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Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4]

Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:52 pm
Human Template

Basic Information

- Name: Shani Broadsword
- Titles:
- Age: 12
- Gender: female
- Affiliation/Rank: none

- Appearance Description: In the first eight years of her life, her physical and mental growth was, on average, double that of an ordinary person, after which it has slowed down to about half that of a normal humans, leaving her looking like she is eighteen years old. Her long black hair goes all the way down her back, ending at her waist. Her eyes are a light gray, like sharpened steel.

- Appearance Picture:
Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Kagura10



(Note: As I am doing this revamp in order for Shani to join the event with all the powers she would have following the thread with moose, I am just copy pasting this from her old app despite the fact that it will need heavy changes. Once the thread with moose has come further along than it has, I will request that this app be moved to wip so that I may make the appropriate edits to her personality)

- Personality: Shani's personality is influenced by her usage of death's energy, thus causing it to vastly change when she is in her merge state. Their are times when these two personalities may mix together, causing a third personality, one which contains traits from both, to appear. Which traits are in the third personality is not constant, and changes depending on what type of situation the third personality appears in.

Regular Personality:

  • Always Serious: Never joking, never playing, she is eternally serious in everything she does.
  • Emotionless: While she seems emotionless, she just has extreme control over her own emotions, making it very difficult to anger or upset her.
  • Killer: When fighting someone she has no problem killing them. She is not bothered by death, and always attempts to kill her opponent as quickly as possible.

Merge Personality:

  • Childish: Though she has physically and mentally developed faster then is normal during the first 8 years of her life, when she enters her merge state her personality goes to that of someone of her real age. This results in her acting more like a teenager then the adult she appears to be.
  • Fun loving: She hates doing anything she does not enjoy, making it hard to get her to do certain things.
  • Battle lover: She loves fighting, especially with swords. She gets this euphoric feeling as two swords clash, and just holding one makes her happy.
  • easily upset or angered: It takes only a small amount of teasing or foul words to get her to react, though her reaction is not constant. She will sometimes get extremely angry, attacking the offender. Other times she will start crying and run away, most likely to someone she is attached to.


Soul Evolution Powers

- Natural Attributes:
Extreme strength: like her father Shani has worked to push her physical body to inhuman levels of strength. She has not made it anywhere near the heights her father has, due to her much younger age and slowed down recently by the fact she has been training to control the connection to death's energy she has. Despite this she is still much stronger then most humans.

Natural Sword user: From a young age Shani had an affinity for bladed weapons, quickly mastering the usage of swords as a weapon. It is rare that she is found without a sword of some sort, she often feels a need to hold one.

- Racial Powers:

- Evolution Powers:
Aura of Light: This is one of the two ways that Shani is capable of channeling her soul evolution powers. The other is through her sword, and each method has its own unique usage. Whereas Shani's sword is used as an offensive technique, Shani's aura of light is a defensive technique. Whenever she uses any of her other evolution powers she must choose whether to channel it in to her sword or her aura, and depending which she will get different results. Shani's aura of light can be toggled on and off at will and effects all allies and enemies that are within line of sight to her (this means they do not have to actually look at her, they just must be capable of seeing her from their current point in space. However, this aura illuminates Shani completely, making it impossible to hide from those around her.

Light of Courage: When channeled through Shani's blade, light of courage will double the attacking force of her next attack with the sword. This can only be applied once and causes the blade to glow with white light. If she also channels death energy in to it at the same time one side of the blade will glow black with her death energy while the other will glow white with her light energy. When channeled through Shani's aura, all allies effected by her aura have their durability and strength increased by 1 while enemies have their strength and general speed decreased by 1. Enemies with willpower higher then Shani's willpower are unaffected by this debuff.

Light of the Calm: When channeled through Shani's blade, light of the calm focuses her mind, increasing her general speed by 1 rank (from beginner to adept, adept to advance, ect) for the purpose of her reaction timing. When channeled through Shani's aura, light of the calm grants allies affected by her aura a weak but constant regeneration effect so long as they are effected by her aura. This regenerative effect is equivalent to that of a hollow whose tier is 2 lower then Shani's and whose regeneration skill is one lower then her soul sorcery skill.


