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Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Empty Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3]

Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:56 pm

Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Image4363-1

Name: Nyama
Titles: Servant of Nature is a title she refers to herself as at times, and is extremely proud of it.
Age: 16, appears to be around 10 to 12 years of age
Gender: Female
Were-Sphere: Were-Cat

Appearance Description: Nyama has long, blonde hair that runs almost all the way down her back. Two cat like ears are perched on her head despite her best efforts to appear more human. Her red eyes look out at the world, seeing what lies beyond. She wear a pink kimono, her black tail hidden within it most of the time. Despite being alive for 16 years she appears to be around 10 or 12 years of age.

Appearance Picture:
Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Hutaba10


Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Image4365-1

» Personality:
Mischievousness: Nyama loves playing tricks on others, it’s just one of those things she entirely enjoys. Pouncing on others from a hiding place, enticing them in to traps of some sort, she just loves messing with others.

Playful: Nyama loves playing with others, and enjoys most types of play. From rough housing to more delicate games, she loves them all so long as there is a chance for her to be silly.

Energetic: Nyama is also very energetic, giggling and running around a lot in order to let out her immense energy. To those who only watch her for a small amount of time she may seem to have an infinite amount of energy, but she will eventually tire out.

Protector: Nyama hates when beings hurt those she cares about. This includes the forest, nature, and her friends. Nyama will always stand up to those who try to hurt them even if she knows she can’t defeat them.

Grumpy: When Nyama does tire out, that is when one should watch out for her. When tired out she becomes grumpy, depressed, and gets frustrated and angry fairly easily. She will not think twice before nipping or biting painfully at someone in this state, and she is not someone you want to meet late at night while alone because of her foul attitude at night.

» Likes: Nature, catnip, animals, plants, her animal companion, those who love nature as she does

» Dislikes: Human society, large cities, most technological innovations, most humans


Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Image4367-1

Background: Nyama was born in the forest of karakura town 16 years ago on a warm summer night. She never met her father, she and her mother lived in the forest in cat form together. She grew up there, growing strong during the early years of her life as she helped her mother. However, after five years in her mother’s care, her mother passed away. Nyama had never received a name from her mother, always being called her child, and to this day she only calls herself Nyama because that was the sound she made on that fateful night. When her mother died, she cried tears rolling down her face as sad sounds escaped her body. ‘Nyama, nyama’ she cried, sadness overwhelming her. It was then that her body changed, growing rapidly as it changed in to that of a young girl.

Looking down at her strange new body, she realized she could not stay here like this for much longer. She left her mother’s body, hiding in the deepest place in the forest. From then on she lived by herself, learning more about her new body slowly as she hunted from humans who passed nearby the forest. She could tell which ones were strong and which ones were weak, taking from the weak and hiding from the strong. With these tactics she managed to survive, obtaining food and clothing among other things. Nyama loved nature though, and she worried about some of the people who entered the forest. Beings of destruction, intent on fighting each other, would sometimes enter the forest to battle. She hated this, hate it with a passion. Why did they have to hurt this beautiful forest? Why couldn’t they cause such destruction in those ugly cities they had? As this continued she came to hate humans with a deadly passion.

Eventually she started to appear to some of the human warriors that entered the forest, attempting to scare them off by harming them. However, these beings were usually stronger then herself, and as a result she got injured most times. Eventually she was seriously injured after attempting to fight someone much stronger then herself. As she lay on the ground in much pain, she heard a voice float towards her ear. It was the voice of mother nature, and it taught Nyama how to heal her wounds enough to get to the area of the forest she called home. From that moment on, the voice of mother nature taught Nyama a way of life, one that Nyama loved. Nyama learned of herself and of mother nature’s ways, gaining strength from both as the years continued.

Human Form Abilities

Feral Instinct They have a greater instinct then any of the others perhaps. The feral knowledge they gain from the other half helps them gain a better idea, their senses of hearing and smell are far above average. This doesn't just leave them to human senses, they can smell and detect spiritual energy. Things like that trigger on the radar for them without any problems what so ever. This fact remains fruitful that they are able to detect these things with the slightest amount of effort. This allows them a great degree of Feral instinct in and out of their animal form.

