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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:27 pm

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

That Golem sure as hell was a neat trick. If Jules could teach Artio how to fight on it’s own, that would save her so much trouble. She could sit on the roof of her apartment building, sip some cold drink and let her bow do the work.
It was a nice thought, but that’s all it was. Julia was an archer and all inexperience aside, she knew that her powers just didn’t work that way.

When she felt the new surge in energy from Ehefra she looked over her shoulder and saw the claws form on her hand. Also very neat. While her Golem thingy took care of the Hollows at a distance to herself she could concentrate on fighting at close range, if need be. That was something that Jules wasn’t able to do, meaning not able to do both at the same time. However, when push came to shove, Julia, too, would be able to defend herself in a hand-to-hand fight. Not as good as she was with a bow, but still better than curling up and let herself get eaten. Related to that were the reassuring presence of her two Seele Schneider she could feel against her bum under her coat.

She could see two Hollows on her side come closer and the third hanging back. The fourth, that was behind her, was obviously occupied for now.

“Well, the Shinigami-muppets are here regularly. But unfortunately these brickheads as well. When I’m out here on my own I usually don’t have the luxury of waiting for anyone if I want to protect my neighbourhood.”

The two that were closing in were rather small shapes in the shades under some trees. She could see hunched over postures and ghostly glowing points of light, probably their eyes. More details couldn’t be seen, yet. In any case, they seemed to move coordinated, pushing forward at the same pace, but keeping their distance, so they couldn’t be shot both at the same time.

Only that they could.

“Heh, I have some tricks up my sleeve as well.” Julia said, raised her bow and drew the string back to her face. The four limbs bent back gracefully and the arrow glowed a bit brighter than before. Jules aimed right between the glowing dots, she assumed were eyes, on both Hollows.


The single word went through her mind, a mental command, then she released.

The arrow flew only a few feet, then it burst apart, separated into ten small embers, each a tenth in size and strength, compared to the original arrow. But each a still projectile in it’s own right. The small cloud of embers split up, five to the right, five to the left, racing towards the two Hollows.

Loud cries, full of pain and anger, confirmed at least some hits for each of the two. Not enough to kill them, but certainly enough to slow them down.
Julia wasted no time and drew again, aimed at only one of them this time, and fired one, two, three arrows.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:41 pm
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra paused, glancing over her shoulder at Jules as she made note of the girl taking the time to show off just a little bit, causing Ehefra to actually smirk just a little. Well no reason she shouldn't start showing off a little as well right? She raised a hand and promptly, another golem slithered into existence, brilliant Reishi being dragged in and condensed into the Golem's form, her Bow promptly applying a second script to the Golem as it suddenly perked to life. It's partner of course was already charging at the approaching hollow, its body promptly raising it's arms, slamming it's fists into the monster, that force SLAMMING the Hollow to the side and into the ground with that sudden force! The other promptly racing in and beginning to fire arrows much more accurately than Ehefra could have, those brilliant bolts slamming into the Hollow over and over, punching through it's body as the hollow itself let out a loud cry! Startledas it was suddenly being double-teamed by the golems! The first holding the beast down as the other fired into it, the monsters body slowly starting to cease motion.

Ehefra of course turned her attention toward the others, making note of the fact that only two hollows had started charging in. The last one was....hanging back? Interesting..... She promptly began dragging in Reishi, forming another handful of arrows before firing them up into the air. Those bolts shooting up into the sky before starting to circle like cultures overhead, flying in fast, sharp circles above, almost like a halo that began to thicken as more and more arrows were fired up into the growing swarm of arrows. Silently directing the arrows to patrol above them in a growing brilliant swarm.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:27 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

As soon as she pulled out her Funkenregen ability, Ehefra created a second Golem and released arrows that circled overhead like an ever growing halo of bright spiritual energy. Blissfully unaware that she herself had been showing off, Julia thought the same about Ehefra, although she had to admit that it was pretty dang impressive what she did.

Meanwhile the two Hollow that were approaching continued to do so and, much to Julia’s dismay, at increasing speeds. One of the two Hollows looked as if moths had been nibbling at his mask, with some parts missing, and a few minor holes in it. Also it looked extremely pissed. The other one had a few parts that looked a bit singed, otherwise he was just pissed. They now had more or less a clear path and clear sight towards what they presumed were their victims, and increased their speed even further. But now that julia could also see them well, she could aim properly.

Once again she drew the bow fully, charged an arrow and released it with the same mental command as before. Also once again it flew a short distance before it split up into fragments, five of them racing away to the right, five to the left.

