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Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:42 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

While Ehefra talked Julia’s eyebrows rose, and rose… It was clear that she had been missing several pieces of information which Ehefra now gave away freely.

“Hm…I know about what Hollows and Shinigami are. But what effect our powers have…my pa…I mean, my teacher must have forgotten to teach me that.”

The way she had pronounced forgotten clearly said she didn’t believe it was unintentional. It was just more lies. More lies her parents had told. The fact that it was in fact truths which they omitted didn’t make any difference to Julia. For a moment a hot wave of anger washed over Julia. Anger towards her family, towards Quincy, even towards Ehefra. But she quickly pushed it away. It wasn’t Ehefra’s fault. At least she hoped so. Or better: She hoped it wasn’t an inherent trait of all Quincy people. It really seemed as if she didn’t know anything about Julia, so the blonde girl just shook it off. Still…her face felt hot for a couple more minutes.

“Come on, drinks are this way.” she said and beckoned Ehefra to follow. Their way first led out of the woods, from there onto the roofs of the first buildings of the city, where Julia got her bearings and led the way deeper into Karakura.

“Well, the Mup…I mean, the Shinigami don’t have to worry about me. I usually prefer to leave the Hollows alone if they leave me alone, you know? Only some of them are not that smart. So I step in and do something before they start munchin’ on my neighbours.”

Julia travelled at a relaxed pace since it wasn’t very far.

“I originally came here to have peace and a normal life.”

They arrived at the apartment building where Julia lived. Here and all around the traces of the attack of the giant creature could be seen. Almost every damage was repaired, but here and there the materials were just a bit more new and shiny than the surroundings. As were the windows and the door on Julia’s balcony, on which the pair landed. She opened and let Ehefra in. The flat wasn’t too small, but also not very big. A short hallway from which a bathroom could be reached and a seperate bedroom, barely large enough for a bed and a wardrobe. The living room, in which they now stood, had a small kitchen in the far corner of the room, separated by a bar-like counter. The door to the bedroom was to their left and the hallway ahead. The living room was dominated by a lunge area close to the windows: mattresses and large pillows surrounded a low table. But there was also a small dining table, enough for four people, although it would be quite cosy. The dominant colours were purple and white, girly, but not inelegant. Still, it was clearly a flat in which a young woman lived alone and seemed to enjoy it.

“What can I get you?” Julia said and strode across the room. Before she entered the small kitchen area she took off her coat and flung it with a practised motion into the hallway, where it landed perfectly on a hook on the wall. With a relieved sigh she also took off her boots. Now she was wearing only tight, long pants and a tight top, which was short enough that one could see her bellybutton.

“Oh, by the way, don’t worry about your shoes. Leave ‘em on or not, however you like. I have a small cleaning bot somewhere that can deal with anything that might be stuck on there and I’m not Japanese, so I’m not bothered if you keep ‘em on.”

She opened a few cabinets.

“I have mineral water, some soft drinks -Ramune, if you want- and wine. I think I might have some beer as well.”

Julia dove under the kitchen top and a fridge door was being opened.

“Hey, yeah, I even thought of putting it in the fridge, waddaya know.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:04 pm
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 HEADER2_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

Ehefra had.... a ...pained expression cross her face. Thinking about the students she'd had over the years. Briefly wondering...if there were things she hadn't been able to teach them. She would have no way of knowing. "Perhaps he felt that information unnecessary. You DO seem pretty like....controlled. Maybe he figured you wouldn't have to worry about that." She reasoned. As a teacher herself, she felt a....compulsion to at least speak on the behalf of whomever had taught this girl.

All the same, she followed along as Jules led the way toward her place. Honestly she was amazed that hollows even GOt this close to Karakura these days. Her attention shifting back toward her as they closed in on what she presumed was the woman's house. Perking up just a little as the girl confirmed her theory. She wasn't the type of girl to go HUNTING for trouble. Not that EHEFRA knew anyone like that, ahem. But all the same, she was pleased to hear the girl was keeping a low profile. And the ....mention.... of a normal life had her simply....thinking. About her own past. "Not everyone's cut out for the normal life you know. Even if you may not seek it out. You're not a bad fighter. It's been a while since anything awful has threatened this place. But at least if anything does happen, you're prepared. I've uh...kinda learned the hard way that kinda stuff." She admitted. Thinking of the times where a sensee of safety had worked against her back in Malaysia.

