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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:39 pm
The images continued to dance in her mind as Iriko approached, images of her friend’s death, the memories so fresh in her mind it was like she was still standing in the blaze as her friends burned. The yelling of the man seemed to come over a long distance, the pain she was feeling blocking out the voice of the captain before her. She felt his foot slam in to her limp body as she lay there, but she would take no notice of it at all. Her body was dragged upwards as the man held her up by the collar, her eyes wide with tears pouring from them as she looked in to the male’s eyes. His yelling continued, but none of it reached the girl, the pain of having to watch her friend die once again was too much for her. She felt his hand slap across her cheek, and slowly her mind began to churn despite the haze of pain and grief. As dark clouds gathered above her, she finally spoke, her voice soft and distant.

“He was already dead… he died in the fire…”

She felt herself be dropped to the ground, clutching her knees to her chest as she talked softly, tears streaming down her face.

“He already died… it’s just a manifestation of him… It’s not really him… it wasn’t… it can’t be…”

Her voice heightened slightly, her pain obvious in the words she spoke.

“It wasn’t him! I watched him die, I watched them all die in the fire!! They died in the hut, it wasn’t really him!!! They’re dead!!!”

Her voice stopped for a bit, soft sobbing could be heard for a few minutes before she started talking again.

“Why… Jashin… Kassy… Namor… why save me?? Why me, why couldn’t it have been any of you who survived??? Any of you could have done better off than me, so why, why save me?!?!”

She screamed the last words towards the heavens before her mouth once again closed, the young shinigami laying there, sobbing as tears flowed freely from her eyes.

((OOC: sorry that this post kinda sucked...))

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:16 pm

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu


As Iriko stared down at her, all of her words coursed and flowed through his mind. They echoed through, passing through repeatedly back and forth, and the mental state of the Shinigami flashed back to the events which had so far transpired. "..." He was struck into silence, the sharp tongue of his finally rent shut as he stared down at her, finally taking a step forwards before kneeling down next to her body.

She had taken enough punishment for her crimes. The problems that she had had a very understandable cause, at least to this individual. A writer of poetry, Iriko was no stranger to tragedy. Knowing it well himself throughout his entire life, he could understand how this young girl felt. Abandoned. That was the word that came through his head as he reached up a hand, bringing it down swiftly on the back of her neck, knocking her out cold as he beheld her, the clouds above their heads beginning to clear, his wet hair covering over his eyes, shadowing from the view of any else.

"You in your rage... Are like myself. And I... will not abandon you." He muttered to himself, thinking to himself what he could write about this in the future... in one part of his mind. The main part of him was thinking about where to take her as he hefted her up bridal style. "So sleep for now. You have performed a sin and received judgment for it. However, I went too far; so now, I am the one in debt..." He thought to himself, remembering the merciless slapping that he had performed against her, the kick he had delivered to her. As he looked at the damages that had been caused to the air around him, he decided that if anyone asked what had happened here, he would simply label it training exercise. Always worked.

* * *

Sleep. That was what the captain known as Iriko Puyzri-Teimei Crow was experiencing as he breathed in and out slowly, his brow darkened. In the bed next to his chair, the young woman had been resting. Deep within his subconsciousness is where the captain could be found, his eyes looking simply at a candle. It was the dream, the dream that he had each and every night. The candle shone in his eyes; he could see his eyes. His eyes were blank, soulless; they had no life, no sustenance. He was a dead man breathing. It was a time, a time that had seemed to stretch out infinitely; but in his dreams, he never reached salvation, even this half-salvation that he knew in the mortal plane.

On the outside, he was merely twitching in his sleep. Doubtlessly, when Jessy woke up, completely healed, in clean clothes, and stuck in the room of a captain in a bed that was completely cleaned as if never used, she would have mixed feelings about the one who was looking over her in his sleep by the wall next to the tatami which she was resting in. His back was pressed against the wall, and when she awoke, there was no indication of what she would do.