Soul State Evolution

- Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance: When Shani activates her Soul State Evolution Stage 1, a yellowish light erupts around her before forming in to white feathered wings on her back. In addition, the white light that surrounds her body due to her aura transforms in to a gleaming golden plate mail armor, though she wears no helmet. The plate mail has red engravings as well, and it definitely looks well made.

- Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities:
Wings of Light: In this form Shani has a pair of wings, and her ability to fly with them is derived from her general speed stat. In addition, Shani can increase her general speed by 1 rank for the purpose of fly with her wings for 3 posts. This causes feathers of light to fall from her wings on to the space below her. Anyone who comes in contact with the feathers has a sudden surge of healing energy course through them, healing most wounds with ease; it will not heal lost limbs or internal organ damage though. One may not be healed by this ability more than once every four posts, and this ability has a cooldown of 2 posts.

- Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance: (Optional. Leave blank if you do not want powers.)

- Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities: (Optional. Leave blank if you do not want powers.)

- Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance: (Optional. This will be at least 1 to 0 tier level characters, however. You may fill this out, but the app will ultimately be up to the staff member who reviews it)

- Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities: (Optional. Leave blank if you do not want powers.)


Demon Heritage


- DE Class:

- DE Powers:
Semi-Immortal: Due to her death energy her aging process fluctuated greatly during her early years when she had no control of it. Having now learned to control her death energy she has stopped aging, and can no longer die of old age.

Age loop regeneration: Using her control of aging, Shani can reverse damage done to her body. She cannot effect more then one fifth of her body at the same time, and the areas this ability is used on are left extremely sensitive and painful for a few posts afterwards, depending on how much she regenerated.

Sword of light and shadow - darkened edge: Shani empowers her sword with her death energy as she attacks, using it to break down the opponent at a cellular level when she cuts them. This only happens while the sword is in contact with her opponent though, which can make for fairly little damage some times.

- DE Merge Appearance:
Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Malici10
When she activates her DE Merge, her body is surrounded by a black orb, which then shatters, revealing her body to have transformed in to the above. Her appearance has changed over time, it originally looked more like a dead being, but she hated how it looked. Over time her hatred has caused it to change to the current appearance.

- DE Merge Powers:
Calling of the Light and Shadows: When she uses this ability, an exact duplicate of her sword forms in her hand, the same down to every last detail. These copies disappear when she leaves her merge state.

Sword of Light and shadow - poisoned edge: she imbues the blade she is holding with her death energy, forming it in to a toxin which infects the body. When she cuts someone while using this ability, the toxin gathers in their body, gathering additional death energy from any nearby source. At any point after activating this ability (while still in the same thread) she can release it, causing all the gathered death energy that is dormant in the bodies she has cut to break them down from the inside, eating their way out from the person's insides. The more energy it has gathered, the more destructive the effect will be (see chart below).

Note: this chart is based off someone with an adept in durability. those with higher durability will take less damage.
1 to 2 post wait: minor internal injuries, causing minor pain though injuries should not be severe enough to warrant any immediate or short term care. Long term care is necessary and unless they are put their body under severe stress it should not effect them. After five to seven posts of combat or extreme activities the wound will need immediate care.
3 to 4 post wait: moderate internal injuries. large amounts of pain, wounds need to be treated within two to four posts of strenuous activities (combat and other similar activities) before wound needs immediate treatment.
5 to 6 post wait: major injuries. strenuous activities without treatment can easily cause death.
7+ post wait: near fatal internal injuries. Needs treatment soon after being injured. May die if not treated, though they do have a chance if not left alone for too long.

- Berserk State Appearance:
Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Arraet10

- Berserk Enhancements:
  • Extreme Strength boost: While in her berserk state, Shani's strength will be about 10 to 20 times what it normally is. This boost starts at 20 during the post where she first enters berserk state and decreases to 10 over the course of the state.
  • Extreme Durability boost: Like her strength, her durability gets a boost, but she is only 2 times as durable as she normally is. This is static over the whole release, whereas the strength boost decays over time.
  • Agility and speed decrease: While in her berserk state, Shani becomes extremely slow and uncoordinated. During this release her general speed is considered beginner.