She removed her shoes out of sheer habit, though paused as she watched the girl kinda freethrow her jacket onto a hook, Nice, she thought to herself, then glanced back at Jules. Pausing a bit as she noticed that the girl kinda dressed like she did sometimes. Not a bad outfit. Though the offer did make her chuckle a little. "Do you always go offering strangers wine?" She asked with a playful quirk of her brow before shaking her head. Hm.....

"I'm not the best at handling alcohol so I'll go with water for now, thank you." She noted with a gentle smile.
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Fri Mar 11, 2022 6:34 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Julia frowned and her gaze went off into nowhere for a moment.

"Yeah…that might actually be what my …my teacher had in mind. A controlled girl, well enough trained to brag with her skills. But why give her the really important knowledge if she won't need it anyway?"

When she looked back at Ehefra her expression was unusually grave. The face that seemed to always want to smile and brighten the room with it was a cold mask and her eyes hard.

"I grew up quite protected, you know. Doubt I was ever meant to get into any real battles."

She shook her head. She had taken a bottle of ice cold white wine from her fridge and held it in her hand. She looked at the label without really seeing it. Ehefra could see in her eyes that there were memories, barely contained, that haunted the young woman.

"I learned reality the hard way, too, you know. Several months back a…thing attacked the city. Many people died, bodies just lying in the streets. Even the sweet old lady living next door almost died in this. Barely managed to get her out in time. Since then I try to look out for my neck of the woods. A little, at least."

When Ehefra mentioned her being bad at handling alcohol Julia smiled again and the dark cloud was gone. She beamed as if nothing bad had ever happened to the girl.

"Heh, where I come from you usually offer whatever you're willing to share and the guests can choose what they want. The way I learned it that's proper etiquette, although people rarely choose an alcoholic drink on a first visit."

She laughed and put the wine back into the fridge, instead producing a bottle of water for Ehefra and a bottle with some pink sports drink for herself.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Fri Mar 11, 2022 6:56 am
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra nodded and found herself growing rather quiet and invested in the woman’s words, feeling some… uncertainty. On one hand she could see how such a limited worldview and lacking knowledge could be seen as a hinderabce. Yet at the same time she felt indecision, thinking of her students who were perhaps… not protected ENOUGH. Some she’d even lost. And such things made it difficult to know how she really felt about what this woman was describing.

Should she have been told? Would it have served her? It wasn’t an easy question to answer in the slightest. And…. She thought of her own father. How trapped she had felt. She knew how Julia had felt.

”It can be hard to really understand parents. But hey you’re on your own now right? Now you can LEARN about all this kinda stuff.” She pointed out with a lopsided smile.

She paused, brows raising at the sight of what seemed like wine being drawn out. She couldn’t help but chuckle. ”Hah, I see. Usually offering alcohol is something for special occassions or when you’re trying to flirt with someone. But I guess almost getting ganked is a pretty rough occassion..” she STILL didn’t know how thatd have gone down if she were alone. She flashed a grin. ”I kinda never got a lot of uh… consistent tradition? Home was kinda full of goofy traditions. Dunno what was cultural or just my dad learning weird stuff.”
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Thu Mar 17, 2022 12:59 pm

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Jules shrugged and stared into her sports drink for a moment.

"Some things are pretty hard to misunderstand, you know?"

In that one sentence, that one moment, there was more bitterness in the voice of that sweet young woman than there should have been. Enough for an old hag thrice her age. But again it either passed quickly or Julia put a mask back on she learned to wear at a very young age. A mask one tends to wear when the wrong attitude gets you punished.

"Aah, you know what?" Jules asked and gave herself the answer right away.

"Let's not talk about traditions and family homes anymore, a'ight? Otherwise I see myself breaking out the wine after all. Because of that and not because of almost getting ganked. You're right, though, it is a good reason. And 'ganked' sounds funny, might steal it. Hope you don't mind."

She sat down, or rather flung herself, on one of the cushions near the window. She seemed to think about or weighing her options on something.