The fragments that took to the right had an impressive, and very welcomed, effect. They hit the Hollow that was in worse shape than it’s companion smack in the middle of its mask. The ugly bone white face split right down the middle and the beast fell down, crashed into a young tree, felling it in the process, and remained motionless. The other one, however, had managed to evade the same fate and was now obviously beyond pissed of. He was really angry.

His shape was somewhat a mixture between a bull, a triceratops as Julia knew them from schoolbooks, and a gorilla, while his face was about as attractive as Sloth from the Goonies. Also, he appeared to weigh in at roughly the same as a train and was charging at them with the same speed as one.

“Vorsicht!”* Julia yelled at Ehefra.

In the meantime her hands were already moving, mechanisms that had been hammered into a childs head taking control, bypassing conscious decision making, in favour of lighting fast reactions.
Her right hand had already grabbed one of the Seele Schneider, while her left hand was still getting rid of the bow. With a bright flash the blade formed and Julia sprang into action. With a small Hirenkyaku she closed the distance to the charging Hollow. However, because she had misjudged the distance, she missed his mask completely, ‘only’ hitting his huge flank, when she reappeared. She held the Seele Schneider in both hands, wielding it in a wide arch, cutting deep into the body of the monster, before she came to a sliding stop behind it.

When she turned around Julia was ready to pull out Arti again and fire the Schneide straight through the ugly beast, splitting his mask from behind. There was only one flaw in her plan: Right on the other side of the Hollow was Ehefra and Julia knew the Seele Schneider wouldn’t be stopped by just one Hollow. There also wasn’t enough time to get to a proper distance for ranged fighting, not if she wanted to prevent the beast from literally stabbing Ehefra in the back.
So she pulled out the second Schneider and activated it. It seemed like she’d have to cut her way through this one piece by piece.

*”Watch out!”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sat Feb 19, 2022 7:09 am
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra perked up as Beeps let out a series of little clicks. She turned and eyed the progress on the other hollows as her golems promptly finished ripping the downed hollow to pieces, splattered with blood as the beast's body dissolved and vanished to be sent to hueco mundo. It would be in that moment that she noticed that Rhino racing towards her. It seemed to be charging straight for her,

Arrows fired down from above and hailed onto the incoming beast, those bright lances plowing into it's body, trying to perforate it's touch hide. Ehefra grinned, holding her hand out. And promptly, the space between her and the beast was suddenly full! Reishi surging in to form a flat floor between her and the charging rhino, before simply turned into Ice. A result of her Elemental Conversion Script being planted into it. As soon as the Hollow closed in, it would slip, but be unable to stop it's crash course toward Ehefra. The woman grinning from ear to ear as she slammed her claws into it's face and then TWISTED! Using her own savage strength. She wasn't probably STRONGER than this hollow, but with no friction beneath it and it's own leverage gone, she was able to twist and throw the Rhino into the ground, using it's own momentum to plow it into the earth beneath her feet with a loud satisfying BOOM! And in that very next moment, she raised her foot, Reishi collecting into a spike in her heel, before she STOMPED down on the beast's mask through the eye, aiming to finish it off.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:10 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ehefra made quick work of the stampeding Hollow. In fact such quick work that Julia didn't need to attack on her own anymore. When she turned around all she could do was watch the end of the beast.

Julia needed a second to realise she was just standing there, staring, her activated Seele Schneider in her hands. It was really impressive. So far Ehefra had offed two Hollows and she only one. Also, Julia had to admit that the other woman had done so with a lot more style. An experienced fighter would probably say style didn't matter. But Julia wasn't, so it did.

"That…" she said, walking over to Ehefra and pointing one of the glowing short swords at the downed Hollow.
"...was pretty cool."

With a grin she shut the Schneider off again and hung them back on her belt. She wanted to say something mire, when suddenly a wave of spiritual pressure washed over them. Julia's head snapped around, into the direction were the increase came from. It was the fourth Hollow!
A crimson red glow came from his direction. He wouldn't...would he?

"Oh, fuck this." Julia cursed.

Once again her bow formed. For a split second she thought about going upwards, but the tree canopies would be too thick to...wait a minute...would they?