Core Elements Devised by Aivee

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:35 pm
Jessy slowly opened her eyes, lying in a bed unfamiliar to her body. Groggily she sat up, brushing a few strands of her hair from in front of her eyes. As she sat there looking down at her legs, her memories of the fight started to refresh themselves in her mind. She had fought with a captain, she had unleashed her bankai, and… Namor had taken a fatal blow. The memories of her pain and sadness, the feeling of loss she had felt before… before… the captain, he had knocked her out. Shivering softly, she pushed the thoughts from her mind, bringing her legs up to her chest and holding them with her hands. A few tears leaked from her cheek as she sat there, attempting to console herself internally. After a minute or so, the sadness would subside, and the blonde haired shinigami would look around at her surroundings. The first thing she noticed was that she was not in a cell of some sort, instead in a large spacious room, one that looked like it belonged to a captain. The next thing she would notice was the fact that a certain captain was sitting in a chair nearby. Gasping, a wave of fear seemed to overcome the young woman as she scuttled back on the bed, trying to put as much room as she could between her and the captain. However, she had only moved a few inches when she realized another strange thing about this situation. All of her injuries were completely healed, not one scratch left on her. In addition, the clothes she was wearing seemed to be clean ones, something she did not understand at all. Rising softly, trying to make as little sound as possible, she looked around the room for any sign of her zanpaktou which she had dropped at the end of the fight. Above all right now, Jessy just wanted to hold those twin blades in her hands again.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:12 pm
The candle flame was all that he could see. Within his mind, the battles raged; he saw himself decimating legions of hollows, the entirety of Hueco Mundo before him as his stalwart form merely eradicated them, drowning in his own sorrow as it reached up higher and higher around his body, his eyes both twitching and his entire body quivering all over. He wanted to scream, but it didn't seem that there was any point; no one would hear him. That was this darkness, the very thing that was consuming him from every part around him. Loneliness

Pure Loneliness

Nothing, no one, lonely, lonely lonely lonely

Corrupts the heart,
streams through without stopping
Consumes all that try waiting,
And in the end, kills those who cannot part.

The poetry swam through his mind, the expression of the soul the only thing that he had ever had to sustain himself. It had been abandoned, just like all else, in that awful time, and in the end he was still staring at that candle once more in his dreams, his eyes blank, vacant, without life, without light, without a soul. He did not know if he believed in the thought of a soul any longer; and furthermore, he was fairly certain that he had long ago lost his own.

Meanwhile, in real life, Iriko's hands were gripping around a pair of twin blades. He had not wanted to allow her to take them back instantly; the way she had clutched them when he had attempted to remove them told him that much. Therefore, the blades were what he was gripping in his sleep, not his bubble blower, but those twin blades. For some reason, they did not cut him, though they were both pressed against his skin.

What will happen to me? What resides for one with no soul? Why do I have to stare at this flame, reminding me of the life I'm not allowed to have? Why do I have to remember it? Why do I not get to be happy, even when I empty myself?! What's the point of living of dying, what's the point of anything when in the end I'm so alone? Why, why, why, why... The poet's reason is to find the "Why"? Bulls#it, such bulls#it! I've tried... and still... and still...

Tears were pouring down his face now, his dreams having turned to violent nightmares. The Captain of the Fifth Squad loved rest... but he very, very rarely slept.

And this... was why.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:35 pm
The blonde haired shinigami’s eyes fell upon the twin blades that were gripped in the captain’s hand, worry filling her eyes but it was quickly replaced by determination. She had to get the blades back, no one was going to stop her, no one at all. Slowly inching across the floor towards where the captain sat, trying to be as quiet as possible, she edged next to him. Lowering her hands slowly, touching them to the grip as she quietly breathed out four words.

“Slash out, Incisorius Tigre.”