SurvivabilityThis is something that everyone down to the Bears has a great deal of power into. The powers that they have to stay alive and go without eating is beyond the regular. Unlike the cousins that people came up with known as Vampires. The Were's don't require so much feeding, they are also able to take amazing amounts of punishment and regrow lost limbs and organs with a fair amount of time. Some are extremely skilled at staying alive tot he extent the loss of a single vital organ can be minor to them, however this like all things takes time. They can make more from what they had lost during the time of it's missing when they do this they will become true monsters again. They may take a huge amount of punishment and may come back stronger at times before of it.

Animal Skin Their skin isn't quite the same as the every run of the mill human, they have a much more sleek and tough flesh then someone would expect when changing forms more over then anything. Their skin is like armor in some cases, in others it also such fluid movement that one would say they were more graceful then the most agile dancer in the world. The skin allows them some far greater skills and resistance to metals and spiritual attacks. (Cero, Hell Blast, etc) This skin is stronger when fully transformed and thus gives them a greater power in the form they have taken. Their Human body has 50% Resistance to physical and spiritual attacks. It will jump to 80% when in full form.

Environment Bonus Much like the wild beasts when they feel truly at home in a place it's like being able to use everything to your advantage down to the aspects of fear that comes from knowing you are the prey before the hunter as he stalks you in the shadows. It's the same fear they may put out, when in such a place that is similar to home. They are able to truly become monsters of the world and show people the type of fear that they rarely will ever come across. When in this environment they will show greater speed then others in it, depending on method of travel. For when an animal is hunting on it's home turf it's very likely they will have the home field advantage.

Were-Enviornment: The Forest plus her sacred grove. Nyama has a sacred area within the forests of karakura in which the benefits of her environment bonus are tripled.

Enhanced Strength The Animal like fury that comes with this power is said to give a werewolf the power to bench press a semi-truck with a single arm. This power is something that is amazingly great. However this enhanced power only gets this strong when in the hands of the Wolfs, The cats gain such a different presence of power that it's frightening. They are indeed strong, making them dangerous before all mortals and creatures that they encounter that aren't correctly ready for the fight to come from the beasts that come out to play in the darkest dreams of this world.

Enhanced Speed Now the subtle yet graceful poise of the feline comes into play here, they are considered to be faster then most werewolves. Some are built more into speed which allows them decent practice keeping up. The two are very different animals, the cat's graceful poise showing it's deadly nature in the speed that it has. The power to prowl and come forward from shadows making it a dangerous and deadly foe for those foolish enough to face down the cat. The wolves are faster then humans and some creatures they encounter. But the two races being depicted to for examples sake are simply examples. Lions for example may tap into power instead of speed, each is free to dance as they please.

Ferocity This is a skill that makes the animal come out even more, when backed into a corner and nearly dead limiters are removed from their body. They no longer will acknowledge pain, only the blood of the enemy before them. They become machines of war ready to kill and rip things to pieces that lay before them, this makes them extremely dangerous killers. The Ferocity will engage and remove whatever human trace that is holding them back from play. It will become an animal out for killing, with common sense intact by a small amount. This will allow them to kill without feeling anything, the amount of power when this mode is engaged will depend greatly on the creature put into Ferocity.

Were-Ferocity: The best way to describe Nyama’s ferocity is as the fury of a storm. Relentless and destructive, she thinks nothing of her own well being and gives her all to destroy her foe. Her motions and actions on are not thought out or calculated, but rather they are purely her natural instincts. However, this includes her fight or flight instinct, which means if it is largely obvious that her opponent will just defeat her she will instead try to run away.

Servant of Nature: Nyama has always been one to revere and love nature. However, things changed when she was twelve and started to hear the whispering voice of mother nature. At this point she could no longer hide her were-beast nature, her tail and ears constantly being in her form. Her aging slowed as well, though this seems to be affected by how much time she spends in her sacred grove and her emotional state. In addition, she started to learn from mother nature, and soon began to obtain abilities from her teachings.