Time was running out and with a whoosh of air Jules disappeared, reappearing up in the air, above the trees. Thanks to what could only be a charging cero it was easy for Julia to zero in on the spiritual pressure of the Hollow. She drew her bow and charged it, the clear sensation of the Hollows spiritual pressure in her mind. When she released her arrow didn't fly straight, but corrected for any error in her aim by itself, going straight for the aura Julia had tuned it to. It would be no kill shot, she was only able to aim for an aura in general, not specific body parts. Yet her technique called Jagdschuss still allowed her to fire on a target without direct line of sight.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:40 am
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 HEADER2_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

Ehefra was a bit surprised, her brow raising when she made note of the look on Jules face. She seemed rather impressed! Well, true, this was a very simple fight, not like....hordes of Hollows or anything, so she supposed it probably looked a lot cooler. She smiled....but immediately stopped when she saw the girl deactivating her weapon. "Turn that back on, remember how many th-" Well her point was interrupted by said hollow actually showing itself. Even amidst the fight she had not forgotten about the appearance of that big beast and she narrowed her eyes as she noticed it making its presence known.

Already her Golems were charging off to the sides, ready to dodge as Ehefra also zipped off to the side at her own impressive Hirenkyaku speed as the Hollow fired off a Cero. was this one a Gillian? Or just a very talented normal Hollow? She narrowed her eyes ever so slightly That halo of arrows then ejmptying itself in the direction of the hollow in response to it's attacked, their preprogrammed orders kicking in as they peppered the area around it. Her Golems were already racing in at high speed, charging through the trees and heading straight for the hollow on either side and raising their arms. Firing off their own ringed arrows in it's direction. Between the Halo above emptying onto it, the two Golems, and then of course Jules firing from above, there was no doubt that this hollow was getting HAMMERED by arrows following it's attack.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:36 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

In the heat of the moment it didn't really occur to Julia that her inexperience in real battle situations showed big time. To realise it she would probably have needed…experience.

Still, in the end, together with Ehefra's might, the last Hollow met its quick and decisive end. Whole clouds of arrows rained down on it and it vanished in explosion, bright flashes and a cloud of dust. Had it been night it would probably have looked quite beautiful.

Julia's feet only made a light sound when she landed. Listened for a moment, with her ears as well as with her mind. There didn't seem to be any more enemies around. At least not of the masked kind.

She finally allowed herself to relax, storing away her bow for hopefully the last time today. Once again she walked over to Ehefra to see how she was doing.

"So…what did you say again brings you to this neck of the woods?" she said, being in a cheery mood again.

The Hollow she had hunted was dead and four of his buddies as well. Not bad for one afternoon. Of course, despite her inexperience, even Julia had no illusions that she would be able to keep all Hollows away from her new home. But at least now there were five less to worry about. That had to count for something, right?

In any case, Julia was glad Ehefra had been there. The trap those beasts had laid would have been tough to get out of. There was still her Vollständig she could have used, but that, too, wasn't a guarantee. Also it was draining to use.

She smiled and brushed some dirt off her clothes.

"That was some really nice work. Really glad I met you today, even if we started out on the wrong foot. Literally."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:45 pm
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 HEADER2_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

Ehefra sighed, and frowned a little as she watched the hollow die. Tension running through her. What a bad situation, she'd have to give a full report. Not just one, but FIVE hollows slain and obliterated by quincy arrows. No less... one may have been a menos. Ugh, the paperwork would be exhausting. But... that said, Ehefra was pulled from this line of thinking by the girl that zipped over to her.

She paused, looking over her shoulder toward Jules and staring for a moment before giving a chuckle. "I don't think I mentioned it. Or I forgot. Either way, I was just passing through. I wasn't really here for ...anything in particular." She noted lightly, itching the back of her head, wondering what would have gone down if she'd encountered these hollows without Jules here. She might have prevailed, but at what cost? IT was .......vexing. Even with HER capabilities, she still was forced into these situations. It was.... abundantly hard to just suppress hollows long enough for shinigami to show up. Especially when they could do things like this.

She smiled, calm and professional. "That's alright. I spent a few years living in Malaysia, preeeeetty much constant hollow fighting. So I can understand being leery of others, especially those with powers. I'll hardly hold it against you or nothin." She assured her.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:51 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

“Huh? Well, that’s nice for a change. I sometimes have the feeling everyone around here has some kind of agenda. Oh well, guess I’m just a bit paranoid.”

Julia shrugged and proceeded to fumble some twigs out of her hair. Maybe she should’ve dyed her hair brown or black. Some little dirt would be practically invisible in dark hair and Julia wouldn’t have to wash it every time she tripped in Karakura Forest. She’d also blend in much better with the japanese population which couldn’t hurt either. But then again…she liked her blonde hair.

“Oh, I’m sorry, it wasn’t because of that. You just…hm…surprised me, is all.”