The blades glowed with a soft orange light, reforming in to gauntlets around her wrists as she stepped away from the captain. Three blades grew out from the back of each gauntlet, but the look of her shikai would only be visible for a couple of seconds. As soon as she had stepped away from the captain, she let go of her shikai state, her zanpaktou returning to its twin blade state. She turned towards the door, thinking to run from the presence of the captain, to escape from before him. However, something told her not to, her legs did not move, and after a short while she sheathed the blades and sat back down on the bed. Looking down at her legs she waited, thinking of the events that had led to this moment. She had been a fool, a total idiot when she had fought the captain who now sat before her. He must have had years to get used to using his bankai, yet she had not used it once before coming in to this battle. Did she truly think she could defeat him as she had been? What’s more, she had force Namor to battle, caused him to be hurt greatly, yet he was her friend. Tears slowly began to drip from her eyes as she went over the memories of that battle, cursing herself mentally for everything she had done on that day.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:29 pm

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu
"...Hmm." A single breath left his lips as he reacted not to the words, but to the sense of another being's touch against something he was holding. He began to slowly stir as she released her Shikai, before sealing them again. Most certainly, he had expected for her to flee, to get as far away from him as she possibly could. It would be unfortunate when he would have to track her down later, certainly, but it was very well expected that she would try it with the way they had interacted earlier.

At last, he opened his eyes, seeing something strange before him; a part of his room that was not normally there. Slowly, he looked up it, his eyes blinking as he beheld the face of the girl who had fought him so fiercely. However, his eyes lacked any of that emotion, any of that rage or pride that it had held earlier. Instead, there was only the gaze that looked at her, locking onto her own eyes, the cold, calculating look of one who was examining something that he would have to interact with.

"...You. Are you feeling better." He asked bluntly, still sitting in his chair as he pulled out a scroll from the drawer at his side, removing a pen as he began to inscribe something on it, his eyes lowering down to examine it. "What is your name, what is your squad, and do you want to be happy." He asked her, each and every question in exactly similar measure. He did not provide extreme focus to any one, but even thought he last one was so personal, he did not seem at all to mind asking it. His eyes were looking at the scroll before him, when he had a flashback of his dream, setting down the parchment and walking up to her, holding out a hand.

"Either way, you're free to go and I will not pursue you in the least, but you must allow me to put this hand on your shoulder." He told her, his eyes glancing at the soft blue energy of his right hand. It was not violent or harmful; that could be sensed, as well as seen with how it interacted with the glass cannon shinigami's skin. "It will not harm you, but it may make you see things that you would rather not." Was all the explanation he gave to her, his eyes remaining that stoic gaze as he looked down at her. He did not know what this was; was it a tragedy, a comedy? Was it a free verse, or blank? Would it require Deus Ex Machina or would Humanity alone suffice? He waited, knowing that no matter what, if she did not do this then there was nothing else he could do to prevent her from being among the Lost and Damned.

Core Elements Devised by Aivee

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:47 am
Jessy slowly looked up when she heard the captain speak, looking at him for a couple of seconds before shrugging her shoulders in response to his question and looking away. The female shinigami did not yet know if she was feeling better, but she really didn’t want to talk about things with the captain before her right now. However, the captain next asked her a series of questions, the last one which really surprised Jessy. She had expected him to ask about her name and squad, but to ask whether she wanted to be happy? It had never even entered her thoughts. She thought he would not care if she was happy or not, why would he care about that after all? She had been the one to attack his squad without warning, she had attempted to cause harm to the captain before her, and she had let her friend die in her place. Taking a breath to steady herself, Jessy looked down at her knees as she made a quick reply to the question.

“Jessy Nessa, squad six, and I don’t deserve to be happy.”

Having said that, she continued to stare at her knees, lost in memories of her time in rukongai with her friends. She did not make any movement when the captain walked over to her, only shrugging her shoulders in response when he spoke of putting a hand on her shoulder, not caring what he did at this point. It was as he put his hand on her shoulder that something happened within Jessy’s inner world, a sudden surge of chaos and destruction, the zanpakto spirit that had for so long been her mentor, her inner guidance, shattering before reforming in to three spirits. The ground shook, the whole of her inner world forming in to a spinning vortex of destructive winds. One of the spirits standing there began to speak, her voice filled with rage as it transmitted itself through any link it could, the female spirit howling at the top of her lungs.

“He killed Namor!!! HE KILLED HIM!!!”