"Maybe you're right. Doesn't look like I can be just a normal girl anyway, so maybe it's best to try and learn something, get a little better, you know."

She sighed and spread out her arms in a rather vague gesture.

"I hope you don't mind me bein' frank, but I dunno if it'd be such a good idea if I joined the Vandebreich, for example. Don't think it would be a good match. I have a teeny tiny problem with being told what to do. Rather be my own boss. All that uniform stuff, fitting in…that's not really my cuppa, if you know what I mean."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Tue Mar 22, 2022 6:11 pm
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra gave a nod of understanding. Certainly she wasn't going to push the subject if Julia was really not in the mood for that. She smiled lightly and chuckled just a little at the woman's immediate enjoyment of the term 'ganked'. "Didn't come up with it myself or anything, so by all means feel free." She encouraged, watching as Julia tossed herself onto the sofa by the window.

She DID raise her brows just a little in response to the girl's shift of topic. About not being able to be a Normal girl, as well as the notion that the woman should join any big organization. "I don't blame ya for that. honestly you're probably right. Sure there's safety in numbers. But well....being in a group also means getting dragged into whatever conflict the group gets into." And of course, she didn't SAY it but. Well...there was .... a LOT of talk going around. Especially around a particular...fellow in the Vandenreich. She wasn't sure she could safely reccommend ANYONE joining the Vandenreich at the moment. She didn't know what the fuck was going on, but she couldn't in clear conscience recruit anyone while that shit was still up in the air. No, Julia definitely would not be a girl she pushed in that direction. Especially with the..... uncertainty she had about the group already.

"Why not strike out on your own for a bit? It's what I did when I was younger. Well...ACTUALLY what I did when I was Younger was run off to one of the most hollow riddled counties you could find and lived there as a wandering quincy teacher for years." She chuckled sheepishly. "But yea, a bit of travel might do you a bit of good. It'll be dangerous, of course. But well." She gestured outside. "Not like 'Safe' is a thing you can attribute to many places these days. Though I would definitely recommend finding someone to travel with. Or even just check in with now and then. I didn't just live by MYSELF In Malaysia after all. Had a few friends I kicked it with down there." She offered.

She knew, of course, that this was somewhat dangerous in terms of ideas to put in this girl's head. But well, she had a good head on her shoulders. She was someone who sought to fight, but not recklessly. She seemed careful, if nothing else. And she'd made some stipulations that would hopefully keep her from just bolting off. but at the very least. Well. It seemed like the girl had things in mind anyway. The way it sounded, the girl wasn't content with her life, not with the way the outside world kept encroaching on it. AND the lies she'd been told by her family. IF nothing else, she'd feel irresponsible not offering a bit of guidance incase the girl DID go running off somewhere.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:47 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Julia let out a hearty laugh and her grin went practically from ear to ear.

“Heh, I am at least half a step ahead. Already did the runaway part.”

She spread her arms in a gesture that encompassed the whole room.

“How’d you think a 19-year-old german girl ended up living on her own in Japan?”

Julia’s glowing grin was a dead sure sign that she didn’t regret this life decision in the least. She seemed genuinely happy here, which of course came from her indeed being happy. Not so long ago she was a young woman, with all the skills and knowledge to not only survive in the normal world, but also in a supernatural world. Yet she was caught in a cage, expected to do what she was told and place more or less everyone before her own. Being her own mistress was maybe stressful and frustrating at times, but it was still sweeter than the sweetest wine she’d ever tasted.
She’d never told anyone before that she was a runaway, even if that wasn’t technically true. When she bailed she had been 18, which was the legal age in her home country, so she could more or less do what she wanted. Only that she wasn’t sure that her parents would agree. Also she’d probably best not mention the heap of money she kind of stole from them.

“True, I have thought about travelling the world a bit, but for now Japan is adventure enough. Never been outside my home country before, so there’s lots to discover for me here.”

Julia started wandering around the room for a moment and thought for a bit. Lost in her thoughts she played with the seam of her top. It was a bit sweaty. In fact, the person under it was also sweaty. Both could probably use some cleaning. She started to pull it up a few centimetres, but fortunately came back to the real world, before she really undressed in front of a woman she just met. A slight hint of red appeared on her cheeks. Yeah, maybe there was nothing on her that Ehefra didn’t know from her own body, but she’d probably still found it weird if her host suddenly started undressing and taking a shower while she was still sitting in the living room. Julia would have found it weird.