- Berserk Details:
When Shani enters her berserk state, she transforms in to the form she wish she could get rid of. It is four times as big as she is and genderless. When in berserk state she looses all rational thought process though, going on a rampage of anger and hatred. Her first target is always the person who damaged her to such an extent, and unless she cannot see said person she will not switch targets until they are killed. After she has either killed her target or they are out of sight, her Berserk state will last a little while longer, at which time anyone who attempts to attack her will become a new target for her, though her berserk state will still end as if she had not found this target. One thing to note is that during her berserk state she cannot use any of her soul state abilities, and she is considered to not have them until she returns to normal.


Background History
(Note: as with the personality, I am not going to edit the history for now. This is just to speed things up and I fully intend to add the current events in to this app at a later time. I hope this is alright with everyone.)

- Background:
Birth and early life

Shani was born late in the summer to Mifune Soan and Katana Broadshield. It quickly became clear that she was not your average child, as her growth rate changed rapidly, going from no growth in six months at one point to 2 years growth in three months at other times. She also displayed a great desire for swords, knives, and other bladed items, starting when she was three years old. Despite this and some of the strange events that happened around her, her parents showed their love for her. Mifune always doting on her, and not scolding her when she took one of his swords, instead teaching her how to wield such a weapon. Katana always working to mold her daughter's personality, but doing so in a way that Shani understood she meant well, allowing her to make more of an impact.

Teen era, first rampage, and the beginning of death energy training

As Shani approached her seventh birthday she started to enter her teenage years, a time often marked by rebellion in regular children. It was the same with Shani, though for her this would have dire consequences. She started with forging swords, an action she had been forbidden to do by her mother. Soon afterwards she started to smoke, breaking a rule her father had set for her. Things between her and her parents became strained, and she started to stay out later and later as time went on. Then when she was three months from celebrating her tenth birthday, the final act of rebellion happened.

Unbeknownst to her parents, Shani had been seeing a boyfriend for the last six months. She was physically and mentally at the age of seventeen, and the boy had no idea of her true age. She had kept out of the house since she wanted to keep him away from her parents, and her parents had not yet caught on. One night when she was closing in on her tenth birthday, having learned that her parents would be away for the night, she chose to daringly take her boyfriend to her home. It was unfortunate for her that her parents had decided to end the night early and return home. Their timing could not have been worse for Shani, her father and mother walking through the door just as she and her boyfriend prepared to make out.

What happened next was a blur to Shani, she looked up to see a blade sticking through the young man's back, her father standing above it. Then, the emotions poured over her, anguish, rage, fury, despair. In this emotional state, she started transforming, growing in size as the red scales covered her body, the horns replacing her hair, her breasts shrinking as the wings grew on her back. Then, with all her hatred and anger, as it was all her mind could handle, she turned to Mifune Soan, with one thought going through her mind. Kill.

Then she attacked, bringing all of her strength in order to destroy those who had created her. Her physical strength was immense, combining the training she had received when her father taught her swordplay with the fact her figure was now four times bigger then usual. She was not used to fighting with her bare hands, much less in this over sized form though, and she would not have even been a match for her mother alone, she had no chance against her mother and father, both of which stood before her.

As her first punch swung downward towards her mother she was already not there. As Shani's fist hit the floor, sending the rest of the house, those parts that had not been destroyed by her sudden growth, falling to the floor in a wreck, her father was already in action. As she tried to find her mother again, her parents worked to subdue her, making non lethal attacks on her body, using her huge bulk to hide themselves from her eyes. As she roared in pain from their attacks, she fell, sending a cloud of dust in to the air. For a few more minutes anguished growls could be heard coming from the large bulk. Then, the growling turned to crying as the figure shrunk, Shani returned to her usual self, a large number of small cuts on her body, sobbing hysterically.

After this, her mother, now knowing that her daughter had inherited the ability to wield death energy, started teaching her how to control it. It took a while for her to gain basic control of it, but her mother never relaxed the training, and her positive attitude gave Shani the hope to continue with it. Her training continued until Shani had control over her powers and her mother was confident she wouldn't lose control again. However, after the incident Shani had grown distant from her father. As they drifted further and further apart, Shani seemed to spend more and more time with her mom. However, Katana Broadsword could see the stress in her daughter and decided to do something about it. When her father was out one day, Shani's mother came up to her and explained that it might be better if she left their home. Her father had been very agitated and frustrated with Shani lately, and Katana was not sure how long the man could restrain himself. So, with sadness on both sides, Katana gave her daughter a large sum of money, and Shani left their home, vowing to return one day when she could stand up to her father.