The yells were cut off as she gasped, the same gasp escaping from Jessy’s mouth as Jessy’s eyes widened in pain and fear. In her inner world, the red haired girl began to change, her eyes changing to bright yellow with black pupils, the eyes of a hollow. In addition, her face turned pure white, the anger she had manifested combined with having forcefully been separated from Jessy’s zanpakto causing her to turn from a plus to a hollow. In the room with the captain, white gunk started to flow from Jessy’s mouth and her eyes as Kassy, the female hollow, started to take control, the white gunk slowly forming in to a hollow mask as a growl escaped the girl’s mouth. Lunging forward, the hollow like being attempted to wrap her fingers around Iriko’s neck, the yellow eyes staring at him menacingly. Pulling her free hand back, she then thrust it forward, attempting to punch Iriko in the face with as much force as she could. With Kassy controlling her every move, the young looking female would only attempt to do one thing, kill the man that was before her.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Sat May 03, 2014 10:23 pm

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu

"Foolishness." The male let out simply to her in reply, his eyes narrowing slightly in response to her looking down at her knees. "You have the gall to attack my squad but not look me in the eyes? You did not answer my question. I asked if you wanted it or not. I said nothing about justice, or the concept of what you should or shouldn't have. That question is as, nay, even more important than your name or squad." He told her, his eye twitching slightly.

"This too then, is war…" The male uttered as she howled at the top of her lungs, his eyes looking at her with… pity. Pure and complete pity. Pity without holding back, the pathos the male was experiencing reaching its highest levels. "...There appears to be yet another tragedy for me to illustrate, after all…" He spoke as she gasped. A single bubble floated out in front of her face, the male's eyes looking at hers through the reflection, seeing the change they had undergone.

"pain… without love…?" He muttered to himself as he widened his eyes fiercely, opening his mouth as he spat on her shoulder placing his own hand there, smiling as the sealing spit ,stronger than any glue, melded his hand and her shoulder to one another. "You aren't the only one who can try to take a grip on her, you know…" The male's voice whispered to her as he leaned in, his hand stuck to her shoulder now. The fingers wrapped around the male's throat.

"Can't get enough…" He told her as his free hand looked at her, getting punched squarely in the face, still being choked. The experience left his nose bleeding profusely, his hair totally dishelved. His eyes were both looking at her.. Through the blow, his eyes had failed to close, and seeing them both at last would be near-traumatic, no matter what the being was. "This life is filled with hurt, when happiness doesn't work…" He told her further as he bled, laughing at her.

"So go on, let it all out on me, hollow scum! You have no hold on a host who releases her emotions enough. Do you think I'm not strong enough to handle this?" He asked her, both of the eyes changing their glare to one of sheer intensity. His own mind flashed back to the battle they had already had, demonstrating the male's own skill and power. "I have no problems being a puppet. I want to see your struggle… yes, the conflict of a being that wants to survive by feasting on mental instability, and yet who realizes that to indulge in that would bring her stability once more. A pointless existence… that is what you have." He informed the woman at last as he laughed, laughed outright.

"Ha… Ahaha… Ahahaha… Aha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

That mocking laugh went into both of her ears… she was now in the male's trap.

"Yes, I killed your friend Namor. What are you going to do about it, Jessy Nessa of the proud Squad 6, who doesn't 'deserve' to be happy. Are you going to die too, or are you going to live for him? I ASK YOU AGAIN ,AND YOU WILL ANSWER!" The voice, full of raw will, demanded, looking directly into those inhuman eyes, staring directly into that soul he had seen earlier, seeking it out with his bodily motions, his tone of voice, and even his words. "DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY?! OR DO YOU ONLY HAVE THE WILL TO ROLL OVER AND DIE, A SHAME TO THOSE WHO HAVE DIED AND THOSE WHO HAVE LIVED?!"