Sacred Grove: This is a small area within Karakura forest, and it is usually where one can find Nyama. It is her home, as well as her connection to nature which she loves above all. While within her sacred grove her tier is boosted by one (to be considered in her grove it must be stated in her first post of the thread).

Animal Companion: By using this ability, she calls to her side a Cheetah. This animal will follow her commands exclusively, and she has a special bond with it. The Cheetah’s tier is 3 less than her own, and it has the general skills as listed for someone of its tier in the skillsheet thread. From highest to lowest, her skills are: speed, strength, durability, weapon skills. She can dismiss the Cheetah at will, but she can only call the Cheetah once per thread, and she always calls the same Cheetah.

Resist nature’s lure: (requires tier 4-1 or above) – This ability allows Nyama to resist the influences of beings of nature. If someone tried to use an ability of some sort derived from nature or animals in order to influence her decision, this ability would help her resist this. Of course, the difference in tier is going to influence how well this ability works. Generally she can throw off completely abilities of those equal to or less then her tier. For those of higher tier, it slowly gets weaker and weaker, first making her wary of their intent, then making her slightly confused (but will accept), and eventually to those of a high enough tier this does not affect them.

Wild Shape: (requires tier 3-1 or above) – Using this ability Nyama transforms herself in to an animal of her choice, similar to changing in to her animal form. However, she is no longer limited to being a cat, in fact she could take on the form of a wolf, snake, or whatever she wanted. She does not gain any of the benefits she would gain of entering her animal form, as those are specific to her cat form. She must take on the full form of the animal, and when doing so she is effectively an animal of that type. She retains her skills and tier though, and depending on the creature in question she will gain a boost in one general skill. For beings like bears and wolves, her strength will be boosted by one rank, graceful animals like cats, cheetahs, and other felines will cause her general speed to rise by one rank. She can do this once per thread if she is 3-1 to 2-2, from 2-1 to 1-2 she can do it twice, if she is 1-1 or above she can do it 3 times. Once she reaches 2-2, she can use this ability to transform into an elemental of fire, earth, water, or air. This does not give her a boost in a skill, rather it gives them additional effects to their attacks. As a fire elemental those she attacks will be burned by the intense fire surrounding her body, and some of very low tier will catch on fire. As a water elemental her attacks will freeze the area she hit, a circle around four inches in diameter with the center at the point of impact. As an air elemental her attacks will knock back or knock down those she hits. As an earth elemental she can empower he attacks to cause an earthquake spreading from her towards her opponent, causing a fissure to erupt from her going 100 feet out.

Spells of nature: From her devotion to nature she has been granted the ability to cast magical spells in order to aid her friend and harm her foes. These spells are divided in to 9 spell levels, each containing more powerful spells then the previous one. Thus, to cast a higher level spell she requires a higher tier, as follows: 1st level spells require a 4-5 tier, 2nd level spells a 4-3 tier, 3rd a 3-5 tier, 4th a 3-3 tier, 5th a 2-5 tier, 6th a 2-3 tier, 7th a 1-5 tier, 8th a 1-2 tier, 9th a 0-4 tier. A list of her currently known spells and their spell levels are below.

Spell: Cure light/moderate/Serious/Critical wounds
Spell level: 1st for light, 3rd for moderate, 4th for Serious, 5th for Critical
Effect: These spells are used to heal the injured, using positive energy to close up their wounds. Cure light is the weakest of these, used to heal minor injuries such as cuts, bruises, nothing really serious. Cure moderate is more powerful then light, with cure serious being more power then it. Cure critical is the strongest of these four, possibly being able to reattach limbs that have been cut off, though said limb probably would not be usable for a while even with multiple cure critical wounds cast on it. Casting multiple spells will have more of an effect as they would slowly heal the injury partially, eventually being able to heal more serious injuries then a single spell would be capable of.

Spell: Hide from Animals
Spell level: 1st
Effect: hides the target from animals and other were-beasts by completely erasing the target’s scent. Were-beasts will still be able to see the target, though normal animals will act as though the target doesn’t exist. This effect lasts for 3 posts.