See Skill Sheet for More Information

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Human Skill Sheet
  • Anima Stone Strength: Beginner
  • Soul Sorcery: Adept
  • Soul Dash: Advanced
  • Soul Detection: Adept

DE Control
  • Semi-Immortal Capacity: Adept
  • Breakdown Skill: Advanced
  • Necromancy Strength: Beginner
  • DE Barrier: Adept


Roleplay Sample

- Roleplay Sample: (Please create a sample of how you role play in this section by either creating a RP sample with this character OR pasting something you have written in the past. If you have already made an accepted character, you need not go through this)

Last edited by tina on Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:34 pm; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : skills)

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty Re: Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4]

Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:28 pm

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Left_bar_bleue30/100Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty_bar_bleue  (30/100)

Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty Re: Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4]

Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:15 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [o]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [o]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination:N/A
  • Mental Deduction:N/A
  • Pain Endurance:N/A
  • Focus: N/A


Light of the Calm: When channeled through Shani's blade, light of the calm focuses her mind, increasing her general speed by 1 for the purpose of her reaction timing. When channeled through Shani's aura, light of the calm grants allies affected by her aura a weak but constant regeneration effect so long as they are effected by her aura. This regenerative effect is equivalent to that of a hollow whose tier is 2 lower then Shani's and whose regeneration skill is one lower then her soul sorcery skill.
Her general speed increases by 1 what?

Age loop regeneration: Using her control of aging, Shani can reverse damage done to her body. She cannot effect more then one fifth of her body at the same time, and the areas this ability is used on are left extremely sensitive and painful for a few posts afterwards, depending on how much she regenerated.
Could you also add in a cooldown to this as well since because it leaves the side that healed extremely sensitive and painful it does not mean she cannot deal with the pain and continue fighting and reusing the ability making it spamable

Sword of light and shadow - darkened edge: Shani empowers her sword with her death energy as she attacks, using it to break down the opponent at a cellular level when she cuts them. This only happens while the sword is in contact with her opponent though, which can make for fairly little damage some times.
can any of the cellular damage be recovered? If so how?

Sword of Light and shadow - poisoned edge: she imbues the blade she is holding with her death energy, forming it in to a toxin which infects the body. When she cuts someone while using this ability, the toxin gathers in their body, gathering additional death energy from any nearby source. At any point after activating this ability she can release it, causing all the gathered death energy that is dormant in the bodies she has cut to break them down from the inside.
How long does it take to break down the body from the inside? Can the energy be rejected or removed? How long does the energy last with in the body?

- Berserk Enhancements:
• Extreme Strength boost
• Extreme Durability boost

- Berserk Details:
When Shani enters her berserk state, she transforms in to the form she wish she could get rid of. It is four times as big as she is and genderless. When in berserk state she looses all rational thought process though, going on a rampage of anger and hatred. Her first target is always the person who damaged her to such an extent, and unless she cannot see said person she will not switch targets until they are killed. After she has either killed her target or they are out of sight, her Berserk state will last a little while longer, at which time anyone who attempts to attack her will become a new target for her, though her berserk state will still end as if she had not found this target.

For extreme strength and durability boosts can you explain how much these boosts affect her and how much. One word abilities and boosts mean nothing as anyone can state them but now how they work.

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Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty Re: Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4]

Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:45 pm
Ludalfa wrote:

Light of the Calm: When channeled through Shani's blade, light of the calm focuses her mind, increasing her general speed by 1 for the purpose of her reaction timing. When channeled through Shani's aura, light of the calm grants allies affected by her aura a weak but constant regeneration effect so long as they are effected by her aura. This regenerative effect is equivalent to that of a hollow whose tier is 2 lower then Shani's and whose regeneration skill is one lower then her soul sorcery skill.
Her general speed increases by 1 what?