Core Elements Devised by Aivee

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:59 pm
A smile slowly formed on the face of the hollowfied Jessy as blood poured from the nose of the captain, glee filling the eyes of the hollow that controlled her body. She continued onward with her assault, repeatedly aiming punches at the man’s face, the rage of the hollow burning brighter with each punch, a feral growl escaping her throat. When the man admitted to killing Namor though, a high pitched scream left the hollow’s throat, flames violently wrapping themselves around her body. With Iriko’s hand stuck to her body, the flames viciously surged up his arm, burning away at his flesh as they travelled onwards. Within the inner world though, the man’s yell jolted Jessy from the depression she had fallen in to. Her eyes wide, fear began to creep across her face. It was at this moment when the final inhabitant would take action. A short, brown haired male, slightly older then Kassy, walked over to Jessy and put his hand on her shoulder. His voice was soft as he spoke, his eyes glued to Kassy while his words were meant for Jessy.

“Do not fear Jessy, you must be strong for all that which you will endure. Please Jessy, be strong for me.”

With that the male removed his hand from Jessy’s shoulder, approaching the enraged hollow with sad eyes. Stopping half way between it and Jessy, he sighed and folded his arms in front of his chest as he began to speak again.

“I’m sorry my love, but this is something I must do. We swore when we first left our powers to Jessy that we would never attempt anything to harm her in any way. I have looked past your offense when we were first awakened from our slumber, but this goes too far. As the rock, I shall judge, and I find you, Kassy of the flame, guilty.”

The earth around Kassy erupted in a small explosion, dirt flying upwards as the brown haired boy’s eyes hardened, hands held out in front of him. Two more words he spoke, the words of the technique he was performing.

“Earthen Tomb.”

A howl of pain filled the air as the very earth of Jessy’s inner world pulled the hollow under, trapping it temporarily by the brown haired boy’s power. Sighing softly, the boy directed his voice to the connection that Iriko had planted within Jessy.

“Well, seems like my time is up. Take care of her, will you? I have only managed to stall the inevitable, she will need someone to help her find her way before it becomes time.”

With those parting words, the boy faded to dust, scattering in the wind as he finally could pass on. Outside of her inner world, Jessy’s hollow transformation had faltered and stopped, the hardened white hollow like mask crumbling to dust and leaving her as she had been before. Her body went limp, if the captain did not stop her body she would inevitably fall to the floor barely conscious. What had happened had greatly taxed the young looking female, she could only keep her eyes open half way as much as she tried, soon her consciousness would leave her altogether.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Attack of the Overconfident, angry girl [jj]

Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:18 am

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu

Fist after fist found its way into the male's face, his eyes remaining locked on her face as bruises began to rapidly appear, a loud SNAP noise echoing throughout the room as she broke his nose. The flames travelled up his arm, but he still failed to pay them heed as his flesh was scorched, the fabric of his garment being burnt away and leaving his flesh red and raw. As he saw something upon her face, he checked it again, and instantly his mannerisms began to calm down, ever so slightly. He had seen fear there. Fear, the enabler, the corruptor, and the destroyer. However, her fear was not focused outwards, on the man, but at herself, how she was feeling. ...therefore there is nothing more I can do….

...Time for what? A mystery? A solution to this strange being before me…? The Shinigami thought to himself, his right lower lip being bitten as he thought to himself. He observed the male turning into dust before him, and his attention immediately returned to Jessy as he gripped her shoulder, pulling her towards him as he blew a bubble with his right hand, the bubble falling neatly behind him as they both landed on top of it, sinking in like a bean bag chair.

"You just keep acquiring debt, you know that…" He breathed out as he informed the barely conscious girl, looking at her sideways as he slipped out from behind her, allowing her to sink onto the bubble as he stood before her. He was returned to silence as he looked at her, the bangs of his hair flowing over his eyes as they often did, concealing them from view. ...So helpless… just like… her……….. Seems that at the end of the day, she'll always be the reason I'm unable to leave, hmm? Not without her permission...I can do nothing without her permission… not even… die… The male was silent as he took out a scroll from his robe, looking at what he had last written there, thinking of adding something to it.

Slug of Myself
Final Lines:
Death cannot be allowed;
Without the leave of her.
In this, his will is always cowed,
And without it, his demise will never be sure.
To her will, his own collapses like the surf.
A beach which will not let him cross..
His soul eternally to be her turf,
No matter what the cruelties she may toss…

Core Elements Devised by Aivee

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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