Spell: Bull’s Strength/Cat’s Grace/Bear’s Endurance
Spell level: 2nd (all of them)
Effect: Boosts one of the target’s general skills by one rank. Bull’s strength boosts their strength, Cat’s grace boosts their general speed, and Bear’s endurance boosts their durability. This effect lasts for 4 posts.

Spell: Resist Energy
Spell level: 2nd
Effect: This spell grants the target resistance to energy based attacks and spiritual attacks. This amount is a minimum of 10%, and is increased to 20% if the caster is of tier 3-1 or above. If the caster is of tier 2-1 or above this is increased to 30% instead. This effect lasts for 4 posts.

Spell: Call Lightning
Spell level: 3rd
Effect: Calls down a bolt of lightning from the sky on to a target in an attempt to harm them with the electricity. If the caster is 2-5 or above, they can call down an additional bolt on their next post. For every 3 tier higher then 2-5 that the caster is they gain an additional post during which they can call down a bolt (to a maximum total of 5 consecutive posts during which they can call down a bolt at tier 1-1). They can choose the same target or a different one for each of these bolts.

Spell: Animal Growth
Spell level: 5th
Effect: Causes a target animal or were-beast to double in size. This increases the being’s strength by two ranks, increases their durability by one rank, but decreases their general speed by one rank. In addition it increases the toughness of their animal skin, increasing the defensive bonus by 10%. If the being doesn’t have the animal skin trait, they gain the trait “Animal skin: your skin is tougher than that of humans, and any incoming attacks or damaging abilities are 10% less effective against you.” If the caster’s tier is 1-3 or higher, they may choose up to 2 targets for this spell.


Lycanthropic Forms

Animal Form

Animal Form Appearance: Her animal form appears to be that of a domestic house cat. In this form she has orangish/blondish fur with red eyes. The fur of her tail is all black though.

Animal Form Traits: While some may think that in such a form she is weakened, this is not the case. While her body may have shrunk in size, her strength, speed, and durability remain exactly the same. In addition, most of her servant of nature abilities are boosted, and for them she is considered 5 tiers higher than normal (from a 3-1 to a 2-1, from a 4-3 to a 3-3, ect). This affects her resist nature’s lure ability and her Spells of nature ability, as well as the spells she cast through it. While in this form she cannot use her wild shape ability. In addition, while in this form she can cast Animal Growth on herself as a spell like ability (no chance of having a second target). This causes her size to become four times what she is instead of two times (same skill bonuses as a regular animal growth spell), and lasts until she leaves animal form or dismisses it.

Partial Transformation

Partial Transformation Apperance:

Partial Transformation Powers:

Additional Racial Forms:

ChangingThey are able to take on a beast of a form that can come from the full moon depending on the youth, they will suffer from the fact that they are unable to resist the special powers the moon brings forward. Changing them into their true form, all general stats in this form are brought up to a higher level and this will give them a greater deal of power beyond what one would expect. All Humans whom become this will be able to gain this, however newer werewolves will lose their senses as will other species. Basically they become a fur covered killing machine with only the sense to obey an Alpha which could be anyone from the King of Wolves to the King of Cats, it will all depend on the situation.

Changing Form Appearance: A large tiger, standing about three quarters as tall as an adult human male. All yellow fur with the exception of a strange circular black marking on her head and her tail which is completely black.

Changing Form Abilities: While in her Changing form she cannot utilize any of her servant of nature abilities. Her sacred grove loses its old benefits, but so long as she stays within it she will retain her senses and mind while in her changing form. She gains no abilities from her changing form except a large boost in strength and speed.


See Skill Sheet for More Information

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner


Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Image4368-1

» Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by tina on Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:43 pm; edited 2 times in total

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Empty Re: Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3]

Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:23 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Comments/Notes: Alrighty then.
Tier: 4-3+

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3] Empty Re: Nyama, the servant of nature [APPROVED, Cat, 4-3]

Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:43 pm
As per kyle's approval of my purchases here, Nyama's general speed has been increased to advanced, and her durability to adept. Yea, this is a fair bit late, I've been lazy about it.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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