“Hm, maybe we can meet again some time. Maybe I’m not Vandenreich material…but maybe you can still tell me a bit about it.”

Julia sounded a bit unsure. There was this contradiction: On the one hand she had grown to hate everything that called for uniformity and suppression of the individual, what in her worldview was what the Quincy in general and Vandenreich in particular stood for. On the other hand, she was a Quincy, there was no denying it, and they were her people. She wasn’t ashamed of being Quincy, quite the contrary actually. There was also the thing that she had learned more and more that her parents had omitted certain truths from her. She wondered what else she didn’t know or had only a very vague idea about because of that.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Tue Mar 29, 2022 8:09 am
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra raised a brow slightly at that. Thankfully not TOO surprised. It had been abundantly clear that the woman had run away from home in some capacity, or well....she seemed like the type. But still hearing it properly was a bit of a shock to say the least. "Oh.....well shit. uh.... I guess I can't fault you for that given all ya said...." She really didn't have a leg to stand on in that department. SHE'D run away from home back when she was sixteen. At least this girl was a whole ass adult when she ran away. But she was hardly gonna bring THAT up.

"Well I'm glad you're broadening your horizons. Japan is actually my homecountry so it can definitely be nice to go around. Though if I might make a suggestion, I've always found Karakura a little.....stuffy. These walls are to keep hollows out... but they can feel just as entrapping." She murmured, shaking her head, but then realizing she was preaching a little. She cleared her throat, about to excuse herself for rambling when she noticed. Julia start to peel her top off. Ehefra's brows raised in surprise and she promptly gave a little chuckle.

"I'd be happy to tell you whatever you liked sometime! Well, within reason of course. But uhhhh yea, seems like you wanna relax and unwind so I'll get outta your hair." She chuckled, taking a frw steps towards the door out to try and give Jules some privacy so she could go back to ...what Ehefra assumed was getting her sweaty clothes off and going to wash up. Honestly Ehefra probably aught to do the same now that she thought about it. And it was a little late in the evening to go speeding back home. So it was no doubt time to snag a hotel and then spend the night in Karakura before heading back.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:32 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Julia just shrugged to Ehefra's assessment of Karakura. She was not wrong. Also, the attack of the whale thing had definitely strained her relationship to the city, although it wasn't Karakura's fault.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I can't really move to the countryside. All else aside I'm a city girl. I'd probably be even more lost in some country village than in some military organisation."

She laughed.

"Well, the lease on this apartment is only three years anyway."

What Julia didn't say, what she didn't even realise herself, was that what Ehefra described as stuffy and entrapping about Karakura she found comforting. She was so used to walls surrounding her, to being enclosed, that, even though Karakura was a much larger scale, it gave her a homey feeling.

Ehefra had just said her goodbye and Julia had started towards her bedroom, when she stopped and looked towards the other woman.

"You know…it's getting late. Don't know how far you have, but if you want you can crash here."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sun Apr 03, 2022 9:40 am
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 3 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra actually chuckled a little at that. Remembering just how lost she herself had been when she'd left the city to run off on her own. "Well that's a pretty good point. But sometimes getting a little lost is good for ya. But I get your meaning." She reasoned, giving her a thumbs up before she'd started heading out.

Though once she did she was a little surprised to hear the offer shouted out to her. A pause, looking over her shoulder at the fairly innocent offer. IN times far gone... or honestly just ....maybe in times had in places with some semblance of safety, there might have been something to be concerned about. But thinking it over, the alternative would cost her a bit of her usual personal budget. And of course, the habits she'd learned in Malaysia, when someone offers you some fuckin shelter you take it. It wasn't quite the same here, but she still was hardly the type to turn down that kind of offer.

"Are you sure you don't mind? I was planning on hitting a hotel, but admittedly...." She really didn't want to run into someone her dad knew from work... the last thing she needed was for her family to know she was in Karakura. Hm. "Well.....if you really don't mind I suppose I wouldn't mind crashing on the couch or something. " She noted with a smile and that same professional tone.
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