Ludalfa wrote:

Age loop regeneration: Using her control of aging, Shani can reverse damage done to her body. She cannot effect more then one fifth of her body at the same time, and the areas this ability is used on are left extremely sensitive and painful for a few posts afterwards, depending on how much she regenerated.
Could you also add in a cooldown to this as well since because it leaves the side that healed extremely sensitive and painful it does not mean she cannot deal with the pain and continue fighting and reusing the ability making it spamable
from thread with death energy info

On another note, some have learned to use this in a more healing way though it drains energy. In combat, some DE Force users have learned to mimic a fake regeneration of sorts. By using the Aging Loop on a focused area instead of their body in general, they are sometimes able to bring back limbs, close wounds, restore organs and sometimes even bring themselves back from the brink of destruction if they are in a near death state.

But, this is NOT perfect. Even if a DE Force user was able to bring said body part back or seemly "heal" it, more often then not, their damage will be there. For example, someone of an average De Force rate who lost his arm during combat and used their Age Loop trick to bring it back, it would still be there, but during the course of that thread their arm would be under an unbelievable amount of pain from when it was cut back and fused back on in addition to having to wait a few post for it to become functional. Therefore, the higher your level is in overall control, the less and less pain and damage you will suffer as a result; but some amount will be there regardless off how powerful you get. (This can also sometimes apply to objects around them as well, but they fall under the same law.)
This is basically what this ability is, so no, unless her breakdown skill or pain endurance was master or grandmaster she wouldn't be using that area for a while, at least a decent amount of posts. In addition, it does use up a large amount of her energy.

Ludalfa wrote:

Sword of light and shadow - darkened edge: Shani empowers her sword with her death energy as she attacks, using it to break down the opponent at a cellular level when she cuts them. This only happens while the sword is in contact with her opponent though, which can make for fairly little damage some times.
can any of the cellular damage be recovered? If so how?
Seeing as I don't state that the energy lingers, most healing or regeneration abilities should work on these wounds. This ability just simply makes the wound larger/inflicts more damage.

Ludalfa wrote:

Sword of Light and shadow - poisoned edge: she imbues the blade she is holding with her death energy, forming it in to a toxin which infects the body. When she cuts someone while using this ability, the toxin gathers in their body, gathering additional death energy from any nearby source. At any point after activating this ability she can release it, causing all the gathered death energy that is dormant in the bodies she has cut to break them down from the inside.
How long does it take to break down the body from the inside? Can the energy be rejected or removed? How long does the energy last with in the body?
The energy can be removed if one has knowledge on how to do it, and unless otherwise removed it stays within the body until it is utilized. For the sake of sanity, I am going to say that this does not extend beyond the current thread, so I can't affect people across threads. As for how long it takes to break down the body from the inside, the breakdown after being activated is fairly quick, maybe a few seconds. While inside the body, it sits dormant until given notice to explode. During this dormant stage, it gathers more energy constantly, so the longer it is left alone the more dangerous it is and the more damage it will deal when released.

Ludalfa wrote:

- Berserk Enhancements:
• Extreme Strength boost
• Extreme Durability boost

- Berserk Details:
When Shani enters her berserk state, she transforms in to the form she wish she could get rid of. It is four times as big as she is and genderless. When in berserk state she looses all rational thought process though, going on a rampage of anger and hatred. Her first target is always the person who damaged her to such an extent, and unless she cannot see said person she will not switch targets until they are killed. After she has either killed her target or they are out of sight, her Berserk state will last a little while longer, at which time anyone who attempts to attack her will become a new target for her, though her berserk state will still end as if she had not found this target.

For extreme strength and durability boosts can you explain how much these boosts affect her and how much. One word abilities and boosts mean nothing as anyone can state them but now how they work.
edited. I also highly suggest you read if you haven't already. I know I had to go over it to remember things.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Left_bar_bleue30/100Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty_bar_bleue  (30/100)

Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty Re: Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4]

Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:19 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction:Adept
  • Pain Endurance:Advanced
  • Focus:Advanced

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Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty Re: Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4]

Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:25 am
As per this thread, Shani has obtained her Soul State Evolution Stage 1.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4] Empty Re: Shani Broadsword revamp [APPROVED, 1-4]

Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:34 pm
As per this thread, Shani is now a 1-4.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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