Julia grinned sheepishly. She feared she had made the wrong impression with Ehefra and felt bad because of it. After all, the woman had helped her out. Maybe she was indeed much too paranoid and the Quincy community didn’t care much for one runaway girl. There was also the slight possibility, one Jules had always suspected, that the von Aschewald family wasn’t quite as important as her father had made her believe. Sure, they were obscenely rich, but money didn’t always equal power. Maybe that was why her parents had wanted to marry her off as soon as she turned 18. To try to gain some actual power by some antiquated rituals…bah, disgusting.

Julia shuddered when she thought about it. And this slimy little prick that was to be her husband. How she’d have liked to punch in that smirking little face of his.
She quickly pushed away those thoughts.

“Malaysia, huh? Well, it’s probably not that hard to guess that I'm not from around here originally. More like europe.”

Julia made a gesture in the general direction of her home. She wasn’t completely sure if it was correct, but if she had the right point of view from the first roofs of Karakura’s outskirts she’d get her bearings and find her way quick and easy,

“You maybe wanna have a drink? My place is not that far and it’s the least I can do after you helped me out.
Also I wanted to ask: Why is it such a problem that we killed these Hollow’s. What have the mup…the Shinigami to do with it? I usually make quick work if one strays into my neighbourhood and causes a stink.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia]

Sat Mar 05, 2022 11:24 pm
The Ghosts in the Meadow [Ehefra / Julia] - Page 2 HEADER2_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

Ehefra raised a brow slightly at the woman's explanation and let her head cant a little to the side. She supposed that was fair enough, she had said something to a similar effect not moments before. She smiled ever so slightly as the girl seemed to get a bit sheepish, chuckling to herself as she remembered a few occassions in which she herself had jumped the gun on suspicion in others. Alas sadly she'd found out that such....distrust was probably best. But all the same, she waved it off.

"Don't apologize. You SHOULD be a bit suspicious of someone just showing up out of nowehere to help. Just about anyone can develop powers and even Quincy can turn out to be dangerous people. You should definitely keep that guard of yours up. It doesn't take a GOOD person to save you. Just someone with a reason. Not that I think you should go pulling your bow on everyone you meet but. Yaknow. Always be a little on the alert side." She reasoned, smiling sheepishly as her point came out a bit less eloquent than she'd been hoping.

As for the girl's heritage. Yea. Europe was kinda her general guestimation. Thankfully she SEEMED like a nice gal. But not TOO nice. She wouldn't likely have to worry about this girl becoming some snobby foreign bitch, right? Right. That said, when the girl offered her a drink she perked up just a little. Huh, not expected but well. It wasn't like she couldn't use some water or tea. "Uh......Hm." That second topic though.

"I....suppose you are a bit on the young side. But the use of our powers is not without .....consequence. There's sortof.... a hierarchy of issues. At the ...IDEAL level, is Shinigami killing hollows. Hollows are corrupted souls which begin cannibalizing other souls and committing horrible sins. When a shinigami slays a hollow using their zanpaku'to then the souls are cleansed of their sins and then freed back into the cycle. In the event that a hollow is killed by a NORMAL person, then these sins aren't cleansed, and the hollow's souls may very well be damned to hell. And of course.... there's a Quincy's power. We don;t...just....KILL a soul. We obliterate it. Erase it completely and reduce it to just reishi dust. Which causes an issue if too many are obliterated. Uh...pur...portedly?"

She folded her arms. Truth be told... she had always been a little fuzzy about the situation. Hmmm. 'There's a sort of balance between the material and spiritual worlds. Too many souls on one side and there's problems. There's a natural back and forth flow. You go to soul society, then you die again there, and get sent back here. but obviously, being sent to hell is problematic. And even worse if the soul is obliterated. If a bunch of souls go to earth, only to be obliterated by us quincy, thats a problem. Souls will go from soul society to earth, but not as many come back. Meaning shinigami have to take fix it. Which uh...honestly I don't know the details of. But yea. That's the gist. Honestly these days, the IDEAL situation, is to hold out until shinigami arrive. But they kinda understand self defense. It only becomes a problem if you go either hunting hollows by going out of your way, or if you go pulling a bunch of them with like...hollow bait." She explained as best she could.

On one hand, giving the girl important information, but also trying to make sure that she didn't feel like....despaired. The last thing she wanted was for this girl to DIE and wind up eaten because she was too afraid to defend herself. "Ahah, kinda gloomy to talk about. I think I WILL take that drink now that I think about it." An attempt at uh, some levity.
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