speaking of his Zan spirit; she thought that was curious, but she put that aside. "Just Sapphire is fine" She giggled, she didnt like when people felt uncomfortable around her, nore did she like it when people were all formal when addressing her.

"Sure, I'd like that" She smiled, after running though and going on a little hunting spree, she was thirsty. Sapphire leaped over to where he was and waitied until he showed her the way; she didnt like jsut entering someones house without them showing her, she would feel as if she were invading their home, not to mention she would hate it if someone she had just met waltzed right into her home like they knew the place/

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Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:09 pm
"Great! This way please," Jon said, leading the way to his livingroom. Jon went into the kitchen and got the tea he had started before he fell asleep and poured a couple of glasses. As Jon brought out the tea, he looked at the picture he kept on the wall. It was a photo of him with his parents, people he hadn't seen in many, many years.

Jon shook of his loneliness and said, "Sorry, I got distracted." Jon poured the tea into 2 glasses and set one on the table in front of a chair. "So," Jon said, sitting down with his tea, "What brings you to this neck of the woods?"
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Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:18 pm

Sapphire Yuudai

Sapphire followed him in and took a seat where he left a cup of tea. He joined her, it took him a second before saying anything, he seemd to be distant; Sapphire followed his gaze over to a picture, she assumed that they were family members, perhaps his parents. He then appoligised for being distracted and asked her what braught her here.
Sapphire took a sip of the tea and giggled a little as she remembered her little chase. " started off when I left the house to look for something...Didnt care what I was looking for, I just wanted to find something; Mom and Dad were off, taking care of Vizard affiars or something. My older brother, he's off somewhere, not sure where he is actually."
She paused and giggled again.
"Oh yeah, then I senced a hollow near by, so I went in search of it...What I found was the hollow...but a demon appeared shortly after...and was kind of a cat and mouse game."
She sweatdropped and rubbed the back of her head a bit.
"Your definatly not human, what are you doing out here living amung them? Do you ever get to train?" She wondered.

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Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Heading home for the First Time in a Long Time Empty Re: Heading home for the First Time in a Long Time

Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:22 pm
"Ah, so you're a Vizard, too eh? Ha ha...I train when I can. I had finished some special training a couple months back and was feeling somewhat homesick so I came back home." Jon smiled, but then his gaze turned lonely again.

"Sapphire....can I ask you a question?" Jon's voice seemed quiet and almost distant in the way he spoke, as though he were in another place.
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Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:31 pm

Sapphire Yuudai




Sapphire crossed her legs and nodded a bit.

“Yeah, I’m a Vizard, you might know my parents…Not sure…their pretty strong Vizards…not to be arrogant or anything…they are”

She scratched her head a little, she didn’t mean for that to sound like she was cocky or anything, it was true though, her parents were pretty damn strong; and she’d hope that one day her and her brother would be right up there with them. She sipped some tea again and then he asked her if he could ask a question.

Sapphire blinked a few times and took another sip of tea.
”What is it?”

She asked, tilting her head.

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